trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: tribe-events-calendar-sr_RS.po
msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: The Events Calendar 2.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-23 08:21-0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-12 10:37+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Marko Manojlović <>\n" "Language-Team: Modern Tribe, Inc.\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Poedit-Language: English\n" "X-Poedit-Country: UNITED STATES\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ./\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/event-sidebar-options.php:11 msgid "Hide From Upcoming Events List" msgstr "Sakrij sa liste nadolazećih događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:25 msgid "Event Time & Date" msgstr "Vreme i datum događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:28 msgid "You have changed the recurrence rules of this event. Saving the event will update all future events. If you did not mean to change all events, then please refresh the page." msgstr "Promenili ste podešavanja za ponavljanje ovog događaja. Ako sačuvate događaj podešavnja će se primenti na sve naredne događaje. Ako niste želeli da promenite sve događaje molimo vas osvežite stranicu." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:31 msgid "All day event?" msgstr "Celodnevni događaj?" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:35 msgid "Start Date / Time:" msgstr "Datum / Vreme početka:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:38 #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:59 msgid "YYYY-MM-DD" msgstr "GGGG-MM-DD" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:40 #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:61 msgid "@" msgstr "@" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:56 msgid "End Date / Time:" msgstr "Datum / Vreme završetka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:78 msgid "Event Location Details" msgstr "Podaci o lokaciji događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:84 msgid "Show Google Maps Link:" msgstr "Pokaži link Google mape:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:91 msgid "Show Google Map:" msgstr "Pokaži Google mapu:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:100 msgid "Event Organizer Details" msgstr "Podaci o organizatoru" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:109 msgid "Event Cost" msgstr "Cena događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:112 #: views/list.php:102 #: views/single.php:29 msgid "Cost:" msgstr "Cena" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-meta-box.php:117 msgid "Leave blank to hide the field. Enter a 0 for events that are free." msgstr "Ostavite prazno da sakrijete polje. Unesite 0 za besplatne događaje." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:47 #, php-format msgid "%s Settings" msgstr "%s Podešavanja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:51 msgid "Need a hand?" msgstr "Da li vam je potrebna pomoć?" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:52 #, php-format msgid "If you're stuck on these options, please go to the <a href=\"%s\">support forum</a>." msgstr "Ako ste zaglavili na podešavanjima molimo vas posetite <a href=\"%s\">forum podrške</a>." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:54 msgid "Here is the iCal feed URL for your events: " msgstr "Ovde je iCal feed URL za vaše događaje:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:60 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Podešavanja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:63 #: admin-views/events-options.php:67 msgid "Default View for the Events" msgstr "Podrazumevani izgled za događaje" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:71 #: views/gridview.php:37 #: views/list.php:19 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalendar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:75 #: views/gridview.php:36 #: views/list.php:18 msgid "Event List" msgstr "Lista događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:81 #: admin-views/events-options.php:85 msgid "Number of events to show per page in the loop" msgstr "Broj događaja koji će se prikazivati po stranici " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:90 msgid "This is the number of posts displayed per page when returning a list of events." msgstr "Ovo je broj postova prikazanih po stranici kada se prikazuje lista događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:95 #: admin-views/events-options.php:99 #: admin-views/events-options.php:101 msgid "Show Comments" msgstr "Pokaži komentare" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:109 #: admin-views/events-options.php:113 msgid "Multiday Event Cutoff" msgstr "Odsecanje za višednevne događaje" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:127 msgid "For multi-day events, hide the last day from grid view if it ends on or before this time." msgstr "Za višednevne događaje sakrij poslednji dan na kalendaru ako se završava u ili pre ovog vremena." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:132 #: admin-views/events-options.php:136 msgid "Enable Google Maps" msgstr "Omogući Goolge mapu" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:142 msgid "Height" msgstr "Visina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:143 msgid "Width" msgstr "Širina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:143 msgid "(number or %)" msgstr "(broj ili %)" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:144 msgid "Zoom Level" msgstr "Nivo zuma" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:144 msgid "(0 = zoomed-out; 21 = zoomed-in)" msgstr "(0 = odzumirano; 21 = zumirano)" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:148 msgid "If you don't have this turned on, your event listings won't have the backend map preview or frontend embedded map." msgstr "Ako je ovo isključeno vaši događaji neće imati pregled mape u bekendu ni embedovanu mapu na frontendu. " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:156 #: admin-views/events-options.php:158 msgid "Events URL slug" msgstr "Slug URL događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:159 msgid "The slug used for building the Events URL." msgstr "Slug korišćen za pravljenje URL događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:159 #, php-format msgid "Your current Events URL is <strong><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></strong>" msgstr "URL trenutnog događaja je <strong><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></strong>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:163 #: admin-views/events-options.php:165 msgid "Single Event URL slug" msgstr "Slug jednog URL događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:166 msgid "The slug used for building a single Event URL." msgstr "Ovaj slug se koristi za pravljenje URL-a jednog događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:167 #, php-format msgid "<strong>NOTE:</strong> You <em>cannot</em> use the same slug as above. The above should ideally be plural, and this singular.<br />Your single Event URL is like: <strong>%s</strong>" msgstr "<strong>NAPOMENA:</strong><em>Ne možete</em> koristiti isti slug kao iznad. Iznad bi trebalo da bude množina, a ovde jednina. <br />URL jednog događaja izgleda ovako: <strong>%s</strong>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:172 #: admin-views/events-options.php:174 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Debagovanje" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:175 msgid "Debug Events display issues." msgstr "Prikaži probleme prilikom debagovanja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:176 #, php-format msgid "Enable this option to log debug information. By default this will log to your server PHP error log. If you'd like to see the log messages in your browser, then we recommend that you install the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Debug Bar Plugin</a> and look for the \"Tribe\" tab in the debug output." msgstr "Omogućite ovu opciju da bi ste logovali debag informacije. Po podrazumevanim podešavanjima ovo će logovati na PHP error logu vašeg servera. Ako želite da vidite log poruke u vašem pretraživaču preporučujemo da instalirate <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Debug Bar Plugin</a> i potražite \"Tribe\" tab u oputputu debaga." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:181 msgid "Theme Settings" msgstr "Podešavanja teme" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:184 #: admin-views/events-options.php:186 msgid "Events Template" msgstr "Šablon događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:188 msgid "Default Events Template" msgstr "Podrazumevani šablon događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:189 msgid "Default Page Template" msgstr "Podrazumevani šablon stranice" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:192 msgid "Choose a page template to control the look and feel of your calendar." msgstr "Izaberite šablon stranice da bi ste kontrolisali izgled vašeg kalendara." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:196 #: admin-views/events-options.php:198 #: admin-views/events-options.php:206 msgid "Add HTML before calendar" msgstr "Dodaj HTML pre kalendara" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:200 msgid "Some themes may require that you add extra divs before the calendar list to help with styling." msgstr "Neke teme će zahtevati da dodate <div> tagove pre liste da bi ste mogli da je stilizujete." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:200 msgid "This is displayed directly after the header." msgstr "Ovo se prikazuje odmah nakon zaglavlja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:200 #: admin-views/events-options.php:208 msgid "You may use (x)HTML." msgstr "Možete da koristite (x)HTML." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:204 msgid "Add HTML after calendar" msgstr "Dodaj HTML posle kalendara" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:208 msgid "Some themes may require that you add extra divs after the calendar list to help with styling." msgstr "Neke teme će zahtevati da dodate <div> tagove posle liste da bi ste mogli da je stilizujete." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:208 msgid "This is displayed directly above the footer." msgstr "Ovo se prikazuje odmah iznad podnožja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/events-options.php:217 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Sačuvaj promene" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:11 msgid "Organizer Name:" msgstr "Organizator:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:17 #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:83 #: views/list.php:84 #: views/single.php:41 #: views/single.php:69 msgid "Phone:" msgstr "Telefon:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:21 msgid "Website:" msgstr "Web sajt:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:25 #: views/single.php:45 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-pošta:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/recurrence-dialog.php:11 msgid "Which events do you wish to update?" msgstr "Koje dagađaje želite da ažurirate?" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/recurrence-dialog.php:14 msgid "Select your desired action" msgstr "Odaberite željenu akciju" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:12 msgid "Venue Name:" msgstr "Mesto: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:19 #: views/list.php:90 #: views/single.php:74 msgid "Address:" msgstr "Adresa:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:23 msgid "City:" msgstr "Grad:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:27 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Zemlja:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:58 msgid "State or Province:" msgstr "Država ili provincija:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:61 msgid "Select a State:" msgstr "Odaberite državu:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:79 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Poštanski broj: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:11 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Titula: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:16 msgid "Show:" msgstr "Prikaži:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:24 msgid "Show widget only if there are upcoming events:" msgstr "Prikaži vidžet samo ako ima nadolazećih događaja: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:30 msgid "If you wish to customize the widget display yourself, see the file views/events-list-load-widget-display.php inside the Events Premium plugin." msgstr "Ako želite da podesite izgled vidžeta pogledajte fajl views/events-list-load-widget-display.php unutar Events Premium plagina." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:255 msgid "The Events Calendar" msgstr "Kalendar događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:258 msgid "category" msgstr "kategorija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:259 msgid "month" msgstr "mesec" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:260 msgid "upcoming" msgstr "nadolazeći" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:261 msgid "past" msgstr "prethodni" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:263 msgid "venue" msgstr "mesto" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:273 #, php-format msgid "Initializing Tribe Events on %s" msgstr "Inicijalizacija Tribe Events na %s" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:330 #, php-format msgid "Sorry, The Events Calendar requires WordPress %s or higher. Please upgrade your WordPress install." msgstr "Žao nam je, The Events Calendar zahteva WordPress %s ili noviji. Molimo vas da ažurirate vašu Wordpress instalaciju." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:333 #, php-format msgid "Sorry, The Events Calendar requires PHP %s or higher. Talk to your Web host about moving you to a newer version of PHP." msgstr "Žao nam je, The Events Calendar zahteva PHP %s ili noviji. Pričajte sa vašim hostom o prebacivanju na noviju verziju PHP-a." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:454 #: public/template-tags/loop.php:133 msgid "Upcoming Events" msgstr "Predstojeći događaji" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:456 msgid "Past Events" msgstr "Prošli događaji" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:460 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:466 #, php-format msgid "Events for %s" msgstr "Događaji za %s" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:462 msgid "Events this month" msgstr "Događaji ovog meseca" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:472 #, php-format msgid "Events at %s" msgstr "Događaji u %s" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:485 msgid "No description has been entered for this event." msgstr "Nema opisa za ovaj događaj." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:594 msgid "Events" msgstr "Događaji" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:595 msgid "Event" msgstr "Događaj" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:596 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:609 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:622 msgid "Add New" msgstr "Dodaj novi" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:597 msgid "Add New Event" msgstr "Dodaj novi događaj" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:598 msgid "Edit Event" msgstr "Ažuriraj događaj" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:599 msgid "New Event" msgstr "Novi događaj" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:600 msgid "View Event" msgstr "Pogledaj događaj" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:601 msgid "Search Events" msgstr "Pretraži događaje" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:602 msgid "No events found" msgstr "Nema nađenih događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:603 msgid "No events found in Trash" msgstr "Nema nađenih događaja u smeću" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:607 msgid "Venues" msgstr "Mesta" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:608 msgid "Venue" msgstr "Mesto" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:610 msgid "Add New Venue" msgstr "Dodaj novo mesto" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:611 msgid "Edit Venue" msgstr "Ažuriraj mesto" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:612 msgid "New Venue" msgstr "Novo mesto" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:613 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:626 msgid "View Venue" msgstr "Pogledaj mesto" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:614 msgid "Search Venues" msgstr "Pretraži mesta" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:615 msgid "No venue found" msgstr "Nema nađenih mesta" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:616 msgid "No venues found in Trash" msgstr "Nema nađenih mesta u smeću" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:620 msgid "Organizers" msgstr "Organizatori" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:621 msgid "Organizer" msgstr "Organizator" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:623 msgid "Add New Organizer" msgstr "Dodaj novog organizatora" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:624 msgid "Edit Organizer" msgstr "Ažuritaj organizatora" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:625 msgid "New Organizer" msgstr "Novi organizator" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:627 msgid "Search Organizers" msgstr "Pretraži organizatore" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:628 msgid "No organizer found" msgstr "Nema nađenih organizatora" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:629 msgid "No organizers found in Trash" msgstr "Nema nađenih organizatora u smeću" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:633 #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:172 msgid "Event Categories" msgstr "Kategorije događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:634 msgid "Event Category" msgstr "Kategorija događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:635 msgid "Search Event Categories" msgstr "Pretraži kategorije događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:636 msgid "All Event Categories" msgstr "Sve kategorije događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:637 msgid "Parent Event Category" msgstr "Roditeljska kategorija događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:638 msgid "Parent Event Category:" msgstr "Roditeljska kategorija događaja:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:639 msgid "Edit Event Category" msgstr "Izmeni kategoriju događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:640 msgid "Update Event Category" msgstr "Ažuriraj kategoriju događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:641 msgid "Add New Event Category" msgstr "Dodaj novu kategoriju događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:642 msgid "New Event Category Name" msgstr "Novo ime kategorije događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:652 #, php-format msgid "Event updated. <a href=\"%s\">View event</a>" msgstr "Događaj ažuriran. <a href=\"%s\">Pogledaj događaj</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:653 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:670 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:687 msgid "Custom field updated." msgstr "Prilagođeno polje ažurirano." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:654 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:671 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:688 msgid "Custom field deleted." msgstr "Prilagođeno polje obrisano." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:655 msgid "Event updated." msgstr "Događaj ažuriran." #@ tribe-events-calendar #. translators: %s: date and time of the revision #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:657 #, php-format msgid "Event restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Događaj vraćen na reviziju od %s" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:658 #, php-format msgid "Event published. <a href=\"%s\">View event</a>" msgstr "Događaj objavljen. <a href=\"%s\">Pogledaj događaj</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:659 msgid "Event saved." msgstr "Događaj sačuvan." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:660 #, php-format msgid "Event submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview event</a>" msgstr "Događaj poslat. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pregled događaja</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:661 #, php-format msgid "Event scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview event</a>" msgstr "Događaj stavljen na raspored za: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Pregled događaja</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:663 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:680 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:697 msgid "M j, Y @ G:i" msgstr "M j, Y @ G:i" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:664 #, php-format msgid "Event draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview event</a>" msgstr "Nacrt ažiruran. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pregled događaja</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:669 #, php-format msgid "Venue updated. <a href=\"%s\">View venue</a>" msgstr "Mesto ažurirano. <a href=\"%s\">Vidi mesto</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:672 msgid "Venue updated." msgstr "Mesto ažurirano. " #@ tribe-events-calendar #. translators: %s: date and time of the revision #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:674 #, php-format msgid "Venue restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Mesto vraćeno na reviziju od %s" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:675 #, php-format msgid "Venue published. <a href=\"%s\">View venue</a>" msgstr "Mesto objavljeno. <a href=\"%s\">Vidi mesto</a>" #@ default #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:676 msgid "Venue saved." msgstr "Mesto sačuvano." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:677 #, php-format msgid "Venue submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview venue</a>" msgstr "Mesto poslato. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pregled mesta</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:678 #, php-format msgid "Venue scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview venue</a>" msgstr "Mesto stavljeno na raspored za: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Pregled mesta</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:681 #, php-format msgid "Venue draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview venue</a>" msgstr "Nacrt mesta ažiruran. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pregled mesta</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:686 #, php-format msgid "Organizer updated. <a href=\"%s\">View organizer</a>" msgstr "Organizator ažuriran. <a href=\"%s\">Vidi organizatora</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:689 msgid "Organizer updated." msgstr "Organizator ažuriran." #@ tribe-events-calendar #. translators: %s: date and time of the revision #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:691 #, php-format msgid "Organizer restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Organizator vraćen na reviziju od %s" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:692 #, php-format msgid "Organizer published. <a href=\"%s\">View organizer</a>" msgstr "Organizator objavljen. <a href=\"%s\">Vidi organizatora</a>" #@ default #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:693 msgid "Organizer saved." msgstr "Organizator sačuvan." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:694 #, php-format msgid "Organizer submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview organizer</a>" msgstr "Organizator poslat. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pregled organizatora</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:695 #, php-format msgid "Organizer scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview organizer</a>" msgstr "Organizator stavljen na raspored za: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Pregled organizatora</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:698 #, php-format msgid "Organizer draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview organizer</a>" msgstr "Nacrt organizatora ažiruran. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Pregled organizatora</a>" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:753 msgid "Next" msgstr "Sledeći" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:754 msgid "Prev" msgstr "Prethodni" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:755 msgid "Today" msgstr "Danas" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:756 msgid "Done" msgstr "Gotovo" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:1944 msgid "Event Options" msgstr "Opcije događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:1946 msgid "Venue Information" msgstr "Informacije o mestu" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:1947 msgid "Organizer Information" msgstr "Informacije o organizatoru" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2060 msgid "Support" msgstr "Podrška" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2063 msgid "View All Add-Ons" msgstr "Pogledaj sve dodatke" #@ default #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2070 msgid "News from Modern Tribe" msgstr "Vesti Modern Tribe-a" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2115 msgid "Additional Functionality" msgstr "Dodatna funkcionalnost" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2120 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2126 msgid "Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, custom meta, community events, ticket sales and more?" msgstr "Potrebna vam je dodatna funkcionalnost uključujući ponavljajuće događaje, custom meta, zajednički događaji, prodaja karata i još dosta toga?" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2120 #: lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2127 #, php-format msgid "Check out the <a href=\"%s\">available Add-Ons</a>." msgstr "Pogledajte <a href=\"%s\">dostupne dodatke</a>." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:40 #, php-format msgid "View “%s”" msgstr "Pogledajte “%s”" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:40 msgid "View" msgstr "Pogledajte" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:177 msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Datum početka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:178 msgid "End Date" msgstr "Datum završetka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:179 msgid "Recurring?" msgstr "Ponavljajući?" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:222 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Da" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:222 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:276 #, php-format msgid "All %s" msgstr "Svi %s" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-debug-bar.class.php:18 msgid "Tribe" msgstr "Tribe" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-event-exception.class.php:17 #: lib/tribe-event-exception.class.php:34 msgid "Error" msgstr "Greška" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:44 msgid "Welcome to Events 2.0! This is a HUGE upgrade from 1.6.5. Please make sure you have backed up before proceeding any further. You can easily <a href=\"\">revert to an old version</a> if you want to backup first. This upgrade includes two major steps, <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-events-calendar\">migrating data</a> & updating your templates as necessary. There have been significant changes to the template tags and functions. Check out our <a href=\"\">walkthrough on the upgrade</a> before proceeding and check out the FAQ & Knowledge base from the <a href=\"\">support page</a>. If you're new to The Events Calendar, you may want to review our <a href=\"\">new user primer</a>.<br/><br/> You have events that need to be migrated. Please visit the bottom of the <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-events-calendar\">settings page</a> to perform the migration." msgstr "Dobrodošli na Events 2.0! Ovo je VELIKO poboljšanje od 1.6.5 Molimo vas da uradite bekap pre nastavka. Možete lako da se <a href=\"\">vratite na staru verziju</a> ako želite da prvo uradite bekap. Ova nadogradnja uključuje dva glavna koraka, <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-events-calendar\">migraciju podataka</a> i nadogradnji vaših templejta po potrebi. Postoje značajne promene u tagovima i funkcionalnosti. Pogledajte <a href=\"\">walkthrough on the upgrade</a> pre nastavka i pogledajte FAQ na <a href=\"\">stranici podrške</a>. Ako ste novi korisnik The Events Calendar-a možda bi ste želeli da pogledate <a href=\"\">uputstva za nove korisnike</a>.<br/><br/> Imate događaje kojima treba migracija? Molimo vas otidite na dno <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-events-calendar\">stranice za podešavanje</a> da izvršite migraciju." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:54 msgid "Upgrade from The Events Calendar" msgstr "Nadogradite sa The Events Calendar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:55 msgid "It appears that you have some old events calendar data that needs to be upgraded. Please be sure to back up your database before initiating the upgrade. This process can not be undone." msgstr "Izgleda da imate podatke iz starog kalendara koji treba da se nadograde. Molimo vas da uradite bekap vaše baze pre nadogradnje. Ovaj proces ne može biti povraćen." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:56 msgid "Migrate Data!" msgstr "Migracija podataka!" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:132 #, php-format msgid "You successfully migrated (%d) entries." msgstr "Uspešno ste migrirali (%d) unosa." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:203 msgid "Install has 1 or more legacy event!" msgstr "Instalacija ima 1 ili više zaveštanih događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:16 #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:33 msgid "Select a Country:" msgstr "Odaberite zemlju:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:34 #: public/template-tags/venue.php:231 msgid "United States" msgstr "Sjedinjene Američke Države" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:35 msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Avganistan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:36 msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albania" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:37 msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Alžir" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:38 msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "Američka Samoa" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:39 msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andora" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:40 msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:41 msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Angola" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:42 msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Anrartik" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:43 msgid "Antigua And Barbuda" msgstr "Antigva i Barbuda" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:44 msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:45 msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Armenia" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:46 msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:47 msgid "Australia" msgstr "Australia" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:48 msgid "Austria" msgstr "Austria" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:49 msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azerbejdžan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:50 msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahami" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:51 msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrin" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:52 msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladeš" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:53 msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:54 msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Belorusija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:55 msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Belgija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:56 msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:57 msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:58 msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermuda" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:59 msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Butan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:60 msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolivija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:61 msgid "Bosnia And Herzegowina" msgstr "Bosna i Hercegovina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:62 msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botsvana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:63 msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "Buve Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:64 msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brazil" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:65 msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "Britanska Teriritorija Indijskog Okeana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:66 msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "Brunej" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:67 msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bugarska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:68 msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:69 msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:70 msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Kambodža" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:71 msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Kamerun" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:72 msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:73 msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Kape Verde" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:74 msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Kajmanska ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:75 msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Centralna Afrička Republika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:76 msgid "Chad" msgstr "Čad" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:77 msgid "Chile" msgstr "Čile" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:78 msgid "China" msgstr "Kina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:79 msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Božićno Ostrvo" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:80 msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Kokos (Kiling) Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:81 msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Kolumbija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:82 msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Komoros" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:83 msgid "Congo" msgstr "Kongo" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:84 msgid "Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The" msgstr "Kongo, Demokratska Republika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:85 msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Kukova Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:86 msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Kostarika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:87 msgid "Cote D'Ivoire" msgstr "Cote D'Ivoire" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:88 msgid "Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)" msgstr "Hrvatska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:89 msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Kuba" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:90 msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Kipar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:91 msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Češka Republika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:92 msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Danska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:93 msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Džibuti" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:94 msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominikana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:95 msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Dominikanska Republika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:96 msgid "East Timor" msgstr "Istočni Timor" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:97 msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Ekvator" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:98 msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Egipat" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:99 msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "El Salvador" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:100 msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Ekvatorska Gvineja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:101 msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritrea" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:102 msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estonija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:103 msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Etiopija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:104 msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "Foklandska Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:105 msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Farska Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:106 msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fidži" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:107 msgid "Finland" msgstr "Finska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:108 msgid "France" msgstr "Francuska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:109 msgid "France, Metropolitan" msgstr "Francuska, Metropolitan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:110 msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "Francuska Gvajana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:111 msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "Francuska Polinezija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:112 msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "Francuske Južne Teritorije" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:113 msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabon" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:114 msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:115 #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:303 msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Gruzija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:116 msgid "Germany" msgstr "Nemačka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:117 msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Gana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:118 msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:119 msgid "Greece" msgstr "Grčka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:120 msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Grenland" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:121 msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:122 msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:123 msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:124 msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Gvatemala" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:125 msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Gvineja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:126 msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Gvineja-Bissau" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:127 msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Gvajana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:128 msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:129 msgid "Heard And Mc Donald Islands" msgstr "Heard And Mc Donald Islands" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:130 msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgstr "Vatikan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:131 msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:132 msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "Hong Kong" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:133 msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Mađarska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:134 msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Island" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:135 msgid "India" msgstr "Indija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:136 msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonesija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:137 msgid "Iran (Islamic Republic Of)" msgstr "Iran" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:138 msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Irak" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:139 msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Irska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:140 msgid "Israel" msgstr "Izrael" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:141 msgid "Italy" msgstr "Italija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:142 msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamajka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:143 msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:144 msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:145 msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazakhstan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:146 msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Kenija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:147 msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:148 msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of" msgstr "Koreja, Demokratska Narodna Republika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:149 msgid "Korea, Republic Of" msgstr "Koreja, Republika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:150 msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuvajt" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:151 msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kirgistan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:152 msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "Laoska Narodna Demokratska Republika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:153 msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Latvija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:154 msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Libija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:155 msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesoto" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:156 msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Liberija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:157 msgid "Libya" msgstr "Libija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:158 msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Lihtenštajn" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:159 msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Litvanija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:160 msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luksemburg" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:161 msgid "Macau" msgstr "Makao" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:162 msgid "Macedonia" msgstr "Makedonija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:163 msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagaskar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:164 msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malavi" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:165 msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malezija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:166 msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Malavi" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:167 msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:168 msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:169 msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Maršalska Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:170 msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinik" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:171 msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauritanija " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:172 msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Mauricijus" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:173 msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:174 msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Meksiko" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:175 msgid "Micronesia, Federated States Of" msgstr "Mikronezija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:176 msgid "Moldova, Republic Of" msgstr "Moldavija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:177 msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Monako" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:178 msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongolija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:179 msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Crna Gora" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:180 msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:181 msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Maroko" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:182 msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Mozambik" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:183 msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Mjanmar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:184 msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namibija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:185 msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:186 msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepal" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:187 msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Holandija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:188 msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Holandski Antili" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:189 msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Nova Kaledonija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:190 msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Novi Zeland" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:191 msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nikaragva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:192 msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:193 msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigerija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:194 msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:195 msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Norfolk Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:196 msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Severna Marijanska Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:197 msgid "Norway" msgstr "Norveška" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:198 msgid "Oman" msgstr "Oman" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:199 msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:200 msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:201 msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:202 msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua Nova Gvineja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:203 msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paragvaj" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:204 msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:205 msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Filipini" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:206 msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairn" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:207 msgid "Poland" msgstr "Poljska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:208 msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugal" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:209 msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Portoriko" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:210 msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Kvatar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:211 msgid "Reunion" msgstr "Reunion" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:212 msgid "Romania" msgstr "Rumunija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:213 msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "Rusija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:214 msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Ruanda" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:215 msgid "Saint Kitts And Nevis" msgstr "Sveti Kristofer i Nevis" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:216 msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Sveta Lučija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:217 msgid "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines" msgstr "Sveti Vinsent i Grenadini" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:218 msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:219 msgid "San Marino" msgstr "San Marino" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:220 msgid "Sao Tome And Principe" msgstr "Sao Tome And Principe" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:221 msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saudiska Arabija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:222 msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:223 msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Srbija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:224 msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Sejšeli" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:225 msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sijera Leone" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:226 msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapur" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:227 msgid "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)" msgstr "Slovačka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:228 msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Slovenija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:229 msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Solomonska Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:230 msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somalija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:231 msgid "South Africa" msgstr "Južna Afrika" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:232 msgid "South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Južna Džordžija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:233 msgid "Spain" msgstr "Španija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:234 msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Šri Lanka" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:235 msgid "St. Helena" msgstr "Sveta Helena" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:236 msgid "St. Pierre And Miquelon" msgstr "Sveti Pierre i Miquelon" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:237 msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Sudan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:238 msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Surinam" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:239 msgid "Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands" msgstr "Svalbard" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:240 msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Svaziland" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:241 msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Švedska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:242 msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Švajcarska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:243 msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "Sirija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:244 msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Tajvan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:245 msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tadžikistan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:246 msgid "Tanzania, United Republic Of" msgstr "Tanzanija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:247 msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Tajland" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:248 msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:249 msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelau" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:250 msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:251 msgid "Trinidad And Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad i Tobago" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:252 msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunis" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:253 msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Turska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:254 msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turkmenistan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:255 msgid "Turks And Caicos Islands" msgstr "Turks i Caicos Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:256 msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:257 msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:258 msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukrajina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:259 msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:260 msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:261 msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Manja Pacifička Ostva Sjedinjenih Američkih Država" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:262 msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Urugvaj " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:263 msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbekistan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:264 msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:265 msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venecuela" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:266 msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "Vijetnam" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:267 msgid "Virgin Islands (British)" msgstr "Devičanska Ostrva (Britanija)" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:268 msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)" msgstr "Devičanska Ostrva (SAD)" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:269 msgid "Wallis And Futuna Islands" msgstr "Volis i Futuna" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:270 msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Zapadna Sahara" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:271 msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Jemen" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:272 msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Zambija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:273 msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabve" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:293 msgid "Alabama" msgstr "Alabama" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:294 msgid "Alaska" msgstr "Aljaska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:295 msgid "Arizona" msgstr "Arizona" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:296 msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "Arkanzas" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:297 msgid "California" msgstr "Kalifornija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:298 msgid "Colorado" msgstr "Kolorado" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:299 msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "Konecticat" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:300 msgid "Delaware" msgstr "Delaver" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:301 msgid "District of Columbia" msgstr "Kolumbija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:302 msgid "Florida" msgstr "Florida" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:304 msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "Hawaiji" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:305 msgid "Idaho" msgstr "Ajdaho" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:306 msgid "Illinois" msgstr "Ilinois" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:307 msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indijana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:308 msgid "Iowa" msgstr "Ajova" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:309 msgid "Kansas" msgstr "Kanzas" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:310 msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "Kentacki" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:311 msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "Luizijana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:312 msgid "Maine" msgstr "Mejn" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:313 msgid "Maryland" msgstr "Merilend" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:314 msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "Masačusets" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:315 msgid "Michigan" msgstr "Mičigen" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:316 msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "Minesota" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:317 msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "Misisipi" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:318 msgid "Missouri" msgstr "Mizuri" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:319 msgid "Montana" msgstr "Montana" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:320 msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:321 msgid "Nevada" msgstr "Nevada" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:322 msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "Nju Hempšir" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:323 msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "Nju Džersi" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:324 msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "Nju Meksiko" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:325 msgid "New York" msgstr "Nju Jork" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:326 msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "Severna Karolina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:327 msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "Severna Dakota" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:328 msgid "Ohio" msgstr "Ohajo" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:329 msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "Oklahoma" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:330 msgid "Oregon" msgstr "Oregon" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:331 msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "Pensilvanija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:332 msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "Rode Ostrva" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:333 msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "Južna Karolina" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:334 msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "Južna Dakota" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:335 msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "Tenesi" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:336 msgid "Texas" msgstr "Teksas" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:337 msgid "Utah" msgstr "Juta" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:338 msgid "Vermont" msgstr "Vermont" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:339 msgid "Virginia" msgstr "Virginia" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:340 msgid "Washington" msgstr "Vašington" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:341 msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "Zapadna Virginija" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:342 msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr "Viskonsin" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:343 msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Vajoming" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/widget-list.class.php:16 msgid "A widget that displays the next upcoming x events." msgstr "Vidžet koji prikazuje sledećih x događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/widget-list.class.php:70 msgid "View All Events" msgstr "Vidi sve događaje" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: lib/widget-list.class.php:73 msgid "There are no upcoming events at this time." msgstr "Trenutno nema predstojećih događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: public/template-tags/general.php:120 msgid "Category:" msgstr "Kategorija:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: public/template-tags/general.php:137 msgid "Tags:" msgstr "Tagovi:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: public/template-tags/general.php:255 msgid "Free" msgstr "Slobodan" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: public/template-tags/loop.php:130 msgid "Calendar of Events" msgstr "Kalendar događaja" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/ecp-single-template.php:24 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Izmeni" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/events-list-load-widget-display.php:52 msgid "All Day" msgstr "Celodnevni" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/gridview.php:42 #: views/list.php:165 #: views/single.php:101 msgid "iCal Import" msgstr "iCal uvoz" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:50 #: views/single.php:20 msgid "Start:" msgstr "Početak:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:54 #: views/single.php:22 msgid "End:" msgstr "Kraj:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:59 #: views/single.php:25 msgid "Date:" msgstr "Datum: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:69 #: views/single.php:59 msgid "Venue:" msgstr "Mesto: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:92 #: views/single.php:76 msgid "Google Map" msgstr "Google mapa" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:116 #, php-format msgid " listed under %s. Check out past events for this category or view the full calendar." msgstr "naveden pod %s. Pogledajte prošle događaje za ovu kategoriju ili vidite ceo kalendar." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:118 #, php-format msgid " listed under %s. Check out upcoming events for this category or view the full calendar." msgstr "naveden pod %s. Pogledajte predstojeće događaje za ovu kategoriju ili vidite ceo kalendar." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:123 #, php-format msgid "No events scheduled for <strong>%s</strong>. Please try another day." msgstr "Nema događaja zakazanih za <strong>%s</strong>. Pogledajte drugi dan." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:127 msgid "No upcoming events" msgstr "Nema predstojećih događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:131 msgid "No previous events" msgstr "Nema prošlih događaja." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:144 #: views/list.php:146 #: views/list.php:148 msgid "« Previous Events" msgstr "« Prošli događaji" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/list.php:155 #: views/list.php:157 #: views/list.php:159 msgid "Next Events »" msgstr "Predstojeći događaji »" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:13 msgid "« Back to Events" msgstr "« Nazad na događaje" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:14 msgid "This event has passed." msgstr "Ovaj događaj je prošao." #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:17 msgid "Event:" msgstr "Događaj:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:34 #: views/single.php:37 msgid "Organizer:" msgstr "Organizator:" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:48 msgid "Updated:" msgstr "Izmenjeno: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:51 msgid "Schedule:" msgstr "Raspored: " #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:76 msgid "Click to view a Google Map" msgstr "Kliknite da vidite Google mapu" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:104 msgid "Add to Google Calendar" msgstr "Dodaj u Google kalendar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/single.php:104 msgid "+ Google Calendar" msgstr "+ Google Kalendar" #@ tribe-events-calendar #: views/table-mini.php:24 msgid "View all »" msgstr "Vidi sve »"