trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: wpbm-js.php
<?php /** * @version 1.0 * @package Booking Manager * @category JavaScript files and varibales * @author wpdevelop * * @web-site * @email * * @modified 19.10.2015 */ class WPBM_JS extends WPBM_JS_CSS { public function define() { $this->setType('js'); /* $this->add( array( 'handle' => 'wpbm-datepick', 'src' => wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick.js'), 'deps' => array( 'wpbm-global-vars' ), 'version' => '1.1', 'where_to_load' => array( 'admin', 'client' ), //Usage: array( 'admin', 'client' ) 'condition' => false ) ); */ } /** Enqueue Files and Varibales. * Useful in case, if we use get_options and current user functions... * * @param type $where_to_load */ public function enqueue( $where_to_load ) { wpbm_js_load_vars( $where_to_load ); // Define JavaScript varibales in all other files do_action( 'wpbm_define_js_vars', $where_to_load ); wpbm_js_load_libs( $where_to_load ); wpbm_js_load_files( $where_to_load ); if ( wpbm_is_new_wpbm_page() ) $where_to_load = 'both'; // Load JavaScript files in all other versions do_action( 'wpbm_enqueue_js_files', $where_to_load ); } /** Deregister some conflict scripts from other plugins. * * @param type $where_to_load */ public function remove_conflicts( $where_to_load ) { if ( wpbm_is_master_page() ) { if (function_exists('wp_dequeue_script')) { //wp_dequeue_script( 'jquery.cookie' ); //wp_dequeue_script( 'jquery-interdependencies' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'chosen' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'cs-framework' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'cgmp-jquery-tools-tooltip' ); // Remove this script, which is load by the "Comprehensive Google Map Plugin" } } } } /** Define JavaScript Varibales */ function wpbm_js_load_vars( $where_to_load ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JavaScripts Variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-global-vars', wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/wpbm_vars.js' ), array( 'jquery' ), '1.1' ); // Blank JS File wp_localize_script( 'wpbm-global-vars' , 'wpbm_global1', array( 'wpbm_ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) , 'wpbm_plugin_url' => plugins_url( '' , WPBM_FILE ) , 'wpbm_today' => '[' . intval(date_i18n('Y')) //FixIn:6.1 .','. intval(date_i18n('m')) .','. intval(date_i18n('d')) .','. intval(date_i18n('H')) .','. intval(date_i18n('i')) .']' , 'wpbm_plugin_filename' => WPBM_PLUGIN_FILENAME , 'message_verif_requred' => esc_js(__('This field is required' , 'booking-manager')) , 'message_verif_requred_for_check_box' => esc_js(__('This checkbox must be checked' , 'booking-manager')) , 'message_verif_requred_for_radio_box' => esc_js(__('At least one option must be selected' , 'booking-manager')) , 'message_verif_emeil' => esc_js(__('Incorrect email field' , 'booking-manager')) , 'message_verif_same_emeil' => esc_js(__('Your emails do not match' , 'booking-manager')) // Email Addresses Do Not Match , 'wpbm_active_locale' => wpbm_get_locale() , 'wpbm_message_processing' => esc_js( __('Processing' , 'booking-manager') ) , 'wpbm_message_deleting' => esc_js( __('Deleting' , 'booking-manager') ) , 'wpbm_message_updating' => esc_js( __('Updating' , 'booking-manager') ) , 'wpbm_message_saving' => esc_js( __('Saving' , 'booking-manager') ) )); } /** Default JavaScripts Libraries */ function wpbm_js_load_libs( $where_to_load ) { // jQuery wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); // Default Admin Libs if ( ( $where_to_load == 'admin' ) // || ( is_admin() && ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) && ( DOING_AJAX ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_media(); wp_enqueue_script('thickbox'); // Load thickbox CSS wp_enqueue_style('thickbox'); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); // Color Picker wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-sortable' ); // UI Sortable // if ( wpbm_is_master_page() ) // wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-dialog' ); // UI Dialog - for payment request dialog } } /** Load JavaScript Files */ function wpbm_js_load_files( $where_to_load ) { // Bootstrap if ( ( ( is_admin() ) && ( get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_admin' ) !== 'On') ) // || ( ( ! is_admin() ) && ( get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_client' ) !== 'On' ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'wpdevelop-bootstrap', wpbm_plugin_url( '/assets/libs/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js' ), array( 'wpbm-global-vars' ), ''); } // Datepicker // wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-datepick', wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick.js'), array( 'wpbm-global-vars' ), '1.1'); // Localization // $calendar_localization_url = wpbm_get_calendar_localization_url(); // if ( ! empty( $calendar_localization_url ) ) // wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-datepick-localize', $calendar_localization_url, array( 'wpbm-datepick' ), '1.1'); //wpbm_load_calendar_localization_file(); if ( ( $where_to_load == 'client' ) || ( wpbm_is_new_wpbm_page() ) ) { // Client // wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-main-client', wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/client.js'), array( 'wpbm-datepick' ), '1.1'); } if ( $where_to_load == 'admin' ) { // Admin wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-admin-main', wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/admin.js'), array( 'wpbm-global-vars' ), '1.1'); wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-admin-support', wpbm_plugin_url( '/core/any/js/admin-support.js'), array( 'wpbm-global-vars' ), '1.1'); // Chosen Library //wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-chosen', wpbm_plugin_url( '/assets/libs/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js'), array( 'wpbm-global-vars' ), '1.1' ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support JavaScript functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Load Datepicker Localization JS File */ /* function wpbm_load_calendar_localization_file() { // Datepicker Localization - translation for calendar. Example: $locale = 'fr_FR'; $locale = wpbm_get_locale(); if ( ! empty( $locale ) ) { $locale_lang = substr( $locale, 0, 2 ); $locale_country = substr( $locale, 3 ); if ( ( $locale_lang !== 'en') && ( wpbm_is_file_exist( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-' . $locale_lang . '.js' ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-datepick-localize', wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-'. $locale_lang . '.js' ), array( 'wpbm-datepick' ), '1.1'); } else if ( ( ! in_array( $locale, array( 'en_US', 'en_CA', 'en_GB', 'en_AU' ) ) ) // English Exceptions && ( wpbm_is_file_exist( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-'. $locale_country . '.js' ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'wpbm-datepick-localize', wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-'. $locale_country . '.js' ), array( 'wpbm-datepick' ), '1.1'); } } }*/ /** Get URL Datepicker Localization JS File * * @return string - URL to calendar skin */ /* function wpbm_get_calendar_localization_url() { // Datepicker Localization - translation for calendar. Example: $locale = 'fr_FR'; $locale = wpbm_get_locale(); $calendar_localization_url = false; if ( ! empty( $locale ) ) { $locale_lang = substr( $locale, 0, 2 ); $locale_country = substr( $locale, 3 ); if ( ( $locale_lang !== 'en') && ( wpbm_is_file_exist( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-' . $locale_lang . '.js' ) ) ) { $calendar_localization_url = wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-'. $locale_lang . '.js' ); } else if ( ( ! in_array( $locale, array( 'en_US', 'en_CA', 'en_GB', 'en_AU' ) ) ) // English Exceptions && ( wpbm_is_file_exist( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-'. $locale_country . '.js' ) ) ) { $calendar_localization_url = wpbm_plugin_url( '/js/datepick/jquery.datepick-'. $locale_country . '.js' ); } } return $calendar_localization_url; } */ /** Get Registred jQuery version * * @global type $wp_scripts * @return string - jQuery version */ function wpbm_get_registered_jquery_version() { global $wp_scripts; $version = false; if ( is_a( $wp_scripts, 'WP_Scripts' ) ) if (isset( $wp_scripts->registered['jquery'] )) $version = $wp_scripts->registered['jquery']->ver; return $version; } /** Check if we activated loading of JS/CSS only on specific pages and then load or no it * * @param boolean $is_load_scripts - Default: true * @return boolean - true | false */ function wpbm_is_load_css_js_on_client_page( $is_load_scripts ) { return true; if ( ! is_admin() ) { // Check on Client side only $wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages = get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages' ); if ( $wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages == 'On' ) { $wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css = get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css' ); $wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css = preg_split('/[\r\n]+/', $wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // FixIn:5.4.1 if ( strpos( $request_uri, 'wpbm_hash=') !== false ) { $request_uri = parse_url($request_uri); if ( ( ! empty($request_uri ) ) && ( isset($request_uri['path'] ) ) ){ $request_uri = $request_uri['path']; } else { $request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } } if ( ( ! empty($wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css ) ) && ( ! in_array( $request_uri, $wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css ) ) ) return false; } } return true; } add_filter( 'wpbm_is_load_script_on_this_page', 'wpbm_is_load_css_js_on_client_page' );