trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: page-root-ics.php
<?php /** * @version 1.0 * @package Booking Manager * @category Content of item Listing page * @author wpdevelop * * @web-site * @email * * @modified 2015-11-13 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly /** Show Content * Update Content * Define Slug * Define where to show */ class WPBM_Page_Single extends WPBM_Page_Structure { public function in_page() { return 'oplugins'; } public function tabs() { $tabs = array(); $tabs[ 'wpbm' ] = array( 'title' => __( 'Manage .ics', 'booking-manager' ) // Title of TAB , 'hint' => __( 'Upload .ics File', 'booking-manager' ) // Hint , 'page_title' => __( 'Booking Manager', 'booking-manager' ) // Title of Page , 'link' => '' // Can be skiped, then generated link based on Page and Tab tags. Or can be extenral link , 'position' => '' // 'left' || 'right' || '' , 'css_classes' => '' // CSS class(es) , 'icon' => '' // Icon - link to the real PNG img , 'font_icon' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-tasks' // CSS definition of forn Icon , 'default' => true // Is this tab activated by default or not: true || false. , 'disabled' => false // Is this tab disbaled: true || false. , 'hided' => ! true // Is this tab hided: true || false. , 'subtabs' => array() ); $subtabs = array(); // $tabs[ 'items' ][ 'subtabs' ] = $subtabs; // $subtabs['manage'] = array( // 'type' => 'subtab' // Required| Possible values: 'subtab' | 'separator' | 'button' | 'goto-link' | 'html' // , 'title' => __( 'Manage .ics', 'booking-manager' ) // Title of TAB // , 'hint' => __( 'Upload .ics File', 'booking-manager' ) // Hint // , 'page_title' => __( 'Booking Manager', 'booking-manager' ) // Title of Page // , 'link' => '' // link // , 'position' => '' // 'left' || 'right' || '' // , 'css_classes' => '' // CSS class(es) // //, 'icon' => 'http://.../icon.png' // Icon - link to the real PNG img // //, 'font_icon' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-envelope' // CSS definition of Font Icon // , 'default' => true // Is this sub tab activated by default or not: true || false. // , 'disabled' => false // Is this sub tab deactivated: true || false. // , 'checkbox' => false // or definition array for specific checkbox: array( 'checked' => true, 'name' => 'feature1_active_status' ) //, 'checkbox' => array( 'checked' => $is_checked, 'name' => 'enabled_active_status' ) // , 'content' => 'content' // Function to load as conten of this TAB // , 'hided' => true // Is this tab hided: true || false. // ); $tabs[ 'wpbm' ]['subtabs'] = $subtabs; return $tabs; } public function content() { // Checking //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do_action( 'wpbm_hook_settings_page_header', array( 'page' => $this->in_page() ) ); // Define Notices Section and show some static messages, if needed. // $this->settings_api(); // Init Settings API & Get Data from DB // Submit ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $submit_form_name = 'wpbm_ics_files_form'; // Define form name if ( isset( $_POST['is_form_sbmitted_'. $submit_form_name ] ) ) { // Nonce checking {Return false if invalid, 1 if generated between, 0-12 hours ago, 2 if generated between 12-24 hours ago. } $nonce_gen_time = check_admin_referer( 'wpbm_settings_page_' . $submit_form_name ); // Its stop show anything on submiting, if its not refear to the original page // Save Changes $data_after_update = $this->update(); } // $wpbm_user_role_master = get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_user_role_master' ); // O L D W A Y: Get Fields Data ?><div class="wpbm-replace-container" style="display:none;"><?php ?><span class="wpbm_help_upgrade"><?php wpbm_bs_dropdown_menu( array( 'title' => __( 'Help', 'booking-manager' ) , 'font_icon' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign' , 'position' => 'right' , 'items' => array( array( 'type' => 'link', 'title' => __('Shortcode configuration', 'booking-manager') , 'url' => '' //esc_url( admin_url( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'oplugins', 'tab' => 'wpbm', 'subtab' => 'help_shortcodes' ), 'admin.php' ) ) ) ) , array( 'type' => 'divider' ) , array( 'type' => 'link', 'title' => __('Help', 'booking-manager'), 'url' => '' ) //, array( 'type' => 'link', 'title' => __('FAQ', 'booking-manager'), 'url' => '' ) , array( 'type' => 'link', 'title' => __('Technical Support', 'booking-manager'), 'url' => '' ) , array( 'type' => 'divider' ) , array( 'type' => 'link', 'title' => __('Upgrade Now', 'booking-manager'), 'url' => wpbm_up_link() , 'attr' => array( 'target' => '_blank' , 'style' => 'font-weight: 600;font-size: 1em;' ) ) ) ) ); ?></span><?php ?></div><?php ?><script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery( '.wpbm_help_upgrade' ).insertAfter( '.wpdevelop.wpdvlp-nav-tabs-container .wpdvlp-top-tabs .nav-tabs a:last' ); //jQuery( '.wpdvlp-sub-tabs' ).hide(); }); </script><?php ?><span class="wpdevelop"><?php wpbm_js_for_items_page(); // JavaScript: - Tooltips, Popover, Datepick (js & css) // wpbm_items_toolbar(); // T o o l b a r s - BS UI CSS Class ?></span><?php ?><div class="clear" style="height:0px;"></div><?php // Content //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <div class="clear" style="margin-bottom:10px;"></div> <span class="metabox-holder"> <form name="<?php echo $submit_form_name; ?>" id="<?php echo $submit_form_name; ?>" action="" method="post" > <?php // N o n c e field, and key for checking S u b m i t wp_nonce_field( 'wpbm_settings_page_' . $submit_form_name ); ?><input type="hidden" name="is_form_sbmitted_<?php echo $submit_form_name; ?>" id="is_form_sbmitted_<?php echo $submit_form_name; ?>" value="1" /> <div class="clear" style="margin-bottom:0px;"></div> <?php wpbm_open_meta_box_section( 'wpbm_settings_ics_upload_section', __( 'Upload .ics file and show events', 'booking-manager' ) ); $this->show_toolbar_upload(); wpbm_close_meta_box_section(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $notice_id = 'wpbm_system_notice_ics_description'; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( ( ! wpbm_section_is_dismissed( $notice_id ) ) // || true ) { ?><div id="<?php echo $notice_id; ?>" class="wpbm_system_notice wpbm_is_dismissible wpbm_is_hideable wpbm-settings-notice notice-info"" data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( $nonce_name = $notice_id . '_wpbmnonce' ); ?>" data-user-id="<?php echo get_current_user_id(); ?>" style="margin: 20px 0 !important;line-height: 2em;padding: 10px 20px;" ><?php wpbm_x_dismiss_button(); //echo '<strong>' . __( 'Note!', 'booking-manager' ) . '</strong> '; $message_ics = sprintf( __( '.ics - is a file format of iCalendar standard for exchanging calendar and scheduling information between different sources %s Using a common calendar format (.ics), you can keep all your calendars updated and synchronized.', 'booking-manager' ) , '<br/><em>(<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Airbnb</a></strong>, ' . '<strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong>, ' . '<strong><a href="" target="_blank">HomeAway</a></strong>, ' . '<strong><a href="" target="_blank">TripAdvisor</a></strong>, ' . '<strong><a href="" target="_blank">VRBO</a></strong>, ' . '<strong><a href="" target="_blank">FlipKey</a></strong> ' . str_replace( array( '.ics', 'iCalendar' ), array( '<strong>.ics</strong>', '<strong>iCalendar</strong>' ), __( 'and any other calendar that uses .ics format', 'booking-manager' ) ) . ')</em>.<br/>' ); $message_ics = str_replace( array( '.ics', 'iCalendar' ), array( '<strong>.ics</strong>', '<strong>iCalendar</strong>' ), $message_ics ); echo $message_ics; ?></div><?php } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wpbm_open_meta_box_section( 'wpbm_settings_ics_listing_log', __( 'Log', 'booking-manager' ) ); ?><div class="wpbm_system_info_log"></div><?php wpbm_close_meta_box_section(); /* ?> <input type="button" value="<?php _e('Send', 'booking-manager'); ?>" class="button button-primary wpbm_send_button" /> <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Submit', 'booking-manager'); ?>" class="button button-primary wpbm_submit_button" /> <?php /**/ ?> </form> <?php ?> </span> <?php wpbm_show_wpbm_footer(); // Rating wpbm_ics_listing_ajax_js(); $this->css(); do_action( 'wpbm_hook_settings_page_footer', 'ics_files' ); } /** Currently is not being used */ public function update() { return false; $post_action_key = 'wpbm_action'; if ( isset( $_POST[ $post_action_key ] ) && ( $_POST[ $post_action_key ] == 'go_send' ) ) { // Get Validated post $validated = array(); // Email $validated[ 'wpbm_textdata' ] = WPBM_Settings_API::validate_textarea_post_static( 'wpbm_textdata' ); //debuge( $validated ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wpbm_show_fixed_message ( __('Done', 'booking-manager'), 3 ); //, 'updated warning' ); // Show Message return array ( 'validated_data' => $validated ); // Exit, for do not parse } /** Buld data saving to DB from POST //$validated_fields = $this->settings_api()->validate_post(); // Get Validated Settings fields in $_POST request. //$validated_fields = apply_filters( 'wpbm_settings_validate_fields_before_saving', $validated_fields ); // Hook for validated fields. // unset($validated_fields['wpbm_start_day_weeek']); // Skip saving specific option, for example in Demo mode. //$this->settings_api()->save_to_db( $validated_fields ); // Save fields to DB //wpbm_show_changes_saved_message(); //wpbm_show_fixed_message ( __('Done', 'booking-manager'), 0 ); // Show Message */ /** O L D W A Y: Saving Fields Data // update_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_is_delete_if_deactive' // , WPBM_Settings_API::validate_checkbox_post('wpbm_is_delete_if_deactive') ); // ( (isset( $_POST['wpbm_is_delete_if_deactive'] ))?'On':'Off') ); */ return false; } /** Show Toolbar with Upload / List fields */ function show_toolbar_upload() { // Parameters for Ajax: ?><div class="wpbm_listing_ics_bar" id="wpbm_listing_ics_bar" data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( $nonce_name = 'wpbm_listing_ics_nonce_actn' ); ?>" data-user-id="<?php echo get_current_user_id(); ?>" ><?php ?> <div class="wpbm_listing_div"> <input type="text" class="wpbm_listing_url" name="wpbm_listing_url" id="wpbm_listing_url" placeholder="<?php _e( 'URL to .ics feed', 'booking-manager' ) ?>" value="" wrap="off" /> <?php if ( function_exists( 'wpbm_upload' ) ) { ?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button button-secondary wpbm_upload_btn" data-modal_title="<?php echo esc_attr( __( 'Choose file', 'booking-manager' ) ); ?>" data-btn_title="<?php echo esc_attr( __( 'Insert file URL', 'booking-manager' ) ); ?>" ><?php _e('Upload / Select ', 'booking-manager' ); ?> <strong>(.ics)</strong></a> <?php } ?> <a class="button button-primary wpbm_listing_btn" href="javascript:void(0)"><?php _e('Show Events (.ics)', 'booking-manager'); ?></a> </div> <?php if ( function_exists( 'wpbm_upload' ) ) { // Get WPBM_Upload obj. instance $wpbm_upload = wpbm_upload(); $wpbm_upload->set_upload_button( '.wpbm_upload_btn' ); $wpbm_upload->set_element_insert_url( '.wpbm_listing_url' ); } ?> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="wpbm_system_info_log0"></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" C S S " > public function css() { ?> <style type="text/css"> .wpbm_listing_ics_bar .wpbm_listing_btn, .wpbm_listing_ics_bar .wpbm_upload_btn{ float:left; margin:9px 5px 10px 1px; } .wpbm_listing_ics_bar .wpbm_listing_div { float:left; width:100%; } .wpbm_listing_ics_bar .wpbm_listing_br_selection, .wpbm_listing_ics_bar .wpbm_listing_url { float:left; width:28%; height: 2em; padding: 2px; border-radius: 0; margin:10px 5px 10px 1px; /* FixIn: */ min-height: 28px; height: 28px; margin: 9px 5px 10px 1px; } .wpbm_listing_ics_bar .wpbm_listing_url { width:50%; padding: 2px 5px; } .wpbm_system_info_log { font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.5em; /* border: 2px dashed #e85; */ padding: 5px 20px; margin-top:10px; } #wpbm_textdata { width: 100%; font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: 600; } /* iPad mini and all iPhones and other Mobile Devices */ @media (max-width: 782px) { .wpbm_listing_ics_bar .wpbm_listing_url { width:100%; } .wpbm_page .wpbm_send_button { padding: 2px; margin-top: 1px; } } </style> <?php } // </editor-fold> } add_action('wpbm_menu_created', array( new WPBM_Page_Single() , '__construct') ); // Executed after creation of Menu // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" A J A X R e q u e s t " > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AJAX Request //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** JavaScript for Ajax */ function wpbm_ics_listing_ajax_js() { $ajx_el_id = 'wpbm_listing_ics_bar'; // In "wpbm-ajax.php" having this: , 'WPBM_LISTING_ICS_URL' => 'admin' ?> <script type="text/javascript"> // Ajax Request jQuery( function ( $ ) { // Shortcut to jQuery(document).ready(function(){ ... }); jQuery( '.wpbm_listing_ics_bar' ).on( 'click', '.wpbm_listing_btn', function ( event ) { // This delegated event, can be run, when DOM element added after page loaded wpbm_admin_show_message_processing( '' ); var jq_el = jQuery( this ).closest( '.wpbm_listing_ics_bar' ); var params_obj = {}; = jq_el.attr( 'id' ); params_obj.nonce = jq_el.attr( 'data-nonce' ); params_obj.user_id = jq_el.attr( 'data-user-id' ); params_obj.wpbm_listing_url = jQuery( '#wpbm_listing_url' ).val(); // params_obj.wpbm_listing_br_selection = 1; // if ( jQuery( '#wpbm_listing_br_selection option' ).length > 0 ) // params_obj.wpbm_listing_br_selection = jQuery( '#wpbm_listing_br_selection option' ).filter( ':selected' ).val(); // console.log(params_obj); wpbm_ajaxurl, { action: 'WPBM_LISTING_ICS_URL', user_id: params_obj.user_id , nonce: params_obj.nonce, params: params_obj }, function ( response_data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { // success var my_message = '<?php echo html_entity_decode( esc_js( __('Done' ,'booking-manager') ),ENT_QUOTES) ; ?>'; wpbm_admin_show_message( my_message, 'info', 10000 , false ); //console.log( response_data ); console.log( textStatus); console.log( jqXHR ); // Debug //jQuery( '.wpbm_system_info_log' ).show(); //Show Debug info response_data = response_data.replace( '{"response":"success"}', '' ); jQuery( '.wpbm_system_info_log' ).html( response_data ); // For ability to show response, add such DIV element to page wpbm_scroll_to('#wpbm_settings_ics_listing_log_metabox' ); } ).fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { wpbm_admin_show_message( '<strong style="text-transform: uppercase;">' + textStatus + '</strong> ~ ' + errorThrown , 'error', 5000 ); if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'Ajax_Error', jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ); } }) // .done( function ( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'second success', data, textStatus, jqXHR ); } }) // .always( function ( data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'always finished', data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ); } }) ; }); }); </script> <?php } /** Ajax Response */ function wpbm_ajax_WPBM_LISTING_ICS_URL() { if ( ! isset( $_POST['params'] ) || empty( $_POST['params'] ) ) { exit; } // Check Security $action_nonce_name = 'wpbm_listing_ics_nonce_actn'; $nonce_post_key = 'nonce'; $result = check_ajax_referer( $action_nonce_name, $nonce_post_key ); // Check Security $is_show_debug_info = false; if ( function_exists( 'get_bk_option' ) ) $is_show_debug_info = ( ( get_bk_option( 'booking_is_show_system_debug_log' ) == 'On' ) ? true : false ); // Based on "Booking Calendar" - "show_system_debug_log" option !!! if ( $is_show_debug_info ) add_action( 'wpbm_show_debug', 'wpbm_start_showing_debug', 10, 1 ); do_action( 'wpbm_show_debug', array( 'Import Parameters' , $_POST ) ); // S_Y_S_T_E_M L_O_G if ( empty( $_POST[ 'params' ][ 'wpbm_listing_url'] ) ) { do_action( 'wpbm_admin_show_top_notice', __( 'No ics url feed', 'booking-manager' ), 'error', 5000 ); // N_O_T_I_C_E in H_E_A_D_E_R return false; } $params = array( 'url' => esc_url_raw( $_POST[ 'params' ][ 'wpbm_listing_url'] ) //FixIn: , 'from' => 'any' //'today' // '00:00 today' , 'from_offset' => '' , 'until' => 'any' //'year-end' // '00:00 today' , 'until_offset' => '' , 'max' => '' , 'is_all_dates_in' => true ); $listing_echo = wpbm_ics_get_listing( $params ); if ( $is_show_debug_info ) do_action( 'wpbm_show_debug', array( '$listing_echo', $is_show_debug_info, $listing_echo ) ); // S_Y_S_T_E_M L_O_G /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Listing Shortcode /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ob_start(); ?> <div class="wpbm-settings-notice notice-info" style="text-align:left;border-top:1px solid #f0f0f0;border-right:1px solid #f0f0f0;line-height: 2em;font-size: 13px;margin:10px 0 20px;"> <?php echo ( esc_js( __( 'Insert this shortcode into page for showing these events at front-end side of your website.', 'booking-manager' ) ) ); ?> <br> <code>[booking-manager-listing url='<?php echo esc_url( $_POST[ 'params' ][ 'wpbm_listing_url'] ); ?>' from='any' until='any']</code> </div> <div class="clear" style="border-top: 2px dashed #e85;height:20px;"></div> <?php $echo_results = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// echo $echo_results. $listing_echo; if ( $is_show_debug_info ) remove_action( 'wpbm_show_debug', 'wpbm_start_showing_debug', 10 ); /* if ( $is_show_debug_info ) { // Showingdebug log section ?><script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( '.wpbm_system_info_log' ).show(); </script><?php } */ // send JSON // FixIn: //Fix: We need to comment this line, because previously its possible that we already sent some messages, and its does not correct json format in this case. //Fix: of showing "parsererror ~ SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data" //wp_send_json( array( 'response' => 'success' ) ); // Return JS OBJ: response_data = { response: "success" } wp_die( '', '', array( 'response' => null ) ); } // </editor-fold>