trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: index.php
<?php $yearmonth_text = "Jump to previous stats: "; $awstatsindex = 'awsindex.html'; $script = "<script>function load_content(url){var iframe = document.getElementById(\"content\");iframe.src = url;}</script>\n"; if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (substr($file,0,1) != "." && is_dir($file)) { $orderkey = substr($file,0,4).substr($file,5,2); if (substr($file,5,2) < 10 ) { $orderkey = substr($file,0,4)."0".substr($file,5,2); } $awprev[$orderkey] = $file; } } $month = date("n"); $year = date("Y"); if (date("d") == 1) { $month = date("m")-1; if (date("m") == 1) { $year = date("Y")-1; $month = "12"; } } $current = $year.$month; if ( $month < 10 ) { $current = $year."0".$month; } $awprev[$current] = $year."-".$month; closedir($handle); } arsort($awprev); $options = ""; foreach ($awprev as $key => $value) { // Define name for the index file $awstatsindex = 'awsindex.html'; if(!file_exists($value.'/awsindex.html') && file_exists($value.'/goaindex.html')) { $awstatsindex = 'goaindex.html'; } // Set name for first entry in month list if($key == $current) $options .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$awstatsindex}\">{$value}</option>\n"; else $options .= "<option value=\"{$value}/{$awstatsindex}\">{$value}</option>\n"; } $html = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Stats</title>\n"; $html .= "<style>\nhtml,body {margin:0px;padding:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color: #ccc;}\n"; $html .= "#header\n{\nwidth:100%;margin:0px auto;\nheight:20px;\nposition:fixed;\npadding:4px;\ntext-align:center;\n}\n"; $html .= "iframe {width:100%;height:90%;margin:0px;margin-top:40px;border:0px;padding:0px;}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n"; $html .= $script; $html .= "<div id=\"header\">{$yearmonth_text}\n"; $html .= "<select name=\"awdate\" onchange=\"load_content(this.value)\">\n"; $html .= $options; $html .= "</select>\n</div>\n<iframe src=\"awsindex.html\" id=\"content\"></iframe>\n"; $html .= "</body></html>"; echo $html; ?>