trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: central.js
/** * Send an action over AJAX. A wrapper around jQuery.ajax. In future, all consumers can be reviewed to simplify some of the options, where there is historical cruft. * N.B. updraft_iframe_modal() below uses the AJAX URL for the iframe's src attribute * * @param {string} action - the action to send * @param {*} data - data to send * @param {Function} callback - will be called with the results * @param {object} options -further options. Relevant properties include: * - [json_parse=true] - whether to JSON parse the results * - [alert_on_error=true] - whether to show an alert box if there was a problem (otherwise, suppress it) * - [action='updraft_ajax'] - what to send as the action parameter on the AJAX request (N.B. action parameter to this function goes as the 'subaction' parameter on the AJAX request) * - [nonce=updraft_credentialtest_nonce] - the nonce value to send. * - [nonce_key='nonce'] - the key value for the nonce field * - [timeout=null] - set a timeout after this number of seconds (or if null, none is set) * - [async=true] - control whether the request is asynchronous (almost always wanted) or blocking (would need to have a specific reason) * - [type='POST'] - GET or POST */ function updraftcentral_send_command(action, data, callback, options) { default_options = { json_parse: true, alert_on_error: true, action: 'updraft_central_ajax', nonce_key: 'nonce', timeout: null, async: true, type: 'POST' } if ('undefined' !== typeof uclion.updraftcentral_request_nonce && uclion.updraftcentral_request_nonce) { default_options.nonce = uclion.updraftcentral_request_nonce; } if ('undefined' === typeof options) options = {}; for (var opt in default_options) { if (!options.hasOwnProperty(opt)) { options[opt] = default_options[opt]; } } var ajax_data = { action: options.action, subaction: action, }; ajax_data[options.nonce_key] = options.nonce; ajax_data.action_data = data; var ajax_opts = { type: options.type, url: ajaxurl, data: ajax_data, success: function(response, status) { if (options.json_parse) { try { var resp = central_parse_json(response); } catch (e) { if ('function' == typeof options.error_callback) { return options.error_callback(response, e, 502, resp); } else { console.log(e); console.log(response); if (options.alert_on_error) { alert(uclion.unexpectedresponse+' '+response); } return; } } if (resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) { if ('function' == typeof options.error_callback) { // 500 is internal server error code return options.error_callback(response, status, 500, resp); } else { console.error(resp.fatal_error_message); if (options.alert_on_error) { alert(resp.fatal_error_message); } return false; } } if ('function' == typeof callback) callback(resp, status, response); } else { if ('function' == typeof callback) callback(response, status); } }, error: function(response, status, error_code) { if ('function' == typeof options.error_callback) { options.error_callback(response, status, error_code); } else { console.log("updraftcentral_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")"); console.log(response); } }, dataType: 'text', async: options.async }; if (null != options.timeout) { ajax_opts.timeout = options.timeout; } jQuery.ajax(ajax_opts); } /** * Parse JSON string, including automatically detecting unwanted extra input and skipping it * * @param {string} json_mix_str - JSON string which need to parse and convert to object * @param {boolean} analyse - if true, then the return format will contain information on the parsing, and parsing will skip attempting to JSON.parse() the entire string (will begin with trying to locate the actual JSON) * * @throws SyntaxError|String (including passing on what JSON.parse may throw) if a parsing error occurs. * * @returns Mixed parsed JSON object. Will only return if parsing is successful (otherwise, will throw). If analyse is true, then will rather return an object with properties (mixed)parsed, (integer)json_start_pos and (integer)json_end_pos */ function central_parse_json(json_mix_str, analyse) { analyse = ('undefined' === typeof analyse) ? false : true; // Just try it - i.e. the 'default' case where things work (which can include extra whitespace/line-feeds, and simple strings, etc.). if (!analyse) { try { var result = JSON.parse(json_mix_str); return result; } catch (e) { console.log(uclion.plugin_name+': Exception when trying to parse JSON (1) - will attempt to fix/re-parse based upon first/last curly brackets'); console.log(json_mix_str); } } var json_start_pos = json_mix_str.indexOf('{'); var json_last_pos = json_mix_str.lastIndexOf('}'); // Case where some php notice may be added after or before json string if (json_start_pos > -1 && json_last_pos > -1) { var json_str = json_mix_str.slice(json_start_pos, json_last_pos + 1); try { var parsed = JSON.parse(json_str); if (!analyse) { console.log(uclion.plugin_name+': JSON re-parse successful'); } return analyse ? { parsed: parsed, json_start_pos: json_start_pos, json_last_pos: json_last_pos + 1 } : parsed; } catch (e) { console.log(uclion.plugin_name+': Exception when trying to parse JSON (2) - will attempt to fix/re-parse based upon bracket counting'); var cursor = json_start_pos; var open_count = 0; var last_character = ''; var inside_string = false; // Don't mistake this for a real JSON parser. Its aim is to improve the odds in real-world cases seen, not to arrive at universal perfection. while ((open_count > 0 || cursor == json_start_pos) && cursor <= json_last_pos) { var current_character = json_mix_str.charAt(cursor); if (!inside_string && '{' == current_character) { open_count++; } else if (!inside_string && '}' == current_character) { open_count--; } else if ('"' == current_character && '\\' != last_character) { inside_string = inside_string ? false : true; } last_character = current_character; cursor++; } console.log("Started at cursor="+json_start_pos+", ended at cursor="+cursor+" with result following:"); console.log(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor)); try { var parsed = JSON.parse(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor)); console.log(uclion.plugin_name+': JSON re-parse successful'); return analyse ? { parsed: parsed, json_start_pos: json_start_pos, json_last_pos: cursor } : parsed; } catch (e) { // Throw it again, so that our function works just like JSON.parse() in its behaviour. throw e; } } } throw uclion.plugin_name+": could not parse the JSON"; } jQuery(function($) { $('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', 'a.updraftcentral_keys_show', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).remove(); $('#updraftcentral_keys_table').slideDown(); }); $('#updraftcentral_keycreate_altmethod_moreinfo_get').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).remove(); $('#updraftcentral_keycreate_altmethod_moreinfo').slideDown(); }); function updraftcentral_keys_setupform(on_page_load) { var is_other = jQuery('#updraftcentral_mothership_other').is(':checked') ? true : false; if (is_other) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership').prop('disabled', false); if (on_page_load) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership_firewalled_container').show(); } else { jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_self_hosted_stage2').show(); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership_firewalled_container').slideDown(); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership').trigger('focus'); } } else { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership').prop('disabled', true); if (!on_page_load) { jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_self_hosted_stage2').hide(); updraftcentral_stage2_go(); } } } function updraftcentral_stage2_go() { // Reset the error message before we continue jQuery('#updraftcentral_wizard_stage1_error').text(''); var host = ''; if (jQuery('#updraftcentral_mothership_updraftpluscom').is(':checked')) { jQuery('.updraftcentral_keycreate_description').hide(); host = ''; } else if (jQuery('#updraftcentral_mothership_other').is(':checked')) { jQuery('.updraftcentral_keycreate_description').show(); var mothership = jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership').val(); if ('' == mothership) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_wizard_stage1_error').text(uclion.updraftcentral_wizard_empty_url); return; } try { var url = new URL(mothership); host = url.hostname; } catch (e) { // Try and grab the host name a different way if it failed because of no URL object (e.g. Firefox version 25 and below). if ('undefined' === typeof URL) { host = jQuery('<a>').prop('href', mothership).prop('hostname'); } if (!host || 'undefined' !== typeof URL) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_wizard_stage1_error').text(uclion.updraftcentral_wizard_invalid_url); return; } } } jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_description').val(host); jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_stage1').hide(); jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_stage2').show(); } jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', 'input[type="radio"]', function() { updraftcentral_keys_setupform(false); }); // Initial setup (for browsers, e.g. Firefox, that remember form selection state but not DOM state, which can leave an inconsistent state) updraftcentral_keys_setupform(true); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', '#updraftcentral_view_log', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#updraftcentral_view_log_container').block({ message: '<div style="margin: 8px; font-size:150%;"><img src="'+uclion.central_url+'/images/udlogo-rotating.gif" height="80" width="80" style="padding-bottom:10px;"><br>'+uclion.fetching+'</div>'}); try { updraftcentral_send_command('get_log', null, function(response) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_view_log_container').unblock(); if (response.hasOwnProperty('log_contents')) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_view_log_contents').html('<div style="border:1px solid;padding: 2px;max-height: 400px; overflow-y:scroll;">'+response.log_contents+'</div>'); } else { console.log(response); } }, { error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_view_log_container').unblock(); if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) { console.error(resp.fatal_error_message); alert(resp.fatal_error_message); } else { var error_message = "updraftcentral_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")"; console.log(error_message); alert(error_message); console.log(response); } } }); } catch (err) { jQuery('#updraft_central_key').html(); console.log(err); } }); // UpdraftCentral jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', '#updraftcentral_wizard_go', function(e) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_wizard_go').hide(); jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_success').remove(); jQuery('.create_key_container').show(); }); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', '#updraftcentral_stage1_go', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_stage2').hide(); jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_stage1').show(); }); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', '#updraftcentral_stage2_go', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); updraftcentral_stage2_go(); }); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', '#updraftcentral_keycreate_go', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var is_other = jQuery('#updraftcentral_mothership_other').is(':checked') ? true : false; var key_description = jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_description').val(); var key_size = jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_keysize').val(); var where_send = '__updraftpluscom'; data = { key_description: key_description, key_size: key_size, }; if (is_other) { where_send = jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership').val(); if (where_send.substring(0, 4) != 'http') { alert(uclion.enter_mothership_url); return; } } data.mothership_firewalled = jQuery('#updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership_firewalled').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; data.where_send = where_send; jQuery('.create_key_container').hide(); jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_stage1').show(); jQuery('.updraftcentral_wizard_stage2').hide(); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').block({ message: '<div style="margin: 8px; font-size:150%;"><img src="'+uclion.central_url+'/images/udlogo-rotating.gif" height="80" width="80" style="padding-bottom:10px;"><br>'+uclion.creating_please_allow+'</div>'}); try { updraftcentral_send_command('create_key', data, function(resp) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').unblock(); try { if (resp.hasOwnProperty('error')) { alert(resp.error); console.log(resp); return; } alert(resp.r); if (resp.hasOwnProperty('bundle') && resp.hasOwnProperty('keys_guide')) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys_content').html(resp.keys_guide); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys_content').append('<div class="updraftcentral_wizard_success">'+resp.r+'<br><textarea id="updraftcentral-key" onclick=";" style="width:620px; height:165px; word-wrap:break-word; border: 1px solid #aaa; border-radius: 3px; padding:4px;">'+resp.bundle+'</textarea><button id="updraftplus-copy" class="button button-secondary" style="display: block;">'+uclion.copy_to_clipboard+'</button></div>'); } else { console.log(resp); } if (resp.hasOwnProperty('keys_table')) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys_content').append(resp.keys_table); } jQuery('#updraftcentral_wizard_go').show(); } catch (err) { alert(uclion.unexpectedresponse+' '+response); console.log(err); } }, { error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').unblock(); if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) { console.error(resp.fatal_error_message); alert(resp.fatal_error_message); } else { var error_message = "updraftcentral_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")"; console.log(error_message); alert(error_message); console.log(response); } } }); } catch (err) { jQuery('#updraft_central_key').html(); console.log(err); } }); var updraft_copy_modal_buttons = {}; updraft_copy_modal_buttons[updraftlion.close] = function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }; jQuery("#updraft-copy-modal").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizeOnWindowResize: true, scrollWithViewport: true, resizeAccordingToViewport: true, modal: true, buttons: updraft_copy_modal_buttons, }); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys_content').on('click', '#updraftplus-copy', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var ele = jQuery('#updraftcentral-key'); if (ele[0].value) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(ele[0].value).then(function() { alert(uclion.key_copied); }, function(err) { jQuery('#updraft-copy-modal').dialog('open'); }); } }); jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').on('click', '.updraftcentral_key_delete', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var key_id = jQuery(this).data('key_id'); if ('undefined' == typeof key_id) { console.log("UpdraftPlus: .updraftcentral_key_delete clicked, but no key ID found"); return; } jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').block({ message: '<div style="margin: 8px; font-size:150%;"><img src="'+uclion.central_url+'/images/udlogo-rotating.gif" height="80" width="80" style="padding-bottom:10px;"><br>'+uclion.deleting+'</div>'}); updraftcentral_send_command('delete_key', { key_id: key_id }, function(response) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').unblock(); if (response.hasOwnProperty('keys_table')) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys_content').html(response.keys_table); } }, { error_callback: function(response, status, error_code, resp) { jQuery('#updraftcentral_keys').unblock(); if (typeof resp !== 'undefined' && resp.hasOwnProperty('fatal_error')) { console.error(resp.fatal_error_message); alert(resp.fatal_error_message); } else { var error_message = "updraftcentral_send_command: error: "+status+" ("+error_code+")"; console.log(error_message); alert(error_message); console.log(response); } } }); }); });