trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: api-settings.php
<?php /** * @version 1.0 * @package General Settings API - Saving different options * @category Settings API * @author wpdevelop * * @web-site * @email * @modified 2016-02-24 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly // General Settings API - Saving different options class WPBM_Settings_API_General extends WPBM_Settings_API { /** Override Settings API Constructor * During creation, system try to load values from DB, if exist. * * @param type $id - of Settings */ public function __construct( $id = '' ){ $options = array( 'db_prefix_option' => '' // 'wpbm_' , 'db_saving_type' => 'separate' , 'id' => 'set_gen' ); $id = empty($id) ? $options['id'] : $id; parent::__construct( $id, $options ); // Define ID of Setting page and options add_action( 'wpbm_after_settings_content', array($this, 'enqueue_js'), 10, 3 ); } /** Init all fields rows for settings page */ public function init_settings_fields() { $this->fields = array(); $default_options_values = wpbm_get_default_options(); // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" G e n e r a l " > // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Miscellaneous " > // Dates Format //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FixIn: $this->fields['wpbm_is_hide_details'] = array( 'type' => 'checkbox' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_is_hide_details'] //'Off' , 'title' => __('Remove booking details in exported .ics feed' , 'booking-manager') , 'label' => __('Check this box to remove details (summary and description) from .ics feed during export process.' , 'booking-manager') , 'description' => '' , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' ); $this->fields['wpbm_start_day_weeek'] = array( 'type' => 'select' , 'default' => $default_options_values[ 'wpbm_start_day_weeek' ] // '2' // , 'value' => false , 'title' => __('Start Day of the week', 'booking-manager') , 'description' => __('Select your start day of the week' ,'booking-manager') , 'options' => array( '0' => __('Sunday' ,'booking-manager') , '1' => __('Monday' ,'booking-manager') , '2' => __('Tuesday' ,'booking-manager') , '3' => __('Wednesday' ,'booking-manager') , '4' => __('Thursday' ,'booking-manager') , '5' => __('Friday' ,'booking-manager') , '6' => __('Saturday' ,'booking-manager') ) , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' ); $this->fields['wpbm_date_format_html_prefix'] = array( 'type' => 'pure_html' , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'html' => '<tr valign="top" class="wpbm_tr_set_gen_wpbm_date_format"> <th scope="row">'. WPBM_Settings_API::label_static( 'set_gen_wpbm_date_format' , array( 'title'=> __('Date Format' , 'booking-manager'), 'label_css' => 'margin: 0.25em 0 !important;vertical-align: middle;' ) ) .'</th> <td><fieldset>' ); $field_options = array(); foreach ( array( __('F j, Y'), 'Y/m/d', 'm/d/Y', 'd/m/Y' ) as $format ) { $field_options[ esc_attr($format) ] = array( 'title' => date_i18n( $format ) ); } $field_options['custom'] = array( 'title' => __('Custom' , 'booking-manager') . ':', 'attr' => array( 'id' => 'date_format_selection_custom' ) ); $this->fields['wpbm_date_format_selection'] = array( 'type' => 'radio' , 'default' => get_option('date_format') , 'options' => $field_options , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'only_field' => true ); $wpbm_date_format = get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_date_format'); $this->fields['wpbm_date_format'] = array( 'type' => 'text' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_date_format'] //get_option('date_format') , 'value' => htmlentities( $wpbm_date_format ) // Display value of this field in specific way , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'placeholder' => get_option('date_format') , 'css' => 'width:10em;' , 'only_field' => true ); $this->fields['wpbm_date_format_html_sufix'] = array( 'type' => 'pure_html' , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'html' => ' <span class="description"><code>' . date_i18n( $wpbm_date_format ) . '</code></span>' . '<p class="description">' . sprintf(__('Type your date format for emails and the item table. %sDocumentation on date formatting%s' , 'booking-manager'),'<br/><a href="" target="_blank">','</a>') . ' </p> </fieldset> </td> </tr>' ); // Time Format // $this->fields = apply_filters( 'wpbm_settings_wpbm_time_format', $this->fields, $default_options_values ); // Time Format ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $this->fields['wpbm_time_format_html_prefix'] = array( 'type' => 'pure_html' , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'html' => '<tr valign="top" class="wpbc_tr_set_gen_wpbm_time_format"> <th scope="row">'. WPBM_Settings_API::label_static( 'set_gen_wpbm_time_format' , array( 'title'=> __('Time Format' ,'booking-manager'), 'label_css' => 'margin: 0.25em 0 !important;vertical-align: middle;' ) ) .'</th> <td><fieldset>' ); $field_options = array(); foreach ( array( 'g:i a', 'g:i A', 'H:i' ) as $format ) { $field_options[ esc_attr($format) ] = array( 'title' => date_i18n( $format ) ); } $field_options['custom'] = array( 'title' => __('Custom' ,'booking-manager') . ':', 'attr' => array( 'id' => 'time_format_selection_custom' ) ); $this->fields['wpbm_time_format_selection'] = array( 'type' => 'radio' , 'default' => 'H:i' , 'options' => $field_options , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'only_field' => true ); $wpbm_time_format = get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_time_format'); $this->fields['wpbm_time_format'] = array( 'type' => 'text' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_time_format'] //'H:i' , 'value' => htmlentities( $wpbm_time_format ) // Display value of this field in specific way , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'placeholder' => 'H:i' , 'css' => 'width:5em;' , 'only_field' => true ); $this->fields['wpbm_time_format_html_sufix'] = array( 'type' => 'pure_html' , 'group' => 'wpbm_listing' , 'html' => ' <span class="description"><code>' . date_i18n( $wpbm_time_format ) . '</code></span>' . '<p class="description">' . sprintf(__('Type your time format for emails and listing. %sDocumentation on time formatting%s' ,'booking-manager'),'<br/><a href="" target="_blank">','</a>') . ' </p> </fieldset> </td> </tr>' ); // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Advanced " > //Show | Hide links for Advanced JavaScript section $this->fields['wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings'] = array( 'type' => 'html' , 'html' => '<a id="wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_show" class="wpbm_expand_section_link" href="javascript:void(0)">+ ' . __('Show advanced settings of JavaScript loading' , 'booking-manager') . '</a>' . '<a id="wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_hide" class="wpbm_expand_section_link" href="javascript:void(0)" style="display:none;">- ' . __('Hide advanced settings of JavaScript loading' , 'booking-manager') . '</a>' , 'cols' => 2 , 'group' => 'advanced' ); /* $this->fields['wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_client'] = array( 'type' => 'checkbox' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_client'] //'Off' , 'title' => __('Disable Bootstrap loading on Front-End' , 'booking-manager') , 'label' => __(' If your theme or some other plugin is load the BootStrap JavaScripts, you can disable loading of this script by this plugin.' , 'booking-manager') , 'description' => '' , 'group' => 'advanced' , 'tr_class' => 'wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings wpbm_sub_settings_grayed hidden_items' ); */ $this->fields['wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_admin'] = array( 'type' => 'checkbox' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_admin'] //'Off' , 'title' => __('Disable Bootstrap loading on Back-End' , 'booking-manager') , 'label' => __(' If your theme or some other plugin is load the BootStrap JavaScripts, you can disable loading of this script by this plugin.' , 'booking-manager') , 'description' => '' , 'group' => 'advanced' , 'tr_class' => 'wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings wpbm_sub_settings_grayed hidden_items' ); /* $this->fields['hr_calendar_before_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages'] = array( 'type' => 'hr', 'group' => 'advanced', 'tr_class' => 'wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings wpbm_sub_settings_grayed hidden_items' ); $this->fields['wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages'] = array( 'type' => 'checkbox' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages'] //'Off' , 'title' => __('Load JS and CSS files only on specific pages' , 'booking-manager') , 'label' => __('Activate loading of CSS and JavaScript files of plugin only at specific pages.' , 'booking-manager') , 'description' => '' , 'group' => 'advanced' , 'tr_class' => 'wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings wpbm_sub_settings_grayed hidden_items' , 'is_demo_safe' => wpbm_is_this_demo() ); $this->fields['wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css'] = array( 'type' => 'textarea' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css'] //'' , 'placeholder' => '/wpbm-form/' , 'title' => __('Relative URLs of pages, where to load plugin CSS and JS files' , 'booking-manager') , 'description' => sprintf(__('Enter relative URLs of pages, where you have Booking Manager elements (item forms or availability calendars). Please enter one URL per line. Example: %s' , 'booking-manager'),'<code>/wpbm-form/</code>') ,'description_tag' => 'p' , 'css' => 'width:100%' , 'rows' => 5 , 'group' => 'advanced' , 'tr_class' => 'wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages wpbm_sub_settings_grayed hidden_items' , 'is_demo_safe' => wpbm_is_this_demo() ); */ if ( wpbm_is_this_demo() ) $this->fields['wpbm_pages_for_load_js_css_demo'] = array( 'group' => 'advanced', 'type' => 'html', 'html' => wpbm_get_warning_text_in_demo_mode(), 'cols' => 2 , 'tr_class' => 'wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings wpbm_sub_settings_grayed hidden_items' ); /* // Show settings of powered by notice $this->fields['wpbm_advanced_powered_by_notice_settings'] = array( 'type' => 'html' , 'html' => '<a id="wpbm_powered_by_link_show" class="wpbm_expand_section_link" href="javascript:void(0)">+ ' . __('Show settings of powered by notice' , 'booking-manager') . '</a>' . '<a id="wpbm_powered_by_link_hide" class="wpbm_expand_section_link" href="javascript:void(0)" style="display:none;">- ' . __('Hide settings of powered by notice' , 'booking-manager') . '</a>' , 'cols' => 2 , 'group' => 'advanced' ); $this->fields['wpbm_wpbm_copyright_adminpanel'] = array( 'type' => 'checkbox' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_wpbm_copyright_adminpanel'] //'On' , 'title' => __('Help and info notices' , 'booking-manager') , 'label' => sprintf(__(' Turn On/Off version notice and help link to rate plugin at admin panel.' , 'booking-manager'),'') , 'description' => '' , 'group' => 'advanced' , 'tr_class' => 'wpbm_is_show_powered_by_notice wpbm_sub_settings_grayed hidden_items' ); */ if ( ( ! wpbm_is_this_demo() ) && ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) ) { $this->fields['help_plugin_system_info'] = array( 'type' => 'help' , 'value' => array() //FixIn: , 'class' => '' , 'css' => 'margin:0;padding:0;border:0;' , 'description' => '' , 'cols' => 2 , 'group' => 'advanced' , 'tr_class' => '' , 'description_tag' => 'p' ); $this->fields['help_plugin_system_info']['value'][] = '<div class="clear"></div><hr/><center><a class="button button" href="' . wpbm_get_settings_url() . '&system_info=show#wpbm_general_settings_system_info_metabox">' . __('Plugin System Info' , 'booking-manager') . '</a></center>'; } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Information " > if ( function_exists( 'wpbm_get_dashboard_info' ) ) { $this->fields['wpbm_information'] = array( 'type' => 'html' , 'html' => wpbm_get_dashboard_info() , 'cols' => 2 , 'group' => 'information' ); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" User permissions for plugin menu pages " > $this->fields['wpbm_menu_position'] = array( 'type' => 'select' , 'default' => 'top' , 'title' => __('Plugin menu position', 'booking-manager') , 'description' => '' , 'options' => array( 'top' => __('Top', 'booking-manager') , 'middle' => __('Middle', 'booking-manager') , 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'booking-manager') ) , 'group' => 'permissions' , 'is_demo_safe' => wpbm_is_this_demo() ); // $this->fields['wpbm_user_role_wpbm_header'] = array( // 'type' => 'pure_html' // , 'group' => 'permissions' // , 'html' => '<tr valign="top"> // <th scope="row" colspan="2"> // <hr/><p><strong>' . wp_kses_post( __('User permissions for plugin menu pages' , 'booking-manager') ) . ':</strong></p> // </th> // </tr' // ); $field_options = array(); $field_options['subscriber'] = translate_user_role('Subscriber'); $field_options['contributor'] = translate_user_role('Contributor'); $field_options['author'] = translate_user_role('Author'); $field_options['editor'] = translate_user_role('Editor'); $field_options['administrator'] = translate_user_role('Administrator'); $this->fields['wpbm_user_role_master'] = array( 'type' => 'select' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_user_role_master'] //'editor' , 'title' => __('Permission for plugin menu', 'booking-manager') , 'description' => '' , 'options' => $field_options , 'group' => 'permissions' , 'is_demo_safe' => wpbm_is_this_demo() ); // $this->fields['wpbm_user_role_settings'] = array( // 'type' => 'select' // , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_user_role_settings'] //'administrator' // , 'title' => __('Settings', 'booking-manager') // , 'description' => __('Select user access level for the menu pages of plugin' , 'booking-manager') // , 'description_tag' => 'p' // , 'options' => $field_options // , 'group' => 'permissions' // , 'is_demo_safe' => wpbm_is_this_demo() // ); if ( wpbm_is_this_demo() ) $this->fields['wpbm_user_role_settings_demo'] = array( 'group' => 'permissions', 'type' => 'html', 'html' => wpbm_get_warning_text_in_demo_mode(), 'cols' => 2 ); // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Uninstall " > $this->fields['wpbm_is_delete_if_deactive'] = array( 'type' => 'checkbox' , 'default' => $default_options_values['wpbm_is_delete_if_deactive'] //'Off' , 'title' => __('Delete plugin settings, when plugin deactivated' , 'booking-manager') , 'label' => __('Check this box to delete plugin settings options, when you uninstall this plugin.' , 'booking-manager') , 'description' => '' , 'group' => 'uninstall' ); // </editor-fold> //debuge($this->fields);die; } /** Add Custon JavaScript - for some specific settings options * Need to executes after showing of entire settings page (on hook: wpbm_after_settings_content). * After initial definition of settings, and possible definition after POST request. * * @param type $menu_slug * */ public function enqueue_js( $menu_slug, $active_page_tab, $active_page_subtab ) { $js_script = ''; // Hide Legend items $js_script .= " if ( ! jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_show_legend').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_legend_items').addClass('hidden_items'); } "; // Hide or Show Legend items on click checkbox $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_show_legend').on( 'change', function(){ if ( this.checked ) { jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_legend_items').removeClass('hidden_items'); } else { jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_legend_items').addClass('hidden_items'); } } ); "; // Thank you Message or Page $js_script .= " if ( jQuery('#type_of_thank_you_message_message').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_thank_you_page').addClass('hidden_items'); } if ( jQuery('#type_of_thank_you_message_page').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_thank_you_message').addClass('hidden_items'); } "; $js_script .= " jQuery('input[name=\"set_gen_wpbm_type_of_thank_you_message\"]').on( 'change', function(){ if ( jQuery('#type_of_thank_you_message_message').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_thank_you_message').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_thank_you_page').addClass('hidden_items'); } else { jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_thank_you_message').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('.wpbm_calendar_thank_you_page').removeClass('hidden_items'); } } ); "; // Default calendar view mode (Item Listing) - set active / inctive options depend from resource selection. $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num').on( 'focus', function(){ if ( jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_default_wpbm_resource').length > 0 ) { jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_default_wpbm_resource').bind('change', function() { jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(2)').prop('selected', true); }); if ( jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_default_wpbm_resource').val() == '' ) { jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(0)').prop('disabled', false); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(1)').prop('disabled', false); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(2)').prop('disabled', false); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(3)').prop('disabled', false); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(4)').prop('disabled', true); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(5)').prop('disabled', true); } else { jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(0)').prop('disabled', true); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(1)').prop('disabled', true); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(2)').prop('disabled', false); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(3)').prop('disabled', true); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(4)').prop('disabled', false); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_view_days_num option:eq(5)').prop('disabled', false); } } } ); "; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set correct value for dates format, depend from selection of radio buttons $wpbm_date_format = get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_date_format'); // On initial Load set correct text value and correct radio button $js_script .= " // Select by default Custom value, later check all other predefined values jQuery( '#date_format_selection_custom' ).prop('checked', true); jQuery('input[name=\"set_gen_wpbm_date_format_selection\"]').each(function() { var radio_button_value = jQuery( this ).val() var encodedStr = radio_button_value.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) { return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';'; }); if ( encodedStr == '". $wpbm_date_format ."' ) { jQuery( this ).prop('checked', true); } }); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_date_format').val('". $wpbm_date_format ."'); "; // On click Radio button "Date Format", - set value in custom Text field $js_script .= " jQuery('input[name=\"set_gen_wpbm_date_format_selection\"]').on( 'change', function(){ if ( ( this.checked ) && ( jQuery(this).val() != 'custom' ) ){ jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_date_format').val( jQuery(this).val().replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) { return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';'; }) ); } } ); "; // If we edit custom "Date Format" Text field - select Custom Radio button. $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_date_format').on( 'change', function(){ jQuery( '#date_format_selection_custom' ).prop('checked', true); } ); "; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set correct value for Time Format, depend from selection of radio buttons $wpbm_time_format = get_wpbm_option( 'wpbm_time_format'); // Function to load on initial stage of page loading, set correct value of text and select correct radio button. $js_script .= " // Select by default Custom value, later check all other predefined values jQuery( '#time_format_selection_custom' ).prop('checked', true); jQuery('input[name=\"set_gen_wpbm_time_format_selection\"]').each(function() { var radio_button_value = jQuery( this ).val() var encodedStr = radio_button_value.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) { return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';'; }); if ( encodedStr == '". $wpbm_time_format ."' ) { jQuery( this ).prop('checked', true); } }); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_time_format').val('". $wpbm_time_format ."'); "; // On click Radio button "Time Format", - set value in custom Text field $js_script .= " jQuery('input[name=\"set_gen_wpbm_time_format_selection\"]').on( 'change', function(){ if ( ( this.checked ) && ( jQuery(this).val() != 'custom' ) ){ jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_time_format').val( jQuery(this).val().replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) { return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';'; }) ); } } ); "; // If we edit custom "Time Format" Text field - select Custom Radio button. $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_time_format').on( 'change', function(){ jQuery( '#time_format_selection_custom' ).prop('checked', true); } ); "; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Advanced section //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Click on "Allow unlimited items per same day(s)" $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_days_always_available').on( 'change', function(){ if ( this.checked ) { var answer = confirm('" . esc_js( __( 'Warning', 'booking-manager') ) . '! ' . esc_js( __( 'You allow unlimited number of items per same dates, its can be a reason of double items on the same date. Do you really want to do this?', 'booking-manager') ) . "' ); if ( answer) { this.checked = true; jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_check_on_server_if_dates_free').prop('checked', false ); jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_show_pending_days_as_available').prop('checked', false ); jQuery('.wpbm_pending_days_as_available_sub_settings').addClass('hidden_items'); } else { this.checked = false; } } } ); "; // Click on "Checking to prevent double item, during submitting item" $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_check_on_server_if_dates_free').on( 'change', function(){ if ( this.checked ) { var answer = confirm('" . esc_js( __( 'Warning', 'booking-manager') ) . '! ' . esc_js( __( 'This feature can impact to speed of submitting item. Do you really want to do this?', 'booking-manager') ) . "' ); if ( answer) { this.checked = true; jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_days_always_available').prop('checked', false ); } else { this.checked = false; } } } ); "; // Click on Show Advanced JavaScript section link $js_script .= " jQuery('#wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_show').on( 'click', function(){ jQuery('#wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_show').toggle(200); jQuery('#wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_hide').animate( {opacity: 1}, 200 ).toggle(200); jQuery('.wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings').removeClass('hidden_items'); if ( ! jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('.wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages').addClass('hidden_items'); } } ); "; $js_script .= " jQuery('#wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_hide').on( 'click', function(){ jQuery('#wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_hide').toggle(200); jQuery('#wpbm_show_advanced_section_link_show').animate( {opacity: 1}, 200 ).toggle(200); jQuery('.wpbm_advanced_js_loading_settings').addClass('hidden_items'); } ); "; // Click on "is_not_load_bs_script_in_client" $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_client, #set_gen_wpbm_is_not_load_bs_script_in_admin').on( 'change', function(){ if ( this.checked ) { var answer = confirm('" . esc_js( __( 'Warning', 'booking-manager') ) . '! ' . esc_js( __( 'You are need to be sure what you are doing. You are disable of loading some JavaScripts Do you really want to do this?', 'booking-manager') ) . "' ); if ( answer) { this.checked = true; } else { this.checked = false; } } } ); "; $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages').on( 'change', function(){ if ( this.checked ) { var answer = confirm('" . esc_js( __( 'Warning', 'booking-manager') ) . '! ' . esc_js( __( 'You are need to be sure what you are doing. You are disable of loading some JavaScripts Do you really want to do this?', 'booking-manager') ) . "' ); if ( answer) { this.checked = true; jQuery('.wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages').removeClass('hidden_items'); } else { this.checked = false; } } else { jQuery('.wpbm_is_load_js_css_on_specific_pages').addClass('hidden_items'); } } ); "; // Click on Powered by links $js_script .= " jQuery('#wpbm_powered_by_link_show').on( 'click', function(){ jQuery('#wpbm_powered_by_link_show').toggle(200); jQuery('#wpbm_powered_by_link_hide').animate( {opacity: 1}, 200 ).toggle(200); jQuery('.wpbm_is_show_powered_by_notice').removeClass('hidden_items'); } ); "; $js_script .= " jQuery('#wpbm_powered_by_link_hide').on( 'click', function(){ jQuery('#wpbm_powered_by_link_hide').toggle(200); jQuery('#wpbm_powered_by_link_show').animate( {opacity: 1}, 200 ).toggle(200); jQuery('.wpbm_is_show_powered_by_notice').addClass('hidden_items'); } ); "; // Show confirmation window, if user activate this checkbox $js_script .= " jQuery('#set_gen_wpbm_is_delete_if_deactive').on( 'change', function(){ if ( this.checked ) { var answer = confirm('" . esc_js( __( 'Warning', 'booking-manager') ) . '! ' . esc_js( __( 'If you check this option, all data will be deleted when you uninstall this plugin. Do you really want to do this?', 'booking-manager') ) . "' ); if ( answer) { this.checked = true; } else { this.checked = false; } } } ); "; // Eneque JS to the footer of the page wpbm_enqueue_js( $js_script ); } } /** Override VALIDATED fields BEFORE saving to DB * Description: * Check "Thank you page" URL * * @param array $validated_fields */ function wpbm_settings_validate_fields_before_saving__all( $validated_fields ) { // $validated_fields['wpbm_url_wrong_hash'] = wpbm_make_link_relative( $validated_fields['wpbm_url_wrong_hash'] ); // $validated_fields['wpbm_url_download_expired'] = wpbm_make_link_relative( $validated_fields['wpbm_url_download_expired'] ); // $validated_fields['wpbm_url_ip_not_valied'] = wpbm_make_link_relative( $validated_fields['wpbm_url_ip_not_valied'] ); // $validated_fields['wpbm_url_file_not_exist'] = wpbm_make_link_relative( $validated_fields['wpbm_url_file_not_exist'] ); // $validated_fields['wpbm_url_error_opening_file'] = wpbm_make_link_relative( $validated_fields['wpbm_url_error_opening_file'] ); unset( $validated_fields[ 'wpbm_date_format_selection' ] ); // We do not need to this field, because saving to DB only: "date_format" field unset( $validated_fields[ 'wpbm_time_format_selection' ] ); // We do not need to this field, because saving to DB only: "time_format" field return $validated_fields; } add_filter( 'wpbm_settings_validate_fields_before_saving', 'wpbm_settings_validate_fields_before_saving__all', 10, 1 ); // Hook for validated fields.