trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: wpbc_shortcode_popup.js
/** * Shortcode Config - Main Loop */ function wpbc_set_shortcode(){ var wpbc_shortcode = '['; var shortcode_id = jQuery( '#wpbc_shortcode_type' ).val().trim(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [booking] | [bookingcalendar] | ... // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ( 'booking' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'bookingcalendar' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'bookingselect' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'bookingtimeline' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'bookingform' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'bookingsearch' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'bookingother' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'booking_import_ics' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'booking_listing_ics' === shortcode_id ) ){ wpbc_shortcode += shortcode_id; var wpbc_options_arr = []; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [bookingselect] | [bookingtimeline] - Options relative only to this shortcode. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ( 'bookingselect' === shortcode_id ) || ( 'bookingtimeline' === shortcode_id ) ){ // [bookingselect type='1,2,3'] - Multiple Resources if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_multiple_resources' ).length > 0 ){ var multiple_resources = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_multiple_resources' ).val(); if ( (multiple_resources != null) && (multiple_resources.length > 0) ){ // Remove empty spaces from array : '' | "" | 0 multiple_resources = multiple_resources.filter(function(n){return parseInt(n); }); multiple_resources = multiple_resources.join( ',' ).trim(); if ( multiple_resources != 0 ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' type=\'' + multiple_resources + '\''; } } } // [bookingselect selected_type=1] - Selected Resource if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_selected_resource' ).length > 0 ){ if ( ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_selected_resource' ).val() !== null ) //FixIn: && ( parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_selected_resource' ).val() ) > 0 ) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' selected_type=' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_selected_resource' ).val().trim(); } } // [bookingselect label='Tada'] - Label if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_text_label' ).length > 0 ){ if ( '' !== jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_text_label' ).val().trim() ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' label=\'' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_text_label' ).val().trim().replace( /'/gi, '' ) + '\''; } } // [bookingselect first_option_title='Tada'] - First Option if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_first_option_title' ).length > 0 ){ if ( '' !== jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_first_option_title' ).val().trim() ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' first_option_title=\'' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_first_option_title' ).val().trim().replace( /'/gi, '' ) + '\''; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [bookingtimeline] - Options relative only to this shortcode. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( 'bookingtimeline' === shortcode_id ){ // Visually update var wpbc_is_matrix__view_days_num_temp = wpbc_shortcode_config__update_elements_in_timeline(); var wpbc_is_matrix = wpbc_is_matrix__view_days_num_temp[ 0 ]; var view_days_num_temp = wpbc_is_matrix__view_days_num_temp[ 1 ]; // : view_days_num if ( view_days_num_temp != 30 ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' view_days_num=' + view_days_num_temp; } // : header_title if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_text_label_timeline' ).length > 0 ){ var header_title_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_text_label_timeline' ).val().trim(); header_title_temp = header_title_temp.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( header_title_temp != '' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' header_title=\'' + header_title_temp + '\''; } } // : scroll_month if ( ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_month' ).is( ':visible' )) && ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_month' ).length > 0) && (parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_month' ).val().trim() ) !== 0) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' scroll_month=' + parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_month' ).val().trim() ); } // : scroll_day if ( ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_days' ).is( ':visible' )) && ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_days' ).length > 0) && (parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_days' ).val().trim() ) !== 0) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' scroll_day=' + parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_days' ).val().trim() ); } // :limit_hours //FixIn: jQuery( '.bookingtimeline_view_times' ).hide(); if ( ( ( wpbc_is_matrix ) && ( view_days_num_temp == 1 ) ) || ( ( ! wpbc_is_matrix ) && ( view_days_num_temp == 30 ) ) ) { jQuery( '.bookingtimeline_view_times' ).show(); var view_times_start_temp = parseInt( jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_start_end_time_timeline_starttime' ).val().trim() ); var view_times_end_temp = parseInt( jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_start_end_time_timeline_endtime' ).val().trim() ); if ( (view_times_start_temp != 0) || (view_times_end_temp != 24) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' limit_hours=\'' + view_times_start_temp + ',' + view_times_end_temp + '\''; } } // :scroll_start_date if ( ( jQuery('#bookingtimeline_wpbc_start_date_timeline_active').is(':checked') ) && ( jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_start_date_timeline_active' ).length > 0 ) ) { wpbc_shortcode += ' scroll_start_date=\'' + jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_start_date_timeline_year' ).val().trim() + '-' + jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_start_date_timeline_month' ).val().trim() + '-' + jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_start_date_timeline_day' ).val().trim() + '\''; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [bookingform ] - Form Only - [bookingform type=1 selected_dates='01.03.2024'] // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( 'bookingform' === shortcode_id ){ var wpbc_selected_day = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_booking_date_day' ).val().trim(); if ( parseInt(wpbc_selected_day) < 10 ){ wpbc_selected_day = '0' + wpbc_selected_day; } var wpbc_selected_month = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_booking_date_month' ).val().trim(); if ( parseInt(wpbc_selected_month) < 10 ){ wpbc_selected_month = '0' + wpbc_selected_month; } wpbc_shortcode += ' selected_dates=\'' + wpbc_selected_day + '.' + wpbc_selected_month + '.' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_booking_date_year' ).val().trim() + '\''; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [bookingsearch ] - Options relative only to this shortcode. [bookingsearch searchresultstitle='{searchresults} Result(s) Found' noresultstitle='Nothing Found'] // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( 'bookingsearch' === shortcode_id ){ // Check if we selected 'bookingsearch' | 'bookingsearchresults' var wpbc_search_form_results = 'bookingsearch'; if ( jQuery( "input[name='bookingsearch_wpbc_search_form_results']:checked" ).length > 0 ){ wpbc_search_form_results = jQuery( "input[name='bookingsearch_wpbc_search_form_results']:checked" ).val().trim(); } // Show | Hide form fields for 'bookingsearch' depends from radio bution selection if ( 'bookingsearchresults' === wpbc_search_form_results ){ wpbc_shortcode = '[bookingsearchresults'; jQuery( '.wpbc_search_availability_form' ).hide(); } else { jQuery( '.wpbc_search_availability_form' ).show(); // New page for search results if ( (jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_new_page_enabled' ).length > 0) && (jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_new_page_enabled' ).is( ':checked' )) ){ // Show jQuery( '.' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_new_page_wpbc_sc_searchresults_new_page' ).show(); // : Search Results URL if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_new_page_url' ).length > 0 ){ var search_results_url_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_new_page_url' ).val().trim(); search_results_url_temp = search_results_url_temp.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( search_results_url_temp != '' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' searchresults=\'' + search_results_url_temp + '\''; } } } else { // Hide jQuery( '.' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_new_page_wpbc_sc_searchresults_new_page' ).hide(); } /* //FixIn: // : Search Header if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_header' ).length > 0 ){ var search_header_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_header' ).val().trim(); search_header_temp = search_header_temp.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( search_header_temp != '' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' searchresultstitle=\'' + search_header_temp + '\''; } } // : Nothing Found if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_nothing_found' ).length > 0 ){ var nothingfound_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_nothing_found' ).val().trim(); nothingfound_temp = nothingfound_temp.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( nothingfound_temp != '' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' noresultstitle=\'' + nothingfound_temp + '\''; } } */ // : Users // [bookingsearch searchresultstitle='{searchresults} Result(s) Found' noresultstitle='Nothing Found' users='3,4543,'] if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_for_users' ).length > 0 ){ var only_for_users_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_search_for_users' ).val().trim(); only_for_users_temp = only_for_users_temp.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( only_for_users_temp != '' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' users=\'' + only_for_users_temp + '\''; } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [bookingedit] , [bookingcustomerlisting] , [bookingresource type=6 show='capacity'] , [booking_confirm] // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( 'bookingother' === shortcode_id ){ //TRICK: shortcode_id = 'no'; //required for not update booking resource ID // Check if we selected 'bookingsearch' | 'bookingsearchresults' var bookingother_shortcode_type = 'bookingsearch'; if ( jQuery( "input[name='bookingother_wpbc_shortcode_type']:checked" ).length > 0 ){ bookingother_shortcode_type = jQuery( "input[name='bookingother_wpbc_shortcode_type']:checked" ).val().trim(); } // Show | Hide sections if ( 'booking_confirm' === bookingother_shortcode_type ){ wpbc_shortcode = '[booking_confirm'; jQuery( '.bookingother_section_additional' ).hide(); jQuery( '.bookingother_section_' + bookingother_shortcode_type ).show(); } if ( 'bookingedit' === bookingother_shortcode_type ){ wpbc_shortcode = '[bookingedit'; jQuery( '.bookingother_section_additional' ).hide(); jQuery( '.bookingother_section_' + bookingother_shortcode_type ).show(); } if ( 'bookingcustomerlisting' === bookingother_shortcode_type ){ wpbc_shortcode = '[bookingcustomerlisting'; jQuery( '.bookingother_section_additional' ).hide(); jQuery( '.bookingother_section_' + bookingother_shortcode_type ).show(); } if ( 'bookingresource' === bookingother_shortcode_type ){ //TRICK: shortcode_id = 'bookingother'; //required to force update booking resource ID wpbc_shortcode = '[bookingresource'; jQuery( '.bookingother_section_additional' ).hide(); jQuery( '.bookingother_section_' + bookingother_shortcode_type ).show(); if ( jQuery( '#bookingother_wpbc_resource_show' ).val().trim() != 'title' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' show=\'' + jQuery( '#bookingother_wpbc_resource_show' ).val().trim() + '\''; } } } // [booking-manager-import ...] || [booking-manager-listing ...] if ( ('booking_import_ics' === shortcode_id) || ('booking_listing_ics' === shortcode_id) ){ wpbc_shortcode = '[booking-manager-import'; if ( 'booking_listing_ics' === shortcode_id ){ wpbc_shortcode = '[booking-manager-listing'; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // : .ics feed URL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var shortcode_url_temp = '' if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_url' ).length > 0 ){ shortcode_url_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_url' ).val().trim(); shortcode_url_temp = shortcode_url_temp.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( shortcode_url_temp != '' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' url=\'' + shortcode_url_temp + '\''; } } if ( shortcode_url_temp == '' ){ // Error: wpbc_shortcode = '[ URL is required ' } else { // VALID: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // [... from='' 'from_offset='' ...] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_from' ).length > 0 ){ var p_from = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_from' ).val().trim(); var p_from_offset = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_from_offset' ).val().trim(); p_from = p_from.replace( /'/gi, '' ); p_from_offset = p_from_offset.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( ('' != p_from) && ('date' != p_from) ){ // Offset wpbc_shortcode += ' from=\'' + p_from + '\''; if ( ('any' != p_from) && ('' != p_from_offset) ){ p_from_offset = parseInt( p_from_offset ); if ( !isNaN( p_from_offset ) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' from_offset=\'' + p_from_offset + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_from_offset_type' ).val().trim().charAt( 0 ) + '\''; } } } else if ( (p_from == 'date') && (p_from_offset != '') ){ // If selected Date wpbc_shortcode += ' from=\'' + p_from_offset + '\''; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // [... until='' 'until_offset='' ...] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_until' ).length > 0 ){ var p_until = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_until' ).val().trim(); var p_until_offset = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_until_offset' ).val().trim(); p_until = p_until.replace( /'/gi, '' ); p_until_offset = p_until_offset.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( ('' != p_until) && ('date' != p_until) ){ // Offset wpbc_shortcode += ' until=\'' + p_until + '\''; if ( ('any' != p_until) && ('' != p_until_offset) ){ p_until_offset = parseInt( p_until_offset ); if ( !isNaN( p_until_offset ) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' until_offset=\'' + p_until_offset + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_until_offset_type' ).val().trim().charAt( 0 ) + '\''; } } } else if ( (p_until == 'date') && (p_until_offset != '') ){ // If selected Date wpbc_shortcode += ' until=\'' + p_until_offset + '\''; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Max //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_conditions_max_num' ).length > 0 ){ var p_max = parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_conditions_max_num' ).val().trim() ); if ( p_max != 0 ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' max=' + p_max; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Silence //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_silence' ).length > 0 ){ if ( '1' === jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_silence' ).val().trim() ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' silence=1'; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // is_all_dates_in //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_conditions_events' ).length > 0 ){ var p_is_all_dates_in = parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_conditions_events' ).val().trim() ); if ( p_is_all_dates_in != 0 ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' is_all_dates_in=' + p_is_all_dates_in; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // import_conditions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_conditions_import' ).length > 0 ){ var p_import_conditions = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_conditions_import' ).val().trim(); p_import_conditions = p_import_conditions.replace( /'/gi, '' ); if ( p_import_conditions != '' ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' import_conditions=\'' + p_import_conditions + '\''; } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [booking] , [bookingcalendar] , ... parameters for these shortcodes and others... // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_resource_id' ).length > 0 ) { if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_resource_id' ).val() === null ) { //FixIn: jQuery( '#wpbc_text_put_in_shortcode' ).val( '---' ); return; } else { wpbc_shortcode += ' resource_id=' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_resource_id' ).val().trim(); } } if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_custom_form' ).length > 0 ) { var form_type_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_custom_form' ).val().trim(); if ( form_type_temp != 'standard' ) wpbc_shortcode += ' form_type=\'' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_custom_form' ).val().trim() + '\''; } if ( ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_nummonths' ).length > 0 ) && ( parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_nummonths' ).val().trim() ) > 1 ) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' nummonths=' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_nummonths' ).val().trim(); } if ( ( jQuery('#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_startmonth_active').length > 0 ) && ( jQuery('#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_startmonth_active').is(':checked') ) ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' startmonth=\'' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_startmonth_year' ).val().trim() + '-' + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_startmonth_month' ).val().trim() + '\''; } if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_aggregate' ).length > 0 ) { var wpbc_aggregate_temp = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_aggregate' ).val(); if ( ( wpbc_aggregate_temp != null ) && ( wpbc_aggregate_temp.length > 0 ) ){ wpbc_aggregate_temp = wpbc_aggregate_temp.join(';') if ( wpbc_aggregate_temp != 0 ){ // Check about 0=>'None' wpbc_shortcode += ' aggregate=\'' + wpbc_aggregate_temp + '\''; if ( jQuery('#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_aggregate__bookings_only').is(':checked') ){ wpbc_options_arr.push( '{aggregate type=bookings_only}' ); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Option Param // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Options : Size var wpbc_options_size = ''; if ( ( jQuery('#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_size_enabled').length > 0 ) && ( jQuery('#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_size_enabled').is(':checked') ) ){ // options='{calendar months_num_in_row=2 width=100% cell_height=40px}' wpbc_options_size += '{calendar' ; wpbc_options_size += ' ' + 'months_num_in_row=' + Math.min( parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_size_months_num_in_row' ).val().trim() ), parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_nummonths' ).val().trim() ) ); wpbc_options_size += ' ' + 'width=' + parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_size_calendar_width' ).val().trim() ) + jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_size_calendar_width_px_pr' ).val().trim() ; wpbc_options_size += ' ' + 'cell_height=' + parseInt( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_size_calendar_cell_height' ).val().trim() ) + 'px'; wpbc_options_size += '}'; wpbc_options_arr.push( wpbc_options_size ); } // Options: Days number depend on Weekday if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_select_day_weekday_textarea' ).length > 0 ) { wpbc_options_size = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_select_day_weekday_textarea' ).val().trim(); if ( wpbc_options_size.length > 0 ){ wpbc_options_arr.push( wpbc_options_size ); } } // Options: Days number depend on SEASON if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_select_day_season_textarea' ).length > 0 ) { wpbc_options_size = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_select_day_season_textarea' ).val().trim(); if ( wpbc_options_size.length > 0 ){ wpbc_options_arr.push( wpbc_options_size ); } } // Options: Start weekday depend on SEASON if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_start_day_season_textarea' ).length > 0 ) { wpbc_options_size = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_start_day_season_textarea' ).val().trim(); if ( wpbc_options_size.length > 0 ){ wpbc_options_arr.push( wpbc_options_size ); } } // Option: Days number depend on from DATE if ( jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_select_day_fordate_textarea' ).length > 0 ) { wpbc_options_size = jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + 'wpbc_select_day_fordate_textarea' ).val().trim(); if ( wpbc_options_size.length > 0 ){ wpbc_options_arr.push( wpbc_options_size ); } } if ( wpbc_options_arr.length > 0 ){ wpbc_shortcode += ' options=\'' + wpbc_options_arr.join( ',' ) + '\''; } } wpbc_shortcode += ']'; jQuery( '#wpbc_text_put_in_shortcode' ).val( wpbc_shortcode ); } /** * Open TinyMCE Modal */ function wpbc_tiny_btn_click( tag ) { //FixIn: jQuery('#wpbc_tiny_modal').wpbc_my_modal({ keyboard: false , backdrop: true , show: true }); //FixIn: jQuery( "#wpbc_text_gettenberg_section_id" ).val( '' ); } /** * Open TinyMCE Modal */ function wpbc_tiny_close() { jQuery('#wpbc_tiny_modal').wpbc_my_modal('hide'); //FixIn: } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Send Text */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Send text to editor */ function wpbc_send_text_to_editor( h ) { // FixIn: if ( typeof( wpbc_send_text_to_gutenberg ) == 'function' ){ var is_send = wpbc_send_text_to_gutenberg( h ); if ( true === is_send ){ return; } } var ed, mce = typeof(tinymce) != 'undefined', qt = typeof(QTags) != 'undefined'; if ( !wpActiveEditor ) { if ( mce && tinymce.activeEditor ) { ed = tinymce.activeEditor; wpActiveEditor =; } else if ( !qt ) { return false; } } else if ( mce ) { if ( tinymce.activeEditor && ( == 'mce_fullscreen' || == 'wp_mce_fullscreen') ) ed = tinymce.activeEditor; else ed = tinymce.get(wpActiveEditor); } if ( ed && !ed.isHidden() ) { // restore caret position on IE if ( tinymce.isIE && ed.windowManager.insertimagebookmark ) ed.selection.moveToBookmark(ed.windowManager.insertimagebookmark); if ( h.indexOf('[caption') !== -1 ) { if ( ed.wpSetImgCaption ) h = ed.wpSetImgCaption(h); } else if ( h.indexOf('[gallery') !== -1 ) { if ( ed.plugins.wpgallery ) h = ed.plugins.wpgallery._do_gallery(h); } else if ( h.indexOf('[embed') === 0 ) { if ( ed.plugins.wordpress ) h = ed.plugins.wordpress._setEmbed(h); } ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, h); } else if ( qt ) { QTags.insertContent(h); } else { document.getElementById(wpActiveEditor).value += h; } try{tb_remove();}catch(e){}; } /** * RESOURCES PAGE: Open TinyMCE Modal */ function wpbc_resource_page_btn_click( resource_id , shortcode_default_value = '') { //FixIn: jQuery('#wpbc_tiny_modal').wpbc_my_modal({ keyboard: false , backdrop: true , show: true }); // Disable some options - selection of booking resource - because we configure it only for specific booking resource, where we clicked. var shortcode_arr = ['booking', 'bookingcalendar', 'bookingform']; for ( var shortcde_key in shortcode_arr ){ var shortcode_id = shortcode_arr[ shortcde_key ]; jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_resource_id' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + "_wpbc_resource_id option[value='" + resource_id + "']" ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_id + '_wpbc_resource_id' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); } // Hide left navigation items // jQuery( ".wpbc_shortcode_config_navigation_column .wpbc_settings_navigation_item" ).hide(); jQuery( "#wpbc_shortcode_config__nav_tab__booking" ).show(); jQuery( "#wpbc_shortcode_config__nav_tab__bookingcalendar" ).show(); // Hide | Show Insert button for booking resource page jQuery( ".wpbc_tiny_button__insert_to_editor" ).hide(); jQuery( ".wpbc_tiny_button__insert_to_resource" ).show(); } /** * Get Shortcode Value from shortcode text field in PopUp shortcode Config dialog and insert into DIV and INPUT TEXT field near specific booking resource. * But it takes ID of booking resource, where to insert this shortcode only from 'booking' section of Config Dialog. usually such booking resource disabled there! * e.g.: jQuery( "#booking_wpbc_resource_id" ).val() * * @param shortcode_val */ function wpbc_send_text_to_resource( shortcode_val ){ //FixIn: var resource_id = 1; if ( jQuery( "#booking_wpbc_resource_id" ).length ){ resource_id = jQuery( "#booking_wpbc_resource_id" ).val(); } jQuery( '#div_booking_resource_shortcode_' + resource_id ).html( shortcode_val ); jQuery( '#booking_resource_shortcode_' + resource_id ).val( shortcode_val ); jQuery( '#booking_resource_shortcode_' + resource_id ).trigger('change'); // Scroll if ( 'function' === typeof (wpbc_scroll_to) ){ wpbc_scroll_to( '#div_booking_resource_shortcode_' + jQuery( "#booking_wpbc_resource_id" ).val() ); } } /* R E S E T */ function wpbc_shortcode_config__reset(shortcode_val){ jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_startmonth_active' ).prop( 'checked', false ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_aggregate option:selected').prop( 'selected', false); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_aggregate option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_aggregate__bookings_only' ).prop( 'checked', false ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_custom_form option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_nummonths option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_size_enabled' ).prop( 'checked', false ).trigger('change'); wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_weekday__reset( shortcode_val + 'wpbc_select_day_weekday' ); wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_season__reset( shortcode_val + 'wpbc_select_day_season' ); wpbc_shortcode_config__start_day_season__reset( shortcode_val + 'wpbc_start_day_season' ); wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_fordate__reset( shortcode_val + 'wpbc_select_day_fordate' ); // Reset for [bookingselect] shortcode params jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_multiple_resources option:selected').prop( 'selected', false); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_multiple_resources option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_selected_resource option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_text_label' ).val( '' ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_first_option_title' ).val( '' ).trigger('change'); // Reset for [bookingtimeline] shortcode params jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_text_label_timeline' ).val( '' ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_month option[value="0"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_scroll_timeline_scroll_days option[value="0"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_start_date_timeline_active' ).prop( 'checked', false ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_start_end_time_timeline_starttime option[value="0"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_start_end_time_timeline_endtime option[value="24"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger('change'); jQuery( 'input[name="' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row"][value="30"]' ).prop( 'checked', true ).trigger('change'); 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jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_search_new_page_enabled' ).prop( 'checked', false ).trigger('change'); // jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_search_header' ).val( '' ).trigger('change'); //FixIn: // jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_search_nothing_found' ).val( '' ).trigger('change'); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_search_for_users' ).val( '' ).trigger('change'); jQuery( 'input[name="' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_search_form_results"][value="bookingsearch"]' ).prop( 'checked', true ).trigger('change'); // Reset for [bookingedit] , [bookingcustomerlisting] , [bookingresource type=6 show='capacity'] , [booking_confirm] jQuery( 'input[name="' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_shortcode_type"][value="booking_confirm"]' ).prop( 'checked', true ).trigger('change'); // booking_import_ics , booking_listing_ics jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_wpbc_url' ).val( '' ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_from option[value="today"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_from_offset' ).val( '' ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_from_offset_type option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_until option[value="any"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_until_offset' ).val( '' ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_until_offset_type option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_conditions_import option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_conditions_events option[value="1"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_conditions_max_num option[value="0"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( '#' + shortcode_val + '_silence option[value="0"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( 'change' ); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * SHORTCODE_CONFIG * */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * When click on menu item in "Left Vertical Navigation" panel in shortcode config popup */ function wpbc_shortcode_config_click_show_section( _this, section_id_to_show, shortcode_name ){ // Menu jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_settings_flex_container' ).find( '.wpbc_settings_navigation_item_active' ).removeClass( 'wpbc_settings_navigation_item_active' ); jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_settings_navigation_item' ).addClass( 'wpbc_settings_navigation_item_active' ); // Content jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_settings_flex_container' ).find( '.wpbc_sc_container__shortcode' ).hide(); jQuery( section_id_to_show ).show(); // Scroll if ( 'function' === typeof (wpbc_scroll_to) ){ wpbc_scroll_to( section_id_to_show ); } // Set - Shortcode Type jQuery( '#wpbc_shortcode_type').val( shortcode_name ); // Parse shortcode params wpbc_set_shortcode(); } /** * Do Next / Prior step * @param _this button this * @param step 'prior' | 'next' */ function wpbc_shortcode_config_content_toolbar__next_prior( _this, step ){ var j_work_nav_tab; var submenu_selected = jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_sc_container__shortcode' ).find( '.wpbc_sc_container__shortcode_section:visible' ).find( '.wpdevelop-submenu-tab-selected:visible' ); if ( submenu_selected.length ){ if ( 'next' === step ){ j_work_nav_tab = submenu_selected.nextAll( 'a.nav-tab:visible' ).first(); } else { j_work_nav_tab = submenu_selected.prevAll( 'a.nav-tab:visible' ).first(); } if ( j_work_nav_tab.length ){ j_work_nav_tab.trigger( 'click' ); return; } } if ( 'next' === step ){ j_work_nav_tab = jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_sc_container__shortcode' ).find( '.nav-tab.nav-tab-active:visible' ).nextAll( 'a.nav-tab:visible' ).first(); } else{ j_work_nav_tab = jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_sc_container__shortcode' ).find( '.nav-tab.nav-tab-active:visible' ).prevAll( 'a.nav-tab:visible' ).first(); } if ( j_work_nav_tab.length ){ j_work_nav_tab.trigger( 'click' ); } } /** * Condition: {select-day condition="weekday" for="5" value="3"} */ function wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_weekday__add(id){ var condition_rule_arr = []; for ( var weekday_num = 0; weekday_num < 8; weekday_num++ ){ if ( jQuery( '#' + id + '__weekday_' + weekday_num ).is( ':checked' ) ){ var days_to_select = jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number_' + weekday_num ).val().trim(); // Remove all words except digits and , and - days_to_select = days_to_select.replace(/[^0-9,-]/g, ''); days_to_select = days_to_select.replace(/[,]{2,}/g, ','); days_to_select = days_to_select.replace(/[-]{2,}/g, '-'); jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number_' + weekday_num ).val( days_to_select ); if ( '' !== days_to_select ){ condition_rule_arr.push( '{select-day condition="weekday" for="' + weekday_num + '" value="' + days_to_select + '"}' ); } else { // Red highlight fields, if some required fields are empty if ( ('function' === typeof (wpbc_field_highlight)) && ('' === jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number_' + weekday_num ).val()) ){ wpbc_field_highlight( '#' + id + '__days_number_' + weekday_num ); } } } } var condition_rule = condition_rule_arr.join( ',' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( condition_rule ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } function wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_weekday__reset(id){ for ( var weekday_num = 0; weekday_num < 8; weekday_num++ ){ jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number_' + weekday_num ).val( '' ); if ( jQuery( '#' + id + '__weekday_' + weekday_num ).is( ':checked' ) ){ jQuery( '#' + id + '__weekday_' + weekday_num ).prop( 'checked', false ); } } jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( '' ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } /** * Condition: {select-day condition="season" for="High season" value="7-14,20"} */ function wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_season__add(id){ var season_filter_name = jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name option:selected' ).text().trim(); // Escape quote symbols season_filter_name = season_filter_name.replace(/[\""]/g, '\\"'); var days_number = jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val().trim(); // Remove all words except digits and , and - days_number = days_number.replace( /[^0-9,-]/g, '' ); days_number = days_number.replace( /[,]{2,}/g, ',' ); days_number = days_number.replace( /[-]{2,}/g, '-' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val( days_number ); if ( ('' != days_number) && ('' != season_filter_name) && (0 != jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name' ).val()) ){ var exist_configuration = jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val(); exist_configuration = exist_configuration.replaceAll("},{", '}~~{') var condition_rule_arr = exist_configuration.split( '~~' ); // Remove empty spaces from array : '' | "" condition_rule_arr = condition_rule_arr.filter(function(n){return n; }); condition_rule_arr.push( '{select-day condition="season" for="' + season_filter_name + '" value="' + days_number + '"}' ); // Remove duplicates from the array condition_rule_arr = condition_rule_arr.filter( function ( item, pos ){ return condition_rule_arr.indexOf( item ) === pos; } ); var condition_rule = condition_rule_arr.join( ',' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( condition_rule ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } // Red highlight fields, if some required fields are empty if ( ('function' === typeof (wpbc_field_highlight)) && ('' === jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val()) ){ wpbc_field_highlight( '#' + id + '__days_number' ); } if ( ('function' === typeof (wpbc_field_highlight)) && ('0' === jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name' ).val()) ){ wpbc_field_highlight( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name' ); } } function wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_season__reset(id){ jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ); jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( '' ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } /** * Condition: {start-day condition="season" for="Low season" value="0,1,5"} */ function wpbc_shortcode_config__start_day_season__add( id ){ var season_filter_name = jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name option:selected' ).text().trim(); // Escape quote symbols season_filter_name = season_filter_name.replace(/[\""]/g, '\\"'); if ( ('' != season_filter_name) && (0 != jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name' ).val()) ){ var activated_weekdays =[]; for ( var weekday_num = 0; weekday_num < 8; weekday_num++ ){ if ( jQuery( '#' + id + '__weekday_' + weekday_num ).is( ':checked' ) ){ activated_weekdays.push( weekday_num ); } } activated_weekdays = activated_weekdays.join( ',' ); if ( '' != activated_weekdays ){ var exist_configuration = jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val(); exist_configuration = exist_configuration.replaceAll( "},{", '}~~{' ) var condition_rule_arr = exist_configuration.split( '~~' ); // Remove empty spaces from array : '' | "" condition_rule_arr = condition_rule_arr.filter( function ( n ){ return n; } ); condition_rule_arr.push( '{start-day condition="season" for="' + season_filter_name + '" value="' + activated_weekdays + '"}' ); // Remove duplicates from the array condition_rule_arr = condition_rule_arr.filter( function ( item, pos ){ return condition_rule_arr.indexOf( item ) === pos; } ); var condition_rule = condition_rule_arr.join( ',' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( condition_rule ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } } // Red highlight fields, if some required fields are empty if ( ('function' === typeof (wpbc_field_highlight)) && ('0' === jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name' ).val()) ){ wpbc_field_highlight( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name' ); } } function wpbc_shortcode_config__start_day_season__reset(id){ jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name option:eq(0)' ).prop( 'selected', true ); for ( var weekday_num = 0; weekday_num < 8; weekday_num++ ){ if ( jQuery( '#' + id + '__weekday_' + weekday_num ).is( ':checked' ) ){ jQuery( '#' + id + '__weekday_' + weekday_num ).prop( 'checked', false ); } } jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( '' ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } /** * Condition: {select-day condition="date" for="2023-10-01" value="20,25,30-35"} */ function wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_fordate__add(id){ var start_date__fordate = jQuery( '#' + id + '__date' ).val().trim(); // Remove all words except digits and , and - start_date__fordate = start_date__fordate.replace( /[^0-9-]/g, '' ); var globalRegex = new RegExp( /^\d{4}-[01]{1}\d{1}-[0123]{1}\d{1}$/, 'g' ); var is_valid_date = globalRegex.test( start_date__fordate ); if ( !is_valid_date ){ start_date__fordate = ''; } jQuery( '#' + id + '__date' ).val( start_date__fordate ); var days_number = jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val().trim(); // Remove all words except digits and , and - days_number = days_number.replace( /[^0-9,-]/g, '' ); days_number = days_number.replace( /[,]{2,}/g, ',' ); days_number = days_number.replace( /[-]{2,}/g, '-' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val( days_number ); if ( ('' != days_number) && ('' != start_date__fordate) && (0 != jQuery( '#' + id + '__season_filter_name' ).val()) ){ var exist_configuration = jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val(); exist_configuration = exist_configuration.replaceAll("},{", '}~~{') var condition_rule_arr = exist_configuration.split( '~~' ); // Remove empty spaces from array : '' | "" condition_rule_arr = condition_rule_arr.filter(function(n){return n; }); condition_rule_arr.push( '{select-day condition="date" for="' + start_date__fordate + '" value="' + days_number + '"}' ); // Remove duplicates from the array condition_rule_arr = condition_rule_arr.filter( function ( item, pos ){ return condition_rule_arr.indexOf( item ) === pos; } ); var condition_rule = condition_rule_arr.join( ',' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( condition_rule ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } else // Red highlight fields, if some required fields are empty if ( ('function' === typeof (wpbc_field_highlight)) && ('' === jQuery( '#' + id + '__date' ).val()) ){ wpbc_field_highlight( '#' + id + '__date' ); } if ( ('function' === typeof (wpbc_field_highlight)) && ('' === jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val()) ){ wpbc_field_highlight( '#' + id + '__days_number' ); } } function wpbc_shortcode_config__select_day_fordate__reset(id){ jQuery( '#' + id + '__date' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '__days_number' ).val( '' ); jQuery( '#' + id + '_textarea' ).val( '' ); wpbc_set_shortcode(); } function wpbc_shortcode_config__update_elements_in_timeline(){ var wpbc_is_matrix = false; if ( jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources' ).length > 0 ) { var bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources_temp = jQuery( '#bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources' ).val(); if ( ( bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources_temp != null ) && ( bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources_temp.length > 0 ) ){ jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row']" ).prop( "disabled", false ); jQuery( ".wpbc_sc_container__shortcode_bookingtimeline label.wpbc-form-radio" ).show(); if ( ( bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources_temp.length > 1 ) || ( (bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources_temp.length == 1) && (bookingtimeline_wpbc_multiple_resources_temp[ 0 ] == '0')) ){ // Matrix wpbc_is_matrix = true; jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='90']" ).prop( "disabled", true ); jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='90']" ).parents('.wpbc-form-radio').hide(); jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='365']" ).prop( "disabled", true ); jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='365']" ).parents('.wpbc-form-radio').hide(); } else { // Single jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='1']" ).prop( "disabled", true ); jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='1']" ).parents('.wpbc-form-radio').hide(); jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='7']" ).prop( "disabled", true ); jQuery( "input[name='bookingtimeline_wpbc_view_mode_timeline_months_num_in_row'][value='7']" ).parents('.wpbc-form-radio').hide(); 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jQuery( ".wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_month,.wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_day" ).show(); // Matrix ////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( ( wpbc_is_matrix ) && ( ( view_days_num_temp == 1 ) || ( view_days_num_temp == 7 ) ) // Day | Week view ) { jQuery( "#wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_month" ).prop( "disabled", true ); // Scroll Month NOT working jQuery( '.wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_month' ).hide(); } if ( ( wpbc_is_matrix )&& ( ( view_days_num_temp == 30 ) || ( view_days_num_temp == 60 ) ) // Month view ) { jQuery( "#wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_day" ).prop( "disabled", true ); // Scroll Days NOT working jQuery( '.wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_day' ).hide(); } // Single ////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( ( ! wpbc_is_matrix ) && ( ( view_days_num_temp == 30 ) || ( view_days_num_temp == 90 ) ) // Month | 3 Months view (like week view) ) { jQuery( "#wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_month" ).prop( "disabled", true ); // Scroll Month NOT working jQuery( '.wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_month' ).hide(); } if ( ( ! wpbc_is_matrix )&& ( ( view_days_num_temp == 365 ) ) // Year view ) { jQuery( "#wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_day" ).prop( "disabled", true ); // Scroll Days NOT working jQuery( '.wpbc_bookingtimeline_scroll_day' ).hide(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return [ wpbc_is_matrix, view_days_num_temp ]; } jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [booking ... ] var shortcode_arr = ['booking', 'bookingcalendar', 'bookingselect', 'bookingtimeline', 'bookingform', 'bookingsearch', 'bookingother', 'booking_import_ics' , 'booking_listing_ics']; for ( var shortcde_key in shortcode_arr ){ var id = shortcode_arr[ shortcde_key ]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hide by Size sections // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jQuery( '.' + id + '_wpbc_size_wpbc_sc_calendar_size' ).hide(); 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