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{"translation-revision-date":"2022-11-09 16:51:19+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-alpha.3","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"Zapier":["Zapier"],"Vimeo":["Vimeo"],"Trustpilot":["Trustpilot"],"Tiktok":["Tiktok"],"Salesforce":["Salesforce"],"Jetpack CRM":["Jetpack CRM"],"Google":["Google"],"Creative Mail by Constant Contact":["Creative Mail de Constant Contact"],"By":["Par"],"No posts yet":["Aucun article pour l\u2019instant"],"Oops, our posts aren't loading right now":["Oups, impossible de charger nos articles pour le moment"],"Read {{link}}the WooCommerce blog{{\/link}} for more tips on marketing your store":["Consultez {{link}}le blog WooCommerce{{\/link}} pour obtenir plus de conseils pour la promotion de votre boutique."],"Learn the ins and outs of successful coupon marketing from the experts at WooCommerce.":["Apprenez les tenants et les aboutissants d\u2019un marketing de promotion r\u00e9ussi aupr\u00e8s des experts de WooCommerce."],"Recommended coupon extensions":["Extensions de code promo recommand\u00e9es"],"Take your coupon marketing to the next level with our recommended coupon extensions.":["Faites passer votre marketing de promotion au niveau sup\u00e9rieur gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 nos extensions de code promo recommand\u00e9es."],"There was an error loading recommended extensions.":["Une erreur est survenue lors du chargement des extensions recommand\u00e9es."],"There was an error loading installed extensions.":["Une erreur est survenue lors du chargement des extensions install\u00e9es."],"There was an error trying to activate the extension.":["Une erreur est survenue lors de la tentative d\u2019activation de l\u2019extension."],"The extension has been successfully activated.":["L\u2019extension a bien \u00e9t\u00e9 activ\u00e9e."],"Learn the ins and outs of successful marketing from the experts at WooCommerce.":["D\u00e9couvrez les avantages et les inconv\u00e9nients d\u2019un marketing efficace gr\u00e2ce aux experts de WooCommerce."],"WooCommerce knowledge base":["Base de connaissances WooCommerce"],"Great marketing requires the right tools. Take your marketing to the next level with our recommended marketing extensions.":["Un marketing efficace n\u00e9cessite de disposer des bons outils. Passez au niveau sup\u00e9rieur en termes de marketing gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 nos recommandations d\u2019extensions marketing."],"Recommended extensions":["Extensions recommand\u00e9es"],"Mutable settings should be accessed via data store.":["L\u2019acc\u00e8s aux param\u00e8tres mutables doit se faire via la boutique de donn\u00e9es."],"Facebook":["Facebook"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/client\/admin\/wp-admin-scripts\/marketing-coupons.js"}}