trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: create_booking.js
"use strict"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A j a x A d d N e w B o o k i n g // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Submit new booking * * @param params = { 'resource_id' : resource_id, 'dates_ddmmyy_csv' : document.getElementById( 'date_booking' + resource_id ).value, 'formdata' : formdata, 'booking_hash' : my_booking_hash, 'custom_form' : my_booking_form, 'captcha_chalange' : captcha_chalange, 'captcha_user_input' : user_captcha, 'is_emails_send' : is_send_emeils, 'active_locale' : wpdev_active_locale } * */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__create( params ){ console.groupCollapsed( 'WPBC_AJX_BOOKING__CREATE' ); console.groupCollapsed( '== Before Ajax Send ==' ); console.log( params ); console.groupEnd(); params = wpbc_captcha__simple__maybe_remove_in_ajx_params( params ); // Start Ajax wpbc_url_ajax, { action : 'WPBC_AJX_BOOKING__CREATE', wpbc_ajx_user_id: _wpbc.get_secure_param( 'user_id' ), nonce : _wpbc.get_secure_param( 'nonce' ), wpbc_ajx_locale : _wpbc.get_secure_param( 'locale' ), calendar_request_params : params /** * Usually params = { 'resource_id' : resource_id, * 'dates_ddmmyy_csv' : document.getElementById( 'date_booking' + resource_id ).value, * 'formdata' : formdata, * 'booking_hash' : my_booking_hash, * 'custom_form' : my_booking_form, * * 'captcha_chalange' : captcha_chalange, * 'user_captcha' : user_captcha, * * 'is_emails_send' : is_send_emeils, * 'active_locale' : wpdev_active_locale * } */ }, /** * S u c c e s s * * @param response_data - its object returned from Ajax - class-live-searcg.php * @param textStatus - 'success' * @param jqXHR - Object */ function ( response_data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { console.log( ' == Response WPBC_AJX_BOOKING__CREATE == ' ); for ( var obj_key in response_data ){ console.groupCollapsed( '==' + obj_key + '==' ); console.log( ' : ' + obj_key + ' : ', response_data[ obj_key ] ); console.groupEnd(); } console.groupEnd(); // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" = Error Message! Server response with String. -> E_X_I_T " > // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This section execute, when server response with String instead of Object -- Usually it's because of mistake in code ! // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( (typeof response_data !== 'object') || (response_data === null) ){ var calendar_id = wpbc_get_resource_id__from_ajx_post_data_url( ); var jq_node = '#booking_form' + calendar_id; if ( '' == response_data ){ response_data = '<strong>' + 'Error! Server respond with empty string!' + '</strong> ' ; } // Show Message wpbc_front_end__show_message( response_data , { 'type' : 'error', 'show_here': {'jq_node': jq_node, 'where': 'after'}, 'is_append': true, 'style' : 'text-align:left;', 'delay' : 0 } ); // Enable Submit | Hide spin loader wpbc_booking_form__on_response__ui_elements_enable( calendar_id ); return; } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" == This section execute, when we have KNOWN errors from Booking Calendar. -> E_X_I_T " > // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This section execute, when we have KNOWN errors from Booking Calendar // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( 'ok' != response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'status' ] ) { switch ( response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'status_error' ] ){ case 'captcha_simple_wrong': wpbc_captcha__simple__update( { 'resource_id': response_data[ 'resource_id' ], 'url' : response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'captcha__simple' ][ 'url' ], 'challenge' : response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'captcha__simple' ][ 'challenge' ], 'message' : response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message' ].replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ) } ); break; case 'resource_id_incorrect': // Show Error Message - incorrect booking resource ID during submit of booking. var message_id = wpbc_front_end__show_message( response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message' ].replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ), { 'type' : ('undefined' !== typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message_status' ])) ? response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message_status' ] : 'warning', 'delay' : 0, 'show_here': { 'where': 'after', 'jq_node': '#booking_form' + params[ 'resource_id' ] } } ); break; case 'booking_can_not_save': // We can not save booking, because dates are booked or can not save in same booking resource all the dates var message_id = wpbc_front_end__show_message( response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message' ].replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ), { 'type' : ('undefined' !== typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message_status' ])) ? response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message_status' ] : 'warning', 'delay' : 0, 'show_here': { 'where': 'after', 'jq_node': '#booking_form' + params[ 'resource_id' ] } } ); // Enable Submit | Hide spin loader wpbc_booking_form__on_response__ui_elements_enable( response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ); break; default: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" = For debug only ? -- Show Message under the form = " > // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message' ]) ) && ( '' != response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message' ].replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ) ) ){ var calendar_id = wpbc_get_resource_id__from_ajx_post_data_url( ); var jq_node = '#booking_form' + calendar_id; var ajx_after_booking_message = response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message' ].replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ); console.log( ajx_after_booking_message ); /** * // Show Message var ajx_after_action_message_id = wpbc_front_end__show_message( ajx_after_booking_message, { 'type' : ('undefined' !== typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message_status' ])) ? response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message_status' ] : 'info', 'delay' : 10000, 'show_here': { 'jq_node': jq_node, 'where' : 'after' } } ); */ } // </editor-fold> } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reactivate calendar again ? // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enable Submit | Hide spin loader wpbc_booking_form__on_response__ui_elements_enable( response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ); // Unselect dates wpbc_calendar__unselect_all_dates( response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ); // 'resource_id' => $params['resource_id'], // 'booking_hash' => $booking_hash, // 'request_uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], // Is it the same as window.location.href or // 'custom_form' => $params['custom_form'], // Optional. // 'aggregate_resource_id_str' => implode( ',', $params['aggregate_resource_id_arr'] ) // Optional. Resource ID from aggregate parameter in shortcode. // Load new data in calendar. wpbc_calendar__load_data__ajx( { 'resource_id' : response_data[ 'resource_id' ] // It's from response ...AJX_BOOKING__CREATE of initial sent resource_id , 'booking_hash': response_data[ 'ajx_cleaned_params' ]['booking_hash'] // ?? we can not use it, because HASH chnaged in any case! , 'request_uri' : response_data[ 'ajx_cleaned_params' ]['request_uri'] , 'custom_form' : response_data[ 'ajx_cleaned_params' ]['custom_form'] // Aggregate booking resources, if any ? , 'aggregate_resource_id_str' : _wpbc.booking__get_param_value( response_data[ 'resource_id' ], 'aggregate_resource_id_arr' ).join(',') } ); // Exit return; } // </editor-fold> /* // Show Calendar wpbc_calendar__loading__stop( response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bookings - Dates _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__set_dates( response_data[ 'resource_id' ], response_data[ 'ajx_data' ]['dates'] ); // Bookings - Child or only single booking resource in dates _wpbc.booking__set_param_value( response_data[ 'resource_id' ], 'resources_id_arr__in_dates', response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'resources_id_arr__in_dates' ] ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update calendar wpbc_calendar__update_look( response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ); */ // Hide spin loader wpbc_booking_form__spin_loader__hide( response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ); // Hide booking form wpbc_booking_form__animated__hide( response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ); // Show Confirmation | Payment section wpbc_show_thank_you_message_after_booking( response_data ); setTimeout( function (){ wpbc_do_scroll( '#wpbc_scroll_point_' + response_data[ 'resource_id' ], 10 ); }, 500 ); } ).fail( // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" = This section execute, when NONCE field was not passed or some error happened at server! = " > function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'Ajax_Error', jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This section execute, when NONCE field was not passed or some error happened at server! // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get Content of Error Message var error_message = '<strong>' + 'Error!' + '</strong> ' + errorThrown ; if ( jqXHR.status ){ error_message += ' (<b>' + jqXHR.status + '</b>)'; if (403 == jqXHR.status ){ error_message += '<br> Probably nonce for this page has been expired. Please <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:location.reload();">reload the page</a>.'; error_message += '<br> Otherwise, please check this <a style="font-weight: 600;" href="">troubleshooting instruction</a>.<br>' } } if ( jqXHR.responseText ){ // Escape tags in Error message error_message += '<br><strong>Response</strong><div style="padding: 0 10px;margin: 0 0 10px;border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0px 0px 1px #a3a3a3;">' + jqXHR.responseText.replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'") +'</div>'; } error_message = error_message.replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ); var calendar_id = wpbc_get_resource_id__from_ajx_post_data_url( ); var jq_node = '#booking_form' + calendar_id; // Show Message wpbc_front_end__show_message( error_message , { 'type' : 'error', 'show_here': {'jq_node': jq_node, 'where': 'after'}, 'is_append': true, 'style' : 'text-align:left;', 'delay' : 0 } ); // Enable Submit | Hide spin loader wpbc_booking_form__on_response__ui_elements_enable( calendar_id ); } // </editor-fold> ) // .done( function ( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'second success', data, textStatus, jqXHR ); } }) // .always( function ( data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'always finished', data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ); } }) ; // End Ajax return true; } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" == CAPTCHA == " > /** * Update image in captcha and show warning message * * @param params * * Example of 'params' : { * 'resource_id': response_data[ 'resource_id' ], * 'url' : response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'captcha__simple' ][ 'url' ], * 'challenge' : response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'captcha__simple' ][ 'challenge' ], * 'message' : response_data[ 'ajx_data' ][ 'ajx_after_action_message' ].replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ) * } */ function wpbc_captcha__simple__update( params ){ document.getElementById( 'captcha_input' + params[ 'resource_id' ] ).value = ''; document.getElementById( 'captcha_img' + params[ 'resource_id' ] ).src = params[ 'url' ]; document.getElementById( 'wpdev_captcha_challenge_' + params[ 'resource_id' ] ).value = params[ 'challenge' ]; // Show warning After CAPTCHA Img var message_id = wpbc_front_end__show_message__warning( '#captcha_input' + params[ 'resource_id' ] + ' + img', params[ 'message' ] ); // Animate jQuery( '#' + message_id + ', ' + '#captcha_input' + params[ 'resource_id' ] ).fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 300 ).fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 400 ).animate( {opacity: 1}, 4000 ); // Focus text field jQuery( '#captcha_input' + params[ 'resource_id' ] ).trigger( 'focus' ); //FixIn: // Enable Submit | Hide spin loader wpbc_booking_form__on_response__ui_elements_enable( params[ 'resource_id' ] ); } /** * If the captcha elements not exist in the booking form, then remove parameters relative captcha * @param params * @returns obj */ function wpbc_captcha__simple__maybe_remove_in_ajx_params( params ){ if ( ! wpbc_captcha__simple__is_exist_in_form( params[ 'resource_id' ] ) ){ delete params[ 'captcha_chalange' ]; delete params[ 'captcha_user_input' ]; } return params; } /** * Check if CAPTCHA exist in the booking form * @param resource_id * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_captcha__simple__is_exist_in_form( resource_id ){ return ( (0 !== jQuery( '#wpdev_captcha_challenge_' + resource_id ).length) || (0 !== jQuery( '#captcha_input' + resource_id ).length) ); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" == Send Button | Form Spin Loader == " > /** * Disable Send button | Show Spin Loader * * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_booking_form__on_submit__ui_elements_disable( resource_id ){ // Disable Submit wpbc_booking_form__send_button__disable( resource_id ); // Show Spin loader in booking form wpbc_booking_form__spin_loader__show( resource_id ); } /** * Enable Send button | Hide Spin Loader * * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_booking_form__on_response__ui_elements_enable(resource_id){ // Enable Submit wpbc_booking_form__send_button__enable( resource_id ); // Hide Spin loader in booking form wpbc_booking_form__spin_loader__hide( resource_id ); } /** * Enable Submit button * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_booking_form__send_button__enable( resource_id ){ // Activate Send button jQuery( '#booking_form_div' + resource_id + ' input[type=button]' ).prop( "disabled", false ); jQuery( '#booking_form_div' + resource_id + ' button' ).prop( "disabled", false ); } /** * Disable Submit button and show spin * * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_booking_form__send_button__disable( resource_id ){ // Disable Send button jQuery( '#booking_form_div' + resource_id + ' input[type=button]' ).prop( "disabled", true ); jQuery( '#booking_form_div' + resource_id + ' button' ).prop( "disabled", true ); } /** * Disable 'This' button * * @param _this */ function wpbc_booking_form__this_button__disable( _this ){ // Disable Send button jQuery( _this ).prop( "disabled", true ); } /** * Show booking form Spin Loader * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_booking_form__spin_loader__show( resource_id ){ // Show Spin Loader jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).after( '<div id="wpbc_booking_form_spin_loader' + resource_id + '" class="wpbc_booking_form_spin_loader" style="position: relative;"><div class="wpbc_spins_loader_wrapper"><div class="wpbc_spins_loader_mini"></div></div></div>' ); } /** * Remove / Hide booking form Spin Loader * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_booking_form__spin_loader__hide( resource_id ){ // Remove Spin Loader jQuery( '#wpbc_booking_form_spin_loader' + resource_id ).remove(); } /** * Hide booking form wth animation * * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_booking_form__animated__hide( resource_id ){ // jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).slideUp( 1000 // , function (){ // // // if ( document.getElementById( 'gateway_payment_forms' + response_data[ 'resource_id' ] ) != null ){ // // wpbc_do_scroll( '#submiting' + resource_id ); // // } else // if ( jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).parent().find( '.submiting_content' ).length > 0 ){ // //wpbc_do_scroll( '#booking_form' + resource_id + ' + .submiting_content' ); // // var hideTimeout = setTimeout(function () { // wpbc_do_scroll( jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).parent().find( '.submiting_content' ).get( 0 ) ); // }, 100); // // } // } // ); jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).hide(); // var hideTimeout = setTimeout( function (){ // // if ( jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).parent().find( '.submiting_content' ).length > 0 ){ // var random_id = Math.floor( (Math.random() * 10000) + 1 ); // jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).parent().before( '<div id="scroll_to' + random_id + '"></div>' ); // console.log( jQuery( '#scroll_to' + random_id ) ); // // wpbc_do_scroll( '#scroll_to' + random_id ); // //wpbc_do_scroll( jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).parent().get( 0 ) ); // } // }, 500 ); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" == Mini Spin Loader == " > /** * * @param parent_html_id */ /** * Show micro Spin Loader * * @param id ID of Loader, for later hide it by using wpbc__spin_loader__micro__hide( id ) OR wpbc__spin_loader__mini__hide( id ) * @param jq_node_where_insert such as '#estimate_booking_night_cost_hint10' OR '.estimate_booking_night_cost_hint10' */ function wpbc__spin_loader__micro__show__inside( id , jq_node_where_insert ){ wpbc__spin_loader__mini__show( id, { 'color' : '#444', 'show_here': { 'where' : 'inside', 'jq_node': jq_node_where_insert }, 'style' : 'position: relative;display: inline-flex;flex-flow: column nowrap;justify-content: center;align-items: center;margin: 7px 12px;', 'class' : 'wpbc_one_spin_loader_micro' } ); } /** * Remove spinner * @param id */ function wpbc__spin_loader__micro__hide( id ){ wpbc__spin_loader__mini__hide( id ); } /** * Show mini Spin Loader * @param parent_html_id */ function wpbc__spin_loader__mini__show( parent_html_id , params = {} ){ var params_default = { 'color' : '#0071ce', 'show_here': { 'jq_node': '', // any jQuery node definition 'where' : 'after' // 'inside' | 'before' | 'after' | 'right' | 'left' }, 'style' : 'position: relative;min-height: 2.8rem;', 'class' : 'wpbc_one_spin_loader_mini 0wpbc_spins_loader_mini' }; for ( var p_key in params ){ params_default[ p_key ] = params[ p_key ]; } params = params_default; if ( ('undefined' !== typeof (params['color'])) && ('' != params['color']) ){ params['color'] = 'border-color:' + params['color'] + ';'; } var spinner_html = '<div id="wpbc_mini_spin_loader' + parent_html_id + '" class="wpbc_booking_form_spin_loader" style="' + params[ 'style' ] + '"><div class="wpbc_spins_loader_wrapper"><div class="' + params[ 'class' ] + '" style="' + params[ 'color' ] + '"></div></div></div>'; if ( '' == params[ 'show_here' ][ 'jq_node' ] ){ params[ 'show_here' ][ 'jq_node' ] = '#' + parent_html_id; } // Show Spin Loader if ( 'after' == params[ 'show_here' ][ 'where' ] ){ jQuery( params[ 'show_here' ][ 'jq_node' ] ).after( spinner_html ); } else { jQuery( params[ 'show_here' ][ 'jq_node' ] ).html( spinner_html ); } } /** * Remove / Hide mini Spin Loader * @param parent_html_id */ function wpbc__spin_loader__mini__hide( parent_html_id ){ // Remove Spin Loader jQuery( '#wpbc_mini_spin_loader' + parent_html_id ).remove(); } // </editor-fold> //TODO: what about showing only Thank you. message without payment forms. /** * Show 'Thank you'. message and payment forms * * @param response_data */ function wpbc_show_thank_you_message_after_booking( response_data ){ if ( ('undefined' !== typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_is_redirect' ])) && ('undefined' !== typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_url' ])) && ('page' == response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_is_redirect' ]) && ('' != response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_url' ]) ){ jQuery( 'body' ).trigger( 'wpbc_booking_created', [ response_data[ 'resource_id' ] , response_data ] ); //FixIn: window.location.href = response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_url' ]; return; } var resource_id = response_data[ 'resource_id' ] var confirm_content =''; if ( 'undefined' === typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_message' ]) ){ response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_message' ] = ''; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_payment_description' ] ) ){ response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_payment_description' ] = ''; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'payment_cost' ] ) ){ response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'payment_cost' ] = ''; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof (response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_gateways' ] ) ){ response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_gateways' ] = ''; } var ty_message_hide = ('' == response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_message' ]) ? 'wpbc_ty_hide' : ''; var ty_payment_payment_description_hide = ('' == response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_payment_description' ].replace( /\\n/g, '' )) ? 'wpbc_ty_hide' : ''; var ty_booking_costs_hide = ('' == response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'payment_cost' ]) ? 'wpbc_ty_hide' : ''; var ty_payment_gateways_hide = ('' == response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_gateways' ].replace( /\\n/g, '' )) ? 'wpbc_ty_hide' : ''; if ( 'wpbc_ty_hide' != ty_payment_gateways_hide ){ jQuery( '.wpbc_ty__content_text.wpbc_ty__content_gateways' ).html( '' ); // Reset all other possible gateways before showing new one. } confirm_content += `<div id="wpbc_scroll_point_${resource_id}"></div>`; confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_after_booking_thank_you_section">`; confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__message ${ty_message_hide}">${response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_message' ]}</div>`; confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__container">`; if ( '' !== response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_message_booking_id' ] ){ confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__header">${response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_message_booking_id' ]}</div>`; } confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__content">`; confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__content_text wpbc_ty__payment_description ${ty_payment_payment_description_hide}">${response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_payment_description' ].replace( /\\n/g, '' )}</div>`; if ( '' !== response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_customer_details' ] ){ confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__content_text wpbc_cols_2">${response_data['ajx_confirmation']['ty_customer_details']}</div>`; } if ( '' !== response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_booking_details' ] ){ confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__content_text wpbc_cols_2">${response_data['ajx_confirmation']['ty_booking_details']}</div>`; } confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__content_text wpbc_ty__content_costs ${ty_booking_costs_hide}">${response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_booking_costs' ]}</div>`; confirm_content += ` <div class="wpbc_ty__content_text wpbc_ty__content_gateways ${ty_payment_gateways_hide}">${response_data[ 'ajx_confirmation' ][ 'ty_payment_gateways' ].replace( /\\n/g, '' ).replace( /ajax_script/gi, 'script' )}</div>`; confirm_content += ` </div>`; confirm_content += ` </div>`; confirm_content += `</div>`; jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id ).after( confirm_content ); //FixIn: // event name // Resource ID - '1' jQuery( 'body' ).trigger( 'wpbc_booking_created', [ resource_id , response_data ] ); // To catch this event: jQuery( 'body' ).on('wpbc_booking_created', function( event, resource_id, params ) { console.log( event, resource_id, params ); } ); }