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Edit File: calendar.css
/** * @version 2.0 * @package: Booking Calendar Responsive CSS * @category: Front-End * @author wpdevelop * * @web-site * @email * * @modified 2023-11-11 */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Calendar structure: */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* WIDTH: of calendar - its FULL width of Month(s) ROW (its NOT only one month) */ /* .bk_calendar_frame.cal_month_num_1.months_num_in_row_1 .hasDatepick .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-one-month .datepick-one-month , ... */ /* SIZE: Set width of calendar with several months */ /* FixIn: */ /* FixIn: Standard entire calendar WIDTH ============================================================================ */ .wpbc_no_custom_width.bk_calendar_frame { width: 100%; min-width:201px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_1 { max-width: 341px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_2 { max-width: 682px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_3 { max-width: 1023px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_4 { max-width: 1364px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_5 { max-width: 1705px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_6 { max-width: 2046px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_7 { max-width: 2387px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_8 { max-width: 2728px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_9 { max-width: 3069px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_10 { max-width: 3410px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_11 { max-width: 3751px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.cal_month_num_12 { max-width: 4092px; } /* FixIn: Override width, if defined number of Months in a ROW ====================================================== */ .wpbc_no_custom_width.months_num_in_row_1 { max-width: 341px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.months_num_in_row_2 { max-width: 682px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.months_num_in_row_3 { max-width: 1023px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.months_num_in_row_4 { max-width: 1364px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.months_num_in_row_5 { max-width: 1705px; } .wpbc_no_custom_width.months_num_in_row_6 { max-width: 2046px; } /* FixIn: - Min. WIDTH of all parent calendar tags ======================================================== */ .booking_form_div, .wpbc_booking_form_structure, .wpbc_structure_calendar, .wpbc_calendar_wraper, .wpbc_no_custom_width.bk_calendar_frame { /*min-width: 173px;*/ /*min-width: Min(244px, 100%);*/ } .wpbc_calendar_wraper{ min-width: 341px; min-width: Min(341px, 100%); } /* FixIn: - Min. WIDTH of calendar One Month, before Wrap to next ROW ====================================== */ .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-inline, .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-one-month { width: 100%; } .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-inline { min-width: 173px; min-width: Min(244px, 100%); } .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-one-month { min-width: 169px; min-width: Min(240px, 100%); } /* For small devices always set to full width screen */ @media (max-width: 400px) { .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-inline{ min-width: 100%; min-width: Max(100%, 201px); } .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-one-month{ min-width: 100%; min-width: Max(100%, 195px); } } /* FixIn: Your Customizations: Min. width of One Month in Calendar, before it start Wrap to next ROW ============ */ /* Example of CSS for 280px: previously defined as: Min(240px, 100%); .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-inline { min-width: Min(284px, 100%); } .bk_calendar_frame .datepick-one-month { min-width: Min(280px, 100%); } */ /* FixIn: - container calendar font for small sections =================================================== */ /* @container(){...}: Mini Calendar @container queries - Change calendar font size, on very narrow sections @CONTAINER() Example: container: wpbc_c__datepick-one-month / inline-size; Docs: container: name / container-type; -> , 'inline-size' - inline-size - Refers to the physical width (horizontal dimension) in horizontal modes, and to the physical height (vertical dimension) in vertical modes. 'size' - block size - Refers to the physical height (vertical dimension) in horizontal modes, and to the physical width (horizontal dimension) in vertical modes. 'normal' - default - NOT_A_CONTAINER_SIZE_QUERIES, it is query container STYLE queries. CLAMP() Calculator: Example: From 85px - 140px of container. Fonts: 9px - 12px. CLAMP: vw == cqi ( ) font-size: clamp(0.563rem, 0.273rem + 5.455cqi, 0.75rem); */ .datepick-one-month { container: wpbc_c__datepick-one-month / inline-size; } /* For less than 140px of calendar month */ @container wpbc_c__datepick-one-month (inline-size < 140px) { /* Month Table */ div.datepick-one-month table.datepick.wpbc_calendar *{ font-size: clamp(0.375rem, -0.205rem + 10.909cqi, 0.75rem); } } .datepick-inline { container: wpbc_c__datepick-inline / inline-size; } /* For less than 140px of calendar month */ @container wpbc_c__datepick-inline (inline-size < 140px) { /* Month Titles */ div.datepick-one-month .datepick-header{ /* From 85px - 140px of container. Fonts: 9px - 12px. CLAMP: vw == cqi ( ) */ font-size: clamp(0.563rem, 0.273rem + 5.455cqi, 0.75rem); } /* Prior | Next Links */ .calendar-links * { font-size: clamp(0.438rem, -0.045rem + 9.091cqi, 0.75rem); } } /* ================================================================================================================== */ /* ROWS for Calendar Months :: ------------------- 1 to 12 months with combination of showing several months in a row */ .bk_calendar_frame.months_num_in_row_1 .datepick-one-month, /* Specific number of months in a row. Please check more in FAQ.*/ .datepick-one-month { /* General */ flex: 1 1 100%; } .bk_calendar_frame.months_num_in_row_2 .datepick-one-month, /* Specific number of months in a row. Please check more in FAQ.*/ .cal_month_num_2 .datepick-one-month { /* General */ flex: 1 1 50%; } .bk_calendar_frame.months_num_in_row_3 .datepick-one-month, /* Specific number of months in a row. Please check more in FAQ.*/ .cal_month_num_3 .datepick-one-month { /* General */ flex: 1 1 33.333333333333333%; } .bk_calendar_frame.months_num_in_row_4 .datepick-one-month, /* Specific number of months in a row. Please check more in FAQ.*/ .cal_month_num_4 .datepick-one-month { /* General */ flex: 1 1 25%; } .bk_calendar_frame.months_num_in_row_5 .datepick-one-month, /* Specific number of months in a row. Please check more in FAQ.*/ .cal_month_num_5 .datepick-one-month { /* General */ flex: 1 1 20%; } .bk_calendar_frame.months_num_in_row_6 .datepick-one-month, /* Specific number of months in a row. Please check more in FAQ.*/ .cal_month_num_6 .datepick-one-month { /* General */ flex: 1 1 16.6666666666666%; } .cal_month_num_7 .datepick-one-month { flex: 1 1 14.28571429%; } .cal_month_num_8 .datepick-one-month { flex: 1 1 12.5%; } .cal_month_num_9 .datepick-one-month { flex: 1 1 11.11111111%; } .cal_month_num_10 .datepick-one-month { flex: 1 1 10%; } .cal_month_num_11 .datepick-one-month { flex: 1 1 9.0909090909090909%; } .cal_month_num_12 .datepick-one-month { flex: 1 1 8.333333333333333%; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .bk_calendar_frame { /* FixIn: */ position: relative; } .datepick-inline { width:100%; /* Override the width of the calendar, which is set datepicker JS */ /* FixIn: */ display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 1px; /* Outer padding in calendar. */ z-index: 10000; } .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month { padding: 2px; /* Padding between months. */ box-sizing: border-box; /* FixIn: */ } /* HEIGHT: of C E L L S */ .datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell{ height: 48px; } @media (max-width: 400px) { div.datepick-inline table .datepick-title-row th, div.datepick-inline table .datepick-days-cell{ height: 40px !important; } } /* HEIGHT: of C E L L S in POPUP calendar */ #datepick-div.datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th, #datepick-div.datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell{ height: 35px; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* S T R U C T U R E & S i z e s ****************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /*RESET: Width, margin, padding */ div.check-out-div, div.check-in-div,,{ width: 0; height: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; } /* RESET: Font sizes, padding, margin */ .datepick-inline .datepick, /* Month table */ .datepick-inline .datepick-header, /* Month header */ .datepick-inline .datepick-header span, /* Header span */ .datepick-inline .calendar-links, /* Prev Next months */ .datepick-inline .calendar-links a, /* Prev Next links */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell, /* Date cell */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell a, /* Active date cell */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell div, /* Cehck in/out */ .datepick-inline .datepick-title-row, /* Week row */ .datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th { /* Week cell */ padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size:12px; border: 0 none; vertical-align: baseline; } .datepick-inline .datepick, /* Month table */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell, /* Date cell */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell a, /* Active date cell */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell div, /* Cehck in/out */ .datepick-inline .datepick-title-row, /* Week row */ .datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th { /* Week cell */ line-height: 1.4; } #content .datepick-days-cell, /* Reset the padding in TD and TH elements of calendar to prevent conflict with some WP themes */ #content .datepick-title-row th{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } /* RESET: width to 100% */ .datepick-inline .datepick, .datepick-inline .datepick-header{ width:100%; } /* STRUCTURE: Previous & Next month links */ /* FixIn: */ .datepick-inline .calendar-links{ display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; width:100%; height:40px; margin-bottom: -40px; } .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-prev, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-next { flex: 1 1 100%; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: flex-start; margin: 0 4px; line-height: 2em; } .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-next{ text-align: right; align-items: flex-end } .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-prev a, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-next a{ font-size: 2em; line-height: 2px; position:absolute; z-index:9999; } .datepick-inline .datepick-header { line-height: 40px; padding: 0; } .datepick-inline .datepick-header span{ /*font-size: 1.15em;*/ /*line-height: 1.2em;*/ font-size: 15px; /* FixIn: */ line-height: 2em; } /* Week Titles height */ div.datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th{ height: auto !important; line-height: 2.18182; } /* Links: NO UNDERLINE, Cursor - Pointer */ .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-prev a, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-next a, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-prev a:hover, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-next a:hover, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.timespartly.date_approved, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.timespartly.date2approve, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell a, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell a:hover, /* FixIn: */ .block_hints .block_free a, .block_hints .block_free a:hover, .block_hints .block_time a, .block_hints .block_time a:hover { text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: none; /* FixIn: */ outline: none; /* FixIn: */ text-shadow: none; /* FixIn: */ } .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.datepick-unselectable, /* Default cursor for the unvailbale dates */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.datepick-unselectable a, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.datepick-unselectable a:hover, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.date_approved, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.date2approve{ cursor: default; } /* ALIGN: Header */ .datepick-inline .datepick-header{ text-align: center; position: relative; } /* ALIGN: Cells and set standard width */ .datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell{ text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: 14.28571429%; overflow: hidden; } /* Fix to show calendar day cell borders with correct thickness */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell{ overflow: visible; } .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell a, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell span{ /* FixIn: */ position:relative; z-index: 99; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check In / Out Times ************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .datepick-inline .timespartly.check_in_time, /* If we are using the Check in/out time, so hide the CLOCK icon */ .datepick-inline .timespartly.check_out_time { background-image: none; } /* Backgrounds */ .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time div.check-in-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_out_time div.check-out-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ td.timespartly.check_in_time div.check-in-div, /* Define the check in/out time BACKGROUND */ td.timespartly.check_out_time div.check-out-div { border: 0px none; float: left; height: 200%; margin-bottom: -400%; position: relative; top: -50%; vertical-align: bottom; width: 20%; z-index: 0; } /*FixIn: Beta Feature not tested enough! Support: Chrome 36.0+, MS IE 10.0+, Firefox 16.0+, Safari 9.0+, Opera 23.0+ */ .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time a, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_out_time a, /* Item for the LEGEND */ td.timespartly.check_in_time a, /* Define the check in/out time BACKGROUND */ td.timespartly.check_out_time a { text-shadow:none; } .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time em { /* FixIn: Correct positioning of text in legend */ position: relative; font-style: normal; text-shadow: none; } /* Shift days numbers to the left | right for showing them in triangles */ /* .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_out_time a, td.timespartly.check_out_time a { margin-left: -50%; } .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time a, td.timespartly.check_in_time a{ margin-right: -50%; }*/ .wpbc_change_over_triangle .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time div.check-in-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .wpbc_change_over_triangle td.timespartly.check_in_time div.check-in-div { /* Define the check in/out time BACKGRUND */ height: 300%; margin-bottom: -400%; top: -50%; width: 100% !important; transform: rotate(45deg) translate(-100%,-10%) } .wpbc_change_over_triangle .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time div.check-in-div { transform: rotate(45deg) translate(-85%,-10%) } .wpbc_change_over_triangle .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_out_time div.check-out-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .wpbc_change_over_triangle td.timespartly.check_out_time div.check-out-div { height: 300%; margin-bottom: -400%; top: -50%; width: 100% !important; transform: rotate(-135deg) translate(0,10%); } .wpbc_change_over_triangle2 .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time div.check-in-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .wpbc_change_over_triangle2 td.timespartly.check_in_time div.check-in-div { /* Define the check in/out time BACKGRUND */ height: 300%; margin-bottom: -400%; top: -50%; width: 100% !important; transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(0,-10%); } .wpbc_change_over_triangle2 .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_in_time div.check-in-div { transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(-15%,-10%); } .wpbc_change_over_triangle2 .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_out_time div.check-out-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .wpbc_change_over_triangle2 td.timespartly.check_out_time div.check-out-div { height: 300%; margin-bottom: -400%; top: -50%; width: 100% !important; transform: rotate(135deg) translate(-100%,10%); } /*FixIn: */ .block_hints .block_check_in_out.check_out_time div.check-out-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ td.timespartly.check_out_time div.check-out-div { /* Define the check out position */ float: right; } td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time div.check-in-div, /* If we are have Together the check in and check out times, so this date is booked.*/ td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time div.check-out-div { display: none; } /* HIDE check in/out elements, when: CELL OVER | DATE SELECTED | CHECK IN Date Selected */ /*.datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-unselectable.check_in_time div.check-in-div, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-unselectable.check_out_time div.check-out-div,*/ /*FixIn: */ .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-days-cell-over.check_in_time div.check-in-div, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-days-cell-over.check_out_time div.check-out-div, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-current-day.check_in_time div.check-in-div, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-current-day.check_out_time div.check-out-div{ display: none; visibility: hidden; } /* Check In Pending & Check Out Approved || Check Out Pending & Check In Approved || dates //FixIn: */ td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date_approved.check_out_time_date2approve div.check-in-div, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date_approved.check_in_time_date2approve div.check-out-div, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date2approve.check_out_time_date_approved div.check-in-div, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date2approve.check_in_time_date_approved div.check-out-div { display: block; visibility: visible; width: 50%; float: left; } td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date_approved.check_in_time_date2approve div.check-out-div, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date2approve.check_in_time_date_approved div.check-out-div { float: right; } td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date_approved.check_out_time_date2approve span, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date_approved.check_in_time_date2approve span, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date_approved.check_out_time_date2approve div, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date_approved.check_in_time_date2approve div { cursor: default; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Set correct FONT of unselectable elements, when the check in date is selected */ /*******************************************************************************/ .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-unselectable.check_in_time.date_approved, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-unselectable.check_out_time.date_approved, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-unselectable.check_in_time.date2approve, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-unselectable.check_out_time.date2approve { /* background-color: transparent;*/ /*FixIn: */ /* font-weight: 400;*/ /*FixIn: */ } /*******************************************************************************/ /* W I D G E T **************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Set HEIGHT of the CELLs in the Widget */ .widget_wpdev_booking .hasDatepick .datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th, .widget_wpdev_booking .hasDatepick .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell{ height: 48px; } /* Set calendar WIDTH and MARGIN in Widget */ .widget_wpdev_booking .bk_calendar_frame{ margin: 0 2%; width: 96% !important; max-width: 96% !important; /* //FixIn: */ min-width: 96% !important; } .widget_wpdev_booking .wpbc__row .bk_calendar_frame, .widget_wpdev_booking .wpbc__field .bk_calendar_frame{ margin: 0; width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; min-width: 100% !important; } /* LEGEND items show in 2 rows in Widget */ .widget_wpdev_booking .wpdev_hint_with_text{ float: left; margin: 0; width: 50% !important; } /* Set the WIDTH and MARGIN of the form FIELDS in Widget */ .widget_wpdev_booking input, .widget_wpdev_booking select, .widget_wpdev_booking textarea, .widget_wpdev_booking .wpdevelop input, .widget_wpdev_booking .wpdevelop select, .widget_wpdev_booking .wpdevelop textarea, div#datepick-div input, div#datepick-div select, div#datepick-div textarea { width: 96%; margin: auto; } /* SELECT BUTTON and CHECKBOX fields have the Auto Width in Widget */ /*.widget_wpdev_booking select,*/ .widget_wpdev_booking input[type=button], .widget_wpdev_booking input[type=checkbox]{ width:auto; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Legend of days, which is shown under calendar *******************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Full Legend Frame */ .block_hints { display:flex; flex-flow:row wrap; justify-content:flex-start; align-items:flex-start; } /* Date CELL with TEXT description */ .block_hints .wpdev_hint_with_text { flex: 0 0 auto; display:flex; flex-flow:row nowrap; /* FixIn: */ justify-content:flex-start; align-items:center; max-width: 100%; /* FixIn: */ margin: 7px 15px 7px 0; } /* Vertical orientation of Legend items */ .block_hints_vertical.block_hints .wpdev_hint_with_text { flex: 0 0 100%; } /* Legend cell boxes and text */ .block_hints .wpdev_hint_with_text > * { flex: 0 1 auto; } /* Text Labels of Legend */ .block_hints .wpdev_hint_with_text .block_text { margin-left:5px; } /* Dates CELL of Legend */ .block_check_in_out, .block_pending, .block_time, .block_booked, .block_free { /*float: left;*/ width: 30px; height: 30px; line-height: 28px; border: 1px solid #FEA; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden; } /* Font size for the TEXT in CELLa of Legend */ .block_pending a, .block_time a, .block_booked a, .block_free a, .block_pending, .block_time, .block_booked, .block_free , .wpdev_hint_with_text .block_check_in_out { font-size: 13px; font-weight: 400; } /* Clear Line */ .wpdev_clear_hint{ height:1px; width:100%; clear:both; } /* Day Rates. Additional info at the top and bottom of the day cell. */ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell { font-size:0.7em; font-style: normal; line-height: 0.72em; text-align: center; padding:0; width:100%; text-shadow:none; position: relative; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Responsive Design For Mobile Devices ****************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ @media (max-width: 782px) { div.bk_calendar_frame:not(.cal_month_num_1) { /* Define the width of calendar to the 100% of the device screen*/ /* //FixIn: */ width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; } } @media (max-width: 400px) { div.bk_calendar_frame.cal_month_num_1 { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; } .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month { /* Show Only 1 month in a row */ width:100%; } } /*@media (max-width: 782px) {*/ /* .booking_form_div input[type="text"],*/ /* .booking_form_div select,*/ /* .booking_form_div textarea {*/ /* width: 100% !important;*/ /* min-width: 100% !important;*/ /* }*/ /*}*/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* T I M E S L O T S AS D.O.T.S //FixIn: */ /*******************************************************************************/ .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell .date-cell-content { display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: stretch; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell .date-cell-content .date-content-top, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell .date-cell-content .date-content-bottom { flex: 1 1 35%; line-height: normal; } .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell .date-cell-content a, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell .date-cell-content span { flex: 1 1 30%; } .datepick-inline .timespartly .date-content-top{ display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; } .datepick-inline .timespartly .date-content-top .wpbc_time_dots{ flex: 1 1 1px; font-size: 20px; position: absolute; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; align-items: center; width: 100%; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* CHECK IN / OUT as P.O.L.Y.G.O.N.S //FixIn: */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Table Day Cell div boundary element */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell .wpbc-cell-box { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el { display: none; /* Do not visible by default ! */ position:absolute; /* Important to have parent element with "position: relative;" !!! */ top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el svg { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } /* Show Vertical Lines */ .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el svg polygon:nth-child(1){ display: none; } .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el svg polygon:nth-child(2){ display: block; } /* Show Diagonal Lines */ .wpbc_change_over_triangle .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el svg polygon:nth-child(1){ display: block; } .wpbc_change_over_triangle .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el svg polygon:nth-child(2){ display: none; } /* *** Fill diagonal COLOR for check in/out items in calendar skins: .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el svg polygon{...} */ /* Show CO item only when we are have check in / out */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_in_time .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el, .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_out_time .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el { display: block; } /* Hide Times DOTs, when we are have "check in / out" Activated */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_in_time .wpbc-cell-box .date-content-top, .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_out_time .wpbc-cell-box .date-content-top { visibility: hidden; } /* When "C e l l O V E R" -- hide diagonal */ .datepick-inline .datepick td.datepick-days-cell.datepick-days-cell-over .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el{ display: none; } /* S E L E C T E D Dates */ .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick td.datepick-days-cell.datepick-current-day .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el{ display: none; } .check-in-div, .check-out-div { display: none !important; } /** // FixIn: * Fix border width issue in Chrome browser * */ div.datepick-inline table.datepick { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } /* Chrome, Safari, AND NOW ALSO the Edge Browser and Firefox - it's for mobile devices: */ @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { div.datepick-inline table.datepick, div.datepick-inline table.datepick th, div.datepick-inline table.datepick td { border-width: 0.69px; } } /* Chrome 29+ */ @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { div.datepick-inline table.datepick, div.datepick-inline table.datepick th, div.datepick-inline table.datepick td { border-width: 0.01px; } } /* iOS */ @supports (-webkit-touch-callout: none) { div.datepick-inline table.datepick, div.datepick-inline table.datepick th, div.datepick-inline table.datepick td { border-width: 0.68px; } } /* Chrome 22-28 * @media screen and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { div.datepick-inline table.datepick {-chrome-:only(; border-width: 0.01px; );} div.datepick-inline table.datepick th {-chrome-:only(; border-width: 0.01px; );} div.datepick-inline table.datepick td {-chrome-:only(; border-width: 0.01px; );} } */ /* ================================================================================================================== */ /* Tooltips Content for calendar *********************************************************************************** */ /* ================================================================================================================== */ /* T o o l t i p :: General Structure */ .wpbc_tooltip_section.tooltip__times , .wpbc_tooltip_section { border-top:1px solid #eee; margin: 7px 0 0; padding: 5px 0 0; font-size: 12px; } .wpbc_tooltip_section:first-child{ border:none; margin-top:1px; } /* Description Word */ .wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_title{ font-weight: 600; } /* Container of resource(s) */ .wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container{ } /* Resource Name */ .wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container .wpbc_tooltip_header.tooltip_items_count_2, .wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container .wpbc_tooltip_header{ font-weight: 600; } /* Option Value */ .wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container .wpbc_tooltip_item{ font-size:0.9em; } /* T o o l t i p :: Details */ .tooltip__booking_details.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container .wpbc_tooltip_item{ margin-left:20px; } .tooltip__booking_details.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container .wpbc_tooltip_item.tooltip_booked_time { font-weight: 600; font-size:0.85em; } /* T o o l t i p :: Cost -- show in 1 row for */ .tooltip__day_cost.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_title, .tooltip__day_cost.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container, .tooltip__day_cost.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container .wpbc_tooltip_item { display: inline; } /* T o o l t i p :: Availability -- show in 1 row */ .tooltip__availability.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_title, .tooltip__availability.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container, .tooltip__availability.wpbc_tooltip_section .wpbc_tooltip_resource_container .wpbc_tooltip_item { display:inline; } /* ================================================================================================================== */ /* End Tooltips Content ********************************************************************************************* */ /* ================================================================================================================== */ .block_hints.datepick .wpdev_hint_with_text .wpbc_calendar_legend_table_width_height { width: 30px !important; height: 30px; border: 0; box-shadow: none; float: left; min-width: 30px; padding: 0; } .block_hints.datepick .wpdev_hint_with_text .wpbc_calendar_legend_table_width_height .wpbc_calendar_legend_day_cell_height { height:30px !important; }