trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: bookings__listing.js
"use strict"; jQuery('body').on({ 'touchmove': function(e) { jQuery( '.timespartly' ).each( function ( index ){ var td_el = jQuery( this ).get( 0 ); if ( (undefined != td_el._tippy) ){ var instance = td_el._tippy; instance.hide(); } } ); } }); /** * Request Object * Here we can define Search parameters and Update it later, when some parameter was changed * */ var wpbc_ajx_booking_listing = (function ( obj, $) { // Secure parameters for Ajax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var p_secure = obj.security_obj = obj.security_obj || { user_id: 0, nonce : '', locale : '' }; obj.set_secure_param = function ( param_key, param_val ) { p_secure[ param_key ] = param_val; }; obj.get_secure_param = function ( param_key ) { return p_secure[ param_key ]; }; // Listing Search parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var p_listing = obj.search_request_obj = obj.search_request_obj || { sort : "booking_id", sort_type : "DESC", page_num : 1, page_items_count: 10, create_date : "", keyword : "", source : "" }; obj.search_set_all_params = function ( request_param_obj ) { p_listing = request_param_obj; }; obj.search_get_all_params = function () { return p_listing; }; obj.search_get_param = function ( param_key ) { return p_listing[ param_key ]; }; obj.search_set_param = function ( param_key, param_val ) { // if ( Array.isArray( param_val ) ){ // param_val = JSON.stringify( param_val ); // } p_listing[ param_key ] = param_val; }; obj.search_set_params_arr = function( params_arr ){ _.each( params_arr, function ( p_val, p_key, p_data ){ // Define different Search parameters for request this.search_set_param( p_key, p_val ); } ); } // Other parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var p_other = obj.other_obj = obj.other_obj || { }; obj.set_other_param = function ( param_key, param_val ) { p_other[ param_key ] = param_val; }; obj.get_other_param = function ( param_key ) { return p_other[ param_key ]; }; return obj; }( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing || {}, jQuery )); /** * Ajax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Send Ajax search request * for searching specific Keyword and other params */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_search_request(){ console.groupCollapsed('AJX_BOOKING_LISTING'); console.log( ' == Before Ajax Send - search_get_all_params() == ' , wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.search_get_all_params() ); wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__spin_start(); /* //FixIn: forVideo if ( ! is_this_action ){ //wpbc_ajx_booking__actual_listing__hide(); jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html( '<div style="width:100%;text-align: center;" id="wpbc_loading_section"><span class="wpbc_icn_autorenew wpbc_spin"></span></div>' + jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html() ); if ( 'function' === typeof (jQuery( '#wpbc_loading_section' ).wpbc_my_modal) ){ //FixIn: jQuery( '#wpbc_loading_section' ).wpbc_my_modal( 'show' ); } else { alert( 'Warning! Booking Calendar. Its seems that you have deactivated loading of Bootstrap JS files at Booking Settings General page in Advanced section.' ) } } is_this_action = false; */ // Start Ajax wpbc_url_ajax, { action : 'WPBC_AJX_BOOKING_LISTING', wpbc_ajx_user_id: wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_secure_param( 'user_id' ), nonce : wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_secure_param( 'nonce' ), wpbc_ajx_locale : wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_secure_param( 'locale' ), search_params : wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.search_get_all_params() }, /** * S u c c e s s * * @param response_data - its object returned from Ajax - class-live-searcg.php * @param textStatus - 'success' * @param jqXHR - Object */ function ( response_data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { //FixIn: forVideo //jQuery( '#wpbc_loading_section' ).wpbc_my_modal( 'hide' ); console.log( ' == Response WPBC_AJX_BOOKING_LISTING == ', response_data ); console.groupEnd(); // Probably Error if ( (typeof response_data !== 'object') || (response_data === null) ){ jQuery( '.wpbc_ajx_under_toolbar_row' ).hide(); //FixIn: jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html( '<div class="wpbc-settings-notice notice-warning" style="text-align:left">' + response_data + '</div>' ); return; } // Reload page, after filter toolbar was reseted if ( ( undefined != response_data[ 'ajx_cleaned_params' ]) && ( 'reset_done' === response_data[ 'ajx_cleaned_params' ][ 'ui_reset' ]) ){ location.reload(); return; } // Show listing if ( response_data[ 'ajx_count' ] > 0 ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_show_listing( response_data[ 'ajx_items' ], response_data[ 'ajx_search_params' ], response_data[ 'ajx_booking_resources' ] ); wpbc_pagination_echo( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'pagination_container' ), { 'page_active': response_data[ 'ajx_search_params' ][ 'page_num' ], 'pages_count': Math.ceil( response_data[ 'ajx_count' ] / response_data[ 'ajx_search_params' ][ 'page_items_count' ] ), 'page_items_count': response_data[ 'ajx_search_params' ][ 'page_items_count' ], 'sort_type' : response_data[ 'ajx_search_params' ][ 'sort_type' ] } ); wpbc_ajx_booking_define_ui_hooks(); // Redefine Hooks, because we show new DOM elements } else { wpbc_ajx_booking__actual_listing__hide(); jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html( '<div class="wpbc-settings-notice0 notice-warning0" style="text-align:center;margin-left:-50px;">' + '<strong>' + 'No results found for current filter options...' + '</strong>' + //'<strong>' + 'No results found...' + '</strong>' + '</div>' ); } // Update new booking count if ( undefined !== response_data[ 'ajx_new_bookings_count' ] ){ var ajx_new_bookings_count = parseInt( response_data[ 'ajx_new_bookings_count' ] ) if (ajx_new_bookings_count>0){ jQuery( '.wpbc_badge_count' ).show(); } jQuery( '.bk-update-count' ).html( ajx_new_bookings_count ); } wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__spin_pause(); jQuery( '#ajax_respond' ).html( response_data ); // For ability to show response, add such DIV element to page } ).fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'Ajax_Error', jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ); } jQuery( '.wpbc_ajx_under_toolbar_row' ).hide(); //FixIn: var error_message = '<strong>' + 'Error!' + '</strong> ' + errorThrown ; if ( jqXHR.responseText ){ error_message += jqXHR.responseText; } error_message = error_message.replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ); wpbc_ajx_booking_show_message( error_message ); }) // .done( function ( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'second success', data, textStatus, jqXHR ); } }) // .always( function ( data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'always finished', data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ); } }) ; // End Ajax } /** * Views ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Show Listing Table and define gMail checkbox hooks * * @param json_items_arr - JSON object with Items * @param json_search_params - JSON object with Search */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_show_listing( json_items_arr, json_search_params, json_booking_resources ){ wpbc_ajx_define_templates__resource_manipulation( json_items_arr, json_search_params, json_booking_resources ); //console.log( 'json_items_arr' , json_items_arr, json_search_params ); jQuery( '.wpbc_ajx_under_toolbar_row' ).css( "display", "flex" ); //FixIn: var list_header_tpl = wp.template( 'wpbc_ajx_booking_list_header' ); var list_row_tpl = wp.template( 'wpbc_ajx_booking_list_row' ); // Header jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html( list_header_tpl() ); // Body jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).append( '<div class="wpbc_selectable_body"></div>' ); // R o w s console.groupCollapsed( 'LISTING_ROWS' ); // LISTING_ROWS _.each( json_items_arr, function ( p_val, p_key, p_data ){ if ( 'undefined' !== typeof json_search_params[ 'keyword' ] ){ // Parameter for marking keyword with different color in a list p_val[ '__search_request_keyword__' ] = json_search_params[ 'keyword' ]; } else { p_val[ '__search_request_keyword__' ] = ''; } p_val[ 'booking_resources' ] = json_booking_resources; jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) + ' .wpbc_selectable_body' ).append( list_row_tpl( p_val ) ); } ); console.groupEnd(); // LISTING_ROWS wpbc_define_gmail_checkbox_selection( jQuery ); // Redefine Hooks for clicking at Checkboxes } /** * Define template for changing booking resources & update it each time, when listing updating, useful for showing actual booking resources. * * @param json_items_arr - JSON object with Items * @param json_search_params - JSON object with Search * @param json_booking_resources - JSON object with Resources */ function wpbc_ajx_define_templates__resource_manipulation( json_items_arr, json_search_params, json_booking_resources ){ // Change booking resource var change_booking_resource_tpl = wp.template( 'wpbc_ajx_change_booking_resource' ); jQuery( '#wpbc_hidden_template__change_booking_resource' ).html( change_booking_resource_tpl( { 'ajx_search_params' : json_search_params, 'ajx_booking_resources': json_booking_resources } ) ); // Duplicate booking resource var duplicate_booking_to_other_resource_tpl = wp.template( 'wpbc_ajx_duplicate_booking_to_other_resource' ); jQuery( '#wpbc_hidden_template__duplicate_booking_to_other_resource' ).html( duplicate_booking_to_other_resource_tpl( { 'ajx_search_params' : json_search_params, 'ajx_booking_resources': json_booking_resources } ) ); } /** * Show just message instead of listing and hide pagination */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_show_message( message ){ wpbc_ajx_booking__actual_listing__hide(); jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html( '<div class="wpbc-settings-notice notice-warning" style="text-align:left">' + message + '</div>' ); } /** * H o o k s - its Action/Times when need to re-Render Views ----------------------------------------------- */ /** * Send Ajax Search Request after Updating search request parameters * * @param params_arr */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params ( params_arr ){ // Define different Search parameters for request _.each( params_arr, function ( p_val, p_key, p_data ) { //console.log( 'Request for: ', p_key, p_val ); wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.search_set_param( p_key, p_val ); }); // Send Ajax Request wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_search_request(); } /** * Search request for "Page Number" * @param page_number int */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_pagination_click( page_number ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params( { 'page_num': page_number } ); } /** * Keyword Searching ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Search request for "Keyword", also set current page to 1 * * @param element_id - HTML ID of element, where was entered keyword */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_for_keyword( element_id ) { // We need to Reset page_num to 1 with each new search, because we can be at page #4, but after new search we can have totally only 1 page wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params( { 'keyword' : jQuery( element_id ).val(), 'page_num': 1 } ); } /** * Send search request after few seconds (usually after 1,5 sec) * Closure function. Its useful, for do not send too many Ajax requests, when someone make fast typing. */ var wpbc_ajx_booking_searching_after_few_seconds = function (){ var closed_timer = 0; return function ( element_id, timer_delay ){ // Get default value of "timer_delay", if parameter was not passed into the function. timer_delay = typeof timer_delay !== 'undefined' ? timer_delay : 1500; clearTimeout( closed_timer ); // Clear previous timer // Start new Timer closed_timer = setTimeout( wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_for_keyword.bind( null, element_id ), timer_delay ); } }(); /** * Define Dynamic Hooks (like pagination click, which renew each time with new listing showing) ------------- */ /** * Define HTML ui Hooks: on KeyUp | Change | -> Sort Order & Number Items / Page * We are hcnaged it each time, when showing new listing, because DOM elements chnaged */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_define_ui_hooks(){ if ( 'function' === typeof( wpbc_define_tippy_tooltips ) ) { wpbc_define_tippy_tooltips( '.wpbc_listing_container ' ); } wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_define__locale(); wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_define__remark(); // Items Per Page jQuery( '.wpbc_items_per_page' ).on( 'change', function( event ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params( { 'page_items_count' : jQuery( this ).val(), 'page_num': 1 } ); } ); // Sorting jQuery( '.wpbc_items_sort_type' ).on( 'change', function( event ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params( {'sort_type': jQuery( this ).val()} ); } ); } /** * Show / Hide Listing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Show Listing Table - Sending Ajax Request - with parameters that we early defined in "wpbc_ajx_booking_listing" Obj. */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__actual_listing__show(){ wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_search_request(); // Send Ajax Request - with parameters that we early defined in "wpbc_ajx_booking_listing" Obj. } /** * Hide Listing Table ( and Pagination ) */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__actual_listing__hide(){ jQuery( '.wpbc_ajx_under_toolbar_row' ).hide(); //FixIn: jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html( '' ); jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'pagination_container' ) ).html( '' ); } /** * Support functions for Content Template data --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Highlight strings, * by inserting <span class="fieldvalue name fieldsearchvalue">...</span> html elements into the string. * @param {string} booking_details - Source string * @param {string} booking_keyword - Keyword to highlight * @returns {string} */ function wpbc_get_highlighted_search_keyword( booking_details, booking_keyword ){ booking_keyword = booking_keyword.trim().toLowerCase(); if ( 0 == booking_keyword.length ){ return booking_details; } // Highlight substring withing HTML tags in "Content of booking fields data" -- e.g. starting from > and ending with < let keywordRegex = new RegExp( `fieldvalue[^<>]*>([^<]*${booking_keyword}[^<]*)`, 'gim' ); //let matches = [...booking_details.toLowerCase().matchAll( keywordRegex )]; let matches = booking_details.toLowerCase().matchAll( keywordRegex ); matches = Array.from( matches ); let strings_arr = []; let pos_previous = 0; let search_pos_start; let search_pos_end; for ( const match of matches ){ search_pos_start = match.index + match[ 0 ].toLowerCase().indexOf( '>', 0 ) + 1 ; strings_arr.push( booking_details.substr( pos_previous, (search_pos_start - pos_previous) ) ); search_pos_end = booking_details.toLowerCase().indexOf( '<', search_pos_start ); strings_arr.push( '<span class="fieldvalue name fieldsearchvalue">' + booking_details.substr( search_pos_start, (search_pos_end - search_pos_start) ) + '</span>' ); pos_previous = search_pos_end; } strings_arr.push( booking_details.substr( pos_previous, (booking_details.length - pos_previous) ) ); return strings_arr.join( '' ); } /** * Convert special HTML characters from: & -> & * * @param text * @returns {*} */ function wpbc_decode_HTML_entities( text ){ var textArea = document.createElement( 'textarea' ); textArea.innerHTML = text; return textArea.value; } /** * Convert TO special HTML characters from: & -> & * * @param text * @returns {*} */ function wpbc_encode_HTML_entities(text) { var textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); textArea.innerText = text; return textArea.innerHTML; } /** * Support Functions - Spin Icon in Buttons ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Spin button in Filter toolbar - Start */ function wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__spin_start(){ jQuery( '#wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button .menu_icon.wpbc_spin').removeClass( 'wpbc_animation_pause' ); } /** * Spin button in Filter toolbar - Pause */ function wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__spin_pause(){ jQuery( '#wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button .menu_icon.wpbc_spin' ).addClass( 'wpbc_animation_pause' ); } /** * Spin button in Filter toolbar - is Spinning ? * * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__is_spin(){ if ( jQuery( '#wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button .menu_icon.wpbc_spin' ).hasClass( 'wpbc_animation_pause' ) ){ return true; } else { return false; } }