trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: bookings__actions.js
"use strict"; /** * Ajax ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //var is_this_action = false; /** * Send Ajax action request, like approving or cancellation * * @param action_param */ function wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( action_param = {} ){ console.groupCollapsed( 'WPBC_AJX_BOOKING_ACTIONS' ); console.log( ' == Ajax Actions :: Params == ', action_param ); //is_this_action = true; wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__spin_start(); // Get redefined Locale, if action on single booking ! if ( ( undefined != action_param[ 'booking_id' ] ) && ( ! Array.isArray( action_param[ 'booking_id' ] ) ) ){ // Not array action_param[ 'locale' ] = wpbc_get_selected_locale( action_param[ 'booking_id' ], wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_secure_param( 'locale' ) ); } var action_post_params = { action : 'WPBC_AJX_BOOKING_ACTIONS', nonce : wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_secure_param( 'nonce' ), wpbc_ajx_user_id: ( ( undefined == action_param[ 'user_id' ] ) ? wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_secure_param( 'user_id' ) : action_param[ 'user_id' ] ), wpbc_ajx_locale: ( ( undefined == action_param[ 'locale' ] ) ? wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_secure_param( 'locale' ) : action_param[ 'locale' ] ), action_params : action_param }; // It's required for CSV export - getting the same list of bookings if ( typeof action_param.search_params !== 'undefined' ){ action_post_params[ 'search_params' ] = action_param.search_params; delete action_post_params.action_params.search_params; } // Start Ajax wpbc_url_ajax , action_post_params , /** * S u c c e s s * * @param response_data - its object returned from Ajax - class-live-searcg.php * @param textStatus - 'success' * @param jqXHR - Object */ function ( response_data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { console.log( ' == Ajax Actions :: Response WPBC_AJX_BOOKING_ACTIONS == ', response_data ); console.groupEnd(); // Probably Error if ( (typeof response_data !== 'object') || (response_data === null) ){ jQuery( '.wpbc_ajx_under_toolbar_row' ).hide(); //FixIn: jQuery( wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.get_other_param( 'listing_container' ) ).html( '<div class="wpbc-settings-notice notice-warning" style="text-align:left">' + response_data + '</div>' ); return; } wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__spin_pause(); wpbc_admin_show_message( response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_message' ].replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ) , ( '1' == response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result' ] ) ? 'success' : 'error' , ( ( 'undefined' === typeof(response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'after_action_result_delay' ]) ) ? 10000 : response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'after_action_result_delay' ] ) ); // Success response if ( '1' == response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result' ] ){ var is_reload_ajax_listing = true; // After Google Calendar import show imported bookings and reload the page for toolbar parameters update if ( false !== response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'new_listing_params' ] ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params( response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'new_listing_params' ] ); var closed_timer = setTimeout( function (){ if ( wpbc_booking_listing_reload_button__is_spin() ){ if ( undefined != response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'new_listing_params' ][ 'reload_url_params' ] ){ document.location.href = response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'new_listing_params' ][ 'reload_url_params' ]; } else { document.location.reload(); } } } , 2000 ); is_reload_ajax_listing = false; } // Start download exported CSV file if ( undefined != response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'export_csv_url' ] ){ wpbc_ajx_booking__export_csv_url__download( response_data[ 'ajx_after_action_result_all_params_arr' ][ 'export_csv_url' ] ); is_reload_ajax_listing = false; } if ( is_reload_ajax_listing ){ wpbc_ajx_booking__actual_listing__show(); // Sending Ajax Request - with parameters that we early defined in "wpbc_ajx_booking_listing" Obj. } } // Remove spin icon from button and Enable this button. wpbc_button__remove_spin( response_data[ 'ajx_cleaned_params' ][ 'ui_clicked_element_id' ] ) // Hide modals wpbc_popup_modals__hide(); jQuery( '#ajax_respond' ).html( response_data ); // For ability to show response, add such DIV element to page } ).fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'Ajax_Error', jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ); } jQuery( '.wpbc_ajx_under_toolbar_row' ).hide(); //FixIn: var error_message = '<strong>' + 'Error!' + '</strong> ' + errorThrown ; if ( jqXHR.responseText ){ error_message += jqXHR.responseText; } error_message = error_message.replace( /\n/g, "<br />" ); wpbc_ajx_booking_show_message( error_message ); }) // .done( function ( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'second success', data, textStatus, jqXHR ); } }) // .always( function ( data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ){ console.log( 'always finished', data_jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR_errorThrown ); } }) ; // End Ajax } /** * Hide all open modal popups windows */ function wpbc_popup_modals__hide(){ // Hide modals if ( 'function' === typeof (jQuery( '.wpbc_popup_modal' ).wpbc_my_modal) ){ jQuery( '.wpbc_popup_modal' ).wpbc_my_modal( 'hide' ); } } /** * Dates Short <-> Wide ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function wpbc_ajx_click_on_dates_short(){ jQuery( '#booking_dates_small,.booking_dates_full' ).hide(); jQuery( '#booking_dates_full,.booking_dates_small' ).show(); wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params( {'ui_usr__dates_short_wide': 'short'} ); } function wpbc_ajx_click_on_dates_wide(){ jQuery( '#booking_dates_full,.booking_dates_small' ).hide(); jQuery( '#booking_dates_small,.booking_dates_full' ).show(); wpbc_ajx_booking_send_search_request_with_params( {'ui_usr__dates_short_wide': 'wide'} ); } function wpbc_ajx_click_on_dates_toggle(this_date){ jQuery( this_date ).parents( '.wpbc_col_dates' ).find( '.booking_dates_small' ).toggle(); jQuery( this_date ).parents( '.wpbc_col_dates' ).find( '.booking_dates_full' ).toggle(); /* var visible_section = jQuery( this_date ).parents( '.booking_dates_expand_section' ); visible_section.hide(); if ( visible_section.hasClass( 'booking_dates_full' ) ){ visible_section.parents( '.wpbc_col_dates' ).find( '.booking_dates_small' ).show(); } else { visible_section.parents( '.wpbc_col_dates' ).find( '.booking_dates_full' ).show(); }*/ console.log( 'wpbc_ajx_click_on_dates_toggle', this_date ); } /** * Locale --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Select options in select boxes based on attribute "value_of_selected_option" and RED color and hint for LOCALE button -- It's called from wpbc_ajx_booking_define_ui_hooks() each time after Listing loading. */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_define__locale(){ jQuery( '.wpbc_listing_container select' ).each( function ( index ){ var selection = jQuery( this ).attr( "value_of_selected_option" ); // Define selected select boxes if ( undefined !== selection ){ jQuery( this ).find( 'option[value="' + selection + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); if ( ('' != selection) && (jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'set_booking_locale_selectbox' )) ){ // Locale var booking_locale_button = jQuery( this ).parents( '.ui_element_locale' ).find( '.set_booking_locale_button' ) //booking_locale_button.css( 'color', '#db4800' ); // Set button red booking_locale_button.addClass( 'wpbc_ui_red' ); // Set button red if ( 'function' === typeof( wpbc_tippy ) ){ booking_locale_button.get(0)._tippy.setContent( selection ); } } } } ); } /** * Remark --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Define content of remark "booking note" button and textarea. -- It's called from wpbc_ajx_booking_define_ui_hooks() each time after Listing loading. */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_define__remark(){ jQuery( '.wpbc_listing_container .ui_remark_section textarea' ).each( function ( index ){ var text_val = jQuery( this ).val(); if ( (undefined !== text_val) && ('' != text_val) ){ var remark_button = jQuery( this ).parents( '.ui_group' ).find( '.set_booking_note_button' ); if ( remark_button.length > 0 ){ remark_button.addClass( 'wpbc_ui_red' ); // Set button red if ( 'function' === typeof (wpbc_tippy) ){ //remark_button.get( 0 )._tippy.allowHTML = true; //remark_button.get( 0 )._tippy.setContent( text_val.replace(/[\n\r]/g, '<br>') ); remark_button.get( 0 )._tippy.setProps( { allowHTML: true, content : text_val.replace( /[\n\r]/g, '<br>' ) } ); } } } } ); } /** * Actions ,when we click on "Remark" button. * * @param jq_button - this jQuery button object */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click__remark( jq_button ){ jq_button.parents('.ui_group').find('.ui_remark_section').toggle(); } /** * Change booking resource ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_show__change_resource( booking_id, resource_id ){ // Define ID of booking to hidden input jQuery( '#change_booking_resource__booking_id' ).val( booking_id ); // Select booking resource that belong to booking jQuery( '#change_booking_resource__resource_select' ).val( resource_id ).trigger( 'change' ); var cbr; // Get Resource section cbr = jQuery( "#change_booking_resource__section" ).detach(); // Append it to booking ROW cbr.appendTo( jQuery( "#ui__change_booking_resource__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ) ); cbr = null; // Hide sections of "Change booking resource" in all other bookings ROWs //jQuery( ".ui__change_booking_resource__section_in_booking" ).hide(); if ( ! jQuery( "#ui__change_booking_resource__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ).is(':visible') ){ jQuery( ".ui__under_actions_row__section_in_booking" ).hide(); } // Show only "change booking resource" section for current booking jQuery( "#ui__change_booking_resource__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ).toggle(); } function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_save__change_resource( this_el, booking_action, el_id ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( { 'booking_action' : booking_action, 'booking_id' : jQuery( '#change_booking_resource__booking_id' ).val(), 'selected_resource_id' : jQuery( '#change_booking_resource__resource_select' ).val(), 'ui_clicked_element_id': el_id } ); wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( this_el ); // wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_close__change_resource(); } function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_close__change_resource(){ var cbrce; // Get Resource section cbrce = jQuery("#change_booking_resource__section").detach(); // Append it to hidden HTML template section at the bottom of the page cbrce.appendTo(jQuery("#wpbc_hidden_template__change_booking_resource")); cbrce = null; // Hide all change booking resources sections jQuery(".ui__change_booking_resource__section_in_booking").hide(); } /** * Duplicate booking in other resource ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_show__duplicate_booking( booking_id, resource_id ){ // Define ID of booking to hidden input jQuery( '#duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__booking_id' ).val( booking_id ); // Select booking resource that belong to booking jQuery( '#duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__resource_select' ).val( resource_id ).trigger( 'change' ); var cbr; // Get Resource section cbr = jQuery( "#duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__section" ).detach(); // Append it to booking ROW cbr.appendTo( jQuery( "#ui__duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ) ); cbr = null; // Hide sections of "Duplicate booking" in all other bookings ROWs if ( ! jQuery( "#ui__duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ).is(':visible') ){ jQuery( ".ui__under_actions_row__section_in_booking" ).hide(); } // Show only "Duplicate booking" section for current booking ROW jQuery( "#ui__duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ).toggle(); } function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_save__duplicate_booking( this_el, booking_action, el_id ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( { 'booking_action' : booking_action, 'booking_id' : jQuery( '#duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__booking_id' ).val(), 'selected_resource_id' : jQuery( '#duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__resource_select' ).val(), 'ui_clicked_element_id': el_id } ); wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( this_el ); // wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_close__change_resource(); } function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_close__duplicate_booking(){ var cbrce; // Get Resource section cbrce = jQuery("#duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__section").detach(); // Append it to hidden HTML template section at the bottom of the page cbrce.appendTo(jQuery("#wpbc_hidden_template__duplicate_booking_to_other_resource")); cbrce = null; // Hide all change booking resources sections jQuery(".ui__duplicate_booking_to_other_resource__section_in_booking").hide(); } /** * Change payment status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_show__set_payment_status( booking_id ){ var jSelect = jQuery( '#ui__set_payment_status__section_in_booking_' + booking_id ).find( 'select' ) var selected_pay_status = jSelect.attr( "ajx-selected-value" ); // Is it float - then it's unknown if ( !isNaN( parseFloat( selected_pay_status ) ) ){ jSelect.find( 'option[value="1"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); // Unknown value is '1' in select box } else { jSelect.find( 'option[value="' + selected_pay_status + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); // Otherwise known payment status } // Hide sections of "Change booking resource" in all other bookings ROWs if ( ! jQuery( "#ui__set_payment_status__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ).is(':visible') ){ jQuery( ".ui__under_actions_row__section_in_booking" ).hide(); } // Show only "change booking resource" section for current booking jQuery( "#ui__set_payment_status__section_in_booking_" + booking_id ).toggle(); } function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_save__set_payment_status( booking_id, this_el, booking_action, el_id ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( { 'booking_action' : booking_action, 'booking_id' : booking_id, 'selected_payment_status' : jQuery( '#ui_btn_set_payment_status' + booking_id ).val(), 'ui_clicked_element_id': el_id + '_save' } ); wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( this_el ); jQuery( '#' + el_id + '_cancel').hide(); //wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( jQuery( '#' + el_id + '_cancel').get(0) ); } function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_close__set_payment_status(){ // Hide all change payment status for booking jQuery(".ui__set_payment_status__section_in_booking").hide(); } /** * Change booking cost -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_save__set_booking_cost( booking_id, this_el, booking_action, el_id ){ wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( { 'booking_action' : booking_action, 'booking_id' : booking_id, 'booking_cost' : jQuery( '#ui_btn_set_booking_cost' + booking_id + '_cost').val(), 'ui_clicked_element_id': el_id + '_save' } ); wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( this_el ); jQuery( '#' + el_id + '_cancel').hide(); //wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( jQuery( '#' + el_id + '_cancel').get(0) ); } function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click_close__set_booking_cost(){ // Hide all change payment status for booking jQuery(".ui__set_booking_cost__section_in_booking").hide(); } /** * Send Payment request -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click__send_payment_request(){ wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( { 'booking_action' : 'send_payment_request', 'booking_id' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__payment_request__booking_id').val(), 'reason_of_action' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__payment_request__reason_of_action').val(), 'ui_clicked_element_id': 'wpbc_modal__payment_request__button_send' } ); wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__payment_request__button_send' ).get( 0 ) ); } /** * Import Google Calendar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click__import_google_calendar(){ wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( { 'booking_action' : 'import_google_calendar', 'ui_clicked_element_id': 'wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__button_send' , 'booking_gcal_events_from' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #booking_gcal_events_from option:selected').val() , 'booking_gcal_events_from_offset' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #booking_gcal_events_from_offset' ).val() , 'booking_gcal_events_from_offset_type' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #booking_gcal_events_from_offset_type option:selected').val() , 'booking_gcal_events_until' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #booking_gcal_events_until option:selected').val() , 'booking_gcal_events_until_offset' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #booking_gcal_events_until_offset' ).val() , 'booking_gcal_events_until_offset_type' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #booking_gcal_events_until_offset_type option:selected').val() , 'booking_gcal_events_max' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #booking_gcal_events_max' ).val() , 'booking_gcal_resource' : jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #wpbc_booking_resource option:selected').val() } ); wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( jQuery( '#wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__section #wpbc_modal__import_google_calendar__button_send' ).get( 0 ) ); } /** * Export bookings to CSV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__ui_click__export_csv( params ){ var selected_booking_id_arr = wpbc_get_selected_row_id(); wpbc_ajx_booking_ajax_action_request( { 'booking_action' : params[ 'booking_action' ], 'ui_clicked_element_id' : params[ 'ui_clicked_element_id' ], 'export_type' : params[ 'export_type' ], 'csv_export_separator' : params[ 'csv_export_separator' ], 'csv_export_skip_fields': params[ 'csv_export_skip_fields' ], 'booking_id' : selected_booking_id_arr.join(','), 'search_params' : wpbc_ajx_booking_listing.search_get_all_params() } ); var this_el = jQuery( '#' + params[ 'ui_clicked_element_id' ] ).get( 0 ) wpbc_button_enable_loading_icon( this_el ); } /** * Open URL in new tab - mainly it's used for open CSV link for downloaded exported bookings as CSV * * @param export_csv_url */ function wpbc_ajx_booking__export_csv_url__download( export_csv_url ){ //var selected_booking_id_arr = wpbc_get_selected_row_id(); document.location.href = export_csv_url;// + '&selected_id=' + selected_booking_id_arr.join(','); // It's open additional dialog for asking opening ulr in new tab // export_csv_url, '_blank').focus(); }