trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: events-admin.js
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Load the Chosen JQuery plugin for all select elements with the class 'chosen'. $('.chosen, .tribe-field-dropdown_chosen select').chosen(); //not done by default on front end $('.hide-if-js').hide(); if(typeof(TEC) != 'undefined'){ var datepickerOpts = { dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', showAnim: 'fadeIn', changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, numberOfMonths: 3, showButtonPanel: true, onSelect: function(selectedDate) { var option = == "EventStartDate" ? "minDate" : "maxDate"; var instance = $(this).data("datepicker"); var date = $.datepicker.parseDate(instance.settings.dateFormat || $.datepicker._defaults.dateFormat, selectedDate, instance.settings); dates.not(this).not('#recurrence_end').datepicker("option", option, date); } }; $.extend(datepickerOpts, TEC); var dates = $("#EventStartDate, #EventEndDate, .datepicker").datepicker(datepickerOpts); // toggle time input function toggleDayTimeDisplay(){ if( $('#allDayCheckbox').attr("checked") === true || $('#allDayCheckbox').attr("checked") === "checked" ) { $(".timeofdayoptions").hide(); $("#EventTimeFormatDiv").hide(); } else { $(".timeofdayoptions").show(); $("#EventTimeFormatDiv").show(); } } // check on click $('#allDayCheckbox').click(function(){ toggleDayTimeDisplay(); }); // check on load toggleDayTimeDisplay(); var tribeDaysPerMonth = [29,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]; // start and end date select sections var tribeStartDays = [ $('#28StartDays'), $('#29StartDays'), $('#30StartDays'), $('#31StartDays') ]; var tribeEndDays = [ $('#28EndDays'), $('#29EndDays'), $('#30EndDays'), $('#31EndDays') ]; $("select[name='EventStartMonth'], select[name='EventEndMonth']").change(function() { var t = $(this); var startEnd = t.attr("name"); // get changed select field if( startEnd == 'EventStartMonth' ) startEnd = 'Start'; else startEnd = 'End'; // show/hide date lists according to month var chosenMonth = t.attr("value"); if( chosenMonth.charAt(0) == '0' ) chosenMonth = chosenMonth.replace('0', ''); // leap year var remainder = $("select[name='Event" + startEnd + "Year']").attr("value") % 4; if( chosenMonth == 2 && remainder == 0 ) chosenMonth = 0; // preserve selected option var currentDateField = $("select[name='Event" + startEnd + "Day']"); $('.event' + startEnd + 'DateField').remove(); if( startEnd == "Start") { var selectObject = tribeStartDays[ tribeDaysPerMonth[ chosenMonth ] - 28 ]; selectObject.val( currentDateField.val() ); $("select[name='EventStartMonth']").after( selectObject ); } else { var selectObject = tribeEndDays[ tribeDaysPerMonth[ chosenMonth ] - 28 ]; selectObject.val( currentDateField.val() ); $('select[name="EventEndMonth"]').after( selectObject ); } }); $("select[name='EventStartMonth'], select[name='EventEndMonth']").change(); $("select[name='EventStartYear']").change(function() { $("select[name='EventStartMonth']").change(); }); $("select[name='EventEndYear']").change(function() { $("select[name='EventEndMonth']").change(); }); // Form validation $("form[name='post']").submit(function() { if( $("#isEventNo").attr('checked') === true || $("#isEventNo").attr('checked') === "checked" ) { // do not validate since this is not an event return true; } return true; }); // hide unnecessary fields var venueFields = $(".venue"); var savedVenue = $("#saved_venue"); if ( savedVenue.size() > 0 && savedVenue.val() != '0' && !$('.nosaved').get(0) ) { venueFields.hide(); $('input',venueFields).val(''); } savedVenue.change(function() { if ( $(this).val() == '0' ) { venueFields.fadeIn() //.find("input, select").val('').removeAttr('checked'); } else { venueFields.fadeOut(); } }); // hide unnecessary fields var organizerFields = $(".organizer"); var savedorganizer = $("#saved_organizer"); if ( savedorganizer.size() > 0 && savedorganizer.val() != '0' && !$('.nosaved_organizer').get(0) ) { organizerFields.hide(); $('input',organizerFields).val(''); } savedorganizer.change(function() { if ( $(this).val() == '0' ) { organizerFields.fadeIn() //.find("input, select").val('').removeAttr('checked'); } else { organizerFields.fadeOut(); } }); } //show state/province input based on first option in countries list, or based on user input of country function tribeShowHideCorrectStateProvinceInput(country) { if (country == 'US' || country == 'United States') { $("#StateProvinceSelect_chzn").show(); $("#StateProvinceText").hide(); } else if ( country != '' ) { $("#StateProvinceText").show(); $("#StateProvinceSelect_chzn").hide(); } else { $("#StateProvinceText").hide(); $("#StateProvinceSelect_chzn").hide(); } } tribeShowHideCorrectStateProvinceInput( $("#EventCountry > option:selected").val() ); $("#EventCountry").change(function() { var countryLabel = $(this).find('option:selected').val(); tribeShowHideCorrectStateProvinceInput( countryLabel ); }); // If recurrence changes on a recurring event, then show warning, and automatically change whole recurrence if($('[name="is_recurring"]').val() == "true" && !$('[name="recurrence_action"]').val() ) { function recurrenceChanged() { $('#recurrence-changed-row').show(); $('[name="recurrence_action"]').val(2); } $('.recurrence-row input, .custom-recurrence-row input,.recurrence-row select, .custom-recurrence-row select').change(recurrenceChanged) $( '[name="recurrence[end]"]' ).datepicker('option', 'onSelect', recurrenceChanged); } $( '[name="recurrence[end]"]' ).datepicker('option', 'onSelect', function() { $('[name="recurrence[end]"]').removeClass('placeholder'); }); /* Fix for deleting multiple events */ $(' #doaction').click(function(e) { if($("[name='action'] option:selected").val() == "trash") { if(confirm("Are you sure you want to trash all occurrences of these events? All recurrence data will be lost.")) { var ids = new Array(); $('[name="post[]"]:checked').each(function() { var curval = $(this).val(); if(ids[curval]) { $(this).prop('checked', false); } ids[curval] = true; }); } else { e.preventDefault(); } } }); function isExistingRecurringEvent() { return $('[name="is_recurring"]').val() == "true" && !$('[name="recurrence_action"]').val() && !$('[name="recurrence_action"]').val() } function resetSubmitButton() { $('#publishing-action .button-primary-disabled').removeClass('button-primary-disabled'); $('#publishing-action #ajax-loading').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } $('#EventInfo input, #EventInfo select').change(function() { $('.rec-error').hide(); }) var eventSubmitButton = $(' #post #publishing-action input[type="submit"]'); { $(this).data('clicked', true); }); /* Recurring Events Dialog */ $(' #post').submit(function(e) { var self = $(this); if( isExistingRecurringEvent() ) { // not a new event e.preventDefault(); $('#recurring-dialog').dialog({ modal: true, buttons: [{ text:"Only This Event", click: function() { $('[name="recurrence_action"]').val(3); if ('clicked') ) $('<input type="hidden" name="' + eventSubmitButton.attr('name') + '" value="' + eventSubmitButton.val() + '"/>').appendTo(self); $(this).dialog("close"); self.submit(); } }, { text:"All Events", click: function() { $('[name="recurrence_action"]').val(2); if ('clicked') ) $('<input type="hidden" name="' + eventSubmitButton.attr('name') + '" value="' + eventSubmitButton.val() + '"/>').appendTo(self); $(this).dialog("close"); self.submit(); } }], close: function() {'clicked', null); } }); } }); function setupSubmitButton() { //publishing-action } $(' .submitdelete').click(function(e) { var link = $(this); var isRecurringLink = $(this).attr('href').split('&eventDate'); if(isRecurringLink[1]) { e.preventDefault(); $('#deletion-dialog').dialog({ //submitdelete modal: true, buttons: [{ text: "Only This Event", click: function() { document.location = link.attr('href') + '&event_start=' + $(this).data('start'); } }, { text: "All Events", click: function() { document.location = link.attr('href') + '&deleteAll'; } }] }); } }); // recurrence ui $('[name="recurrence[type]"]').change(function() { var curOption = $(this).find("option:selected").val(); $('.custom-recurrence-row').hide(); if (curOption == "Custom" ) { $('#recurrence-end').show(); $('#custom-recurrence-frequency').show(); $('[name="recurrence[custom-type]"]').change(); } else if (curOption == "None") { $('#recurrence-end').hide(); $('#custom-recurrence-frequency').hide(); } else { $('#recurrence-end').show(); $('#custom-recurrence-frequency').hide(); } }); $('[name="recurrence[end-type]"]').change(function() { var val = $(this).find('option:selected').val(); if (val == "On") { $('#rec-count').hide(); $('#recurrence_end').show(); } else { $('#recurrence_end').hide(); $('#rec-count').show(); } }); $('[name="recurrence[custom-type]"]').change(function() { $('.custom-recurrence-row').hide(); var option = $(this).find('option:selected'), customSelector ='tablerow'); $(customSelector).show() $('#recurrence-interval-type').text('plural')); $('[name="recurrence[custom-type-text]"]').val('plural')); }); $('#recurrence_end_count').change(function() { $('[name="recurrence[type]"]').change(); }); $('[name="recurrence[type]"]').change(function() { var option = $(this).find('option:selected'), numOccurrences = $('#recurrence_end_count').val(); $('#occurence-count-text').text(numOccurrences == 1 ?'single') :'plural')); $('[name="recurrence[occurrence-count-text]"]').val($('#occurence-count-text').text()); }); $('[name="recurrence[custom-month-number]"]').change(function() { var option = $(this).find('option:selected'), dayselect = $('[name="recurrence[custom-month-day]"]'); if(isNaN(option.val())) {; } else { dayselect.hide(); } }); function maybeDisplayPressTrendsDialogue() { return $('[name="maybeDisplayPressTrendsDialogue"]').val() == "1" } if( maybeDisplayPressTrendsDialogue() ) { $('#presstrends-dialog').dialog({ modal: true, buttons: [{ text:"Send data", click: function() { $('[name="presstrends_action"]').val(1); $(this).dialog("close"); $('[name="sendPressTrendsData"]').prop("checked", true); $('#tribeSaveSettings').click(); } }, { text:"Do not send data", click: function() { $('[name="presstrends_action"]').val(0); $(this).dialog("close"); $('[name="sendPressTrendsData"]').prop("checked", false); } }] }); } });