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Edit File: Keywords.php
<?php namespace AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Meta; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Handles the keywords. * * @since 4.0.0 */ class Keywords { /** * Get the keywords for the meta output. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return string The keywords as a string. */ public function getKeywords() { if ( ! aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->advanced->useKeywords ) { return ''; } $isStaticArchive = aioseo()->helpers->isWooCommerceShopPage() || aioseo()->helpers->isStaticPostsPage(); $dynamicContent = is_archive() || is_post_type_archive() || is_home() || aioseo()->helpers->isWooCommerceShopPage() || is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax(); $generate = aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->advanced->dynamicallyGenerateKeywords; if ( $dynamicContent && $generate ) { return $this->prepareKeywords( $this->getGeneratedKeywords() ); } if ( is_front_page() && ! aioseo()->helpers->isStaticHomePage() ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->global->keywords ); return $this->prepareKeywords( $keywords ); } if ( $dynamicContent && ! $isStaticArchive ) { if ( is_date() ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->archives->date->advanced->keywords ); return $this->prepareKeywords( $keywords ); } if ( is_author() ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->archives->author->advanced->keywords ); return $this->prepareKeywords( $keywords ); } if ( is_search() ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->archives->search->advanced->keywords ); return $this->prepareKeywords( $keywords ); } $postType = get_queried_object(); $dynamicOptions = aioseo()->dynamicOptions->noConflict(); if ( $postType && $dynamicOptions->searchAppearance->archives->has( $postType->name ) ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( aioseo()->dynamicOptions->searchAppearance->archives->{ $postType->name }->advanced->keywords ); return $this->prepareKeywords( $keywords ); } return ''; } return $this->prepareKeywords( $this->getAllKeywords() ); } /** * Get generated keywords for an archive page. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return array An array of generated keywords. */ private function getGeneratedKeywords() { global $posts, $wp_query; $keywords = []; $isStaticArchive = aioseo()->helpers->isWooCommerceShopPage() || aioseo()->helpers->isStaticPostsPage(); if ( $isStaticArchive ) { $keywords = $this->getAllKeywords(); } elseif ( is_front_page() && ! aioseo()->helpers->isStaticHomePage() ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->global->keywords ); } elseif ( is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax() ) { $metaData = aioseo()->meta->metaData->getMetaData(); if ( ! empty( $metaData->keywords ) ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( $metaData->keywords ); } } $wpPosts = $posts; if ( empty( $posts ) ) { $wpPosts = array_filter( [ aioseo()->helpers->getPost() ] ); } // Turn off current query so we can get specific post data. $originalTag = $wp_query->is_tag; $originalTax = $wp_query->is_tax; $originalCategory = $wp_query->is_category; $wp_query->is_tag = false; $wp_query->is_tax = false; $wp_query->is_category = false; foreach ( $wpPosts as $post ) { $metaData = aioseo()->meta->metaData->getMetaData( $post ); $tmpKeywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( $metaData->keywords ); if ( count( $tmpKeywords ) ) { foreach ( $tmpKeywords as $keyword ) { $keywords[] = $keyword; } } } $wp_query->is_tag = $originalTag; $wp_query->is_tax = $originalTax; $wp_query->is_category = $originalCategory; return $keywords; } /** * Returns the keywords. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return string A comma-separated list of unique keywords. */ public function getAllKeywords() { $keywords = []; $post = aioseo()->helpers->getPost(); $metaData = aioseo()->meta->metaData->getMetaData(); if ( ! empty( $metaData->keywords ) ) { $keywords = $this->extractMetaKeywords( $metaData->keywords ); } if ( $post ) { if ( aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->advanced->useTagsForMetaKeywords ) { $keywords = array_merge( $keywords, aioseo()->helpers->getAllTags( $post->ID ) ); } if ( aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->advanced->useCategoriesForMetaKeywords && ! is_page() ) { $keywords = array_merge( $keywords, aioseo()->helpers->getAllCategories( $post->ID ) ); } } return $keywords; } /** * Prepares the keywords for display. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param array $keywords Raw keywords. * @return string A list of prepared keywords, comma-separated. */ protected function prepareKeywords( $keywords ) { $keywords = $this->getUniqueKeywords( $keywords ); $keywords = trim( $keywords ); $keywords = aioseo()->helpers->internationalize( $keywords ); $keywords = stripslashes( $keywords ); $keywords = str_replace( '"', '', $keywords ); $keywords = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $keywords ); return apply_filters( 'aioseo_keywords', $keywords ); } /** * Returns an array of keywords, based on a stringified list separated by commas. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param string $keywords The keywords string. * @return array The keywords. */ public function keywordStringToList( $keywords ) { $keywords = str_replace( '"', '', $keywords ); return ! empty( $keywords ) ? explode( ',', $keywords ) : []; } /** * Returns a stringified list of unique keywords, separated by commas. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param array $keywords The keywords. * @param boolean $toString Whether or not to turn it into a comma separated string. * @return string The keywords string. */ public function getUniqueKeywords( $keywords, $toString = true ) { $keywords = $this->keywordsToLowerCase( $keywords ); return $toString ? implode( ',', $keywords ) : $keywords; } /** * Returns the keywords in lowercase. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param array $keywords The keywords. * @return array The formatted keywords. */ private function keywordsToLowerCase( $keywords ) { $smallKeywords = []; if ( ! is_array( $keywords ) ) { $keywords = $this->keywordStringToList( $keywords ); } if ( ! empty( $keywords ) ) { foreach ( $keywords as $keyword ) { $smallKeywords[] = trim( aioseo()->helpers->toLowercase( $keyword ) ); } } return array_unique( $smallKeywords ); } /** * Extract keywords and then return as a string. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param array|string $keywords An array of keywords or a json string. * @return array An array of keywords that were extracted. */ public function extractMetaKeywords( $keywords ) { $extracted = []; $keywords = is_string( $keywords ) ? json_decode( $keywords ) : $keywords; if ( ! empty( $keywords ) ) { foreach ( $keywords as $keyword ) { $extracted[] = trim( $keyword->value ); } } return $extracted; } }