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Edit File: CustomersScheduler.php
<?php /** * Customer syncing related functions and actions. */ namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Schedulers; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; use \Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Cache as ReportsCache; use \Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Customers\DataStore as CustomersDataStore; /** * CustomersScheduler Class. */ class CustomersScheduler extends ImportScheduler { /** * Slug to identify the scheduler. * * @var string */ public static $name = 'customers'; /** * Attach customer lookup update hooks. * * @internal */ public static function init() { add_action( 'woocommerce_new_customer', array( __CLASS__, 'schedule_import' ) ); add_action( 'woocommerce_update_customer', array( __CLASS__, 'schedule_import' ) ); add_action( 'updated_user_meta', array( __CLASS__, 'schedule_import_via_last_active' ), 10, 3 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_privacy_remove_order_personal_data', array( __CLASS__, 'schedule_anonymize' ) ); add_action( 'delete_user', array( __CLASS__, 'schedule_user_delete' ) ); add_action( 'remove_user_from_blog', array( __CLASS__, 'schedule_user_delete' ) ); CustomersDataStore::init(); parent::init(); } /** * Add customer dependencies. * * @internal * @return array */ public static function get_dependencies() { return array( 'delete_batch_init' => OrdersScheduler::get_action( 'delete_batch_init' ), 'anonymize' => self::get_action( 'import' ), 'delete_user' => self::get_action( 'import' ), ); } /** * Get the customer IDs and total count that need to be synced. * * @internal * @param int $limit Number of records to retrieve. * @param int $page Page number. * @param int|bool $days Number of days prior to current date to limit search results. * @param bool $skip_existing Skip already imported customers. */ public static function get_items( $limit = 10, $page = 1, $days = false, $skip_existing = false ) { $customer_roles = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_analytics_import_customer_roles', array( 'customer' ) ); $query_args = array( 'fields' => 'ID', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'ASC', 'number' => $limit, 'paged' => $page, 'role__in' => $customer_roles, ); if ( is_int( $days ) ) { $query_args['date_query'] = array( 'after' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d 00:00:00', time() - ( DAY_IN_SECONDS * $days ) ), ); } if ( $skip_existing ) { add_action( 'pre_user_query', array( __CLASS__, 'exclude_existing_customers_from_query' ) ); } $customer_query = new \WP_User_Query( $query_args ); remove_action( 'pre_user_query', array( __CLASS__, 'exclude_existing_customers_from_query' ) ); return (object) array( 'total' => $customer_query->get_total(), 'ids' => $customer_query->get_results(), ); } /** * Exclude users that already exist in our customer lookup table. * * Meant to be hooked into 'pre_user_query' action. * * @internal * @param WP_User_Query $wp_user_query WP_User_Query to modify. */ public static function exclude_existing_customers_from_query( $wp_user_query ) { global $wpdb; $wp_user_query->query_where .= " AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_customer_lookup WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_customer_lookup.user_id = {$wpdb->users}.ID )"; } /** * Get total number of rows imported. * * @internal * @return int */ public static function get_total_imported() { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_customer_lookup" ); } /** * Get all available scheduling actions. * Used to determine action hook names and clear events. * * @internal * @return array */ public static function get_scheduler_actions() { $actions = parent::get_scheduler_actions(); $actions['anonymize'] = 'wc-admin_anonymize_' . static::$name; $actions['delete_user'] = 'wc-admin_delete_user_' . static::$name; return $actions; } /** * Schedule import. * * @internal * @param int $user_id User ID. * @return void */ public static function schedule_import( $user_id ) { self::schedule_action( 'import', array( $user_id ) ); } /** * Schedule an import if the "last active" meta value was changed. * Function expects to be hooked into the `updated_user_meta` action. * * @internal * @param int $meta_id ID of updated metadata entry. * @param int $user_id ID of the user being updated. * @param string $meta_key Meta key being updated. */ public static function schedule_import_via_last_active( $meta_id, $user_id, $meta_key ) { if ( 'wc_last_active' === $meta_key ) { self::schedule_import( $user_id ); } } /** * Schedule an action to anonymize a single Order. * * @internal * @param WC_Order $order Order object. * @return void */ public static function schedule_anonymize( $order ) { if ( is_a( $order, 'WC_Order' ) ) { // Postpone until any pending updates are completed. self::schedule_action( 'anonymize', array( $order->get_id() ) ); } } /** * Schedule an action to delete a single User. * * @internal * @param int $user_id User ID. * @return void */ public static function schedule_user_delete( $user_id ) { if ( (int) $user_id > 0 && ! doing_action( 'wp_uninitialize_site' ) ) { // Postpone until any pending updates are completed. self::schedule_action( 'delete_user', array( $user_id ) ); } } /** * Imports a single customer. * * @internal * @param int $user_id User ID. * @return void */ public static function import( $user_id ) { CustomersDataStore::update_registered_customer( $user_id ); } /** * Delete a batch of customers. * * @internal * @param int $batch_size Number of items to delete. * @return void */ public static function delete( $batch_size ) { global $wpdb; $customer_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT customer_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_customer_lookup ORDER BY customer_id ASC LIMIT %d", $batch_size ) ); foreach ( $customer_ids as $customer_id ) { CustomersDataStore::delete_customer( $customer_id ); } } /** * Anonymize the customer data for a single order. * * @internal * @param int $order_id Order id. * @return void */ public static function anonymize( $order_id ) { global $wpdb; $customer_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT customer_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats WHERE order_id = %d", $order_id ) ); if ( ! $customer_id ) { return; } // Long form query because $wpdb->update rejects [deleted]. $deleted_text = __( '[deleted]', 'woocommerce' ); $updated = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_customer_lookup SET user_id = NULL, username = %s, first_name = %s, last_name = %s, email = %s, country = '', postcode = %s, city = %s, state = %s WHERE customer_id = %d", array( $deleted_text, $deleted_text, $deleted_text, 'deleted@site.invalid', $deleted_text, $deleted_text, $deleted_text, $customer_id, ) ) ); // If the customer row was anonymized, flush the cache. if ( $updated ) { ReportsCache::invalidate(); } } /** * Delete the customer data for a single user. * * @internal * @param int $user_id User ID. * @return void */ public static function delete_user( $user_id ) { CustomersDataStore::delete_customer_by_user_id( $user_id ); } }