trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: media-upload.js
/** * Hooks into the global Plupload instance ('uploader'), which is set when includes/admin/metaboxes.php calls media_form() * We hook into this global instance and apply our own changes during and after the upload. * * @since */ (function( $ ) { $(function() { if ( typeof uploader !== 'undefined' ) { // Change "Select Files" button in the pluploader to "Select Files from Your Computer" $( 'input#plupload-browse-button' ).val( envira_gallery_metabox.uploader_files_computer ); // Set a custom progress bar var envira_bar = $( '#envira-gallery .envira-progress-bar' ), envira_progress = $( '#envira-gallery .envira-progress-bar div.envira-progress-bar-inner' ), envira_status = $( '#envira-gallery .envira-progress-bar div.envira-progress-bar-status' ), envira_output = $( '#envira-gallery-output' ), envira_error = $( '#envira-gallery-upload-error' ), ENVIRA_LITE_FILE_count = 0; // Uploader has initialized uploader.bind( 'Init', function( up ) { // Fade in the uploader, as it's hidden with CSS so the user doesn't see elements reposition on screen and look messy. $( '#drag-drop-area' ).fadeIn(); $( 'a.envira-media-library.button' ).fadeIn(); } ); // Files Added for Uploading uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function ( up, files ) { // Hide any existing errors $( envira_error ).html( '' ); // Get the number of files to be uploaded ENVIRA_LITE_FILE_count = files.length; // Set the status text, to tell the user what's happening $( '.uploading .current', $( envira_status ) ).text( '1' ); $( '.uploading .total', $( envira_status ) ).text( ENVIRA_LITE_FILE_count ); $( '.uploading', $( envira_status ) ).show(); $( '.done', $( envira_status ) ).hide(); // Fade in the upload progress bar $( envira_bar ).fadeIn( "fast", function() { $( 'p.max-upload-size' ).css('padding-top', '10px'); }); } ); // File Uploading - show progress bar uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', function( up, file ) { // Update the status text $( '.uploading .current', $( envira_status ) ).text( ( ENVIRA_LITE_FILE_count - ) + 1 ); // Update the progress bar $( envira_progress ).css({ 'width': + '%' }); }); // File Uploaded - AJAX call to process image and add to screen. uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function( up, file, info ) { // AJAX call to Envira to store the newly uploaded image in the meta against this Gallery $.post( envira_gallery_metabox.ajax, { action: 'envira_gallery_load_image', nonce: envira_gallery_metabox.load_image, id: info.response, post_id: }, function(res){ // Prepend or append the new image to the existing grid of images, // depending on the media_position setting switch ( envira_gallery_metabox.media_position ) { case 'before': $(envira_output).prepend(res); break; case 'after': default: $(envira_output).append(res); break; } // Repopulate the Envira Gallery Image Collection EnviraGalleryImagesUpdate( false ); }, 'json' ); }); // Files Uploaded uploader.bind( 'UploadComplete', function() { // Update status $( '.uploading', $( envira_status ) ).hide(); $( '.done', $( envira_status ) ).show(); // Hide Progress Bar setTimeout( function() { $( envira_bar ).fadeOut( "fast", function() { $( 'p.max-upload-size' ).css('padding-top', '0'); }); }, 1000 ); }); // File Upload Error uploader.bind('Error', function(up, err) { // Show message $('#envira-gallery-upload-error').html( '<div class="error fade"><p>' + + ': ' + err.message + '</p></div>' ); up.refresh(); }); } }); })( jQuery );