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# Embed the plugin's checkout page ## To use in a new plugin: - Include and instantiate `Updraft_Checkout_Embed` ```php if (!class_exists('Updraft_Checkout_Embed')) include_once (UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/checkout-embed/class-udp-checkout-embed.php'); global $udp_checkout_embed; $udp_checkout_embed = new Updraft_Checkout_Embed( 'updraftplus' $data_url, $load_in_pages ); ``` ### Params: - $plugin_name: (string) Current plugin using the class - $proructs_data_url: (string) url of the merchand website (eg: https:// - $load_in_pages: (array) pages on which the script + css will be loaded ### Cache: The products data is cached and expires after 7 days. To force fetching it, add `udp-force-product-list-refresh=1` to the admin page url ## Using in the admin - Once the php is setup, you can configure the links / buttons in the admin. Add `data-embed-checkout="{$url}"` to any link. eg: ```php global $updraftplus_checkout_embed; $link_data_attr = $updraftplus_checkout_embed->get_product('updraftpremium') ? 'data-embed-checkout="'.apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', $updraftplus_checkout_embed->get_product('updraftpremium')).'"' : ''; <a target="_blank" title="Upgrade to Updraft Premium" href="<?php echo apply_filters('updraftplus_com_link', "");?>" <?php echo $link_data_attr; ?>><?php _e('get it here', 'updraftplus');?></a> ``` - On completion (when the order is complete), the event 'udp/checkout/done' is triggered. - The event 'udp/checkout/close' is triggered when the user closes the modal, regardless of success. Use this to do something with the data received: ```javascript $(document).on('udp/checkout/done', function(event, data, $element) { // ... do something with data, currently and data.order_number // $element clicked to open the modal. }); ```