trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: admin-support.js
/** * @version 1.0 * @package Support Functions * @subpackage BackEnd Main Script Lib * @category Scripts * @author wpdevelop * * @web-site * @email * * @modified 2015-04-09 */ /** * When click on Navigation Column menu */ function wpbc_navigation_click_show_section( _this, section_id_to_show ){ var container_to_hide_class = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '.postbox'; jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_settings_flex_container' ).find( '.wpbc_settings_navigation_item_active' ).removeClass( 'wpbc_settings_navigation_item_active' ); jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_settings_navigation_item' ).addClass( 'wpbc_settings_navigation_item_active' ); jQuery( _this ).parents( '.wpbc_settings_flex_container' ).find( container_to_hide_class ).hide(); jQuery( '.wpbc_container_always_hide__on_left_nav_click' ).hide(); jQuery( section_id_to_show ).show(); //jQuery( _this ).trigger( 'blur' ); wpbc_scroll_to( section_id_to_show ); //FixIn: var section_id_tab = section_id_to_show.substring( 0, section_id_to_show.length - 8 ) + '_tab'; if ( container_to_hide_class == section_id_to_show ){ section_id_tab = '#wpbc_general_settings_all_tab' } if ('#wpbc_general_settings_capacity_metabox,#wpbc_general_settings_capacity_upgrade_metabox'== section_id_to_show){ section_id_tab = '#wpbc_general_settings_capacity_tab' } jQuery( '#form_visible_section' ).val( section_id_tab ); } /** * Scroll to specific HTML element * * @param {type} object_name * @returns {undefined} */ function wpbc_scroll_to( object_name ) { if ( jQuery( object_name ).length > 0 ) { var targetOffset = jQuery( object_name ).offset().top; // targetOffset = targetOffset - 50; if (targetOffset<0) targetOffset = 0; if ( jQuery('#wpadminbar').length > 0 ) targetOffset = targetOffset - 50; else targetOffset = targetOffset - 20; jQuery('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 500); } } jQuery( document ).ready(function(){ setTimeout(function() { wpbc_scroll_to( window.location.hash ); }, 100) }); function wpbc_animate_border( element, time, colors, x ) { if ( x >= colors.length ) { x = 0; } else { x++; var color; if ( colors[ x ] === '' ) { color = ''; } else { color = '#' + colors[ x ]; } element.css( 'border-color', color ); element.css( 'color', color ); setTimeout( function () { wpbc_animate_border( element, time, colors, x ); }, time ); } } function wpbc_field_highlight( object_name ) { if ( jQuery( object_name ).length > 0 ) { wpbc_scroll_to( object_name ); wpbc_animate_border( jQuery( object_name ) // Element , 200 // Time in ms , ['d63637', '', 'd63637', '', 'd63637', '', 'd63637', '', 'd63637', '', 'd63637', ''] // Colors Array , 0 ); } } /** * Show Yes/No dialog * * @param {type} message_question * @returns {Boolean} */ function wpbc_are_you_sure( message_question ){ var answer = confirm( message_question ); if ( answer) { return true; } else { return false;} } function wpbc_admin_show_message_processing( message_type ){ var message = '' ; if ( message_type == 'saving' ) message += _wpbc.get_message( 'message_saving' ); else if ( message_type == 'updating' ) message += _wpbc.get_message( 'message_updating' ); else if ( message_type == 'deleting' ) message += _wpbc.get_message( 'message_deleting' ); else message += _wpbc.get_message( 'message_processing' ); if ( message == 'undefined' ) message = 'Processing' message = ' <span class="wpdevelop"><span class="wpbc_icn_rotate_right wpbc_spin wpbc_ajax_icon wpbc_processing" aria-hidden="true"></span></span> ' + message + '...'; wpbc_admin_show_message( message, 'info', 10000 ); } /** * Show Alert Messages * * @param {string} message * @param {string} m_type - notice (default) | error | warning | info | success * @param {tyintpe} m_delay - microseconds * @param {bool} is_append (default true) - append notice instead of replacing * @returns {undefined} */ function wpbc_admin_show_message( message, m_type, m_delay, is_append ){ //FixIn: if ( is_append === undefined) { //FixIn: is_append = true; } var alert_class = 'notice '; //'alert '; if (m_type == 'error'){ alert_class += 'notice-error '; message = '<i style="margin-right: 0.5em;color: #d63638;" class="menu_icon icon-1x wpbc_icn_report_gmailerrorred"></i>' + message; } //'alert-danger '; if (m_type == 'warning'){ alert_class += 'notice-warning '; message = '<i style="margin-right: 0.5em;color: #e9aa04;" class="menu_icon icon-1x wpbc_icn_warning"></i>' + message; }; if (m_type == 'info') alert_class += 'notice-info '; //'alert-info '; if ( m_type == 'success' ){ alert_class += 'alert-success updated '; message = '<i style="margin-right: 0.5em;color: #64aa45;" class="menu_icon icon-1x wpbc_icn_done_outline"></i>' + message; } // var ajx_working_content = ''; // if ( is_append ) // ajx_working_content = jQuery('#ajax_working').html(); var unique_div_id = new Date(); unique_div_id = 'wpbc_notice_' + unique_div_id.getTime(); if ( is_append ){ jQuery( '#ajax_working .wpbc_processing' ).parent().parent().parent().hide(); jQuery( '#ajax_working' ).append( '<div id="' + unique_div_id + '"><div id="wpbc_alert_message" class="wpbc_alert_message">' + '<div class="wpbc_inner_message ' + alert_class + '"> ' + '<a class="close" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:jQuery(this).parent().hide();">×</a> ' + message + '</div>' + '</div></div>' ); } else jQuery('#ajax_working').html( '<div id="' + unique_div_id + '"><div id="wpbc_alert_message" class="wpbc_alert_message">' + '<div class="wpbc_inner_message '+alert_class+'"> ' + '<a class="close" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:jQuery(this).parent().hide();">×</a> ' + message + '</div>' + '</div></div>' ); jQuery( '#' + unique_div_id ).animate( {opacity: 1}, m_delay ).fadeOut( 500 ); var closed_timer2 = setTimeout( function (){ jQuery( '#' + unique_div_id ).trigger( 'hide' ); }, ( parseInt( m_delay ) + 501 ) ); } /** * Start: Dropdown BS List elements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function wpbc_close_dropdown_selectbox( selector_id ) { jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_container li input[type=checkbox],#' + selector_id + '_container li input[type=radio]').prop('checked', false); jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_container').hide(); } // Show Container depend from the selected option in dropdown list function wpbc_show_selected_in_dropdown( selector_id, title, value ){ jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_selector .wpbc_selected_in_dropdown').html( title ); jQuery('#' + selector_id ).val( value ); jQuery('#' + selector_id ).trigger('change'); } // Show Container depend from the selected Radio Option and Selectbox value in dropdown list // Exmaple: wpbc_show_selected_in_dropdown__radio_select_option( 'wh_booking_date', 'wh_booking_date2', 'wh_booking_datedays_interval_Radios' ); function wpbc_show_selected_in_dropdown__radio_select_option( selector_id, selector_id2, radio_name ){ // Get selected value in radio buttons var rad_val = jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').val(); if ( rad_val != 'undefined' ) { var select_box = jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').parents('.input-group').find('select'); // Selectbox exist if ( select_box.length > 0 ) { // Get label near selected radiobutton and selected Tilte in selectbox var title = jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').parent().find('label').html() + ' ' + jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').parents('.input-group').find('select option:selected').text(); // Get Value of selected option in selectbox var value = jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').parents('.input-group').find('select option:selected').val(); // Set Title in dropdown list jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_selector .wpbc_selected_in_dropdown').html( title ); // Set value of radio button jQuery('#' + selector_id ).val( rad_val ); // Set value of selectbox jQuery('#' + selector_id2 ).val( value ); } else { // 2 Text Fields var text_box = jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').parents('.text-group').find('input[type="text"]'); if ( text_box.length > 0 ) { var text_divs = jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').parents('.text-group').find('.dropdown-menu-text-element'); // Check if we have 2 DIV elements with text fields if ( text_box.length > 0 ) { var id_list = [ selector_id, selector_id2 ]; var title = ''; //Loop our text DIV elements jQuery('input:radio[name="' + radio_name + '"]:checked').parents('.text-group').find('.dropdown-menu-text-element').each(function( i ) { if ( title != '' ) title += ' - '; title += jQuery(this).find('input[type="text"]').val(); jQuery('#' + id_list[ i ] ).val( jQuery(this).find('input[type="text"]').val() ); }); // Set Title in dropdown list jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_selector .wpbc_selected_in_dropdown').html( title ); } } } } jQuery('#' + selector_id ).trigger( 'change' ); // Hide dropdown list jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_container').hide(); } /** * End: Dropdown BS List elements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //FixIn: /* Mark rows in listing as selected by adding specific CLASS*/ ( function( $ ){ $( document ).ready(function(){ $('.wpbc-listing-row input[type="checkbox"]').on( 'change', function(){ $('.wpbc-listing-row').find('.check-column').find(':checkbox').each( function() { if ( $(this).is(':checked') ) { $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().addClass('row_selected_color'); } else { $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().removeClass('row_selected_color'); } }); } ); }); }( jQuery ) ); /** * Ajax Request * * @param {type} us_id * @param {type} window_id * @returns {undefined} */ //<![CDATA[ function wpbc_verify_window_opening( us_id, window_id ){ var is_closed = 0; if (jQuery('#' + window_id ).hasClass('closed') == true){ jQuery('#' + window_id ).removeClass('closed'); } else { jQuery('#' + window_id ).addClass('closed'); is_closed = 1; } jQuery.ajax({ // Start Ajax Sending url: wpbc_url_ajax, type:'POST', success: function (data, textStatus){if( textStatus == 'success') jQuery('#ajax_respond').html( data );}, error:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ window.status = 'Ajax sending Error status:'+ textStatus; alert(XMLHttpRequest.status + ' ' + XMLHttpRequest.statusText); if ( XMLHttpRequest.status == 500 ) { alert('Error: 500'); } } , // beforeSend: someFunction, data:{ action: 'USER_SAVE_WINDOW_STATE', user_id: us_id , window: window_id, is_closed: is_closed, wpbc_nonce: jQuery('#wpbc_admin_panel_nonce').val() } }); } //]]> /** * Ajax Request - Saving Custom Data for User * * @param {int} us_id * @param {string} data_name * @param {string} data_value - serialized data * @param {int} is_reload - { 0 | 1 } reload or not page */ //<![CDATA[ function wpbc_save_custom_user_data( us_id, data_name, data_value , is_reload ){ wpbc_admin_show_message_processing( 'saving' ); jQuery.ajax({ // Start Ajax Sending url: wpbc_url_ajax, type:'POST', success: function (data, textStatus){if( textStatus == 'success') jQuery('#ajax_respond').html( data );}, error:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ window.status = 'Ajax sending Error status:'+ textStatus; alert(XMLHttpRequest.status + ' ' + XMLHttpRequest.statusText); if ( XMLHttpRequest.status == 500 ) { alert('Error: 500'); } } , // beforeSend: someFunction, data:{ action: 'USER_SAVE_CUSTOM_DATA', user_id: us_id, data_name: data_name, data_value: decodeURIComponent( data_value ), is_reload: is_reload, wpbc_nonce: jQuery('#wpbc_admin_panel_nonce').val() } }); } //]]> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Contact Form //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function wpbc_submit_client_form( submit_form, wpdev_active_locale ){ var count = submit_form.elements.length; var formdata = ''; var inp_value; var element; var el_type; for (var i=0; i<count; i++) { element = submit_form.elements[i]; if ( (element.type !=='button') && (element.type !=='hidden') ) { // Get Value of Element if ( element.type == 'checkbox' ){ if ( element.value == '' ) { inp_value = element.checked; } else { if ( element.checked ) inp_value = element.value; else inp_value = ''; } } else if ( element.type == 'radio' ) { if ( element.value == '' ) { inp_value = element.checked; } else { if ( element.checked ) inp_value = element.value; else inp_value = ''; } /* if ( element.checked ) inp_value = element.value; else continue; */ } else { inp_value = element.value; } // Get value in selectbox of multiple selection if ( (element.type == 'selectbox-multiple') || (element.type == 'select-multiple') ){ inp_value = jQuery('[name="''"]').val() ; if ( ( inp_value == null ) || ( inp_value.toString() == '' ) ) inp_value=''; } /*if ( == ('phone') ) { // we validate a phone number of 10 digits with no comma, no spaces, no punctuation and there will be no + sign in front the number - See more at: var reg = /^\d{10}$/; var message_verif_phone = "Please enter correctly phone number"; if ( inp_value != '' ) if(reg.test(inp_value) == false) {wpbc_show_error_message( element , message_verif_phone);return;} }*/ // Validation Check -- Requred fields if ( element.className.indexOf( 'wpbc-validate-required' ) !== -1 ){ if ( ( element.type =='checkbox' ) && ( element.checked === false ) ) { if ( ! jQuery(':checkbox[name="''"]', submit_form).is(":checked") ) { wpbc_show_error_message( element , _wpbc.get_message( 'message_check_required_for_check_box' ) ); return; } } if ( element.type =='radio' ) { if ( ! jQuery(':radio[name="''"]', submit_form).is(":checked") ) { wpbc_show_error_message( element , _wpbc.get_message( 'message_check_required_for_radio_box' ) ); return; } } if ( ( element.type !='checkbox' ) && ( element.type !='radio' ) && ( inp_value === '' ) ) { wpbc_show_error_message( element , _wpbc.get_message( 'message_check_required' ) ); return; } } // Validation Check --- Email correct filling field if ( element.className.indexOf( 'wpbc-validate-email' ) !== -1 ){ var reg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,})$/; if ( ( inp_value != '' ) && ( reg.test(inp_value) == false ) ) { wpbc_show_error_message( element , _wpbc.get_message( 'message_check_email' ) ); return; } } /* // Validation Check --- Same Email Field if ( ( element.className.indexOf('wpdev-validates-as-email') !== -1 ) && ( element.className.indexOf('same_as_') !== -1 ) ) { // Get the name of Primary Email field from the "same_as_NAME" class var primary_email_name = element.className.match(/same_as_([^\s])+/gi); if (primary_email_name != null) { // We found primary_email_name = primary_email_name[0].substr(8); // Recehck if such primary email field exist in the booking form if (jQuery('[name="' + primary_email_name + '"]').length > 0) { // Recheck the values of the both emails, if they do not equla show warning if ( jQuery('[name="' + primary_email_name + '"]').val() !== inp_value ) { wpbc_show_error_message( element , _wpbc.get_message( 'message_check_same_email' ) );return; } } } // Skip one loop for the email veryfication field continue; } */ /* // Get Form Data if ( !== ('captcha_input' ) ) { if (formdata !=='') formdata += '~'; // next field element el_type = element.type; if ( element.className.indexOf('wpdev-validates-as-email') !== -1 ) el_type='email'; if ( element.className.indexOf('wpdev-validates-as-coupon') !== -1 ) el_type='coupon'; inp_value = inp_value + ''; inp_value = inp_value.replace(new RegExp("\\^",'g'), '^'); // replace registered characters inp_value = inp_value.replace(new RegExp("~",'g'), '~'); // replace registered characters inp_value = inp_value.replace(/"/g, '"'); // replace double quot inp_value = inp_value.replace(/'/g, '''); // replace single quot formdata += el_type + '^' + + '^' + inp_value ; // element attr } */ } } // End Fields Loop submit_form.submit(); // Submit Form, if previously was no interuptions } /** * Show message under specific element * * @param {type} element - jQuery definition of the element * @param {type} errorMessage - String message * @param {type} message_type "" | "alert-warning" | "alert-success" | "alert-info" | "alert-danger" */ function wpbc_show_message_under_element( element , errorMessage , message_type) { wpbc_scroll_to( element ); if ( jQuery( element ).attr('type') == "radio" ) { jQuery( element ).parent().parent().parent() .after('<span class="wpbc-near-field-message alert '+ message_type +'">'+ errorMessage +'</span>'); // Show message } else if (jQuery( element ).attr('type') == "checkbox") { jQuery( element ).parent() .after('<span class="wpbc-near-field-message alert '+ message_type +'">'+ errorMessage +'</span>'); // Show message } else { jQuery( element ) .after('<span class="wpbc-near-field-message alert '+ message_type +'">'+ errorMessage +'</span>'); // Show message } jQuery(".widget_wpbc .wpbc-near-field-message") .css( {'vertical-align': 'sub' } ) ; jQuery(".wpbc-near-field-message") .animate( {opacity: 1}, 10000 ) .fadeOut( 2000 ); } // Show Error Message in Booking Form at Front End function wpbc_show_error_message( element , errorMessage) { // Scroll to the element wpbc_scroll_to( element ); jQuery("[name='"+ +"']") .fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 300 ) .fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 400 ) .fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 300 ) .fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 400 ) .animate( {opacity: 1}, 4000 ) ; // mark red border if (jQuery("[name='"+ +"']").attr('type') == "radio") { jQuery("[name='"+ +"']").parent().parent()//.parent() .after('<span class="wpbc-near-field-message alert alert-warning">'+ errorMessage +'</span>'); // Show message } else if (jQuery("[name='"+ +"']").attr('type') == "checkbox") { jQuery("[name='"+ +"']").parent().parent() .after('<span class="wpbc-near-field-message alert alert-warning">'+ errorMessage +'</span>'); // Show message } else { jQuery("[name='"+ +"']") .after('<span class="wpbc-near-field-message alert alert-warning">'+ errorMessage +'</span>'); // Show message } jQuery(".wpbc-near-field-message") .css( {'padding' : '5px 5px 4px', 'margin' : '2px', 'vertical-align': 'top', 'line-height': '32px' } ); if ( element.type == 'checkbox' ) jQuery(".wpbc-near-field-message").css( { 'vertical-align': 'middle'} ); jQuery(".widget_wpbc .wpbc-near-field-message") .css( {'vertical-align': 'sub' } ) ; jQuery(".wpbc-near-field-message") .animate( {opacity: 1}, 10000 ) .fadeOut( 2000 ); jQuery( element).trigger( 'focus' ); //FixIn: return; } /** * Reload the page with new parameter value. * * @param {type} url - full URL of the page, can include or exclude that parameter * @param {type} param - URL parameter name * @param {type} value - URL parameter value * @returns {undefined} */ function wpbc_reload_page_with_paramater( url, param, value ) { var hash = {}; var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = url; var parameters =\?|&/); for(var i=0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if(!parameters[i]) continue; var ary = parameters[i].split('='); hash[ary[0]] = ary[1]; } hash[param] = value; var list = []; Object.keys(hash).forEach(function (key) { list.push(key + '=' + hash[key]); }); = '?' + list.join('&'); //return parser.href; window.location.href = parser.href; } // jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery( window ).on( "load", function (){ //FixIn: // Color Text picker /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery('.field-text-color').length > 0 ) { jQuery('.field-text-color').iris( { change: function(event, ui){ jQuery(this).css( { backgroundColor: ui.color.toString() } ); jQuery(this).closest('.fields-color-group').find('.fieldvalue').css( { color: ui.color.toString() } ); } , hide: true , border: true , palettes: ['#333', '#555', '#777', '#aaa', '#fff'] } ).each( function() { jQuery(this).css( { backgroundColor: jQuery(this).val() } ); }) .on( 'click', function(){ //FixIn: jQuery('.iris-picker').hide(); jQuery(this).closest('div').find('.iris-picker').show(); }); } // Color Background picker ///////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery('.field-background-color').length > 0 ) { jQuery('.field-background-color').iris( { change: function(event, ui){ jQuery(this).css( { backgroundColor: ui.color.toString() } ); jQuery(this).closest('.fields-color-group').find('.fieldvalue').css( { backgroundColor: ui.color.toString() } ); } , hide: true , border: true , palettes: [ '#FFEE99', '#459', '#78b', '#ab0', '#df5d5d', '#f0f'] } ).each( function() { jQuery(this).css( { backgroundColor: jQuery(this).val() } ); }) .on( 'click', function(){ //FixIn: jQuery('.iris-picker').hide(); jQuery(this).closest('div').find('.iris-picker').show(); }); //FixIn: jQuery('.field-text-color, .field-background-color' ).on( 'click', function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General Color picker in settings table ////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( jQuery('.wpbc_colorpick').length > 0 ) { jQuery('.wpbc_colorpick').iris( { change: function(event, ui){ jQuery(this).css( { backgroundColor: ui.color.toString() } ); } , hide: true , border: true , palettes: ['#125', '#459', '#78b', '#ab0', '#de3', '#f0f'] } ).each( function() { jQuery(this).css( { backgroundColor: jQuery(this).val() } ); }) .on( 'click', function(){ //FixIn: jQuery('.iris-picker').hide(); jQuery(this).closest('td').find('.iris-picker').show(); }); jQuery('body' ).on( 'click', function() { jQuery('.iris-picker').hide(); }); //FixIn: jQuery('.wpbc_colorpick' ).on( 'click', function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Reset of WP Editor or TextArea Content * @param {string} editor_textarea_id - ID of element * @param {string} editor_textarea_content - Content */ function wpbc_reset_wp_editor_content( editor_textarea_id, editor_textarea_content ) { //FixIn: if ( (typeof WPBC_CM !== 'undefined') && ( WPBC_CM.is_defined( '#' + editor_textarea_id ) ) ){ WPBC_CM.set_codemirror_value( '#' + editor_textarea_id , editor_textarea_content ); } else { if( typeof tinymce != "undefined" ) { var editor = tinymce.get( editor_textarea_id ); if( editor && editor instanceof tinymce.Editor ) { editor.setContent( editor_textarea_content ); { no_events: true } ); } else { jQuery( '#' + editor_textarea_id ).val( editor_textarea_content ); } } else { jQuery( '#' + editor_textarea_id ).val( editor_textarea_content ); } } } /** * Dismiss window / panel in Welcome Page * * @param {type} us_id * @param {type} window_id * @returns {undefined} */ //<![CDATA[ function wpbc_dismiss_window(us_id, window_id ){ jQuery.ajax({ // Start Ajax Sending url: wpbc_url_ajax, type:'POST', success: function (data, textStatus){if( textStatus == 'success') jQuery('#ajax_respond').html( data );}, error:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){window.status = 'Ajax sending Error status:'+ textStatus;alert(XMLHttpRequest.status + ' ' + XMLHttpRequest.statusText);if (XMLHttpRequest.status == 500) {alert('Please check at this page according this error:' + '');}}, // beforeSend: someFunction, data:{ //ajax_action : 'USER_SAVE_WINDOW_STATE', action : 'USER_SAVE_WINDOW_STATE', user_id: us_id , window: window_id, is_closed: 1, wpbc_nonce: document.getElementById('wpbc_admin_panel_dismiss_window_nonce').value } }); } //]]> /** * Hide HTML element with animation during 0.5 second * * @param window_id - HTML ID of element, such as 'wpbc_my_window' - without # symbol */ function wpbc_hide_window( window_id ){ jQuery( '#' + window_id ).slideUp( 800 ); }