trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: host.php
<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access.'); /** * The template definition for UpdraftCentral host */ abstract class UpdraftCentral_Host { public $plugin_name; public $translations; public $error_reporting_stop_when_logged = false; public $no_deprecation_warnings = false; private $jobdata; abstract protected function load_updraftcentral(); abstract protected function is_host_dir_set(); abstract protected function get_host_dir(); abstract protected function get_version(); abstract public function log($line, $level = 'notice', $uniq_id = false); /** * Class constructor */ public function __construct() { add_action('wp_ajax_updraft_central_ajax', array($this, 'updraft_central_ajax_handler')); } /** * Returns the plugin name associated with this host class * * @return string */ public function get_plugin_name() { return $this->plugin_name; } /** * Retrieves or shows a message from the translations collection based on its identifier key * * @param string $key The ID of the the message * @param bool $echo Indicate whether the message is to be shown directly (echoed) or just for retrieval * * @return string/void */ public function retrieve_show_message($key, $echo = false) { if (empty($key) || !isset($this->translations[$key])) return ''; if ($echo) { echo $this->translations[$key]; return; } return $this->translations[$key]; } /** * Adds a section to a designated area primarily used for generating UpdraftCentral keys * * @return void */ public function debugtools_dashboard() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) return; global $updraftcentral_main; if (!class_exists('UpdraftCentral_Main')) { if (defined('UPDRAFTCENTRAL_CLIENT_DIR') && file_exists(UPDRAFTCENTRAL_CLIENT_DIR.'/bootstrap.php')) { include_once(UPDRAFTCENTRAL_CLIENT_DIR.'/bootstrap.php'); $updraftcentral_main = new UpdraftCentral_Main(); } } if ($updraftcentral_main) { $updraftcentral_main->debugtools_dashboard(); } } /** * Whether the current user can perform key control AJAX actions * * @return Boolean */ public function current_user_can_ajax() { return current_user_can('manage_options'); } /** * Handles ajax requests coming from the section or area generated by the * "debugtools_dashboard" method (below) * * @return void */ public function updraft_central_ajax_handler() { global $updraftcentral_main; $nonce = empty($_REQUEST['nonce']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['nonce']; if (empty($nonce) || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'updraftcentral-request-nonce') || !$this->current_user_can_ajax() || empty($_REQUEST['subaction'])) die('Security check'); if (is_a($updraftcentral_main, 'UpdraftCentral_Main')) { $subaction = $_REQUEST['subaction']; if ($this->is_action_whitelisted($subaction) && is_callable(array($updraftcentral_main, $subaction))) { // Undo WP's slashing of POST data $data = $this->wp_unslash($_POST); // TODO: Once all commands come through here and through updraft_send_command(), the data should always come from this attribute (once updraft_send_command() is modified appropriately). if (isset($data['action_data'])) $data = $data['action_data']; try { $results = call_user_func(array($updraftcentral_main, $subaction), $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal Exception error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during '.$subaction.' subaction. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); die; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } catch (Error $e) { $log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during '.$subaction.' subaction. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')'; error_log($log_message); echo json_encode(array( 'fatal_error' => true, 'fatal_error_message' => $log_message )); die; } if (is_wp_error($results)) { $results = array( 'result' => false, 'error_code' => $results->get_error_code(), 'error_message' => $results->get_error_message(), 'error_data' => $results->get_error_data(), ); } if (is_string($results)) { // A handful of legacy methods, and some which are directly the source for iframes, for which JSON is not appropriate. echo $results; } else { echo json_encode($results); } die; } } die; } /** * Verifies whether the submitted action is valid and allowed for execution over AJAX * * @param string $action The action to execute * * @return bool */ private function is_action_whitelisted($action) { $allowed_actions = array('delete_key', 'get_log', 'create_key'); return in_array($action, $allowed_actions); } /** * Retrieves the filter used by UpdraftCentral to log errors or certain events * * @return string */ public function get_logline_filter() { return 'updraftcentral_logline'; } /** * Gets an RPC object, and sets some defaults on it that we always want * * @param string $indicator_name indicator name * @return array */ public function get_udrpc($indicator_name = '') { global $updraftplus; $updraftplus->ensure_phpseclib(); if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Remote_Communications_V2')) include_once($this->get_host_dir().'/vendor/team-updraft/common-libs/src/updraft-rpc/class-udrpc2.php'); $ud_rpc = new UpdraftPlus_Remote_Communications_V2($indicator_name); $ud_rpc->set_can_generate(true); return $ud_rpc; } /** * Noop method. * Depending on the host plugin this method may or may not be used. * * N.B. The UpdraftPlus plugin is using and overriding this method in its host file. * * @param boolean $register Indicate whether to add or remote filter hooks * @ignore */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine public function register_wp_http_option_hooks($register = true) {} /** * Remove slashes from a string or array of strings. * * The function wp_unslash() is WP 3.6+, so therefore we have a compatibility method here * * @param String|Array $value String or array of strings to unslash. * @return String|Array Unslashed $value */ public function wp_unslash($value) { return function_exists('wp_unslash') ? wp_unslash($value) : stripslashes_deep($value); } /** * Generate a log line based from the PHP error information * * @param Integer $errno Error number * @param String $errstr Error string * @param String $errfile Error file * @param String $errline Line number where the error occurred * * @return string|bool */ public function php_error_to_logline($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case 1: $e_type = 'E_ERROR'; break; case 2: $e_type = 'E_WARNING'; break; case 4: $e_type = 'E_PARSE'; break; case 8: $e_type = 'E_NOTICE'; break; case 16: $e_type = 'E_CORE_ERROR'; break; case 32: $e_type = 'E_CORE_WARNING'; break; case 64: $e_type = 'E_COMPILE_ERROR'; break; case 128: $e_type = 'E_COMPILE_WARNING'; break; case 256: $e_type = 'E_USER_ERROR'; break; case 512: $e_type = 'E_USER_WARNING'; break; case 1024: $e_type = 'E_USER_NOTICE'; break; case 2048: $e_type = 'E_STRICT'; break; case 4096: $e_type = 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR'; break; case 8192: $e_type = 'E_DEPRECATED'; break; case 16384: $e_type = 'E_USER_DEPRECATED'; break; case 30719: $e_type = 'E_ALL'; break; default: $e_type = "E_UNKNOWN ($errno)"; break; } if (false !== stripos($errstr, 'table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms')) return false; if (!is_string($errstr)) $errstr = serialize($errstr); if (0 === strpos($errfile, ABSPATH)) $errfile = substr($errfile, strlen(ABSPATH)); if ('E_DEPRECATED' == $e_type && !empty($this->no_deprecation_warnings)) { return false; } return "PHP event: code $e_type: $errstr (line $errline, $errfile)"; } /** * PHP error handler * * @param Integer $errno Error number * @param String $errstr Error string * @param String $errfile Error file * @param String $errline Line number where the error occurred * * @return bool */ public function php_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if (0 == error_reporting()) return true; $logline = $this->php_error_to_logline($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); if (false !== $logline) $this->log($logline, 'notice', 'php_event'); // Pass it up the chain return $this->error_reporting_stop_when_logged; } }