trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: fbuilder.fcalculated.js
$.fbuilder.controls['fCalculated'] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls['fCalculated'].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls['ffields'].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"fCalculated", predefined:"", required:false, size:"medium", min:"", max:"", eq:"", suffix:"", prefix:"", decimalsymbol:".", groupingsymbol:"", dependencies:[{'rule' : '', 'complex' : false, 'fields' : [''] }], readonly:true, currency:false, noEvalIfManual:true, formatDynamically:false, dynamicEval:true, hidefield:false, validate:false, _onEquationsQueueEmpty : function( evt ) { var me =; if( ! me.noEvalIfManual ) $('[id="' + + '"]').data('manually', 0); }, configuration : function() { var me = this; return { "suffix" : me.suffix, "prefix" : me.prefix, "groupingsymbol" : me.groupingsymbol, "decimalsymbol" : me.decimalsymbol, "currency": me.currency }; }, show:function() { this.predefined = this._getAttr('predefined', true); return '<div class="fields '+cff_esc_attr(this.csslayout)+' '' cff-calculated-field" id="field'+this.form_identifier+'-'+this.index+'" style="'+( this.hidefield ? 'padding:0;margin:0;border:0;opacity:0;width:0;height:0;overflow:hidden;' : cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('container')) )+'"><label '+( ! this.hidefield ? 'for="''"' : '' )+' style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('label'))+'">'+this.title+''+((this.required) ? '<span class="r">*</span>' : '')+'</label><div class="dfield"><input aria-label="'+cff_esc_attr(this.title)+'" id="''" name="''" '+((this.readonly) ? ' readonly ' : '')+' '+((!/^\s*$/.test(this.min)) ? 'min="'+cff_esc_attr($.fbuilder.parseVal(this._getAttr('min'), this.thousandSeparator, this.decimalSymbol))+'" ' : '')+((!/^\s*$/.test(this.max)) ? ' max="'+cff_esc_attr($.fbuilder.parseVal(this._getAttr('max'), this.thousandSeparator, this.decimalSymbol))+'" ' : '')+' class="codepeoplecalculatedfield field '+this.size+((this.required)?" required":"")+'" type="'+((this.hidefield) ? 'hidden' : 'text')+'" value="'+cff_esc_attr(this.predefined)+'" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('input'))+'" />'+((!this.hidefield) ? '<span class="uh" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('help'))+'">'+this.userhelp+'</span>' : '')+'</div><div class="clearer"></div></div>'; }, after_show:function() { // Add equations var me = this, dependencies = []; $.each(me.dependencies, function(i, d) { d.rule = d.rule.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); if(d.rule != '' && d.fields.length){ var fields = []; $.each(d.fields, function(j, f){ if(f != '') { fields.push(f); } }); if(fields.length){ dependencies.push({ 'rule' : d.rule, 'fields' : fields }); } } }); me.dependencies = dependencies; var eq = me.eq; eq = eq.replace(/([^\:"'])\/\/[^\n\r]*/g, '$1 ').replace(/^\/\/[^\n\r]*/g, '').replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ').replace(/fieldname(\d+)/g, "fieldname$1"+me.form_identifier).replace(/form_identifier/g, '\''+this['form_identifier']+'\'').replace(/;\s*\)/g, ')').replace(/;\s*$/, ''); if(!/^\s*$/.test(eq)) { $.fbuilder.calculator.addEquation(me, eq, dependencies, me.form_identifier); } // Events var e = $('[id="''"]'); e.on( 'calcualtedfield_changed', {obj: me}, function(evt){ if($.fbuilder['calculator'].getDepList(, {value:, raw:}, { $.fbuilder.showHideDep( { 'formIdentifier' :, 'fieldIdentifier': } ); } } ).on('keyup', function(){ if(!me.readonly) {'manually', 1);'bk', e.val()); $(document).off('equationsQueueEmpty', me._onEquationsQueueEmpty); $(document).one('equationsQueueEmpty', {obj: me}, me._onEquationsQueueEmpty); e.trigger('calcualtedfield_changed'); } }).on('change', function(){ if('manually') &&'manually') == 1 && me.formatDynamically ) { var v = (me.val(true, true)+'').replace( new RegExp( '[^\\-\\d'+me.decimalsymbol.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')+']', 'g' ), '' ).replace(/[^\d\-]/g, '.'); this.value = $.fbuilder.calculator.format(v, me.configuration()); try { $(this).valid(); } catch(err) {} } else if( $(this).hasClass('cpefb_error') || me.validate ) { try { $(this).valid(); } catch(err) {} } if( ! me.noEvalIfManual )'manually', 0); }); $('#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform'+me.form_identifier).on('reset', function(){e.removeData('manually');}); }, showHideDep: function(toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer, interval) { if(typeof hiddenByContainer == 'undefined') hiddenByContainer = {}; var me = this, result = []; if($.fbuilder['calculator'].getDepList(, {value: me.val(), raw: me.val(true)}, me.dependencies)) { var item = $('#', identifier = me.form_identifier, isHidden= (typeof toHide[] != 'undefined' || typeof hiddenByContainer[] != 'undefined'), d, n, dep, clearRef = function(id){ if(typeof toShow[id] != 'undefined') { delete toShow[id]['ref'][]; if($.isEmptyObject(toShow[id]['ref'])) delete toShow[id]; } }, hideField = function(id){ $('.'+id+' [id*="'+id+'"],.'+id).closest('.fields').hide(); $('.'+id+' [id*="'+id+'"]:not(.ignore)').addClass('ignore').trigger('add-ignore'); toHide[id] = {}; }; try { d = item.attr('dep'); if(typeof d != 'undefined' && !/^\s*$/.test(d)) d = d.split(','); else d = []; n = item.attr('notdep'); if(typeof n != 'undefined' && !/^\s*$/.test(n)) n = n.split(','); else n = []; if(isHidden) { n = n.concat(d); d = []; } for (i=0; i<d.length; i++) { if(!/fieldname/i.test(d[i])) continue; dep = d[i]+identifier; delete toHide[dep]; if(typeof toShow[dep] == 'undefined') toShow[dep] = { 'ref': {}}; toShow[dep]['ref'][] = 1; if(!(dep in hiddenByContainer)) { $('.'+dep+' [id*="'+dep+'"],.'+dep).closest('.fields').fadeIn(interval || 0); $('.'+dep+' [id*="'+dep+'"].ignore').removeClass('ignore').trigger('remove-ignore'); } if($.inArray(dep,result) == -1) result.push(dep); } for (i=0; i<n.length; i++) { if(!/fieldname/i.test(n[i])) continue; dep = n[i]+identifier; clearRef(dep); if ( typeof toShow[dep] == 'undefined' && typeof toHide[dep] == 'undefined' ) hideField(dep); if($.inArray(dep,result) == -1) result.push(dep); } } catch(e){} } return result; }, val: function(raw, no_quotes) { raw = raw || false; no_quotes = no_quotes || false; var e = $('[id="''"]:not(.ignore)'); if(e.length) { var v = e.val(); if(raw) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr(v, raw, no_quotes); v = String(v).trim(); v = v.replace(new RegExp($.fbuilder['escapeSymbol'](this.prefix), 'g'), '') .replace(new RegExp($.fbuilder['escapeSymbol'](this.suffix), 'g'), ''); return $.fbuilder.parseVal(v, this.groupingsymbol, this.decimalsymbol, no_quotes); } return 0; }, setVal:function( v, nochange ) { var e = $( "[id='" + + "']" ), bk ='bk'); e.val( v ); if(bk != v){ e.trigger('calcualtedfield_changed'); if(!nochange) e.trigger('change'); } } } ); /* * Extend the window object with the methods of obj, the prefix is used to avoid redefine window methods */ $.fbuilder['extend_window'] = function(prefix, obj) { for(method in obj) { window[prefix+method] = (function(m) { return function() { return m.obj[m.method_name].apply(m.obj, arguments); }; })({ "method_name" : method, 'obj' : obj }); } }; // Calculate Field code $.fbuilder['calculator'] = (function() { // Used to validate the equations results var validators = []; // Loading available modules if(typeof $.fbuilder['modules'] != 'undefined') { var modules = $.fbuilder['modules']; for(var module in modules) { if(typeof modules[module]['callback'] != 'undefined') { modules[module]['callback'](); } if(typeof modules[module]['validator'] != 'undefined') { validators.push(modules[module]['validator']); } } } // Private function to validate the equation results _validate_result = function(v) { if(validators.length) { var h = validators.length; while(h--) { if(validators[h](v)) { return true; } } } else { return true; } return false; }; // Private function, the variable names in the equations are replaced by its values, return the equation result or false if error _eval = function(eq) { return eval(eq); // Evaluate the final equation }; _calculate = function(eq, suffix, __ME__) { var e = $.fbuilder['forms'][suffix].getItem(__ME__), __ME__ = e.val(); if($('#''manually') == 1) return __ME__; var _match, field_regexp = new RegExp('(fieldname\\d+'+suffix+')(_[cr]b\\d+)?(\\|[rnv])?([\\D\\b])','i'); $.fbuilder['currentFormId'] = $.fbuilder['forms'][suffix].formId; eq = eq.replace( /(ACTIVATEFIELD|IGNOREFIELD|HIDEFIELD|SHOWFIELD)\(([^\)]*)/ig, '$1($2,"'+$.fbuilder['forms'][suffix].formId+'"' ); eq = '('+eq+')'; while (_match = field_regexp.exec(eq)) { var field = $.fbuilder['forms'][suffix].getItem(_match[1]), v = '', r; if(field || (_match[3] && _match[3] == '|n')) { if(_match[3] && _match[3] == '|n') { v = '"'+_match[1].match(/fieldname\d+/)[0]+'"'; } else { r = (_match[3]) ? ((_match[3] == '|v') ? 'vt' : ((_match[3] == '|r') ? true : false)) : false; v = field.val(r); if(typeof v == 'object' && typeof window.JSON != 'undefined') v = JSON.stringify(v); else if( r !== true && $.fbuilder.isNumeric(v)) v = '('+v+')'; } } eq = eq.replace(_match[0], v+''+_match[4]); // Replace the variable name by value } try { var r = _eval(eq.replace(/^\(/, '').replace(/\)$/, '').replace(/\b__ME__\b/g, __ME__)); // Evaluate the final equation return (typeof r != 'undefined' && _validate_result(r)) ? r : false; } catch(e) { if(typeof console != 'undefined'){console.log(eq); console.log(e.message);} return false; } }; _checkValueThrowingEquation = function(t) { if(typeof t.attr('data-timeout') != 'undefined') clearTimeout(t.attr('data-timeout')); if(typeof t.attr('data-previousvalue') == 'undefined') t.attr('data-previousvalue', t.val()); else { if(t.val() == t.attr('data-previousvalue')) { t.removeAttr('data-timeout'); obj.Calculate(t[0]); return; } t.attr('data-previousvalue', t.val()); } t.attr('data-timeout', setTimeout(_checkValueThrowingEquation, 500, t)); }; // The public object var CalcFieldClss = function(){}; CalcFieldClss.prototype = { processing_queue : {}, // Flag indicating the queued equations are being processed pendings : {}, // object where attributes names are the forms identifiers, and their values the queue of equations queued_equations : {}, addPending : function(form_identifier) { if(!(form_identifier in this.pendings)) this.pendings[form_identifier] = 1; else this.pendings[form_identifier]++; }, removePending : function(form_identifier) { if((form_identifier in this.pendings) && this.pendings[form_identifier]) this.pendings[form_identifier]--; }, thereIsPending : function(form_identifier) { if(form_identifier in this.pendings) return this.pendings[form_identifier]; return 0; }, addEquation : function(fieldObj, equation, dependencies, form_identifier) { var equation_result = $('[id="''"]'); if(equation_result.length) { var form = equation_result[0].form, equationObj, field, regexp = new RegExp('(fieldname\\d+)_'), match; if(typeof form.equations == 'undefined') form['equations'] = []; var i, j=-1, h = form.equations.length; // Avoid insert the equation multiple times to the form for(i = 0 ; i < h; i++) { if(form.equations[i].result == break; if(form.equations[i].equation.match({ j = i; break; } } // The equation hasn't been inserted previously if(i == h || j != -1) { /* conf attribute only for compatibility */ equationObj = {'result', 'resultField':fieldObj, 'equation':equation, 'conf':fieldObj.configuration(), 'dep':dependencies, 'identifier':form_identifier}; form.equations.splice(i, 0, equationObj); while(match = /(pdfpagesnumber|imgdimension|viewfile|csvtojson)\s*\(\s*fieldname\d+_\d+(\|n)\b/i.exec(equation)) { equation = equation.replace(match[2], match[0].replace('|n', '')); } equation = equation.replace(/fieldname\d+_\d+\|n\b/g, ''); while (match = regexp.exec(equation)) { field = $.fbuilder['forms'][form_identifier].getItem(match[1]+form_identifier); if(field) { if(typeof field.usedInEquations == 'undefined') field.usedInEquations = []; field.usedInEquations.push(equationObj); } equation = equation.replace(new RegExp(match[0], 'g'), ''); } } } }, enqueueEquation : function(form_identifier, equations) { if(typeof this.queued_equations[form_identifier] == 'undefined') this.queued_equations[form_identifier] = []; var queue = this.queued_equations[form_identifier], f; for(var i = 0, h = equations.length; i < h; i++) { f = -1; for(var j = 0, k = queue.length; j < k; j++) { if(queue[j].result == equations[i].result) break; if(queue[j].equation.match(equations[i].result)){ f = j; break; } } if(j == k || f != -1) { queue.splice(j, 0, equations[i]); } } }, getDepList : function(calculated_field, values, dependencies) // Get the list of dependent fields { var list = [], // Fields that comply the rules list_h = []; // Fields that don't comply the rules // The value is correct and the field has dependencies if(values.value !== false && dependencies.length) { for(var i = 0, h = dependencies.length; i < h; i++) { try { // Get the rule and evaluate var rule = eval(dependencies[i].rule.replace(/value\|r/gi, values.raw).replace(/value/gi, values.value)); $.each(dependencies[i].fields, function(j, e) { if(e != '') { if(rule) { var k = $.inArray(e, list_h); while(k != -1) { list_h.splice(k, 1); k = $.inArray(e, list_h); } if($.inArray(e, list) == -1) list.push(e); } else { if($.inArray(e, list) == -1) list_h.push(e); } } }); } catch(e) { if(typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(e.message); continue; } } } $('[id="'+calculated_field+'"]').attr('dep', list.join(',')).attr('notdep', list_h.join(',')); return list.length || list_h.length; }, defaultCalc : function(form, enqueued, force_all) // Evaluate all equations in form { var dep = false; form = $(form); enqueued = enqueued || false; force_all = force_all || false; // The form exists and has equations if(form.length) { var fSec = form.attr('id').match(/_\d+$/)[0]; if(enqueued) { this.processQueue(fSec); } else if(typeof form[0].equations != 'undefined') { if(force_all){ // Force the evaluation even if fields configured to not evaluate dynamically. this.queued_equations[fSec] = form[0].equations.slice(0); } else { var _dynamicEquations = []; for(var i = 0, q = form[0].equations.slice(0), h = q.length; i < h; i++) { if(getField(q[i].result)['dynamicEval']) _dynamicEquations.push(q[i]); } this.queued_equations[fSec] = _dynamicEquations; } this.processQueue(fSec); } $(form).trigger('cpcff_default_calc'); } }, Calculate : function (field) { if( == undefined) return; var id =[cr]b\d+$/i,''), fSec = id.match(/(_\d+)?_\d+$/), item, me = this; if(fSec) { fSec = (typeof fSec[1] != 'undefined') ? fSec[1] : fSec[0]; item = $.fbuilder['forms'][fSec].getItem(id); if(item && typeof item['usedInEquations'] != 'undefined') { for(var i in item.usedInEquations) { if(getField(item.usedInEquations[i].result)['dynamicEval']) me.enqueueEquation(fSec, [item.usedInEquations[i]]); } me.processQueue(fSec); } } }, processQueue : function(fSec) { var me = this; if(fSec in me.processing_queue && me.processing_queue[fSec]) { setTimeout( (function ( fSec ) { if(fSec in me.processing_queue && me.processing_queue[fSec]) { me.processing_queue[fSec] = false; me.processQueue(fSec); } })(fSec), (typeof CFF_PROCESS_QUEUE_INTERVAL != 'undefined') ? CFF_PROCESS_QUEUE_INTERVAL : 3000 ); return; } me.processing_queue[fSec] = true; if(typeof me.queued_equations[fSec] != 'undefined') { var queue = me.queued_equations[fSec], eq_obj; while(queue.length) { eq_obj = queue.shift(); $.fbuilder['currentEq'] = eq_obj; var field = $('[id="'+eq_obj.result+'"]'), result = _calculate(eq_obj.equation, eq_obj.identifier, eq_obj.result), bk ='bk'); field.val((result !== false) ? me.format(result, eq_obj.resultField.configuration()) : ''); if(bk != field.val()) {'bk',field.val()); field.trigger('calcualtedfield_changed'); field.trigger('change'); } } } me.processing_queue[fSec] = false; if(!me.thereIsPending(fSec)) $(document).trigger('equationsQueueEmpty', [fSec]); }, format : function(value, config) { config = $.extend({}, config); if(!/^\s*$/.test(value)) { var symbol = '', isNumeric = false; if($.fbuilder.isNumeric(value) && !/[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)/.test(value)) { isNumeric = true; if(value < 0) symbol = '-'; var parts = value.toString().replace("-", "").split("."), counter = 0, str = ''; if(config.groupingsymbol) { for(var i = parts[0].length-1; i >= 0; i--){ counter++; str = parts[0][i]+str; if(counter%3 == 0 && i != 0) str = config.groupingsymbol+str; } parts[0] = str; } if(!('decimalsymbol' in config)) config.decimalsymbol = '.'; value = parts.join(config.decimalsymbol); } if(config.currency && !isNumeric) { delete config.prefix; delete config.suffix; } if(config.prefix) { if(!config.currency) { value = symbol+value; symbol = ''; } value = config.prefix+value; } if(config.suffix) value += config.suffix; value = symbol+value; } return value; }, unformat : function(field) { var escapeSymbol = $.fbuilder.escapeSymbol; var eq = field[0].form.equations, v = field.val(); for(var i = 0, h = eq.length; i < h; i++) { if(eq[i].result == field[0].id) { var c = eq[i].resultField.configuration(); // Configuration object if(c.prefix && !/^\s*$/.test(c.prefix)) { v = v.replace(new RegExp("^"+escapeSymbol(c.prefix)), ''); } if(c.suffix && !/^\s*$/.test(c.suffix)) { v = v.replace(new RegExp(escapeSymbol(c.suffix)+"$"), ''); } if(!/[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)/.test(v)) { if(c.groupingsymbol && !/^\s*$/.test(c.groupingsymbol)) { v = v.replace(new RegExp(escapeSymbol(c.groupingsymbol), 'g'), ''); } if(c.decimalsymbol && !/^\s*$/.test(c.decimalsymbol)) { v = v.replace(new RegExp(escapeSymbol(c.decimalsymbol), 'g'), '.'); } } } } return v; } }; var obj = new CalcFieldClss(); // Associate events to the document for throw the corresponding equations $(document).on('keyup change blur', '[id="fbuilder"] :input,[id="fbuilder"] .cff-datatable-field .cff-datatable-container', function(evt) { // If evalequations = 0 the equations shouldn't be evaluated dynamically var t = $(, f = t.closest('form'), evalequations = f.attr('data-evalequations'), evalequationsevent = f.attr('data-evalequationsevent'); if( typeof evalequations != 'undefined' && evalequations*1 == 0 && ( !(t.hasClass('codepeoplecalculatedfield') && evt.type == 'change') || (t.hasClass('codepeoplecalculatedfield') &&'manually') == 1) ) ) { return; } if(evt.type == 'keyup') { if('undefined' != typeof evalequationsevent && evalequationsevent*1 == 1) { return; } // The key out of range if(evt.keyCode && (evt.keyCode >= 33 && evt.keyCode <= 40)) return; _checkValueThrowingEquation(t); } else { if(/*t.hasClass('depItem') ||*/ ( ( t.prop('tagName') == 'INPUT' && /(text|number|email|password)/.test(t.attr('type').toLowerCase()) || t.prop('tagName') == 'TEXTAREA' ) && evt.type != 'change' ) ) { return; } obj.Calculate(t[0]); } }); //Associate an event to the document waiting for the showHideDepEvent and recalculate all equations $(document).on('showHideDepEvent', function(evt, form_identifier) { // If evalequations = 0 the equations shouldn't be evaluated dynamically var f, evalequations, first_time; if(form_identifier) f = $('#'+form_identifier); else f = $('[id*="cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform_"]:eq(0)'); if(f.length) { first_time = (typeof'first_time') == 'undefined');'first_time', 0); evalequations = f.attr('data-evalequations'); if(typeof evalequations == 'undefined' || evalequations*1 == 1) { if(first_time) obj.defaultCalc('#'+f.attr('id')); else obj.defaultCalc('#'+f.attr('id'), true); } } }); return obj; // Return the public object } )();