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Edit File: SocialMeta.php
<?php namespace AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Migration; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } use AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Models; // phpcs:disable WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.AssociativeArrayFound /** * Migrates the Social Meta settings from V3. * * @since 4.0.0 */ class SocialMeta { /** * The old V3 options. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @var array */ protected $oldOptions = []; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function __construct() { $this->oldOptions = aioseo()->migration->oldOptions; if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options'] ) ) { return; } $this->migrateHomePageOgTitle(); $this->migrateHomePageOgDescription(); $this->migrateTwitterUsername(); $this->migrateTwitterCardType(); $this->migrateSocialPostImageSettings(); $this->migrateDefaultObjectTypes(); $this->migrateAdvancedSettings(); $this->migrateProfileSocialUrls(); if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_sitename'] ) ) { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->general->siteName = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_sitename'] ); } $settings = [ 'aiosp_opengraph_facebook_author' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', 'newOption' => [ 'social', 'facebook', 'general', 'showAuthor' ] ], 'aiosp_opengraph_twitter_creator' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', 'newOption' => [ 'social', 'twitter', 'general', 'showAuthor' ] ], ]; aioseo()->migration->helpers->mapOldToNew( $settings, $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options'] ); $this->maybeShowOgNotices(); } /** * Check if we need to add a notice about the OG deprecated settings. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function maybeShowOgNotices() { $include = []; // Check if any of thw following are set to true. if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_generate_descriptions'] ) ) { $include[] = __( 'Use Content for Autogenerated Descriptions', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_description_shortcodes'] ) ) { $include[] = __( 'Run Shortcodes in Description', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_title_shortcodes'] ) ) { $include[] = __( 'Run Shortcodes in Title', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } if ( empty( $include ) ) { return; } $content = __( 'Due to some changes in how our Open Graph integration works, your Facebook Titles and Descriptions may have changed. You were using the following options that have been removed:', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ) . '<ul>'; // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.MaxExceeded foreach ( $include as $setting ) { $content .= '<li><strong>' . $setting . '</strong></li>'; } $content .= '</ul>'; $notification = Models\Notification::getNotificationByName( 'v3-migration-deprecated-opengraph' ); if ( $notification->notification_name ) { return; } Models\Notification::addNotification( [ 'slug' => uniqid(), 'notification_name' => 'v3-migration-deprecated-opengraph', 'title' => __( 'Review Your Facebook Open Graph Titles and Descriptions', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'content' => $content, 'type' => 'warning', 'level' => [ 'all' ], 'button1_label' => __( 'Learn More', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), 'button1_action' => aioseo()->helpers->utmUrl( AIOSEO_MARKETING_URL . 'docs/deprecated-opengraph-settings', 'notifications-center', 'v3-migration-deprecated-opengraph' ), 'start' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ] ); } /** * Migrates the Open Graph homepage title. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateHomePageOgTitle() { $showOnFront = get_option( 'show_on_front' ); $pageOnFront = (int) get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $useHomePageMeta = ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_setmeta'] ); $format = $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_page_title_format']; // Latest Posts. if ( 'posts' === $showOnFront ) { $ogTitle = aioseo()->helpers->pregReplace( '#%page_title%#', '#site_title', $format ); if ( ! $useHomePageMeta ) { if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_hometitle'] ) ) { $ogTitle = $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_hometitle']; } aioseo()->options->social->facebook->homePage->title = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( aioseo()->migration->helpers->macrosToSmartTags( $ogTitle ) ); aioseo()->options->social->twitter->homePage->title = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( aioseo()->migration->helpers->macrosToSmartTags( $ogTitle ) ); return; } $title = aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->global->siteTitle; $ogTitle = $title ? $title : $ogTitle; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->homePage->title = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $ogTitle ); aioseo()->options->social->twitter->homePage->title = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $ogTitle ); return; } // Static Home Page. $post = 'page' === $showOnFront && $pageOnFront ? aioseo()->helpers->getPost( $pageOnFront ) : ''; $aioseoPost = Models\Post::getPost( $post->ID ); $seoTitle = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_aioseop_title', true ); $ogMeta = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_aioseop_opengraph_settings', true ); if ( ! $ogMeta ) { return; } $ogMeta = aioseo()->helpers->maybeUnserialize( $ogMeta ); $ogTitle = ''; if ( ! $useHomePageMeta ) { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_use_static_home_info'] ) ) { $ogTitle = ! empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_title'] ) ? $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_title'] : $ogTitle; if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_hometitle'] ) ) { $ogTitle = $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_hometitle']; } if ( ! empty( $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_title'] ) ) { $ogTitle = $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_title']; } elseif ( ! empty( $seoTitle ) ) { if ( empty( $ogTitle ) ) { $ogTitle = $seoTitle; } elseif ( empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_hometitle'] ) ) { $ogTitle = $seoTitle; } } } } else { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_use_static_home_info'] ) ) { $ogTitle = $aioseoPost->title; if ( ! empty( $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_title'] ) ) { $ogTitle = $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_title']; } $ogTitle = ! empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_title'] ) ? $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_title'] : $ogTitle; if ( ! empty( $seoTitle ) ) { $ogTitle = $seoTitle; } } else { $ogTitle = ! empty( $seoTitle ) ? $seoTitle : $ogTitle; } } $ogTitle = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( aioseo()->migration->helpers->macrosToSmartTags( $ogTitle ) ); $aioseoPost->set( [ 'post_id' => $post->ID, 'og_title' => $ogTitle, 'twitter_title' => $ogTitle ] ); $aioseoPost->save(); } /** * Migrates the Open Graph homepage description. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateHomePageOgDescription() { $showOnFront = get_option( 'show_on_front' ); $pageOnFront = (int) get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $useHomePageMeta = ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_setmeta'] ); $format = $this->oldOptions['aiosp_description_format']; if ( 'posts' === $showOnFront ) { $ogDescription = aioseo()->helpers->pregReplace( '#%description%#', '#tagline', $format ); if ( ! $useHomePageMeta ) { if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_description'] ) ) { $ogDescription = $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_description']; } aioseo()->options->social->facebook->homePage->description = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( aioseo()->migration->helpers->macrosToSmartTags( $ogDescription ) ); aioseo()->options->social->twitter->homePage->description = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( aioseo()->migration->helpers->macrosToSmartTags( $ogDescription ) ); return; } $description = aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->global->metaDescription; $ogDescription = $description ? $description : $ogDescription; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->homePage->description = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $ogDescription ); aioseo()->options->social->twitter->homePage->description = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $ogDescription ); return; } $post = 'page' === $showOnFront && $pageOnFront ? aioseo()->helpers->getPost( $pageOnFront ) : ''; $aioseoPost = Models\Post::getPost( $post->ID ); $seoDescription = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_aioseop_description', true ); $ogMeta = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_aioseop_opengraph_settings', true ); if ( ! $ogMeta ) { return; } $ogMeta = aioseo()->helpers->maybeUnserialize( $ogMeta ); $ogDescription = ''; if ( ! $useHomePageMeta ) { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_use_static_home_info'] ) ) { $ogDescription = ! empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_description'] ) ? $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_description'] : $ogDescription; if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_description'] ) ) { $ogDescription = $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_description']; } if ( ! empty( $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_desc'] ) ) { $ogDescription = $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_desc']; } elseif ( ! empty( $seoDescription ) ) { if ( empty( $ogDescription ) ) { $ogDescription = $seoDescription; } elseif ( empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_description'] ) ) { $ogDescription = $seoDescription; } } } } else { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_use_static_home_info'] ) ) { $ogDescription = $aioseoPost->description; if ( ! empty( $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_desc'] ) ) { $ogDescription = $ogMeta['aioseop_opengraph_settings_desc']; } $ogDescription = ! empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_description'] ) ? $this->oldOptions['aiosp_home_description'] : $ogDescription; if ( ! empty( $seoDescription ) ) { $ogDescription = $seoDescription; } } else { $ogDescription = ! empty( $seoDescription ) ? $seoDescription : $ogDescription; } } $ogDescription = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( aioseo()->migration->helpers->macrosToSmartTags( $ogDescription ) ); $aioseoPost->set( [ 'post_id' => $post->ID, 'og_description' => $ogDescription, 'twitter_description' => $ogDescription ] ); $aioseoPost->save(); } /** * Migrates the Open Graph default post images. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateSocialPostImageSettings() { if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_homeimage'] ) ) { $value = esc_url( wp_strip_all_tags( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_homeimage'] ) ); aioseo()->options->social->facebook->homePage->image = $value; aioseo()->options->social->twitter->homePage->image = $value; } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_defimg'] ) ) { $value = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_defimg'] ); aioseo()->options->social->facebook->general->defaultImageSourcePosts = $value; aioseo()->options->social->twitter->general->defaultImageSourcePosts = $value; } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_dimg'] ) && ! preg_match( '/default-user-image.png$/', $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_dimg'] ) ) { $value = esc_url( wp_strip_all_tags( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_dimg'] ) ); aioseo()->options->social->facebook->general->defaultImagePosts = $value; aioseo()->options->social->twitter->general->defaultImagePosts = $value; } else { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->general->defaultImagePosts = ''; aioseo()->options->social->twitter->general->defaultImagePosts = ''; } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_dimgwidth'] ) || ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_dimgheight'] ) ) { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->general->defaultImageWidthPosts = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_dimgwidth'] ); aioseo()->options->social->facebook->general->defaultImageHeightPosts = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_dimgheight'] ); } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_meta_key'] ) ) { $value = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_meta_key'] ); aioseo()->options->social->facebook->general->customFieldImagePosts = $value; aioseo()->options->social->twitter->general->customFieldImagePosts = $value; } } /** * Migrates the Twitter username. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateTwitterUsername() { if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_twitter_site'] ) && ! aioseo()->options->social->profiles->urls->twitterUrl ) { $username = ltrim( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_twitter_site'], '@' ); aioseo()->options->social->profiles->urls->twitterUrl = esc_url( '' . aioseo()->social->twitter->prepareUsername( aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $username ), false ) ); } } /** * Migrates the Twitter card type. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateTwitterCardType() { if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_defcard'] ) ) { aioseo()->options->social->twitter->general->defaultCardType = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_defcard'] ); aioseo()->options->social->twitter->homePage->cardType = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_defcard'] ); } } /** * Migrates the default object types. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateDefaultObjectTypes() { foreach ( aioseo()->helpers->getPublicPostTypes( true ) as $postType ) { $settingName = "aiosp_opengraph_{$postType}_fb_object_type"; if ( ! in_array( $settingName, array_keys( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options'] ), true ) ) { continue; } $dynamicOptions = aioseo()->dynamicOptions->noConflict(); if ( $dynamicOptions->social->facebook->general->postTypes->has( $postType ) ) { aioseo()->dynamicOptions->social->facebook->general->postTypes->$postType->objectType = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options'][ $settingName ] ); } if ( 'post' === $postType ) { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->homePage->objectType = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options'][ $settingName ] ); } } } /** * Migrates a number of advanced settings. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateAdvancedSettings() { $advancedEnabled = false; if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_key'] ) ) { $advancedEnabled = true; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->adminId = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_key'] ); } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_appid'] ) ) { $advancedEnabled = true; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->appId = aioseo()->helpers->sanitizeOption( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_appid'] ); } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_gen_tags'] ) ) { $advancedEnabled = true; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->generateArticleTags = true; } else { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->generateArticleTags = false; } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_gen_keywords'] ) ) { $advancedEnabled = true; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->useKeywordsInTags = true; } else { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->useKeywordsInTags = false; } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_gen_categories'] ) ) { $advancedEnabled = true; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->useCategoriesInTags = true; } else { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->useCategoriesInTags = false; } if ( ! empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_gen_post_tags'] ) ) { $advancedEnabled = true; aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->usePostTagsInTags = true; } else { aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->usePostTagsInTags = false; } aioseo()->options->social->facebook->advanced->enable = $advancedEnabled; } /** * Migrates the social URLs for the author users. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ private function migrateProfileSocialUrls() { $records = aioseo()->core->db ->start( 'usermeta' ) ->select( '*' ) ->where( 'meta_key', 'facebook' ) ->run() ->result(); if ( count( $records ) ) { foreach ( $records as $record ) { if ( ! empty( $record->user_id ) && ! empty( $record->meta_value ) ) { update_user_meta( (int) $record->user_id, 'aioseo_facebook', esc_url( $record->meta_value ) ); } } } $records = aioseo()->core->db ->start( 'usermeta' ) ->select( '*' ) ->where( 'meta_key', 'twitter' ) ->run() ->result(); if ( count( $records ) ) { foreach ( $records as $record ) { if ( ! empty( $record->user_id ) && ! empty( $record->meta_value ) ) { update_user_meta( (int) $record->user_id, 'aioseo_twitter', sanitize_text_field( $record->meta_value ) ); } } } } }