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Edit File: SeoPreview.php
<?php namespace AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Standalone; use AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Models; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Handles the SEO Preview feature on the front-end. * * @since 4.2.8 */ class SeoPreview { /** * Whether this feature is allowed on the current page or not. * * @since 4.2.8 * * @var bool */ private $enable = false; /** * The relative JS filename for this standalone. * * @since 4.3.1 * * @var string */ private $mainAssetRelativeFilename = 'src/vue/standalone/seo-preview/main.js'; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 4.2.8 */ public function __construct() { // Hook into `wp` in order to have access to the WP queried object. add_action( 'wp', [ $this, 'init' ], 20 ); } /** * Initialize the feature. * Hooked into `wp` action hook. * * @since 4.2.8 * * @return void */ public function init() { if ( is_admin() || ! is_admin_bar_showing() || // If we're seeing the Divi theme Visual Builder. ( function_exists( 'et_core_is_fb_enabled' ) && et_core_is_fb_enabled() ) || aioseo()->helpers->isAmpPage() ) { return; } $allow = [ 'archive', 'attachment', 'author', 'date', 'dynamic_home', 'page', 'search', 'single', 'taxonomy', ]; if ( ! in_array( aioseo()->helpers->getTemplateType(), $allow, true ) ) { return; } $this->enable = true; // Prevent Autoptimize from optimizing the translations for the SEO Preview. If we don't do this, Autoptimize can break the frontend for certain languages - #5235. if ( is_user_logged_in() && 'en_US' !== get_user_locale() ) { add_filter( 'autoptimize_filter_noptimize', '__return_true' ); } // As WordPress uses priority 10 to print footer scripts we use 9 to make sure our script still gets output. add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueueScript' ], 9 ); } /** * Hooked into `wp_print_footer_scripts` action hook. * Enqueue the standalone JS the latest possible and prevent 3rd-party performance plugins from merging it. * * @since 4.3.1 * * @return void */ public function enqueueScript() { aioseo()->core->assets->load( $this->mainAssetRelativeFilename, [], $this->getVueData(), 'aioseoSeoPreview' ); aioseo()->main->enqueueTranslations(); } /** * Returns the data for Vue. * * @since 4.2.8 * * @return array The data. */ private function getVueData() { $queriedObject = get_queried_object(); $templateType = aioseo()->helpers->getTemplateType(); if ( 'taxonomy' === $templateType || 'single' === $templateType || 'page' === $templateType || 'attachment' === $templateType ) { $labels = null; if ( is_a( $queriedObject, 'WP_Term' ) ) { $wpObject = $queriedObject; $labels = get_taxonomy_labels( get_taxonomy( $queriedObject->taxonomy ) ); $editObjectUrl = get_edit_term_link( $queriedObject, $queriedObject->taxonomy ); } else { $wpObject = aioseo()->helpers->getPost(); if ( is_a( $wpObject, 'WP_Post' ) ) { $labels = get_post_type_labels( get_post_type_object( $wpObject->post_type ) ); $editObjectUrl = get_edit_post_link( $wpObject, 'url' ); if ( ! aioseo()->helpers->isSpecialPage( $wpObject->ID ) && 'attachment' !== $templateType ) { $aioseoPost = Models\Post::getPost( $wpObject->ID ); $pageAnalysis = Models\Post::getPageAnalysisDefaults( $aioseoPost->page_analysis ); $keyphrases = Models\Post::getKeyphrasesDefaults( $aioseoPost->keyphrases ); } } } // At this point if `$wpObject` is not an instance of WP_Term nor WP_Post, then we can't have the URLs. if ( is_object( $wpObject ) && is_object( $labels ) ) { $editObjectBtnText = sprintf( // Translators: 1 - A noun for something that's being edited ("Post", "Page", "Article", "Product", etc.). esc_html__( 'Edit %1$s', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ), $labels->singular_name ); $editGoogleSnippetUrl = $this->getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, 'google', $wpObject ); $editFacebookSnippetUrl = $this->getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, 'facebook', $wpObject ); $editTwitterSnippetUrl = $this->getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, 'twitter', $wpObject ); } } elseif ( 'archive' === $templateType || 'author' === $templateType || 'date' === $templateType || 'search' === $templateType ) { if ( is_a( $queriedObject, 'WP_User' ) ) { $editObjectUrl = get_edit_user_link( $queriedObject->ID ); $editObjectBtnText = esc_html__( 'Edit User', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); } $editGoogleSnippetUrl = $this->getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, 'google' ); } elseif ( 'dynamic_home' === $templateType ) { $editGoogleSnippetUrl = $this->getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, 'google' ); $editFacebookSnippetUrl = $this->getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, 'facebook' ); $editTwitterSnippetUrl = $this->getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, 'twitter' ); } return [ 'editGoogleSnippetUrl' => $editGoogleSnippetUrl ?? '', 'editFacebookSnippetUrl' => $editFacebookSnippetUrl ?? '', 'editTwitterSnippetUrl' => $editTwitterSnippetUrl ?? '', 'editObjectBtnText' => $editObjectBtnText ?? '', 'editObjectUrl' => $editObjectUrl ?? '', 'keyphrases' => $keyphrases ?? '', 'page_analysis' => $pageAnalysis ?? '', 'urls' => [ 'home' => home_url(), 'domain' => aioseo()->helpers->getSiteDomain(), 'mainSiteUrl' => aioseo()->helpers->getSiteUrl(), ], 'mainAssetCssQueue' => aioseo()->core->assets->getJsAssetCssQueue( $this->mainAssetRelativeFilename ), 'data' => [ 'isDev' => aioseo()->helpers->isDev(), 'siteName' => aioseo()->helpers->getWebsiteName() ] ]; } /** * Get the URL to the place where the snippet details can be edited. * * @since 4.2.8 * * @param string $templateType The WP template type {@see WpContext::getTemplateType}. * @param string $snippet 'google', 'facebook' or 'twitter'. * @param \WP_Post|\WP_Term|null $object Post or term object. * @return string The URL. Returns an empty string if nothing matches. */ private function getEditSnippetUrl( $templateType, $snippet, $object = null ) { $url = ''; // Bail if `$snippet` doesn't fit requirements. if ( ! in_array( $snippet, [ 'google', 'facebook', 'twitter' ], true ) ) { return $url; } // If we're in a post/page/term (not an attachment) we'll have a URL directly to the meta box. if ( in_array( $templateType, [ 'single', 'page', 'attachment', 'taxonomy' ], true ) ) { $url = 'taxonomy' === $templateType ? get_edit_term_link( $object, $object->taxonomy ) . '#aioseo-term-settings-field' : get_edit_post_link( $object, 'url' ) . '#aioseo-settings'; $queryArgs = [ 'aioseo-tab' => 'general' ]; if ( in_array( $snippet, [ 'facebook', 'twitter' ], true ) ) { $queryArgs = [ 'aioseo-tab' => 'social', 'social-tab' => $snippet ]; } return add_query_arg( $queryArgs, $url ); } // If we're in any sort of archive let's point to the global archive editing. if ( in_array( $templateType, [ 'archive', 'author', 'date', 'search' ], true ) ) { return admin_url( 'admin.php?page=aioseo-search-appearance' ) . '#/archives'; } // If homepage is set to show the latest posts let's point to the global home page editing. if ( 'dynamic_home' === $templateType ) { // Default `$url` for 'google' snippet. $url = add_query_arg( [ 'aioseo-scroll' => 'home-page-settings' ], admin_url( 'admin.php?page=aioseo-search-appearance' ) . '#/global-settings' ); if ( in_array( $snippet, [ 'facebook', 'twitter' ], true ) ) { $url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=aioseo-social-networks' ) . '#/' . $snippet; } return $url; } return $url; } /** * Returns the "SEO Preview" submenu item data ("node" as WP calls it). * * @since 4.2.8 * * @return array The admin bar menu item data or an empty array if this feature is disabled. */ public function getAdminBarMenuItemNode() { if ( ! $this->enable ) { return []; } $title = esc_html__( 'SEO Preview', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ); // @TODO Remove 'NEW' after a couple months. $title .= '<span class="aioseo-menu-new-indicator">'; $title .= esc_html__( 'NEW', 'all-in-one-seo-pack' ) . '!'; $title .= '</span>'; return [ 'id' => 'aioseo-seo-preview', 'parent' => 'aioseo-main', 'title' => $title, 'href' => '#', ]; } }