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Edit File: OldOptions.php
<?php namespace AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Migration; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Updates and holds the old options from V3. * * @since 4.0.0 */ class OldOptions { /** * The old options from V3. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @var array */ public $oldOptions = []; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param array $oldOptions The old options. We pass it in directly via the Importer/Exporter. */ public function __construct( $oldOptions = [] ) { $this->oldOptions = ! empty( $oldOptions ) ? $oldOptions : get_option( 'aioseop_options' ); if ( ! $this->oldOptions || ! is_array( $this->oldOptions ) || ! count( $this->oldOptions ) ) { return; } $this->runPreV4Migrations(); $this->fixSettingValues(); } /** * Runs all pre-V4 migrations to update the old options to the latest state. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ public function runPreV4Migrations() { $lastActiveVersion = aioseo()->internalOptions->internal->lastActiveVersion; if ( version_compare( $lastActiveVersion, aioseo()->version, '<' ) ) { $this->doVersionUpdates( $lastActiveVersion ); aioseo()->internalOptions->internal->lastActiveVersion = aioseo()->version; } } /** * Runs all pre-V4 version-based migrations. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @param string $oldVersion The old version number to compare against. * @return void */ protected function doVersionUpdates( $oldVersion ) { if ( version_compare( $oldVersion, '3.0', '<' ) ) { $this->removeBadBots(); $this->sitemapExclTerms201905(); } if ( version_compare( $oldVersion, '3.1', '<' ) ) { $this->resetFlushRewriteRules201906(); } if ( version_compare( $oldVersion, '3.2', '<' ) || version_compare( $oldVersion, '3.2.6', '<' ) ) { $this->updateSchemaMarkup201907(); } if ( version_compare( $oldVersion, '4.0.0', '<' ) ) { $this->updateArchiveNoIndexSettings20200413(); $this->updateArchiveTitleFormatSettings20200413(); } } /** * Removes various entries from the bad bots list. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ protected function removeBadBots() { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_bad_robots_options'] ) || empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_bad_robots_options']['aiosp_bad_robots_blocklist'] ) ) { return; } $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_bad_robots_options']['aiosp_bad_robots_blocklist'] = str_replace( [ "DOC\r\n", "DOC\n", "yandex\r\n", "yandex\n", "SeznamBot\r\n", "SeznamBot\n", "SemrushBot\r\n", "SemrushBot\n", "Exabot\r\n", "Exabot\n", ], '', $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_bad_robots_options']['aiosp_bad_robots_blocklist'] ); } /** * Converts "excl_categories" to "excl_terms". * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ protected function sitemapExclTerms201905() { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['modules'] ) || empty( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options'] ) ) { return; } $options = $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options']; if ( ! empty( $options['aiosp_sitemap_excl_categories'] ) ) { $options['aiosp_sitemap_excl_terms']['category']['taxonomy'] = 'category'; $options['aiosp_sitemap_excl_terms']['category']['terms'] = $options['aiosp_sitemap_excl_categories']; unset( $options['aiosp_sitemap_excl_categories'] ); $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_sitemap_options'] = $options; } } /** * Flushes rewrite rules for XML Sitemap URL changes. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ protected function resetFlushRewriteRules201906() { add_action( 'shutdown', 'flush_rewrite_rules' ); } /** * Adds a number of schema markup settings. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ protected function updateSchemaMarkup201907() { $updateValues = [ 'aiosp_schema_markup' => '1', 'aiosp_schema_search_results_page' => '1', 'aiosp_schema_social_profile_links' => '', 'aiosp_schema_site_represents' => 'organization', 'aiosp_schema_organization_name' => '', 'aiosp_schema_organization_logo' => '', 'aiosp_schema_person_user' => '1', 'aiosp_schema_phone_number' => '', 'aiosp_schema_contact_type' => 'none', ]; if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_schema_markup'] ) ) { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_schema_markup'] ) || 'off' === $this->oldOptions['aiosp_schema_markup'] ) { $updateValues['aiosp_schema_markup'] = '0'; } } if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_google_sitelinks_search'] ) ) { if ( empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_google_sitelinks_search'] ) || 'off' === $this->oldOptions['aiosp_google_sitelinks_search'] ) { $updateValues['aiosp_schema_search_results_page'] = '0'; } } if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_profile_links'] ) ) { $updateValues['aiosp_schema_social_profile_links'] = $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_profile_links']; } if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_person_or_org'] ) ) { if ( 'person' === $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_person_or_org'] ) { $updateValues['aiosp_schema_site_represents'] = 'person'; } } if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_social_name'] ) ) { $updateValues['aiosp_schema_organization_name'] = $this->oldOptions['modules']['aiosp_opengraph_options']['aiosp_opengraph_social_name']; } foreach ( $updateValues as $k => $v ) { $this->oldOptions[ $k ] = $v; } } /** * Migrate setting for noindex archives. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ protected function updateArchiveNoIndexSettings20200413() { if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_noindex'] ) ) { $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_date_noindex'] = $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_noindex']; $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_author_noindex'] = $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_noindex']; unset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_noindex'] ); } } /** * Migrate settings for archive title formats. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ protected function updateArchiveTitleFormatSettings20200413() { if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_title_format'] ) && empty( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_date_title_format'] ) ) { $this->oldOptions['aiosp_date_title_format'] = $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_title_format']; unset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_title_format'] ); } if ( isset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_title_format'] ) && '%date% | %site_title%' === $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_title_format'] ) { unset( $this->oldOptions['aiosp_archive_title_format'] ); } } /** * Corrects the value of a number of settings in V3 that are illogical. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ protected function fixSettingValues() { $settingsToFix = [ 'aiosp_togglekeywords' ]; foreach ( $settingsToFix as $settingToFix ) { if ( isset( $this->oldOptions[ $settingToFix ] ) ) { if ( '1' === (string) $this->oldOptions[ $settingToFix ] ) { $this->oldOptions[ $settingToFix ] = ''; continue; } $this->oldOptions[ $settingToFix ] = 'on'; } } } }