trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: 41_fbuilder.fpopup.fc.js
$.fbuilder.controls['fpopup']=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls['fpopup'].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls['ffields'].prototype, { title:"", titletag:"P", ftype:"fpopup", fields:[], open_onload:false, open_onclick:'', close_button:true, modal:true, dragging:false, resizing:false, position:'center', // center, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right width:'360px', height:'360px', columns:1, rearrange: 0, show:function() { let w = String(this.width).replace(/[^\d,p,x,\%,\.]/g, ''), h = String(this.height).replace(/[^\d,p,x,\%,\.]/g, ''), p = ''; w = 'width:'+(w.length ? w : '90%')+';max-width:90%;'+ 'min-width:'+(w.length ? w : '90%')+';'; h = (h.length ? 'min-height:'+h+';height:'+h+';' : '')+'max-height:90%;'; switch ( this.position ) { case 'center': p = 'top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);'; break; case 'top-left': p = 'top:20px;left:20px;'; break; case 'top-right': p = 'top:20px;right:20px;'; break; case 'bottom-left': p = 'bottom:20px;left:20px;'; break; case 'bottom-right': p = 'bottom:20px;right:20px;'; break; } return '<div class="fields '+cff_esc_attr(this.csslayout)+' ' ? '' : ' hide-strong ')+' cff-popup-field cff-container-field '+'" id="field'+this.form_identifier+'-'+this.index+'" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('container'))+'">'+ ( this.modal ? '<div class="cff-popup-modal">' : '' )+ '<div class="cff-popup-container" style="' + w + h + p + (this.resizing ? 'overflow:auto;resize:both;' : '')+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('content'))+'">'+ '<div class="cff-popup-header" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('header'))+'"><'+this.titletag+' class="cff-popup-title" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('label'))+'">'+this.title+(this.close_button ? '</'+this.titletag+'><div class="cff-popup-close ui-icon ui-icon-close" title="close" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('close'))+'"></div>' : '')+'</div>'+ '<div id="''" class="cff-popup-fields"></div>'+ '<div class="clearer"></div>'+ '</div>'+ ( this.modal ? '</div>' : '' )+ '</div>'; }, after_show: function() { let me = this, pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0, e = $( '.' + + ' .cff-popup-container' ); function dragMouseDown(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); pos3 = evt.clientX; pos4 = evt.clientY; $( document ).on( 'mouseup', closeDragElement ); $( document ).on( 'mousemove', elementDrag ); } function elementDrag(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); // calculate the new cursor position: pos1 = pos3 - evt.clientX; pos2 = pos4 - evt.clientY; pos3 = evt.clientX; pos4 = evt.clientY; // set the element's new position: let o = e.offset(), sV = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop, sH = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; e.offset({ top: Math.min( Math.max(, sV ), (document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight)+sV - e.height() ), left: Math.min( Math.max( o.left-pos1, sH ), (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth)+sH - e.width() ) }); } function closeDragElement() { /* stop moving when mouse button is released:*/ $( document ).off( 'mouseup' ); $( document ).off( 'mousemove' ); } $.fbuilder.controls['fcontainer']; $(document).on('click', '.cff-popup-close', function() { $(this).closest('.cff-popup-field').addClass('hide-strong'); }); if ( ! /^\s*$/.test( me.open_onclick ) ) { let btn = getField( me.open_onclick+me.form_identifier ); if ( btn != false ) { $( document ).on( 'click', '#'+btn.jQueryRef().find( 'input' ).attr('id'), function(){ SHOWFIELD(; }); } } if ( me.close_button ) { $(document).on('keyup', function(evt){ if ( 'Escape' == evt.key ) HIDEFIELD(; }); } if ( me.dragging ) { e.find( '.cff-popup-header' ).css( 'cursor', 'move' ).on( 'mousedown', dragMouseDown ); } }, showHideDep:function(toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer) { return $.fbuilder.controls['fcontainer'], toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer); } } );