trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: 28_fbuilder.fcontainer.js
$.fbuilder.controls['fcontainer'] = function(){}; $.fbuilder.controls['fcontainer'].prototype = { fields:[], columns:1, rearrange: 0, after_show: function(e) { var e = e || $('#', f, to_ignore = 0; // Ignores the RecordSet DS and Hidden fields. for(var i = 0, h = this.fields.length; i < h; i++) { f = $('.fields.'+this.fields[i]+this.form_identifier); if( f.hasClass('cff-hidden-field') ) { to_ignore++; } f = f.detach(); if(this.columns > 1) { f.addClass('column'+this.columns); if( ( i - to_ignore ) % this.columns == 0 && ! this.rearrange ) f.css('clear', 'left'); } f.appendTo(e); } }, showHideDep:function(toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer, interval) { if(typeof hiddenByContainer == 'undefined') hiddenByContainer = {}; var me = this, isHidden = (typeof toHide[] != 'undefined' || typeof hiddenByContainer[] != 'undefined'), fId, result = []; for(var i = 0, h = me.fields.length; i < h; i++) { if(!/fieldname/i.test(me.fields[i])) continue; fId = me.fields[i]+me.form_identifier; if(isHidden) { if(typeof hiddenByContainer[fId] == 'undefined') hiddenByContainer[fId] = {}; if(typeof hiddenByContainer[fId][] == 'undefined') { hiddenByContainer[fId][] = {}; if(typeof toHide[fId] == 'undefined') { $('.'+fId+' [id*="'+fId+'"],.'+fId).closest('.fields').hide(); $('.'+fId+' [id*="'+fId+'"]:not(.ignore)').addClass('ignore').trigger('add-ignore'); result.push(fId); } } } else { if(typeof hiddenByContainer[fId] != 'undefined') { delete hiddenByContainer[fId][]; if($.isEmptyObject(hiddenByContainer[fId])) { delete hiddenByContainer[fId]; if(typeof toHide[fId] == 'undefined') { $('.'+fId+' [id*="'+fId+'"],.'+fId).closest('.fields').fadeIn(interval || 0); $('.'+fId+' [id*="'+fId+'"].ignore').removeClass('ignore').trigger('remove-ignore'); result.push(fId); } } } } } return result; } };