trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: 28_fbuilder.fcontainer.js
$.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ]=function(){}; $.extend( true, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { fields:[], columns:1, rearrange:0, editItemEvents:function() { var evt=[ {s:"#sColumns",e:"change", l:"columns"}, {s:"#sRearrange",e:"click", l:"rearrange",f:function(el){return":checked");}} ]; $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ],evt); }, showShortLabel:function(){ return ''; }, showUserhelp:function(){ return ''; }, showSpecialDataInstance: function() { var cStr = ''; for( var i = 0, h = 12; i < h; i++ ) { cStr += '<option value="'+(i+1)+'" '+( ( this.columns == (i+1) ) ? 'SELECTED' : '' )+'>'+(i+1)+' column'+( ( i ) ? 's' : '' )+'</option>'; } return '<div><label>Columns</label><select name="sColumns" id="sColumns">' + cStr + '</select> <input type="button" class="eq_btn button-secondary" onclick="\'\');" value="?" title="Tutorial"><div class="clearer"><span class="uh">Shown in columns the fields into the container.</span></div></div>'+ '<div><label><input name="sRearrange" id="sRearrange" type="checkbox" '+((this.rearrange) ? 'CHECKED' : '')+'> Rearrange</label> <span class="uh">Rearrange the fields in the container.</span></div>'; }, remove : function() { var fieldsIndex = this.fBuild.getFieldsIndex(); for( var i = this.fields.length - 1, h = 0; i >= h; i-- ) { this.fBuild.removeItem( fieldsIndex[this.fields[ i ]] ); } }, duplicateItem: function( currentField, newField ) { for( var i = 0, h = this.fields.length; i < h; i++ ) { if( this.fields[ i ] == currentField ) { this.fields.splice( i+1, 0, newField ); return; } } }, addItem: function( newField, afterField ) { if( typeof afterField != 'undefined' ) { for( var i = 0, h = this.fields.length; i < h; i++ ) { if( this.fields[ i ] == afterField ) { this.fields.splice( i+1, 0, newField ); return; } } } this.fields.push( newField ); }, after_show:function() { var me = this, e = $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' .fieldscontainer' ), tmp = [], items = me.fBuild.getItems(), fieldsIndex = me.fBuild.getFieldsIndex(); for( var i = 0, h = me.fields.length; i < h; i++ ) { if( typeof fieldsIndex[ me.fields[ i ] ] != 'undefined' ) { // Assign the parent items[ fieldsIndex[ me.fields[ i ] ] ][ 'parent' ] =; var f = $( '.' + me.fields[ i ] ); if( f.length ) { f.detach().appendTo( e ); tmp.push( me.fields[ i ] ); } } } me.fields = tmp; e.sortable( { 'connectWith': '.ui-sortable', 'items': '.fields', 'placeholder': 'ui-state-highlight', 'tolerance': 'pointer', 'update': function( event, ui ) { var p = ui.item.parents('.fields'); if( p.length && $(this ).parents( '.fields' ).attr( 'id' ) == p.attr( 'id' ) ) { var index = ui.item.index(), field, old_index; if(ui.item.hasClass('cff-button-drag')) // It is an new control { ui.item = $('.'+window['cff_form'].fBuild.addItem('control'), -3).name); } // receive or or changing the ordering in the fieldscontainer field = /((fieldname)|(separator))\d+/.exec(ui.item.attr('class'))[0]; old_index = $.inArray(field, me.fields); if(old_index != -1) me.fields.splice(old_index,1); me.fields.splice(index,0,field); $.fbuilder.reloadItems(); $('.'+/((fieldname)|(separator))\d+/.exec(ui.item.attr('class'))[0]).trigger('click'); } else { // remove var index = $.inArray( me.fBuild.getItems()[ ui.item.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'field-', '' ) ].name, me.fields ); if( index != -1 ) me.fields.splice( index, 1 ); } } } ); }, columnsSticker: function() { var c = this.columns, s = '<div class="sticker" title="Format contained fields in columns">'; for(var i = 0; i<c; i++) s += '<i class="sticker-'+c+'"></i>'; s += '</div>'; return s; } });