trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: 09_fbuilder.ffile.js
$.fbuilder.controls['ffile'] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls['ffile'].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls['ffields'].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ffile", required:false, size:"medium", accept:"", upload_size:"", multiple:false, preview: false, thumb_width: '80px', thumb_height: '', _patch: false, // Used only if the submission is being updated to preserves the previous values _files_list: [], init: function(){ this.thumb_width = String(this.thumb_width).trim(); this.thumb_height = String(this.thumb_height).trim(); var form_identifier = this.form_identifier.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''); this._patch = ('cpcff_default' in window && form_identifier in cpcff_default) ? true : false; }, show:function() { this.accept = cff_esc_attr(String(this.accept).trim()); this.upload_size = cff_esc_attr(String(this.upload_size).trim()); return '<div class="fields '+cff_esc_attr(this.csslayout)+' '' cff-file-field" id="field'+this.form_identifier+'-'+this.index+'" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('container'))+'"><label for="''" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('label'))+'">'+this.title+''+((this.required)?"<span class='r'>*</span>":"")+'</label><div class="dfield"><input aria-label="'+cff_esc_attr(this.title)+'" type="file" id="''" name="''[]"'+((this.accept.length) ? ' accept="'+this.accept+'"' : '')+((this.upload_size.length) ? ' upload_size="'+this.upload_size+'"' : '')+' class="field '+this.size+((this.required)?" required":"")+'" '+((this.multiple) ? 'multiple' : '')+' style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('file'))+'" /><div id="''_clearer" class="cff-file-clearer"></div>'+((this._patch) ? '<input type="hidden" id="''_patch" name="''_patch" value="1" />' : '')+'<span class="uh" style="'+cff_esc_attr(this.getCSSComponent('help'))+'">'+this.userhelp+'</span></div><div class="clearer"></div></div>'; }, after_show:function() { var me = this; if(!('accept' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod("accept", function(value, element, param) { if(this.optional(element)) return true; else{ param = typeof param === "string" ? param.replace(/,/g, '|') : "png|jpe?g|gif"; var regExpObj = new RegExp(".("+param+")$", "i"); for(var i = 0, h = element.files.length; i < h; i++) if(!element.files[i].name.match(regExpObj)) return false; return true; } }); if(!('upload_size' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod("upload_size", function(value, element,params) { if(this.optional(element)) return true; else{ var total = 0; for(var i = 0, h = element.files.length; i < h; i++) total += element.files[i].size/1024; return (total <= params); } }); $('#' 'click', function(){ me._files_list = []; if ( me.multiple ) { for ( var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++ ) { me._files_list.push( this.files[i] ); } } }); $('#' 'change', function(){ var h = this.files.length, n = 0; $(this).siblings('span.files-list').remove(); $('[id="''_patch"]').remove(); if(1 <= h || me._files_list.length ) { if ( me.multiple && typeof DataTransfer != 'undefined' ) { try { var _dataTransfer = new DataTransfer(), _preventDuplication = {}; // Copy from files input tags for (var i = 0; i < h; i++) { _dataTransfer.items.add( this.files[i] ); _preventDuplication[ this.files[i]['name'] + '|' + this.files[i]['size'] ] = true; } // Copy from list for(var i = 0, k = me._files_list.length; i < k; i++) { if ( me._files_list[i]['name'] + '|' + me._files_list[i]['size'] in _preventDuplication ) continue; _dataTransfer.items.add( me._files_list[i] ); } this.files = _dataTransfer.files; h = this.files.length; } catch ( err ) { console.log( err ); } } var filesContainer = $('<span class="files-list"></span>'); for(var i = 0; i < h; i++) { (function(i, file){ if(me.preview && file.type.match('image.*') && 'FileReader' in window) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { var img = $('<img style="'+cff_esc_attr(me.getCSSComponent('thumbnail'))+'">'); img.attr('src','maxWidth', '100%'); if(me.thumb_height != '') img.attr('height', me.thumb_height); if(me.thumb_width != '') img.attr('width', me.thumb_width); filesContainer.append($('<span>'+(n ? ', ' : '')+'</span>').append(img)); n++; }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else if(1 < h){filesContainer.append($('<span>').text((n ? ', ' : '');n++;} })(i, this.files[i]); } $('#''_clearer').after(filesContainer); } }); $('#''_clearer').on( 'click', function(){ me._files_list= []; $('#''').trigger('change').valid();}); }, val : function(raw, no_quotes) { raw = raw || false; no_quotes = no_quotes || false; var e = $("[id='""']:not(.ignore)"), result = '', separator = ''; if(e.length) { if(raw) result =[0].files); else { for(var i = 0, h = e[0].files.length; i<h; i++) { result += separator+e[0].files[i].name; separator = ', '; } result = $.fbuilder.parseValStr(result, raw, no_quotes); } } return result; } } );