trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: local_tests.json
[ { "comment": "blur arrays and objects", "doc": { "foo": 1 }, "patch": [ { "op": "add", "path": "/1", "value": 2 } ], "expected": { "foo": 1, "1": 2 } }, { "comment": "Adding to \"/-\" adds to the end of the array", "doc": [ 1, 2 ], "patch": [ { "op": "add", "path": "/-", "value": 3 } ], "expected": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "comment": "value in array append not flattened", "doc": [1, 2], "patch": [{"op": "add", "path": "/-", "value": [3]}], "expected": [1, 2, [3]] }, { "comment": "move target can use '-'", "doc": {"to":[ 1, 2 ], "from": 3}, "patch": [{"op": "move", "from":"/from", "path": "/to/-"}], "expected": {"to":[ 1, 2, 3 ]}}, { "comment": "copy target can use '-'", "doc": {"to":[1, 2], "from": 3}, "patch": [{"op": "copy", "from": "/from", "path": "/to/-"}], "expected": { "to":[ 1, 2, 3 ], "from": 3 } }, { "comment": "replace target must exist", "doc": {"foo": "bar"}, "patch": [{"op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "sil"}], "error": "replace target '/baz' not set" }, { "comment": "- as remove target not allowed", "doc": [1, 2], "patch": [{"op": "remove", "path": "/-"}], "error": "Non-array key '-' used on array" }, { "comment": "remove of numeric index from obj doesn't convert to array", "doc": {"foo": 1, "0":2, "bar":3}, "patch": [{"op": "remove", "path":"/0"}], "expected": {"foo":1, "bar":3} }, { "comment": "- as remove target for obj isn't special", "doc": {"-": 1, "foo": 2}, "patch": [{"op": "remove", "path": "/-"}], "expected": {"foo": 2} }, { "comment": "toplevel as remove target", "doc": [1], "patch": [{"op": "remove", "path": ""}], "error": "Can't remove whole document" }, { "comment": "Ok to have doc as toplevel string?", "doc": 1, "patch": [{"op": "replace", "path": "", "value": "bar"}], "expected": "bar" }, { "comment": "Ok to have doc as toplevel number?", "doc": 1, "patch": [{"op": "replace", "path": "", "value": 1}], "expected": 1 }, { "comment": "Ok to have result doc as toplevel string?", "doc": [ 1 ], "patch": [{"op": "replace", "path": "", "value": "bar"}], "expected": "bar" }, { "comment": "'add' should replace existing member if it already exists", "doc": { "foo": 1 }, "patch": [{"op": "add", "path": "/foo", "value": 2}], "expected": { "foo": 2 } }, { "comment": "test op with string at toplevel", "doc": "foo", "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": "foo"}] }, { "comment": "test op with number at toplevel", "doc": 1, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": 1}] }, { "comment": "test op with false at toplevel", "doc": false, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": false}] }, { "comment": "test op with true at toplevel", "doc": true, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": true}] }, { "comment": "test op with null at toplevel", "doc": null, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": null}] }, { "comment": "test null != false", "doc": null, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": false}], "error": "expected false value not found" }, { "comment": "test false != null", "doc": false, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": null}], "error": "test target value different - expected null, found false" }, { "comment": "test null != false", "doc": null, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": false}], "error": "test target value different - expected false, found null" }, { "comment": "test emptystr != false", "doc": "", "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": false}], "error": "test target value different - expected false, found \"\"" }, { "comment": "test false != emptystr", "doc": false, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": ""}], "error": "test target value different - expected \"\", found false" }, { "comment": "null within string", "doc": [ "foo\u0000foo" ], "patch": [{"op":"test", "path":"/0", "value":"foo\u0000foo"}] }, { "comment": "null string", "doc": [ "\u0000" ], "patch": [{"op":"test", "path":"/0", "value":"\u0000"}] }, { "comment": "null in key", "doc": { "foo\u0000foo": 1 }, "patch": [{"op":"replace", "path":"/foo\u0000foo", "value":2}], "expected": { "foo\u0000foo": 2 } }, { "comment": "null in key - test against prefix", "doc": { "foo": 1, "foo\u0000foo": 2 }, "patch": [{"op":"test", "path":"/foo\u0000foo", "value":2}] }, { "comment": "null in key - trailing", "doc": { "foo": 1, "foo\u0000": 2 }, "patch": [{"op":"test", "path":"/foo\u0000", "value":2}] }, { "comment": "null as key", "doc": { "\u0000": 1 }, "patch": [{"op":"replace", "path":"/\u0000", "value":2}], "expected": { "\u0000": 2 } }, { "comment": "null as key prefix", "doc": { "\u0000foo": 1 }, "patch": [{"op":"replace", "path":"/\u0000foo", "value":2}], "expected": { "\u0000foo": 2 } }, { "comment": "copy doc onto child", "doc": { "foo": 1 }, "patch": [{"op":"copy", "from":"", "path":"/bar"}], "expected": { "foo": 1, "bar": { "foo": 1 }} }, { "comment": "move doc onto child ('from' must not be proper prefix)", "doc": { "foo": { "bar": 1 } }, "patch": [{"op":"move", "from":"/foo", "path":"/foo/bar"}], "error": "path '/foo/bar' not found (already removed)"}, { "comment": "need bounds check on intermediate path", "doc": [1, [2]], "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"/2/0", "value": 2}], "error": "path '/2/0' not in target doc" }, { "comment": "'-' should be legit member for object", "doc": {"foo": 1}, "patch": [{"op": "add", "path":"/-", "value": 2}], "expected": {"foo": 1, "-": 2} }, { "comment": "remove of array-looking element of object", "doc": {"foo":1, "0":2}, "patch": [{"op":"remove", "path":"/0"}], "expected": {"foo": 1} }, { "comment": "replace of array-looking element of object", "doc": {"foo":1, "0":2}, "patch": [{"op":"replace", "path":"/0", "value":3}], "expected": {"foo": 1, "0":3} }, { "comment": "replace string with null (elicits diff error)", "doc": [""], "patch": [{"op": "replace", "path": "/0", "value": null}], "expected": [null] }, { "comment": "test object sorting for equality if numeric indices exist", "doc": {"foo":1,"bar":3,"0":2}, "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"", "value": {"foo":1,"0":2,"bar":3}}] }, { "comment": "test php-style array element delete - disabled as reverse diff (gappy array from pure array) is impossible in json-patch without borrowing php array semantics", "doc": {"0":"a", "2":"c"}, "patch": {"op":"add", "path":"/1", "value":"b"}, "expected": {"0":"a", "1":"b", "2":"c"}, "disabled": true }, { "comment": "test php-style array element delete - assoc-ish indexes", "doc": {"0a":"a", "2c":"c"}, "patch": {"op":"add", "path":"/1b", "value":"b"}, "expected": {"0a":"a", "1b":"b", "2c": "c"} }, { "comment": "Numerically equal must test equal", "doc": [1.00], "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"/0", "value":1}]}, { "comment": "Numerically equal must test equal", "doc": [1], "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"/0", "value":1.00}]}, { "comment": "Numerically equal must test equal", "doc": [1e0], "patch": [{"op": "test", "path":"/0", "value":1.00}]}, { "comment": "append", "doc": [1, 2, 3, 4], "patch": [{"op": "append", "path": "/-", "value":[5, 6, 7, 8]}], "expected": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], "disabled": true }, { "comment": "last" } ]