trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: styles.php
<?php /** * Load the patterns into arrays. */ $patterns=array(); $patterns[0]='none'; for($i=1; $i<=34; $i++){ $patterns[]='pattern'.$i.'.png'; } $pexeto_styles_options=array(array( "name" => "Style settings", "type" => "title", "img" => PEXETO_IMAGES_URL.'icon_style.png' ), array( "type" => "open", "subtitles"=>array(array("id"=>"general", "name"=>"General"), array("id"=>"logo", "name"=>"Logo"), array("id"=>"text", "name"=>"Text Styles"), array("id"=>"fonts", "name"=>"Fonts")) ), /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------* * GENERAL * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ array( "type" => "subtitle", "id" => 'general' ), array( "name" => "Theme Skin", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_theme_skin", "type" => "select", "options" => array(array('id'=>'dark','name'=>'Dark'), array('id'=>'dark_trnsparent','name'=>'Dark Transparent'), array('id'=>'white','name'=>'White')), "std" => 'dark' ), array( "name" => "Predefined Background Colors", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_body_bg", "type" => "stylecolor", "options" => array("","4A4A4A","62786e","83988e","919999","556270","6a9199","b0b0b0","70B0A0","9ab895","99b2b7","257ea8","547980","5e8c6a","574951","9d5c56","8c778f","b38184"), "std" => '', "desc" => 'You can either select a predefined background color or pick your custom color below. If the first option is selected, the background color will be set as the default background of the skin selected.' ), array( "name" => "Custom Background Color", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_custom_body_bg", "type" => "color", "desc" => 'You can select a custom background color for your theme. This field has priority over the "Predefined Background Colors" field above. ' ), array( "name" => "Secondary Theme Color", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_secondary_color", "type" => "color", "desc" => 'This is the color of the small detailed elements such as buttons, post details links, etc.' ), array( "name" => "Background Pattern", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_pattern", "type" => "pattern", "options" => $patterns, "desc" => 'Here you can choose the pattern for the theme. There are 2 types of patterns - the first 17 patterns best suit the white skin, the rest of them best suit the dark skins.' ), array( "name" => "Custom Background Pattern", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_custom_pattern", "type" => "upload", "desc" => 'You can upload your custom background image here.' ), array( "name" => "Full Width Background Image", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_fullwidth_bg_image", "type" => "upload", "desc" => 'You can upload a custom background image that will be displayed in full width size.' ), array( "name" => "Overlay pattern on fullscreen images", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_bg_top_pattern", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => 'on', "desc" => 'If enabled, a transparent overlay pattern will be displayed over the fullscreen background image and the images on the fullscreen slideshow.' ), array( "name" => "Main body text size", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_body_text_size", "type" => "text", "desc" => "The main body font size in pixels. Default: 13" ), array( "name" => "Additional CSS styles", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_additional_styles", "type" => "textarea", "desc" => "You can insert some more additional CSS code here. If you would like to do some modifications to the theme's CSS, it is better to insert the modifications in this field rather than modifying the original style.css file, as the modifications in this field will remain saved trough the theme updates." ), array( "type" => "close"), /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------* * LOGO OPTIONS * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ array( "type" => "subtitle", "id"=>'logo' ), array( "name" => "Logo image", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_logo_image", "type" => "upload", "desc" => "If you wouldn't like to use the uploader: if the image is located within the images folder you can just insert images/image-name.jpg, otherwise you have to insert the full path to the image, for example:" ), array( "name" => "Max logo image width", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_logo_width", "type" => "text", "desc" => "You can specify the maximum logo image width, so you can limit the image display width. However, it is recommended that you upload the image in the size you would like it to be displayed.<br/> Please keep in mind that other size constraints are applied on smaller screens when the responsive layout option is enabled." ), array( "name" => "Max logo image height", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_logo_height", "type" => "text", "desc" => "You can specify the maximum logo image height, so you can limit the image display height. However, it is recommended that you upload the image in the size you would like it to be displayed.<br/> Please keep in mind that other size constraints are applied on smaller screens when the responsive layout option is enabled." ), array( "type" => "close"), /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------* * TEXT STYLES * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ array( "type" => "subtitle", "id"=>'text', ), array( "name" => "Main body text color", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_body_color", "type" => "color", "desc" => "This setting will change the main content and sidebar text color." ), array( "name" => "Headings color", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_heading_color", "type" => "color" ), array( "name" => "Links color", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_link_color", "type" => "color" ), array( "name" => "Menu links color", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_menu_link_color", "type" => "color" ), array( "name" => "Footer text color", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_footer_text_color", "type" => "color" ), array( "type" => "close"), /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------* * FONTS * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ array( "type" => "subtitle", "id" => 'fonts' ), array( "type" => "documentation", "text" => "<h3>Cufon Fonts</h3>" ), array( "name" => "Enable Cufon for headings", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_enable_cufon", "type" => "checkbox", "std" =>"off", "desc" => "If it is enabled, you will be able to use another custom fonts for the headings. You will be able to either select one of the default fonts that the theme comes with or upload your own font below." ), array( "name" => "Heading Cufon Font", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_cufon_font", "type" => "select", "options" => array(array('id'=>'andika.js','name'=>'Andika Basic'),array('id'=>'caviar_dreams.js','name'=>'Caviar Dreams'),array('id'=>'charis_sil.js','name'=>'Charis'),array('id'=>'chunk_five.js','name'=>'Chunk Five'),array('id'=>'comfortaa.js','name'=>'Comfortaa'),array('id'=>'droid_serif.js','name'=>'Droid Serif'), array('id'=>'kingthings_exeter.js','name'=>'Kingthings Exeter'), array('id'=>'luxy_sans.js','name'=>'Luxy Sans'), array('id'=>'sling.js','name'=>'Sling'), array('id'=>'vegur.js','name'=>'Vegur')), "desc" => 'You can select one of the fonts that the theme goes with. In order the font to replace the default one the "Enable Cufon" field above should be enabled.' ), array( "name" => "Custom Heading Font", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_custom_cufon_font", "type" => "upload", "desc" => 'You can upload your custom JavaScript font file here. You can generate the font here:' ), array( "type" => "documentation", "text" => "<h3>Google API Fonts</h3>" ), array( "name" => "Enable Google Fonts", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_enable_google_fonts", "type" => "checkbox", "std" =>"on" ), array( "name"=>"Add Google Font", "id"=>'google_fonts', "type"=>"custom", "button_text"=>'Add Font', "fields"=>array( array('id'=>'pex_google_fonts_name', 'type'=>'textarea', 'name'=>'Font URL',"std"=>PEXETO_GOOGLE_FONTS) ), "desc"=>"In this field you can add or remove Google Fonts to the theme. Please note that only the font URL should be inserted here (the value that is set within the 'href' attribute of the embed link tag Google provides), not the whole embed link tag. <b>Example:</b><br /><br /> <br />In order to enable the new font for the theme, simply add its name before the other font names in the Font Family fields below." ), array( "type" => "documentation", "text" => "<h3>Font Family</h3>" ), array( "name" => "Headings font family", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_heading_font_family", "type" => "textarea", "std" => '"PT Sans Narrow", "PT Sans", "Arial Narrow", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif', "desc" => 'You can change the font family for the theme headings in this field. If you have loaded a Google API font, you can insert its name here. <br />Notes: <br />1. If the font name contains an empty space, you have to surround its name with a quotation marks, for example: "Times New Roman" <br />2. If Cufon font replacement is enabled above, the Cufon font selected will have higher priority than the fonts set in here <br />3. The different font names should be separated by commas' ), array( "name" => "Body font family", "id" => PEXETO_SHORTNAME."_body_font_family", "type" => "textarea", "std" => '"PT Sans Narrow", "PT Sans", "Arial Narrow", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif', "desc" => 'You can change the main body font family for the theme in this field. If you have loaded a Google API font, you can insert its name here. <br />Notes: <br />1. If the font name contains an empty space, you have to surround its name with a quotation marks, for example: "Times New Roman" <br />2. The different font names should be separated by commas' ), array( "type" => "close"), array( "type" => "close")); pexeto_add_options($pexeto_styles_options);