trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: pexeto-custom-page.php
<?php /** * This is a custom page class - it contains all fields that are needed for a custom page builder to build a page. * @author Pexeto * */ class PexetoCustomPage{ public $post_type='none'; public $fields=array(); public $page_name='none'; public $allow_multiinstance=false; public $parent_slug='none'; public $preview_image='none'; public $type='none'; public $file_name='none'; /** * Main Constructor * @param $post_type the custom post type that will represent the custom page * @param $fields an array containing all the fields from which the main form structure will be built * Example fields array: * array( * array('id'=>'image_url', 'type'=>'upload', 'name'=>'Image URL', 'required'=>true), * array('id'=>'image_link', 'type'=>'text', 'name'=>'Image Link'), * array('id'=>'description', 'type'=>'textarea', 'name'=>'Image Description') * ) * @param $page_name the name of the page that will appear on the menu * @param $allow_multiinstance a bool variable setting whether to allow creating multiple instances * @param $parent_slug the slug of the parent menu item * @param $preview_image the ID of the field that will be used for preview image of the items * @param $type the type of the page content (slider, portfolio, etc.) * @param $file_name the name of the file that will be used to display the data */ function __construct($post_type, $fields, $page_name, $allow_multiinstance, $parent_slug, $preview_image, $type, $file_name){ $this->post_type=$post_type; $this->fields=$fields; $this->page_name=$page_name; $this->allow_multiinstance=$allow_multiinstance; $this->parent_slug=$parent_slug; $this->preview_image=$preview_image; $this->type=$type; $this->file_name=$file_name; } }