trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: page-options.js
/** * This file contains the main functionality that will be loaded for the theme * on many pages in the admin section. Author: Pexeto */ (function($) { /** * Getter and setter function for text values - checks the type of the element and if the element contains * embedded text (such as a DIV element), gets/sets its inner text. If the element sets contains its value * as a "value" attribute (such as an INPUT element), gets/sets its value. */ $.fn.pexval = function() { var elem = $(this), tagname=elem.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase(), value=arguments.length?arguments[0]:false; /** * Gets the value. */ function pexGetValue(){ if(tagname==='input'||tagname==='select'){ return elem.val(); }else{ return elem.text(); } } /** * Sets the value. */ function pexSetValue(value){ if(tagname==='input'||tagname==='select'){ return elem.val(value) }else{ return elem.text(value); } } if(value===false){ //no arguments have been passed, call the getter function return pexGetValue(); }else{ //there is at least one argument passed, call the setter function return pexSetValue(value); } }; pexetoPageOptions = { /** * Inits all the functions needed. */ init : function() { this.setColorPickerFunc(); this.loadUploadFunctionality(); }, /** * Loads the color picker functionality to all the inputs with class * "color". */ setColorPickerFunc : function() { // set the colorpciker to be opened when the input has been clicked var colorInputs = $('input.color'); if (colorInputs.length) { colorInputs.ColorPicker( { onSubmit : function(hsb, hex, rgb, el) { $(el).val('#' + hex); $(el).ColorPickerHide(); }, onBeforeShow : function() { $(this).ColorPickerSetColor(this.value); } }); } }, /** * Loads the Media Library functionality to an element when it is * clicked. */ loadMediaImage : function($input) { window.send_to_editor = function(html) { imgurl = $("img", html).attr("src"); $input.val(imgurl); tb_remove(); } tb_show('Add image from Media Library', "media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=1"); }, /** * Calls the Upload functionality. Requirements: - button with class * "pexeto-upload-btn" - input field sibling to the button with class * "pexeto-upload" */ loadUploadFunctionality : function() { $('.pexeto-upload-btn').each(function() { pexetoPageOptions.loadUploader($(this)); }); }, /** * Loads the upload functionality to an element. Requirements: - input * field sibling to the element with class "pexeto-upload" * * @param element * the button element whose clicking event will trigger this * functionality */ loadUploader : function(element) { var button = element, interval, btntext, i, textContainer; new AjaxUpload(button, { action : PEXETO.uploadUrl, name : 'pexetofile', onSubmit : function(file, ext) { // change button text, when user selects file textContainer=element.find('span').length?element.find('span:first'):element; btntext = textContainer.pexval(); // If you want to allow uploading only 1 file at time, // you can disable upload button this.disable(); // Uploding -> Uploading. -> Uploading... interval = window.setInterval(function() { if (++i <= 3) { textContainer.pexval(textContainer.pexval() + '.'); } else { textContainer.pexval(btntext); i = 0; } }, 200); }, onComplete : function(file, response) { imgUrl = pexetoUploadsUrl + '/' + response; button.siblings('input.pexeto-upload:first').attr('value', imgUrl); textContainer.pexval(btntext); window.clearInterval(interval); // enable upload button this.enable(); } }); } }; })(jQuery); jQuery(function() { pexetoPageOptions.init(); });