trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: editors.default.js
(function(editors, elFinder) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['elfinder'], editors); } else if (elFinder) { var optEditors = elFinder.prototype._options.commandsOptions.edit.editors; elFinder.prototype._options.commandsOptions.edit.editors = optEditors.concat(editors(elFinder)); } }(function(elFinder) { "use strict"; var apps = {}, // get query of getfile getfile =[a-z]+)/), useRequire = elFinder.prototype.hasRequire, ext2mime = { bmp: 'image/x-ms-bmp', dng: 'image/x-adobe-dng', gif: 'image/gif', jpeg: 'image/jpeg', jpg: 'image/jpeg', pdf: 'application/pdf', png: 'image/png', ppm: 'image/x-portable-pixmap', psd: 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', pxd: 'image/x-pixlr-data', svg: 'image/svg+xml', tiff: 'image/tiff', webp: 'image/webp', xcf: 'image/x-xcf', sketch: 'application/x-sketch', ico: 'image/x-icon', dds: 'image/', emf: 'application/x-msmetafile' }, mime2ext, getExtention = function(mime, fm, jpeg) { if (!mime2ext) { mime2ext = fm.arrayFlip(ext2mime); } var ext = mime2ext[mime] || fm.mimeTypes[mime]; if (!jpeg) { if (ext === 'jpeg') { ext = 'jpg'; } } else { if (ext === 'jpg') { ext = 'jpeg'; } } return ext; }, changeImageType = function(src, toMime) { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); try { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), img = new Image(), conv = function() { var url = canvas.toDataURL(toMime), mime, m; if (m = url.match(/^data:([a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9.+-]+)/i)) { mime = m[1]; } else { mime = ''; } if (mime.toLowerCase() === toMime.toLowerCase()) { dfd.resolve(canvas.toDataURL(toMime), canvas); } else { dfd.reject(); } }; img.src = src; jQuery(img).on('load', function() { try { canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); conv(); } catch(e) { dfd.reject(); } }).on('error', function () { dfd.reject(); }); return dfd; } catch(e) { return dfd.reject(); } }, initImgTag = function(id, file, content, fm) { var node = jQuery(this).children('img:first').data('ext', getExtention(file.mime, fm)), spnr = jQuery('<div class="elfinder-edit-spinner elfinder-edit-image"></div>') .html('<span class="elfinder-spinner-text">' + fm.i18n('ntfloadimg') + '</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span>') .hide() .appendTo(this), setup = function() { node.attr('id', id+'-img') .attr('src', url || content) .css({'height':'', 'max-width':'100%', 'max-height':'100%', 'cursor':'pointer'}) .data('loading', function(done) { var btns = node.closest('.elfinder-dialog').find('button,.elfinder-titlebar-button'); btns.prop('disabled', !done)[done? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('ui-state-disabled'); node.css('opacity', done? '' : '0.3'); spnr[done? 'hide' : 'show'](); return node; }); }, url; if (!content.match(/^data:/)) { fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(v) { url = v; node.attr('_src', content); setup(); }); } else { setup(); } }, imgBase64 = function(node, mime) { var style = node.attr('style'), img, canvas, ctx, data; try { // reset css for getting image size node.attr('style', ''); // img node img = node.get(0); // New Canvas canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; // restore css node.attr('style', style); // Draw Image canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0); // To Base64 data = canvas.toDataURL(mime); } catch(e) { data = node.attr('src'); } return data; }, iframeClose = function(ifm) { var $ifm = jQuery(ifm), dfd = jQuery.Deferred().always(function() { $'load', load); }), ab = 'about:blank', chk = function() { tm = setTimeout(function() { var src; try { src = base.contentWindow.location.href; } catch(e) { src = null; } if (src === ab) { dfd.resolve(); } else if (--cnt > 0){ chk(); } else { dfd.reject(); } }, 500); }, load = function() { tm && clearTimeout(tm); dfd.resolve(); }, cnt = 20, // 500ms * 20 = 10sec wait tm; $'load', load); ifm.src = ab; chk(); return dfd; }; // check getfile callback function if (getfile) { getfile = getfile[1]; if (getfile === 'ckeditor') { elFinder.prototype._options.getFileCallback = function(file, fm) { { var reParam = new RegExp('(?:[\?&]|&)CKEditorFuncNum=([^&]+)', 'i'), match =; return (match && match.length > 1) ? match[1] : ''; })(), fm.convAbsUrl(file.url)); fm.destroy(); window.close(); }; } } // return editors Array return [ { // tui.image-editor - info : { id: 'tuiimgedit', name: 'TUI Image Editor', iconImg: 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -48', dataScheme: true, schemeContent: true, openMaximized: true, canMakeEmpty: false, integrate: { title: 'TOAST UI Image Editor', link: '' } }, // MIME types to accept mimes : ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/x-ms-bmp'], // HTML of this editor html : '<div class="elfinder-edit-imageeditor"><canvas></canvas></div>', // called on initialization of elFinder cmd edit (this: this editor's config object) setup : function(opts, fm) { if (fm.UA.ltIE8 || fm.UA.Mobile) { this.disabled = true; } else { this.opts = Object.assign({ version: 'v3.14.3' }, opts.extraOptions.tuiImgEditOpts || {}, { iconsPath : fm.baseUrl + 'img/tui-', theme : {} }); if (!fm.isSameOrigin(this.opts.iconsPath)) { this.disabled = true; fm.debug('warning', 'Setting `commandOptions.edit.extraOptions.tuiImgEditOpts.iconsPath` MUST follow the same origin policy.'); } } }, // Initialization of editing node (this: this editors HTML node) init : function(id, file, content, fm) {'url', content); }, load : function(base) { var self = this, fm =, dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), cdns = fm.options.cdns, ver = self.confObj.opts.version, init = function(editor) { var $base = jQuery(base), bParent = $base.parent(), opts = self.confObj.opts, iconsPath = opts.iconsPath, tmpContainer = jQuery('<div class="tui-image-editor-container">').appendTo(bParent), tmpDiv = [ jQuery('<div class="tui-image-editor-submenu"></div>').appendTo(tmpContainer), jQuery('<div class="tui-image-editor-controls"></div>').appendTo(tmpContainer) ], iEditor = new editor(base, { includeUI: { loadImage: { path: $'url'), name: }, theme: Object.assign(opts.theme, { 'menu.normalIcon.path': iconsPath + 'icon-d.svg', '': 'icon-d', 'menu.activeIcon.path': iconsPath + 'icon-b.svg', '': 'icon-b', 'menu.disabledIcon.path': iconsPath + 'icon-a.svg', '': 'icon-a', 'menu.hoverIcon.path': iconsPath + 'icon-c.svg', '': 'icon-c', 'submenu.normalIcon.path': iconsPath + 'icon-d.svg', '': 'icon-d', 'submenu.activeIcon.path': iconsPath + 'icon-c.svg', '': 'icon-c' }), initMenu: 'filter', menuBarPosition: 'bottom' }, cssMaxWidth: Math.max(300, bParent.width()), cssMaxHeight: Math.max(200, bParent.height() - (tmpDiv[0].height() + tmpDiv[1].height() + 3 /*margin*/)), usageStatistics: false }), canvas = $base.find('canvas:first').get(0), zoom = function(v) { if (typeof v !== 'undefined') { var c = jQuery(canvas), w = parseInt(c.attr('width')), h = parseInt(c.attr('height')), a = w / h, mw, mh; if (v === 0) { mw = w; mh = h; } else { mw = parseInt(c.css('max-width')) + Number(v); mh = mw / a; if (mw > w && mh > h) { mw = w; mh = h; } } per.text(Math.round(mw / w * 100) + '%'); iEditor.resizeCanvasDimension({width: mw, height: mh}); // continually change more if (zoomMore) { setTimeout(function() { zoomMore && zoom(v); }, 50); } } }, zup = jQuery('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick"></span>').data('val', 10), zdown = jQuery('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-minusthick"></span>').data('val', -10), per = jQuery('<button></button>').css('width', '4em').text('%').attr('title', '100%').data('val', 0), quty, qutyTm, zoomTm, zoomMore; tmpContainer.remove(); $base.removeData('url').data('mime', self.file.mime); // jpeg quality controls if (self.file.mime === 'image/jpeg') { $'quality','jpgQuality') || fm.option('jpgQuality')); quty = jQuery('<input type="number" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-resize-quality elfinder-tabstop"/>') .attr('min', '1') .attr('max', '100') .attr('title', '1 - 100') .on('change', function() { var q = quty.val(); $'quality', q); qutyTm && cancelAnimationFrame(qutyTm); qutyTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() { canvas.toBlob(function(blob) { blob &&'span').text(' (' + fm.formatSize(blob.size) + ')'); }, 'image/jpeg', Math.max(Math.min(q, 100), 1) / 100); }); }) .val($'quality')); jQuery('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset elfinder-edit-extras elfinder-edit-extras-quality"></div>') .append( jQuery('<span>').html(fm.i18n('quality') + ' : '), quty, jQuery('<span></span>') ) .prependTo($base.parent().next()); } else if (self.file.mime === 'image/svg+xml') { $base.closest('.ui-dialog').trigger('changeType', { extention: 'png', mime : 'image/png', keepEditor: true }); } // zoom scale controls jQuery('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset elfinder-edit-extras"></div>') .append( zdown, per, zup ) .attr('title', fm.i18n('scale')) .on('click', 'span,button', function() { zoom(jQuery(this).data('val')); }) .on('mousedown mouseup mouseleave', 'span', function(e) { zoomMore = false; zoomTm && clearTimeout(zoomTm); if (e.type === 'mousedown') { zoomTm = setTimeout(function() { zoomMore = true; zoom(jQuery('val')); }, 500); } }) .prependTo($base.parent().next()); // wait canvas ready setTimeout(function() { dfrd.resolve(iEditor); if (quty) { quty.trigger('change'); iEditor.on('redoStackChanged undoStackChanged', function() { quty.trigger('change'); }); } // show initial scale zoom(null); }, 100); // show color slider (maybe TUI-Image-Editor's bug) // see $base.find('.tui-colorpicker-palette-container').on('click', '.tui-colorpicker-palette-preview', function() { jQuery(this).closest('.color-picker-control').height('auto').find('.tui-colorpicker-slider-container').toggle(); }); $base.on('click', function() { $base.find('.tui-colorpicker-slider-container').hide(); }); }, loader; if (!self.confObj.editor) { loader = jQuery.Deferred(); fm.loadCss([ + '/tui-color-picker/latest/tui-color-picker.css', + '/tui-image-editor/'+ver+'/tui-image-editor.css' ]); if (fm.hasRequire) { require.config({ paths : { 'fabric/dist/fabric.require' : cdns.fabric + '/fabric.require.min', // for fabric < 2.0.1 'fabric' : cdns.fabric + '/fabric.min', // for fabric >= 2.0.1 'tui-code-snippet' : + '/tui.code-snippet/latest/tui-code-snippet.min', 'tui-color-picker' : + '/tui-color-picker/latest/tui-color-picker.min', 'tui-image-editor' : + '/tui-image-editor/'+ver+'/tui-image-editor.min' } }); require(['tui-image-editor'], function(ImageEditor) { loader.resolve(ImageEditor); }); } else { fm.loadScript([ cdns.fabric + '/fabric.min.js', + '/tui.code-snippet/latest/tui-code-snippet.min.js' ], function() { fm.loadScript([ + '/tui-color-picker/latest/tui-color-picker.min.js' ], function() { fm.loadScript([ + '/tui-image-editor/'+ver+'/tui-image-editor.min.js' ], function() { loader.resolve(; }, { loadType: 'tag' }); }, { loadType: 'tag' }); }, { loadType: 'tag' }); } loader.done(function(editor) { self.confObj.editor = editor; init(editor); }); } else { init(self.confObj.editor); } return dfrd; }, getContent : function(base) { var editor = this.editor, fm =, $base = jQuery(base), quality = $'quality'); if (editor.instance) { if ($'mime') === 'image/jpeg') { quality = quality ||'jpgQuality') || fm.option('jpgQuality'); quality = Math.max(0.1, Math.min(1, quality / 100)); } return editor.instance.toDataURL({ format: getExtention($'mime'), fm, true), quality: quality }); } }, save : function(base) { var $base = jQuery(base), quality = $'quality'), hash = $'hash'), file; this.instance.deactivateAll(); if (typeof quality !== 'undefined') {'jpgQuality', quality); } if (hash) { file =; $'mime', file.mime); } } }, { // Photopea advanced image editor info : { id : 'photopea', name : 'Photopea', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -160', single: true, noContent: true, arrayBufferContent: true, openMaximized: true, // Disable file types that cannot be saved on Photopea. canMakeEmpty: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/x-ms-bmp', 'image/tiff', /*'image/x-adobe-dng',*/ 'image/webp', /*'image/x-xcf',*/ 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', 'application/pdf', 'image/x-portable-pixmap', 'image/x-sketch', 'image/x-icon', 'image/', /*'application/x-msmetafile'*/], integrate: { title: 'Photopea', link: '' } }, mimes : ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/x-ms-bmp', 'image/tiff', 'image/x-adobe-dng', 'image/webp', 'image/x-xcf', 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', 'application/pdf', 'image/x-portable-pixmap', 'image/x-sketch', 'image/x-icon', 'image/', 'application/x-msmetafile'], html : '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:none;"></iframe>', // setup on elFinder bootup setup : function(opts, fm) { if (fm.UA.IE || fm.UA.Mobile) { this.disabled = true; } }, // Initialization of editing node (this: this editors HTML node) init : function(id, file, dum, fm) { var orig = '', ifm = jQuery(this).hide() //.css('box-sizing', 'border-box') .on('load', function() { //spnr.remove();; }) .on('error', function() { spnr.remove();; }), editor = this.editor, confObj = editor.confObj, spnr = jQuery('<div class="elfinder-edit-spinner elfinder-edit-photopea"></div>') .html('<span class="elfinder-spinner-text">' + fm.i18n('nowLoading') + '</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span>') .appendTo(ifm.parent()), saveMimes = fm.arrayFlip(, getType = function(mime) { var ext = getExtention(mime, fm), extmime = ext2mime[ext]; if (!confObj.mimesFlip[extmime]) { ext = ''; } else if (ext === 'jpeg') { ext = 'jpg'; } if (!ext || !saveMimes[extmime]) { ext = 'psd'; extmime = ext2mime[ext]; ifm.closest('.ui-dialog').trigger('changeType', { extention: ext, mime : extmime, keepEditor: true }); } return ext; }, mime = file.mime, liveMsg, type, quty; if (!confObj.mimesFlip) { confObj.mimesFlip = fm.arrayFlip(confObj.mimes, true); } if (!confObj.liveMsg) { confObj.liveMsg = function(ifm, spnr, file) { var wnd = ifm.get(0).contentWindow, phase = 0, data = null, dfdIni = jQuery.Deferred().done(function() { spnr.remove(); phase = 1; wnd.postMessage(data, orig); }), dfdGet; this.load = function() { return fm.getContents(file.hash, 'arraybuffer').done(function(d) { data = d; }); }; this.receive = function(e) { var ev = e.originalEvent, state; if (ev.origin === orig && ev.source === wnd) { if ( === 'done') { if (phase === 0) { dfdIni.resolve(); } else if (phase === 1) { phase = 2; ifm.trigger('contentsloaded'); } else { if (dfdGet && dfdGet.state() === 'pending') { dfdGet.reject('errDataEmpty'); } } } else if ( === 'Save') { editor.doSave(); } else { if (dfdGet && dfdGet.state() === 'pending') { if (typeof === 'object') { dfdGet.resolve('data:' + mime + ';base64,' + fm.arrayBufferToBase64(; } else { dfdGet.reject('errDataEmpty'); } } } } }; this.getContent = function() { var type, q; if (phase > 1) { dfdGet && dfdGet.state() === 'pending' && dfdGet.reject(); dfdGet = null; dfdGet = jQuery.Deferred(); if (phase === 2) { phase = 3; dfdGet.resolve('data:' + mime + ';base64,' + fm.arrayBufferToBase64(data)); data = null; return dfdGet; } if ('mime')) { mime ='mime'); type = getType(mime); } if (q ='quality')) { type += ':' + (q / 100); } wnd.postMessage('app.activeDocument.saveToOE("' + type + '")', orig); return dfdGet; } }; }; } ifm.parent().css('padding', 0); type = getType(file.mime); liveMsg = editor.liveMsg = new confObj.liveMsg(ifm, spnr, file); jQuery(window).on('message.' + fm.namespace, liveMsg.receive); liveMsg.load().done(function() { var d = JSON.stringify({ files : [], environment : { lang: fm.lang.replace(/_/g, '-'), customIO: {"save": "app.echoToOE(\"Save\");"} } }); ifm.attr('src', orig + '/#' + encodeURI(d)); }).fail(function(err) { err && fm.error(err); editor.initFail = true; }); // jpeg quality controls if (file.mime === 'image/jpeg' || file.mime === 'image/webp') {'quality','jpgQuality') || fm.option('jpgQuality')); quty = jQuery('<input type="number" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-resize-quality elfinder-tabstop"/>') .attr('min', '1') .attr('max', '100') .attr('title', '1 - 100') .on('change', function() { var q = quty.val();'quality', q); }) .val('quality')); jQuery('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset elfinder-edit-extras elfinder-edit-extras-quality"></div>') .append( jQuery('<span>').html(fm.i18n('quality') + ' : '), quty, jQuery('<span></span>') ) .prependTo(ifm.parent().next()); } }, load : function(base) { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(), self = this, fm =, $base = jQuery(base); if (self.initFail) { dfd.reject(); } else { $base.on('contentsloaded', function() { dfd.resolve(self.liveMsg); }); } return dfd; }, getContent : function() { return this.editor.liveMsg? this.editor.liveMsg.getContent() : void(0); }, save : function(base, liveMsg) { var $base = jQuery(base), quality = $'quality'), hash = $'hash'), file; if (typeof quality !== 'undefined') {'jpgQuality', quality); } if (hash) { file =; $'mime', file.mime); } else { $base.removeData('mime'); } }, // On dialog closed close : function(base, liveMsg) { jQuery(base).attr('src', ''); liveMsg && jQuery(window).off('message.' +, liveMsg.receive); } }, { // Pixo is cross-platform image editor info : { id : 'pixo', name : 'Pixo Editor', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -208', dataScheme: true, schemeContent: true, single: true, canMakeEmpty: false, integrate: { title: 'Pixo Editor', link: '' } }, // MIME types to accept mimes : ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/x-ms-bmp'], // HTML of this editor html : '<div class="elfinder-edit-imageeditor"><img/></div>', // called on initialization of elFinder cmd edit (this: this editor's config object) setup : function(opts, fm) { if (fm.UA.ltIE8 || !opts.extraOptions || !opts.extraOptions.pixo || !opts.extraOptions.pixo.apikey) { this.disabled = true; } else { this.editorOpts = opts.extraOptions.pixo; } }, // Initialization of editing node (this: this editors HTML node) init : function(id, file, content, fm) {, id, file, content, fm); }, // Get data uri scheme (this: this editors HTML node) getContent : function() { return jQuery(this).children('img:first').attr('src'); }, // Launch Pixo editor when dialog open load : function(base) { var self = this, fm =, $base = jQuery(base), node = $base.children('img:first'), dialog = $base.closest('.ui-dialog'), elfNode = fm.getUI(), dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), container = jQuery('#elfinder-pixo-container'), init = function(onload) { var opts; if (!container.length) { container = jQuery('<div id="elfinder-pixo-container" class="ui-front"></div>').css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, right: 0, width: '100%', height: jQuery(window).height(), overflow: 'hidden' }).hide().appendTo(elfNode.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen')? elfNode : 'body'); // bind switch fullscreen event elfNode.on('resize.'+fm.namespace, function(e, data) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); data && data.fullscreen && container.appendTo(data.fullscreen === 'on'? elfNode : 'body'); }); fm.bind('destroy', function() { editor && editor.cancelEditing(); container.remove(); }); } else { // always moves to last container.appendTo(container.parent()); } node.on('click', launch); // Constructor options opts = Object.assign({ type: 'child', parent: container.get(0), output: {format: 'png'}, onSave: function(arg) { // Check current file.hash, all callbacks are called on multiple instances var mime = arg.toBlob().type, ext = getExtention(mime, fm), draw = function(url) {'load error', function() {'loading') &&'loading')(true); }) .attr('crossorigin', 'anonymous') .attr('src', url); }, url = arg.toDataURL();'loading')(); delete base._canvas; if ('ext') !== ext) { changeImageType(url, self.file.mime).done(function(res, cv) { if (cv) { base._canvas = canvas = cv; quty.trigger('change'); qBase &&; } draw(res); }).fail(function() { dialog.trigger('changeType', { extention: ext, mime : mime }); draw(url); }); } else { draw(url); } }, onClose: function() { dialog.removeClass(fm.res('class', 'preventback')); fm.toggleMaximize(container, false); container.hide(); fm.toFront(dialog); } }, self.confObj.editorOpts); // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' self.trigger('Prepare', { node: base, editorObj: Pixo, instance: void(0), opts: opts }); // make editor instance editor = new Pixo.Bridge(opts); dfrd.resolve(editor); $base.on('saveAsFail', launch); if (onload) { onload(); } }, launch = function() { dialog.addClass(fm.res('class', 'preventback')); fm.toggleMaximize(container, true); fm.toFront(container);'curhash', self.file.hash); editor.edit(node.get(0));'loading')(true); }, qBase, quty, qutyTm, canvas, editor;'loading')(); // jpeg quality controls if (self.file.mime === 'image/jpeg') { quty = jQuery('<input type="number" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-resize-quality elfinder-tabstop"/>') .attr('min', '1') .attr('max', '100') .attr('title', '1 - 100') .on('change', function() { var q = quty.val(); qutyTm && cancelAnimationFrame(qutyTm); qutyTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() { if (canvas) { canvas.toBlob(function(blob) { blob &&'span').text(' (' + fm.formatSize(blob.size) + ')'); }, 'image/jpeg', Math.max(Math.min(q, 100), 1) / 100); } }); }) .val('jpgQuality') || fm.option('jpgQuality')); qBase = jQuery('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset elfinder-edit-extras elfinder-edit-extras-quality"></div>') .hide() .append( jQuery('<span>').html(fm.i18n('quality') + ' : '), quty, jQuery('<span></span>') ) .prependTo($base.parent().next()); $'quty', quty); } // load script then init if (typeof Pixo === 'undefined') { fm.loadScript([''], function() { init(launch); }, {loadType: 'tag'}); } else { init(); launch(); } return dfrd; }, // Convert content url to data uri scheme to save content save : function(base) { var self = this, $base = jQuery(base), node = $base.children('img:first'), q; if (base._canvas) { if ($'quty')) { q = $'quty').val(); q &&'jpgQuality', q); } node.attr('src', base._canvas.toDataURL(self.file.mime, q? Math.max(Math.min(q, 100), 1) / 100 : void(0))); } else if (node.attr('src').substr(0, 5) !== 'data:') { node.attr('src', imgBase64(node, this.file.mime)); } }, close : function(base, editor) { editor && editor.destroy(); } }, { // ACE Editor // called on initialization of elFinder cmd edit (this: this editor's config object) setup : function(opts, fm) { if (fm.UA.ltIE8 || !fm.options.cdns.ace) { this.disabled = true; } }, // `mimes` is not set for support everything kind of text file info : { id : 'aceeditor', name : 'ACE Editor', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -96' }, load : function(textarea) { var self = this, fm =, dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), cdn = fm.options.cdns.ace, start = function() { var editor, editorBase, mode, ta = jQuery(textarea), taBase = ta.parent(), dialog = taBase.parent(), id = + '_ace', ext =^.+\.([^.]+)|(.+)$/, '$1$2').toLowerCase(), // MIME/mode map mimeMode = { 'text/x-php' : 'php', 'application/x-php' : 'php', 'text/html' : 'html', 'application/xhtml+xml' : 'html', 'text/javascript' : 'javascript', 'application/javascript' : 'javascript', 'text/css' : 'css', 'text/x-c' : 'c_cpp', 'text/x-csrc' : 'c_cpp', 'text/x-chdr' : 'c_cpp', 'text/x-c++' : 'c_cpp', 'text/x-c++src' : 'c_cpp', 'text/x-c++hdr' : 'c_cpp', 'text/x-shellscript' : 'sh', 'application/x-csh' : 'sh', 'text/x-python' : 'python', 'text/x-java' : 'java', 'text/x-java-source' : 'java', 'text/x-ruby' : 'ruby', 'text/x-perl' : 'perl', 'application/x-perl' : 'perl', 'text/x-sql' : 'sql', 'text/xml' : 'xml', 'application/docbook+xml' : 'xml', 'application/xml' : 'xml' }; // set base height taBase.height(taBase.height()); // set basePath of ace ace.config.set('basePath', cdn); // Base node of Ace editor editorBase = jQuery('<div id="'+id+'" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div>').text(ta.val()).insertBefore(ta.hide()); // Editor flag'ace', true); // Aceeditor instance editor = ace.edit(id); // Ace editor configure editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity; editor.setOptions({ theme: 'ace/theme/monokai', fontSize: '14px', wrap: true, }); ace.config.loadModule('ace/ext/modelist', function() { // detect mode mode = ace.require('ace/ext/modelist').getModeForPath('/' +; if (mode === 'text') { if (mimeMode[self.file.mime]) { mode = mimeMode[self.file.mime]; } } // show MIME:mode in title bar taBase.prev().children('.elfinder-dialog-title').append(' (' + self.file.mime + ' : ' + mode.split(/[\/\\]/).pop() + ')'); editor.setOptions({ mode: 'ace/mode/' + mode }); if (dfrd.state() === 'resolved') { dialog.trigger('resize'); } }); ace.config.loadModule('ace/ext/language_tools', function() { ace.require('ace/ext/language_tools'); editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: true, enableSnippets: true, enableLiveAutocompletion: false }); }); ace.config.loadModule('ace/ext/settings_menu', function() { ace.require('ace/ext/settings_menu').init(editor); }); // Short cuts editor.commands.addCommand({ name : "saveFile", bindKey: { win : 'Ctrl-s', mac : 'Command-s' }, exec: function(editor) { self.doSave(); } }); editor.commands.addCommand({ name : "closeEditor", bindKey: { win : 'Ctrl-w|Ctrl-q', mac : 'Command-w|Command-q' }, exec: function(editor) { self.doCancel(); } }); editor.resize(); // TextArea button and Setting button jQuery('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset"></div>').css('float', 'left') .append( jQuery('<button></button>').html('TextArea')) .button() .on('click', function(){ if ('ace')) { ta.removeData('ace'); editorBase.hide(); ta.val(editor.session.getValue()).show().trigger('focus'); jQuery(this).text('AceEditor'); } else {'ace', true);; editor.setValue(ta.hide().val(), -1); editor.focus(); jQuery(this).html('TextArea')); } }) ) .append( jQuery('<button>Ace editor setting</button>') .button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-gear', secondary: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-e' }, text: false }) .on('click', function(){ editor.showSettingsMenu(); jQuery('#ace_settingsmenu') .css('font-size', '80%') .find('div[contains="setOptions"]').hide().end() .parent().appendTo(jQuery('#elfinder')); }) ) .prependTo(; // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' self.trigger('Prepare', { node: textarea, editorObj: ace, instance: editor, opts: {} }); //dialog.trigger('resize'); dfrd.resolve(editor); }; // check ace & start if (!self.confObj.loader) { self.confObj.loader = jQuery.Deferred();[ cdn+'/ace.js' ], function() { self.confObj.loader.resolve(); }, void 0, {obj: window, name: 'ace'}); } self.confObj.loader.done(start); return dfrd; }, close : function(textarea, instance) { instance && instance.destroy(); }, save : function(textarea, instance) { instance && jQuery(textarea).data('ace') && (textarea.value = instance.session.getValue()); }, focus : function(textarea, instance) { instance && jQuery(textarea).data('ace') && instance.focus(); }, resize : function(textarea, instance, e, data) { instance && instance.resize(); } }, { // CodeMirror // called on initialization of elFinder cmd edit (this: this editor's config object) setup : function(opts, fm) { if (fm.UA.ltIE10 || !fm.options.cdns.codemirror) { this.disabled = true; } }, // `mimes` is not set for support everything kind of text file info : { id : 'codemirror', name : 'CodeMirror', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -176' }, load : function(textarea) { var fm =, cmUrl = fm.convAbsUrl(fm.options.cdns.codemirror), dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), self = this, start = function(CodeMirror) { var ta = jQuery(textarea), base = ta.parent(), editor, editorBase, opts; // set base height base.height(base.height()); // CodeMirror configure options opts = { lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, extraKeys : { 'Ctrl-S': function() { self.doSave(); }, 'Ctrl-Q': function() { self.doCancel(); }, 'Ctrl-W': function() { self.doCancel(); } } }; // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' self.trigger('Prepare', { node: textarea, editorObj: CodeMirror, instance: void(0), opts: opts }); // CodeMirror configure editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, opts); // return editor instance dfrd.resolve(editor); // Auto mode set var info, m, mode, spec; if (! info) { info = CodeMirror.findModeByMIME(self.file.mime); } if (! info && (m =\.([^.]+)$/))) { info = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension(m[1]); } if (info) { CodeMirror.modeURL = useRequire? 'codemirror/mode/%N/%N.min' : cmUrl + '/mode/%N/%N.min.js'; mode = info.mode; spec = info.mime; editor.setOption('mode', spec); CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(editor, mode); // show MIME:mode in title bar base.prev().children('.elfinder-dialog-title').append(' (' + spec + (mode != 'null'? ' : ' + mode : '') + ')'); } // editor base node editorBase = jQuery(editor.getWrapperElement()).css({ // fix CSS conflict to SimpleMDE padding: 0, border: 'none' });'cm', true); // fit height to base editorBase.height('100%'); // TextArea button and Setting button jQuery('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset"></div>').css('float', 'left') .append( jQuery('<button></button>').html('TextArea')) .button() .on('click', function(){ if ('cm')) { ta.removeData('cm'); editorBase.hide(); ta.val(editor.getValue()).show().trigger('focus'); jQuery(this).text('CodeMirror'); } else {'cm', true);; editor.setValue(ta.hide().val()); editor.refresh(); editor.focus(); jQuery(this).html('TextArea')); } }) ) .prependTo(; }; // load script then start if (!self.confObj.loader) { self.confObj.loader = jQuery.Deferred(); if (useRequire) { require.config({ packages: [{ name: 'codemirror', location: cmUrl, main: 'codemirror.min' }], map: { 'codemirror': { 'codemirror/lib/codemirror': 'codemirror' } } }); require([ 'codemirror', 'codemirror/addon/mode/loadmode.min', 'codemirror/mode/meta.min' ], function(CodeMirror) { self.confObj.loader.resolve(CodeMirror); }); } else {[ cmUrl + '/codemirror.min.js' ], function() {[ cmUrl + '/addon/mode/loadmode.min.js', cmUrl + '/mode/meta.min.js' ], function() { self.confObj.loader.resolve(CodeMirror); }); }, {loadType: 'tag'}); } + '/codemirror.css'); } self.confObj.loader.done(start); return dfrd; }, close : function(textarea, instance) { instance && instance.toTextArea(); }, save : function(textarea, instance) { instance && jQuery(textarea).data('cm') && (textarea.value = instance.getValue()); }, focus : function(textarea, instance) { instance && jQuery(textarea).data('cm') && instance.focus(); }, resize : function(textarea, instance, e, data) { instance && instance.refresh(); } }, { // SimpleMDE // called on initialization of elFinder cmd edit (this: this editor's config object) setup : function(opts, fm) { if (fm.UA.ltIE10 || !fm.options.cdns.simplemde) { this.disabled = true; } }, info : { id : 'simplemde', name : 'SimpleMDE', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -80' }, exts : ['md'], load : function(textarea) { var self = this, fm =, base = jQuery(textarea).parent(), dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), cdn = fm.options.cdns.simplemde, start = function(SimpleMDE) { var h = base.height(), delta = base.outerHeight(true) - h + 14, editor, editorBase, opts; // fit height function textarea._setHeight = function(height) { var h = height || base.height(), ctrH = 0, areaH; base.children('.editor-toolbar,.editor-statusbar').each(function() { ctrH += jQuery(this).outerHeight(true); }); areaH = h - ctrH - delta; editorBase.height(areaH); editor.codemirror.refresh(); return areaH; }; // set base height base.height(h); opts = { element: textarea, autofocus: true }; // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' self.trigger('Prepare', { node: textarea, editorObj: SimpleMDE, instance: void(0), opts: opts }); // make editor editor = new SimpleMDE(opts); dfrd.resolve(editor); // editor base node editorBase = jQuery(editor.codemirror.getWrapperElement()); // fit height to base editorBase.css('min-height', '50px') .children('.CodeMirror-scroll').css('min-height', '50px'); textarea._setHeight(h); }; // check SimpleMDE & start if (!self.confObj.loader) { self.confObj.loader = jQuery.Deferred();'/simplemde.min.css'); if (useRequire) { require([ cdn+'/simplemde.min.js' ], function(SimpleMDE) { self.confObj.loader.resolve(SimpleMDE); }); } else {[cdn+'/simplemde.min.js'], function() { self.confObj.loader.resolve(SimpleMDE); }, {loadType: 'tag'}); } } self.confObj.loader.done(start); return dfrd; }, close : function(textarea, instance) { instance && instance.toTextArea(); instance = null; }, save : function(textarea, instance) { instance && (textarea.value = instance.value()); }, focus : function(textarea, instance) { instance && instance.codemirror.focus(); }, resize : function(textarea, instance, e, data) { instance && textarea._setHeight(); } }, { // CKEditor for html file info : { id : 'ckeditor', name : 'CKEditor', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 0' }, exts : ['htm', 'html', 'xhtml'], setup : function(opts, fm) { var confObj = this; if (!fm.options.cdns.ckeditor) { confObj.disabled = true; } else { confObj.ckeOpts = {}; if (opts.extraOptions) { confObj.ckeOpts = Object.assign({}, opts.extraOptions.ckeditor || {}); if (opts.extraOptions.managerUrl) { confObj.managerUrl = opts.extraOptions.managerUrl; } } } }, load : function(textarea) { var self = this, fm =, dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), init = function() { var base = jQuery(textarea).parent(), dlg = base.closest('.elfinder-dialog'), h = base.height(), reg = /([&?]getfile=)[^&]+/, loc = self.confObj.managerUrl || window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, ''), name = 'ckeditor', opts; // make manager location if (reg.test(loc)) { loc = loc.replace(reg, '$1' + name); } else { loc += '?getfile=' + name; } // set base height base.height(h); // CKEditor configure options opts = { startupFocus : true, fullPage: true, allowedContent: true, filebrowserBrowseUrl : loc, toolbarCanCollapse: true, toolbarStartupExpanded: !fm.UA.Mobile, removePlugins: 'resize', extraPlugins: 'colorbutton,justify,docprops', on: { 'instanceReady' : function(e) { var editor = e.editor; editor.resize('100%', h); // re-build on dom move'beforedommove.'+fm.namespace, function() { editor.destroy(); }).one('dommove.'+fm.namespace, function() { self.load(textarea).done(function(editor) { self.instance = editor; }); }); // return editor instance dfrd.resolve(e.editor); } } }; // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' self.trigger('Prepare', { node: textarea, editorObj: CKEDITOR, instance: void(0), opts: opts }); // CKEditor configure CKEDITOR.replace(, Object.assign(opts, self.confObj.ckeOpts)); CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(e) { var dlg =; dlg.on('show', function(e) { fm.getUI().append(jQuery('.cke_dialog_background_cover')).append(this.getElement().$); }); dlg.on('hide', function(e) { jQuery('body:first').append(jQuery('.cke_dialog_background_cover')).append(this.getElement().$); }); }); }; if (!self.confObj.loader) { self.confObj.loader = jQuery.Deferred(); window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = fm.options.cdns.ckeditor + '/'; jQuery.getScript(fm.options.cdns.ckeditor + '/ckeditor.js', function() { self.confObj.loader.resolve(); }); } self.confObj.loader.done(init); return dfrd; }, close : function(textarea, instance) { instance && instance.destroy(); }, save : function(textarea, instance) { instance && (textarea.value = instance.getData()); }, focus : function(textarea, instance) { instance && instance.focus(); }, resize : function(textarea, instance, e, data) { var self; if (instance) { if (instance.status === 'ready') { instance.resize('100%', jQuery(textarea).parent().height()); } } } }, { // CKEditor5 balloon mode for html file info : { id : 'ckeditor5', name : 'CKEditor5', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -16' }, exts : ['htm', 'html', 'xhtml'], html : '<div class="edit-editor-ckeditor5"></div>', setup : function(opts, fm) { var confObj = this; // check cdn and ES6 support if (!fm.options.cdns.ckeditor5 || typeof window.Symbol !== 'function' || typeof Symbol() !== 'symbol') { confObj.disabled = true; } else { confObj.ckeOpts = {}; if (opts.extraOptions) { // @deprecated option extraOptions.ckeditor5Mode if (opts.extraOptions.ckeditor5Mode) { confObj.ckeditor5Mode = opts.extraOptions.ckeditor5Mode; } confObj.ckeOpts = Object.assign({}, opts.extraOptions.ckeditor5 || {}); if (confObj.ckeOpts.mode) { confObj.ckeditor5Mode = confObj.ckeOpts.mode; delete confObj.ckeOpts.mode; } if (opts.extraOptions.managerUrl) { confObj.managerUrl = opts.extraOptions.managerUrl; } } } fm.bind('destroy', function() { confObj.editor = null; }); }, // Prepare on before show dialog prepare : function(base, dialogOpts, file) { jQuery(base).height( - 100); }, init : function(id, file, data, fm) { var m = data.match(/^([\s\S]*<body[^>]*>)([\s\S]+)(<\/body>[\s\S]*)$/i), header = '', body = '', footer =''; this.css({ width: '100%', height: '100%', 'box-sizing': 'border-box' }); if (m) { header = m[1]; body = m[2]; footer = m[3]; } else { body = data; }'data', { header: header, body: body, footer: footer }); this._setupSelEncoding(data); }, load : function(editnode) { var self = this, fm =, dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), mode = self.confObj.ckeditor5Mode || 'decoupled-document', lang = (function() { var l = fm.lang.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-'); if (l.substr(0, 2) === 'zh' && l !== 'zh-cn') { l = 'zh'; } return l; })(), init = function(cEditor) { var base = jQuery(editnode).parent(), opts; // set base height base.height(fm.getUI().height() - 100); // CKEditor5 configure options opts = Object.assign({ toolbar: ["heading", "|", "fontSize", "fontFamily", "|", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "highlight", "|", "alignment", "|", "numberedList", "bulletedList", "blockQuote", "indent", "outdent", "|", "ckfinder", "link", "imageUpload", "insertTable", "mediaEmbed", "|", "undo", "redo"], language: lang }, self.confObj.ckeOpts); // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' self.trigger('Prepare', { node: editnode, editorObj: cEditor, instance: void(0), opts: opts }); cEditor .create(editnode, opts) .then(function(editor) { var ckf = editor.commands.get('ckfinder'), fileRepo = editor.plugins.get('FileRepository'), prevVars = {}, isImage, insertImages; if (editor.ui.view.toolbar && (mode === 'classic' || mode === 'decoupled-document')) { jQuery(editnode).closest('.elfinder-dialog').children('.ui-widget-header').append(jQuery(editor.ui.view.toolbar.element).css({marginRight:'-1em',marginLeft:'-1em'})); } if (mode === 'classic') { jQuery(editnode).closest('.elfinder-edit-editor').css('overflow', 'auto'); } // Set up this elFinder instead of CKFinder if (ckf) { isImage = function(f) { return f && f.mime.match(/^image\//i); }; insertImages = function(urls) { var imgCmd = editor.commands.get('imageUpload'); if (!imgCmd.isEnabled) { var ntf = editor.plugins.get('Notification'), i18 = editor.locale.t; ntf.showWarning(i18('Could not insert image at the current position.'), { title: i18('Inserting image failed'), namespace: 'ckfinder' }); return; } editor.execute('imageInsert', { source: urls }); }; // Take over ckfinder execute() ckf.execute = function() { var dlg = base.closest('.elfinder-dialog'), gf = fm.getCommand('getfile'), rever = function() { if (prevVars.hasVar) {'resize close', rever); gf.callback = prevVars.callback; gf.options.folders = prevVars.folders; gf.options.multiple = prevVars.multi; =; prevVars.hasVar = false; } }; dlg.trigger('togleminimize').one('resize close', rever); prevVars.callback = gf.callback; prevVars.folders = gf.options.folders; prevVars.multi = gf.options.multiple; =; prevVars.hasVar = true; gf.callback = function(files) { var imgs = []; if (files.length === 1 && files[0].mime === 'directory') {'open', function() { = 'getfile'; }).getCommand('open').exec(files[0].hash); return; } fm.getUI('cwd').trigger('unselectall'); jQuery.each(files, function(i, f) { if (isImage(f)) { imgs.push(fm.convAbsUrl(f.url)); } else { editor.execute('link', fm.convAbsUrl(f.url)); } }); if (imgs.length) { insertImages(imgs); } dlg.trigger('togleminimize'); }; gf.options.folders = true; gf.options.multiple = true; = 'getfile'; fm.toast({ mode: 'info', msg: fm.i18n('dblclickToSelect') }); }; } // Set up image uploader fileRepo.createUploadAdapter = function(loader) { return new uploder(loader); }; editor.setData(jQuery(editnode).data('data').body); // move .ck-body to elFinder node for fullscreen mode fm.getUI().append(jQuery('body >')); jQuery('').css({ 'z-index': fm.getMaximizeCss().zIndex + 1 }); dfrd.resolve(editor); /*fm.log({ defaultConfig: cEditor.defaultConfig, plugins: { return p.pluginName; }), toolbars: Array.from(editor.ui.componentFactory.names()) });*/ }) ['catch'](function(error) { // ['cache'] instead .cache for fix error on ie8 fm.error(error); }); }, uploder = function(loader) { var upload = function(file, resolve, reject) { fm.exec('upload', {files: [file]}, void(0), fm.cwd().hash) .done(function(data){ if (data.added && data.added.length) { fm.url(data.added[0].hash, { async: true }).done(function(url) { resolve({ 'default': fm.convAbsUrl(url) }); }).fail(function() { reject('errFileNotFound'); }); } else { reject(fm.i18n(data.error? data.error : 'errUpload')); } }) .fail(function(err) { var error = fm.parseError(err); reject(fm.i18n(error? (error === 'userabort'? 'errAbort' : error) : 'errUploadNoFiles')); }) .progress(function(data) { loader.uploadTotal =; loader.uploaded = data.progress; }); }; this.upload = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (loader.file instanceof Promise || (loader.file && typeof loader.file.then === 'function')) { loader.file.then(function(file) { upload(file, resolve, reject); }); } else { upload(loader.file, resolve, reject); } }); }; this.abort = function() { fm.getUI().trigger('uploadabort'); }; }, loader; if (!self.confObj.editor) { loader = jQuery.Deferred();[ fm.options.cdns.ckeditor5 + '/' + mode + '/ckeditor.js' ], function(editor) { if (!editor) { editor = window.BalloonEditor || window.InlineEditor || window.ClassicEditor || window.DecoupledEditor; } if (fm.lang !== 'en') {[ fm.options.cdns.ckeditor5 + '/' + mode + '/translations/' + lang + '.js' ], function(obj) { loader.resolve(editor); }, { tryRequire: true, loadType: 'tag', error: function(obj) { lang = 'en'; loader.resolve(editor); } }); } else { loader.resolve(editor); } }, { tryRequire: true, loadType: 'tag' }); loader.done(function(editor) { self.confObj.editor = editor; init(editor); }); } else { init(self.confObj.editor); } return dfrd; }, getContent : function() { var data = jQuery(this).data('data'); return data.header + data.body + data.footer; }, close : function(editnode, instance) { instance && instance.destroy(); }, save : function(editnode, instance) { var elm = jQuery(editnode), data ='data'); if (instance) { data.body = instance.getData();'data', data); } }, focus : function(editnode, instance) { jQuery(editnode).trigger('focus'); } }, { // TinyMCE for html file info : { id : 'tinymce', name : 'TinyMCE', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -64' }, exts : ['htm', 'html', 'xhtml'], setup : function(opts, fm) { var confObj = this; if (!fm.options.cdns.tinymce) { confObj.disabled = true; } else { confObj.mceOpts = {}; if (opts.extraOptions) { confObj.uploadOpts = Object.assign({}, opts.extraOptions.uploadOpts || {}); confObj.mceOpts = Object.assign({}, opts.extraOptions.tinymce || {}); } else { confObj.uploadOpts = {}; } } }, load : function(textarea) { var self = this, fm =, dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(), init = function() { var base = jQuery(textarea).show().parent(), dlg = base.closest('.elfinder-dialog'), h = base.height(), delta = base.outerHeight(true) - h, // hide MCE dialog and modal block hideMceDlg = function() { var mceW; if ( { mceW =[0]; mceDlg = jQuery(mceW? mceW.getEl() : void(0)).hide(); mceCv = jQuery('#mce-modal-block').hide(); } else { mceDlg = jQuery('.tox-dialog-wrap').hide(); } }, // Show MCE dialog and modal block showMceDlg = function() { mceCv &&; mceDlg &&; }, tVer = tinymce.majorVersion, opts, mceDlg, mceCv; // set base height base.height(h); // fit height function textarea._setHeight = function(height) { if (tVer < 5) { var base = jQuery(this).parent(), h = height || base.innerHeight(), ctrH = 0, areaH; base.find('.mce-container-body:first').children('.mce-top-part,.mce-statusbar').each(function() { ctrH += jQuery(this).outerHeight(true); }); areaH = h - ctrH - delta; base.find('.mce-edit-area iframe:first').height(areaH); } }; // TinyMCE configure options opts = { selector: '#' +, resize: false, plugins: 'print preview fullpage searchreplace autolink directionality visualblocks visualchars fullscreen image link media template codesample table charmap hr pagebreak nonbreaking anchor toc insertdatetime advlist lists wordcount imagetools textpattern help', toolbar: 'formatselect | bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor | link image media | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | numlist bullist outdent indent | removeformat', image_advtab: true, init_instance_callback : function(editor) { // fit height on init textarea._setHeight(h); // re-build on dom move'beforedommove.'+fm.namespace, function() { tinymce.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', false,; }).one('dommove.'+fm.namespace, function() { self.load(textarea).done(function(editor) { self.instance = editor; }); }); // return editor instance dfrd.resolve(editor); }, file_picker_callback : function (callback, value, meta) { var gf = fm.getCommand('getfile'), revar = function() { if (prevVars.hasVar) { gf.callback = prevVars.callback; gf.options.folders = prevVars.folders; gf.options.multiple = prevVars.multi; =; prevVars.hasVar = false; }'resize close', revar); showMceDlg(); }, prevVars = {}; prevVars.callback = gf.callback; prevVars.folders = gf.options.folders; prevVars.multi = gf.options.multiple; =; prevVars.hasVar = true; gf.callback = function(file) { var url, info; if (file.mime === 'directory') {'open', function() { = 'getfile'; }).getCommand('open').exec(file.hash); return; } // URL normalization url = fm.convAbsUrl(file.url); // Make file info info = + ' (' + fm.formatSize(file.size) + ')'; // Provide file and text for the link dialog if (meta.filetype == 'file') { callback(url, {text: info, title: info}); } // Provide image and alt text for the image dialog if (meta.filetype == 'image') { callback(url, {alt: info}); } // Provide alternative source and posted for the media dialog if (meta.filetype == 'media') { callback(url); } dlg.trigger('togleminimize'); }; gf.options.folders = true; gf.options.multiple = false; = 'getfile'; hideMceDlg(); dlg.trigger('togleminimize').one('resize close', revar); fm.toast({ mode: 'info', msg: fm.i18n('dblclickToSelect') }); return false; }, images_upload_handler : function (blobInfo, success, failure) { var file = blobInfo.blob(), err = function(e) { var dlg = || {}; if (dlg.hasClass('elfinder-dialog-error') || dlg.hasClass('elfinder-confirm-upload')) { hideMceDlg(); dlg.trigger('togleminimize').one('resize close', revert); fm.unbind('dialogopened', err); } }, revert = function() {'resize close', revert); showMceDlg(); }, clipdata = true; // check file object if ( { // file blob of client side file object clipdata = void(0); } fm.bind('dialogopened', err).exec('upload', Object.assign({ files: [file], clipdata: clipdata // to get unique name on connector }, self.confObj.uploadOpts), void(0), fm.cwd().hash).done(function(data) { if (data.added && data.added.length) { fm.url(data.added[0].hash, { async: true }).done(function(url) { showMceDlg(); success(fm.convAbsUrl(url)); }).fail(function() { failure(fm.i18n('errFileNotFound')); }); } else { failure(fm.i18n(data.error? data.error : 'errUpload')); } }).fail(function(err) { var error = fm.parseError(err); if (error) { if (error === 'errUnknownCmd') { error = 'errPerm'; } else if (error === 'userabort') { error = 'errAbort'; } } failure(fm.i18n(error? error : 'errUploadNoFiles')); }); } }; // TinyMCE 5 supports "height: 100%" if (tVer >= 5) { opts.height = '100%'; } // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' self.trigger('Prepare', { node: textarea, editorObj: tinymce, instance: void(0), opts: opts }); // TinyMCE configure tinymce.init(Object.assign(opts, self.confObj.mceOpts)); }; if (!self.confObj.loader) { self.confObj.loader = jQuery.Deferred();[fm.options.cdns.tinymce + (fm.options.cdns.tinymce.match(/\.js/)? '' : '/tinymce.min.js')], function() { self.confObj.loader.resolve(); }, { loadType: 'tag' }); } self.confObj.loader.done(init); return dfrd; }, close : function(textarea, instance) { instance && tinymce.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', false,; }, save : function(textarea, instance) { instance &&; }, focus : function(textarea, instance) { instance && instance.focus(); }, resize : function(textarea, instance, e, data) { // fit height to base node on dialog resize instance && textarea._setHeight(); } }, { info : { id : 'zohoeditor', name : 'Zoho Editor', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -32', cmdCheck : 'ZohoOffice', preventGet: true, hideButtons: true, syncInterval : 15000, canMakeEmpty: true, integrate: { title: 'Zoho Office API', link: '' } }, mimes : [ 'application/msword', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', //'application/pdf', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/rtf', 'text/html', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc', 'text/csv', 'text/tab-separated-values', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress' ], html : '<iframe style="width:100%;max-height:100%;border:none;"></iframe>', // setup on elFinder bootup setup : function(opts, fm) { if (fm.UA.Mobile || fm.UA.ltIE8) { this.disabled = true; } }, // Prepare on before show dialog prepare : function(base, dialogOpts, file) { var elfNode =; jQuery(base).height(elfNode.height()); dialogOpts.width = Math.max(dialogOpts.width || 0, elfNode.width() * 0.8); }, // Initialization of editing node (this: this editors HTML node) init : function(id, file, dum, fm) { var ta = this, ifm = jQuery(this).hide(), uiToast = fm.getUI('toast'), spnr = jQuery('<div class="elfinder-edit-spinner elfinder-edit-zohoeditor"></div>') .html('<span class="elfinder-spinner-text">' + fm.i18n('nowLoading') + '</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span>') .appendTo(ifm.parent()), cdata = function() { var data = ''; jQuery.each(fm.customData, function(key, val) { data += '&' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); }); return data; }; jQuery(ta).data('xhr', fm.request({ data: { cmd: 'editor', name:, method: 'init', 'args[target]': file.hash, 'args[lang]' : fm.lang, 'args[cdata]' : cdata() }, preventDefault : true }).done(function(data) { var opts; if (data.zohourl) { opts = { css: { height: '100%' } }; // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' ta.editor.trigger('Prepare', { node: ta, editorObj: void(0), instance: ifm, opts: opts }); ifm.attr('src', data.zohourl).show().css(opts.css); if (data.warning) { uiToast.appendTo(ta.closest('.ui-dialog')); fm.toast({ msg: fm.i18n(data.warning), mode: 'warning', timeOut: 0, onHidden: function() { uiToast.children().length === 1 && uiToast.appendTo(fm.getUI()); }, button: { text: 'btnYes' } }); } } else { data.error && fm.error(data.error); ta.elfinderdialog('destroy'); } }).fail(function(error) { error && fm.error(error); ta.elfinderdialog('destroy'); }).always(function() { spnr.remove(); })); }, load : function() {}, getContent : function() {}, save : function() {}, // Before dialog close beforeclose : iframeClose, // On dialog closed close : function(ta) { var fm =, xhr = jQuery(ta).data('xhr'); if (xhr.state() === 'pending') { xhr.reject(); } } }, { // Zip Archive with FlySystem info : { id : 'ziparchive', name : 'btnMount', iconImg : 'img/toolbar.png 0 -416', cmdCheck : 'ZipArchive', edit : function(file, editor) { var fm = this, dfrd = jQuery.Deferred(); fm.request({ data:{ cmd: 'netmount', protocol: 'ziparchive', host: file.hash, path: file.phash }, preventFail: true, notify : {type : 'netmount', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true} }).done(function(data) { var pdir; if (data.added && data.added.length) { if (data.added[0].phash) { if (pdir = fm.file(data.added[0].phash)) { if (! pdir.dirs) { pdir.dirs = 1; fm.change({ changed: [ pdir ] }); } } }'netmountdone', function() { fm.exec('open', data.added[0].hash);'opendone', function() { data.toast && fm.toast(data.toast); }); }); } dfrd.resolve(); }) .fail(function(error) { dfrd.reject(error); }); return dfrd; } }, mimes : ['application/zip'], load : function() {}, save : function(){} }, { // Simple Text (basic textarea editor) info : { id : 'textarea', name : 'TextArea', useTextAreaEvent : true }, load : function(textarea) { // trigger event 'editEditorPrepare' this.trigger('Prepare', { node: textarea, editorObj: void(0), instance: void(0), opts: {} }); textarea.setSelectionRange && textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 0); jQuery(textarea).trigger('focus').show(); }, save : function(){} }, { // File converter with info : { id : 'onlineconvert', name : 'Online Convert', iconImg : 'img/editor-icons.png 0 -144', cmdCheck : 'OnlineConvert', preventGet: true, hideButtons: true, single: true, converter: true, canMakeEmpty: false, integrate: { title: 'ONLINE-CONVERT.COM', link: '' } }, mimes : ['*'], html : '<div style="width:100%;max-height:100%;"></div>', // setup on elFinder bootup setup : function(opts, fm) { var mOpts = opts.extraOptions.onlineConvert || {maxSize:100,showLink:true}; if (mOpts.maxSize) { = mOpts.maxSize * 1048576; } this.set = Object.assign({ url : '', conv : { Archive: {'7Z':{}, 'BZ2':{ext:'bz'}, 'GZ':{}, 'ZIP':{}}, Audio: {'MP3':{}, 'OGG':{ext:'oga'}, 'WAV':{}, 'WMA':{}, 'AAC':{}, 'AIFF':{ext:'aif'}, 'FLAC':{}, 'M4A':{}, 'MMF':{}, 'OPUS':{ext:'oga'}}, Document: {'DOC':{}, 'DOCX':{}, 'HTML':{}, 'ODT':{}, 'PDF':{}, 'PPT':{}, 'PPTX':{}, 'RTF':{}, 'SWF':{}, 'TXT':{}}, eBook: {'AZW3':{ext:'azw'}, 'ePub':{}, 'FB2':{ext:'xml'}, 'LIT':{}, 'LRF':{}, 'MOBI':{}, 'PDB':{}, 'PDF':{},'PDF-eBook':{ext:'pdf'}, 'TCR':{}}, Hash: {'Adler32':{}, 'Apache-htpasswd':{}, 'Blowfish':{}, 'CRC32':{}, 'CRC32B':{}, 'Gost':{}, 'Haval128':{},'MD4':{}, 'MD5':{}, 'RIPEMD128':{}, 'RIPEMD160':{}, 'SHA1':{}, 'SHA256':{}, 'SHA384':{}, 'SHA512':{}, 'Snefru':{}, 'Std-DES':{}, 'Tiger128':{}, 'Tiger128-calculator':{}, 'Tiger128-converter':{}, 'Tiger160':{}, 'Tiger192':{}, 'Whirlpool':{}}, Image: {'BMP':{}, 'EPS':{ext:'ai'}, 'GIF':{}, 'EXR':{}, 'ICO':{}, 'JPG':{}, 'PNG':{}, 'SVG':{}, 'TGA':{}, 'TIFF':{ext:'tif'}, 'WBMP':{}, 'WebP':{}}, Video: {'3G2':{}, '3GP':{}, 'AVI':{}, 'FLV':{}, 'HLS':{ext:'m3u8'}, 'MKV':{}, 'MOV':{}, 'MP4':{}, 'MPEG-1':{ext:'mpeg'}, 'MPEG-2':{ext:'mpeg'}, 'OGG':{ext:'ogv'}, 'OGV':{}, 'WebM':{}, 'WMV':{}, 'Android':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'mp4'}, 'Blackberry':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'mp4'}, 'DPG':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'avi'}, 'iPad':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'mp4'}, 'iPhone':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'mp4'}, 'iPod':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'mp4'}, 'Nintendo-3DS':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'avi'}, 'Nintendo-DS':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'avi'}, 'PS3':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'mp4'}, 'Wii':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'avi'}, 'Xbox':{link:'/convert-video-for-%s',ext:'wmv'}} }, catExts : { Hash: 'txt' }, link : '<div class="elfinder-edit-onlineconvert-link"><a href="" target="_blank"><span class="elfinder-button-icon"></span>ONLINE-CONVERT.COM</a></div>', useTabs : (jQuery.fn.tabs && !fm.UA.iOS)? true : false // Can't work on iOS, I don't know why. }, mOpts); }, // Prepare on before show dialog prepare : function(base, dialogOpts, file) { var elfNode =; jQuery(base).height(elfNode.height()); dialogOpts.width = Math.max(dialogOpts.width || 0, elfNode.width() * 0.8); }, // Initialization of editing node (this: this editors HTML node) init : function(id, file, dum, fm) { var ta = this, confObj = ta.editor.confObj, set = confObj.set, uiToast = fm.getUI('toast'), idxs = {}, allowZip = fm.uploadMimeCheck('application/zip', file.phash), selfUrl = jQuery('base').length? document.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '') : '', getExt = function(cat, con) { var c; if (set.catExts[cat]) { return set.catExts[cat]; } if (set.conv[cat] && (c = set.conv[cat][con])) { return (c.ext || con).toLowerCase(); } return con.toLowerCase(); }, setOptions = function(cat, done) { var type, dfdInit, dfd; if (typeof confObj.api === 'undefined') { dfdInit = fm.request({ data: { cmd: 'editor', name: 'OnlineConvert', method: 'init' }, preventDefault : true }); } else { dfdInit = jQuery.Deferred().resolve({api: confObj.api}); } cat = cat.toLowerCase(); dfdInit.done(function(data) { confObj.api = data.api; if (confObj.api) { if (cat) { type = '?category=' + cat; } else { type = ''; cat = 'all'; } if (!confObj.conversions) { confObj.conversions = {}; } if (!confObj.conversions[cat]) { dfd = jQuery.getJSON('' + type); } else { dfd = jQuery.Deferred().resolve(confObj.conversions[cat]); } dfd.done(function(d) { confObj.conversions[cat] = d; jQuery.each(d, function(i, o) { btns[set.useTabs? 'children' : 'find']('.onlineconvert-category-' + o.category).children('.onlineconvert-' +'makeoption', o); }); done && done(); }); } }); }, btns = (function() { var btns = jQuery('<div></div>').on('click', 'button', function() { var b = jQuery(this), opts ='opts') || null, cat = b.closest('.onlineconvert-category').data('cname'), con ='conv'); if (confObj.api === true) { api({ category: cat, convert: con, options: opts }); } }).on('change', function(e) { var t = jQuery(, p = t.parent(), b = t.closest('.elfinder-edit-onlineconvert-button').children('button:first'), o ='opts') || {}, v ='type') === 'boolean'?':checked') : t.val(); e.stopPropagation(); if (v) { if ('type') === 'integer') { v = parseInt(v); } if ('pattern')) { var reg = new RegExp('pattern')); if (!reg.test(v)) { requestAnimationFrame(function() { fm.error('"' + fm.escape(v) + '" is not match to "/' + fm.escape('pattern')) + '/"'); }); v = null; } } } if (v) { o[t.parent().data('optkey')] = v; } else { delete o['optkey')]; }'opts', o); }), ul = jQuery('<ul></ul>'), oform = function(n, o) { var f = jQuery('<p></p>').data('optkey', n).data('type', o.type), checked = '', disabled = '', nozip = false, opts, btn, elm; if (o.description) { f.attr('title', fm.i18n(o.description)); } if (o.pattern) {'pattern', o.pattern); } f.append(jQuery('<span></span>').text(fm.i18n(n) + ' : ')); if (o.type === 'boolean') { if (o['default'] || (nozip = (n === 'allow_multiple_outputs' && !allowZip))) { checked = ' checked'; if (nozip) { disabled = ' disabled'; } btn = this.children('button:first'); opts ='opts') || {}; opts[n] = true;'opts', opts); } f.append(jQuery('<input type="checkbox" value="true"'+checked+disabled+'/>')); } else if (o['enum']){ elm = jQuery('<select></select>').append(jQuery('<option value=""></option>').text('Select...')); jQuery.each(o['enum'], function(i, v) { elm.append(jQuery('<option value="'+v+'"></option>').text(v)); }); f.append(elm); } else { f.append(jQuery('<input type="text" value=""/>')); } return f; }, makeOption = function(o) { var elm = this, b = jQuery('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-preference"></span>').on('click', function() { f.toggle(); }), f = jQuery('<div class="elfinder-edit-onlinconvert-options"></div>').hide(); if (o.options) { jQuery.each(o.options, function(k, v) { k !== 'download_password' && f.append(, k, v)); }); } elm.append(b, f); }, ts = (+new Date()), i = 0; if (!confObj.ext2mime) { confObj.ext2mime = Object.assign(fm.arrayFlip(fm.mimeTypes), ext2mime); } jQuery.each(set.conv, function(t, c) { var cname = t.toLowerCase(), id = 'elfinder-edit-onlineconvert-' + cname + ts, type = jQuery('<div id="' + id + '" class="onlineconvert-category onlineconvert-category-'+cname+'"></div>').data('cname', t), cext; jQuery.each(c, function(n, o) { var nl = n.toLowerCase(), ext = getExt(t, n); if (!confObj.ext2mime[ext]) { if (cname === 'audio' || cname === 'image' || cname === 'video') { confObj.ext2mime[ext] = cname + '/x-' + nl; } else { confObj.ext2mime[ext] = 'application/octet-stream'; } } if (fm.uploadMimeCheck(confObj.ext2mime[ext], file.phash)) { type.append(jQuery('<div class="elfinder-edit-onlineconvert-button onlineconvert-'+nl+'"></div>').on('makeoption', function(e, data) { var elm = jQuery(this); if (!elm.children('.elfinder-button-icon-preference').length) {, data); } }).append(jQuery('<button></button>').text(n).data('conv', n))); } }); if (type.children().length) { ul.append(jQuery('<li></li>').append(jQuery('<a></a>').attr('href', selfUrl + '#' + id).text(t))); btns.append(type); idxs[cname] = i++; } }); if (set.useTabs) { btns.prepend(ul).tabs({ beforeActivate: function(e, ui) { setOptions('cname')); } }); } else { jQuery.each(set.conv, function(t) { var tl = t.toLowerCase(); btns.append(jQuery('<fieldset class="onlineconvert-fieldset-' + tl + '"></fieldset>').append(jQuery('<legend></legend>').text(t)).append(btns.children('.onlineconvert-category-' + tl))); }); } return btns; })(), select = jQuery(this) .append( btns, (set.showLink? jQuery( : null) ), spnr = jQuery('<div class="elfinder-edit-spinner elfinder-edit-onlineconvert"></div>') .hide() .html('<span class="elfinder-spinner-text">' + fm.i18n('nowLoading') + '</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span>') .appendTo(select.parent()), prog = jQuery('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(spnr), _url = null, url = function() { var onetime; if (_url) { return jQuery.Deferred().resolve(_url); } else {; return fm.forExternalUrl(file.hash, { progressBar: prog }).done(function(url) { _url = url; }).fail(function(error) { error && fm.error(error); ta.elfinderdialog('destroy'); }).always(function() { spnr.hide(); }); } }, api = function(opts) { jQuery(ta).data('dfrd', url().done(function(url) { select.fadeOut(); setStatus({info: 'Start conversion request.'}); fm.request({ data: { cmd: 'editor', name: 'OnlineConvert', method: 'api', 'args[category]' : opts.category.toLowerCase(), 'args[convert]' : opts.convert.toLowerCase(), 'args[options]' : JSON.stringify(opts.options), 'args[source]' : fm.convAbsUrl(url), 'args[filename]' : fm.splitFileExtention([0] + '.' + getExt(opts.category, opts.convert), 'args[mime]' : file.mime }, preventDefault : true }).done(function(data) { checkRes(data.apires, opts.category, opts.convert); }).fail(function(error) { error && fm.error(error); ta.elfinderdialog('destroy'); }); })); }, checkRes = function(res, cat, con) { var status, err = []; if (res && { status = res.status; if (status.code === 'failed') { spnr.hide(); if (res.errors && res.errors.length) { jQuery.each(res.errors, function(i, o) { o.message && err.push(o.message); }); } fm.error(err.length? err :; select.fadeIn(); } else if (status.code === 'completed') { upload(res); } else { setStatus(status); setTimeout(function() { polling(; }, 1000); } } else { uiToast.appendTo(ta.closest('.ui-dialog')); if (res.message) { fm.toast({ msg: fm.i18n(res.message), mode: 'error', timeOut: 5000, onHidden: function() { uiToast.children().length === 1 && uiToast.appendTo(fm.getUI()); } }); } fm.toast({ msg: fm.i18n('editorConvNoApi'), mode: 'error', timeOut: 3000, onHidden: function() { uiToast.children().length === 1 && uiToast.appendTo(fm.getUI()); } }); spnr.hide();; } }, setStatus = function(status) {'.elfinder-spinner-text').text(; }, polling = function(jobid) { fm.request({ data: { cmd: 'editor', name: 'OnlineConvert', method: 'api', 'args[jobid]': jobid }, preventDefault : true }).done(function(data) { checkRes(data.apires); }).fail(function(error) { error && fm.error(error); ta.elfinderdialog('destroy'); }); }, upload = function(res) { var output = res.output, id =, url = ''; spnr.hide(); if (output && output.length) { ta.elfinderdialog('destroy'); jQuery.each(output, function(i, o) { if (o.uri) { url += o.uri + '\n'; } }); fm.upload({ target: file.phash, files: [url], type: 'text', extraData: { contentSaveId: 'OnlineConvert-' + } }); } }, mode = 'document', cl, m; select.parent().css({overflow: 'auto'}).addClass('overflow-scrolling-touch'); if (m = file.mime.match(/^(audio|image|video)/)) { mode = m[1]; } if (set.useTabs) { if (idxs[mode]) { btns.tabs('option', 'active', idxs[mode]); } } else { cl = Object.keys(set.conv).length; jQuery.each(set.conv, function(t) { if (t.toLowerCase() === mode) { setOptions(t, function() { jQuery.each(set.conv, function(t0) { t0.toLowerCase() !== mode && setOptions(t0); }); }); return false; } cl--; }); if (!cl) { jQuery.each(set.conv, function(t) { setOptions(t); }); } select.parent().scrollTop(btns.children('.onlineconvert-fieldset-' + mode).offset().top); } }, load : function() {}, getContent : function() {}, save : function() {}, // On dialog closed close : function(ta) { var fm =, dfrd = jQuery(ta).data('dfrd'); if (dfrd && dfrd.state() === 'pending') { dfrd.reject(); } } } ]; }, window.elFinder));