trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: custom-order.js
(function($) { /** * A custom ordering widget - uses a set of elements to specify a custom * order to them by dragging and dropping the elements to the desired * position. Makes an AJAX request on a "save" button click. * * Dependencies: * - jQuery * - jQuery UI Widget * - jQuery UI Sortable * - Undescrore.js * * @author Pexeto * */ $.widget("pexeto.pexetoCustomOrder", { options: { loadingClass: 'co-loading', numberElSel: '.co-number' }, /** * Called when the widget is initialized, inits some variables. */ _create: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'init', 'doOnSaveClick', 'doOnUpdate', 'ajaxSave'); this.saveBtn = $('#co-save-btn'); this.currentXhr = null; this.loading = null; this.init(); }, /** * Inits the main functionality and binds event handlers. */ init: function() { //init the sortable functionality this.ul = this.element.find('ul#co-ul').sortable({ update : this.doOnUpdate }); //add a loading element this.loading = $('<div />', { 'class': this.options.loadingClass }).insertBefore(this.ul).hide(); //register a save button event handler this.saveBtn.on('click', this.doOnSaveClick); }, /** * On save button click event handler. Calls a function to make the * AJAX request. */ doOnSaveClick: function() { var order = this.ul.sortable("toArray", { attribute: "data-id" }); this.ajaxSave(order); }, /** * On sort update event handler - when the sorting order gets changed, * updates the order number in each of the elements. */ doOnUpdate : function(){ this.ul.find('li').each($.proxy(function(i, el){ $(el).find(this.options.numberElSel).html((i+1)); }, this)); }, /** * Makes an AJAX request to save the new order of items. * @param {array} order containing the IDs of the items in the order * in whuich they should be saved. */ ajaxSave: function(order) { var data = { order: order, action: 'pexeto_save_custom_order_' +'post_type'), nonce:'nonce') }; if(!this.currentXhr) {; this.currentXhr = $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: data, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST' }).always($.proxy(function() { this.currentXhr = null; this.loading.hide(); }, this)); } } }); })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //init the custom order widget $('#custom-order-wrapper').pexetoCustomOrder(); });