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Edit File: Shortcodes.php
<?php namespace AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Traits\Helpers; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Contains shortcode specific helper methods. * * @since 4.1.2 */ trait Shortcodes { /** * Shortcodes known to conflict with AIOSEO. * NOTE: This is deprecated and only there for users who already were using the aioseo_conflicting_shortcodes_hook before 4.2.0. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @var array */ private $conflictingShortcodes = [ 'WooCommerce Login' => 'woocommerce_my_account', 'WooCommerce Checkout' => 'woocommerce_checkout', 'WooCommerce Order Tracking' => 'woocommerce_order_tracking', 'WooCommerce Cart' => 'woocommerce_cart', 'WooCommerce Registration' => 'wwp_registration_form', 'WISDM Group Registration' => 'wdm_group_users', 'WISDM Quiz Reporting' => 'wdm_quiz_statistics_details', 'WISDM Course Review' => 'rrf_course_review', 'Simple Membership Login' => 'swpm_login_form', 'Simple Membership Mini Login' => 'swpm_mini_login', 'Simple Membership Payment Button' => 'swpm_payment_button', 'Simple Membership Thank You Page' => 'swpm_thank_you_page_registration', 'Simple Membership Registration' => 'swpm_registration_form', 'Simple Membership Profile' => 'swpm_profile_form', 'Simple Membership Reset' => 'swpm_reset_form', 'Simple Membership Update Level' => 'swpm_update_level_to', 'Simple Membership Member Info' => 'swpm_show_member_info', 'Revslider' => 'rev_slider' ]; /** * Returns the content with shortcodes replaced. * * @since 4.0.5 * * @param string $content The post content. * @param bool $override Whether shortcodes should be parsed regardless of the context. Needed for ActionScheduler actions. * @param int $postId The post ID (optional). * @return string $content The post content with shortcodes replaced. */ public function doShortcodes( $content, $override = false, $postId = 0 ) { // NOTE: This is_admin() check can never be removed because themes like Avada will otherwise load the wrong post. if ( ! $override && is_admin() ) { return $content; } if ( ! wp_doing_cron() && ! wp_doing_ajax() ) { if ( ! $override && apply_filters( 'aioseo_disable_shortcode_parsing', false ) ) { return $content; } if ( ! $override && ! aioseo()->options->searchAppearance->advanced->runShortcodes ) { return $this->doAllowedShortcodes( $content, $postId ); } } $content = $this->doShortcodesHelper( $content, [], $postId ); return $content; } /** * Returns the content with only the allowed shortcodes and wildcards replaced. * * @since 4.1.2 * @version 4.6.6 Added the $allowedTags parameter. * * @param string $content The content. * @param int $postId The post ID (optional). * @param array $allowedTags The shortcode tags to allow (optional). * @return string The content with shortcodes replaced. */ public function doAllowedShortcodes( $content, $postId = null, $allowedTags = [] ) { // Extract list of shortcodes from the post content. $tags = $this->getShortcodeTags( $content ); if ( ! count( $tags ) ) { return $content; } $allowedTags = apply_filters( 'aioseo_allowed_shortcode_tags', $allowedTags ); $tagsToRemove = array_diff( $tags, $allowedTags ); $content = $this->doShortcodesHelper( $content, $tagsToRemove, $postId ); return $content; } /** * Returns the content with only the allowed shortcodes and wildcards replaced. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @param string $content The content. * @param array $tagsToRemove The shortcode tags to remove (optional). * @param int $postId The post ID (optional). * @return string The content with shortcodes replaced. */ private function doShortcodesHelper( $content, $tagsToRemove = [], $postId = 0 ) { global $shortcode_tags; $conflictingShortcodes = array_merge( $tagsToRemove, $this->conflictingShortcodes ); $conflictingShortcodes = apply_filters( 'aioseo_conflicting_shortcodes', $conflictingShortcodes ); $tagsToRemove = []; foreach ( $conflictingShortcodes as $shortcode ) { $shortcodeTag = str_replace( [ '[', ']' ], '', $shortcode ); if ( array_key_exists( $shortcodeTag, $shortcode_tags ) ) { $tagsToRemove[ $shortcodeTag ] = $shortcode_tags[ $shortcodeTag ]; } } // Remove all conflicting shortcodes before parsing the content. foreach ( $tagsToRemove as $shortcodeTag => $shortcodeCallback ) { remove_shortcode( $shortcodeTag ); } if ( $postId ) { global $post; $post = get_post( $postId ); if ( is_a( $post, 'WP_Post' ) ) { // Add the current post to the loop so that shortcodes can use it if needed. setup_postdata( $post ); } } // Set a flag to indicate Divi that it's processing internal content. // $default = aioseo()->helpers->setDiviInternalRendering( true ); $content = do_shortcode( $content ); // Reset the Divi flag to its default value. aioseo()->helpers->setDiviInternalRendering( $default ); if ( $postId ) { wp_reset_postdata(); } // Add back shortcodes as remove_shortcode() disables them site-wide. foreach ( $tagsToRemove as $shortcodeTag => $shortcodeCallback ) { add_shortcode( $shortcodeTag, $shortcodeCallback ); } return $content; } /** * Extracts the shortcode tags from the content. * * @since 4.1.2 * * @param string $content The content. * @return array $tags The shortcode tags. */ private function getShortcodeTags( $content ) { $tags = []; $pattern = '\\[(\\[?)([^\s]*)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)'; if ( preg_match_all( "#$pattern#s", $content, $matches ) && array_key_exists( 2, $matches ) ) { $tags = array_unique( $matches[2] ); } if ( ! count( $tags ) ) { return $tags; } // Extract nested shortcodes. foreach ( $matches[5] as $innerContent ) { $tags = array_merge( $tags, $this->getShortcodeTags( $innerContent ) ); } return $tags; } }