trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: pexeto-options-manager.php
<?php /** * This is the main class for managing options. Its purpose is to build an options page by a predefined * set of options. This class contains the functionality for printing the whole options page - its header, * footer and all the options inside. * @author Pexeto * */ class PexetoOptionsManager{ public $options=array(); public $before_option_title='<div class="option"><h4>'; public $after_option_title='</h4>'; public $before_option='<div class="option">'; public $after_option='</div>'; public $pexeto_images_url=''; public $pexeto_version=''; public $themename=''; public $first_save=''; /** * The main constructor for the PexetoOptionsManager class * @param $themename the name of the the theme * @param $options_url the URL of the options directory * @param $images_url the URL of the functions directory * @param $uploads_url the URL of the uploads directory */ function __construct($themename, $images_url, $version){ $this->themename=$themename; $this->pexeto_images_url=$images_url; $this->pexeto_version=$version; $this->first_save=get_option(PEXETO_SHORTNAME.'_first_save'); } /** * Returns the options array. */ public function get_options(){ return $this->options; } /** * Sets the options array. */ public function set_options($options){ $this->options=$options; } /** * Adds an array of options to the current options array. * @param $option_arr the array of options to be added */ public function add_options($option_arr){ foreach($option_arr as $option){ $this->options[]=$option; } } /** * Prints the heading of the options panel. */ public function print_heading(){ if(isset($_GET['activated'])&&$_GET['activated']=='true'){ echo '<div class="note_box">Welcome to '.$this->themename.' theme! On this page you can set the main options of the theme. For more information about the theme setup, please refer to the documentation included, which is located within the "documentation" folder of the downloaded zip file. We hope you will enjoy working with the theme!</div>'; } echo '<div id="pexeto-content-container"><form method="post" id="pexeto-options">'; if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') ){ wp_nonce_field('pexeto-theme-update-options','pexeto-theme-options'); } echo '<div id="sidebar"><div id="logo"></div><div id="navigation"><ul>'; $i=1; foreach ($this->options as $value) { if($value['type']=='title'){ echo '<li><span><a href="#navigation-'.$i.'"><img src="'.$value['img'].'" />'.$value['name'].'</a></span></li>'; $i++; } } echo '</ul></div></div><div id="content"><div id="header"><h3 id="theme_name">'.$this->themename; if(!isset($_GET['pexeto_update'])){ echo ' v.'.$this->pexeto_version; } echo '</h3><a class="more-button" href=""></a></div><div id="options_container">'; } /** * Prints the footer of the options panel. */ public function print_footer(){ echo '</div></div><div id="pexeto-footer"><div id="follow-pexeto"> <p>Follow Pexeto on:</p><ul> <li><a href="" title="Pexeto on Twitter"><img src="'.$this->pexeto_images_url.'twitter.png" /></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Follow my work on ThemeForest"><img src="'.$this->pexeto_images_url.'tf.png" /></a></li> <li><a href=""><img src="'.$this->pexeto_images_url.'pex.png" title="Visit my website" /></a></li> </ul></div><input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" /> <input type="submit" value="Save Changes" class="save-button" /> </div> </form></div>'; } /** * Checks the type of the option to be printed and calls the relevant printing function. */ public function print_options(){ $i=0; foreach ($this->options as $value) { switch ( $value['type'] ) { case 'open': $this->print_subnavigation($value, $i); break; case 'subtitle': $this->print_subtitle($value, $i); break; case 'close': $this->print_close(); break; case 'title': $i++; break; case 'text': $this->print_text_field($value); break; case 'textarea': $this->print_textarea($value); break; case 'select': $this->print_select($value); break; case 'multicheck': $this->print_multicheck($value); break; case 'color': $this->print_color($value); break; case 'upload': $this->print_upload($value); break; case 'checkbox': $this->print_checkbox($value); break; case 'custom': $this->print_custom($value); break; case 'pattern': $this->print_stylebox($value, 'pattern'); break; case 'stylecolor': $this->print_stylebox($value, 'color'); break; case 'documentation': $this->print_text($value); break; } } } /** * Prints the subnavigation tabs for each of the main navigation blocks. * @param $value the option that contains the data that needs to be printed * @param $i the index of the main navigation block to which the subnavigation belongs to */ public function print_subnavigation($value, $i){ echo '<div id="navigation-'.$i.'" class="main-navigation-container">'; if($value['subtitles']){ echo '<div id="tab_navigation-'.$i.'" class="tab_navigation"><ul>'; foreach($value['subtitles'] as $subtitle){ echo '<li><a href="#tab_navigation-'.$i.'-'.$subtitle['id'].'" class="tab"><span>'.$subtitle['name'].'</span></a></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } } /** * Prints a subtitle - a single tab title * @param $value the option array that contains the data to be printed * @param $i the index of the content block that will be opened when the tab is clicked */ public function print_subtitle($value, $i){ echo '<div id="tab_navigation-'.$i.'-'.$value['id'].'" class="sub-navigation-container">'; } /** * Prints a closing div tag. */ public function print_close(){ echo '</div>'; } /** * Prints the code that goes after each option. * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function close_option($value){ if(isset($value['desc'])){ echo '<a href="" class="help-button"><div class="help-dialog" title="'.$value['name'].'"><p>'.$value['desc'].'</p></div></a>'; } echo $this->after_option; } /** * Prints a standart text field. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Text Field Title", * "id" => $shortname."_test_textfield", * "type" => "text" * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_text_field($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); echo '<input class="option-input" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'" type="'.$value['type'].'" value="'.$input_value.'" />'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a textarea. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Textarea Name", * "id" => $shortname."_test_textarea", * "type" => "textarea") * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_textarea($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); echo ' <textarea name="'.$value['id'].'" class="option-textarea" cols="" rows="">'.$input_value.'</textarea>'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a select drop down menu. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Featured Category", * "id" => $shortname."_featured_cat", * "type" => "select", * "options" => array(array("name"=>"Option one", "id"=>1), array("name"=>"Option two", "id"=>2)) * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_select($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); echo '<select class="option-select" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $option) { $attr=''; if ( get_option( $value['id'] ) == $option['id']) { $attr = ' selected="selected"'; } if ( $option['id'] == 'disabled') { $attr.= ' disabled="disabled"'; } if(isset($option['class'])){ $attr.=' class="'.$option['class'].'"'; } echo '<option '.$attr.' value="'.$option['id'].'">'.$option['name'].'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a multicheck widget. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Exclude categories", * "id" => $shortname."_exclude_cat", * "type" => "multicheck", * "class" => "exclude", //exclude|include * "options" => array(array("name"=>"Option one", "id"=>1), array("name"=>"Option two", "id"=>2)) * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_multicheck($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); $checked_class=$value['class']==''?'include':$value['class']; echo '<input name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'" type="hidden" value="'.$input_value.'" class="hidden-value" /><div class="option-check '.$checked_class.'">'; $input_array=explode(',',$input_value); foreach ($value['options'] as $option) { $class=''; if (in_array($option['id'], $input_array)) { $class = ' selected-check'; } echo '<div class="check-holder"><a href="" class="check'.$class.'" title="'.$option['id'].'"></a><span class="check-value">'.$option['name'].'</span></div>'; } echo '</div>'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a text field with a color picker option. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Headings color", * "id" => $shortname."_heading_color", * "type" => "color" * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_color($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); echo '<span class="numbersign">#</span><input class="option-input option-color" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'" type="text" value="'.$input_value.'" />'; echo '<div class="color-preview" style="background-color:#'.$input_value.'"></div>'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a text field with an upload button. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Logo image", * "id" => $shortname."_logo_image", * "type" => "upload" * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_upload($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); echo '<input class="option-input upload pexeto-upload" name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'" type="text" value="'.$input_value.'" />'; echo '<div id="'.$value['id'].'_button" class="upload-button upload-logo pexeto-upload-btn" ><a class="pex-button alignright"><span>Upload</span></a></div><br/>'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a checkbox - this is the ON/OFF widget with an animation. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Checkbox Title", * "id" => $shortname."_test_check", * "type" => "checkbox", * "std" => "off" * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_checkbox($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); echo '<div class="on-off"><span></span></div>'; if($input_value=='true'){ $input_value='on'; } if($input_value=='false'){ $input_value='off'; } echo '<input name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'" type="hidden" value="'.$input_value.'" />'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a widget for selecting styles for the theme. Generally it prints different buttons with * different styles set to them so that the user can select one of them. It can be mostly used for * selecting a color or a pattern from a given range. * * EXAMPLE USAGE OF PATTERNS: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name" => "Theme Pattern", * "id" => $shortname."_pattern", * "type" => "pattern", * "options" => $patterns * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option * @param $type the type of the buttons, so far the supported values are "color" and "pattern" */ public function print_stylebox($value, $type){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title; $std = isset($value['std'])?$value['std']:""; $input_value = $this->get_field_value($value['id'], $std); echo '<div class="styles-holder">'; echo '<input name="'.$value['id'].'" id="'.$value['id'].'" type="hidden" value="'.$input_value.'" /><ul>'; $counter=0; foreach ($value['options'] as $option) { //set a style the option if this is an option for selecting a color or pattern if($type=='pattern') { //this is a pattern, set a background image to it $style='background-image:url('.PEXETO_PATTERNS_URL.$option.');'; }elseif($type=='color'){ //this is a color, set background color to it $style='background-color:#'.$option.';'; } $class=$option==$input_value?'selected-style':''; echo '<li style="'.$style.'" class="'.$class.'"><a class="style-box" title="'.$option.'" href=""></a></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints a custom set of fields with an Add button - this field will be mostly used when * several items that share the same data structure needs to be added. For example, this can be very * useful for adding images to the slider with different options- title, link, etc. * So far the fields that are supported by this function are text field, text field with upload button and a * textarea. * * EXAMPLE USAGE: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * array( * "name"=>"Add Slider Image", * "id"=>'thumbnail_slider', * "type"=>"custom", * "button_text"=>'Add image', * "preview"=>"thumbnail_image_name", * "fields"=>array( * array('id'=>'thumbnail_image_name', 'type'=>'upload', 'name'=>'Image URL'), * array('id'=>'thumbnail_image_title', 'type'=>'text', 'name'=>'Image Title'), * array('id'=>'thumbnail_image_desc', 'type'=>'textarea', 'name'=>'Image Description') * ) * ) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @param $value the array that contains all the data for the option */ public function print_custom($value){ echo $this->before_option_title.$value['name'].$this->after_option_title.'<br/><br/><br/>'; $field_ids=array(); $field_names=array(); $is_textarea=array(); foreach($value['fields'] as $field){ echo '<div class="custom-option"><span class="custom-heading">'.$field['name'].'</span>'; switch($field['type']){ case 'text': //print a standart text field echo '<input type="text" id="'.$field['id'].'" name="'.$field['id'].'"/>'; $is_textarea[]="false"; break; case 'upload': //print a field with an upload button echo '<input class="option-input upload" name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'" type="text" />'; echo '<div id="'.$field['id'].'_button" class="upload-button upload-logo" ><a class="pex-button alignright"><span>Upload</span></a></div><br/>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function($){ pexetoOptions.loadUploader(jQuery("div#'.$field['id'].'_button")); });</script>'; $preview=$field['id']; $is_textarea[]="false"; break; case 'textarea': //print a textarea echo '<textarea id="'.$field['id'].'" name="'.$field['id'].'"></textarea>'; $is_textarea[]="true"; break; case 'imageselect': //print a textarea echo '<div class="styles-holder images-select-holder">'; echo '<input name="'.$field['id'].'" id="'.$field['id'].'" type="hidden" /><ul>'; $counter=0; foreach ($field['options'] as $option) { //$style='background-image:url('.$option.');'; echo '<li><a class="style-box" title="'.$option.'" href=""><img src="'.$option.'" /></a></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; $is_textarea[]="false"; break; break; } $std = isset($field['std'])?$field['std']:""; $saved_value=$this->get_field_value( $field['id'].'s',$std ); $saved_value=stripslashes($saved_value); //echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$field['id'].'s" id="'.$field['id'].'s" value="'.$saved_value.'" /></div>'; echo '<textarea style="display:none;" name="'.$field['id'].'s" id="'.$field['id'].'s">'.$saved_value.'</textarea></div>'; $field_ids[]=$field['id']; $field_names[]=$field['name']; } //print the add button echo '<a class="pex-button custom-option-button" id="'.$value['id'].'_button"><span>'.$value['button_text'].'</span></a>'; //print the list that will contain the added items echo '<ul id="'.$value['id'].'_list" class="sortable"></ul>'; $idsString=implode('","', $field_ids); $namesString=implode('","', $field_names); $textareaString=implode(',', $is_textarea); $preview = isset($value['preview'])?$value['preview']:""; //call the script that enables the functionality for adding custom fields echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ pexetoOptions.setCustomFieldsFunc("'.$value['id'].'", ["'.$idsString.'"], ["'.$namesString.'"], ['.$textareaString.'] , "'.$preview.'", "'.PEXETO_TIMTHUMB_URL.'"); }); </script>'; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Gets the saved value for a field * @param $id the ID of the field * @param $std the default value for the field * @return string if there is a saved value, it returns the saved value, * if not - it returns the default value */ public function get_field_value($id, $std){ if ( get_option( $id ) != "" || $this->first_save) { return stripslashes(get_option( $id )); } else { return stripslashes($std); } } public function print_text($value){ echo $this->before_option; echo $value['text']; $this->close_option($value); } /** * Prints the message that is displayed when the options have been saved */ public function print_saved_message(){ echo '<div class="note_box" id="saved_box">'.$this->themename.' settings saved.</div>'; } /** * Prints the message that is displayed when the options have been reset */ public function print_reset_message(){ echo '<div><p>'.$this->themename.' settings reset.</p></div>'; } }