trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: woocommerce-sv_SE-3f99391905eead86f29e981c24565010.json
{"translation-revision-date":"2022-11-30 10:27:13+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-alpha.3","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"sv_SE"},"Can\u2019t find your product type? {{sbLink}}Start Blank{{\/sbLink}} or {{LspLink}}Load Sample Products{{\/LspLink}} to see what they look like in your store.":["Kan du inte hitta din produkttyp? {{sbLink}}B\u00f6rja med en tom sida{{\/sbLink}} eller {{LspLink}}l\u00e4s in demoprodukterna{{\/LspLink}} f\u00f6r att se hur de ser ut i din butik."],"What product do you want to add?":["Vilken produkt vill du l\u00e4gga till?"],"View more product types":["Visa fler produktyper"],"View less product types":["Visa f\u00e4rre produktyper"],"{{sbLink}}Start blank{{\/sbLink}} or select a product type:":["{{sbLink}}B\u00f6rja med en tom sida{{\/sbLink}} eller v\u00e4lj en produkttyp:"],"{{importCSVLink}}Import your products from a CSV file{{\/importCSVLink}} or {{_3rdLink}}use a 3rd party migration plugin{{\/_3rdLink}}.":["{{importCSVLink}}Importera dina produkter fr\u00e5n en CSV-fil{{\/importCSVLink}} eller {{_3rdLink}}anv\u00e4nd ett migreringstill\u00e4gg fr\u00e5n tredje part{{\/_3rdLink}}."],"Load sample products and see what they look like in your store.":["Ladda provprodukter och se hur de ser ut i din butik."],"can\u2019t decide?":["kan du inte best\u00e4mma dig?"],"Link a product to an external website.":["L\u00e4nk till en produkt p\u00e5 en extern webbplats."],"A collection of related products.":["En samling av relaterade produkter."],"Item that customers receive on a regular basis.":["Artiklar som kunder mottar regelbundet."],"A product with variations like color or size.":["En produkt med variationer som f\u00e4rg eller storlek."],"A digital product like service, downloadable book, music or video.":["En digital produkt som tj\u00e4nst, nedladdningsbar bok, musik eller videoklipp."],"A tangible item that gets delivered to customers.":["En materiell artikel som levereras till kunder."],"We are loading 9 sample products into your store":["Vi laddar nio demoprodukter i din butik"],"Loading sample products":["Laddar demoprodukter"],"We'll import images from to set up your sample products.":["Vi importerar bilder fr\u00e5n f\u00f6r att konfigurera dina demoprodukter."],"Load sample products":["Ladda demoprodukter"],"There was an error importing the sample products":["Det gick inte att importera demoprodukterna"],"Subscription product":["Prenumerationsprodukt"],"Digital product":["Digital produkt"],"Physical product":["Fysisk produkt"],"Import sample products":["Importera demoprodukter"],"External product":["Extern produkt"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Variable product":["Variabel produkt"],"Grouped product":["Grupperad produkt"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/client\/admin\/chunks\/1378.js"}}