trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: woocommerce-pl_PL-8ac70ecf9ac8f6c68deba22867d20f3a.json
{"translation-revision-date":"2022-10-13 09:35:37+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-alpha.3","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2);","lang":"pl"},"Rows per table":["Wiersze w tabeli"],"Leaderboards":["Ranking"],"Choose which leaderboards to display and other settings":["Wybierz kt\u00f3re rankingi wy\u015bwietla\u0107 oraz ich inne ustawienia"],"No data recorded for the selected time period.":["Brak danych w wybranym okresie."],"Reload":["Za\u0142aduj ponownie"],"There was an error getting your stats. Please try again.":["Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania statystyk. Prosz\u0119 spr\u00f3bowa\u0107 ponownie."]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/client\/admin\/chunks\/leaderboards.js"}}