trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: siteorigin-panels.js
(function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels; module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model: panels.model.cell, initialize: function () { }, /** * Get the total weight for the cells in this collection. * @returns {number} */ totalWeight: function () { var totalWeight = 0; this.each( function ( cell ) { totalWeight += cell.get( 'weight' ); } ); return totalWeight; }, } ); },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels; module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model: panels.model.historyEntry, /** * The builder model */ builder: null, /** * The maximum number of items in the history */ maxSize: 12, initialize: function () { this.on( 'add', this.onAddEntry, this ); }, /** * Add an entry to the collection. * * @param text The text that defines the action taken to get to this * @param data */ addEntry: function ( text, data ) { if ( _.isEmpty( data ) ) { data = this.builder.getPanelsData(); } var entry = new panels.model.historyEntry( { text: text, data: JSON.stringify( data ), time: parseInt( new Date().getTime() / 1000 ), collection: this } ); this.add( entry ); }, /** * Resize the collection so it's not bigger than this.maxSize */ onAddEntry: function ( entry ) { if ( this.models.length > 1 ) { var lastEntry = this.models.length - 2 ); if ( ( entry.get( 'text' ) === lastEntry.get( 'text' ) && entry.get( 'time' ) - lastEntry.get( 'time' ) < 15 ) || ( entry.get( 'data' ) === lastEntry.get( 'data' ) ) ) { // If both entries have the same text and are within 20 seconds of each other, or have the same data, then remove most recent this.remove( entry ); lastEntry.set( 'count', lastEntry.get( 'count' ) + 1 ); } } // Make sure that there are not to many entries in this collection while ( this.models.length > this.maxSize ) { this.shift(); } } } ); },{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels; module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model: panels.model.row, /** * Destroy all the rows in this collection */ empty: function () { var model; do { model = this.collection.first(); if ( ! model ) { break; } model.destroy(); } while ( true ); } } ); },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels; module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model: panels.model.widget, initialize: function () { } } ); },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = panels.view.dialog.extend( { dialogClass: 'so-panels-dialog-add-builder', render: function () { // Render the dialog and attach it to the builder interface this.renderDialog( this.parseDialogContent( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-builder' ).html(), {} ) ); this.$( '.so-content .siteorigin-panels-builder' ).append( this.builder.$el ); }, initializeDialog: function () { var thisView = this; this.once( 'open_dialog_complete', function () { thisView.builder.initSortable(); } ); this.on( 'open_dialog_complete', function () { thisView.builder.trigger( 'builder_resize' ); } ); } } ); },{}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = panels.view.dialog.extend( { historyEntryTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-history-entry' ).html() ) ), entries: {}, currentEntry: null, revertEntry: null, selectedEntry: null, previewScrollTop: null, dialogClass: 'so-panels-dialog-history', dialogIcon: 'history', events: { 'click .so-close': 'closeDialog', 'keyup .so-close': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-restore': 'restoreSelectedEntry', 'keyup .history-entry': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, }, initializeDialog: function () { this.entries = new panels.collection.historyEntries(); this.on( 'open_dialog', this.setCurrentEntry, this ); this.on( 'open_dialog', this.renderHistoryEntries, this ); this.on( 'open_dialog_complete', function () { this.$( '.history-entry' ).trigger( 'focus' ); } ); }, render: function () { var thisView = this; // Render the dialog and attach it to the builder interface this.renderDialog( this.parseDialogContent( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-history' ).html(), {} ) ); // Set the history URL. this.$( 'form.history-form' ).attr( 'action', this.builder.config.editorPreview ); this.$( 'iframe.siteorigin-panels-history-iframe' ).on( 'load', function () { var $$ = $( this ); $$.show(); $$.contents().scrollTop( thisView.previewScrollTop ); } ); }, /** * Set the original entry. This should be set when creating the dialog. * * @param {panels.model.builder} builder */ setRevertEntry: function ( builder ) { this.revertEntry = new panels.model.historyEntry( { data: JSON.stringify( builder.getPanelsData() ), time: parseInt( new Date().getTime() / 1000 ) } ); }, /** * This is triggered when the dialog is opened. */ setCurrentEntry: function () { this.currentEntry = new panels.model.historyEntry( { data: JSON.stringify( this.builder.model.getPanelsData() ), time: parseInt( new Date().getTime() / 1000 ) } ); this.selectedEntry = this.currentEntry; this.previewEntry( this.currentEntry ); this.$( '.so-buttons .so-restore' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); }, /** * Render the history entries in the sidebar */ renderHistoryEntries: function () { // Set up an interval that will display the time since every 10 seconds var thisView = this; var c = this.$( '.history-entries' ).empty(); if ( this.currentEntry.get( 'data' ) !== this.revertEntry.get( 'data' ) || ! _.isEmpty( this.entries.models ) ) { $( this.historyEntryTemplate( {title: panelsOptions.loc.history.revert, count: 1} ) ) .data( 'historyEntry', this.revertEntry ) .prependTo( c ); } // Now load all the entries in this.entries this.entries.each( function ( entry ) { var html = thisView.historyEntryTemplate( { title: panelsOptions.loc.history[entry.get( 'text' )], count: entry.get( 'count' ) } ); $( html ) .data( 'historyEntry', entry ) .prependTo( c ); } ); $( this.historyEntryTemplate( {title: panelsOptions.loc.history['current'], count: 1} ) ) .data( 'historyEntry', this.currentEntry ) .addClass( 'so-selected' ) .prependTo( c ); // Handle loading and selecting c.find( '.history-entry' ).on( 'click', function(e) { if ( e.type == 'keyup' && e.which != 13 ) { return; } var $$ = jQuery( this ); c.find( '.history-entry' ).not( $$ ).removeClass( 'so-selected' ); $$.addClass( 'so-selected' ); var entry = $$.data( 'historyEntry' ); thisView.selectedEntry = entry; if ( thisView.selectedEntry.cid !== thisView.currentEntry.cid ) { thisView.$( '.so-buttons .so-restore' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { thisView.$( '.so-buttons .so-restore' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } thisView.previewEntry( entry ); } ); this.updateEntryTimes(); }, /** * Preview an entry * * @param entry */ previewEntry: function ( entry ) { var iframe = this.$( 'iframe.siteorigin-panels-history-iframe' ); iframe.hide(); this.previewScrollTop = iframe.contents().scrollTop(); this.$( 'form.history-form input[name="live_editor_panels_data"]' ).val( entry.get( 'data' ) ); this.$( 'form.history-form input[name="live_editor_post_ID"]' ).val( this.builder.config.postId ); this.$( 'form.history-form' ).trigger( 'submit' ); }, /** * Restore the current entry */ restoreSelectedEntry: function () { if ( this.$( '.so-buttons .so-restore' ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { return false; } if ( this.currentEntry.get( 'data' ) === this.selectedEntry.get( 'data' ) ) { this.closeDialog(); return false; } // Add an entry for this restore event if ( this.selectedEntry.get( 'text' ) !== 'restore' ) { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'restore', this.builder.model.getPanelsData() ); } this.builder.model.loadPanelsData( JSON.parse( this.selectedEntry.get( 'data' ) ) ); this.closeDialog(); return false; }, /** * Update the entry times for the list of entries down the side */ updateEntryTimes: function () { var thisView = this; this.$( '.history-entries .history-entry' ).each( function () { var $$ = jQuery( this ); var time = $$.find( '.timesince' ); var entry = $$.data( 'historyEntry' ); time.html( thisView.timeSince( entry.get( 'time' ) ) ); } ); }, /** * Gets the time since as a nice string. * * @param date */ timeSince: function ( time ) { var diff = parseInt( new Date().getTime() / 1000 ) - time; var parts = []; var interval; // There are 3600 seconds in an hour if ( diff > 3600 ) { interval = Math.floor( diff / 3600 ); if ( interval === 1 ) { parts.push( panelsOptions.loc.time.hour.replace( '%d', interval ) ); } else { parts.push( panelsOptions.loc.time.hours.replace( '%d', interval ) ); } diff -= interval * 3600; } // There are 60 seconds in a minute if ( diff > 60 ) { interval = Math.floor( diff / 60 ); if ( interval === 1 ) { parts.push( panelsOptions.loc.time.minute.replace( '%d', interval ) ); } else { parts.push( panelsOptions.loc.time.minutes.replace( '%d', interval ) ); } diff -= interval * 60; } if ( diff > 0 ) { if ( diff === 1 ) { parts.push( panelsOptions.loc.time.second.replace( '%d', diff ) ); } else { parts.push( panelsOptions.loc.time.seconds.replace( '%d', diff ) ); } } // Return the amount of time ago return _.isEmpty( parts ) ? : panelsOptions.loc.time.ago.replace( '%s', parts.slice( 0, 2 ).join( ', ' ) ); } } ); },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = panels.view.dialog.extend( { directoryTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-directory-items' ).html() ) ), builder: null, dialogClass: 'so-panels-dialog-prebuilt-layouts', dialogIcon: 'layouts', layoutCache: {}, currentTab: false, directoryPage: 1, events: { 'click .so-close': 'closeDialog', 'click .so-sidebar-tabs li a': 'tabClickHandler', 'click .so-content .layout': 'layoutClickHandler', 'keyup .so-sidebar-search': 'searchHandler', // The directory items 'click .so-screenshot, .so-title': 'directoryItemClickHandler', 'keyup .so-directory-item': 'clickTitleOnEnter', }, clickTitleOnEnter: function( e ) { if ( e.which == 13 ) { $( ).find( '.so-title' ).trigger( 'click' ); } }, /** * Initialize the prebuilt dialog. */ initializeDialog: function () { var thisView = this; this.on( 'open_dialog', function () { thisView.$( '.so-sidebar-tabs li a' ).first().trigger( 'click' ); thisView.$( '.so-status' ).removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); } ); this.on( 'open_dialog_complete', function () { // Clear the search and re-filter the widgets when we open the dialog this.$( '.so-sidebar-search' ).val( '' ).trigger( 'focus' ); } ); }, /** * Render the prebuilt layouts dialog */ render: function () { this.renderDialog( this.parseDialogContent( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-prebuilt' ).html(), {} ) ); this.on( 'button_click', this.toolbarButtonClick, this ); this.initToolbar(); }, /** * * @param e * @return {boolean} */ tabClickHandler: function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Reset selected item state when changing tabs this.selectedLayoutItem = null; this.uploadedLayout = null; this.updateButtonState( false ); this.$( '.so-sidebar-tabs li' ).removeClass( 'tab-active' ); var $$ = $( ); var tab = $$.attr( 'href' ).split( '#' )[1]; $$.parent().addClass( 'tab-active' ); var thisView = this; // Empty everything this.$( '.so-content' ).empty(); thisView.currentTab = tab; if ( tab == 'import' ) { this.displayImportExport(); } else { this.displayLayoutDirectory( '', 1, tab ); } thisView.$( '.so-sidebar-search' ).val( '' ); }, /** * Display and setup the import/export form */ displayImportExport: function () { var c = this.$( '.so-content' ).empty().removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); c.html( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-prebuilt-importexport' ).html() ); var thisView = this; var uploadUi = thisView.$( '.import-upload-ui' ); // Create the uploader var uploader = new plupload.Uploader( { runtimes: 'html5,silverlight,flash,html4', browse_button: uploadUi.find( '.file-browse-button' ).get( 0 ), container: uploadUi.get( 0 ), drop_element: uploadUi.find( '.drag-upload-area' ).get( 0 ), file_data_name: 'panels_import_data', multiple_queues: false, max_file_size: panelsOptions.plupload.max_file_size, url: panelsOptions.plupload.url, flash_swf_url: panelsOptions.plupload.flash_swf_url, silverlight_xap_url: panelsOptions.plupload.silverlight_xap_url, filters: [ {title: panelsOptions.plupload.filter_title, extensions: 'json'} ], multipart_params: { action: 'so_panels_import_layout' }, init: { PostInit: function ( uploader ) { if ( uploader.features.dragdrop ) { uploadUi.addClass( 'has-drag-drop' ); } uploadUi.find( '.progress-precent' ).css( 'width', '0%' ); }, FilesAdded: function ( uploader ) { uploadUi.find( '.file-browse-button' ).trigger( 'blur' ); uploadUi.find( '.drag-upload-area' ).removeClass( 'file-dragover' ); uploadUi.find( '.progress-bar' ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); thisView.$( '.js-so-selected-file' ).text( panelsOptions.loc.prebuilt_loading ); uploader.start(); }, UploadProgress: function ( uploader, file ) { uploadUi.find( '.progress-precent' ).css( 'width', file.percent + '%' ); }, FileUploaded: function ( uploader, file, response ) { var layout = JSON.parse( response.response ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( layout.widgets ) ) { thisView.uploadedLayout = layout; uploadUi.find( '.progress-bar' ).hide(); thisView.$( '.js-so-selected-file' ).text( panelsOptions.loc.ready_to_insert.replace( '%s', ) ); thisView.updateButtonState( true ); } else { alert( panelsOptions.plupload.error_message ); } }, Error: function () { alert( panelsOptions.plupload.error_message ); } } } ); uploader.init(); if ( /Edge\/\d./i.test(navigator.userAgent) ){ // A very dirty fix for a Microsoft Edge issue. // TODO find a more elegant fix if Edge gains market share setTimeout( function(){ uploader.refresh(); }, 250 ); } // This is uploadUi.find( '.drag-upload-area' ) .on( 'dragover', function () { $( this ).addClass( 'file-dragover' ); } ) .on( 'dragleave', function () { $( this ).removeClass( 'file-dragover' ); } ); // Handle exporting the file c.find( '.so-export' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) { var $$ = $( this ); var panelsData = thisView.builder.model.getPanelsData(); var postName = $( 'input[name="post_title"], .editor-post-title__input' ).val(); if ( ( ! postName || postName === '' ) && $( '.block-editor-page' ).length ) { postName = $( '.wp-block-post-title' ).text(); } = postName !== '' ? postName : $( 'input[name="post_ID"]' ).val(); // Append block position id to filename. if ( $( '.block-editor-page' ).length ) { var currentBlockPosition = thisView.getCurrentBlockPosition(); if ( currentBlockPosition >= 0 ) { += '-' + currentBlockPosition; } } $$.find( 'input[name="panels_export_data"]' ).val( JSON.stringify( panelsData ) ); } ); }, /** * Return current block index. */ getCurrentBlockPosition: function() { var selectedBlockClientId = 'core/block-editor' ).getSelectedBlockClientId(); return 'core/block-editor' ).getBlocks().findIndex( function ( block ) { return block.clientId === selectedBlockClientId; } ); }, /** * Display the layout directory tab. * * @param query */ displayLayoutDirectory: function ( search, page, type ) { var thisView = this; var c = this.$( '.so-content' ).empty().addClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); if ( search === undefined ) { search = ''; } if ( page === undefined ) { page = 1; } if ( type === undefined ) { type = 'directory-siteorigin'; } if ( type.match('^directory-') && ! panelsOptions.directory_enabled ) { // Display the button to enable the prebuilt layout c.removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ).html( $( '#siteorigin-panels-directory-enable' ).html() ); c.find( '.so-panels-enable-directory' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Sent the query to enable the directory, then enable the directory $.get( panelsOptions.ajaxurl, {action: 'so_panels_directory_enable'}, function () { } ); // Enable the layout directory panelsOptions.directory_enabled = true; c.addClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); thisView.displayLayoutDirectory( search, page, type ); } ); return; } // Get all the items for the current query $.get( panelsOptions.ajaxurl, { action: 'so_panels_layouts_query', search: search, page: page, type: type, builderType: this.builder.config.builderType, }, function ( data ) { // Skip this if we're no longer viewing the layout directory if ( thisView.currentTab !== type ) { return; } // Add the directory items c.removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ).html( thisView.directoryTemplate( data ) ); // Lets setup the next and previous buttons var prev = c.find( '.so-previous' ), next = c.find( '.so-next' ); if ( page <= 1 ) { prev.addClass( 'button-disabled' ); } else { prev.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); thisView.displayLayoutDirectory( search, page - 1, thisView.currentTab ); } ); } if ( page === data.max_num_pages || data.max_num_pages === 0 ) { next.addClass( 'button-disabled' ); } else { next.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); thisView.displayLayoutDirectory( search, page + 1, thisView.currentTab ); } ); } // Handle nice preloading of the screenshots c.find( '.so-screenshot' ).each( function () { var $$ = $( this ), $a = $$.find( '.so-screenshot-wrapper' ); $a.css( 'height', ( $a.width() / 4 * 3 ) + 'px' ).addClass( 'so-loading' ); if ( $$.data( 'src' ) !== '' ) { // Set the initial height var $img = $( '<img/>' ).attr( 'src', $$.data( 'src' ) ).on( 'load', function () { $a.removeClass( 'so-loading' ).css( 'height', 'auto' ); $img.appendTo( $a ).hide().fadeIn( 'fast' ); } ); } else { $( '<img/>' ).attr( 'src', panelsOptions.prebuiltDefaultScreenshot ).appendTo( $a ).hide().fadeIn( 'fast' ); } } ); // Set the title c.find( '.so-directory-browse' ).html( data.title ); }, 'json' ); }, /** * Set the selected state for the clicked layout directory item and remove previously selected item. * Enable the toolbar buttons. */ directoryItemClickHandler: function ( e ) { var $directoryItem = this.$( ).closest( '.so-directory-item' ); this.$( '.so-directory-items' ).find( '.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); $directoryItem.addClass( 'selected' ); this.selectedLayoutItem = {lid: $ 'layout-id' ), type: $ 'layout-type' )}; this.updateButtonState( true ); }, /** * Load a particular layout into the builder. * * @param id */ toolbarButtonClick: function ( $button ) { if ( ! this.canAddLayout() ) { return false; } var position = $ 'value' ); if ( _.isUndefined( position ) ) { return false; } this.updateButtonState( false ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'so-needs-confirm' ) && ! $button.hasClass( 'so-confirmed' ) ) { this.updateButtonState( true ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'so-confirming' ) ) { return; } $button.addClass( 'so-confirming' ); var originalText = $button.html(); $button.html( '<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>' + $ 'confirm' ) ); setTimeout( function () { $button.removeClass( 'so-confirmed' ).html( originalText ); }, 2500 ); setTimeout( function () { $button.removeClass( 'so-confirming' ); $button.addClass( 'so-confirmed' ); }, 200 ); return false; } this.addingLayout = true; if ( this.currentTab === 'import' ) { this.addLayoutToBuilder( this.uploadedLayout, position ); } else { this.loadSelectedLayout().then( function ( layout ) { this.addLayoutToBuilder( layout, position ); }.bind( this ) ); } }, canAddLayout: function () { return ( this.selectedLayoutItem || this.uploadedLayout ) && ! this.addingLayout; }, /** * Load the layout according to selectedLayoutItem. */ loadSelectedLayout: function () { this.setStatusMessage( panelsOptions.loc.prebuilt_loading, true ); var args = _.extend( this.selectedLayoutItem, { action: 'so_panels_get_layout', builderType: this.builder.config.builderType } ); var deferredLayout = new $.Deferred(); $.get( panelsOptions.ajaxurl, args, function ( layout ) { var msg = ''; if ( ! layout.success ) { msg =; deferredLayout.reject( ); } else { deferredLayout.resolve( ); } this.setStatusMessage( msg, false, ! layout.success ); this.updateButtonState( true ); }.bind( this ) ); return deferredLayout.promise(); }, /** * Handle an update to the search */ searchHandler: function ( e ) { if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) { this.displayLayoutDirectory( $( e.currentTarget ).val(), 1, this.currentTab ); } }, /** * Attempt to set the 'Insert' button's state according to the `enabled` argument, also checking whether the * requirements for inserting a layout have valid values. */ updateButtonState: function ( enabled ) { enabled = enabled && ( this.selectedLayoutItem || this.uploadedLayout ); var $button = this.$( '.so-import-layout' ); $button.prop( "disabled", ! enabled ); if ( enabled ) { $button.removeClass( 'disabled' ); } else { $button.addClass( 'disabled' ); } }, addLayoutToBuilder: function ( layout, position ) { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'prebuilt_loaded' ); this.builder.model.loadPanelsData( layout, position ); this.addingLayout = false; this.closeDialog(); } } ); },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = panels.view.dialog.extend({ cellPreviewTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $('#siteorigin-panels-dialog-row-cell-preview').html() ) ), editableLabel: true, events: { 'click .so-close': 'closeDialog', 'keyup .so-close': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, // Toolbar buttons 'click .so-close': 'saveHandler', 'click .so-toolbar .so-saveinline': function( e ) { this.saveHandler( true ); }, 'click .so-mode': 'switchModeShow', 'keyup .so-mode': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-saveinline-mode': function() { this.switchMode( true ); }, 'keyup .so-mode-list li': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-close-mode': function() { this.switchMode( false ); }, 'keyup .so-close-mode': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-toolbar .so-save': 'saveHandler', 'click .so-toolbar .so-saveinline': function( e ) { this.saveHandler( true ); }, 'click .so-toolbar .so-insert': 'insertHandler', 'click .so-toolbar .so-delete': 'deleteHandler', 'keyup .so-toolbar .so-delete': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-toolbar .so-duplicate': 'duplicateHandler', 'keyup .so-toolbar .so-duplicate': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, // Changing the row. 'click .row-set-form .so-row-field': 'changeCellTotal', 'click .cell-resize-sizing span': 'changeCellRatio', 'click .cell-resize-direction ': 'changeSizeDirection', // If user clicks the column size indicator, focus the field. 'click .preview-cell-unit ': function( e ) { $( ).next().trigger( 'focus' ); }, 'keyup .cell-resize-direction': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e, true ); }, 'keyup .cell-resize-sizing': function( e ) { if ( e.which == 13 ) { var size = $( ).index(); var parent = $( ).parent(); $( ).find( 'span' ).trigger( 'click' ); // Refocus on the selected size to prevent focus loss. parent.find( '.cell-resize-sizing' ).eq( size ).trigger( 'focus' ); } }, }, rowView: null, dialogIcon: 'add-row', dialogClass: 'so-panels-dialog-row-edit', styleType: 'row', columnResizeData: [], dialogType: 'edit', /** * The current settings, not yet saved to the model */ row: { // This will be a clone of cells collection. cells: null, // The style settings of the row style: {} }, cellStylesCache: [], initializeDialog: function () { this.on('open_dialog', function () { if (!_.isUndefined(this.model) && !_.isEmpty(this.model.get('cells'))) { this.setRowModel(this.model); } else { this.setRowModel(null); } this.columnResizeData = this.$( '.cell-resize').data( 'resize' ); this.regenerateRowPreview(); this.drawCellResizers(); this.updateActiveCellClass(); this.renderStyles(); this.openSelectedCellStyles(); }, this); this.on( 'open_dialog_complete', function() { $( '.so-panels-dialog-wrapper .so-title' ).trigger( 'focus' ); } ); // This is the default row layout this.row = { cells: new panels.collection.cells( panelsOptions.default_columns ), style: {} }; // Refresh panels data after both dialog form components are loaded this.dialogFormsLoaded = 0; var thisView = this; this.on('form_loaded styles_loaded', function () { this.dialogFormsLoaded++; if (this.dialogFormsLoaded === 2) { thisView.updateModel({ refreshArgs: { silent: true } }); } }); this.on('close_dialog', this.closeHandler); this.on( 'edit_label', function ( text ) { // If text is set to default values, just clear it. if ( text === panelsOptions.loc.row.add || text === panelsOptions.loc.row.edit ) { text = ''; } this.model.set( 'label', text ); if ( _.isEmpty( text ) ) { var title = this.dialogType === 'create' ? panelsOptions.loc.row.add : panelsOptions.loc.row.edit; this.$( '.so-title').text( title ); } }.bind( this ) ); }, /** * * @param dialogType Either "edit" or "create" */ setRowDialogType: function (dialogType) { this.dialogType = dialogType; }, /** * Render the new row dialog */ render: function () { var title = this.dialogType === 'create' ? panelsOptions.loc.row.add : panelsOptions.loc.row.edit; this.renderDialog( this.parseDialogContent( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-row' ).html(), { title: title, dialogType: this.dialogType } ) ); var titleElt = this.$( '.so-title' ); if ( this.model.has( 'label' ) && ! _.isEmpty( this.model.get( 'label' ) ) ) { titleElt.text( this.model.get( 'label' ) ); } this.$( '.so-edit-title' ).val( titleElt.text() ); if (!this.builder.supports('addRow')) { this.$('.so-buttons .so-duplicate').remove(); } if (!this.builder.supports('deleteRow')) { this.$('.so-buttons .so-delete').remove(); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.model ) && this.dialogType == 'edit' ) { // Set the initial value of the this.$( 'input[name="cells"].so-row-field' ).val( this.model.get( 'cells' ).length ); } this.$( '' ).on( 'keyup', function() { $(this).trigger('change'); }); return this; }, renderStyles: function () { if ( this.styles ) { 'styles_loaded' ); this.styles.remove(); } // Now we need to attach the style window this.styles = new panels.view.styles(); this.styles.model = this.model; this.styles.render('row', this.builder.config.postId, { builderType: this.builder.config.builderType, dialog: this }); var $rightSidebar = this.$(''); this.styles.attach( $rightSidebar ); // Handle the loading class this.styles.on('styles_loaded', function (hasStyles) { if ( ! hasStyles ) { // If we don't have styles remove the view. this.styles.remove(); // If the sidebar is empty, hide it. if ( $rightSidebar.children().length === 0 ) { $rightSidebar.closest('.so-panels-dialog').removeClass('so-panels-dialog-has-right-sidebar'); $rightSidebar.hide(); } } }, this); }, /** * Set the row model we'll be using for this dialog. * * @param model */ setRowModel: function (model) { this.model = model; if (_.isEmpty(this.model)) { return this; } // Set the rows to be a copy of the model this.row = { cells: this.model.get('cells').clone(), style: {}, }; // Set the initial value of the cell field. if ( this.dialogType == 'edit' ) { this.$( 'input[name="cells"].so-row-field' ).val( this.model.get( 'cells' ).length ); } this.clearCellStylesCache(); return this; }, /** * Regenerate the row preview and resizing interface. */ regenerateRowPreview: function () { var thisDialog = this; var rowPreview = this.$('.row-preview'); // If no selected cell, select the first cell. var selectedIndex = this.getSelectedCellIndex(); rowPreview.empty(); var timeout; // Represent the cells this.row.cells.each(function (cellModel, i) { var newCell = $(this.cellPreviewTemplate({weight: cellModel.get('weight')})); rowPreview.append(newCell); if(i == selectedIndex) { newCell.find('.preview-cell-in').addClass('cell-selected'); } var prevCell = newCell.prev(); var handle; if (prevCell.length) { handle = $('<div class="resize-handle"></div>'); handle .appendTo(newCell) .on( 'dblclick', function () { var prevCellModel = - 1); var t = cellModel.get('weight') + prevCellModel.get('weight'); cellModel.set('weight', t / 2); prevCellModel.set('weight', t / 2); thisDialog.scaleRowWidths(); }); handle.draggable({ axis: 'x', containment: rowPreview, start: function (e, ui) { // Create the clone for the current cell var newCellClone = newCell.clone().appendTo(ui.helper).css({ position: 'absolute', top: '0', width: newCell.outerWidth(), left: 6, height: newCell.outerHeight() }); newCellClone.find('.resize-handle').remove(); // Create the clone for the previous cell var prevCellClone = prevCell.clone().appendTo(ui.helper).css({ position: 'absolute', top: '0', width: prevCell.outerWidth(), right: 6, height: prevCell.outerHeight() }); prevCellClone.find('.resize-handle').remove(); $(this).data({ 'newCellClone': newCellClone, 'prevCellClone': prevCellClone }); // Hide the newCell.find('> .preview-cell-in').css('visibility', 'hidden'); prevCell.find('> .preview-cell-in').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }, drag: function (e, ui) { // Calculate the new cell and previous cell widths as a percent var cellWeight ='weight'); var prevCellWeight = - 1).get('weight'); var ncw = cellWeight - ( ( ui.position.left + 6 ) / rowPreview.width() ); var pcw = prevCellWeight + ( ( ui.position.left + 6 ) / rowPreview.width() ); $( this ).data( 'newCellClone' ).css( 'width', rowPreview.width() * ncw + 'px' ) .find('.preview-cell-weight').html(Math.round(ncw * 1000) / 10); $( this ).data( 'prevCellClone' ).css( 'width', rowPreview.width() * pcw + 'px' ) .find('.preview-cell-weight').html(Math.round(pcw * 1000) / 10); }, stop: function (e, ui) { // Remove the clones $(this).data('newCellClone').remove(); $(this).data('prevCellClone').remove(); // Reshow the main cells newCell.find('.preview-cell-in').css('visibility', 'visible'); prevCell.find('.preview-cell-in').css('visibility', 'visible'); // Calculate the new cell weights var offset = ui.position.left + 6; var percent = offset / rowPreview.width(); // Ignore this if any of the cells are below 2% in width. var cellModel =; var prevCellModel = - 1); if (cellModel.get('weight') - percent > 0.02 && prevCellModel.get('weight') + percent > 0.02) { cellModel.set('weight', cellModel.get('weight') - percent); prevCellModel.set('weight', prevCellModel.get('weight') + percent); } thisDialog.scaleRowWidths(); ui.helper.css('left', -6); } }); } newCell.on( 'click', function( event ) { if ( ! ( $('.preview-cell') || $('.preview-cell-in') ) ) { return; } var cell = $(; cell.closest('.row-preview').find('.preview-cell .preview-cell-in').removeClass('cell-selected'); cell.addClass('cell-selected'); this.openSelectedCellStyles(); }.bind(this)); newCell.find( '.preview-cell-weight' ).on( 'click', function( ci ) { // Disable the draggable while entering values. thisDialog.$( '.resize-handle' ).css( 'pointer-event', 'none' ).draggable( 'disable' ); var resizeCells = function( refocusIndex = false ) { timeout = setTimeout( function() { var rowPreviewInputs = rowPreview.find( '.preview-cell-weight-input' ); // If there are no weight inputs, then skip this. if ( rowPreviewInputs.length === 0 ) { return false; } var rowWeights = [], rowChanged = [], changedSum = 0, unchangedSum = 0; rowPreviewInputs.each( function( i, el ) { var val = parseFloat( $( el ).val() ); if ( isNaN( val ) ) { val = 1 / thisDialog.row.cells.length; } else { val = Math.round( val * 10 ) / 1000; } // Check within 3 decimal points. var changed = ! $( el ).hasClass( 'no-user-interacted' ); rowWeights.push( val ); rowChanged.push( changed ); if ( changed ) { changedSum += val; } else { unchangedSum += val; } } ); if ( changedSum > 0 && unchangedSum > 0 && 1 - changedSum > 0 ) { // Balance out the unchanged rows to occupy the weight left over by the changed sum. for ( var i = 0; i < rowWeights.length; i++ ) { if ( ! rowChanged[ i ] ) { rowWeights[ i ] = ( rowWeights[ i ] / unchangedSum ) * ( 1 - changedSum ); } } } // Last check to ensure total weight is 1. var sum = _.reduce( rowWeights, function ( memo, num ) { return memo + num; } ); rowWeights = function( w ) { return w / sum; } ); // Set the new cell weights and regenerate the preview. if ( Math.min.apply( Math, rowWeights ) > 0.01 ) { thisDialog.row.cells.each( function( cell, i ) { cell.set( 'weight', rowWeights[ i ] ); } ); } // Now lets animate the cells into their new widths. rowPreview.find( '.preview-cell' ).each( function ( i, el ) { var cellWeight = i ).get( 'weight'); $( el ).animate( { 'width': Math.round( cellWeight * 1000 ) / 10 + "%" }, 250 ); $( el ).find( '.preview-cell-weight-input' ).val( Math.round( cellWeight * 1000 ) / 10 ); }); setTimeout( function() { if ( typeof refocusIndex === 'number' ) { rowPreviewInputs.get( refocusIndex ).focus(); } // So the draggable handle is not hidden. thisDialog.regenerateRowPreview.bind( thisDialog ) }, 260 ); }, 100 ); } rowPreview.find( '.preview-cell-weight' ).each( function( ci ) { var columnId = ci + 1; var $$ = jQuery( this ).hide(); var maxSize = 100 - ( thisDialog.row.cells.length - 1 ); var label = panelsOptions.loc.row.cellInput.replace( '%s', columnId ); $( `<input type="number" class="preview-cell-weight-input no-user-interacted" id="column-${ columnId }" min="1" max="${ maxSize }" aria-label="${ label }" />` ) .val( parseFloat( $$.html() ) ).insertAfter( $$ ) .on( 'focus', function() { clearTimeout( timeout ); $( this ).attr( 'type', 'number' ); } ) .on( 'keyup', function( e ) { if ( e.keyCode !== 9 ) { // Only register the interaction if the user didn't press tab. $( this ).removeClass( 'no-user-interacted' ); } // Enter is pressed. if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) { e.preventDefault(); resizeCells(); } // Up or down is pressed. if ( e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40 ) { e.preventDefault(); // During the row regeneration, the inputs are removed and re-added so we need the id to refocus. var parent = $( ).parents( '.preview-cell' ).index(); resizeCells( parent ); } } ) .on( 'blur', resizeCells ) .on( 'click', function () { // If the input is already focused, the user has clicked a step. if ( $( this ).is( ':focus' ) ) { resizeCells(); } $( this ).trigger( 'select' ); } ); } ); $( this ).siblings( '.preview-cell-weight-input' ).trigger( 'select' ); // When the field blurs, we convert the inputs to text to prevent an overlap with the step counter with the percentage. rowPreview.find( '.preview-cell-weight-input' ).on( 'blur', function() { rowPreview.find( '.preview-cell-weight-input' ).attr( 'type', 'text' ); } ); } ); // When a user tabs to one of the column previews, switch all of them to inputs. newCell.find( '.preview-cell-weight' ).on( 'focus', function( e ) { $( ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); }, this); this.updateActiveCellClass(); this.trigger('form_loaded', this); }, getSelectedCellIndex: function() { var selectedIndex = -1; this.$('.preview-cell .preview-cell-in').each(function(index, el) { if($(el).is('.cell-selected')) { selectedIndex = index; } }); return selectedIndex; }, openSelectedCellStyles: function() { if (!_.isUndefined(this.cellStyles)) { if (this.cellStyles.stylesLoaded) { var style = {}; try { style = this.getFormValues('.so-sidebar').style; } catch (err) { console.log('Error retrieving cell styles - ' + err.message); } this.cellStyles.model.set('style', style); } this.cellStyles.detach(); } this.cellStyles = this.getSelectedCellStyles(); if ( this.cellStyles ) { var $rightSidebar = this.$( '' ); this.cellStyles.attach( $rightSidebar ); this.cellStyles.on( 'styles_loaded', function ( hasStyles ) { if ( hasStyles ) { $rightSidebar.closest('.so-panels-dialog').addClass('so-panels-dialog-has-right-sidebar'); $; } } ); } }, getSelectedCellStyles: function () { var cellIndex = this.getSelectedCellIndex(); if ( cellIndex > -1 ) { var cellStyles = this.cellStylesCache[cellIndex]; if ( !cellStyles ) { cellStyles = new panels.view.styles(); cellStyles.model = cellIndex ); cellStyles.render( 'cell', this.builder.config.postId, { builderType: this.builder.config.builderType, dialog: this, index: cellIndex, } ); this.cellStylesCache[cellIndex] = cellStyles; } } return cellStyles; }, clearCellStylesCache: function () { // Call remove() on all cell styles to remove data, event listeners etc. this.cellStylesCache.forEach(function (cellStyles) { cellStyles.remove(); 'styles_loaded' ); }); this.cellStylesCache = []; }, /** * Visually scale the row widths based on the cell weights */ scaleRowWidths: function () { var thisDialog = this; this.$('.row-preview .preview-cell').each(function (i, el) { var cell =; $(el) .css('width', cell.get('weight') * 100 + "%") .find('.preview-cell-weight').html(Math.round(cell.get('weight') * 1000) / 10); }); }, drawCellResizers: function() { this.$( '.cell-resize' ).empty(); var cellsCount = this.getCurrentCellCount(); var currentCellSizes = this.columnResizeData[ cellsCount ]; // Certain sizes may require some additional CSS spacing. this.$( '.row-set-form' ).attr( 'data-cells', cellsCount ); if ( cellsCount > 1 && typeof currentCellSizes !== 'undefined' ) { this.$( '.cell-resize-container, .cell-resize-direction-container' ).show(); for ( ci = 0; ci < currentCellSizes.length; ci++ ) { this.$( '.cell-resize' ).append( '<span class="cell-resize-sizing" tabindex="0"></span>' ); var $lastCell = this.$( '.cell-resize' ).find( '.cell-resize-sizing' ).last(); $ 'cells', currentCellSizes[ ci ] ); for ( cs = 0; cs < currentCellSizes[ ci ].length; cs++ ) { $lastCell.append( '<span style="width: ' + currentCellSizes[ ci ][ cs ] + '%;">' + currentCellSizes[ ci ][ cs ] + '%</span>' ); } } } else { this.$( '.cell-resize-container, .cell-resize-direction-container' ).hide(); } }, updateActiveCellClass: function() { $( '.so-active-ratio' ).removeClass( 'so-active-ratio' ); var activeCellRatio = this.$( '.preview-cell-weight' ).map( function() { return Math.trunc( Number( $( this ).text() ) ); } ).get(); var cellsCount = this.getCurrentCellCount(); $.each( this.columnResizeData[ cellsCount ], function( i, ratio ) { if ( ratio.toString() === activeCellRatio.toString() ) { activeCellRatio = i; return false; } } ); if ( typeof activeCellRatio == 'number' ) { $( $( '.cell-resize-sizing' ).get( activeCellRatio ) ).addClass( 'so-active-ratio' ); } }, changeSizeDirection: function( e ) { var $current = $( ); var currentDirection = $current.attr( 'data-direction' ); var newDirection = currentDirection == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'; var label = panelsOptions.loc.row.direction.replace( '%s', panelsOptions.loc.row[ newDirection ] ); $current .removeClass( 'dashicons-arrow-' + currentDirection ) .addClass( 'dashicons-arrow-' + newDirection ) .attr( 'data-direction', newDirection ) .attr( 'aria-label', label ); // Reverse all sizes. for ( var columnCount in this.columnResizeData ) { this.columnResizeData[ columnCount ] = this.columnResizeData[ columnCount ].map( function( size ) { return size.reverse(); } ); } this.drawCellResizers(); }, changeCellRatio: function( e ) { var $current = $( ); if ( ! $current.hasClass( 'cell-resize-sizing' ) ) { $current = $current.parent(); } if ( ! $current.hasClass( 'so-active-ratio' ) ) { $( '.so-active-ratio' ).removeClass( 'so-active-ratio' ); $current.addClass( 'so-active-ratio' ); this.changeCellTotal( $'cells' ) ) } }, getCurrentCellCount: function() { return parseInt( this.$('.row-set-form input[name="cells"]').val() ); }, changeCellTotal: function ( cellRatio = 0 ) { var thisDialog = this; try { var cellsCount = this.getCurrentCellCount(); this.drawCellResizers(); if (_.isNaN( cellsCount )) { cellsCount = 1; } else { if ( cellsCount < 1 ) { cellsCount = 1; } else if ( cellsCount > 12 ) { cellsCount = 12; } } this.$( '.row-set-form input[name="cells"]' ).val( cellsCount ); var cells = []; var cellCountChanged = ( this.row.cells.length !== cellsCount ); // Create some cells for ( var i = 0; i < cellsCount; i++ ) { cells.push( 1 ); } // Lets make sure that the row weights add up to 1. var totalRowWeight = _.reduce( cells, function( memo, weight ) { return memo + weight; } ); cells = cells, function( cell ) { return cell / totalRowWeight; } ); // Don't return cells that are too small cells = _.filter( cells, function( cell ) { return cell > 0.01; } ); // Discard deleted cells. this.row.cells = new panels.collection.cells( this.row.cells.first( cells.length ) ); _.each( cells, function( cellWeight, index ) { var cell = index ); if ( ! cell ) { cell = new panels.model.cell( { weight: cellWeight, row: this.model } ); setTimeout( thisDialog.regenerateRowPreview.bind( thisDialog ), 260 ); this.row.cells.add( cell ); } else { cell.set( 'weight', cellRatio.length ? cellRatio[ index ] / 100 : cellWeight ); } }.bind( this ) ); if ( cellCountChanged ) { this.regenerateRowPreview(); } else { // // Now lets animate the cells into their new widths this.$( '.preview-cell' ).each( function( i, el ) { var width = Math.round( i ).get( 'weight' ) * 1000 ) / 10; var $previewCellWeight = $( el ).find( '.preview-cell-weight' ); // To prevent a jump, don't animate cells that haven't changed size. if ( parseInt( $previewCellWeight.text() ) != width ) { $( el ).animate( { 'width': width + "%" }, 250 ); $previewCellWeight.html( width ); } } ); // So the draggable handle is not hidden. this.$( '.preview-cell' ).css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); setTimeout( thisDialog.regenerateRowPreview.bind( thisDialog ), 260 ); } } catch ( err ) { console.log( 'Error setting cells - ' + err.message ); } // Remove the button primary class this.$( '.row-set-form .so-button-row-set' ).removeClass( 'button-primary' ); }, /** * Handle a click on the dialog left bar tab */ tabClickHandler: function ($t) { if ($t.attr('href') === '#row-layout') { this.$('.so-panels-dialog').addClass('so-panels-dialog-has-right-sidebar'); } else { this.$('.so-panels-dialog').removeClass('so-panels-dialog-has-right-sidebar'); } }, /** * Update the current model with what we have in the dialog */ updateModel: function (args) { args = _.extend({ refresh: true, refreshArgs: null }, args); // Set the cells if (!_.isEmpty(this.model)) { this.model.setCells( this.row.cells ); this.model.set( 'ratio', this.row.ratio ); } // Update the row styles if they've loaded if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.styles ) && this.styles.stylesLoaded ) { // This is an edit dialog, so there are styles var newStyles = {}; try { newStyles = this.getFormValues( '.so-sidebar' ).style; } catch (err) { console.log( 'Error retrieving row styles - ' + err.message ); } // Have there been any Style changes? if ( JSON.stringify( ) !== JSON.stringify( newStyles ) ) { this.model.set( 'style', newStyles ); this.model.trigger( 'change:styles' ); this.model.trigger( 'change:styles-row' ); } } // Update the cell styles if any are showing. if ( !_.isUndefined( this.cellStyles ) && this.cellStyles.stylesLoaded ) { var newStyles = {}; try { newStyles = this.getFormValues( '.so-sidebar' ).style; } catch (err) { console.log('Error retrieving cell styles - ' + err.message); } // Has there been any Style changes? if ( JSON.stringify( ) !== JSON.stringify( newStyles ) ) { this.cellStyles.model.set( 'style', newStyles ); this.model.trigger( 'change:styles' ); this.model.trigger( 'change:styles-cell' ); } } if (args.refresh) { this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(args.refreshArgs); } }, /** * Insert the new row */ insertHandler: function () { this.builder.addHistoryEntry('row_added'); this.updateModel(); var activeCell = this.builder.getActiveCell({ createCell: false, }); var options = {}; if (activeCell !== null) { = this.builder.model.get('rows').indexOf(activeCell.row) + 1; } // Set up the model and add it to the builder this.model.collection = this.builder.model.get('rows'); this.builder.model.get('rows').add(this.model, options); this.closeDialog(); this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); return false; }, /** * We'll just save this model and close the dialog */ saveHandler: function( savePage = false, e ) { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'row_edited' ); this.updateModel(); if ( typeof savePage == 'boolean' ) { panels.helpers.utils.saveHeartbeat( this ); } else { this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); this.closeDialog(); } return false; }, /** * The user clicks delete, so trigger deletion on the row model */ deleteHandler: function () { // Trigger a destroy on the model that will happen with a visual indication to the user this.rowView.visualDestroyModel(); this.closeDialog({silent: true}); return false; }, /** * Duplicate this row */ duplicateHandler: function () { this.builder.addHistoryEntry('row_duplicated'); var duplicateRow = this.model.clone(this.builder.model); this.builder.model.get('rows').add( duplicateRow, { at: this.builder.model.get('rows').indexOf(this.model) + 1 } ); this.closeDialog({silent: true}); return false; }, closeHandler: function() { this.clearCellStylesCache(); if( ! _.isUndefined(this.cellStyles) ) { this.cellStyles = undefined; } }, switchModeShow: function() { const list = this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-mode-list' ); const toolbar = this.$( '.so-toolbar' );; list.find( 'li:first-of-type' ).trigger( 'focus' ); toolbar.find( '.button-primary:visible' ).addClass( 'so-active-mode' ); toolbar.find( '.button-primary' ).hide(); setTimeout( function() { $( document ).one( 'click', function( e ) { var $$ = $( ); if ( ! $$.hasClass( 'so-saveinline-mode' ) && ! $$.hasClass( 'so-close-mode' ) ) { list.hide(); toolbar.find( '.so-active-mode' ).show() } } ); }, 100 ); }, switchMode: function( inline = false ) { const toolbar = this.$( '.so-toolbar' ); toolbar.find( '.so-mode-list' ).hide(); toolbar.find( '.button-primary' ).removeClass( 'so-active-mode' ); if ( inline ) { toolbar.find( '.so-saveinline' ).show(); } else { toolbar.find( '.so-save' ).show(); } window.panelsMode = inline ? 'inline' : 'dialog'; this.$( '.so-mode' ).trigger( 'focus' ); }, } ); },{}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; var jsWidget = require( '../view/widgets/js-widget' ); module.exports = panels.view.dialog.extend( { builder: null, sidebarWidgetTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-widget-sidebar-widget' ).html() ) ), dialogClass: 'so-panels-dialog-edit-widget', dialogIcon: 'add-widget', widgetView: false, savingWidget: false, editableLabel: true, events: { 'click .so-close': 'saveHandler', 'click .so-toolbar .so-saveinline': function( e ) { this.saveHandler( true ); }, 'click .so-mode': 'switchModeShow', 'keyup .so-mode': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-saveinline-mode': function() { this.switchMode( true ); }, 'keyup .so-mode-list li': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-close-mode': function() { this.switchMode( false ); }, 'keyup .so-close-mode': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'keyup .so-close': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click': 'navToPrevious', 'keyup': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click': 'navToNext', 'keyup': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, // Action handlers 'click .so-toolbar .so-delete': 'deleteHandler', 'keyup .so-toolbar .so-delete': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click .so-toolbar .so-duplicate': 'duplicateHandler', 'keyup .so-toolbar .so-duplicate': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, }, initializeDialog: function () { var thisView = this; this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:values', this.handleChangeValues ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'destroy', this.remove ); // Refresh panels data after both dialog form components are loaded this.dialogFormsLoaded = 0; this.on( 'form_loaded styles_loaded', function () { this.dialogFormsLoaded ++; if ( this.dialogFormsLoaded === 2 ) { thisView.updateModel( { refreshArgs: { silent: true } } ); } } ); this.on( 'edit_label', function ( text ) { // If text is set to default value, just clear it. if ( text === panelsOptions.widgets[ this.model.get( 'class' ) ][ 'title' ] ) { text = ''; } this.model.set( 'label', text ); if ( _.isEmpty( text ) ) { this.$( '.so-title' ).text( this.model.getWidgetField( 'title' ) ); } }.bind( this ) ); this.on( 'open_dialog_complete', function() { // The form isn't always ready when this event fires. setTimeout( function() { var focusTarget = $( '.so-content .siteorigin-widget-field-repeater-item-top, .so-content input, .so-content select' ).first(); if ( focusTarget.length ) { focusTarget.trigger( 'focus' ); } else { $( '.so-panels-dialog-wrapper .so-title' ).trigger( 'focus' ); } }, 1250 ) } ); }, /** * Render the widget dialog. */ render: function () { // Render the dialog and attach it to the builder interface this.renderDialog( this.parseDialogContent( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-widget' ).html(), {} ) ); this.loadForm(); var title = this.model.getWidgetField( 'title' ); this.$( '.so-title .widget-name' ).html( title ); this.$( '.so-edit-title' ).val( title ); if( ! this.builder.supports( 'addWidget' ) ) { this.$( '.so-buttons .so-duplicate' ).remove(); } if( ! this.builder.supports( 'deleteWidget' ) ) { this.$( '.so-buttons .so-delete' ).remove(); } // Now we need to attach the style window this.styles = new panels.view.styles(); this.styles.model = this.model; this.styles.render( 'widget', this.builder.config.postId, { builderType: this.builder.config.builderType, dialog: this } ); var $rightSidebar = this.$( '' ); this.styles.attach( $rightSidebar ); // Handle the loading class this.styles.on( 'styles_loaded', function ( hasStyles ) { // If we don't have styles remove the empty sidebar. if ( ! hasStyles ) { $rightSidebar.closest( '.so-panels-dialog' ).removeClass( 'so-panels-dialog-has-right-sidebar' ); $rightSidebar.remove(); } }, this ); }, /** * Get the previous widget editing dialog by looking at the dom. * @returns {*} */ getPrevDialog: function () { var widgets = this.builder.$( '.so-cells .cell .so-widget' ); if ( widgets.length <= 1 ) { return false; } var currentIndex = widgets.index( this.widgetView.$el ); if ( currentIndex === 0 ) { return false; } else { var widgetView; do { widgetView = widgets.eq( --currentIndex ).data( 'view' ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( widgetView ) && ! widgetView.model.get( 'read_only' ) ) { return widgetView.getEditDialog(); } } while( ! _.isUndefined( widgetView ) && currentIndex > 0 ); } return false; }, /** * Get the next widget editing dialog by looking at the dom. * @returns {*} */ getNextDialog: function () { var widgets = this.builder.$( '.so-cells .cell .so-widget' ); if ( widgets.length <= 1 ) { return false; } var currentIndex = widgets.index( this.widgetView.$el ); if ( currentIndex === widgets.length - 1 ) { return false; } else { var widgetView; do { widgetView = widgets.eq( ++currentIndex ).data( 'view' ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( widgetView ) && ! widgetView.model.get( 'read_only' ) ) { return widgetView.getEditDialog(); } } while( ! _.isUndefined( widgetView ) ); } return false; }, /** * Load the widget form from the server. * This is called when rendering the dialog for the first time. */ loadForm: function () { // don't load the form if this dialog hasn't been rendered yet if ( ! this.$( '> *' ).length ) { return; } this.$( '.so-content' ).addClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); var data = { 'action': 'so_panels_widget_form', 'widget': this.model.get( 'class' ), 'instance': JSON.stringify( this.model.get( 'values' ) ), 'raw': this.model.get( 'raw' ), 'postId': this.builder.config.postId }; var $soContent = this.$( '.so-content' ); $.post( panelsOptions.ajaxurl, data, null, 'html' ) .done( function ( result ) { // Add in the CID of the widget model var html = result.replace( /{\$id}/g, this.model.cid ); // Load this content into the form $soContent .removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ) .html( html ); // Trigger all the necessary events this.trigger( 'form_loaded', this ); // For legacy compatibility, trigger a panelsopen event this.$( '.panel-dialog' ).trigger( 'panelsopen' ); // If the main dialog is closed from this point on, save the widget content this.on( 'close_dialog', this.updateModel, this ); var widgetContent = $soContent.find( '> .widget-content' ); // If there's a widget content wrapper, this is one of the new widgets in WP 4.8 which need some special // handling in JS. if ( widgetContent.length > 0 ) { jsWidget.addWidget( $soContent, this.model.widget_id ); } }.bind( this ) ) .fail( function ( error ) { var html; if ( error && error.responseText ) { html = error.responseText; } else { html = panelsOptions.forms.loadingFailed; } $soContent .removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ) .html( html ); } ); }, /** * Save the widget from the form to the model */ updateModel: function ( args ) { args = _.extend( { refresh: true, refreshArgs: null }, args ); // Get the values from the form and assign the new values to the model this.savingWidget = true; if ( ! this.model.get( 'missing' ) ) { // Only get the values for non missing widgets. var values = this.getFormValues(); if ( _.isUndefined( values.widgets ) ) { values = {}; } else { values = values.widgets; values = values[Object.keys( values )[0]]; } this.model.setValues( values ); this.model.set( 'raw', true ); // We've saved from the widget form, so this is now raw } if ( this.styles.stylesLoaded ) { // If the styles view has loaded var newStyles = {}; try { newStyles = this.getFormValues( '.so-sidebar .so-visual-styles' ).style; } catch ( e ) { } // Have there been any Style changes? if ( JSON.stringify( ) !== JSON.stringify( newStyles ) ) { this.model.set( 'style', newStyles ); this.model.trigger( 'change:styles' ); } } this.savingWidget = false; if ( args.refresh ) { this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData( args.refreshArgs ); } }, /** * */ handleChangeValues: function () { if ( ! this.savingWidget ) { // Reload the form when we've changed the model and we're not currently saving from the form this.loadForm(); } }, /** * Save a history entry for this widget. Called when the dialog is closed. */ saveHandler: function( savePage = false, e ) { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_edited' ); if ( typeof savePage == 'boolean' ) { this.updateModel(); panels.helpers.utils.saveHeartbeat( this ); } else { this.closeDialog(); } }, /** * When the user clicks delete. * * @returns {boolean} */ deleteHandler: function () { this.widgetView.visualDestroyModel(); this.closeDialog( {silent: true} ); this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); return false; }, duplicateHandler: function () { // Call the widget duplicate handler directly this.widgetView.duplicateHandler(); this.closeDialog( {silent: true} ); this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); return false; }, switchModeShow: function() { const list = this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-mode-list' ); const toolbar = this.$( '.so-toolbar' );; list.find( 'li:first-of-type' ).trigger( 'focus' ); toolbar.find( '.button-primary:visible' ).addClass( 'so-active-mode' ); toolbar.find( '.button-primary' ).hide(); setTimeout( function() { $( document ).one( 'click', function( e ) { var $$ = $( ); if ( ! $$.hasClass( 'so-saveinline-mode' ) && ! $$.hasClass( 'so-close-mode' ) ) { list.hide(); toolbar.find( '.so-active-mode' ).show() } } ); }, 100 ); }, switchMode: function( inline = false ) { const toolbar = this.$( '.so-toolbar' ); toolbar.find( '.so-mode-list' ).hide(); toolbar.find( '.button-primary' ).removeClass( 'so-active-mode' ); if ( inline ) { toolbar.find( '.so-saveinline' ).show(); } else { toolbar.find( '.so-close' ).show(); } window.panelsMode = inline ? 'inline' : 'dialog'; this.$( '.so-mode' ).trigger( 'focus' ); }, } ); },{"../view/widgets/js-widget":33}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = panels.view.dialog.extend( { builder: null, widgetTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-widgets-widget' ).html() ) ), filter: {}, dialogClass: 'so-panels-dialog-add-widget', dialogIcon: 'add-widget', events: { 'click .so-close': 'closeDialog', 'click .widget-type': 'widgetClickHandler', 'keyup .so-sidebar-search': 'searchHandler', 'keyup .widget-type-wrapper': 'searchHandler', 'keyup .widget-type-wrapper': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, }, /** * Initialize the widget adding dialog */ initializeDialog: function () { this.on( 'open_dialog', function () { = ''; this.filterWidgets( this.filter ); }, this ); this.on( 'open_dialog_complete', function () { // Clear the search and re-filter the widgets when we open the dialog this.$( '.so-sidebar-search' ).val( '' ).trigger( 'focus' ); this.balanceWidgetHeights(); } ); // We'll implement a custom tab click handler this.on( 'tab_click', this.tabClickHandler, this ); }, render: function () { // Render the dialog and attach it to the builder interface this.renderDialog( this.parseDialogContent( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-widgets' ).html(), {} ) ); // Add all the widgets _.each( panelsOptions.widgets, function ( widget ) { var $w = $( this.widgetTemplate( { title: widget.title, description: widget.description } ) ); if ( _.isUndefined( widget.icon ) ) { widget.icon = 'dashicons dashicons-admin-generic'; } $( '<span class="widget-icon"></span>' ).addClass( widget.icon ).prependTo( $w.find( '.widget-type-wrapper' ) ); $ 'class', widget.class ).appendTo( this.$( '.widget-type-list' ) ); }, this ); // Add the sidebar tabs var tabs = this.$( '.so-sidebar-tabs' ); _.each( panelsOptions.widget_dialog_tabs, function ( tab, key ) { $( this.dialogTabTemplate( {'title': tab.title, 'tab': key} ) ).data( { 'message': tab.message, 'filter': tab.filter } ).appendTo( tabs ); }, this ); // We'll be using tabs, so initialize them this.initTabs(); var thisDialog = this; $( window ).on( 'resize', function() { thisDialog.balanceWidgetHeights(); } ); }, /** * Handle a tab being clicked */ tabClickHandler: function ( $t ) { // Get the filter from the tab, and filter the widgets this.filter = $t.parent().data( 'filter' ); = this.$( '.so-sidebar-search' ).val(); var message = $t.parent().data( 'message' ); if ( _.isEmpty( message ) ) { message = ''; } this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-status' ).html( message ); this.filterWidgets( this.filter ); return false; }, /** * Handle changes to the search value */ searchHandler: function ( e ) { if( e.which === 13 ) { var visibleWidgets = this.$( '.widget-type-list .widget-type:visible' ); if( visibleWidgets.length === 1 ) { visibleWidgets.trigger( 'click' ); } } else { = $( ).val().trim(); this.filterWidgets( this.filter ); } }, /** * Filter the widgets that we're displaying * @param filter */ filterWidgets: function ( filter ) { if ( _.isUndefined( filter ) ) { filter = {}; } if ( _.isUndefined( filter.groups ) ) { filter.groups = ''; } this.$( '.widget-type-list .widget-type' ).each( function () { var $$ = $( this ), showWidget; var widgetClass = $$.data( 'class' ); var widgetData = ( ! _.isUndefined( panelsOptions.widgets[widgetClass] ) ) ? panelsOptions.widgets[widgetClass] : null; if ( _.isEmpty( filter.groups ) ) { // This filter doesn't specify groups, so show all showWidget = true; } else if ( widgetData !== null && ! _.isEmpty( _.intersection( filter.groups, panelsOptions.widgets[widgetClass].groups ) ) ) { // This widget is in the filter group showWidget = true; } else { // This widget is not in the filter group showWidget = false; } // This can probably be done with a more intelligent operator if ( showWidget ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( ) && !== '' ) { // Check if the widget title contains the search term if ( widgetData.title.toLowerCase().indexOf( ) === - 1 ) { showWidget = false; } } } if ( showWidget ) { $$.show(); } else { $$.hide(); } } ); // Balance the tags after filtering this.balanceWidgetHeights(); }, /** * Add the widget to the current builder * * @param e */ widgetClickHandler: function ( e ) { // Add the history entry this.builder.trigger('before_user_adds_widget'); this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_added' ); var $w = $( e.currentTarget ); var widget = new panels.model.widget( { class: $ 'class' ) } ); // Add the widget to the cell model widget.cell = this.builder.getActiveCell(); widget.cell.get('widgets').add( widget ); this.closeDialog(); this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); this.builder.trigger('after_user_adds_widget', widget); }, /** * Balance widgets in a given row so they have enqual height. * @param e */ balanceWidgetHeights: function ( e ) { var widgetRows = [[]]; var previousWidget = null; // Work out how many widgets there are per row var perRow = Math.round( this.$( '.widget-type' ).parent().width() / this.$( '.widget-type' ).width() ); // Add clears to create balanced rows this.$( '.widget-type' ) .css( 'clear', 'none' ) .filter( ':visible' ) .each( function ( i, el ) { if ( i % perRow === 0 && i !== 0 ) { $( el ).css( 'clear', 'both' ); } } ); // Group the widgets into rows this.$( '.widget-type-wrapper' ) .css( 'height', 'auto' ) .filter( ':visible' ) .each( function ( i, el ) { var $el = $( el ); if ( previousWidget !== null && previousWidget.position().top !== $el.position().top ) { widgetRows[widgetRows.length] = []; } previousWidget = $el; widgetRows[widgetRows.length - 1].push( $el ); } ); // Balance the height of the widgets within the row. _.each( widgetRows, function ( row, i ) { var maxHeight = _.max( function ( el ) { return el.height(); } ) ); // Set the height of each widget in the row _.each( row, function ( el ) { el.height( maxHeight ); } ); } ); } } ); },{}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = jQuery; module.exports = { /** * Trigger click on valid enter key press. */ triggerClickOnEnter: function( e, refocus = false ) { if ( e.which == 13 ) { $( ).trigger( 'click' ); if ( refocus ) { setTimeout( function() { $( ).trigger( 'focus' ); }, 100 ); } } }, }; },{}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { /** * Check if we have copy paste available. * @returns {boolean|*} */ canCopyPaste: function(){ return typeof(Storage) !== "undefined" && panelsOptions.user; }, /** * Set the model that we're going to store in the clipboard */ setModel: function( model ){ if( ! this.canCopyPaste() ) { return false; } var serial = panels.helpers.serialize.serialize( model ); if( model instanceof panels.model.row ) { serial.thingType = 'row-model'; } else if( model instanceof panels.model.widget ) { serial.thingType = 'widget-model'; } // Can Page Builder cross domain copy paste? if ( typeof SiteOriginPremium == 'object' && typeof SiteOriginPremium.CrossDomainCopyPasteAddon == 'function' ) { SiteOriginPremium.CrossDomainCopyPasteAddon().copy( serial ); } // Store this in local storage localStorage[ 'panels_clipboard_' + panelsOptions.user ] = JSON.stringify( serial ); return true; }, /** * Check if the current model stored in the clipboard is the expected type */ isModel: function( expected ){ if( ! this.canCopyPaste() ) { return false; } var clipboardObject = localStorage[ 'panels_clipboard_' + panelsOptions.user ]; if( clipboardObject !== undefined ) { clipboardObject = JSON.parse(clipboardObject); return clipboardObject.thingType && clipboardObject.thingType === expected; } return false; }, /** * Get the model currently stored in the clipboard */ getModel: function( expected ){ if( ! this.canCopyPaste() ) { return null; } var clipboardObject = localStorage[ 'panels_clipboard_' + panelsOptions.user ]; if( clipboardObject !== undefined ) { clipboardObject = JSON.parse( clipboardObject ); if( clipboardObject.thingType && clipboardObject.thingType === expected ) { return panels.helpers.serialize.unserialize( clipboardObject, clipboardObject.thingType, null ); } } return null; }, }; },{}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { isBlockEditor: function() { return typeof wp.blocks !== 'undefined' && jQuery( '.block-editor-page' ).length }, isClassicEditor: function( builder ) { return builder.attachedToEditor && builder.$ ':visible' ); }, } },{}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { /** * Lock window scrolling for the main overlay */ lock: function () { if ( jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'overflow' ) === 'hidden' ) { return; } // lock scroll position, but retain settings for later var scrollPosition = [ self.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft, self.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ]; jQuery( 'body' ) .data( { 'scroll-position': scrollPosition } ) .css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); if( ! _.isUndefined( scrollPosition ) ) { window.scrollTo( scrollPosition[0], scrollPosition[1] ); } }, /** * Unlock window scrolling */ unlock: function () { if ( jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'overflow' ) !== 'hidden' ) { return; } // Check that there are no more dialogs or a live editor if ( ! jQuery( '.so-panels-dialog-wrapper' ).is( ':visible' ) && ! jQuery( '.so-panels-live-editor' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); var scrollPosition = jQuery( 'body' ).data( 'scroll-position' ); if( ! _.isUndefined( scrollPosition ) ) { window.scrollTo( scrollPosition[0], scrollPosition[1] ); } } }, }; },{}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ /* This is a modified version of */ /* global Backbone, module, panels */ module.exports = { serialize: function( thing ){ var val; if( thing instanceof Backbone.Model ) { var retObj = {}; for ( var key in thing.attributes ) { if (thing.attributes.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { // Skip these to avoid recursion if( key === 'builder' || key === 'collection' ) { continue; } // If the value is a Model or a Collection, then serialize them as well val = thing.attributes[key]; if ( val instanceof Backbone.Model || val instanceof Backbone.Collection ) { retObj[key] = this.serialize( val ); } else { // Otherwise, save the original value retObj[key] = val; } } } return retObj; } else if( thing instanceof Backbone.Collection ) { // Walk over all of our models var retArr = []; for ( var i = 0; i < thing.models.length; i++ ) { // If the model is serializable, then serialize it val = thing.models[i]; if ( val instanceof Backbone.Model || val instanceof Backbone.Collection ) { retArr.push( this.serialize( val ) ); } else { // Otherwise (it is an object), return it in its current form retArr.push( val ); } } // Return the serialized models return retArr; } }, unserialize: function( thing, thingType, parent ) { var retObj; switch( thingType ) { case 'row-model' : retObj = new panels.model.row(); retObj.builder = parent; var atts = { style: }; if ( thing.hasOwnProperty( 'label' ) ) { atts.label = thing.label; } if ( thing.hasOwnProperty( 'color_label' ) ) { atts.color_label = thing.color_label; } retObj.set( atts ); retObj.setCells( this.unserialize( thing.cells, 'cell-collection', retObj ) ); break; case 'cell-model' : retObj = new panels.model.cell(); retObj.row = parent; retObj.set( 'weight', thing.weight ); retObj.set( 'style', ); retObj.set( 'widgets', this.unserialize( thing.widgets, 'widget-collection', retObj ) ); break; case 'widget-model' : retObj = new panels.model.widget(); retObj.cell = parent; for ( var key in thing ) { if ( thing.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { retObj.set( key, thing[key] ); } } retObj.set( 'widget_id', panels.helpers.utils.generateUUID() ); break; case 'cell-collection': retObj = new panels.collection.cells(); for( var i = 0; i < thing.length; i++ ) { retObj.push( this.unserialize( thing[i], 'cell-model', parent ) ); } break; case 'widget-collection': retObj = new panels.collection.widgets(); for( var i = 0; i < thing.length; i++ ) { retObj.push( this.unserialize( thing[i], 'widget-model', parent ) ); } break; default: console.log( 'Unknown Thing - ' + thingType ); break; } return retObj; } }; },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { generateUUID: function(){ var d = new Date().getTime(); if( window.performance && typeof === "function" ){ d +=; //use high-precision timer if available } var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace( /[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d/16); return ( c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8) ).toString(16); } ); return uuid; }, processTemplate: function ( s ) { if ( _.isUndefined( s ) || _.isNull( s ) ) { return ''; } s = s.replace( /{{%/g, '<%' ); s = s.replace( /%}}/g, '%>' ); s = s.trim(); return s; }, // From this SO post: selectElementContents: function( element ) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents( element ); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange( range ); }, saveHeartbeat: function( thisDialog ) { jQuery( '.so-saveinline' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ) jQuery( document ).one( 'heartbeat-send', function( event, data ) { data.panels = JSON.stringify( { data: thisDialog.builder.model.getPanelsData(), nonce: jQuery( '#_sopanels_nonce' ).val(), id: thisDialog.builder.config.postId } ); } ); jQuery( document ).one( 'heartbeat-tick', function( event, data ) { jQuery( '.so-saveinline' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ) } ); wp.autosave.server.triggerSave() }, } },{}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ /* global _, jQuery, panels */ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = function ( config, force ) { return this.each( function () { var $$ = jQuery( this ); if ( $$.data( 'soPanelsBuilderWidgetInitialized' ) && ! force ) { return; } var widgetId = $$.closest( 'form' ).find( '.widget-id' ).val(); // Create a config for this specific widget var thisConfig = $.extend( true, { builderSupports: $$.data( 'builder-supports' ), }, config ); // Exit if this isn't a real widget if ( ! _.isUndefined( widgetId ) && widgetId.indexOf( '__i__' ) > - 1 ) { return; } // Create the main builder model var builderModel = new panels.model.builder(); // Now for the view to display the builder var builderView = new panels.view.builder( { model: builderModel, config: thisConfig } ); // Save panels data when we close the dialog, if we're in a dialog var dialog = $$.closest( '.so-panels-dialog-wrapper' ).data( 'view' ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( dialog ) ) { dialog.on( 'close_dialog', function () { builderModel.refreshPanelsData(); } ); dialog.on( 'open_dialog_complete', function () { // Make sure the new layout widget is always properly setup builderView.trigger( 'builder_resize' ); } ); dialog.model.on( 'destroy', function () { // Destroy the builder builderModel.emptyRows().destroy(); } ); // Set the parent for all the sub dialogs builderView.setDialogParents( panelsOptions.loc.layout_widget, dialog ); } // Basic setup for the builder var isWidget = Boolean( $$.closest( '.widget-content' ).length ); builderView .render() .attach( { container: $$, dialog: isWidget || $$.data('mode') === 'dialog', type: $$.data( 'type' ) } ) .setDataField( $$.find( 'input.panels-data' ) ); if ( isWidget || $$.data('mode') === 'dialog' ) { // Set up the dialog opening builderView.setDialogParents( panelsOptions.loc.layout_widget, builderView.dialog ); $$.find( '.siteorigin-panels-display-builder' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); builderView.dialog.openDialog(); } ); } else { // Remove the dialog opener button, this is already being displayed in a page builder dialog. $$.find( '.siteorigin-panels-display-builder' ).parent().remove(); } // Trigger a global jQuery event after we've setup the builder view $( document ).trigger( 'panels_setup', builderView ); $$.data( 'soPanelsBuilderWidgetInitialized', true ); } ); }; },{}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Everything we need for SiteOrigin Page Builder. * * @copyright Greg Priday 2013 - 2016 - <> * @license GPL 3.0 */ /* global Backbone, _, jQuery, tinyMCE, panelsOptions, plupload, confirm, console, require */ var panels = {}; // Store everything globally window.panels = panels; window.siteoriginPanels = panels; // Helpers panels.helpers = {}; panels.helpers.clipboard = require( './helpers/clipboard' ); panels.helpers.utils = require( './helpers/utils' ); panels.helpers.editor = require( './helpers/editor' ); panels.helpers.serialize = require( './helpers/serialize' ); panels.helpers.pageScroll = require( './helpers/page-scroll' ); panels.helpers.accessibility = require( './helpers/accessibility' ); // The models panels.model = {}; panels.model.widget = require( './model/widget' ); panels.model.cell = require( './model/cell' ); panels.model.row = require( './model/row' ); panels.model.builder = require( './model/builder' ); panels.model.historyEntry = require( './model/history-entry' ); // The collections panels.collection = {}; panels.collection.widgets = require( './collection/widgets' ); panels.collection.cells = require( './collection/cells' ); panels.collection.rows = require( './collection/rows' ); panels.collection.historyEntries = require( './collection/history-entries' ); // The views panels.view = {}; panels.view.widget = require( './view/widget' ); panels.view.cell = require( './view/cell' ); panels.view.row = require( './view/row' ); panels.view.builder = require( './view/builder' ); panels.view.dialog = require( './view/dialog' ); panels.view.styles = require( './view/styles' ); panels.view.liveEditor = require( './view/live-editor' ); // The dialogs panels.dialog = {}; panels.dialog.builder = require( './dialog/builder' ); panels.dialog.widgets = require( './dialog/widgets' ); panels.dialog.widget = require( './dialog/widget' ); panels.dialog.prebuilt = require( './dialog/prebuilt' ); panels.dialog.row = require( './dialog/row' ); panels.dialog.history = require( './dialog/history' ); // The utils panels.utils = {}; = require( './utils/menu' ); // jQuery Plugins jQuery.fn.soPanelsSetupBuilderWidget = require( './jquery/setup-builder-widget' ); // Set up Page Builder if we're on the main interface jQuery( function ( $ ) { var container, field, form, builderConfig; var $panelsMetabox = $( '#siteorigin-panels-metabox' ); form = $( 'form#post' ); if ( $panelsMetabox.length && form.length ) { // This is usually the case when we're in the post edit interface container = $panelsMetabox; field = $panelsMetabox.find( '.siteorigin-panels-data-field' ); builderConfig = { editorType: 'tinyMCE', postId: $( '#post_ID' ).val(), editorId: '#content', builderType: $ 'builder-type' ), builderSupports: $ 'builder-supports' ), loadOnAttach: panelsOptions.loadOnAttach && $( '#auto_draft' ).val() == 1, loadLiveEditor: $ 'live-editor' ) == 1, liveEditorCloseAfter: $ 'live-editor-close' ) == 1, editorPreview: 'preview-url' ) }; } else if ( $( '.siteorigin-panels-builder-form' ).length ) { // We're dealing with another interface like the custom home page interface var $$ = $( '.siteorigin-panels-builder-form' ); container = $$.find( '.siteorigin-panels-builder-container' ); field = $$.find( 'input[name="panels_data"]' ); form = $$; builderConfig = { editorType: 'standalone', postId: $$.data( 'post-id' ), editorId: '#post_content', builderType: $$.data( 'type' ), builderSupports: $$.data( 'builder-supports' ), loadLiveEditor: false, liveEditorCloseAfter: false, editorPreview: $$.data( 'preview-url' ) }; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( container ) ) { // If we have a container, then set up the main builder var panels = window.siteoriginPanels; // Create the main builder model var builderModel = new panels.model.builder(); // Now for the view to display the builder var builderView = new panels.view.builder( { model: builderModel, config: builderConfig } ); // Trigger an event before the panels setup to allow adding listeners for various builder events which are // triggered during initial setup. $(document).trigger('before_panels_setup', builderView); // Set up the builder view builderView .render() .attach( { container: container } ) .setDataField( field ) .attachToEditor(); // When the form is submitted, update the panels data form.on( 'submit', function() { // Refresh the data builderModel.refreshPanelsData(); } ); container.removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); // Trigger a global jQuery event after we've setup the builder view. Everything is accessible form there $( document ).trigger( 'panels_setup', builderView, window.panels ); // Make this globally available for things like Yoast compatibility. window.soPanelsBuilderView = builderView; } // Setup new widgets when they're added in the standard widget interface $( document ).on( 'widget-added', function ( e, widget ) { $( widget ).find( '.siteorigin-page-builder-widget' ).soPanelsSetupBuilderWidget(); } ); // Setup existing widgets on the page (for the widgets interface) if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'wp-customizer' ) ) { $( function () { $( '.siteorigin-page-builder-widget' ).soPanelsSetupBuilderWidget(); } ); } // A global escape handler $(window).on('keyup', function(e){ // [Esc] to close if ( e.which === 27 ) { // Trigger a click on the last visible Page Builder window $( '.so-panels-dialog-wrapper, .so-panels-live-editor' ).filter(':visible') .last().find('.so-title-bar .so-close, .live-editor-close').trigger( 'click' ); } }); } ); // WP 5.7+: Prevent undesired "restore content" notice. if ( typeof window.wp.autosave !== 'undefined' && jQuery( '#siteorigin-panels-metabox' ).length ) { jQuery( function( e ) { var blog_id = typeof window.autosaveL10n !== 'undefined' && window.autosaveL10n.blog_id; // Ensure sessionStorage is working, and we were able to find a blog id. if ( typeof window.sessionStorage != 'object' && ! blog_id ) { return; } stored_obj = window.sessionStorage.getItem( 'wp-autosave-' + blog_id ); if ( stored_obj ) { stored_obj = JSON.parse( stored_obj ); var storedPostData = stored_obj[ 'post_' + jQuery( '#post_ID' ).val() ] if ( typeof storedPostData == 'object' ) { // Override existing store with stored session data. The content is exactly the same. jQuery( '#content' ).val( storedPostData.content ); } } } ); } },{"./collection/cells":1,"./collection/history-entries":2,"./collection/rows":3,"./collection/widgets":4,"./dialog/builder":5,"./dialog/history":6,"./dialog/prebuilt":7,"./dialog/row":8,"./dialog/widget":9,"./dialog/widgets":10,"./helpers/accessibility":11,"./helpers/clipboard":12,"./helpers/editor":13,"./helpers/page-scroll":14,"./helpers/serialize":15,"./helpers/utils":16,"./jquery/setup-builder-widget":17,"./model/builder":19,"./model/cell":20,"./model/history-entry":21,"./model/row":22,"./model/widget":23,"./utils/menu":24,"./view/builder":25,"./view/cell":26,"./view/dialog":27,"./view/live-editor":28,"./view/row":29,"./view/styles":30,"./view/widget":31}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ layoutPosition: { BEFORE: 'before', AFTER: 'after', REPLACE: 'replace', }, rows: {}, defaults: { 'data': { 'widgets': [], 'grids': [], 'grid_cells': [] } }, initialize: function () { // These are the main rows in the interface this.set( 'rows', new panels.collection.rows() ); }, /** * Add a new row to this builder. * * @param attrs * @param cells * @param options */ addRow: function (attrs, cells, options) { options = _.extend({ noAnimate: false }, options); var cellCollection = new panels.collection.cells(cells); attrs = _.extend({ collection: this.get('rows'), cells: cellCollection, }, attrs); // Create the actual row var row = new panels.model.row(attrs); row.builder = this; this.get('rows').add( row, options ); return row; }, /** * Load the panels data into the builder * * @param data Object the layout and widgets data to load. * @param position string Where to place the new layout. Allowed options are 'before', 'after'. Anything else will * cause the new layout to replace the old one. */ loadPanelsData: function ( data, position ) { try { if ( position === this.layoutPosition.BEFORE ) { data = this.concatPanelsData( data, this.getPanelsData() ); } else if ( position === this.layoutPosition.AFTER ) { data = this.concatPanelsData( this.getPanelsData(), data ); } // Start by destroying any rows that currently exist. This will in turn destroy cells, widgets and all the associated views this.emptyRows(); // This will empty out the current rows and reload the builder data. this.set( 'data', JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( data ) ), {silent: true} ); var cit = 0; var rows = []; if ( _.isUndefined( data.grid_cells ) ) { this.trigger( 'load_panels_data' ); return; } var gi; for ( var ci = 0; ci < data.grid_cells.length; ci ++ ) { gi = parseInt( data.grid_cells[ci].grid ); if ( _.isUndefined( rows[gi] ) ) { rows[gi] = []; } rows[gi].push( data.grid_cells[ci] ); } var builderModel = this; _.each( rows, function ( row, i ) { var rowAttrs = {}; if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.grids[i].style ) ) { = data.grids[i].style; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.grids[i].color_label) ) { rowAttrs.color_label = data.grids[i].color_label; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( data.grids[i].label) ) { rowAttrs.label = data.grids[i].label; } // This will create and add the row model and its cells builderModel.addRow(rowAttrs, row, {noAnimate: true} ); } ); if ( _.isUndefined( data.widgets ) ) { return; } // Add the widgets _.each( data.widgets, function ( widgetData ) { var panels_info = null; if ( ! _.isUndefined( widgetData.panels_info ) ) { panels_info = widgetData.panels_info; delete widgetData.panels_info; } else { panels_info =; delete; } var row = builderModel.get('rows').at( parseInt( panels_info.grid ) ); var cell = row.get('cells').at( parseInt( panels_info.cell ) ); var newWidget = new panels.model.widget( { class: panels_info.class, values: widgetData } ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( ) ) { newWidget.set( 'style', ); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( panels_info.read_only ) ) { newWidget.set( 'read_only', panels_info.read_only ); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( panels_info.widget_id ) ) { newWidget.set( 'widget_id', panels_info.widget_id ); } else { newWidget.set( 'widget_id', panels.helpers.utils.generateUUID() ); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( panels_info.label ) ) { newWidget.set( 'label', panels_info.label ); } newWidget.cell = cell; cell.get('widgets').add( newWidget, { noAnimate: true } ); } ); this.trigger( 'load_panels_data' ); } catch ( err ) { console.log( 'Error loading data: ' + err.message ); } }, /** * Concatenate the second set of Page Builder data to the first. There is some validation of input, but for the most * part it's up to the caller to ensure the Page Builder data is well formed. */ concatPanelsData: function ( panelsDataA, panelsDataB ) { if ( _.isUndefined( panelsDataB ) || _.isUndefined( panelsDataB.grids ) || _.isEmpty( panelsDataB.grids ) || _.isUndefined( panelsDataB.grid_cells ) || _.isEmpty( panelsDataB.grid_cells ) ) { return panelsDataA; } if ( _.isUndefined( panelsDataA ) || _.isUndefined( panelsDataA.grids ) || _.isEmpty( panelsDataA.grids ) ) { return panelsDataB; } var gridsBOffset = panelsDataA.grids.length; var widgetsBOffset = ! _.isUndefined( panelsDataA.widgets ) ? panelsDataA.widgets.length : 0; var newPanelsData = {grids: [], 'grid_cells': [], 'widgets': []}; // Concatenate grids (rows) newPanelsData.grids = panelsDataA.grids.concat( panelsDataB.grids ); // Create a copy of panelsDataA grid_cells and widgets if ( ! _.isUndefined( panelsDataA.grid_cells ) ) { newPanelsData.grid_cells = panelsDataA.grid_cells.slice(); } if ( ! _.isUndefined( panelsDataA.widgets ) ) { newPanelsData.widgets = panelsDataA.widgets.slice(); } var i; // Concatenate grid cells (row columns) for ( i = 0; i < panelsDataB.grid_cells.length; i ++ ) { var gridCellB = panelsDataB.grid_cells[i]; gridCellB.grid = parseInt( gridCellB.grid ) + gridsBOffset; newPanelsData.grid_cells.push( gridCellB ); } // Concatenate widgets if ( ! _.isUndefined( panelsDataB.widgets ) ) { for ( i = 0; i < panelsDataB.widgets.length; i ++ ) { var widgetB = panelsDataB.widgets[i]; widgetB.panels_info.grid = parseInt( widgetB.panels_info.grid ) + gridsBOffset; = parseInt( ) + widgetsBOffset; newPanelsData.widgets.push( widgetB ); } } return newPanelsData; }, /** * Convert the content of the builder into a object that represents the page builder data */ getPanelsData: function () { var builder = this; var data = { 'widgets': [], 'grids': [], 'grid_cells': [] }; var widgetId = 0; this.get('rows').each( function ( row, ri ) { row.get('cells').each( function ( cell, ci ) { cell.get('widgets').each( function ( widget, wi ) { // Add the data for the widget, including the panels_info field. var panels_info = { class: widget.get( 'class' ), raw: widget.get( 'raw' ), grid: ri, cell: ci, // Strictly this should be an index id: widgetId ++, widget_id: widget.get( 'widget_id' ), style: widget.get( 'style' ), label: widget.get( 'label' ), }; if( _.isEmpty( panels_info.widget_id ) ) { panels_info.widget_id = panels.helpers.utils.generateUUID(); } var values = _.extend( _.clone( widget.get( 'values' ) ), { panels_info: panels_info } ); data.widgets.push( values ); } ); // Add the cell info data.grid_cells.push( { grid: ri, index: ci, weight: cell.get( 'weight' ), style: cell.get( 'style' ), } ); } ); data.grids.push( { cells: row.get('cells').length, style: row.get( 'style' ), color_label: row.get( 'color_label' ), label: row.get( 'label' ), } ); } ); return data; }, /** * This will check all the current entries and refresh the panels data */ refreshPanelsData: function ( args ) { args = _.extend( { silent: false }, args ); var oldData = this.get( 'data' ); var newData = this.getPanelsData(); this.set( 'data', newData, {silent: true} ); if ( ! args.silent && JSON.stringify( newData ) !== JSON.stringify( oldData ) ) { // The default change event doesn't trigger on deep changes, so we'll trigger our own this.trigger( 'change' ); this.trigger( 'change:data' ); this.trigger( 'refresh_panels_data', newData, args ); } }, /** * Empty all the rows and the cells/widgets they contain. */ emptyRows: function () { _.invoke( this.get('rows').toArray(), 'destroy' ); this.get('rows').reset(); return this; }, isValidLayoutPosition: function ( position ) { return position === this.layoutPosition.BEFORE || position === this.layoutPosition.AFTER || position === this.layoutPosition.REPLACE; }, /** * Convert HTML into Panels Data * @param html */ getPanelsDataFromHtml: function( html, editorClass ){ var thisModel = this; var $html = jQuery( '<div id="wrapper">' + html + '</div>' ); if( $html.find('.panel-layout .panel-grid').length ) { // This looks like Page Builder html, lets try parse it var panels_data = { grids: [], grid_cells: [], widgets: [], }; // The Regex object that'll match SiteOrigin widgets var re = new RegExp( panelsOptions.siteoriginWidgetRegex , "i" ); var decodeEntities = (function() { // this prevents any overhead from creating the object each time var element = document.createElement('div'); function decodeHTMLEntities (str) { if(str && typeof str === 'string') { // strip script/html tags str = str.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>/gmi, ''); str = str.replace(/<\/?\w(?:[^"'>]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')*>/gmi, ''); element.innerHTML = str; str = element.textContent; element.textContent = ''; } return str; } return decodeHTMLEntities; })(); // Remove all wrapping divs from a widget to get its html var getTextWidgetContents = function( $el ){ var $divs = $el.find( 'div' ); if( ! $divs.length ) { return $el.html(); } for ( var i = 0; i < $divs.length - 1; i++ ) { if ( $divs.eq( i ).text().trim() != $divs.eq( i + 1 ).text().trim() ) { break; } } var title = $divs.eq( i ).find( '.widget-title:header' ), titleText = ''; if( title.length ) { titleText = title.html(); title.remove(); } return { title: titleText, text: $divs.eq(i).html(), }; }; var $layout = $html.find( '.panel-layout' ).eq(0); var filterNestedLayout = function( i, el ){ return jQuery( el ).closest( '.panel-layout' ).is( $layout ); }; $html.find('> .panel-layout > .panel-grid').filter( filterNestedLayout ).each( function( ri, el ){ var $row = jQuery( el ), $cells = $row.find( '.panel-grid-cell' ).filter( filterNestedLayout ); panels_data.grids.push( { cells: $cells.length, style: $ 'style' ), color_label: $ 'color-label' ), label: $ 'label' ), } ); $cells.each( function( ci, el ){ var $cell = jQuery( el ), $widgets = $cell.find( '.so-panel' ).filter( filterNestedLayout ); panels_data.grid_cells.push( { grid: ri, weight: ! _.isUndefined( $ 'weight' ) ) ? parseFloat( $ 'weight' ) ) : 1, style: $ 'style' ), } ); $widgets.each( function( wi, el ){ var $widget = jQuery(el), widgetContent = $widget.find('.panel-widget-style').length ? $widget.find('.panel-widget-style').html() : $widget.html(), panels_info = { grid: ri, cell: ci, style: $ 'style' ), raw: false, label: $ 'label' ) }; widgetContent = widgetContent.trim(); // Check if this is a SiteOrigin Widget var match = re.exec( widgetContent ); if( ! _.isNull( match ) && widgetContent.replace( re, '' ).trim() === '' ) { try { var classMatch = /class="(.*?)"/.exec( match[3] ), dataInput = jQuery( match[5] ), data = JSON.parse( decodeEntities( dataInput.val( ) ) ), newWidget = data.instance; panels_info.class = classMatch[1].replace( /\\\\+/g, '\\' ); panels_info.raw = false; newWidget.panels_info = panels_info; panels_data.widgets.push( newWidget ); } catch ( err ) { // There was a problem, so treat this as a standard editor widget panels_info.class = editorClass; panels_data.widgets.push( _.extend( getTextWidgetContents( $widget ), { filter: "1", type: "visual", panels_info: panels_info } ) ); } // Continue return true; } else if( widgetContent.indexOf( 'panel-layout' ) !== -1 ) { // Check if this is a layout widget var $widgetContent = jQuery( '<div>' + widgetContent + '</div>' ); if( $widgetContent.find('.panel-layout .panel-grid').length ) { // This is a standard editor class widget panels_info.class = 'SiteOrigin_Panels_Widgets_Layout'; panels_data.widgets.push( { panels_data: thisModel.getPanelsDataFromHtml( widgetContent, editorClass ), panels_info: panels_info } ); // continue return true; } } // This is a standard editor class widget panels_info.class = editorClass; panels_data.widgets.push( _.extend( getTextWidgetContents( $widget ), { filter: "1", type: "visual", panels_info: panels_info } ) ); return true; } ); } ); } ); // Remove all the Page Builder content $html.find('.panel-layout').remove(); $html.find('style[data-panels-style-for-post]').remove(); // If there's anything left, add it to an editor widget at the end of panels_data if( $html.html().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,'').length ) { panels_data.grids.push( { cells: 1, style: {}, } ); panels_data.grid_cells.push( { grid: panels_data.grids.length - 1, weight: 1, } ); panels_data.widgets.push( { filter: "1", text: $html.html().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,''), title: "", type: "visual", panels_info: { class: editorClass, raw: false, grid: panels_data.grids.length - 1, cell: 0 } } ); } return panels_data; } else { // This is probably just old school post content return { grid_cells: [ { grid: 0, weight: 1 } ], grids: [ { cells: 1 } ], widgets: [ { filter: "1", text: html, title: "", type: "visual", panels_info: { class: editorClass, raw: false, grid: 0, cell: 0 } } ] }; } } } ); },{}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend( { /* A collection of widgets */ widgets: {}, /* The row this model belongs to */ row: null, defaults: { weight: 0, style: {} }, indexes: null, /** * Set up the cell model */ initialize: function () { this.set( 'widgets', new panels.collection.widgets() ); this.on( 'destroy', this.onDestroy, this ); }, /** * Triggered when we destroy a cell */ onDestroy: function () { // Destroy all the widgets _.invoke( this.get('widgets').toArray(), 'destroy' ); this.get('widgets').reset(); }, /** * Create a clone of the cell, along with all its widgets */ clone: function ( row, cloneOptions ) { if ( _.isUndefined( row ) ) { row = this.row; } cloneOptions = _.extend( {cloneWidgets: true}, cloneOptions ); var clone = new this.constructor( this.attributes ); clone.set( 'collection', row.get('cells'), {silent: true} ); clone.row = row; if ( cloneOptions.cloneWidgets ) { // Now we're going add all the widgets that belong to this, to the clone this.get('widgets').each( function ( widget ) { clone.get('widgets').add( widget.clone( clone, cloneOptions ), {silent: true} ); } ); } return clone; } } ); },{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend( { defaults: { text: '', data: '', time: null, count: 1 } } ); },{}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend( { /* The builder model */ builder: null, defaults: { style: {} }, indexes: null, /** * Initialize the row model */ initialize: function () { if ( _.isEmpty(this.get('cells') ) ) { this.set('cells', new panels.collection.cells()); } else { // Make sure that the cells have this row set as their parent this.get('cells').each( function( cell ){ cell.row = this; }.bind( this ) ); } this.on( 'destroy', this.onDestroy, this ); }, /** * Add cells to the model row * * @param newCells the updated collection of cell models */ setCells: function ( newCells ) { var currentCells = this.get('cells') || new panels.collection.cells(); var cellsToRemove = []; currentCells.each(function (cell, i) { var newCell =; if(newCell) { cell.set('weight', newCell.get('weight')); } else { var newParentCell = newCells.length - 1 ); // First move all the widgets to the new cell var widgetsToMove = cell.get('widgets').models.slice(); for ( var j = 0; j < widgetsToMove.length; j++ ) { widgetsToMove[j].moveToCell( newParentCell, { silent: false } ); } cellsToRemove.push(cell); } }); _.each(cellsToRemove, function(cell) { currentCells.remove(cell); }); if( newCells.length > currentCells.length) { _.each(newCells.slice(currentCells.length, newCells.length), function (newCell) { // TODO: make sure row and collection is set correctly when cell is created then we can just add new cells newCell.set({collection: currentCells}); newCell.row = this; currentCells.add(newCell); }.bind(this)); } // Rescale the cells when we add or remove this.reweightCells(); }, /** * Make sure that all the cell weights add up to 1 */ reweightCells: function () { var totalWeight = 0; var cells = this.get('cells'); cells.each( function ( cell ) { totalWeight += cell.get( 'weight' ); } ); cells.each( function ( cell ) { cell.set( 'weight', cell.get( 'weight' ) / totalWeight ); } ); // This is for the row view to hook into and resize this.trigger( 'reweight_cells' ); }, /** * Triggered when the model is destroyed */ onDestroy: function () { // Also destroy all the cells _.invoke( this.get('cells').toArray(), 'destroy' ); this.get('cells').reset(); }, /** * Create a clone of the row, along with all its cells * * @param {panels.model.builder} builder The builder model to attach this to. * * @return {panels.model.row} The cloned row. */ clone: function ( builder ) { if ( _.isUndefined( builder ) ) { builder = this.builder; } var clone = new this.constructor( this.attributes ); clone.set( 'collection', builder.get('rows'), {silent: true} ); clone.builder = builder; var cellClones = new panels.collection.cells(); this.get('cells').each( function ( cell ) { cellClones.add( cell.clone( clone ), {silent: true} ); } ); clone.set( 'cells', cellClones ); return clone; } } ); },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Model for an instance of a widget */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend( { cell: null, defaults: { // The PHP Class of the widget class: null, // Is this class missing? Missing widgets are a special case. missing: false, // The values of the widget values: {}, // Have the current values been passed through the widgets update function raw: false, // Visual style fields style: {}, read_only: false, widget_id: '', }, indexes: null, initialize: function () { var widgetClass = this.get( 'class' ); if ( _.isUndefined( panelsOptions.widgets[widgetClass] ) || ! panelsOptions.widgets[widgetClass].installed ) { this.set( 'missing', true ); } }, /** * @param field * @returns {*} */ getWidgetField: function ( field ) { if ( _.isUndefined( panelsOptions.widgets[this.get( 'class' )] ) ) { if ( field === 'title' || field === 'description' ) { return panelsOptions.loc.missing_widget[field]; } else { return ''; } } else if ( this.has( 'label' ) && ! _.isEmpty( this.get( 'label' ) ) ) { // Use the label instead of the actual widget title return this.get( 'label' ); } else { return panelsOptions.widgets[ this.get( 'class' ) ][ field ]; } }, /** * Move this widget model to a new cell. Called by the views. * * @param panels.model.cell newCell * @param object options The options passed to the * * @return boolean Indicating if the widget was moved into a different cell */ moveToCell: function ( newCell, options, at ) { options = _.extend( { silent: true, }, options ); this.cell = newCell; this.collection.remove( this, options ); newCell.get('widgets').add( this, _.extend( { at: at }, options ) ); // This should be used by views to reposition everything. this.trigger( 'move_to_cell', newCell, at ); return this; }, /** * This is basically a wrapper for set that checks if we need to trigger a change */ setValues: function ( values ) { var hasChanged = false; if ( JSON.stringify( values ) !== JSON.stringify( this.get( 'values' ) ) ) { hasChanged = true; } this.set( 'values', values, {silent: true} ); if ( hasChanged ) { // We'll trigger our own change events. // NB: Must include the model being changed (i.e. `this`) as a workaround for a bug in Backbone 1.2.3 this.trigger( 'change', this ); this.trigger( 'change:values' ); } }, /** * Create a clone of this widget attached to the given cell. * * @param {panels.model.cell} cell The cell model we're attaching this widget clone to. * @returns {panels.model.widget} */ clone: function ( cell, options ) { if ( _.isUndefined( cell ) ) { cell = this.cell; } var clone = new this.constructor( this.attributes ); // Create a deep clone of the original values var cloneValues = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( this.get( 'values' ) ) ); // We want to exclude any fields that start with _ from the clone. Assuming these are internal. var cleanClone = function ( vals ) { _.each( vals, function ( el, i ) { if ( _.isString( i ) && i[0] === '_' ) { delete vals[i]; } else if ( _.isObject( vals[i] ) ) { cleanClone( vals[i] ); } } ); return vals; }; cloneValues = cleanClone( cloneValues ); if ( this.get( 'class' ) === "SiteOrigin_Panels_Widgets_Layout" ) { // Special case of this being a layout widget, it needs a new ID cloneValues.builder_id = Math.random().toString( 36 ).substr( 2 ); } clone.set( 'widget_id', '' ); clone.set( 'values', cloneValues, {silent: true} ); clone.set( 'collection', cell.get('widgets'), {silent: true} ); clone.cell = cell; // This is used to force a form reload later on clone.isDuplicate = true; return clone; }, /** * Ensure the title is valid. * * @param title The text we're testing. * @returns boolean */ isValidTitle: function( title ) { return ! _.isUndefined( title ) && _.isString( title ) && title !== '' && title !== 'on' && title !== 'true' && title !== 'false' && title[0] !== '_' && ! _.isFinite( title ); }, /** * Remove HTML from the title, and limit its length. * * @param title The title we're cleaning. * @returns string The "cleaned" title. */ cleanTitle: function( title ) { // Prevent situation where invalid titles are processed for cleaning. if ( typeof title !== 'string' ) { return false; } title = title.replace( /<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "" ); var parts = title.split( " " ); parts = parts.slice( 0, 20 ); return parts.join( ' ' ); }, /** * Iterate an array and find a valid field we can use for a title. Supports multidimensional arrays. * * @param values An array containing field values. * @returns object thisView The current widget instance. * @returns object fields The fields we're specifically check for. * @param object check_sub_fields Whether we should check sub fields. * * @returns string The title we found. If we weren't able to find one, it returns false. */ getTitleFromValues: function( values, thisView, fields = false, check_sub_fields = true ) { var widgetTitle = false; for ( const k in values ) { if ( typeof values[ k ] == 'object' ) { if ( check_sub_fields ) { // Field is an object, check child for valid titles. widgetTitle = thisView.getTitleFromValues( values[ k ], thisView, fields ); if ( widgetTitle ) { break; } } // Check for predefined title fields. } else if ( typeof fields == 'object' ) { for ( var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { if ( k == fields[i] ) { widgetTitle = thisView.cleanTitle( values[ k ] ) if ( widgetTitle ) { break; } } } if ( widgetTitle ) { break; } // Ensure field isn't a required WB field, and if its not, confirm it's valid. } else if ( typeof fields != 'object' && k.charAt( 0 ) !== '_' && k !== 'so_sidebar_emulator_id' && k !== 'option_name' && thisView.isValidTitle( values[ k ] ) ) { widgetTitle = thisView.cleanTitle( values[ k ] ) if ( widgetTitle ) { break; } } }; return widgetTitle; }, /** * Gets the value that makes most sense as the title. */ getTitle: function () { var widgetData = panelsOptions.widgets[this.get( 'class' )]; var titleFields = []; var titleFieldOnly = false; if ( _.isUndefined( widgetData ) ) { return this.get( 'class' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' ); } else if ( ! _.isUndefined( widgetData.panels_title ) ) { // This means that the widget has told us which field it wants us to use as a title if ( widgetData.panels_title === false ) { return panelsOptions.widgets[this.get( 'class' )].description; } else { titleFields.push( widgetData.panels_title ); titleFieldOnly = true; } } else { titleFields = ['title', 'text']; } var values = this.get( 'values' ); var thisView = this; var widgetTitle = false; // Check titleFields for valid titles. widgetTitle = this.getTitleFromValues( values, thisView, titleFields, typeof widgetData.panels_title_check_sub_fields != 'undefined' ? widgetData.panels_title_check_sub_fields : false ); if ( ! widgetTitle && ! titleFieldOnly ) { // No titles were found. Let's check the rest of the fields for a valid title. widgetTitle = this.getTitleFromValues( values, thisView ); } return widgetTitle ? widgetTitle : this.getWidgetField( 'description' ); } } ); },{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { wrapperTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-context-menu' ).html() ) ), sectionTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-context-menu-section' ).html() ) ), contexts: [], active: false, events: { 'keyup .so-search-wrapper input': 'searchKeyUp' }, /** * Intialize the context menu */ initialize: function () { this.listenContextMenu(); this.render(); this.attach(); }, /** * Listen for the right click context menu */ listenContextMenu: function () { var thisView = this; $( window ).on( 'contextmenu', function ( e ) { if ( && ! thisView.isOverEl( thisView.$el, e ) ) { thisView.closeMenu(); = false; e.preventDefault(); return false; } if ( ) { // Lets not double up on the context menu return true; } // Other components should listen to activate_context = false; thisView.trigger( 'activate_context', e, thisView ); if ( ) { // We don't want the default event to happen. e.preventDefault(); thisView.openMenu( { left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY } ); } } ); }, render: function () { this.setElement( this.wrapperTemplate() ); }, attach: function () { this.$el.appendTo( 'body' ); }, /** * Display the actual context menu. * * @param position */ openMenu: function ( position ) { this.trigger( 'open_menu' ); // Start listening for situations when we should close the menu $( window ).on( 'keyup', {menu: this}, this.keyboardListen ); $( window ).on( 'click', {menu: this}, this.clickOutsideListen ); // Set the maximum height of the menu this.$el.css( 'max-height', $( window ).height() - 20 ); // Correct the left position if ( position.left + this.$el.outerWidth() + 10 >= $( window ).width() ) { position.left = $( window ).width() - this.$el.outerWidth() - 10; } if ( position.left <= 0 ) { position.left = 10; } // Check top position if ( + this.$el.outerHeight() - $( window ).scrollTop() + 10 >= $( window ).height() ) { = $( window ).height() + $( window ).scrollTop() - this.$el.outerHeight() - 10; } if ( position.left <= 0 ) { position.left = 10; } // position the contextual menu this.$el.css( { left: position.left + 1, top: + 1 } ).show(); this.$( '.so-search-wrapper input' ).trigger( 'focus' ); }, closeMenu: function () { this.trigger( 'close_menu' ); // Stop listening for situations when we should close the menu $( window ).off( 'keyup', this.keyboardListen ); $( window ).off( 'click', this.clickOutsideListen ); = false; this.$el.empty().hide(); }, /** * Keyboard events handler */ keyboardListen: function ( e ) { var menu =; switch ( e.which ) { case 27: menu.closeMenu(); break; } }, /** * Listen for a click outside the menu to close it. * @param e */ clickOutsideListen: function ( e ) { var menu =; if ( e.which !== 3 && menu.$ ':visible' ) && ! menu.isOverEl( menu.$el, e ) ) { menu.closeMenu(); } }, /** * Add a new section to the contextual menu. * * @param settings * @param items * @param callback */ addSection: function ( id, settings, items, callback ) { var thisView = this; settings = _.extend( { display: 5, defaultDisplay: false, search: true, // All the labels sectionTitle: '', searchPlaceholder: '', // This is the key to be used in items for the title. Makes it easier to list objects titleKey: 'title' }, settings ); // Create the new section var section = $( this.sectionTemplate( { settings: settings, items: items } ) ).attr( 'id', 'panels-menu-section-' + id ); this.$el.append( section ); section.find( '.so-item:not(.so-confirm)' ).on( 'click', function() { var $$ = $( this ); callback( $$.data( 'key' ) ); thisView.closeMenu(); } ); section.find( '' ).on( 'click', function() { var $$ = $( this ); if ( $$.hasClass( 'so-confirming' ) ) { callback( $$.data( 'key' ) ); thisView.closeMenu(); return; } $$ .data( 'original-text', $$.html() ) .addClass( 'so-confirming' ) .html( '<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span> ' + panelsOptions.loc.dropdown_confirm ); setTimeout( function () { $$.removeClass( 'so-confirming' ); $$.html( $$.data( 'original-text' ) ); }, 2500 ); } ); 'settings', settings ).find( '.so-search-wrapper input' ).trigger( 'keyup' ); = true; }, /** * Check if a section exists in the current menu. * * @param id * @returns {boolean} */ hasSection: function( id ){ return this.$el.find( '#panels-menu-section-' + id ).length > 0; }, /** * Handle searching inside a section. * * @param e * @returns {boolean} */ searchKeyUp: function ( e ) { var $$ = $( e.currentTarget ), section = $$.closest( '.so-section' ), settings = 'settings' ); if ( e.which === 38 || e.which === 40 ) { // First, lets check if this is an up, down or enter press var items = section.find( 'ul li:visible' ), activeItem = items.filter( '.so-active' ).eq( 0 ); if ( activeItem.length ) { items.removeClass( 'so-active' ); var activeIndex = items.index( activeItem ); if ( e.which === 38 ) { if ( activeIndex - 1 < 0 ) { activeItem = items.last(); } else { activeItem = items.eq( activeIndex - 1 ); } } else if ( e.which === 40 ) { if ( activeIndex + 1 >= items.length ) { activeItem = items.first(); } else { activeItem = items.eq( activeIndex + 1 ); } } } else if ( e.which === 38 ) { activeItem = items.last(); } else if ( e.which === 40 ) { activeItem = items.first(); } activeItem.addClass( 'so-active' ); return false; } if ( e.which === 13 ) { if ( section.find( 'ul li:visible' ).length === 1 ) { // We'll treat a single visible item as active when enter is clicked section.find( 'ul li:visible' ).trigger( 'click' ); return false; } section.find( 'ul' ).trigger( 'click' ); return false; } if ( $$.val() === '' ) { // We'll display the defaultDisplay items if ( settings.defaultDisplay ) { section.find( '.so-item' ).hide(); for ( var i = 0; i < settings.defaultDisplay.length; i ++ ) { section.find( '.so-item[data-key="' + settings.defaultDisplay[i] + '"]' ).show(); } } else { // We'll just display all the items section.find( '.so-item' ).show(); } } else { section.find( '.so-item' ).hide().each( function () { var item = $( this ); if ( item.html().toLowerCase().indexOf( $$.val().toLowerCase() ) !== - 1 ) {; } } ); } // Now, we'll only show the first settings.display visible items section.find( '.so-item:visible:gt(' + ( settings.display - 1 ) + ')' ).hide(); if ( section.find( '.so-item:visible' ).length === 0 && $$.val() !== '' ) { section.find( '.so-no-results' ).show(); } else { section.find( '.so-no-results' ).hide(); } }, /** * Check if the given mouse event is over the element * @param el * @param event */ isOverEl: function ( el, event ) { var elPos = [ [el.offset().left, el.offset().top], [el.offset().left + el.outerWidth(), el.offset().top + el.outerHeight()] ]; // Return if this event is over the given element return ( event.pageX >= elPos[0][0] && event.pageX <= elPos[1][0] && event.pageY >= elPos[0][1] && event.pageY <= elPos[1][1] ); } } ); },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { // Config options config: {}, template: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-builder' ).html() ) ), dialogs: {}, rowsSortable: null, dataField: false, currentData: '', contentPreview: '', initialContentPreviewSetup: false, attachedToEditor: false, attachedVisible: false, liveEditor: undefined, menu: false, activeCell: null, events: { 'click': 'displayAddWidgetDialog', 'click': 'displayAddRowDialog', 'click': 'displayAddPrebuiltDialog', 'click': 'displayHistoryDialog', 'click': 'displayLiveEditor', 'keyup .so-tool-button': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, }, /* A row collection */ rows: null, /** * Initialize the builder */ initialize: function ( options ) { var builder = this; this.config = _.extend( { loadLiveEditor: false, liveEditorCloseAfter: false, builderSupports: {} }, options.config ); // These are the actions that a user can perform in the builder this.config.builderSupports = _.extend( { addRow: true, editRow: true, deleteRow: true, moveRow: true, addWidget: true, editWidget: true, deleteWidget: true, moveWidget: true, prebuilt: true, history: true, liveEditor: true, revertToEditor: true }, this.config.builderSupports ); // Automatically load the live editor as soon as it's ready if ( options.config.loadLiveEditor ) { this.on( 'builder_live_editor_added', function () { this.displayLiveEditor(); } ); } // Now lets create all the dialog boxes that the main builder interface uses this.dialogs = { widgets: new panels.dialog.widgets(), row: new panels.dialog.row(), prebuilt: new panels.dialog.prebuilt() }; // Check if we have preview markup available. $previewContent = $( '.siteorigin-panels-preview-content' ); if ( $previewContent.length ) { this.contentPreview = $previewContent.val(); } // Set the builder for each dialog and render it. _.each( this.dialogs, function ( p, i, d ) { d[ i ].setBuilder( builder ); } ); this.dialogs.row.setRowDialogType( 'create' ); // This handles a new row being added to the collection - we'll display it in the interface this.listenTo( this.model.get( 'rows' ), 'add', this.onAddRow ); // Reflow the entire builder when ever the $( window ).on( 'resize', function( e ) { if ( === window ) { builder.trigger( 'builder_resize' ); } } ); // When the data changes in the model, store it in the field this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:data load_panels_data', this.storeModelData ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:data load_panels_data', this.toggleWelcomeDisplay ); // Handle a content change this.on( 'builder_attached_to_editor', this.handleContentChange, this ); this.on( 'content_change', this.handleContentChange, this ); this.on( 'display_builder', this.handleDisplayBuilder, this ); this.on( 'hide_builder', this.handleHideBuilder, this ); this.on( 'builder_rendered builder_resize', this.handleBuilderSizing, this ); this.on( 'display_builder', this.wrapEditorExpandAdjust, this ); // Create the context menu for this builder = new {} ); this.listenTo(, 'activate_context', this.activateContextMenu ) if ( this.config.loadOnAttach ) { this.on( 'builder_attached_to_editor', function () { this.displayAttachedBuilder( { confirm: false } ); }, this ); } return this; }, /** * Render the builder interface. * * @return {panels.view.builder} */ render: function () { // this.$el.html( this.template() ); this.setElement( this.template() ); this.$el .attr( 'id', 'siteorigin-panels-builder-' + this.cid ) .addClass( 'so-builder-container' ); this.trigger( 'builder_rendered' ); return this; }, /** * Attach the builder to the given container * * @param container * @returns {panels.view.builder} */ attach: function ( options ) { options = _.extend( { container: false, dialog: false }, options ); if ( options.dialog ) { // We're going to add this to a dialog this.dialog = new panels.dialog.builder(); this.dialog.builder = this; } else { // Attach this in the standard way this.$el.appendTo( options.container ); this.metabox = options.container.closest( '.postbox' ); this.initSortable(); this.trigger( 'attached_to_container', options.container ); } this.trigger( 'builder_attached' ); // Add support for components we have if ( this.supports( 'liveEditor' ) ) { this.addLiveEditor(); } if ( this.supports( 'history' ) ) { this.addHistoryBrowser(); } // Hide toolbar buttons we don't support var toolbar = this.$( '.so-builder-toolbar' ); var welcomeMessageContainer = this.$( '.so-panels-welcome-message' ); var welcomeMessage = panelsOptions.loc.welcomeMessage; var supportedItems = []; if ( !this.supports( 'addWidget' ) ) { toolbar.find( '.so-widget-add' ).hide(); } else { supportedItems.push( welcomeMessage.addWidgetButton ); } if ( !this.supports( 'addRow' ) ) { toolbar.find( '.so-row-add' ).hide(); } else { supportedItems.push( welcomeMessage.addRowButton ); } if ( !this.supports( 'prebuilt' ) ) { toolbar.find( '.so-prebuilt-add' ).hide(); } else { supportedItems.push( welcomeMessage.addPrebuiltButton ); } var msg = ''; if ( supportedItems.length === 3 ) { msg = welcomeMessage.threeEnabled; } else if ( supportedItems.length === 2 ) { msg = welcomeMessage.twoEnabled; } else if ( supportedItems.length === 1 ) { msg = welcomeMessage.oneEnabled; } else if ( supportedItems.length === 0 ) { msg = welcomeMessage.addingDisabled; } var resTemplate = _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( msg ) ); var msgHTML = resTemplate( { items: supportedItems } ) + ' ' + welcomeMessage.docsMessage; welcomeMessageContainer.find( '.so-message-wrapper' ).html( msgHTML ); return this; }, /** * This will move the Page Builder meta box into the editor if we're in the post/page edit interface. * * @returns {panels.view.builder} */ attachToEditor: function () { if ( this.config.editorType !== 'tinyMCE' ) { return this; } this.attachedToEditor = true; var metabox = this.metabox; var thisView = this; // Handle switching between the page builder and other tabs $( '#wp-content-wrap .wp-editor-tabs' ) .find( '.wp-switch-editor' ) .on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#wp-content-editor-container' ).show(); // metabox.hide(); $( '#wp-content-wrap' ).removeClass( 'panels-active' ); $( '#content-resize-handle' ).show(); // Make sure the word count is visible thisView.trigger( 'hide_builder' ); } ).end() .append( $( '<button type="button" id="content-panels" class="hide-if-no-js wp-switch-editor switch-panels">' + metabox.find( 'h2.hndle' ).html() + '</button>' ) .on( 'click', function( e ) { if ( thisView.displayAttachedBuilder( { confirm: true } ) ) { e.preventDefault(); } } ) ); // Switch back to the standard editor if ( this.supports( 'revertToEditor' ) ) { metabox.find( '.so-switch-to-standard' ).on( 'click keyup', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( e.type == "keyup" && e.which != 13 ) { return } if ( !confirm( panelsOptions.loc.confirm_stop_builder ) ) { return; } // User is switching to the standard visual editor thisView.addHistoryEntry( 'back_to_editor' ); thisView.model.loadPanelsData( false ); // Switch back to the standard editor $( '#wp-content-wrap' ).show(); metabox.hide(); // Resize to trigger reflow of WordPress editor stuff $( window ).trigger( 'resize'); thisView.attachedVisible = false; thisView.trigger( 'hide_builder' ); } ).show(); } // Move the panels box into a tab of the content editor metabox.insertAfter( '#wp-content-wrap' ).hide().addClass( 'attached-to-editor' ); // Switch to the Page Builder interface as soon as we load the page if there are widgets or the normal editor // isn't supported. var data = this.model.get( 'data' ); if ( !_.isEmpty( data.widgets ) || !_.isEmpty( data.grids ) || !this.supports( 'revertToEditor' ) ) { this.displayAttachedBuilder( { confirm: false } ); } // We will also make this sticky if its attached to an editor. var stickToolbar = function () { var toolbar = thisView.$( '.so-builder-toolbar' ); if ( thisView.$el.hasClass( 'so-display-narrow' ) ) { // In this case, we don't want to stick the toolbar. toolbar.css( { top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', position: 'absolute' } ); thisView.$el.css( 'padding-top', toolbar.outerHeight() + 'px' ); return; } var newTop = $( window ).scrollTop() - thisView.$el.offset().top; if ( $( '#wpadminbar' ).css( 'position' ) === 'fixed' ) { newTop += $( '#wpadminbar' ).outerHeight(); } var limits = { top: 0, bottom: thisView.$el.outerHeight() - toolbar.outerHeight() + 20 }; if ( newTop > && newTop < limits.bottom ) { if ( toolbar.css( 'position' ) !== 'fixed' ) { // The toolbar needs to stick to the top, over the interface toolbar.css( { top: $( '#wpadminbar' ).outerHeight(), left: thisView.$el.offset().left + 'px', width: thisView.$el.outerWidth() + 'px', position: 'fixed' } ); } } else { // The toolbar needs to be at the top or bottom of the interface toolbar.css( { top: Math.min( Math.max( newTop, 0 ), thisView.$el.outerHeight() - toolbar.outerHeight() + 20 ) + 'px', left: 0, width: '100%', position: 'absolute' } ); } thisView.$el.css( 'padding-top', toolbar.outerHeight() + 'px' ); }; this.on( 'builder_resize', stickToolbar, this ); $( document ).on( 'scroll', stickToolbar ); stickToolbar(); this.trigger( 'builder_attached_to_editor' ); return this; }, /** * Display the builder interface when attached to a WordPress editor */ displayAttachedBuilder: function ( options ) { options = _.extend( { confirm: true }, options ); // Switch to the Page Builder interface if ( options.confirm ) { var editor = typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ? tinyMCE.get( 'content' ) : false; var editorContent = ( editor && _.isFunction( editor.getContent ) ) ? editor.getContent() : $( 'textarea#content' ).val(); if ( editorContent !== '' && !confirm( panelsOptions.loc.confirm_use_builder ) ) { return false; } } // Hide the standard content editor $( '#wp-content-wrap' ).hide(); $( '#editor-expand-toggle' ).on( 'change.editor-expand', function () { if ( !$( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ) { $( '#wp-content-wrap' ).hide(); } } ); // Show page builder and the inside div '> .inside' ).show(); // Triggers full refresh $( window ).trigger( 'resize' ); $( document ).trigger( 'scroll' ); // Make sure the word count is visible this.attachedVisible = true; this.trigger( 'display_builder' ); return true; }, /** * Initialize the row sortables */ initSortable: function () { if ( !this.supports( 'moveRow' ) ) { return this; } var builderView = this; var builderID = builderView.$el.attr( 'id' ); var container = 'parent'; if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'wp-customizer' ) && $( 'body' ).attr( 'class' ).match( /version-([0-9-]+)/ )[0].replace( /\D/g,'' ) < 59 ) { wpVersion = '#wpwrap'; } // Create the sortable element for rows. this.rowsSortable = this.$( '.so-rows-container:not(.sow-row-color)' ).sortable( { appendTo: container, items: '.so-row-container', handle: '.so-row-move', // For the block editor, where it's possible to have multiple Page Builder blocks on a page. // Also specify builderID when not in the block editor to prevent being able to drop rows from builder in a dialog // into builder on the page under the dialog. connectWith: '#' + builderID + '.so-rows-container,.block-editor .so-rows-container', axis: 'y', tolerance: 'pointer', scroll: false, remove: function ( e, ui ) { builderView.model.get( 'rows' ).remove( $( ui.item ).data( 'view' ).model, { silent: true } ); builderView.model.refreshPanelsData(); }, receive: function ( e, ui ) { builderView.model.get( 'rows' ).add( $( ui.item ).data( 'view' ).model, { silent: true, at: $( ui.item ).index() } ); builderView.model.refreshPanelsData(); }, stop: function ( e, ui ) { var $$ = $( ui.item ), row = $$.data( 'view' ), rows = builderView.model.get( 'rows' ); // If this hasn't already been removed and added to a different builder. if ( rows.get( row.model ) ) { builderView.addHistoryEntry( 'row_moved' ); rows.remove( row.model, { 'silent': true } ); rows.add( row.model, { 'silent': true, 'at': $$.index() } ); row.trigger( 'move', $$.index() ); builderView.model.refreshPanelsData(); } } } ); return this; }, /** * Refresh the row sortable */ refreshSortable: function () { // Refresh the sortable to account for the new row if ( !_.isNull( this.rowsSortable ) ) { this.rowsSortable.sortable( 'refresh' ); } }, /** * Set the field that's used to store the data * @param field * @param options */ setDataField: function ( field, options ) { options = _.extend( { load: true }, options ); this.dataField = field; 'builder', this ); if ( options.load && field.val() !== '' ) { var data = this.dataField.val(); try { data = JSON.parse( data ); } catch ( err ) { console.log( "Failed to parse Page Builder layout data from supplied data field." ); data = {}; } this.setData( data ); } return this; }, /** * Set the current panels data to be used. * * @param data */ setData: function( data ) { this.model.loadPanelsData( data ); this.currentData = data; this.toggleWelcomeDisplay(); }, /** * Get the current panels data. * */ getData: function() { return this.model.get( 'data' ); }, /** * Store the model data in the data html field set in this.setDataField. */ storeModelData: function () { var data = JSON.stringify( this.model.get( 'data' ) ); if ( $( this.dataField ).val() !== data ) { // If the data is different, set it and trigger a content_change event $( this.dataField ).val( data ); $( this.dataField ).trigger( 'change' ); this.trigger( 'content_change' ); } }, /** * HAndle the visual side of adding a new row to the builder. * * @param row * @param collection * @param options */ onAddRow: function ( row, collection, options ) { options = _.extend( { noAnimate: false }, options ); // Create a view for the row var rowView = new panels.view.row( { model: row } ); rowView.builder = this; rowView.render(); // Attach the row elements to this builder if ( _.isUndefined( ) || collection.length <= 1 ) { // Insert this at the end of the widgets container rowView.$el.appendTo( this.$( '.so-rows-container' ) ); } else { // We need to insert this at a specific position rowView.$el.insertAfter( this.$( '.so-rows-container .so-row-container' ).eq( - 1 ) ); } if ( options.noAnimate === false ) { rowView.visualCreate(); } this.refreshSortable(); rowView.resizeRow(); this.trigger( 'row_added' ); }, /** * Display the dialog to add a new widget. * * @returns {boolean} */ displayAddWidgetDialog: function () { this.dialogs.widgets.openDialog(); }, /** * Display the dialog to add a new row. */ displayAddRowDialog: function () { var row = new panels.model.row(); var cells = new panels.collection.cells( panelsOptions.default_columns ); cells.each( function ( cell ) { cell.row = row; } ); row.set( 'cells', cells ); row.builder = this.model; this.dialogs.row.setRowModel( row ); this.dialogs.row.openDialog(); }, /** * Display the dialog to add prebuilt layouts. * * @returns {boolean} */ displayAddPrebuiltDialog: function () { this.dialogs.prebuilt.openDialog(); }, /** * Display the history dialog. * * @returns {boolean} */ displayHistoryDialog: function () { this.dialogs.history.openDialog(); }, /** * Handle pasting a row into the builder. */ pasteRowHandler: function () { var pastedModel = panels.helpers.clipboard.getModel( 'row-model' ); if ( !_.isEmpty( pastedModel ) && pastedModel instanceof panels.model.row ) { this.addHistoryEntry( 'row_pasted' ); pastedModel.builder = this.model; this.model.get( 'rows' ).add( pastedModel, { at: this.model.get( 'rows' ).indexOf( this.model ) + 1 } ); this.model.refreshPanelsData(); } }, /** * Get the model for the currently selected cell */ getActiveCell: function ( options ) { options = _.extend( { createCell: true, }, options ); if ( !this.model.get( 'rows' ).length ) { // There aren't any rows yet if ( options.createCell ) { // Create a row with a single cell this.model.addRow( {}, [ { weight: 1 } ], { noAnimate: true } ); } else { return null; } } // Make sure the active cell isn't empty, and it's in a row that exists var activeCell = this.activeCell; if ( _.isEmpty( activeCell ) || this.model.get( 'rows' ).indexOf( activeCell.model.row ) === -1 ) { return this.model.get( 'rows' ).last().get( 'cells' ).first(); } else { return activeCell.model; } }, /** * Add a live editor to the builder * * @returns {panels.view.builder} */ addLiveEditor: function () { if ( _.isEmpty( this.config.editorPreview ) ) { return this; } // Create the live editor and set the builder to this. this.liveEditor = new panels.view.liveEditor( { builder: this, previewUrl: this.config.editorPreview } ); // Display the live editor button in the toolbar if ( this.liveEditor.hasPreviewUrl() ) { var addLEButton = false; if ( ! panels.helpers.editor.isBlockEditor() || $( '.widgets-php' ).length ) { addLEButton = true; } else if ( 'core/editor' ).getEditedPostAttribute( 'status' ) != 'auto-draft' ) { addLEButton = true; } else { // Block Editor powered page that's an auto draft. To avoid a 404, we need to save the draft. $( '.editor-post-save-draft' ).trigger( 'click' ); var openLiveEditorAfterSave = setInterval( function() { if ( !'core/editor').isSavingPost() && !'core/editor').isAutosavingPost() &&'core/editor').didPostSaveRequestSucceed() ) { clearInterval( openLiveEditorAfterSave ); this.$( '.so-builder-toolbar .so-live-editor' ).show(); } }.bind( this ), 250 ); } if ( addLEButton ) { this.$( '.so-builder-toolbar .so-live-editor' ).show(); } } this.trigger( 'builder_live_editor_added' ); return this; }, /** * Show the current live editor */ displayLiveEditor: function () { if ( _.isUndefined( this.liveEditor ) ) { return; }; }, /** * Add the history browser. * * @return {panels.view.builder} */ addHistoryBrowser: function () { if ( _.isEmpty( this.config.editorPreview ) ) { return this; } this.dialogs.history = new panels.dialog.history(); this.dialogs.history.builder = this; this.dialogs.history.entries.builder = this.model; // Set the revert entry this.dialogs.history.setRevertEntry( this.model ); // Display the live editor button in the toolbar this.$( '.so-builder-toolbar .so-history' ).show(); }, /** * Add an entry. * * @param text * @param data */ addHistoryEntry: function ( text, data ) { if ( _.isUndefined( data ) ) { data = null; } if ( !_.isUndefined( this.dialogs.history ) ) { this.dialogs.history.entries.addEntry( text, data ); } }, supports: function ( thing ) { if ( thing === 'rowAction' ) { // Check if this supports any row action return this.supports( 'addRow' ) || this.supports( 'editRow' ) || this.supports( 'deleteRow' ); } else if ( thing === 'widgetAction' ) { // Check if this supports any widget action return this.supports( 'addWidget' ) || this.supports( 'editWidget' ) || this.supports( 'deleteWidget' ); } return _.isUndefined( this.config.builderSupports[ thing ] ) ? false : this.config.builderSupports[ thing ]; }, /** * Handle a change of the content */ handleContentChange: function () { // Make sure we actually need to copy content. if ( panelsOptions.copy_content && ( panels.helpers.editor.isBlockEditor() || panels.helpers.editor.isClassicEditor( this ) ) ) { var panelsData = this.model.getPanelsData(); if ( !_.isEmpty( panelsData.widgets ) ) { // We're going to create a copy of page builder content into the post content $.post( panelsOptions.ajaxurl, { action: 'so_panels_builder_content_json', panels_data: JSON.stringify( panelsData ), post_id: this.config.postId }, function ( content ) { // Post content doesn't need to be generated on load while contentPreview does. if ( this.contentPreview && content.post_content !== '' && this.initialContentPreviewSetup ) { this.updateEditorContent( content.post_content ); } if ( content.preview !== '' ) { this.contentPreview = content.preview; this.initialContentPreviewSetup = true; } }.bind( this ) ); } } }, /** * Update editor content with the given content. * * @param content */ updateEditorContent: function ( content ) { // Switch back to the standard editor if ( this.config.editorType !== 'tinyMCE' || typeof tinyMCE === 'undefined' || _.isNull( tinyMCE.get( "content" ) ) ) { var $editor = $( this.config.editorId ); $editor.val( content ).trigger( 'change' ).trigger( 'keyup' ); } else { var contentEd = tinyMCE.get( "content" ); contentEd.setContent( content ); 'change' ); 'keyup' ); } this.triggerSeoChange(); }, /** * Trigger a change in SEO plugins. */ triggerSeoChange: function () { if ( typeof YoastSEO !== 'undefined' && ! _.isNull( YoastSEO ) && ! _.isNull( ) ) {; } if ( typeof rankMathEditor !== 'undefined' && ! _.isNull( rankMathEditor ) && ! _.isNull( rankMathEditor.refresh ) ) { rankMathEditor.refresh( 'content' ); } }, /** * Handle displaying the builder */ handleDisplayBuilder: function () { var editor = typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ? tinyMCE.get( 'content' ) : false; var editorContent = ( editor && _.isFunction( editor.getContent ) ) ? editor.getContent() : $( 'textarea#content' ).val(); if ( ( _.isEmpty( this.model.get( 'data' ) ) || ( _.isEmpty( this.model.get( 'data' ).widgets ) && _.isEmpty( this.model.get( 'data' ).grids ) ) ) && editorContent !== '' ) { var editorClass = panelsOptions.text_widget; // There is a small chance a theme will have removed this, so check if ( _.isEmpty( editorClass ) ) { return; } // Create the existing page content in a single widget this.model.loadPanelsData( this.model.getPanelsDataFromHtml( editorContent, editorClass ) ); this.model.trigger( 'change' ); this.model.trigger( 'change:data' ); } $( '#post-status-info' ).addClass( 'for-siteorigin-panels' ); }, handleHideBuilder: function () { $( '#post-status-info' ).show().removeClass( 'for-siteorigin-panels' ); }, wrapEditorExpandAdjust: function () { try { var events = ( $.hasData( window ) && $._data( window ) ).events.scroll, event; for ( var i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) { if ( events[ i ].namespace === 'editor-expand' ) { event = events[ i ]; // Wrap the call $( window ).off( 'scroll', event.handler ); $( window ).on( 'scroll', function( e ) { if ( !this.attachedVisible ) { event.handler( e ); } }.bind( this ) ); break; } } } catch ( e ) { // We tried, we failed return; } }, /** * Either add or remove the narrow class * @returns {exports} */ handleBuilderSizing: function () { var width = this.$el.width(); if ( !width ) { return this; } if ( width < 575 ) { this.$el.addClass( 'so-display-narrow' ); } else { this.$el.removeClass( 'so-display-narrow' ); } return this; }, /** * Set the parent dialog for all the dialogs in this builder. * * @param text * @param dialog */ setDialogParents: function ( text, dialog ) { _.each( this.dialogs, function ( p, i, d ) { d[ i ].setParent( text, dialog ); } ); // For any future dialogs this.on( 'add_dialog', function ( newDialog ) { newDialog.setParent( text, dialog ); }, this ); }, /** * This shows or hides the welcome display depending on whether there are any rows in the collection. */ toggleWelcomeDisplay: function () { if ( !this.model.get( 'rows' ).isEmpty() ) { this.$( '.so-panels-welcome-message' ).hide(); } else { this.$( '.so-panels-welcome-message' ).show(); } }, /** * Activate the contextual menu * @param e * @param menu */ activateContextMenu: function ( e, menu ) { var builder = this; // Only run this if the event target is a descendant of this builder's DOM element. if ( $.contains( builder.$el.get( 0 ), ) ) { // Get the element we're currently hovering over var over = $( [] ) .add( builder.$( '.so-panels-welcome-message:visible' ) ) .add( builder.$( '.so-rows-container > .so-row-container' ) ) .add( builder.$( '.so-cells > .cell' ) ) .add( builder.$( '.cell-wrapper > .so-widget' ) ) .filter( function ( i ) { return menu.isOverEl( $( this ), e ); } ); var activeView = over.last().data( 'view' ); if ( activeView !== undefined && activeView.buildContextualMenu !== undefined ) { // We'll pass this to the current active view so it can populate the contextual menu activeView.buildContextualMenu( e, menu ); } else if ( over.last().hasClass( 'so-panels-welcome-message' ) ) { // The user opened the contextual menu on the welcome message this.buildContextualMenu( e, menu ); } } }, /** * Build the contextual menu for the main builder - before any content has been added. */ buildContextualMenu: function ( e, menu ) { var actions = {}; if ( this.supports( 'addRow' ) ) { actions.add_row = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.add_row }; } if ( panels.helpers.clipboard.canCopyPaste() ) { if ( panels.helpers.clipboard.isModel( 'row-model' ) && this.supports( 'addRow' ) ) { actions.paste_row = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_paste }; } } if ( !_.isEmpty( actions ) ) { menu.addSection( 'builder-actions', { sectionTitle: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_actions, search: false, }, actions, function ( c ) { switch ( c ) { case 'add_row': this.displayAddRowDialog(); break; case 'paste_row': this.pasteRowHandler(); break; } }.bind( this ) ); } }, } ); },{}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { template: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-builder-cell' ).html() ) ), events: { 'click .cell-wrapper': 'handleCellClick' }, /* The row view that this cell is a part of */ row: null, widgetSortable: null, initialize: function () { this.listenTo(this.model.get('widgets'), 'add', this.onAddWidget ); }, /** * Render the actual cell */ render: function () { var templateArgs = { weight: this.model.get( 'weight' ), totalWeight: this.row.model.get('cells').totalWeight() }; this.setElement( this.template( templateArgs ) ); this.$ 'view', this ); // Now lets render any widgets that are currently in the row var thisView = this; this.model.get('widgets').each( function ( widget ) { var widgetView = new panels.view.widget( {model: widget} ); widgetView.cell = thisView; widgetView.render(); widgetView.$el.appendTo( thisView.$( '.widgets-container' ) ); } ); this.initSortable(); this.initResizable(); return this; }, /** * Initialize the widget sortable */ initSortable: function () { if( ! this.row.builder.supports( 'moveWidget' ) ) { return this; } var cellView = this; var builder = cellView.row.builder; // Go up the view hierarchy until we find the ID attribute var builderID = builder.$el.attr( 'id' ); var builderModel = builder.model; // Create a widget sortable that's connected with all other cells this.widgetSortable = this.$( '.widgets-container' ).sortable( { placeholder: "so-widget-sortable-highlight", connectWith: '#' + builderID + ' .so-cells .cell .widgets-container,.block-editor .so-cells .cell .widgets-container', tolerance: 'pointer', scroll: false, over: function ( e, ui ) { // This will make all the rows in the current builder resize cellView.row.builder.trigger( 'widget_sortable_move' ); }, remove: function ( e, ui ) { cellView.model.get( 'widgets' ).remove( $( ui.item ).data( 'view' ).model, { silent: true } ); builderModel.refreshPanelsData(); }, receive: function ( e, ui ) { var widgetView = $( ui.item ).data( 'view' ); widgetView.cell = cellView; var widgetModel = widgetView.model; widgetModel.cell = cellView.model; cellView.model.get( 'widgets' ).add( widgetModel, { silent: true, at: $( ui.item ).index() } ); builderModel.refreshPanelsData(); }, stop: function ( e, ui ) { var $$ = $( ui.item ), widget = $$.data( 'view' ), targetCell = $$.closest( '.cell' ).data( 'view' ); // If this hasn't already been removed and added to a different builder. if ( cellView.model.get( 'widgets' ).get( widget.model ) ) { cellView.row.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_moved' ); // Move the model and the view to the new cell widget.model.moveToCell( targetCell.model, {}, $$.index() ); widget.cell = targetCell; builderModel.refreshPanelsData(); } }, helper: function ( e, el ) { var helper = el.clone() .css( { 'width': el.outerWidth() + 'px', 'z-index': 10000, 'position': 'fixed' } ) .addClass( 'widget-being-dragged' ).appendTo( 'body' ); // Center the helper to the mouse cursor. if ( el.outerWidth() > 720 ) { helper.animate( { 'margin-left': e.pageX - el.offset().left - ( 480 / 2 ), 'width': 480 }, 'fast' ); } return helper; } } ); return this; }, /** * Refresh the widget sortable when a new widget is added */ refreshSortable: function () { if ( ! _.isNull( this.widgetSortable ) ) { this.widgetSortable.sortable( 'refresh' ); } }, /** * This will make the cell resizble */ initResizable: function () { if( ! this.row.builder.supports( 'editRow' ) ) { return this; } // var neighbor = this.$el.previous().data('view'); var handle = this.$( '.resize-handle' ).css( 'position', 'absolute' ); var container = this.row.$el; var cellView = this; // The view of the cell to the left is stored when dragging starts. var previousCell; handle.draggable( { axis: 'x', containment: container, start: function ( e, ui ) { // Set the containment to the cell parent previousCell = cellView.$el.prev().data( 'view' ); if ( _.isUndefined( previousCell ) ) { return; } // Create the clone for the current cell var newCellClone = cellView.$el.clone().appendTo( ui.helper ).css( { position: 'absolute', top: '0', width: cellView.$el.outerWidth(), left: 5, height: cellView.$el.outerHeight() } ); newCellClone.find( '.resize-handle' ).remove(); // Create the clone for the previous cell var prevCellClone = previousCell.$el.clone().appendTo( ui.helper ).css( { position: 'absolute', top: '0', width: previousCell.$el.outerWidth() + 'px', right: 5, height: previousCell.$el.outerHeight() + 'px', } ); prevCellClone.find( '.resize-handle' ).remove(); $( this ).data( { 'newCellClone': newCellClone, 'prevCellClone': prevCellClone } ); }, drag: function ( e, ui ) { // Calculate the new cell and previous cell widths as a percent var containerWidth = cellView.row.$el.width() + 10; var ncw = cellView.model.get( 'weight' ) - ( ( ui.position.left + handle.outerWidth() / 2 ) / containerWidth ); var pcw = previousCell.model.get( 'weight' ) + ( ( ui.position.left + handle.outerWidth() / 2 ) / containerWidth ); $( this ).data( 'newCellClone' ).css( 'width', containerWidth * ncw + 'px' ) .find( '.preview-cell-weight' ).html( Math.round( ncw * 1000 ) / 10 ); $( this ).data( 'prevCellClone' ).css( 'width', containerWidth * pcw + 'px' ) .find( '.preview-cell-weight' ).html( Math.round( pcw * 1000 ) / 10 ); }, stop: function ( e, ui ) { // Remove the clones $( this ).data( 'newCellClone' ).remove(); $( this ).data( 'prevCellClone' ).remove(); var containerWidth = cellView.row.$el.width() + 10; var ncw = cellView.model.get( 'weight' ) - ( ( ui.position.left + handle.outerWidth() / 2 ) / containerWidth ); var pcw = previousCell.model.get( 'weight' ) + ( ( ui.position.left + handle.outerWidth() / 2 ) / containerWidth ); if ( ncw > 0.02 && pcw > 0.02 ) { cellView.row.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'cell_resized' ); cellView.model.set( 'weight', ncw ); previousCell.model.set( 'weight', pcw ); cellView.row.resizeRow(); } ui.helper.css( 'left', - handle.outerWidth() / 2 + 'px' ); // Refresh the panels data cellView.row.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); } } ); return this; }, /** * This is triggered when ever a widget is added to the row collection. * * @param widget */ onAddWidget: function ( widget, collection, options ) { options = _.extend( {noAnimate: false}, options ); // Create the view for the widget var view = new panels.view.widget( { model: widget } ); view.cell = this; if ( _.isUndefined( widget.isDuplicate ) ) { widget.isDuplicate = false; } // Render and load the form if this is a duplicate view.render( { 'loadForm': widget.isDuplicate } ); if ( _.isUndefined( ) || collection.length <= 1 ) { // Insert this at the end of the widgets container view.$el.appendTo( this.$( '.widgets-container' ) ); } else { // We need to insert this at a specific position view.$el.insertAfter( this.$( '.widgets-container .so-widget' ).eq( - 1 ) ); } if ( options.noAnimate === false ) { // We need an animation view.visualCreate(); } this.refreshSortable(); this.row.resizeRow(); this.row.builder.trigger( 'widget_added', view ); }, /** * Handle this cell being clicked on * * @param e * @returns {boolean} */ handleCellClick: function ( e ) { // Remove all existing selected cell indication for this builder this.row.builder.$el.find( '.so-cells .cell' ).removeClass( 'cell-selected' ); if( this.row.builder.activeCell === this && ! this.model.get('widgets').length ) { // This is a click on an empty cell this.row.builder.activeCell = null; } else { this.$el.addClass( 'cell-selected' ); this.row.builder.activeCell = this; } }, /** * Insert a widget from the clipboard */ pasteHandler: function(){ var pastedModel = panels.helpers.clipboard.getModel( 'widget-model' ); if( ! _.isEmpty( pastedModel ) && pastedModel instanceof panels.model.widget ) { this.row.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_pasted' ); pastedModel.cell = this.model; this.model.get('widgets').add( pastedModel ); this.row.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); } }, /** * Build up the contextual menu for a cell * * @param e * @param menu */ buildContextualMenu: function ( e, menu ) { var thisView = this; if( ! menu.hasSection( 'add-widget-below' ) ) { menu.addSection( 'add-widget-cell', { sectionTitle: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.add_widget_cell, searchPlaceholder: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.search_widgets, defaultDisplay: panelsOptions.contextual.default_widgets }, panelsOptions.widgets, function ( c ) { thisView.row.builder.trigger('before_user_adds_widget') thisView.row.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_added' ); var widget = new panels.model.widget( { class: c } ); // Add the widget to the cell model widget.cell = thisView.model; widget.cell.get('widgets').add( widget ); thisView.row.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); thisView.row.builder.trigger('after_user_adds_widget', widget); } ); } var actions = {}; if ( this.row.builder.supports('addWidget') && panels.helpers.clipboard.isModel( 'widget-model' ) ) { actions.paste = {title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.cell_paste_widget}; } if( ! _.isEmpty( actions ) ) { menu.addSection( 'cell-actions', { sectionTitle: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.cell_actions, search: false, }, actions, function ( c ) { switch ( c ) { case 'paste': this.pasteHandler(); break; } this.row.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); }.bind( this ) ); } // Add the contextual menu for the parent row this.row.buildContextualMenu( e, menu ); } } ); },{}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { dialogTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog' ).html() ) ), dialogTabTemplate: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-dialog-tab' ).html() ) ), tabbed: false, rendered: false, builder: false, className: 'so-panels-dialog-wrapper', dialogClass: '', dialogIcon: 'add-widget', parentDialog: false, dialogOpen: false, editableLabel: false, events: { 'click .so-close': 'closeDialog', 'keyup .so-close': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click': 'navToPrevious', 'keyup': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, 'click': 'navToNext', 'keyup': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, }, initialize: function () { // The first time this dialog is opened, render it this.once( 'open_dialog', this.render ); this.once( 'open_dialog', this.attach ); this.once( 'open_dialog', this.setDialogClass ); this.trigger( 'initialize_dialog', this ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.initializeDialog ) ) { this.initializeDialog(); } _.bindAll( this, 'initSidebars', 'hasSidebar', 'onResize', 'toggleLeftSideBar', 'toggleRightSideBar' ); }, /** * Returns the next dialog in the sequence. Should be overwritten by a child dialog. * @returns {null} */ getNextDialog: function () { return null; }, /** * Returns the previous dialog in this sequence. Should be overwritten by child dialog. * @returns {null} */ getPrevDialog: function () { return null; }, /** * Adds a dialog class to uniquely identify this dialog type */ setDialogClass: function () { if ( this.dialogClass !== '' ) { this.$( '.so-panels-dialog' ).addClass( this.dialogClass ); } }, /** * Set the builder that controls this dialog. * @param {panels.view.builder} builder */ setBuilder: function ( builder ) { this.builder = builder; // Trigger an add dialog event on the builder so it can modify the dialog in any way builder.trigger( 'add_dialog', this, this.builder ); return this; }, /** * Attach the dialog to the window */ attach: function () { this.$el.appendTo( 'body' ); return this; }, /** * Converts an HTML representation of the dialog into arguments for a dialog box * @param html HTML for the dialog * @param args Arguments passed to the template * @returns {} */ parseDialogContent: function ( html, args ) { // Add a CID args = _.extend( {cid: this.cid}, args ); var c = $( ( _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( html ) ) )( args ) ); var r = { title: c.find( '.title' ).html(), buttons: c.find( '.buttons' ).html(), content: c.find( '.content' ).html() }; if ( c.has( '.left-sidebar' ) ) { r.left_sidebar = c.find( '.left-sidebar' ).html(); } if ( c.has( '.right-sidebar' ) ) { r.right_sidebar = c.find( '.right-sidebar' ).html(); } return r; }, /** * Render the dialog and initialize the tabs * * @param attributes * @returns {panels.view.dialog} */ renderDialog: function ( attributes ) { attributes = _.extend( { editableLabel: this.editableLabel, dialogIcon: this.dialogIcon, }, attributes ); this.$el.html( this.dialogTemplate( attributes ) ).hide(); this.$ 'view', this ); this.$el.addClass( 'so-panels-dialog-wrapper' ); if ( this.parentDialog !== false ) { // Add a link to the parent dialog as a sort of crumbtrail. var dialogParent = $( '<h3 class="so-parent-link"></h3>' ).html( this.parentDialog.text + '<div class="so-separator"></div>' ); dialogParent.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); this.closeDialog(); this.parentDialog.dialog.openDialog(); }.bind(this) ); this.$( '.so-title-bar .so-title' ).before( dialogParent ); } if( this.$( '.so-title-bar .so-title-editable' ).length ) { // Added here because .so-edit-title is only available after the template has been rendered. this.initEditableLabel(); } setTimeout( this.initSidebars, 1 ); return this; }, initSidebars: function () { var $leftButton = this.$( '.so-show-left-sidebar' ).hide(); var $rightButton = this.$( '.so-show-right-sidebar' ).hide(); var hasLeftSidebar = this.hasSidebar( 'left' ); var hasRightSidebar = this.hasSidebar( 'right' ); // Set up resize handling if ( hasLeftSidebar || hasRightSidebar ) { $( window ).on( 'resize', this.onResize ); if ( hasLeftSidebar ) { $; $leftButton.on( 'click', this.toggleLeftSideBar ); } if ( hasRightSidebar ) { $; $rightButton.on( 'click', this.toggleRightSideBar ); } } this.onResize(); }, /** * Initialize the sidebar tabs */ initTabs: function () { var tabs = this.$( '.so-sidebar-tabs li a' ); if ( tabs.length === 0 ) { return this; } var thisDialog = this; tabs.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $$ = $( this ); thisDialog.$( '.so-sidebar-tabs li' ).removeClass( 'tab-active' ); thisDialog.$( '.so-content .so-content-tabs > *' ).hide(); $$.parent().addClass( 'tab-active' ); var url = $$.attr( 'href' ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( url ) && url.charAt( 0 ) === '#' ) { // Display the new tab var tabName = url.split( '#' )[1]; thisDialog.$( '.so-content .so-content-tabs .tab-' + tabName ).show(); } // This lets other dialogs implement their own custom handlers thisDialog.trigger( 'tab_click', $$ ); } ); // Trigger a click on the first tab this.$( '.so-sidebar-tabs li a' ).first().trigger( 'click' ); return this; }, initToolbar: function () { // Trigger simplified click event for elements marked as toolbar buttons. var buttons = this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-buttons .so-toolbar-button' ); buttons.on( 'click keyup', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( e.type == 'keyup' && e.which != 13 ) { return; } this.trigger( 'button_click', $( e.currentTarget ) ); }.bind( this ) ); // Handle showing and hiding the dropdown list items var $dropdowns = this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-buttons .so-dropdown-button' ); $dropdowns.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $dropdownButton = $( e.currentTarget ); var $dropdownList = $dropdownButton.siblings( '.so-dropdown-links-wrapper' ); if ( $ '.hidden' ) ) { $dropdownList.removeClass( 'hidden' ); } else { $dropdownList.addClass( 'hidden' ); } }.bind( this ) ); // Hide dropdown list on click anywhere, unless it's a dropdown option which requires confirmation in it's // unconfirmed state. $( 'html' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { this.$( '.so-dropdown-links-wrapper' ).not( '.hidden' ).each( function ( index, el ) { var $dropdownList = $( el ); var $trgt = $( ); if ( $trgt.length === 0 || !( ( $'.so-needs-confirm') && !$'.so-confirmed') ) || $'.so-dropdown-button') ) ) { $dropdownList.addClass('hidden'); } } ); }.bind( this ) ); }, /** * Initialize the editable dialog title */ initEditableLabel: function(){ var $editElt = this.$( '.so-title-bar .so-title-editable' ); $editElt.on( 'keypress', function ( event ) { var enterPressed = event.type === 'keypress' && event.keyCode === 13; if ( enterPressed ) { // Need to make sure tab focus is on another element, otherwise pressing enter multiple times refocuses // the element and allows newlines. var tabbables = $( ':tabbable' ); var curTabIndex = tabbables.index( $editElt ); tabbables.eq( curTabIndex + 1 ).trigger( 'focus' ); // After the above, we're somehow left with the first letter of text selected, // so this removes the selection. window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } return ! enterPressed; } ) .on( 'blur', function () { var newValue = $editElt.text().replace( /^\s+|\s+$/gm, '' ); var oldValue = $ 'original-value' ).replace( /^\s+|\s+$/gm, '' ); if ( newValue !== oldValue ) { $editElt.text( newValue ); this.trigger( 'edit_label', newValue ); } }.bind( this ) ) .on( 'focus', function() { $ 'original-value', $editElt.text() ); panels.helpers.utils.selectElementContents( this ); } ); }, /** * Quickly setup the dialog by opening and closing it. */ setupDialog: function () { this.openDialog(); this.closeDialog(); }, /** * Refresh the next and previous buttons. */ refreshDialogNav: function () { this.$( '.so-title-bar .so-nav' ).show().removeClass( 'so-disabled' ); // Lets also hide the next and previous if we don't have a next and previous dialog var nextDialog = this.getNextDialog(); var nextButton = this.$( '.so-title-bar .so-next' ); var prevDialog = this.getPrevDialog(); var prevButton = this.$( '.so-title-bar .so-previous' ); if ( nextDialog === null ) { nextButton.hide(); } else if ( nextDialog === false ) { nextButton.addClass( 'so-disabled' ); nextButton.attr( 'tabindex', -1 ); } else { nextButton.attr( 'tabindex', 0 ); } if ( prevDialog === null ) { prevButton.hide(); } else if ( prevDialog === false ) { prevButton.addClass( 'so-disabled' ); prevButton.attr( 'tabindex', -1 ); } else { prevButton.attr( 'tabindex', 0 ); } }, /** * Open the dialog */ openDialog: function ( options ) { options = _.extend( { silent: false }, options ); if ( ! options.silent ) { this.trigger( 'open_dialog' ); } this.dialogOpen = true; this.refreshDialogNav(); // Stop scrolling for the main body panels.helpers.pageScroll.lock(); this.onResize(); if ( typeof window.panelsMode == 'string' ) { if ( window.panelsMode == 'inline' ) { this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-close, .so-toolbar .so-save' ).hide(); this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-saveinline' ).show().addClass( 'so-active-mode' ); } else { this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-saveinline' ).hide(); this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-close, .so-toolbar .so-save' ).show().addClass( 'so-active-mode' ); } } this.$; if ( ! options.silent ) { // This triggers once everything is visible this.trigger( 'open_dialog_complete' ); this.builder.trigger( 'open_dialog', this ); $( document ).trigger( 'open_dialog', this ); } }, /** * Close the dialog * * @param e * @returns {boolean} */ closeDialog: function ( options ) { options = _.extend( { silent: false }, options ); // Allow for external field validation when attempting to close a widget. if ( typeof this.widgetView == 'object' ) { var values = this.getFormValues(); if ( typeof values.widgets == 'object' ) { validSave = $( document ).triggerHandler( 'close_dialog_validation', [ // Widget values. values.widgets[ this.model.cid ], // Widget Class this.model.attributes.class, // Model instance - used for finding field markup. this.model.cid, // Instance. this ] ); } if ( typeof validSave == 'boolean' && ! validSave ) { return false; } } if ( ! options.silent ) { this.trigger( 'close_dialog' ); } this.dialogOpen = false; this.$el.hide(); panels.helpers.pageScroll.unlock(); if ( ! options.silent ) { // This triggers once everything is hidden this.trigger( 'close_dialog_complete' ); this.builder.trigger( 'close_dialog', this ); } }, /** * Navigate to the previous dialog */ navToPrevious: function () { this.closeDialog(); var prev = this.getPrevDialog(); if ( prev !== null && prev !== false ) { prev.openDialog(); } }, /** * Navigate to the next dialog */ navToNext: function () { this.closeDialog(); var next = this.getNextDialog(); if ( next !== null && next !== false ) { next.openDialog(); } }, /** * Get the values from the form and convert them into a data array */ getFormValues: function ( formSelector ) { if ( _.isUndefined( formSelector ) ) { formSelector = '.so-content'; } var $f = this.$( formSelector ); var data = {}, parts; // Find all the named fields in the form $f.find( '[name]' ).each( function () { var $$ = $( this ); try { var name = /([A-Za-z_]+)\[(.*)\]/.exec( $$.attr( 'name' ) ); if ( _.isEmpty( name ) ) { return true; } // Create an array with the parts of the name if ( _.isUndefined( name[2] ) ) { parts = $$.attr( 'name' ); } else { parts = name[2].split( '][' ); parts.unshift( name[1] ); } parts = function ( e ) { if ( ! isNaN( parseFloat( e ) ) && isFinite( e ) ) { return parseInt( e ); } else { return e; } } ); var sub = data; var fieldValue = null; var fieldType = ( _.isString( $$.attr( 'type' ) ) ? $$.attr( 'type' ).toLowerCase() : false ); // First we need to get the value from the field if ( fieldType === 'checkbox' ) { if ( $$.is( ':checked' ) ) { fieldValue = $$.val() !== '' ? $$.val() : true; } else { fieldValue = null; } } else if ( fieldType === 'radio' ) { if ( $$.is( ':checked' ) ) { fieldValue = $$.val(); } else { //skip over unchecked radios return; } } else if ( $$.prop( 'tagName' ) === 'SELECT' ) { var selected = $$.find( 'option:selected' ); if ( selected.length === 1 ) { fieldValue = $$.find( 'option:selected' ).val(); } else if ( selected.length > 1 ) { // This is a mutli-select field fieldValue = $$.find( 'option:selected' ), function ( n, i ) { return $( n ).val(); } ); } } else { // This is a fallback that will work for most fields fieldValue = $$.val(); } // Now, we need to filter this value if necessary if ( ! _.isUndefined( $$.data( 'panels-filter' ) ) ) { switch ( $$.data( 'panels-filter' ) ) { case 'json_parse': // Attempt to parse the JSON value of this field try { fieldValue = JSON.parse( fieldValue ); } catch ( err ) { fieldValue = ''; } break; } } // Is this field an ACF Repeater? if ( $$.parents( '.acf-repeater' ).length || $$.parents( '.acf-field-checkbox' ).length || $$.parents( '.acf-gallery' ).length ) { // If field is empty, skip it - this is to avoid indexes which are admin only. if ( fieldValue == '' ) { return; } // Ensure only the standard PB fields are set up. // This allows for the rest of the ACF fields to be handled // as objects rather than an array. parts.slice( parts[2], parts.length ); } // Now convert this into an array if ( fieldValue !== null ) { for ( var i = 0; i < parts.length; i ++ ) { if ( i === parts.length - 1 ) { if ( parts[i] === '' ) { // This needs to be an array sub.push( fieldValue ); } else { sub[parts[i]] = fieldValue; } } else { if ( _.isUndefined( sub[parts[i]] ) ) { if ( parts[i + 1] === '' ) { sub[parts[i]] = []; } else { sub[parts[i]] = {}; } } sub = sub[parts[i]]; } } } } catch ( error ) { // Ignore this error, just log the message for debugging console.log( 'Field [' + $$.attr('name') + '] could not be processed and was skipped - ' + error.message ); } } ); // End of each through input fields return data; }, /** * Set a status message for the dialog */ setStatusMessage: function ( message, loading, error ) { var msg = error ? '<span class="dashicons dashicons-warning"></span>' + message : message; this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-status' ).html( msg ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( loading ) && loading ) { this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-status' ).addClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); } else { this.$( '.so-toolbar .so-status' ).removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); } }, /** * Set the parent after. */ setParent: function ( text, dialog ) { this.parentDialog = { text: text, dialog: dialog }; }, onResize: function () { var mediaQuery = window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 980px)' ); var sides = [ 'left', 'right' ]; sides.forEach( function ( side ) { var $sideBar = this.$( '.so-' + side + '-sidebar' ); var $showSideBarButton = this.$( '.so-show-' + side + '-sidebar' ); if ( this.hasSidebar( side ) ) { $showSideBarButton.hide(); if ( mediaQuery.matches ) { $; $showSideBarButton.closest( '.so-title-bar' ).addClass( 'so-has-' + side + '-button' ); $sideBar.hide(); $sideBar.closest( '.so-panels-dialog' ).removeClass( 'so-panels-dialog-has-' + side + '-sidebar' ); } else { $showSideBarButton.hide(); $showSideBarButton.closest( '.so-title-bar' ).removeClass( 'so-has-' + side + '-button' ); $; $sideBar.closest( '.so-panels-dialog' ).addClass( 'so-panels-dialog-has-' + side + '-sidebar' ); } } else { $sideBar.hide(); $showSideBarButton.hide(); } }.bind( this ) ); }, hasSidebar: function ( side ) { return this.$( '.so-' + side + '-sidebar' ).children().length > 0; }, toggleLeftSideBar: function () { this.toggleSidebar( 'left' ); }, toggleRightSideBar: function () { this.toggleSidebar( 'right' ); }, toggleSidebar: function ( side ) { var sidebar = this.$( '.so-' + side + '-sidebar' ); if ( ':visible' ) ) { sidebar.hide(); } else {; } }, } ); },{}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { template: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-live-editor' ).html() ) ), previewScrollTop: 0, loadTimes: [], previewFrameId: 1, previewUrl: null, previewIframe: null, events: { 'click .live-editor-close': 'close', 'click .live-editor-save': 'closeAndSave', 'click .live-editor-collapse': 'collapse', 'click .live-editor-mode': 'mobileToggle', 'keyup .live-editor-mode': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, }, initialize: function ( options ) { options = _.extend( { builder: false, previewUrl: false, }, options ); if( _.isEmpty( options.previewUrl ) ) { options.previewUrl = panelsOptions.ajaxurl + "&action=so_panels_live_editor_preview"; } this.builder = options.builder; this.previewUrl = options.previewUrl; this.listenTo( this.builder.model, 'refresh_panels_data', this.handleRefreshData ); this.listenTo( this.builder.model, 'load_panels_data', this.handleLoadData ); }, /** * Render the live editor */ render: function () { this.setElement( this.template() ); this.$el.hide(); if ( $( '#submitdiv #save-post' ).length > 0 ) { var $saveButton = this.$el.find( '.live-editor-save' ); $saveButton.text( $ 'save' ) ); } var isMouseDown = false; $( document ) .on( 'mousedown', function() { isMouseDown = true; } ) .on( 'mouseup', function() { isMouseDown = false; } ); // Handle highlighting the relevant widget in the live editor preview var liveEditorView = this; this.$el.on( 'mouseenter focusin', '.so-widget', function () { var $$ = $( this ), previewWidget = $$.data( 'live-editor-preview-widget' ); if ( ! isMouseDown && previewWidget !== undefined && previewWidget.length && ! liveEditorView.$( '.so-preview-overlay' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { liveEditorView.highlightElement( previewWidget ); liveEditorView.scrollToElement( previewWidget ); } } ); this.$el.on( 'mouseleave focusout', '.so-widget', function () { this.resetHighlights(); }.bind(this) ); this.listenTo( this.builder, 'open_dialog', function () { this.resetHighlights(); } ); return this; }, /** * Attach the live editor to the document */ attach: function () { this.$el.appendTo( 'body' ); }, /** * Display the live editor */ open: function () { if ( this.$el.html() === '' ) { this.render(); } if ( this.$el.closest( 'body' ).length === 0 ) { this.attach(); } // Disable page scrolling panels.helpers.pageScroll.lock(); if ( this.$ ':visible' ) ) { return this; } // Refresh the preview display this.$; this.refreshPreview( this.builder.model.getPanelsData() ); $( '.live-editor-close' ).trigger( 'focus' ); // Move the builder view into the Live Editor this.originalContainer = this.builder.$el.parent(); this.builder.$el.appendTo( this.$( '.so-live-editor-builder' ) ); this.builder.$( '' ).hide(); this.builder.trigger( 'builder_resize' ); if( $('#original_post_status' ).val() === 'auto-draft' && ! this.autoSaved ) { // The live editor requires a saved draft post, so we'll create one for auto-draft posts var thisView = this; if ( wp.autosave ) { // Set a temporary post title so the autosave triggers properly if( $('#title[name="post_title"]' ).val() === '' ) { $('#title[name="post_title"]' ).val( panelsOptions.loc.draft ).trigger('keydown'); } $( document ).one( 'heartbeat-tick.autosave', function(){ thisView.autoSaved = true; thisView.refreshPreview( thisView.builder.model.getPanelsData() ); } ); wp.autosave.server.triggerSave(); } } }, /** * Close the Live Editor */ close: function ( closeAfter = true ) { if ( ! this.$ ':visible' ) ) { return this; } if ( closeAfter && this.builder.config.liveEditorCloseAfter ) { // Live Editor is set to be closed upon saving the page. // This is done using a trigger rather than a redirect to confirm if // the user wants to save. $( '#wp-admin-bar-view a' )[0].click(); // JS click. return this; } this.$el.hide(); panels.helpers.pageScroll.unlock(); // Move the builder back to its original container this.builder.$el.appendTo( this.originalContainer ); this.builder.$( '' ).show(); this.builder.trigger( 'builder_resize' ); }, /** * Close the Live Editor and save the post. */ closeAndSave: function(){ this.close( false ); // Finds the submit input for saving without publishing draft posts. $( '#submitdiv input[type="submit"][name="save"], .editor-post-publish-button, .edit-widgets-header__actions .is-primary' )[0].click(); }, /** * Collapse the live editor */ collapse: function () { this.$el.toggleClass( 'so-collapsed' ); }, /** * Create an overlay in the preview. * * @param over * @return {*|Object} The item we're hovering over. */ highlightElement: function ( over ) { if( ! _.isUndefined( this.resetHighlightTimeout ) ) { clearTimeout( this.resetHighlightTimeout ); } // Remove any old overlays var body = this.previewIframe.contents().find( 'body' ); body.find( '.panel-grid .panel-grid-cell .so-panel' ) .filter( function () { // Filter to only include non nested return $( this ).parents( '.so-panel' ).length === 0; } ) .not( over ) .addClass( 'so-panels-faded' ); over.removeClass( 'so-panels-faded' ).addClass( 'so-panels-highlighted' ); }, /** * Reset highlights in the live preview */ resetHighlights: function() { var body = this.previewIframe.contents().find( 'body' ); this.resetHighlightTimeout = setTimeout( function(){ body.find( '.panel-grid .panel-grid-cell .so-panel' ) .removeClass( 'so-panels-faded so-panels-highlighted' ); }, 100 ); }, /** * Scroll over an element in the live preview * @param over */ scrollToElement: function( over ) { var contentWindow = this.$( '.so-preview iframe' )[0].contentWindow; contentWindow.liveEditorScrollTo( over ); }, handleRefreshData: function ( newData ) { if ( ! this.$ ':visible' ) ) { return this; } this.refreshPreview( newData ); }, handleLoadData: function () { if ( ! this.$ ':visible' ) ) { return this; } this.refreshPreview( this.builder.model.getPanelsData() ); }, /** * Refresh the Live Editor preview. * @returns {exports} */ refreshPreview: function ( data ) { var loadTimePrediction = this.loadTimes.length ? _.reduce( this.loadTimes, function ( memo, num ) { return memo + num; }, 0 ) / this.loadTimes.length : 1000; // Store the last preview iframe position if( ! _.isNull( this.previewIframe ) ) { if ( ! this.$( '.so-preview-overlay' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { this.previewScrollTop = this.previewIframe.contents().scrollTop(); } } // Add a loading bar this.$( '.so-preview-overlay' ).show(); this.$( '.so-preview-overlay .so-loading-bar' ) .clearQueue() .css( 'width', '0%' ) .animate( {width: '100%'}, parseInt( loadTimePrediction ) + 100 ); this.postToIframe( { live_editor_panels_data: JSON.stringify( data ), live_editor_post_ID: this.builder.config.postId }, this.previewUrl, this.$('.so-preview') ); 'load-start', new Date().getTime() ); }, /** * Use a temporary form to post data to an iframe. * * @param data The data to send * @param url The preview URL * @param target The target iframe */ postToIframe: function( data, url, target ){ // Store the old preview if( ! _.isNull( this.previewIframe ) ) { this.previewIframe.remove(); } var iframeId = 'siteorigin-panels-live-preview-' + this.previewFrameId; // Remove the old preview frame this.previewIframe = $( '<iframe src="' + url + '"></iframe>' ) .attr( { 'id' : iframeId, 'name' : iframeId, } ) .appendTo( target ); this.setupPreviewFrame( this.previewIframe ); // We can use a normal POST form submit var tempForm = $( '<form id="soPostToPreviewFrame" method="post"></form>' ) .attr( { id: iframeId, target: this.previewIframe.attr('id'), action: url } ) .appendTo( 'body' ); $.each( data, function( name, value ){ $('<input type="hidden" />') .attr( { name: name, value: value } ) .appendTo( tempForm ); } ); tempForm .trigger( 'submit' ) .remove(); this.previewFrameId++; return this.previewIframe; }, /** * Do all the basic setup for the preview Iframe element * @param iframe */ setupPreviewFrame: function( iframe ){ var thisView = this; iframe .data( 'iframeready', false ) .on( 'iframeready', function () { var $$ = $( this ), $iframeContents = $$.contents(); if( $$.data( 'iframeready' ) ) { // Skip this if the iframeready function has already run return; } $$.data( 'iframeready', true ); if ( $$.data( 'load-start' ) !== undefined ) { thisView.loadTimes.unshift( new Date().getTime() - $$.data( 'load-start' ) ); if ( ! _.isEmpty( thisView.loadTimes ) ) { thisView.loadTimes = thisView.loadTimes.slice( 0, 4 ); } } if ( $( '' ).length ) { $( '.so-panels-live-editor .so-preview iframe' ).css( 'transition', 'none' ); thisView.mobileToggle(); } setTimeout( function(){ // Scroll to the correct position $iframeContents.scrollTop( thisView.previewScrollTop ); thisView.$( '.so-preview-overlay' ).hide(); $( '.so-panels-live-editor .so-preview iframe' ).css( 'transition', 'all .2s ease' ); }, 100 ); // Lets find all the first level grids. This is to account for the Page Builder layout widget. var layoutWrapper = $iframeContents.find( '#pl-' + thisView.builder.config.postId ); layoutWrapper.find( '.panel-grid .panel-grid-cell .so-panel' ) .filter( function () { // Filter to only include non nested return $( this ).closest( '.panel-layout' ).is( layoutWrapper ); } ) .each( function ( i, el ) { var $$ = $( el ); var widgetEdit = thisView.$( '.so-live-editor-builder .so-widget' ).eq( $$.data( 'index' ) ); 'live-editor-preview-widget', $$ ); $$ .css( { 'cursor': 'pointer' } ) .on( 'mouseenter', function() { widgetEdit.parent().addClass( 'so-hovered' ); thisView.highlightElement( $$ ); } ) .on( 'mouseleave', function() { widgetEdit.parent().removeClass( 'so-hovered' ); thisView.resetHighlights(); } ) .on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // When we click a widget, send that click to the form widgetEdit.find( '.title h4' ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); } ); // Prevent default clicks inside the preview iframe $iframeContents.find( "a" ).css( {'pointer-events': 'none'} ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } ); } ) .on( 'load', function(){ var $$ = $( this ); if( ! $$.data( 'iframeready' ) ) { $$.trigger('iframeready'); } } ); }, /** * Return true if the live editor has a valid preview URL. * @return {boolean} */ hasPreviewUrl: function () { return this.$( '' ).attr( 'action' ) !== ''; }, /** * Toggle the size of the preview iframe to simulate mobile devices. * @param e */ mobileToggle: function( e ){ var button = typeof e !== "undefined" ? $( e.currentTarget ) : $( '' ); this.$('.live-editor-mode' ).not( button ).removeClass('so-active'); button.addClass( 'so-active' ); this.$el .removeClass( 'live-editor-desktop-mode live-editor-tablet-mode live-editor-mobile-mode' ) .addClass( 'live-editor-' + 'mode' ) + '-mode' ) .find( 'iframe' ).css( 'width', 'width' ) ); } } ); },{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { template: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-builder-row' ).html() ) ), events: { 'click .so-row-settings': 'editSettingsHandler', 'click .so-row-duplicate': 'duplicateHandler', 'click .so-row-delete': 'confirmedDeleteHandler', 'click .so-row-color': 'rowColorChangeHandler', }, builder: null, dialog: null, /** * Initialize the row view */ initialize: function () { var rowCells = this.model.get('cells'); this.listenTo(rowCells, 'add', this.handleCellAdd ); this.listenTo(rowCells, 'remove', this.handleCellRemove ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'reweight_cells', this.resizeRow ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'destroy', this.onModelDestroy ); var thisView = this; rowCells.each( function ( cell ) { thisView.listenTo( cell.get('widgets'), 'add', thisView.resize ); } ); // When ever a new cell is added, listen to it for new widgets rowCells.on( 'add', function ( cell ) { thisView.listenTo( cell.get('widgets'), 'add', thisView.resize ); }, this ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:label', this.onLabelChange ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:styles-row ', this.toggleVisibilityFade ); }, /** * Render the row. * * @returns {panels.view.row} */ render: function () { var rowColorLabel = this.model.has( 'color_label' ) ? this.model.get( 'color_label' ) : panelsOptions.row_color.default; var rowLabel = this.model.has( 'label' ) ? this.model.get( 'label' ) : ''; // Migrate legacy row color labels. if ( typeof rowColorLabel == 'number' && typeof panelsOptions.row_color.migrations[ rowColorLabel ] == 'string' ) { this.$el.removeClass( 'so-row-color-' + rowColorLabel ); rowColorLabel = panelsOptions.row_color.migrations[ rowColorLabel ]; this.$el.addClass( 'so-row-color-' + rowColorLabel ); this.model.set( 'color_label', rowColorLabel ); } this.setElement( this.template( { rowColorLabel: rowColorLabel, rowLabel: rowLabel } ) ); this.$ 'view', this ); // Create views for the cells in this row var thisView = this; this.model.get('cells').each( function ( cell ) { var cellView = new panels.view.cell( { model: cell } ); cellView.row = thisView; cellView.render(); cellView.$el.appendTo( thisView.$( '.so-cells' ) ); } ); // Remove any unsupported actions if( ! this.builder.supports( 'rowAction' ) ) { this.$('.so-row-toolbar .so-dropdown-wrapper' ).remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-row-no-actions'); } else { if( ! this.builder.supports( 'editRow' ) ) { this.$('.so-row-toolbar .so-dropdown-links-wrapper .so-row-settings' ).parent().remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-row-no-edit'); } if( ! this.builder.supports( 'addRow' ) ) { this.$('.so-row-toolbar .so-dropdown-links-wrapper .so-row-duplicate' ).parent().remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-row-no-duplicate'); } if( ! this.builder.supports( 'deleteRow' ) ) { this.$('.so-row-toolbar .so-dropdown-links-wrapper .so-row-delete' ).parent().remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-row-no-delete'); } } if( ! this.builder.supports( 'moveRow' ) ) { this.$('.so-row-toolbar .so-row-move' ).remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-row-no-move'); } if ( ! this.$('.so-row-toolbar').html().trim().length ) { this.$('.so-row-toolbar' ).remove(); } this.toggleVisibilityFade(); // Resize the rows when ever the widget sortable moves this.listenTo( this.builder, 'widget_sortable_move', this.resizeRow ); this.listenTo( this.builder, 'builder_resize', this.resizeRow ); this.resizeRow(); return this; }, checkIfStyleExists: function( styles, setting ) { return typeof styles[ setting ] !== 'undefined' && styles[ setting ] == 'on'; }, /** * Toggle Visibility: Check if row is hidden and apply fade as needed. */ toggleVisibilityFade: function() { var styles =; if ( typeof styles == 'undefined' ) { return; } if ( this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_row' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_desktop' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_tablet' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_mobile' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_logged_in' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_logged_out' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'so-hidden-row' ); } else { this.$el.removeClass( 'so-hidden-row' ); } }, /** * Give a visual indication of the creation of this row */ visualCreate: function () { this.$el.hide().fadeIn( 'fast' ); }, /** * Visually resize the row so that all cell heights are the same and the widths so that they balance to 100% * * @param e */ resizeRow: function( e ) { // Don't resize this if ( ! this.$ ':visible' ) ) { return; } // Reset everything to have an automatic height this.$( '.so-cells .cell-wrapper' ).css( 'min-height', 0 ); this.$( '.so-cells .resize-handle' ).css( 'height', 0 ); this.$( '.so-cells' ).removeClass( 'so-action-icons' ); // We'll tie the values to the row view, to prevent issue with values going to different rows var height = 0, cellWidth = 0, iconsShown = false, cell; this.$( '.so-cells .cell' ).each( function () { cell = $( this ); $( this ).css( 'width', ( 'view' ).model.get( 'weight' ) * 100) + "%" ); cellWidth = cell.width(); // Ensure this widget is large enough to allow for actions to appear. if ( cellWidth < 215 ) { cell.addClass( 'so-show-icon' ); iconsShown = true; if ( cellWidth < 125 ) { cell.addClass( 'so-small-actions' ); } else { cell.removeClass( 'so-small-actions' ); } } else { cell.removeClass( 'so-show-icon so-small-actions' ); } // Store cell height. This is used to determine the max height of cells. height = Math.max( height, cell.height() ); } ); // Resize all the grids and cell wrappers this.$( '.so-cells .cell-wrapper' ).css( 'min-height', Math.max( height, 63 ) + 'px' ); // If action icons are visible in any cell, give the container a special class. if ( iconsShown ) { this.$( '.so-cells' ).addClass( 'so-action-icons' ); } this.$( '.so-cells .resize-handle' ).css( 'height', this.$( '.so-cells .cell-wrapper' ).outerHeight() + 'px' ); }, /** * Remove the view from the dom. */ onModelDestroy: function () { this.remove(); }, /** * Fade out the view and destroy the model */ visualDestroyModel: function () { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'row_deleted' ); var thisView = this; this.$el.fadeOut( 'normal', function () { thisView.model.destroy(); thisView.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); } ); }, onLabelChange: function( model, text ) { if ( this.$('.so-row-label').length == 0 ) { this.$( '.so-row-toolbar' ).prepend( '<h3 class="so-row-label">' + text + '</h3>' ); } else { this.$('.so-row-label').text( text ); } }, /** * Duplicate this row. * * @return {boolean} */ duplicateHandler: function () { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'row_duplicated' ); var duplicateRow = this.model.clone( this.builder.model ); this.builder.model.get('rows').add( duplicateRow, { at: this.builder.model.get('rows').indexOf( this.model ) + 1 } ); this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); }, /** * Copy the row to a localStorage */ copyHandler: function(){ panels.helpers.clipboard.setModel( this.model ); }, /** * Create a new row and insert it */ pasteHandler: function(){ var pastedModel = panels.helpers.clipboard.getModel( 'row-model' ); if( ! _.isEmpty( pastedModel ) && pastedModel instanceof panels.model.row ) { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'row_pasted' ); pastedModel.builder = this.builder.model; this.builder.model.get('rows').add( pastedModel, { at: this.builder.model.get('rows').indexOf( this.model ) + 1 } ); this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); } }, /** * Handles deleting the row with a confirmation. */ confirmedDeleteHandler: function ( e ) { var $$ = $( ); // The user clicked on the dashicon if ( $$.hasClass( 'dashicons' ) ) { $$ = $$.parent(); } if ( $$.hasClass( 'so-confirmed' ) ) { this.visualDestroyModel(); } else { var originalText = $$.html(); $$.addClass( 'so-confirmed' ).html( '<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>' + panelsOptions.loc.dropdown_confirm ); setTimeout( function () { $$.removeClass( 'so-confirmed' ).html( originalText ); }, 2500 ); } }, /** * Handle displaying the settings dialog */ editSettingsHandler: function () { if ( ! this.builder.supports( 'editRow' ) ) { return; } // Lets open up an instance of the settings dialog if ( this.dialog === null ) { // Create the dialog this.dialog = new panels.dialog.row(); this.dialog.setBuilder( this.builder ).setRowModel( this.model ); this.dialog.rowView = this; } this.dialog.openDialog(); return this; }, /** * Handle deleting this entire row. */ deleteHandler: function () { this.model.destroy(); return this; }, /** * Change the row background color. */ rowColorChangeHandler: function ( event ) { this.$( '.so-row-color' ).removeClass( 'so-row-color-selected' ); var clickedColorElem = $( ); var newColorLabel = 'color-label' ); var oldColorLabel = this.model.has( 'color_label' ) ? this.model.get( 'color_label' ) : panelsOptions.row_color.default; clickedColorElem.addClass( 'so-row-color-selected' ); this.$el.removeClass( 'so-row-color-' + oldColorLabel ); this.$el.addClass( 'so-row-color-' + newColorLabel ); this.model.set( 'color_label', newColorLabel ); }, /** * Handle a new cell being added to this row view. For now we'll assume the new cell is always last */ handleCellAdd: function ( cell ) { var cellView = new panels.view.cell( { model: cell } ); cellView.row = this; cellView.render(); cellView.$el.appendTo( this.$( '.so-cells' ) ); }, /** * Handle a cell being removed from this row view */ handleCellRemove: function ( cell ) { // Find the view that ties in to the cell we're removing this.$( '.so-cells > .cell' ).each( function () { var view = $( this ).data( 'view' ); if ( _.isUndefined( view ) ) { return; } if ( view.model.cid === cell.cid ) { // Remove this view view.remove(); } } ); }, /** * Build up the contextual menu for a row * * @param e * @param menu */ buildContextualMenu: function ( e, menu ) { var options = []; for ( var i = 1; i < 5; i ++ ) { options.push( { title: i + ' ' + panelsOptions.loc.contextual.column } ); } if( this.builder.supports( 'addRow' ) ) { menu.addSection( 'add-row', { sectionTitle: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.add_row, search: false }, options, function ( c ) { this.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'row_added' ); var columns = Number( c ) + 1; var weights = []; for ( var i = 0; i < columns; i ++ ) { weights.push( {weight: 100 / columns } ); } // Create the actual row var newRow = new panels.model.row( { collection: this.collection } ); var cells = new panels.collection.cells(weights); cells.each(function (cell) { cell.row = newRow; }); newRow.setCells(cells); newRow.builder = this.builder.model; this.builder.model.get('rows').add( newRow, { at: this.builder.model.get('rows').indexOf( this.model ) + 1 } ); this.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); }.bind( this ) ); } var actions = {}; if( this.builder.supports( 'editRow' ) ) { actions.edit = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_edit }; } // Copy and paste functions if ( panels.helpers.clipboard.canCopyPaste() ) { actions.copy = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_copy }; if ( this.builder.supports( 'addRow' ) && panels.helpers.clipboard.isModel( 'row-model' ) ) { actions.paste = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_paste }; } } if( this.builder.supports( 'addRow' ) ) { actions.duplicate = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_duplicate }; } if( this.builder.supports( 'deleteRow' ) ) { actions.delete = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_delete, confirm: true }; } if( ! _.isEmpty( actions ) ) { menu.addSection( 'row-actions', { sectionTitle: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.row_actions, search: false, }, actions, function ( c ) { switch ( c ) { case 'edit': this.editSettingsHandler(); break; case 'copy': this.copyHandler(); break; case 'paste': this.pasteHandler(); break; case 'duplicate': this.duplicateHandler(); break; case 'delete': this.visualDestroyModel(); break; } }.bind( this ) ); } }, } ); },{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { stylesLoaded: false, events: { 'keyup .so-image-selector': function( e ) { if ( e.which == 13 ) { this.$el.find( '.select-image' ).trigger( 'click' ); } }, }, initialize: function () { }, /** * Render the visual styles object. * * @param stylesType * @param postId * @param args */ render: function ( stylesType, postId, args ) { if ( _.isUndefined( stylesType ) ) { return; } // Add in the default args args = _.extend( { builderType: '', dialog: null }, args ); this.$el.addClass( 'so-visual-styles so-' + stylesType + '-styles so-panels-loading' ); var postArgs = { builderType: args.builderType }; if ( stylesType === 'widget' ) { postArgs.widget = this.model.get( 'class' ); } if ( stylesType === 'cell') { postArgs.index = args.index; } // Load the form $.post( panelsOptions.ajaxurl, { action: 'so_panels_style_form', type: stylesType, style: this.model.get( 'style' ), args: JSON.stringify( postArgs ), postId: postId }, null, 'html' ).done( function ( response ) { this.$el.html( response ); this.setupFields(); this.stylesLoaded = true; this.trigger( 'styles_loaded', !_.isEmpty( response ) ); if ( !_.isNull( args.dialog ) ) { args.dialog.trigger( 'styles_loaded', !_.isEmpty( response ) ); } }.bind( this ) ) .fail( function ( error ) { var html; if ( error && error.responseText ) { html = error.responseText; } else { html = panelsOptions.forms.loadingFailed; } this.$el.html( html ); }.bind( this ) ) .always( function () { this.$el.removeClass( 'so-panels-loading' ); }.bind( this ) ); return this; }, /** * Attach the style view to the DOM. * * @param wrapper */ attach: function ( wrapper ) { wrapper.append( this.$el ); }, /** * Detach the styles view from the DOM */ detach: function () { this.$el.detach(); }, /** * Setup all the fields */ setupFields: function () { // Set up the sections as collapsible this.$( '.style-section-wrapper' ).each( function () { var $s = $( this ); $s.find( '.style-section-head' ).on( 'click keypress', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $s.find( '.style-section-fields' ).slideToggle( 'fast' ); } ); } ); // Set up the color fields if ( ! _.isUndefined( $.fn.wpColorPicker ) ) { if ( typeof panelsOptions.wpColorPickerOptions.palettes === 'object' && ! Array.isArray( panelsOptions.wpColorPickerOptions.palettes ) ) { panelsOptions.wpColorPickerOptions.palettes = $.map( panelsOptions.wpColorPickerOptions.palettes, function ( el ) { return el; } ); } $.fn.handleAlphaDefault = function() { var $parent = $( this ).parents( '.wp-picker-container' ); var $colorResult = $parent.find( '.wp-color-result' ); if ( $parent.find( '.wp-color-picker[data-alpha-enabled]' ).length ) { $colorResult.css( 'background-image', $( this ).val() == '' ? 'none' : alphaImage ); } else { $colorResult.css( 'background-image', 'none' ); } } // Trigger a change event when user selects a color. panelsOptions.wpColorPickerOptions.change = function( e, ui ) { setTimeout( function() { $( ).handleAlphaDefault(); $( ).trigger( 'change' ); }, 100 ); }; this.$( '.so-wp-color-field' ).wpColorPicker( panelsOptions.wpColorPickerOptions ); var alphaImage = this.$( '.wp-color-picker[data-alpha-enabled]' ).parents( '.wp-picker-container' ).find( '.wp-color-result' ).css( 'background-image' ); this.$( '.wp-color-picker[data-alpha-enabled]' ).on( 'change', function() { $( this ).handleAlphaDefault(); } ).trigger( 'change' ); } // Set up the image select fields this.$( '.style-field-image' ).each( function () { var frame = null; var $s = $( this ); $s.find( '.so-image-selector' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( frame === null ) { // Create the media frame. frame = { // Set the title of the modal. title: panelsOptions.add_media, // Tell the modal to show only images. library: { type: 'image' }, // Customize the submit button. button: { // Set the text of the button. text: panelsOptions.add_media_done, close: true } } ); // If there's a selected image, highlight it. frame.on( 'open', function() { var selection = frame.state().get( 'selection' ); var selectedImage = $s.find( '.so-image-selector > input' ).val(); if ( selectedImage ) { selection.add( selectedImage ) ); } } ); frame.on( 'select', function () { var attachment = frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().attributes; var url = attachment.url; if ( ! _.isUndefined( attachment.sizes ) ) { try { url = attachment.sizes.thumbnail.url; } catch ( e ) { // We'll use the full image instead url = attachment.sizes.full.url; } } $s.find( '.current-image' ).css( 'background-image', 'url(' + url + ')' ); // Store the ID $s.find( '.so-image-selector > input' ).val( ).trigger( 'change' ) $s.find( '.remove-image' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } ); } // Prevent loop that occurs if you close the frame using the close button while focused on the trigger. $( this ).next().focus();; } ); // Handle clicking on remove $s.find( '.remove-image' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $s.find( '.current-image' ).css( 'background-image', 'none' ); $s.find( '.so-image-selector > input' ).val( '' ); $s.find( '.remove-image' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } ); } ); // Set up all the measurement fields this.$( '.style-field-measurement' ).each( function () { var $$ = $( this ); var text = $$.find( 'input[type="text"]' ); var unit = $$.find( 'select' ); var hidden = $$.find( 'input[type="hidden"]' ); text.on( 'focus', function(){ $( this ).trigger( 'select' ); } ); /** * Load value into the visible input fields. * @param value */ var loadValue = function( value ) { if( value === '' ) { return; } var re = /(?:([0-9\.,\-]+)(.*))+/; var valueList = hidden.val().split( ' ' ); var valueListValue = []; for ( var i in valueList ) { var match = re.exec( valueList[i] ); if ( ! _.isNull( match ) && ! _.isUndefined( match[1] ) && ! _.isUndefined( match[2] ) ) { valueListValue.push( match[1] ); unit.val( match[2] ); } } if( text.length === 1 ) { // This is a single input text field text.val( valueListValue.join( ' ' ) ); } else { // We're dealing with a multiple field if( valueListValue.length === 1 ) { valueListValue = [ valueListValue[0], valueListValue[0], valueListValue[0], valueListValue[0] ]; } else if( valueListValue.length === 2 ) { valueListValue = [ valueListValue[0], valueListValue[1], valueListValue[0], valueListValue[1] ]; } else if( valueListValue.length === 3 ) { valueListValue = [ valueListValue[0], valueListValue[1], valueListValue[2], valueListValue[1] ]; } // Store this in the visible fields text.each( function( i, el ) { $( el ).val( valueListValue[i] ); } ); } }; loadValue( hidden.val() ); /** * Set value of the hidden field based on inputs */ var setValue = function( e ){ var i; if( text.length === 1 ) { // We're dealing with a single measurement var fullString = text .val() .split( ' ' ) .filter( function ( value ) { return value !== ''; } ) .map( function ( value ) { return value + unit.val(); } ) .join( ' ' ); hidden.val( fullString ); } else { var target = $( ), valueList = [], emptyIndex = [], fullIndex = []; text.each( function( i, el ) { var value = $( el ).val( ) !== '' ? parseFloat( $( el ).val( ) ) : null; valueList.push( value ); if( value === null ) { emptyIndex.push( i ); } else { fullIndex.push( i ); } } ); if( emptyIndex.length === 3 && fullIndex[0] === text.index( target ) ) { text.val( target.val() ); valueList = [ target.val(), target.val(), target.val(), target.val() ]; } if( JSON.stringify( valueList ) === JSON.stringify( [ null, null, null, null ] ) ) { hidden.val(''); } else { hidden.val( function( k ){ return ( k === null ? 0 : k ) + unit.val(); } ).join( ' ' ) ); } } }; // Set the value when ever anything changes text.on( 'change', setValue ); unit.on( 'change', setValue ); } ); // Set up all the toggle fields this.$( '.style-field-toggle' ).each( function () { const $$ = $( this ); const checkbox = $$.find( '.so-toggle-switch-input' ); const label =; const settings = $$.find( '.so-toggle-fields' ); const changeLabel = function() { if ( checkbox.prop( 'checked' ) ) { label.attr( 'aria-checked', 'true' ) .attr( 'aria-label', 'on' ) ); } else { label.attr( 'aria-checked', 'false' ) .attr( 'aria-label', 'off' ) ); } }; changeLabel(); checkbox.on( 'change', function() { if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ) { settings.slideDown(); } else { settings.slideUp(); } changeLabel(); } ); label.on( 'keyup', function( e ) { if ( e.key == 'Enter' ) { const isChecked = checkbox.prop( 'checked' ); checkbox.prop( 'checked', ! isChecked ) .trigger( 'change' ); } } ); } ); this.$( '.style-field-toggle .so-toggle-switch-input' ).trigger( 'change' ); // Set up all the Slider fields. this.$( '.style-field-slider' ).each( function() { var $$ = $( this ); var $input = $$.find( '.so-wp-input-slider' ); var $c = $$.find( '.so-wp-value-slider' ); $c.slider( { max: parseFloat( $input.attr( 'max' ) ), min: parseFloat( $input.attr( 'min' ) ), step: parseFloat( $input.attr( 'step' ) ), value: parseFloat( $input.val() ), slide: function( e, ui ) { $input.val( parseFloat( ui.value ) ); $input.trigger( 'change' ); $$.find( '.so-wp-slider-value' ).html( ui.value ); }, }); $input.on( 'change', function( event, data ) { if ( ! ( data && data.silent ) ) { $c.slider( 'value', parseFloat( $input.val() ) ); $$.find('.so-wp-slider-value').html( $input.val() ); } } ); } ); // Conditionally show Background related settings. var $background_image = this.$( '.so-field-background_image_attachment' ), $background_image_display = this.$( '.so-field-background_display' ), $background_image_size = this.$( '.so-field-background_image_size' ); $background_image_opacity = this.$( '.so-field-background_image_opacity' ); if ( $background_image.length && ( $background_image_display.length || $background_image_size.length || $background_image_opacity.length ) ) { var soBackgroundImageVisibility = function() { var hasImage = $background_image.find( '[name="style[background_image_attachment]"]' ); if ( ! hasImage.val() || hasImage.val() == 0 ) { hasImage = $background_image.find( '[name="style[background_image_attachment_fallback]"]' ); } if ( hasImage.val() && hasImage.val() != 0 ) { $; $; $; } else { $background_image_display.hide(); $background_image_size.hide(); $background_image_opacity.hide(); } } soBackgroundImageVisibility(); $background_image.find( '[name="style[background_image_attachment]"], [name="style[background_image_attachment_fallback]"]' ).on( 'change', soBackgroundImageVisibility ); $background_image.find( '.remove-image' ).on( 'click', soBackgroundImageVisibility ); } // Conditionally show Border related settings. var $border_color = this.$( '.so-field-border_color' ), $border_thickness = this.$( '.so-field-border_thickness' ); if ( $border_color.length && $border_thickness.length ) { var soBorderVisibility = function() { if ( $border_color.find( '.so-wp-color-field' ).val() ) { $; $; } else { $border_thickness.hide(); $border_thickness.hide(); } } soBorderVisibility(); $border_color.find( '.so-wp-color-field' ).on( 'change', soBorderVisibility ); $border_color.find( '.wp-picker-clear' ).on( 'click', soBorderVisibility ); } // Allow other plugins to setup custom fields. $( document ).trigger( 'setup_style_fields', this ); } } ); },{}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ var panels = window.panels, $ = jQuery; module.exports = Backbone.View.extend( { template: _.template( panels.helpers.utils.processTemplate( $( '#siteorigin-panels-builder-widget' ).html() ) ), // The cell view that this widget belongs to cell: null, // The edit dialog dialog: null, events: { 'click .widget-edit': 'editHandler', 'touchend .widget-edit': 'editHandler', 'click .title h4': 'editHandler', 'touchend .title h4': 'editHandler', 'click .actions .widget-duplicate': 'duplicateHandler', 'click .actions .widget-delete': 'deleteHandler', 'keyup .actions a': function( e ) { panels.helpers.accessibility.triggerClickOnEnter( e ); }, }, /** * Initialize the widget */ initialize: function () { this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.onModelDestroy); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:values', this.onModelChange); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:styles ', this.toggleVisibilityFade ); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:label', this.onLabelChange); }, /** * Render the widget */ render: function ( options ) { options = _.extend( {'loadForm': false}, options ); this.setElement( this.template( { title: this.model.getWidgetField( 'title' ), description: this.model.getTitle(), widget_class: this.model.attributes.class } ) ); this.$ 'view', this ); // Remove any unsupported actions if( ! this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'editWidget' ) || this.model.get( 'read_only' ) ) { this.$( '.actions .widget-edit' ).remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-widget-no-edit'); } if( ! this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'addWidget' ) ) { this.$( '.actions .widget-duplicate' ).remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-widget-no-duplicate'); } if( ! this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'deleteWidget' ) ) { this.$( '.actions .widget-delete' ).remove(); this.$el.addClass('so-widget-no-delete'); } if( ! this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'moveWidget' ) ) { this.$el.addClass('so-widget-no-move'); } if ( ! this.$('.actions').html().trim().length ) { this.$( '.actions' ).remove(); } if( this.model.get( 'read_only' ) ) { this.$el.addClass('so-widget-read-only'); } if ( _.size( this.model.get( 'values' ) ) === 0 || options.loadForm ) { // If this widget doesn't have a value, create a form and save it var dialog = this.getEditDialog(); // Save the widget as soon as the form is loaded dialog.once( 'form_loaded', dialog.saveWidget, dialog ); // Setup the dialog to load the form dialog.setupDialog(); } this.toggleVisibilityFade(); // Add the global builder listeners this.listenTo( this.cell.row.builder, 'after_user_adds_widget', this.afterUserAddsWidgetHandler ); return this; }, checkIfStyleExists: function( styles, setting ) { return typeof styles[ setting ] !== 'undefined' && styles[ setting ] == 'on'; }, /** * Toggle Visibility: Check if row is hidden and apply fade as needed. */ toggleVisibilityFade: function() { var styles =; if ( typeof styles == 'undefined' ) { return; } if ( this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_widget' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_desktop' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_tablet' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_mobile' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_logged_in' ) || this.checkIfStyleExists( styles, 'disable_logged_out' ) ) { this.$el.addClass( 'so-hidden-widget' ); } else { this.$el.removeClass( 'so-hidden-widget' ); } }, /** * Display an animation that implies creation using a visual animation */ visualCreate: function () { this.$el.hide().fadeIn( 'fast' ); }, /** * Get the dialog view of the form that edits this widget * * @returns {null} */ getEditDialog: function () { if ( this.dialog === null ) { this.dialog = new panels.dialog.widget( { model: this.model } ); this.dialog.setBuilder( this.cell.row.builder ); // Store the widget view this.dialog.widgetView = this; } return this.dialog; }, /** * Handle clicking on edit widget. */ editHandler: function () { // Create a new dialog for editing this if ( ! this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'editWidget' ) || this.model.get( 'read_only' ) ) { return this; } this.getEditDialog().openDialog(); return this; }, /** * Handle clicking on duplicate. * * @returns {boolean} */ duplicateHandler: function () { // Add the history entry this.cell.row.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_duplicated' ); // Create the new widget and connect it to the widget collection for the current row var newWidget = this.model.clone( this.model.cell ); this.cell.model.get('widgets').add( newWidget, { // Add this after the existing model at: this.model.collection.indexOf( this.model ) + 1 } ); this.cell.row.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); return this; }, /** * Copy the row to a cookie based clipboard */ copyHandler: function(){ panels.helpers.clipboard.setModel( this.model ); }, /** * Handle clicking on delete. * * @returns {boolean} */ deleteHandler: function () { this.visualDestroyModel(); return this; }, onModelChange: function () { // Update the description when ever the model changes this.$( '.description' ).html( this.model.getTitle() ); }, onLabelChange: function( model ) { this.$( '.title > h4' ).text( model.getWidgetField( 'title' ) ); }, /** * When the model is destroyed, fade it out */ onModelDestroy: function () { this.remove(); }, /** * Visually destroy a model */ visualDestroyModel: function () { // Add the history entry this.cell.row.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_deleted' ); this.$el.fadeOut( 'fast', function () { this.cell.row.resizeRow(); this.model.destroy(); this.cell.row.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); this.remove(); }.bind(this) ); return this; }, /** * Build up the contextual menu for a widget * * @param e * @param menu */ buildContextualMenu: function ( e, menu ) { if( this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'addWidget' ) ) { menu.addSection( 'add-widget-below', { sectionTitle: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.add_widget_below, searchPlaceholder: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.search_widgets, defaultDisplay: panelsOptions.contextual.default_widgets }, panelsOptions.widgets, function ( c ) { this.cell.row.builder.trigger('before_user_adds_widget'); this.cell.row.builder.addHistoryEntry( 'widget_added' ); var widget = new panels.model.widget( { class: c } ); widget.cell = this.cell.model; // Insert the new widget below this.cell.model.get('widgets').add( widget, { // Add this after the existing model at: this.model.collection.indexOf( this.model ) + 1 } ); this.cell.row.builder.model.refreshPanelsData(); this.cell.row.builder.trigger('after_user_adds_widget', widget); }.bind( this ) ); } var actions = {}; if( this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'editWidget' ) && ! this.model.get( 'read_only' ) ) { actions.edit = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.widget_edit }; } // Copy and paste functions if ( panels.helpers.clipboard.canCopyPaste() ) { actions.copy = {title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.widget_copy}; } if( this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'addWidget' ) ) { actions.duplicate = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.widget_duplicate }; } if( this.cell.row.builder.supports( 'deleteWidget' ) ) { actions.delete = { title: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.widget_delete, confirm: true }; } if( ! _.isEmpty( actions ) ) { menu.addSection( 'widget-actions', { sectionTitle: panelsOptions.loc.contextual.widget_actions, search: false, }, actions, function ( c ) { switch ( c ) { case 'edit': this.editHandler(); break; case 'copy': this.copyHandler(); break; case 'duplicate': this.duplicateHandler(); break; case 'delete': this.visualDestroyModel(); break; } }.bind( this ) ); } // Lets also add the contextual menu for the entire row this.cell.buildContextualMenu( e, menu ); }, /** * Handler for any action after the user adds a new widget. * @param widget */ afterUserAddsWidgetHandler: function( widget ) { if( this.model === widget && panelsOptions.instant_open ) { setTimeout(this.editHandler.bind(this), 350); } } } ); },{}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = jQuery; var customHtmlWidget = { addWidget: function( idBase, widgetContainer, widgetId ) { var component = wp.customHtmlWidgets; var fieldContainer = $( '<div></div>' ); var syncContainer = widgetContainer.find( '.widget-content:first' ); syncContainer.before( fieldContainer ); var widgetControl = new component.CustomHtmlWidgetControl( { el: fieldContainer, syncContainer: syncContainer, } ); widgetControl.initializeEditor(); // HACK: To ensure CodeMirror resize for the gutter. widgetControl.editor.codemirror.refresh(); return widgetControl; } }; module.exports = customHtmlWidget; },{}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ var customHtmlWidget = require( './custom-html-widget' ); var mediaWidget = require( './media-widget' ); var textWidget = require( './text-widget' ); var jsWidget = { CUSTOM_HTML: 'custom_html', MEDIA_AUDIO: 'media_audio', MEDIA_GALLERY: 'media_gallery', MEDIA_IMAGE: 'media_image', MEDIA_VIDEO: 'media_video', TEXT: 'text', addWidget: function( widgetContainer, widgetId ) { var idBase = widgetContainer.find( '> .id_base' ).val(); var widget; switch ( idBase ) { case this.CUSTOM_HTML: widget = customHtmlWidget; break; case this.MEDIA_AUDIO: case this.MEDIA_GALLERY: case this.MEDIA_IMAGE: case this.MEDIA_VIDEO: widget = mediaWidget; break; case this.TEXT: widget = textWidget; break } widget.addWidget( idBase, widgetContainer, widgetId ); }, }; module.exports = jsWidget; },{"./custom-html-widget":32,"./media-widget":34,"./text-widget":35}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = jQuery; var mediaWidget = { addWidget: function( idBase, widgetContainer, widgetId ) { var component = wp.mediaWidgets; var ControlConstructor = component.controlConstructors[ idBase ]; if ( ! ControlConstructor ) { return; } var ModelConstructor = component.modelConstructors[ idBase ] || component.MediaWidgetModel; var syncContainer = widgetContainer.find( '> .widget-content' ); var controlContainer = $( '<div class="media-widget-control"></div>' ); syncContainer.before( controlContainer ); var modelAttributes = {}; syncContainer.find( '.media-widget-instance-property' ).each( function() { var input = $( this ); modelAttributes[ 'property' ) ] = input.val(); }); modelAttributes.widget_id = widgetId; var widgetModel = new ModelConstructor( modelAttributes ); var widgetControl = new ControlConstructor({ el: controlContainer, syncContainer: syncContainer, model: widgetModel, }); widgetControl.render(); return widgetControl; } }; module.exports = mediaWidget; },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = jQuery; var textWidget = { addWidget: function( idBase, widgetContainer, widgetId ) { var component = wp.textWidgets; var options = {}; var visualField = widgetContainer.find( '.visual' ); // 'visual' field and syncContainer were introduced together in 4.8.1 if ( visualField.length > 0 ) { // If 'visual' field has no value it's a legacy text widget. if ( ! visualField.val() ) { return null; } var fieldContainer = $( '<div></div>' ); var syncContainer = widgetContainer.find( '.widget-content:first' ); syncContainer.before( fieldContainer ); options = { el: fieldContainer, syncContainer: syncContainer, }; } else { options = { el: widgetContainer }; } var widgetControl = new component.TextWidgetControl( options ); var wpEditor = wp.oldEditor ? wp.oldEditor : wp.editor; if ( wpEditor && wpEditor.hasOwnProperty( 'autop' ) ) { wp.editor.autop = wpEditor.autop; wp.editor.removep = wpEditor.removep; wp.editor.initialize = wpEditor.initialize } widgetControl.initializeEditor(); return widgetControl; } }; module.exports = textWidget; },{}]},{},[18]);