trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: portfolio-showcase.js
/** * Portfolio previewer- displays previews of the portfolio * items separated by pages and adds a functionality for displaying a post after * clicking on the smaller preview * * Dependencies: jQuery, pexetoSite * * @author Pexeto */ (function($){ $.fn.pexetoShowcase=function(options){ // main default settings var defaults={ itemnum : 6, pageWidth : 270, speed : 500, // will be overwritten by the XML data catId : -1, autoThumbnail : 'on', showCat : true, //whether to show category or not sidebarPortionSize : 28, //the default sidebar size in percents sidebarPortionSizeSmall : 20, //the sidebar size in percents for small screens sidebarBreakPointAt : 800, //the maximum window width for small sidebar size responsive : true, //if enabled, the sidebar size should be changed according to the window size //selectors selectedClass:'showcase-selected', categories:'#showcase-categories', sidebarItem:'.showcase-item', navigationClass:'portf-navigation', catSelectedClass:'selected', parentSel:'#full-width', sidebarSel:'.portfolio-sidebar', itemsSel:'.portfolio-items', //templates (HTML markup used) contentColumn:'<div id="portfolio-preview"><div class="loading"></div></div>', sidebarColumn:'<div class="portfolio-sidebar"><div id="portfolio-wrapper"></div></div>', pagination:'<div id="portfolio-big-pagination" class="hover"></div>', pageWrapper:'<div class="portfolio-items"></div>', clearHtml:'<div class="clear"></div>' }; var o=$.extend(defaults, options), items = [], contentColumn, sidebarColumn, paginationHolder, wrapper, pageWrappers = [], currentShown = 0, inAnimation=false, displayItems=[], currentItem=null, parent = $(o.parentSel), sidebar = $(o.sidebarSel), root=$(this), sidebarWidth=o.pageWidth, leftArrow=null, rightArrow=null, browser = pexetoSite.getBrowser(); /** * Parses the data from the XML file, creates objects from the data and * saves the objects into arrays. */ function parseData() { $('.portfolio-showcase-item').each(function(i) { var current = $(this), post = {}, smallObj=null; // create the object for the post post.obj = current.find('.preview-item:first'); post.html = post.obj.html(); smallObj=current.find('.showcase-item:first'); post.smallObj = smallObj; post.categories=String('category')).split(','); items.push(post); }); if (items.length > 0) { buildPageStructure(); bindEventHandlers(); if(o.responsive){ setSidebarWidth(); } } } /** * Creates the main structure of the showcase page - creates a sidebar/content layout which will contain the items. */ function buildPageStructure(){ contentColumn = $(o.contentColumn); sidebarColumn = $(pexetoSite.template(o.sidebarColumn)); $('.preview-items').detach(); bindSmallItemEventHandlers(); root.html('').append(contentColumn).append(sidebarColumn); wrapper = sidebarColumn.find('#portfolio-wrapper'); paginationHolder=$(o.pagination).appendTo(wrapper.parent()); displayContent("-1"); //display the content with the default category; } /** * Displays the main content of the items container. */ function displayContent(cat) { //clear the data containers $('.portfolio-items').detach(); displayItems=[]; pageWrappers=[]; wrapper.html('').css({marginLeft:0}); paginationHolder.html(''); sidebarColumn.hide(); // show the other posts from the right displayPostList(cat); if(o.responsive){ setSidebarWidth(); } pexetoSite.loadCufon(); } /** * Displays a preview of the post in the content area. */ function displayPost(item) { if(item){ contentColumn.html(item.obj); pexetoSite.loadCufon(); pexetoSite.setLightbox(jQuery("a[rel^='lightbox'],a[rel^='lightbox[group]']")); item.smallObj.trigger('postSelected'); currentItem=item; }else{ contentColumn.html(''); } } /** * Displays all the smaller post previews to the right, separated by pages. * @param cat the category of the items to be displayed - if "-1" set, all the items will be displayed */ function displayPostList(cat) { cat=cat.toString(); //filter the items by category if(cat!=="-1"){ $.each(items, function(i,item){ if(item.categories && $.inArray(cat, item.categories)!==-1){ displayItems.push(item); } }); }else{ displayItems=items; } $.each(displayItems, function(i,item){ var pageWrapper, post; //create page wrapper if the current item starts on a new page if (i % o.itemnum === 0) { pageWrapper = $(o.pageWrapper); pageWrappers.push(pageWrapper); wrapper.width(wrapper.width() + 500); wrapper.append(pageWrapper); } post = item.smallObj; pageWrappers[pageWrappers.length - 1] .append(post); }); wrapper.append(o.clearHtml); if (displayItems.length > o.itemnum) { currentShown=0; showNavigation(); } sidebarColumn.fadeIn(); displayPost(displayItems[0]); } /** * Binds a change slide event handler to the wrapper so that when a navigation button has been clicked, * to change the slide according to the index of the slide to be displayed. */ function bindPaginationEventHandlers(){ wrapper.on('changeSlide', function(e, index){ if(!inAnimation){ //it is not currently animated, do the animation now inAnimation=true; $('.portf-navigation').trigger('slideChanged', [index]); var margin = - index * sidebarWidth ; wrapper.animate( { marginLeft : margin }, o.speed, function(){ currentShown=index; inAnimation=false; }); } }); if(o.responsive){ $(window).on('resize', function(){ setSidebarWidth(); wrapper.css({marginLeft:(- currentShown * sidebarWidth)}); }); } } function slideSidebarToPrevious(){ if(currentShown!==0){ wrapper.trigger('changeSlide', [currentShown-1]); } } function slideSidebarToNext(){ if (currentShown < pageWrappers.length - 1) { wrapper.trigger('changeSlide', [currentShown+1]); } } /** * Binds category event handlers for the category filters. * Handlers bound: * -click */ function bindCategoryEventHandlers(){ $(o.categories).find('li').on({ 'click':function(){ $(this).addClass(o.catSelectedClass).siblings('.'+o.catSelectedClass).removeClass(o.catSelectedClass); var cat=$(this).data('category'); currentShown = 0; displayContent(cat); } }).eq(0).addClass(o.catSelectedClass); } /** * Calls the functions for binding event handlers. */ function bindEventHandlers(){ bindPaginationEventHandlers(); if(o.showCat){ bindCategoryEventHandlers(); } } /** * Shows the pagination below the smaller post previews. */ function showNavigation() { var ul=null, pageNumber=pageWrappers.length, selectedClass='selected', html=''; //build the navigation buttons ul=$('<ul />', {'class':o.navigationClass}).appendTo(paginationHolder); while(pageNumber--){ html+='<li></li>'; } ul.on('slideChanged', function(event, index){ $(this).find('li').removeClass(selectedClass).eq(index).addClass(selectedClass); }) .append(html).find('li').click(function(){ if(currentShown!==$(this).index()){ wrapper.trigger('changeSlide', [$(this).index()]); } }).eq(0).addClass(selectedClass); leftArrow = $('<div />', {'class':'portfolio-arrow arrow-left'}) .on('click', slideSidebarToPrevious) .insertAfter(ul); rightArrow = $('<div />', {'class':'portfolio-arrow arrow-right'}) .on('click', slideSidebarToNext) .insertAfter(leftArrow); } /** * Sets the small item event handlers to the smaller previews. When a small preview post is clicked * the whole content of the post is shown in the content. * Handlers bounds: * -click * -postSelected - when a new post is selected. This occures when clicking on the item itself or when loading a new category */ function bindSmallItemEventHandlers() { sidebarColumn.delegate(o.sidebarItem, 'click', function(){ var index = sidebarColumn.find(o.sidebarItem).index($(this)); displayPost(displayItems[index]); }).delegate(o.sidebarItem, 'postSelected', function(){ sidebarColumn.find('.'+o.selectedClass).removeClass(o.selectedClass); $(this).addClass(o.selectedClass); }); } function setSidebarWidth(){ if(browser.msie && (browser.version==7 || browser.version==8)){ return; } var winWidth = ( || browser.safari) ? $(window).width() : window.innerWidth, parentWidth = parent.width(), sidebarPortion = winWidth > o.sidebarBreakPointAt ? o.sidebarPortionSize : o.sidebarPortionSizeSmall; sidebarWidth = sidebarPortion * parentWidth / 100; sidebar.width(sidebarWidth); $(o.itemsSel).width(sidebarWidth); } if(root.length){ parseData(); } }; }(jQuery));