trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: posts-jquery.js
editor_status = ''; tags = {}; (function($){ $(window).resize(function() { $('.CodeMirror-scroll').height($('.CodeMirror-wrap').height() - $('#wp-editor-quicktags').height() - 3); }); $(window).load(function() { setupPostEditor(); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $('#content').attrchange({ trackValues: true, /* enables tracking old and new values */ callback: function(event) { //callback handler on DOM changes if(event.attributeName == 'style') { if(event.oldValue !== event.newValue) { $('.CodeMirror').css('top', $('#content').css('margin-top')); $('.CodeMirror').css('margin-bottom', $('#content').css('margin-top')); } } } }); QTags.addButton( 'fullscreen', 'fullscreen', wp_editor_fullscreen ); function wp_editor_fullscreen() { if (wp_editor.getOption("fullScreen")) { wp_editor.setOption("fullScreen", false); $('#ed_toolbar').removeClass('fullscreen'); $(window).resize(); } else { $('#ed_toolbar').addClass('fullscreen'); wp_editor.setOption("fullScreen", true); } wp_editor.focus(); } /* // remove until we can figure out a way to save via ajax QTags.addButton( 'save', 'save', wp_editor_save ); 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