trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: fancybox.js
// envirabox v1.3.4 (function(B) { var L, T, Q, M, d, m, J, A, O, z, C = 0, H = {}, j = [], e = 0, G = {}, y = [], f = null, o = new Image(), i = /\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg|webp)(.*)?$/i, k = /[^\.]\.(swf)\s*$/i, p, N = 1, h = 0, t = "", b, c, P = false, s = B.extend(B("<div/>")[0], { prop: 0 }), S = false, r = function() { T.hide(); o.onerror = o.onload = null; if (f) { f.abort() } L.empty() }, x = function() { if (false === H.onError(j, C, H)) { T.hide(); P = false; return } H.titleShow = false; H.width = "auto"; H.height = "auto"; L.html('<p id="envirabox-error">The requested content cannot be loaded.<br />Please try again later.</p>'); n() }, w = function() { var Z = j[C], W, Y, ab, aa, V, X; r(); H = B.extend({}, B.fn.envirabox.defaults, (typeof B(Z).data("envirabox") == "undefined" ? H : B(Z).data("envirabox"))); X = H.onStart(j, C, H); if (X === false) { P = false; return } else { if (typeof X == "object") { H = B.extend(H, X) } } ab = H.title || (Z.nodeName ? B(Z).attr("title") : Z.title) || ""; if (Z.nodeName && !H.orig) { H.orig = B(Z).children("img:first").length ? B(Z).children("img:first") : B(Z) } if (ab === "" && H.orig && H.titleFromAlt) { ab = H.orig.attr("alt") } W = H.href || (Z.nodeName ? B(Z).attr("href") : Z.href) || null; if ((/^(?:javascript)/i).test(W) || W == "#") { W = null } /* is href/W a link? */ if ( typeof W === 'string' && B.envirabox.isUrl(W) && !B.envirabox.isImage(W) ) { document.getElementById("envirabox-loading").style.visibility = "hidden"; window.location.href = W; } if (H.type) { Y = H.type; if (!W) { W = H.content } } else { if (H.content) { Y = "html" } else { if (W) { if (W.match(i)) { Y = "image" } else { if (W.match(k)) { Y = "swf" } else { if (B(Z).hasClass("iframe")) { Y = "iframe" } else { if (W.indexOf("#") === 0) { Y = "inline" } else { Y = "ajax" } } } } } } } if (!Y) { x(); return } if (Y == "inline") { Z = W.substr(W.indexOf("#")); Y = B(Z).length > 0 ? "inline" : "ajax" } H.type = Y; H.href = W; H.title = ab; if (H.autoDimensions) { if (H.type == "html" || H.type == "inline" || H.type == "ajax") { H.width = "auto"; H.height = "auto" } else { H.autoDimensions = false } } if (H.modal) { H.overlayShow = true; H.hideOnOverlayClick = false; H.hideOnContentClick = false; H.enableEscapeButton = false; H.showCloseButton = false } H.padding = parseInt(H.padding, 10); H.margin = parseInt(H.margin, 10); L.css("padding", (H.padding + H.margin)); B(".envirabox-inline-tmp").unbind("envirabox-cancel").bind("envirabox-change", function() { B(this).replaceWith(m.children()) }); switch (Y) { case "html": L.html(H.content); n(); break; case "inline": if (B(Z).parent().is("#envirabox-content") === true) { P = false; return } B('<div class="envirabox-inline-tmp" />').hide().insertBefore(B(Z)).bind("envirabox-cleanup", function() { B(this).replaceWith(m.children()) }).bind("envirabox-cancel", function() { B(this).replaceWith(L.children()) }); B(Z).appendTo(L); n(); break; case "image": P = false; B.envirabox.showActivity(); o = new Image(); o.onerror = function() { x() }; o.onload = function() { P = true; o.onerror = o.onload = null; F() }; o.src = W; break; case "swf": H.scrolling = "no"; aa = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="' + H.width + '" height="' + H.height + '"><param name="movie" value="' + W + '"></param>'; V = ""; B.each(H.swf, function(ac, ad) { aa += '<param name="' + ac + '" value="' + ad + '"></param>'; V += " " + ac + '="' + ad + '"' }); aa += '<embed src="' + W + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="' + H.width + '" height="' + H.height + '"' + V + "></embed></object>"; L.html(aa); n(); break; case "ajax": P = false; B.envirabox.showActivity(); = H.ajax.success; f = B.ajax(B.extend({}, H.ajax, { url: W, data: || {}, error: function(ac, ae, ad) { if (ac.status > 0) { x() } }, success: function(ad, af, ac) { var ae = typeof ac == "object" ? ac : f; if (ae.status == 200) { if (typeof == "function") { X =, ad, af, ac); if (X === false) { T.hide(); return } else { if (typeof X == "string" || typeof X == "object") { ad = X } } } L.html(ad); n() } } })); break; case "iframe": E(); break } }, n = function() { var V = H.width, W = H.height; if (V.toString().indexOf("%") > -1) { V = parseInt((B(window).width() - (H.margin * 2)) * parseFloat(V) / 100, 10) + "px" } else { V = V == "auto" ? "auto" : V + "px" } if (W.toString().indexOf("%") > -1) { W = parseInt((B(window).height() - (H.margin * 2)) * parseFloat(W) / 100, 10) + "px" } else { W = W == "auto" ? "auto" : W + "px" } L.wrapInner('<div style="width:' + V + ";height:" + W + ";overflow: " + (H.scrolling == "auto" ? "auto" : (H.scrolling == "yes" ? "scroll" : "hidden")) + ';position:relative;"></div>'); H.width = L.width(); H.height = L.height(); E() }, F = function() { H.width = o.width; H.height = o.height; B("<img />").attr({ id: "envirabox-img", src: o.src, alt: H.title }).appendTo(L); E() }, E = function() { var W, V; T.hide(); if (":visible") && false === G.onCleanup(y, e, G)) { B.event.trigger("envirabox-cancel"); P = false; return } P = true; B(m.add(Q)).unbind(); B(window).unbind("resize.fb scroll.fb"); B(document).unbind("keydown.fb"); if (":visible") && G.titlePosition !== "outside") { M.css("height", M.height()) } y = j; e = C; G = H; if (G.overlayShow) { Q.css({ "background-color": G.overlayColor, opacity: G.overlayOpacity, cursor: G.hideOnOverlayClick ? "pointer" : "auto", height: B(document).height() }); if (!":visible")) { if (S) { B("select:not(#envirabox-tmp select)").filter(function() { return !== "hidden" }).css({ visibility: "hidden" }).one("envirabox-cleanup", function() { = "inherit" }) } } } else { Q.hide() } c = R(); l(); if (":visible")) { B(J.add(O).add(z)).hide(); W = M.position(), b = { top:, left: W.left, width: M.width(), height: M.height() }; V = (b.width == c.width && b.height == c.height); m.fadeTo(G.changeFade, 0.3, function() { var X = function() { m.html(L.contents()).fadeTo(G.changeFade, 1, v) }; B.event.trigger("envirabox-change"); m.empty().removeAttr("filter").css({ "border-width": G.padding, width: c.width - G.padding * 2, height: H.autoDimensions ? "auto" : c.height - h - G.padding * 2 }); if (V) { X() } else { s.prop = 0; B(s).animate({ prop: 1 }, { duration: G.changeSpeed, easing: G.easingChange, step: U, complete: X }) } }); return } M.removeAttr("style"); m.css("border-width", G.padding); if (G.transitionIn == "elastic") { b = I(); m.html(L.contents());; if (G.opacity) { c.opacity = 0 } s.prop = 0; B(s).animate({ prop: 1 }, { duration: G.speedIn, easing: G.easingIn, step: U, complete: v }); return } if (G.titlePosition == "inside" && h > 0) { } m.css({ width: c.width - G.padding * 2, height: H.autoDimensions ? "auto" : c.height - h - G.padding * 2 }).html(L.contents()); M.css(c).fadeIn(G.transitionIn == "none" ? 0 : G.speedIn, v) }, D = function(V) { if (V && V.length) { if (G.titlePosition == "float") { return '<table id="envirabox-title-float-wrap" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td id="envirabox-title-float-left"></td><td id="envirabox-title-float-main">' + B.decodeEntities(V) + '</td><td id="envirabox-title-float-right"></td></tr></table>' } return '<div id="envirabox-title-' + G.titlePosition + '">' + B.decodeEntities(V) + "</div>" } return false }, l = function() { t = G.title || ""; h = 0; A.empty().removeAttr("style").removeClass(); if (G.titleShow === false) { A.hide(); return } t = B.isFunction(G.titleFormat) ? G.titleFormat(t, y, e, G) : D(t); if (!t || t === "") { A.hide(); return } A.addClass("envirabox-title-" + G.titlePosition).html(t).appendTo("body").show(); switch (G.titlePosition) { case "inside": A.css({ width: c.width - (G.padding * 2), marginLeft: G.padding, marginRight: G.padding }); h = A.outerHeight(true); A.appendTo(d); c.height += h; break; case "over": A.css({ marginLeft: G.padding, width: c.width - (G.padding * 2), bottom: G.padding }).appendTo(d); break; case "float": A.css("left", parseInt((A.width() - c.width - 40) / 2, 10) * -1).appendTo(M); break; default: A.css({ width: c.width - (G.padding * 2), paddingLeft: G.padding, paddingRight: G.padding }).appendTo(M); break } A.hide() }, g = function() { if (G.enableEscapeButton || G.enableKeyboardNav) { B(document).bind("keydown.fb", function(V) { if (V.keyCode == 27 && G.enableEscapeButton) { V.preventDefault(); B.envirabox.close() } else { if ((V.keyCode == 37 || V.keyCode == 39) && G.enableKeyboardNav && !== "INPUT" && !== "TEXTAREA" && !== "SELECT") { V.preventDefault(); B.envirabox[V.keyCode == 37 ? "prev" : "next"]() } } }) } if (!G.showNavArrows) { O.hide(); z.hide(); return } if ((G.cyclic && y.length > 1) || e !== 0) { } if ((G.cyclic && y.length > 1) || e != (y.length - 1)) { } }, v = function() { if (! { m.get(0).style.removeProperty("filter"); M.get(0).style.removeProperty("filter") } if (H.autoDimensions) { m.css("height", "auto") } M.css("height", "auto"); if (t && t.length) { } if (G.showCloseButton) { } g(); if (G.hideOnContentClick) { m.bind("click", B.envirabox.close) } if (G.hideOnOverlayClick) { Q.bind("click", B.envirabox.close) } B(window).bind("resize.fb", B.envirabox.resize); if (G.centerOnScroll) { B(window).bind("scroll.fb", } if (G.type == "iframe") { B('<iframe id="envirabox-frame" name="envirabox-frame' + new Date().getTime() + '" frameborder="0" hspace="0" scrolling="' + H.scrolling + '" src="' + G.href + '"></iframe>').appendTo(m) }; P = false;; G.onComplete(y, e, G); K() }, K = function() { var V, W; if ((y.length - 1) > e) { V = y[e + 1].href; if (typeof V !== "undefined" && V.match(i)) { W = new Image(); W.src = V } } if (e > 0) { V = y[e - 1].href; if (typeof V !== "undefined" && V.match(i)) { W = new Image(); W.src = V } } }, U = function(W) { var V = { width: parseInt(b.width + (c.width - b.width) * W, 10), height: parseInt(b.height + (c.height - b.height) * W, 10), top: parseInt( + ( - * W, 10), left: parseInt(b.left + (c.left - b.left) * W, 10) }; if (typeof c.opacity !== "undefined") { V.opacity = W < 0.5 ? 0.5 : W } M.css(V); m.css({ width: V.width - G.padding * 2, height: V.height - (h * W) - G.padding * 2 }) }, u = function() { return [B(window).width() - (G.margin * 2), B(window).height() - (G.margin * 2), B(document).scrollLeft() + G.margin, B(document).scrollTop() + G.margin] }, R = function() { var V = u(), Z = {}, W = G.autoScale, X = G.padding * 2, Y; if (G.width.toString().indexOf("%") > -1) { Z.width = parseInt((V[0] * parseFloat(G.width)) / 100, 10) } else { Z.width = G.width + X } if (G.height.toString().indexOf("%") > -1) { Z.height = parseInt((V[1] * parseFloat(G.height)) / 100, 10) } else { Z.height = G.height + X } if (W && (Z.width > V[0] || Z.height > V[1])) { if (H.type == "image" || H.type == "swf") { Y = (G.width) / (G.height); if ((Z.width) > V[0]) { Z.width = V[0]; Z.height = parseInt(((Z.width - X) / Y) + X, 10) } if ((Z.height) > V[1]) { Z.height = V[1]; Z.width = parseInt(((Z.height - X) * Y) + X, 10) } } else { Z.width = Math.min(Z.width, V[0]); Z.height = Math.min(Z.height, V[1]) } } = parseInt(Math.max(V[3] - 20, V[3] + ((V[1] - Z.height - 40) * 0.5)), 10); Z.left = parseInt(Math.max(V[2] - 20, V[2] + ((V[0] - Z.width - 40) * 0.5)), 10); return Z }, q = function(V) { var W = V.offset(); += parseInt(V.css("paddingTop"), 10) || 0; W.left += parseInt(V.css("paddingLeft"), 10) || 0; += parseInt(V.css("border-top-width"), 10) || 0; W.left += parseInt(V.css("border-left-width"), 10) || 0; W.width = V.width(); W.height = V.height(); return W }, I = function() { var Y = H.orig ? B(H.orig) : false, X = {}, W, V; if (Y && Y.length) { W = q(Y); X = { width: W.width + (G.padding * 2), height: W.height + (G.padding * 2), top: - G.padding - 20, left: W.left - G.padding - 20 } } else { V = u(); X = { width: G.padding * 2, height: G.padding * 2, top: parseInt(V[3] + V[1] * 0.5, 10), left: parseInt(V[2] + V[0] * 0.5, 10) } } return X }, a = function() { if (!":visible")) { clearInterval(p); return } B("div", T).css("top", (N * -40) + "px"); N = (N + 1) % 12 }; B.fn.envirabox = function(V) { if (!B(this).length) { return this } B(this).data("envirabox", B.extend({}, V, (B.metadata ? B(this).metadata() : {}))).unbind("click.fb").bind("click.fb", function(X) { X.preventDefault(); if (P) { return } P = true; B(this).blur(); j = []; C = 0; var W = B(this).attr("rel") || ""; if (!W || W == "" || W === "nofollow") { j.push(this) } else { j = B("a[rel=" + W + "], area[rel=" + W + "]"); C = j.index(this) } w(); return }); return this }; B.envirabox = function(Y) { var X; if (P) { return } P = true; X = typeof arguments[1] !== "undefined" ? arguments[1] : {}; j = []; C = parseInt(X.index, 10) || 0; if (B.isArray(Y)) { for (var W = 0, V = Y.length; W < V; W++) { if (typeof Y[W] == "object") { B(Y[W]).data("envirabox", B.extend({}, X, Y[W])) } else { Y[W] = B({}).data("envirabox", B.extend({ content: Y[W] }, X)) } } j = jQuery.merge(j, Y) } else { if (typeof Y == "object") { B(Y).data("envirabox", B.extend({}, X, Y)) } else { Y = B({}).data("envirabox", B.extend({ content: Y }, X)) } j.push(Y) } if (C > j.length || C < 0) { C = 0 } w() }; B.envirabox.showActivity = function() { clearInterval(p);; p = setInterval(a, 66) }; B.envirabox.hideActivity = function() { T.hide() }; = function() { return B.envirabox.pos(e + 1) }; B.envirabox.prev = function() { return B.envirabox.pos(e - 1) }; B.envirabox.pos = function(V) { if (P) { return } V = parseInt(V); j = y; if (V > -1 && V < y.length) { C = V; w() } else { if (G.cyclic && y.length > 1) { C = V >= y.length ? 0 : y.length - 1; w() } } return }; B.envirabox.cancel = function() { if (P) { return } P = true; B.event.trigger("envirabox-cancel"); r(); H.onCancel(j, C, H); P = false }; B.envirabox.close = function() { if (P ||":hidden")) { return } P = true; if (G && false === G.onCleanup(y, e, G)) { P = false; return } r(); B(J.add(O).add(z)).hide(); B(m.add(Q)).unbind(); B(window).unbind("resize.fb scroll.fb"); B(document).unbind("keydown.fb"); m.find("iframe").attr("src", S && /^https/i.test(window.location.href || "") ? "javascript:void(false)" : "about:blank"); if (G.titlePosition !== "inside") { A.empty() } M.stop(); function V() { Q.fadeOut("fast"); A.empty().hide(); M.hide(); B.event.trigger("envirabox-cleanup"); m.empty(); G.onClosed(y, e, G); y = H = []; e = C = 0; G = H = {}; P = false } if (G.transitionOut == "elastic") { b = I(); var W = M.position(); c = { top:, left: W.left, width: M.width(), height: M.height() }; if (G.opacity) { c.opacity = 1 } A.empty().hide(); s.prop = 1; B(s).animate({ prop: 0 }, { duration: G.speedOut, easing: G.easingOut, step: U, complete: V }) } else { M.fadeOut(G.transitionOut == "none" ? 0 : G.speedOut, V) } }; B.envirabox.resize = function() { if (":visible")) { Q.css("height", B(document).height()) } var W, V; c = R(); l();; W = M.position(), b = { top:, left: W.left, width: M.width(), height: M.height() }; V = (b.width == c.width && b.height == c.height); if (V) {} else { s.prop = 0; B(s).animate({ prop: 1 }, { duration: G.changeSpeed, easing: G.easingChange, step: U }) } m.css({ width: c.width - G.padding * 2, height: H.autoDimensions ? "auto" : c.height - h - G.padding * 2 }); M.css(c); }; = function() { var V, W; if (P) { return } W = arguments[0] === true ? 1 : 0; V = u(); if (!W && (M.width() > V[0] || M.height() > V[1])) { return } M.stop().animate({ top: parseInt(Math.max(V[3] - 20, V[3] + ((V[1] - m.height() - 40) * 0.5) - G.padding)), left: parseInt(Math.max(V[2] - 20, V[2] + ((V[0] - m.width() - 40) * 0.5) - G.padding)) }, typeof arguments[0] == "number" ? arguments[0] : 200) }; B.envirabox.init = function() { if (B("#envirabox-wrap").length) { return } B("body").append(L = B('<div id="envirabox-tmp"></div>'), T = B('<div id="envirabox-loading"><div></div></div>'), Q = B('<div id="envirabox-overlay"></div>'), M = B('<div id="envirabox-wrap"></div>')); d = B('<div id="envirabox-outer"></div>').append('<div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-n"></div><div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-ne"></div><div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-e"></div><div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-se"></div><div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-s"></div><div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-sw"></div><div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-w"></div><div class="envirabox-bg" id="envirabox-bg-nw"></div>').appendTo(M); d.append(m = B('<div id="envirabox-content"></div>'), J = B('<a id="envirabox-close"></a>'), A = B('<div id="envirabox-title"></div>'), O = B('<a href="javascript:;" id="envirabox-left"><span class="fancy-ico" id="envirabox-left-ico"></span></a>'), z = B('<a href="javascript:;" id="envirabox-right"><span class="fancy-ico" id="envirabox-right-ico"></span></a>'));;; { V.preventDefault(); B.envirabox.prev() }); { V.preventDefault(); }); if (B.fn.mousewheel) { M.bind("mousewheel.fb", function(V, W) { if (P) { V.preventDefault() } else { if (B( == 0 || B( === B( { V.preventDefault(); B.envirabox[W > 0 ? "prev" : "next"]() } } }) } if (! { M.addClass("envirabox-ie") } if (S) { T.addClass("envirabox-ie6"); M.addClass("envirabox-ie6"); B('<iframe id="envirabox-hide-sel-frame" src="' + (/^https/i.test(window.location.href || "") ? "javascript:void(false)" : "about:blank") + '" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0" tabindex="-1"></iframe>').prependTo(d) } }; B.envirabox.isUrl = function(str) { return str.match(/^(https?):\/\/((?:[a-z0-9.-]|%[0-9A-F]{2}){3,})(?::(\d+))?((?:\/(?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*)*)(?:\?((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*))?(?:#((?:[a-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=:\/?@]|%[0-9A-F]{2})*))?$/i); }; B.envirabox.isImage = function(str) { return str.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp|svg)((\?|#).*)?$)/i); }; B.decodeEntities = function(encodedString) { var translate_re = /&(nbsp|amp|quot|lt|gt);/g; var translate = { "nbsp":" ", "amp" : "&", "quot": "\"", "lt" : "<", "gt" : ">" }; return encodedString.replace(translate_re, function(match, entity) { return translate[entity]; }).replace(/&#(\d+);/gi, function(match, numStr) { var num = parseInt(numStr, 10); return String.fromCharCode(num); }); }; B.fn.envirabox.defaults = { padding: 10, margin: 40, opacity: false, modal: false, cyclic: false, scrolling: "auto", width: 560, height: 340, autoScale: true, autoDimensions: true, centerOnScroll: false, ajax: {}, swf: { wmode: "transparent" }, hideOnOverlayClick: true, hideOnContentClick: false, overlayShow: true, overlayOpacity: 0.9, /* was 0.7 but upped to remove CSS !important */ overlayColor: "#777", titleShow: true, titlePosition: "float", titleFormat: null, titleFromAlt: false, transitionIn: "fade", transitionOut: "fade", speedIn: 300, speedOut: 300, changeSpeed: 300, changeFade: "fast", easingIn: "swing", easingOut: "swing", showCloseButton: true, showNavArrows: true, enableEscapeButton: true, enableKeyboardNav: true, onStart: function() {}, onCancel: function() {}, onComplete: function() {}, onCleanup: function() {}, onClosed: function() {}, onError: function() {} }; B(document).ready(function() { B.envirabox.init() }) })(jQuery);