trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: conditions.js
/** * jQuery Conditions 1.0.0 * * Copyright 2016 Bejamin Rojas * @license Released under the MIT license. * */ (function($) { "use strict"; $.fn.conditions = function(conditions) { return this.each( function(index, element) { var CJS = new ConditionsJS(element, conditions, $.fn.conditions.defaults); CJS.init(); }); }; $.fn.conditions.defaults = { condition: null, actions: {}, effect: 'fade' }; var ConditionsJS = function(element, conditions, defaults) { var that = this; that.element = $(element); that.defaults = defaults; that.conditions = conditions; that._init = false; if(!$.isArray(that.conditions)) { that.conditions = [that.conditions]; } $.each(that.conditions, function(i, v) { v = $.extend({}, that.defaults, v); that.conditions[i] = v; }); }; ConditionsJS.prototype.init = function() { var that = this; that._init = true; // Set up event listener $(that.element).on('change', function() { that.matchConditions(); }); $(that.element).on('keyup', function() { that.matchConditions(); }); //Show based on current value on page load that.matchConditions(true); }; ConditionsJS.prototype.matchConditions = function(init) { var that = this; if(!init) { that._init = false; } $.each(that.conditions, function(ind, cond) { var condition_matches = false, all_conditions_match = true; if(!$.isArray(cond.conditions)) { cond.conditions = [cond.conditions]; } $.each(cond.conditions, function(i, c) { c.element = $(c.element); switch(c.type) { case 'value': case 'val': switch(c.operator) { case '===': case '==': case '=': condition_matches = c.element.val() === c.condition; break; case '!==': case '!=': condition_matches = c.element.val() !== c.condition; break; case 'array': condition_matches = $.inArray( c.element.val(), c.condition ) !== -1; break; case '!array': condition_matches = $.inArray( c.element.val(), c.condition ) === -1; break; } break; case 'checked': switch(c.operator) { case 'is': condition_matches =':checked'); break; case '!is': condition_matches = !':checked'); break; } } if(!condition_matches && all_conditions_match) { all_conditions_match = false; } }); if(all_conditions_match) { if(!$.isEmptyObject(cond.actions.if)) { if(!$.isArray(cond.actions.if)) { cond.actions.if = [cond.actions.if]; } $.each(cond.actions.if, function(i, condition) { that.showAndHide(condition, cond.effect); }); } } else { if(!$.isEmptyObject(cond.actions.else)) { if(!$.isArray(cond.actions.else)) { cond.actions.else = [cond.actions.else]; } $.each(cond.actions.else, function(i, condition) { that.showAndHide(condition, cond.effect); }); } } }); }; ConditionsJS.prototype.showAndHide = function(condition, effect) { var that = this; switch(condition.action) { case 'show': that._show($(condition.element), effect); break; case 'hide': that._hide($(condition.element), effect); break; } }; ConditionsJS.prototype._show = function(element, effect) { var that = this; if(that._init) {; } else { switch(effect) { case 'appear':; break; case 'slide': element.slideDown(); break; case 'fade': element.fadeIn( 300 ); break; } } }; ConditionsJS.prototype._hide = function(element, effect) { var that = this; if(that._init) { element.hide(); } else { switch(effect) { case 'appear': element.hide(); break; case 'slide': element.slideUp(); break; case 'fade': element.fadeOut( 300 ); break; } } }; }(jQuery));