trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: admin.js
import Swal from 'sweetalert2'; /** * Handles: * - Copy to Clipboard functionality * - Dismissable Notices * * @since 1.5.0 */ (function($, window, document, envira_gallery_admin ) { let envira_notifications, envira_connect; window.envira_notifications = envira_notifications = { init() { var app = this; app.$drawer = $( '#envira-notifications-drawer' ); app.find_elements(); app.init_open(); app.init_close(); app.init_dismiss(); app.init_view_switch(); app.update_count( app.active_count ); }, should_init() { var app = this; return app.$drawer.length > 0; }, find_elements() { var app = this; app.$open_button = $( '#envira-notifications-button' ); app.$count = app.$drawer.find( '#envira-notifications-count' ); app.$dismissed_count = app.$drawer.find( '#envira-notifications-dismissed-count' ); app.active_count = app.$ 'count' ) ? app.$ 'count' ) : 0; app.dismissed_count = app.$ 'dismissed' ); app.$body = $( 'body' ); app.$dismissed_button = $( '#envira-notifications-show-dismissed' ); app.$active_button = $( '#envira-notifications-show-active' ); app.$active_list = $( '.envira-notifications-list .envira-notifications-active' ); app.$dismissed_list = $( '.envira-notifications-list .envira-notifications-dismissed' ); app.$dismiss_all = $( '#envira-dismiss-all' ); }, update_count( count ) { var app = this; app.$ 'count', count ).attr( 'data-count', count ); if ( 0 === count ) { app.$open_button.removeAttr( 'data-count' ); } app.$count.text( count ); app.dismissed_count += Math.abs( count - app.active_count ); app.active_count = count; app.$dismissed_count.text( app.dismissed_count ); if ( 0 === app.active_count ) { app.$dismiss_all.hide(); } }, init_open() { var app = this; app.$open_button.on( 'click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); app.$body.addClass( 'envira-notifications-open' ); } ); }, init_close() { var app = this; app.$body.on( 'click', '.envira-notifications-close, .envira-notifications-overlay', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); app.$body.removeClass( 'envira-notifications-open' ); } ); }, init_dismiss() { var app = this; app.$drawer.on( 'click', '.envira-notification-dismiss', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const id = $( this ).data( 'id' ); app.dismiss_notification( id ); if ( 'all' === id ) { app.move_to_dismissed( app.$active_list.find( 'li' ) ); app.update_count( 0 ); return; } app.move_to_dismissed( $( this ).closest( 'li' ) ); app.update_count( app.active_count - 1 ); } ); }, move_to_dismissed( element ) { var app = this; element.slideUp( function () { $( this ).prependTo( app.$dismissed_list ).show(); } ); }, dismiss_notification( id ) { var app = this; return $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'envira_notification_dismiss', nonce: envira_gallery_admin.dismiss_notification_nonce, id: id, } ); }, init_view_switch() { var app = this; app.$dismissed_button.on( 'click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); app.$drawer.addClass( 'show-dismissed' ); } ); app.$active_button.on( 'click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); app.$drawer.removeClass( 'show-dismissed' ); } ); } }; window.envira_connect = envira_connect = { init() { $( this.ready() ); }, ready(){ this.connectClicked(); }, connectClicked() { let app = this; $( '#envira-gallery-settings-connect-btn' ).on( 'click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); app.gotoUpgradeUrl(); } ); }, gotoUpgradeUrl() { let app = this; let data = { action: 'envira_connect', key: $( '#envira-settings-key' ).val(), _wpnonce: envira_gallery_admin.connect_nonce, }; $.post( ajaxurl, data ).done( function ( res ) { if ( res.success ) { if ( ) { app.proAlreadyInstalled( res ); return; } window.location.href =; return; } { title: envira_gallery_admin.oops, html:, icon: 'warning', confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6', confirmButtonText: envira_gallery_admin.ok, customClass: { confirmButton: 'envira-button', }, } ); } ).fail( function ( xhr ) { app.failAlert( xhr ); } ); }, proAlreadyInstalled( res ) { { title: envira_gallery_admin.almost_done, text:, icon: 'success', confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6', confirmButtonText: envira_gallery_admin.plugin_activate_btn, customClass: { confirmButton: 'envira-button', }, } ).then( ( result ) => { if ( result.isConfirmed ) { window.location.reload(); } } ); }, failAlert() { { title: envira_gallery_admin.oops, html: envira_gallery_admin.server_error + '<br>' + xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText + ' ' + xhr.responseText, icon: 'warning', confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6', confirmButtonText: envira_gallery_admin.ok, customClass: { confirmButton: 'envira-button', }, } ); }, } // DOM ready $(function() { envira_notifications.init(); envira_connect.init(); $('#screen-meta-links').prependTo('#envira-header-temp'); $('#screen-meta').prependTo('#envira-header-temp'); /** * Copy to Clipboard */ if (typeof ClipboardJS !== 'undefined') { $(document).on('click', '.envira-clipboard', function (e) { var envira_clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.envira-clipboard'); e.preventDefault(); }); } /** * Dismissable Notices * - Sends an AJAX request to mark the notice as dismissed */ $('div.envira-notice').on('click', '.notice-dismiss', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('div.envira-notice').fadeOut(); // If this is a dismissible notice, it means we need to send an AJAX request if ($(this).hasClass('is-dismissible')) { $.post( envira_gallery_admin.ajax, { action: 'envira_gallery_ajax_dismiss_notice', nonce: envira_gallery_admin.dismiss_notice_nonce, notice: $(this).parent().data('notice'), }, function (response) {}, 'json', ); } }); $('#envira-top-notification').on('click', '.envira-dismiss', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('div.envira-header-notification').fadeOut(); $.post( envira_gallery_admin.ajax, { action: 'envira_gallery_ajax_dismiss_topbar', nonce: envira_gallery_admin.dismiss_topbar_nonce, }, function (response) {}, 'json', ); }); let svg = '<svg xmlns="" width="33" height="23" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 33 23">' + '<path fill="#3871AC" d="M27.687 10.021a4.908 4.908 0 00.146-3.052 4.927 4.927 0 00-1.69-2.552 4.963 4.963 0 00-5.832-.244A8.188 8.188 0 0016.357.636a8.234 8.234 0 00-5.302-.379 8.203 8.203 0 00-4.421 2.937 8.142 8.142 0 00-1.684 5.02v.46a7.386 7.386 0 00-3.97 3.208 7.333 7.333 0 001.626 9.415A7.412 7.412 0 007.425 23H26.4c1.75 0 3.43-.692 4.667-1.925A6.557 6.557 0 0033 16.43c0-3.122-2.277-5.8-5.313-6.407zm-7.21 3.286l-.578.559a1.24 1.24 0 01-1.749-.066l-1.65-1.758v6.424c0 .723-.561 1.232-1.238 1.232h-.825a1.191 1.191 0 01-1.157-.753 1.178 1.178 0 01-.08-.48V12.06L11.5 13.8a1.24 1.24 0 01-1.749.05l-.577-.576c-.512-.492-.512-1.281 0-1.741l4.785-4.764a1.224 1.224 0 011.716 0l4.785 4.764c.528.46.528 1.232 0 1.741l.017.033z"></path>' + '</svg>'; let colspan = $(".post-type-envira table > thead > tr:first > th").length + 1; // add for checkbox td? var $unlock = '<tr class="envira_tr"><td scope="col" colspan="'+ colspan +'" width="100%"><div>'+ svg + '<hgroup><h3>'+ envira_gallery_admin.unlock_title +'</h3><h5>'+ envira_gallery_admin.unlock_text +'</h5></hgroup><a href="' + envira_gallery_admin.unlock_url + '" class="button envira-button-blue" target="_blank">' + envira_gallery_admin.unlock_btn + '</a></div></td></tr>'; $('.post-type-envira .wp-list-table tbody').append($unlock ); }); })(jQuery, window, document, envira_gallery_admin );