trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: admin.js
/** * @version 1.0 * @package Booking Manager * @subpackage BackEnd Main Script Lib * @category Scripts * * @author wpdevelop * @link * @email * * @modified 2014.09.10 */ /** Set item listing row as R e a d * * @param {type} wpbm_id * @returns {undefined} */ function set_wpbm_row_read(wpbm_id){ if (wpbm_id == 0) { jQuery('.new-label').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('.bk-update-count').html( '0' ); } else { jQuery('#wpbm_mark_'+wpbm_id + '').addClass('hidden_items'); decrese_new_counter(); } } /** Set item listing row as U n R e a d * * @param {type} wpbm_id * @returns {undefined} */ function set_wpbm_row_unread(wpbm_id){ jQuery('#wpbm_mark_'+wpbm_id + '').removeClass('hidden_items'); increase_new_counter(); } /** Increase counter about new items * * @returns {undefined} */ function increase_new_counter () { var my_num = parseInt(jQuery('.bk-update-count').html()); my_num = my_num + 1; jQuery('.bk-update-count').html(my_num); } /** Decrease counter about new items * * @returns {undefined} */ function decrese_new_counter () { var my_num = parseInt(jQuery('.bk-update-count').html()); if (my_num>0){ my_num = my_num - 1; jQuery('.bk-update-count').html(my_num); } } // Set item listing R O W Approved function set_wpbm_row_approved(wpbm_id){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-approved').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-pending').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-dates .field-wpbm-date').addClass('approved'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .approve_wpbm_link').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .pending_wpbm_link').removeClass('hidden_items'); } // Set item listing R O W Pending function set_wpbm_row_pending(wpbm_id){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-approved').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-pending').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-dates .field-wpbm-date').removeClass('approved'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .approve_wpbm_link').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .pending_wpbm_link').addClass('hidden_items'); } // Remove item listing R O W function set_wpbm_row_deleted(wpbm_id){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id).fadeOut(1000); jQuery('#gcal_imported_events_id_'+wpbm_id).remove(); } // Set in item listing R O W Resource title function set_wpbm_row_resource_name(wpbm_id, resourcename){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-resource').html(resourcename); } // Set in item listing R O W new Remark in hint function set_wpbm_row_remark_in_hint( wpbm_id, new_remark ){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_' + wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .remark_wpbm_link').attr( 'data-original-title', new_remark ); if ( new_remark != '' ) jQuery('#wpbm_row_' + wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .remark_wpbm_link i.glyphicon-comment').addClass('red_icon_color'); else jQuery('#wpbm_row_' + wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .remark_wpbm_link i.glyphicon-comment').removeClass('red_icon_color'); } // Set in item listing R O W new Remark in hint function set_wpbm_row_payment_status(wpbm_id, payment_status, payment_status_show){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-payment-status').removeClass('label-danger'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-payment-status').removeClass('label-success'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-payment-status').html(payment_status_show); if (payment_status == 'OK') { jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-payment-status').addClass('label-success'); } else if (payment_status == '') { jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-payment-status').addClass('label-danger'); } else { jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-payment-status').addClass('label-danger'); } } // Interface Element function showSelectedInDropdown(selector_id, title, value){ jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_selector .wpbm_selected_in_dropdown').html( title ); jQuery('#' + selector_id ).val( value ); jQuery('#' + selector_id + '_container').hide(); } //Admin function s for checking all checkbos in one time function setCheckBoxInTable(el_stutus, el_class){ jQuery('.'+el_class).attr('checked', el_stutus); if ( el_stutus ) { jQuery('.'+el_class).parent().parent().addClass('row_selected_color'); } else { jQuery('.'+el_class).parent().parent().removeClass('row_selected_color'); } } // FixIn: 5.4.5 function wpbm_get_selected_locale( wpbm_id, wpbm_active_locale ) { var id_to_check = "" + wpbm_id; if ( id_to_check.indexOf('|') == -1 ) { var selected_locale = jQuery('#locale_for_item' + wpbm_id).val(); if ( ( selected_locale != '' ) && ( typeof(selected_locale) !== 'undefined' ) ) { wpbm_active_locale = selected_locale; } } return wpbm_active_locale; } //FixIn: // Set item listing R O W Trash function set_wpbm_row_trash( wpbm_id ){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-trash').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .trash_wpbm_link').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .restore_wpbm_link').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .delete_wpbm_link').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm-id-'+wpbm_id + ' .label-trash').removeClass('hidden_items'); } //FixIn: // Set item listing R O W Restore function set_wpbm_row_restore( wpbm_id ){ jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-labels .label-trash').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .trash_wpbm_link').removeClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .restore_wpbm_link').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm_row_'+wpbm_id + ' .wpbm-actions .delete_wpbm_link').addClass('hidden_items'); jQuery('#wpbm-id-'+wpbm_id + ' .label-trash').addClass('hidden_items'); } // Get Selected rows in imported Events list function get_selected_items_id_in_this_list( list_tag, skip_id_length ) { var checkedd = jQuery( list_tag + ":checked" ); var id_for_approve = ""; // get all IDs checkedd.each(function(){ var id_c = jQuery(this).attr('id'); id_c = id_c.substr(skip_id_length,id_c.length-skip_id_length); id_for_approve += id_c + "|"; }); if ( id_for_approve.length > 1 ) id_for_approve = id_for_approve.substr(0,id_for_approve.length-1); //delete last "|" return id_for_approve ; } // Get the list of ID in selected items from item listing function get_selected_items_id_in_wpbm_listing(){ var checkedd = jQuery(".wpbm_list_item_checkbox:checked"); var id_for_approve = ""; // get all IDs checkedd.each(function(){ var id_c = jQuery(this).attr('id'); id_c = id_c.substr(20,id_c.length-20); id_for_approve += id_c + "|"; }); if ( id_for_approve.length > 1 ) id_for_approve = id_for_approve.substr(0,id_for_approve.length-1); //delete last "|" return id_for_approve ; } /** Selections of several checkboxes like in gMail with shift :) * Need to have this structure: * .wpbm_selectable_table * .wpbm_selectable_head * .check-column * :checkbox * .wpbm_selectable_body * .wpbm_row * .check-column * :checkbox * .wpbm_selectable_foot * .check-column * :checkbox */ ( function( $ ){ $( document ).ready(function(){ var checks, first, last, checked, sliced, lastClicked = false; // check all checkboxes $('.wpbm_selectable_body').find('.check-column').find(':checkbox').on( 'click', function(e) { //FixIn: if ( 'undefined' == e.shiftKey ) { return true; } if ( e.shiftKey ) { if ( !lastClicked ) { return true; } //checks = $( lastClicked ).closest( 'form' ).find( ':checkbox' ).filter( ':visible:enabled' ); checks = $( lastClicked ).closest( '.wpbm_selectable_body' ).find( ':checkbox' ).filter( ':visible:enabled' ); first = checks.index( lastClicked ); last = checks.index( this ); checked = $(this).prop('checked'); if ( 0 < first && 0 < last && first != last ) { sliced = ( last > first ) ? checks.slice( first, last ) : checks.slice( last, first ); sliced.prop( 'checked', function() { if ( $(this).closest('.wpbm_row').is(':visible') ) return checked; return false; }); } } lastClicked = this; // toggle "check all" checkboxes var unchecked = $(this).closest('.wpbm_selectable_body').find(':checkbox').filter(':visible:enabled').not(':checked'); $(this).closest('.wpbm_selectable_table').children('.wpbm_selectable_head, .wpbm_selectable_foot').find(':checkbox').prop('checked', function() { return ( 0 === unchecked.length ); }); return true; }); $('.wpbm_selectable_head, .wpbm_selectable_foot').find('.check-column :checkbox').on( 'click.wp-toggle-checkboxes', function( event ) { var $this = $(this), $table = $this.closest( '.wpbm_selectable_table' ), controlChecked = $this.prop('checked'), toggle = event.shiftKey || $'wp-toggle'); $table.children( '.wpbm_selectable_body' ).filter(':visible') .find('.check-column').find(':checkbox') //.children().children('.check-column').find(':checkbox') .prop('checked', function() { if ( $(this).is(':hidden,:disabled') ) { return false; } if ( toggle ) { return ! $(this).prop( 'checked' ); } else if ( controlChecked ) { return true; } return false; }); $table.children('.wpbm_selectable_head, .wpbm_selectable_foot').filter(':visible') .find('.check-column').find(':checkbox') //.children().children('.check-column').find(':checkbox') .prop('checked', function() { if ( toggle ) { return false; } else if ( controlChecked ) { return true; } return false; }); }); }); }( jQuery ) );