trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: tribe-events-calendar-cs_CZ.po
# POT for The Events Calendar 2.0 by Modern Tribe, Inc.. # Copyright (C) 2011 Shane & Peter, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the The Events Calendar package. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: The Events Calendar 2.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-09 17:28+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-10 02:31+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Petr Baštán <>\n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: \n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:1,2,4c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ./\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n" "X-Poedit-Country: CZECH REPUBLIC\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" #: ../admin-views/app-shop.php:4 msgid "Tribe App Shop" msgstr "Tribe App Shop" #: ../admin-views/app-shop.php:56 msgid "Version" msgstr "Verze" #: ../admin-views/app-shop.php:59 msgid "Last Update" msgstr "Poslední aktualizace" #: ../admin-views/event-sidebar-options.php:11 msgid "Hide From Upcoming Events List" msgstr "Skrýt v seznamu nadcházejících akcí" #: ../admin-views/events-audit-trail.php:41 msgid "Auditing Information" msgstr "Informace o auditu" #: ../admin-views/events-audit-trail.php:44 msgid "Created by:" msgstr "Vytvořil:" #: ../admin-views/events-audit-trail.php:48 msgid "Audit Trail:" msgstr "Auditní stopa:" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:26 msgid "Event Time & Date" msgstr "Datum a čas akce" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:29 msgid "You have changed the recurrence rules of this event. Saving the event will update all future events. If you did not mean to change all events, then please refresh the page." msgstr "Změnili jste pravidla pro opakování této akce. Uložením této akce zaktualizujete i všechny budoucí akce. Pokud jste nechtěli měnit všechny akce, pak prosím obnovte tuto stránku." #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:32 msgid "All day event?" msgstr "Celodenní akce?" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:36 msgid "Start Date / Time:" msgstr "Datum / čas zahájení:" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:39 #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:60 msgid "YYYY-MM-DD" msgstr "RRRR-MM-DD" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:41 #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:62 msgid "@" msgstr "v" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:57 msgid "End Date / Time:" msgstr "Datum / čas ukončení:" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:79 msgid "Event Location Details" msgstr "Údaje o místě konání akce" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:85 msgid "Show Google Maps Link:" msgstr "Zobrazit odkaz na Mapy Google:" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:92 msgid "Show Google Map:" msgstr "Zobrazit Google mapu:" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:101 msgid "Event Organizer Details" msgstr "Údaje o pořadateli akce" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:110 msgid "Event Cost" msgstr "Vstupné na akci" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:113 msgid "Cost:" msgstr "Cena:" #: ../admin-views/events-meta-box.php:118 msgid "Leave blank to hide the field. Enter a 0 for events that are free." msgstr "Pokud nic nezadáte, pole bude skryto. Zadejte hodnotu 0 pro akce, které jsou zdarma." #: ../admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:11 msgid "Organizer Name:" msgstr "Jméno pořadatele:" #: ../admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:17 #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:77 msgid "Phone:" msgstr "Telefon:" #: ../admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:21 msgid "Website:" msgstr "Webová stránka:" #: ../admin-views/organizer-meta-box.php:25 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Email:" #: ../admin-views/recurrence-dialog.php:11 msgid "Which events do you wish to update?" msgstr "Které akce si přejete aktualizovat?" #: ../admin-views/recurrence-dialog.php:14 msgid "Select your desired action" msgstr "Vyberte si požadovanou akci" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:11 msgid "Add functionality to The Events Calendar" msgstr "Přidání dalších funkcí do pluginu The Events Calendar" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:16 msgid "Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, custom meta, community events, ticket sales and more?" msgstr "Hledáte další funkce, včetně opakujících se akcí, vlastní meta data, komunitní akce, prodej vstupenek a další?" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:16 msgid "Check out the available Add-Ons" msgstr "Prohlédněte si dostupné doplňky" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:21 msgid "We hope our plugin is helping you out." msgstr "Doufáme, že je náš plugin pro vás užitečný." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:25 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:30 msgid "Are you thinking \"Wow, this plugin is amazing! I should say thanks to Modern Tribe for all their hard work.\" The greatest thanks we could ask for is recognition. Add a small text only link at the bottom of your calendar pointing to The Events Calendar project." msgstr "Říkáte si: \"Wow, to je ale úžasný plugin! Měl bych poděkovat Modern Tribe za jejich těžkou práci.\" Největším poděkováním, které bychom si mohli přát je uznání. Stačí přidat malý textový odkaz v dolní části vašeho kalendáře odkazující na projekt The Events Calendar." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:25 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:30 msgid "See an example of the link" msgstr "Prohlédněte si příklad odkazu" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:35 msgid "Show Events Calendar Link" msgstr "Zobrazit odkaz na The Events Calendar" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:45 msgid "Default view for the Events" msgstr "Výchozí zobrazení akcí" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:46 msgid "Determines whether the default events view is a calendar or a list." msgstr "Určuje, zda se jako výchozí zobrazení akcí použije kalendář nebo seznam." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:53 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:59 msgid "Events URL slug" msgstr "Název v URL u akcí" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:54 #, fuzzy msgid "You cannot edit the slug for your events page as you do not have pretty permalinks enabled. The current URL for your events page is <a href=\" " msgstr "Název v URL pro stránku akcí nelze změnit, protože nemáte zapnuté používání trvalých odkazů. Vaše současná URL adresa pro stránku akcí je <a href=\"" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:66 msgid "The slug used for building the events URL." msgstr "Název v URL použitý při tvorbě URL adres Akcí." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:66 #, php-format msgid "Your current Events URL is %s" msgstr "Vaše současná URL adresa pro Akce je %s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:71 msgid "Here is the iCal feed URL for your events:" msgstr "Zde je URL adresa iCal zdroje vašich akcí:" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:76 msgid "Single Event URL slug" msgstr "Název v URL u jednotlivé akce" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:83 #, php-format msgid "You <strong>cannot</strong> use the same slug as above. The above should ideally be plural, and this singular.<br />Your single Event URL is like: %s" msgstr "<strong>Nelze</strong> použít stejný název v URL jako výše uvedený. Ten by měl být v ideálním případě v množném čísle a tento v jednotném.<br />Vaše URL adresa pro jednotlivou Akci vypadá takto: %s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:88 msgid "Number of events to show per page in the loop" msgstr "Počet zobrazených akcí na stránku" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:89 msgid "This is the number of events displayed per page when returning a list of events." msgstr "Toto je počet akcí, které se při výpisu seznamu akcí zobrazí na jednu stránku." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:96 msgid "Show Comments" msgstr "Zobrazit komentáře" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:97 msgid "Enables commenting on your single event view." msgstr "Povolit psaní komentářů na stránkách jednotlivých akcí." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:103 msgid "Multiday Event Cutoff" msgstr "Mezní hranice vícedenní akce" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:104 msgid "For multi-day events, hide the last day from grid view if it ends on or before this time." msgstr "U vícedenních akcí se při zobrazení tabulky skryje poslední den, pokud akce končí před tímto časem." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:112 msgid "Enable Google Maps" msgstr "Povolit Mapy Google" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:113 msgid "If you don't have this turned on, your event listings won't have the backend map preview or frontend embedded map." msgstr "Pokud nemáte tuto volbu zapnutou, vaše výpisy akcí nebudou mít v backendu náhledovou mapu a ani vloženou mapu ve frontendu." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:120 msgid "Google Maps Embed Height" msgstr "Výška vložených Map Google" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:123 msgid "Enter a number." msgstr "Zadejte číslo." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:129 msgid "Google Maps Embed Width" msgstr "Šířka vložených Map Google" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:131 msgid "Enter a number or %." msgstr "Zadejte číslo nebo %." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:138 msgid "Google Maps Default Zoom Level" msgstr "Výchozí měřítko Map Google" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:139 msgid "0 = zoomed-out; 21 = zoomed-in." msgstr "0 = oddálený; 21 = přiblížený." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:147 msgid "Debug Mode" msgstr "Debug režim" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:148 #, php-format msgid "Enable this option to log debug information. By default this will log to your server PHP error log. If you'd like to see the log messages in your browser, then we recommend that you install the %s and look for the \"Tribe\" tab in the debug output." msgstr "Zaškrtnutím této volby se budou zapisovat debug informace. Standardně se budou zapisovat do chybového logu PHP na vašem serveru. Pokud si přejete, aby se zprávy protokolu zobrazovaly ve vašem prohlížeči, pak doporučujeme nainstalovat %s a podívat se do záložky \"Tribe\" v debug výstupu." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:148 msgid "Debug Bar Plugin" msgstr "Debug Bar Plugin" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:11 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:12 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:13 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:14 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:17 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:168 msgctxt "not available" msgid "n/a" msgstr "není k dispozici" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:15 msgid "You need to upgrade!" msgstr "Je třeba provést aktualizaci!" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:15 msgid "You are up to date!" msgstr "Používáte nejnovější verzi!" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:41 msgid "Advanced Post Manager" msgstr "Advanced Post Manager" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:45 msgid "Event Importer" msgstr "Event Importer" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:49 msgid "Facebook Sync Events" msgstr "Facebook Sync Events" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:56 msgid "The Events Calendar Pro" msgstr "The Events Calendar Pro" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:60 msgid "Eventbrite Tickets" msgstr "Eventbrite Tickets" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:65 msgid "Community Events" msgstr "Community Events" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:70 msgid "WooTickets" msgstr "WooTickets" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:72 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:77 msgid "(coming later in 2012)" msgstr "(bude později v roce 2012)" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:75 msgid "Conference Manager" msgstr "Conference Manager" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:84 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Manuál" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:88 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "FAQ" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:92 msgid "Help" msgstr "Nápověda" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:96 msgid "Tutorials" msgstr "Návody" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:100 msgid "Release Notes" msgstr "Poznámky k vydání" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:106 #, php-format msgid "If this is your first time using The Events Calendar, you're in for a treat. The more adventurous users can jump right into it by finding the \"Events\" section in the admin menu to the left of this message and getting down to it. For those who like to dip their toes before diving in full-on, we've got you covered too. First things first: visit our %s, designed with folks exactly like yourself in mind and meant to familiarize you with the plugin's basics. From there, the Resources listed below (meant to help you kick ass, of course) should keep up the momentum." msgstr "Pokud teprve začínáte s pluginem The Events Calendar, čeká vás příjemné překvapeni. Dobrodružnější povahy se mohou rovnou vrhnout na věc a přejít do nabídky \"Akce\" v administraci po levé straně. Mysleli jsme i na ty z vás, kteří si to chtěji nejdříve tak trochu ošahat. Ale všechno pěkně popořádku: pročtěte si naší %s, která je vytvořena přávě pro vás a s úmyslem seznámit vás se základy pluginu. Po zvládnutí tohoto základu by vás informační zdroje uvedené níže měly udržet v tempu." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:106 msgid "new user primer" msgstr "příručku nového uživatele" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:109 #, php-format msgid "We love all our users and want to help free & PRO customers alike. If you're running the latest version of The Events Calendar and are having problems, post a thread the %s at We hit the forum a few times a week and do what we can to assist users." msgstr "Máme rádi všechny naše uživatele a chceme pomoci jak bezplatným tak i PRO zákazníkům stejně. Pokud používáte aktuální verzi pluginu The Events Calendar a máte nějaké problémy, pošlete příspěvek na %s na webu Fórum sledujeme několikrát týdně a děláme vše, abychom pomohli uživatelům." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:109 msgid "forum for The Events Calendar" msgstr "fórum pro The Events Calendar" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:112 #, php-format msgid "%sA few things to keep in mind before posting:%s" msgstr "%sPár věcí, které je dobré vědět než nám napíšete:%s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:113 #, php-format msgid "%sLook through the recent active threads before posting a new one and check that there isn't already a discussion going on your issue.%s" msgstr "%sProhlédněte si poslední aktivní vlákna v diskuzi a než založíte nové, zkontrolujte zda se už vašemu problému nějaká diskuze nevěnuje.%s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:114 #, php-format msgid "%sA good way to help us out before posting is to check whether the issue is a conflict with another plugin or your theme. This can be tested relatively easily on a staging site by deactivating other plugins one-by-one, and reverting to the default 2011 theme as needed, to see if conflicts can be easily identified. If so, please note that when posting your thread.%s" msgstr "%sDobrým způsobem, jak nám můžete při oznamování chyb pomoci, je kontrola zda daný problém není způsoben konfliktem s jiným pluginem nebo vámi použitou šablonou. To lze relativně jednoduše otestovat na zkušebním webu tim, že postupně deaktivujete ostatní pluginy jeden po druhém a případně se vrátíte zpět k výchozí šabloně 2011. Pokud jste tímto způsobem na nějaký konflikt narazili, dejte nám to při oznamování vědět.%s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:115 #, php-format msgid "%sSometimes, just resaving your permalinks (under Settings -> Permalinks) can resolve events-related problems on your site. It is worth a shot before creating a new thread.%s" msgstr "%sNěkdy pro vyřešení problémů ohledně akcí jenom stačí opětovně uložit nastavení vašich trvalých odkazů. Před vytvářením nového tématu v diskuzi to stojí za zkoušku.%s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:116 #, php-format msgid "%sMake sure you're running The Events Calendar, rather than Events Calendar. They're two separate plugins :)%s" msgstr "%sUjistěte se, že používáte plugin The Events Calendar a ne plugin Events Calendar. Jsou to dva rozdílné pluginy :)%s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:117 #, php-format msgid "%sWhile our team is happy to help with bugs and provide light integration tips for users of The Events Calendar, we're not able to provide customization tips or assist in integrating with 3rd party plugins on the forums.%s" msgstr "%sPřestože náš tým rád pomůže uživatelům pluginu The Events Calendar ohledně chyb a poskytne drobné rady s integrací, v diskuzních fórech na webu nejsme schopni poskytovat rady pro přizpůsobení nebo pomáhat při integraci pluginů třetích stran.%s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:119 #, php-format msgid "%sShoot us an email to %s or tweet to %s and tell us why. We'll do what we can to make it right.%s" msgstr "%sPošlete nám email na %s nebo tweet na %s a řekněte proč. Uděláme vše co je v našich silách, abychom to dali do pořádku.%s" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:119 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:119 msgid "@moderntribeinc" msgstr "@moderntribeinc" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:120 msgid "More..." msgstr "Více..." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:127 msgid "Hi! Thank you so much for using the labor of our love. We are Modern Tribe and we are here to help you kick ass." msgstr "Ahoj! Moc děkujeme za to, že používáte výsledek naší práce z lásky. My jsme Modern Tribe a jsme tu, abychom vám pomohli to pořádně rozjet." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:129 msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Začínáme" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:134 msgid "Resources to Help You Kick Ass" msgstr "Zdroje informací na rozjezd" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:146 msgid "Everyone Needs a Buddy" msgstr "Každý potřebuje parťáka" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:149 msgid "Still Not Satisfied?" msgstr "Ještě nejste spokojeni?" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:156 msgid "The Events Calendar" msgstr "The Events Calendar" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:160 msgid "Latest Version:" msgstr "Nejnovější verze:" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:161 msgid "Author:" msgstr "Autor:" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:161 msgid "Modern Tribe Inc" msgstr "Modern Tribe Inc" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:162 msgid "Requires:" msgstr "Vyžaduje:" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:162 msgid "WordPress " msgstr "WordPress" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:163 msgid " Plugin Page" msgstr "Oficiální stránka pluginu v adresáři WordPressu" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:166 msgid "Average Rating" msgstr "Průměrné hodnocení" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:175 #, php-format msgid "Based on %d rating" msgid_plural "Based on %d ratings" msgstr[0] "Hodnotil %d uživatel" msgstr[1] "Hodnotili %d uživatelé" msgstr[2] "Hodnotilo %d uživatelů" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:178 msgid "Rating currently unavailable :(" msgstr "Hodnocení momentálně není k dispozici :(" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:184 msgid "Give us 5 stars!" msgstr "Dejte nám 5 hvězdiček" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:186 msgid "Free Add-Ons" msgstr "Volné doplňky" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:192 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:205 msgid "(Coming Soon!)" msgstr "(Připravujeme)" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:199 msgid "Premium Add-Ons" msgstr "Premium doplňky" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:212 msgid "News and Tutorials" msgstr "Aktuality a návody" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:4 msgid "Default Events Template" msgstr "Výchozí šablona akcí" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:5 msgid "Default Page Template" msgstr "Výchozí šablona stránky" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:18 msgid "Template Settings" msgstr "Nastavení šablony" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:22 msgid "Events Template" msgstr "Šablona akcí" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:23 msgid "Choose a page template to control the look and feel of your calendar." msgstr "Vyberte šablonu stránky, která ovlivní vzhled a styl vašeho kalendáře." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:31 msgid "Add HTML before calendar" msgstr "Přidat HTML kód před kalendář" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:32 msgid "Some themes may require that you add extra divs before the calendar list to help with styling.<br>This is displayed directly after the header." msgstr "Některé šablony mohou vyžadovat přidání dalších Div tagů před výpis kalendáře jako pomoc při stylování.<br>Toto se zobrazí hned po záhlaví." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:32 #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:39 msgid "You may use (x)HTML." msgstr "Můžete používat (x)HTML značky." #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:38 msgid "Add HTML after calendar" msgstr "Přidat HTML kód za kalendář" #: ../admin-views/tribe-options-templates.php:39 msgid "Some themes may require that you add extra divs after the calendar list to help with styling.<br>This is displayed directly above the footer." msgstr "Některé šablony mohou vyžadovat přidání dalších Div tagů za výpis kalendáře jako pomoc při stylování.<br>Toto se zobrazí těsně nad zápatím." #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:12 msgid "Venue Name:" msgstr "Místo konání:" #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:19 msgid "Address:" msgstr "Adresa:" #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:23 msgid "City:" msgstr "Město:" #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:27 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Země:" #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:55 msgid "State or Province:" msgstr "Kraj:" #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:58 msgid "Select a State:" msgstr "Vyberte stát:" #: ../admin-views/venue-meta-box.php:73 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "PSČ:" #: ../admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:11 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Název:" #: ../admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:16 msgid "Show:" msgstr "Zobrazit:" #: ../admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:24 msgid "Show widget only if there are upcoming events:" msgstr "Zobrazit widget pouze pokud jsou nadcházející akce:" #: ../admin-views/widget-admin-list.php:30 msgid "If you wish to customize the widget display yourself, see the file views/events-list-load-widget-display.php inside the Events Premium plugin." msgstr "Pokud si chcete přizpůsobit zobrazení widgetu, podívejte se do souboru views/events-list-load-widget-display.php v pluginu Events Premium." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:284 msgid "category" msgstr "rubrika" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:285 msgid "tag" msgstr "stitek" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:286 msgid "month" msgstr "mesic" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:287 msgid "upcoming" msgstr "nadchazejici" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:288 msgid "past" msgstr "uplynule" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:290 msgid "venue" msgstr "misto" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:300 #, php-format msgid "Initializing Tribe Events on %s" msgstr "Initializing Tribe Events on %s" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:380 #, php-format msgid "Your version of %s requires version %s or higher of The Events Calendar (you are currently running %s). Visit %shelp%s for more information." msgstr "Vaše verze pluginu %s vyžaduje alespoň The Events Calendar %s (přávě používáte verzi %s). Více informací naleznete v %snápovědě%s." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:418 msgid "General" msgstr "Obecné" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:419 msgid "Template" msgstr "Šablona" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:420 msgid "Licenses" msgstr "Licence" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:456 #, php-format msgid "Sorry, The Events Calendar requires WordPress %s or higher. Please upgrade your WordPress install." msgstr "Omlouváme se, ale plugin The Events Calendar vyžaduje alespoň WordPress %s. Aktualizujte si prosím svůj WordPress." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:459 #, php-format msgid "Sorry, The Events Calendar requires PHP %s or higher. Talk to your Web host about moving you to a newer version of PHP." msgstr "Omlouváme se, ale plugin The Events Calendar vyžaduje alespoň PHP %s. Požádejte svého poskytovatele webhostingu o přechod na novější verzi PHP." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:580 msgid "Upcoming Events" msgstr "Nadcházející akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:582 msgid "Past Events" msgstr "Uplynulé akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:586 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:592 #, php-format msgid "Events for %s" msgstr "Akce na %s" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:588 msgid "Events this month" msgstr "Akce na tento měsíc" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:598 #, php-format msgid "Events at %s" msgstr "Akce konané v %s" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:611 msgid "No description has been entered for this event." msgstr "Pro tuto akci nebyl zadán žádný popis." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:855 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2552 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2612 msgid "Events" msgstr "Akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:856 msgid "Event" msgstr "Akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:857 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:870 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:883 msgid "Add New" msgstr "Vytvořit akci" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:858 msgid "Add New Event" msgstr "Vytvořit novou akci" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:859 msgid "Edit Event" msgstr "Upravit akci" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:860 msgid "New Event" msgstr "Vytvořit akci" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:861 msgid "View Event" msgstr "Zobrazit akci" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:862 msgid "Search Events" msgstr "Hledat akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:863 msgid "No events found" msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:864 msgid "No events found in Trash" msgstr "V koši nebyly nalezeny žádné akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:868 msgid "Venues" msgstr "Místa konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:869 msgid "Venue" msgstr "Místo konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:871 msgid "Add New Venue" msgstr "Vytvořit nové místo konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:872 msgid "Edit Venue" msgstr "Upravit místo konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:873 msgid "New Venue" msgstr "Vytvořit místo konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:874 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:887 msgid "View Venue" msgstr "Zobrazit místo konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:875 msgid "Search Venues" msgstr "Hledat místa konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:876 msgid "No venue found" msgstr "Nebylo nalezeno žádné místo konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:877 msgid "No venues found in Trash" msgstr "V koši nebyly nalezeny žádné místa konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:881 msgid "Organizers" msgstr "Pořadatelé" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:882 msgid "Organizer" msgstr "Pořadatel" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:884 msgid "Add New Organizer" msgstr "Vytvořit nového pořadatele" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:885 msgid "Edit Organizer" msgstr "Upravit pořadatele" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:886 msgid "New Organizer" msgstr "Vytvořit pořadatele" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:888 msgid "Search Organizers" msgstr "Hledat pořadatele" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:889 msgid "No organizer found" msgstr "Nebyl nalezen žádný pořadatel" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:890 msgid "No organizers found in Trash" msgstr "V koši nebyli nalezeni žádní pořadatelé" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:894 #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:172 msgid "Event Categories" msgstr "Rubriky akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:895 msgid "Event Category" msgstr "Rubrika akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:896 msgid "Search Event Categories" msgstr "Hledat rubriky akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:897 msgid "All Event Categories" msgstr "Všechny rubriky akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:898 msgid "Parent Event Category" msgstr "Nadřazená rubrika akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:899 msgid "Parent Event Category:" msgstr "Nadřazená rubrika akcí:" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:900 msgid "Edit Event Category" msgstr "Upravit rubriku akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:901 msgid "Update Event Category" msgstr "Aktualizovat rubriku akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:902 msgid "Add New Event Category" msgstr "Vytvořit novou rubriku akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:903 msgid "New Event Category Name" msgstr "Název nové rubriky akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:913 #, php-format msgid "Event updated. <a href=\"%s\">View event</a>" msgstr "Akce byla aktualizována. <a href=\"%s\">Zobrazit akci</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:914 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:931 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:948 msgid "Custom field updated." msgstr "Uživatelské pole bylo aktualizováno." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:915 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:932 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:949 msgid "Custom field deleted." msgstr "Uživatelské pole bylo smazáno." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:916 msgid "Event updated." msgstr "Akce byla aktualizována." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:918 #, php-format msgid "Event restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Byla obnovena verze Akce %s" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:919 #, php-format msgid "Event published. <a href=\"%s\">View event</a>" msgstr "Akce byla publikována. <a href=\"%s\">Zobrazit akci</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:920 msgid "Event saved." msgstr "Akce byla uložena." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:921 #, php-format msgid "Event submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview event</a>" msgstr "Akce byla odeslána ke schválení. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Zobrazit náhled akce</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:922 #, php-format msgid "Event scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview event</a>" msgstr "Akce bude automaticky publikována: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Zobrazit náhled akce</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:924 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:941 #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:958 msgid "M j, Y @ G:i" msgstr "j.n.Y, G:i" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:925 #, php-format msgid "Event draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview event</a>" msgstr "Koncept Akce byl uložen. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Zobrazit náhled akce</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:930 #, php-format msgid "Venue updated. <a href=\"%s\">View venue</a>" msgstr "Místo konání bylo aktualizováno. <a href=\"%s\">Zobrazit místo konání</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:933 msgid "Venue updated." msgstr "Místo konání bylo aktualizováno." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:935 #, php-format msgid "Venue restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Byla obnovena verze Místa konání %s" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:936 #, php-format msgid "Venue published. <a href=\"%s\">View venue</a>" msgstr "Místo konání bylo publikováno. <a href=\"%s\">Zobrazit místo konání</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:937 msgid "Venue saved." msgstr "Místo konání bylo uloženo." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:938 #, php-format msgid "Venue submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview venue</a>" msgstr "Místo konání bylo odesláno ke schválení. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Zobrazit náhled místa konání</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:939 #, php-format msgid "Venue scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview venue</a>" msgstr "Místo konání bude automaticky publikováno: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Zobrazit náhled místa konání</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:942 #, php-format msgid "Venue draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview venue</a>" msgstr "Koncept Místa konání byl uložen. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Zobrazit náhled místa konání</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:947 #, php-format msgid "Organizer updated. <a href=\"%s\">View organizer</a>" msgstr "Pořadatel byl aktualizován. <a href=\"%s\">Zobrazit pořadatele</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:950 msgid "Organizer updated." msgstr "Pořadatel byl aktualizován." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:952 #, php-format msgid "Organizer restored to revision from %s" msgstr "Byla obnovena verze Pořadatele %s" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:953 #, php-format msgid "Organizer published. <a href=\"%s\">View organizer</a>" msgstr "Pořadatel byl publikován. <a href=\"%s\">Zobrazit pořadatele</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:954 msgid "Organizer saved." msgstr "Pořadatel byl uložen." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:955 #, php-format msgid "Organizer submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview organizer</a>" msgstr "Pořadatel byl odeslán ke schválení. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Zobrazit náhled pořadatele</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:956 #, php-format msgid "Organizer scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Preview organizer</a>" msgstr "Pořadatel bude automaticky publikován: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s\">Zobrazit náhled pořadatele</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:959 #, php-format msgid "Organizer draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview organizer</a>" msgstr "Koncept Pořadatele byl uložen. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Zobrazit náhled pořadatele</a>" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:1055 msgid "Next" msgstr "Další" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:1056 msgid "Prev" msgstr "Předchozí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:1057 msgid "Today" msgstr "Dnes" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:1058 msgid "Done" msgstr "Hotovo" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2334 msgid "Event Options" msgstr "Nastavení akce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2336 msgid "Venue Information" msgstr "Informace o místě konání" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2337 msgid "Organizer Information" msgstr "Informace o pořadateli" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2450 msgid "Support" msgstr "Podpora" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2453 msgid "View All Add-Ons" msgstr "Prohlédnout všechny doplňky" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2460 msgid "News from Modern Tribe" msgstr "Novinky od Modern Tribe" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2505 msgid "Additional Functionality" msgstr "Další funkce" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2510 #, php-format msgid "Check out the <a href=\"%s\">available Add-Ons</a>." msgstr "Podívejte se na <a href=\"%s\">dostupné doplňky</a>." #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2578 msgid "View Calendar" msgstr "Zobrazit kalendář" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2586 msgid "Add Event" msgstr "Vytvořit akci" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2595 msgid "Edit Events" msgstr "Přehled akcí" #: ../lib/the-events-calendar.class.php:2604 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavení" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:40 #, php-format msgid "View “%s”" msgstr "Zobrazit „%s“" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:40 msgid "View" msgstr "Zobrazit" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:177 msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Počáteční datum" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:178 msgid "End Date" msgstr "Koncové datum" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:180 msgid "Recurring?" msgstr "Opakující" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:224 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ano" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:224 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" #: ../lib/tribe-admin-events-list.class.php:278 #, php-format msgid "All %s" msgstr "Celkem %s" #: ../lib/tribe-app-shop.class.php:54 #: ../lib/tribe-app-shop.class.php:55 #: ../lib/tribe-app-shop.class.php:73 msgid "App Shop" msgstr "App Shop" #: ../lib/tribe-debug-bar.class.php:18 msgid "Tribe" msgstr "Tribe" #: ../lib/tribe-event-exception.class.php:17 #: ../lib/tribe-event-exception.class.php:34 msgid "Error" msgstr "Chyba" #: ../lib/tribe-field.class.php:161 msgid "Invalid field type specified" msgstr "Uvedený typ pole je neplatný" #: ../lib/tribe-field.class.php:388 msgid "No radio options specified" msgstr "Nebyly specifikovány položky přepínače" #: ../lib/tribe-field.class.php:425 msgid "No checkbox options specified" msgstr "Nebyly specifikovány položky zaškrtávacího políčka" #: ../lib/tribe-field.class.php:479 msgid "No select options specified" msgstr "Nebyly specifikovány položky rozbalovacího seznamu" #: ../lib/tribe-settings-tab.class.php:188 msgid "There are no fields setup for this tab yet." msgstr "Pro tento panel nejsou zatím nastavena žádná pole." #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:193 #, php-format msgctxt "The Event Calendar settings heading" msgid "%s Settings" msgstr "Nastavení %s" #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:207 msgid "You've requested a non-existent tab." msgstr "Požadovaný panel neexistuje." #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:215 msgid " Save Changes" msgstr "Uložit změny" #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:263 msgid "You don't have permission to do that." msgstr "Nemáte dostatečné oprávnění pro tuto činnost." #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:269 msgid "The request was sent insecurely." msgstr "Požadavek byl odeslán nezabezpečený." #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:275 msgid "The request wasn't sent from this tab." msgstr "Požadavek nebyl odeslán z tohoto panelu." #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:425 msgid "Your form had the following errors:" msgstr "Ve formuláři se vyskytly následující chyby:" #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:434 msgid "None of your settings were saved. Please try again." msgstr "Žádné z vašich nastavení nebylo uloženo. Zkuste to prosím znovu." #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:434 msgid "The above setting was not saved. Other settings were successfully saved." msgid_plural "The above settings were not saved. Other settings were successfully saved." msgstr[0] "Výše uvedené nastavení nebylo uloženo. Ostatní nastavení byla úspěšně uložena." msgstr[1] "Výše uvedená nastavení nebyla uložena. Ostatní nastavení byla úspěšně uložena." msgstr[2] "Výše uvedená nastavení nebyla uložena. Ostatní nastavení byla úspěšně uložena." #: ../lib/tribe-settings.class.php:458 msgid "Settings saved." msgstr "Nastavení bylo uloženo." #: ../lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:44 msgid "Welcome to Events 2.0! This is a HUGE upgrade from 1.6.5. Please make sure you have backed up before proceeding any further. You can easily <a href=\"\">revert to an old version</a> if you want to backup first. This upgrade includes two major steps, <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-settings&tab=general\">migrating data</a> & updating your templates as necessary. There have been significant changes to the template tags and functions. Check out our <a href=\"\">walkthrough on the upgrade</a> before proceeding and check out the FAQ & Knowledge base from the <a href=\"\">support page</a>. If you're new to The Events Calendar, you may want to review our <a href=\"\">new user primer</a>.<br/><br/> You have events that need to be migrated. Please visit the bottom of the <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-events-calendar\">settings page</a> to perform the migration." msgstr "Vítejte u Events 2.0! Jde o obrovský pokrok od verze 1.6.5. Před pokračováním dál se prosím ujistěte, že máte vytvořenu zálohu dat. Můžete se snadno <a href=\"\">vrátit ke starší verzi</a>, pokud si chcete nejprve vytvořit zálohu. Tato aktualizace zahrnuje dva hlavní kroky, <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-settings&tab=general\">migraci dat</a> a aktualizaci šablon podle potřeby. Došlo k významným změnám u tagů šablon a funkcí. Než budete pokračovat, podívejte se na náš <a href=\"\">návod na aktualizaci</a> a pročtěte si FAQ a znalostní bázi na <a href=\"\">stránce podpory</a>. Pokud teprve začínáte s pluginem The Events Calendar, můžete si přečíst naši <a href=\"\">příručku nového uživatele</a>.<br/><br/> Je nutné přenést data stávajících akcí. Migraci můžete provést ve spodní části <a href=\"options-general.php?page=tribe-events-calendar\">stránky s nastavením</a>." #: ../lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:54 msgid "Upgrade from The Events Calendar" msgstr "Upgrade z pluginu The Events Calendar" #: ../lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:55 msgid "It appears that you have some old events calendar data that needs to be upgraded. Please be sure to back up your database before initiating the upgrade. This process can not be undone." msgstr "Zdá se, že máte nějaké staré kalendářové data akcí, které musí být aktualizovány. Před aktualizací proveďte raději kompletní zálohu databáze. Tento proces nelze vrátit zpět." #: ../lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:56 msgid "Migrate Data!" msgstr "Migrace dat!" #: ../lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:132 #, php-format msgid "You successfully migrated (%d) entries." msgstr "Úspěšně se převedlo %d položek." #: ../lib/tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php:203 msgid "Install has 1 or more legacy event!" msgstr "Instalace obsahuje jeden nebo více Akcí starší verze!" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:77 #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:115 msgid "Invalid or incomplete field passed" msgstr "Zadáno neplatné nebo neúplné pole" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:78 #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:110 #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:116 msgid "Field ID:" msgstr "ID pole:" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:109 msgid "Non-existant field validation function passed" msgstr "Zadána neexistující validační funkce pole" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:110 msgctxt "non-existant function name passed for field validation" msgid "with function name:" msgstr "se jménem funkce:" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:135 #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:153 #, php-format msgid "%s must contain numbers and letters only" msgstr "%s se musí skládat pouze z číslic a písmen" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:171 #, php-format msgid "%s must contain numbers, letters and dots only" msgstr "%s se musí skládat pouze z číslic, písmen a teček." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:187 #, php-format msgid "%s must be a positive number." msgstr "%s musí být kladné číslo." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:204 #, php-format msgid "%s must be a valid slug (numbers, letters, dashes, and underscores)." msgstr "%s musí být platným názvem v URL (číslice, písmena, pomlčky, a podtržítka)." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:221 #, php-format msgid "%s must be a valid absolute URL." msgstr "%s musí být platná absolutní adresa URL." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:239 #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:258 #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:279 #, php-format msgid "%s must have a value that's part of its options." msgstr "%s musí mít hodnotu, která je jednou z možných voleb." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:295 #, php-format msgid "Comparison validation failed because no comparison value was provided, for field %s" msgstr "Kontrola porovnávání se nezdařila, protože nebyla zadána porovnávací hodnota pro pole %s" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:302 #, php-format msgid "%s cannot be the same as %s." msgstr "%s nemůže být stejné jako %s." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:304 #, php-format msgid "%s cannot be a duplicate" msgstr "%s nemůže být duplicitní" #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:322 #, php-format msgid "%s must be a number or percentage." msgstr "%s musí být číslo nebo procento." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:386 #, php-format msgid "%s must be a number between 0 and 21." msgstr "%s musí být číslo v rozmezí 0 až 21." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:404 #, php-format msgid "%s must consist of letters, numbers, dashes, apostrophes, and spaces only." msgstr "%s se musí skládat pouze z písmen, číslic, pomlček, apostrofů a mezer." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:422 #, php-format msgid "%s must consist of letters, spaces, apostrophes, and dashes." msgstr "%s se musí skládat pouze z písmen, mezer, apostrofů a pomlček." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:438 #, php-format msgid "%s must consist of 5 numbers." msgstr "%s se musí skládat z 5 čísel." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:454 #, php-format msgid "%s must be a phone number." msgstr "%s musí být telefonní číslo." #: ../lib/tribe-validate.class.php:472 msgid "Country List must be formatted as one country per line in the following format: <br>US, United States <br> UK, United Kingdom." msgstr "Seznam zemí musí být formátován jako jedna země na řádek v následujícím formátu: <br>US, United States <br> UK, United Kingdom." #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:16 #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:35 msgid "Select a Country:" msgstr "Vyberte zemi:" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:36 msgid "United States" msgstr "Spojené státy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:37 msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Afghánistán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:38 msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albánie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:39 msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Alžírsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:40 msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "Americká Samoa" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:41 msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:42 msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:43 msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Anguilla" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:44 msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antarktida" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:45 msgid "Antigua And Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua a Barbuda" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:46 msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentina" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:47 msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Arménie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:48 msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:49 msgid "Australia" msgstr "Austrálie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:50 msgid "Austria" msgstr "Rakousko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:51 msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Ázerbájdžán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:52 msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:53 msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrajn" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:54 msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladéš" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:55 msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:56 msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Bělorusko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:57 msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Belgie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:58 msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:59 msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:60 msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermudy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:61 msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Bhútán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:62 msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolívie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:63 msgid "Bosnia And Herzegowina" msgstr "Bosna a Hercegovina" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:64 msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botswana" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:65 msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "Bouvetův ostrov" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:66 msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brazílie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:67 msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "Britské indickooceánské území" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:68 msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "Brunej" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:69 msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulharsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:70 msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:71 msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:72 msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Kambodža" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:73 msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Kamerun" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:74 msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:75 msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Kapverdy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:76 msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Kajmanské ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:77 msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Středoafrická republika" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:78 msgid "Chad" msgstr "Čad" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:79 msgid "Chile" msgstr "Chile" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:80 msgid "China" msgstr "Čína" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:81 msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Vánoční ostrov" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:82 msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Kokosové (Keelingovy) ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:83 msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Kolumbie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:84 msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Komory" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:85 msgid "Congo" msgstr "Republika Kongo" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:86 msgid "Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The" msgstr "Demokratická republika Kongo" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:87 msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Cookovy ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:88 msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Kostarika" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:89 msgid "Cote D'Ivoire" msgstr "Pobřeží slonoviny" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:90 msgid "Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)" msgstr "Chorvatsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:91 msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Kuba" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:92 msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Kypr" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:93 msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Česká republika" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:94 msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Dánsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:95 msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Džibutsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:96 msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominika" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:97 msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Dominikánská republika" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:98 msgid "East Timor" msgstr "Východní Timor" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:99 msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Ekvádor" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:100 msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Egypt" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:101 msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "Salvador" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:102 msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Rovníková Guinea" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:103 msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritrea" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:104 msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estonsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:105 msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Etiopie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:106 msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "Falklandy (Malvíny)" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:107 msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Faerské ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:108 msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fidži" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:109 msgid "Finland" msgstr "Finsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:110 msgid "France" msgstr "Francie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:111 msgid "France, Metropolitan" msgstr "Metropolitní Francie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:112 msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "Francouzská Guyana" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:113 msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "Francouzská Polynésie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:114 msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "Francouzská jižní a antarktická území" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:115 msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabon" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:116 msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:117 #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:305 msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Gruzie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:118 msgid "Germany" msgstr "Německo" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:119 msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Ghana" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:120 msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:121 msgid "Greece" msgstr "Řecko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:122 msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Grónsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:123 msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:124 msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:125 msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:126 msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:127 msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Guinea" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:128 msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guinea-Bissau" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:129 msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Guyana" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:130 msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:131 msgid "Heard And Mc Donald Islands" msgstr "Heardův ostrov a McDonaldovy ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:132 msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgstr "Svatý stolec (Vatikán)" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:133 msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:134 msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "Hongkong" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:135 msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Maďarsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:136 msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Island" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:137 msgid "India" msgstr "Indie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:138 msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonésie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:139 msgid "Iran (Islamic Republic Of)" msgstr "Írán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:140 msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Irák" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:141 msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Irsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:142 msgid "Israel" msgstr "Izrael" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:143 msgid "Italy" msgstr "Itálie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:144 msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamajka" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:145 msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japonsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:146 msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordánsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:147 msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazachstán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:148 msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Keňa" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:149 msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:150 msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of" msgstr "Severní Korea" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:151 msgid "Korea, Republic Of" msgstr "Jižní Korea" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:152 msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuvajt" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:153 msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kyrgyzstán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:154 msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "Laos" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:155 msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lotyšsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:156 msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Libanon" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:157 msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesotho" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:158 msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Libérie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:159 msgid "Libya" msgstr "Libye" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:160 msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Lichtenštejnsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:161 msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Litva" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:162 msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Lucembursko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:163 msgid "Macau" msgstr "Macao" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:164 msgid "Macedonia" msgstr "Makedonie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:165 msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagaskar" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:166 msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malawi" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:167 msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malajsie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:168 msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Maledivy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:169 msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:170 msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:171 msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Marshallovy ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:172 msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinik" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:173 msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauritánie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:174 msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Mauricius" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:175 msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:176 msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Mexiko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:177 msgid "Micronesia, Federated States Of" msgstr "Mikronésie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:178 msgid "Moldova, Republic Of" msgstr "Moldavsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:179 msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Monako" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:180 msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongolsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:181 msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Černá Hora" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:182 msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:183 msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Maroko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:184 msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Mosambik" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:185 msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:186 msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namibie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:187 msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:188 msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepál" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:189 msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Nizozemsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:190 msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Nizozemské Antily" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:191 msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Nová Kaledonie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:192 msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Nový Zéland" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:193 msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nikaragua" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:194 msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:195 msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigérie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:196 msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:197 msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Norfolk" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:198 msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Severní Mariany" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:199 msgid "Norway" msgstr "Norsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:200 msgid "Oman" msgstr "Omán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:201 msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Pákistán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:202 msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:203 msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:204 msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua-Nová Guinea" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:205 msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguay" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:206 msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:207 msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Filipíny" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:208 msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairnovy ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:209 msgid "Poland" msgstr "Polsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:210 msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugalsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:211 msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Portoriko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:212 msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Katar" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:213 msgid "Reunion" msgstr "Réunion" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:214 msgid "Romania" msgstr "Rumunsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:215 msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "Rusko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:216 msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Rwanda" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:217 msgid "Saint Kitts And Nevis" msgstr "Svatý Kryštof a Nevis" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:218 msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Svatá Lucie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:219 msgid "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines" msgstr "Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:220 msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:221 msgid "San Marino" msgstr "San Marino" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:222 msgid "Sao Tome And Principe" msgstr "Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:223 msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saúdská Arábie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:224 msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:225 msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Srbsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:226 msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychely" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:227 msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierra Leone" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:228 msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapur" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:229 msgid "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)" msgstr "Slovensko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:230 msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Slovinsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:231 msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Šalamounovy ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:232 msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somálsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:233 msgid "South Africa" msgstr "Jihoafrická republika" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:234 msgid "South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:235 msgid "Spain" msgstr "Španělsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:236 msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Šrí Lanka" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:237 msgid "St. Helena" msgstr "Svatá Helena" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:238 msgid "St. Pierre And Miquelon" msgstr "Saint-Pierre a Miquelon" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:239 msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Súdán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:240 msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Surinam" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:241 msgid "Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands" msgstr "Špicberky" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:242 msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Svazijsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:243 msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Švédsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:244 msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Švýcarsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:245 msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "Sýrie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:246 msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Tchaj-wan (Čínská republika)" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:247 msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tádžikistán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:248 msgid "Tanzania, United Republic Of" msgstr "Tanzanie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:249 msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Thajsko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:250 msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:251 msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelau" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:252 msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:253 msgid "Trinidad And Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad a Tobago" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:254 msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunisko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:255 msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Turecko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:256 msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turkmenistán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:257 msgid "Turks And Caicos Islands" msgstr "Turks a Caicos" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:258 msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:259 msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:260 msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukrajina" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:261 msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "Spojené arabské emiráty" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:262 msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Spojené království" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:263 msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Menší odlehlé ostrovy Spojených států amerických" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:264 msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguay" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:265 msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbekistán" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:266 msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:267 msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:268 msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "Vietnam" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:269 msgid "Virgin Islands (British)" msgstr "Britské Panenské ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:270 msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)" msgstr "Americké Panenské ostrovy" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:271 msgid "Wallis And Futuna Islands" msgstr "Wallis a Futuna" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:272 msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Západní Sahara" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:273 msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Jemen" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:274 msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Zambie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:275 msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabwe" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:295 msgid "Alabama" msgstr "Alabama" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:296 msgid "Alaska" msgstr "Aljaška" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:297 msgid "Arizona" msgstr "Arizona" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:298 msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "Arkansas" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:299 msgid "California" msgstr "Kalifornie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:300 msgid "Colorado" msgstr "Colorado" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:301 msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "Connecticut" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:302 msgid "Delaware" msgstr "Delaware" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:303 msgid "District of Columbia" msgstr "District of Columbia" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:304 msgid "Florida" msgstr "Florida" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:306 msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "Havaj" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:307 msgid "Idaho" msgstr "Idaho" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:308 msgid "Illinois" msgstr "Illinois" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:309 msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indiana" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:310 msgid "Iowa" msgstr "Iowa" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:311 msgid "Kansas" msgstr "Kansas" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:312 msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "Kentucky" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:313 msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "Louisiana" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:314 msgid "Maine" msgstr "Maine" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:315 msgid "Maryland" msgstr "Maryland" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:316 msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "Massachusetts" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:317 msgid "Michigan" msgstr "Michigan" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:318 msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "Minnesota" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:319 msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "Mississippi" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:320 msgid "Missouri" msgstr "Missouri" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:321 msgid "Montana" msgstr "Montana" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:322 msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:323 msgid "Nevada" msgstr "Nevada" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:324 msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "New Hampshire" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:325 msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "New Jersey" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:326 msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "Nové Mexiko" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:327 msgid "New York" msgstr "New York" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:328 msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "Severní Karolína" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:329 msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "Severní Dakota" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:330 msgid "Ohio" msgstr "Ohio" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:331 msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "Oklahoma" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:332 msgid "Oregon" msgstr "Oregon" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:333 msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "Pensylvánie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:334 msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "Rhode Island" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:335 msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "Jižní Karolína" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:336 msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "Jižní Dakota" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:337 msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "Tennessee" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:338 msgid "Texas" msgstr "Texas" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:339 msgid "Utah" msgstr "Utah" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:340 msgid "Vermont" msgstr "Vermont" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:341 msgid "Virginia" msgstr "Virginie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:342 msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:343 msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "Západní Virginie" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:344 msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr "Wisconsin" #: ../lib/tribe-view-helpers.class.php:345 msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Wyoming" #: ../lib/widget-list.class.php:16 msgid "A widget that displays the next upcoming x events." msgstr "Widget, který zobrazuje seznam nadcházejících akcí." #: ../lib/widget-list.class.php:70 msgid "View All Events" msgstr "Zobrazit všechny akce" #: ../lib/widget-list.class.php:73 msgid "There are no upcoming events at this time." msgstr "V tuto chvíli nejsou k dispozici žádné nadcházející akce." #: ../public/template-tags/general.php:120 msgid "Category:" msgstr "Rubrika:" #: ../public/template-tags/general.php:137 msgid "Tags:" msgstr "Štítky:" #: ../public/template-tags/general.php:255 msgid "Free" msgstr "Zdarma" #: ../public/template-tags/loop.php:130 msgid "Calendar of Events" msgstr "Kalendář akcí" #: ../vendor/wp-router/WP_Route.class.php:250 msgid "You are not authorized to access this page" msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro přístup na tuto stránku" #: ../vendor/wp-router/WP_Route.class.php:251 msgid "Access Denied" msgstr "Přístup zamítnut" #: ../vendor/wp-router/WP_Router_Page.class.php:78 msgid "WP Router Placeholder Page" msgstr "Zástupná stránka WP Routeru" #: ../vendor/wp-router/WP_Router_Utility.class.php:71 #, php-format msgid "%1$s requires WordPress %2$s or higher and PHP %3$s or higher." msgstr "%1$s vyžaduje alespoň WordPress %2$s a alespoň PHP %3$s." #: ../views/ecp-single-template.php:24 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Upravit" #: ../views/events-list-load-widget-display.php:52 msgid "All Day" msgstr "celý den" #: ../views/gridview.php:36 #: ../views/list.php:18 msgid "Event List" msgstr "Seznam akcí" #: ../views/gridview.php:37 #: ../views/list.php:19 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalendář" #: ../views/gridview.php:42 #: ../views/list.php:165 #: ../views/single.php:103 msgid "iCal Import" msgstr "iCal import" #: ../views/gridview.php:45 #, php-format msgid "Calendar powered by %sThe Events Calendar%s" msgstr "Vytvořeno pomocí %sThe Events Calendar%s" #: ../views/list.php:50 #: ../views/single.php:22 msgid "Start:" msgstr "Zahájení:" #: ../views/list.php:54 #: ../views/single.php:24 msgid "End:" msgstr "Ukončení:" #: ../views/list.php:59 #: ../views/single.php:27 msgid "Date:" msgstr "Datum:" #: ../views/list.php:69 #: ../views/single.php:61 msgid "Venue:" msgstr "Místo konání:" #: ../views/list.php:92 #: ../views/single.php:78 msgid "Google Map" msgstr "Mapa Google" #: ../views/list.php:116 #, php-format msgid " listed under %s. Check out past events for this category or view the full calendar." msgstr " v rubrice %s. Podívejte se na uplynulé akce z této rubriky nebo si zobrazte úplný kalendář." #: ../views/list.php:118 #, php-format msgid " listed under %s. Check out upcoming events for this category or view the full calendar." msgstr " v rubrice %s. Podívejte se na nadcházející akce z této rubriky nebo si zobrazte úplný kalendář." #: ../views/list.php:123 #, php-format msgid "No events scheduled for <strong>%s</strong>. Please try another day." msgstr "Na <strong>%s</strong> nejsou naplánované žádné akce. Zkuste prosím jiný den." #: ../views/list.php:127 msgid "No upcoming events" msgstr "Žádné nadcházející akce" #: ../views/list.php:131 msgid "No previous events" msgstr "Žádné předchozí akce" #: ../views/list.php:144 #: ../views/list.php:146 #: ../views/list.php:148 msgid "« Previous Events" msgstr "« Předchozí akce" #: ../views/list.php:155 #: ../views/list.php:157 #: ../views/list.php:159 msgid "Next Events »" msgstr "Další akce »" #: ../views/single.php:12 msgid "« Back to Events" msgstr "« Zpět k akcím" #: ../views/single.php:16 msgid "This event has passed." msgstr "Tato akce již proběhla." #: ../views/single.php:19 msgid "Event:" msgstr "Akce:" #: ../views/single.php:36 #: ../views/single.php:39 msgid "Organizer:" msgstr "Pořadatel:" #: ../views/single.php:50 msgid "Updated:" msgstr "Aktualizace:" #: ../views/single.php:53 msgid "Schedule:" msgstr "Plánováno:" #: ../views/single.php:78 msgid "Click to view a Google Map" msgstr "Klikněte pro zobrazení ve službě Mapy Google" #: ../views/single.php:106 msgid "Add to Google Calendar" msgstr "Přidat do služby Kalendář Google" #: ../views/single.php:106 msgid "+ Google Calendar" msgstr "+ Kalendář Google" #: ../views/table-mini.php:117 msgid "View all »" msgstr "Zobrazit vše »"