trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: 41_fbuilder.fpopup.fc.js
$.fbuilder.typeList.push( { id:"fpopup", name:"Popup", control_category:10 } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpopup' ]=function(){}; $.extend( true, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpopup' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ].prototype, { title:"", titletag:"P", ftype:"fpopup", _developerNotes:'', fields:[], open_onload:false, open_onclick:'', close_button:true, modal:true, dragging:false, resizing:false, position:'center', // center, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right width:'360px', height:'360px', columns:1, rearrange: 0, collapsed:false, // Admin initAdv: function(){ delete this.advanced.css.input; delete; if ( ! ( 'header' in this.advanced.css ) ) this.advanced.css.header = {label: 'Header area',rules:{}}; if ( ! ( 'close' in this.advanced.css ) ) this.advanced.css.close = {label: 'Close button',rules:{}}; if ( ! ( 'content' in this.advanced.css ) ) this.advanced.css.content = {label: 'Content area',rules:{}}; }, display:function( css_class ) { css_class = css_class || ''; return '<div class="fields ' ? ' collapsed' : '')+' '+this.ftype+' '+css_class+'" id="field'+this.form_identifier+'-'+this.index+'" title="'+this.controlLabel('Popup')+'" style="width:100%;"><div class="arrow ui-icon ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical "></div><div title="Collapse" class="collapse ui-icon ui-icon-folder-collapsed "></div><div title="Uncollapse" class="uncollapse ui-icon ui-icon-folder-open "></div><div title="Delete" class="remove ui-icon ui-icon-trash "></div><div title="Duplicate" class="copy ui-icon ui-icon-copy "></div><div class="dfield" style="width:100%;">'+ '<div class="cff-popup-header">'+(this.title.length ? '<' + this.titletag+ ' class="cff-popup-title">'+this.title+'</' + this.titletag+ '>' : '')+ (this.close_button ? '<div class="cff-popup-close ui-icon ui-icon-close"></div>' : '')+ '</div>'+ '<div class="fcontainer">'+$.fbuilder.controls['fcontainer']'<span class="developer-note">'+$.fbuilder.htmlEncode(this._developerNotes)+'</span><label class="collapsed-label">Collapsed ['']</label><div class="fieldscontainer"></div></div></div><div class="clearer"></div></div>'; }, editItemEvents:function() { $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ]; $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ] this, [ {s:"#sOpenOnload",e:"click", l:"open_onload", f:function(el){return':checked');}}, {s:"#sOpenOnclick",e:"change", l:"open_onclick"}, {s:"#sTitleTag",e:"change", l:"titletag"}, {s:"#sModal",e:"click", l:"modal", f:function(el){return':checked');}}, {s:"#sDragging",e:"click", l:"dragging", f:function(el){return':checked');}}, {s:"#sResizing",e:"click", l:"resizing", f:function(el){return':checked');}}, {s:"#sCloseButton",e:"click", l:"close_button", f:function(el){return':checked');}}, {s:"#sPosition",e:"change", l:"position"}, {s:"#sWidth",e:"change keyup", l:"width"}, {s:"#sHeight",e:"change keyup", l:"height"} ] ); }, remove : function() { return $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ]; }, duplicateItem: function( currentField, newField ) { return $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ] this, currentField, newField ); }, after_show:function() { return $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ]; }, showTitle: function() { let me = this; return '<label>Popup Title</label><textarea class="large" name="sTitle" id="sTitle">'+cff_esc_attr(me.title)+'</textarea>'+ '<div><label>Title Tag</label><select class="large" id="sTitleTag" name="sTitleTag">'+ ['H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'P'].reduce(function(o, t){ return o += '<option value="'+t+'" '+(t == me.titletag ? 'SELECTED' : '')+'>'+t+'</option>';}, '')+'</select></div>'; }, showPopupSettings:function() { let me = this; function getButtons( btn ) { let items = me.fBuild.getItems(), opts = '<option value="">- Select Button -</option>'; for ( var i=0, k = items.length; i<k; i++ ) { if ( items[i].ftype == 'fButton' ) { opts += '<option value="'+items[i].name+'" '+( items[i].name == btn ? 'selected="SELECTED"' : '')+'>' + items[i].name+( typeof items[i].sValue != 'undefined' ? ' ('+cff_esc_attr(items[i].sValue)+')' : '')+'</option>'; } } return opts; }; return '<label><input type="checkbox" name="sModal" id="sModal" '+( me.modal ? "checked" : "" )+'> Modal popup</label>'+ '<label><input type="checkbox" name="sDragging" id="sDragging" '+( me.dragging ? "checked" : "" )+'> Allow dragging</label>'+ '<label><input type="checkbox" name="sResizing" id="sResizing" '+( me.resizing ? "checked" : "" )+'> Allow resizing</label>'+ '<label><input type="checkbox" name="sOpenOnload" id="sOpenOnload" '+( me.open_onload ? "checked" : "" )+'> Open on form load</label>'+ '<label>Open on-click button</label>'+ '<select name="sOpenOnclick" id="sOpenOnclick" class="large">' + getButtons( me.open_onclick ) + '</select>'+ '<div class="groupBox"><label>To open the popup by coding, call the piece of code</label>SHOWFIELD(', '')+');</div>'+ '<label><input type="checkbox" name="sCloseButton" id="sCloseButton" '+( me.close_button ? "checked" : "" )+'> Include close button</label>'+ '<div class="groupBox"><label>To close the popup by coding, call the piece of code</label>HIDEFIELD(', '')+');</div>'+ '<label>Popup position</label>'+ '<select name="sPosition" id="sPosition" class="large">'+ '<option value="center" '+( me.position == 'center' ? 'selected' : '' )+'>Center</option>'+ '<option value="top-left" '+( me.position == 'top-left' ? 'selected' : '' )+'>Top Left</option>'+ '<option value="top-right" '+( me.position == 'top-right' ? 'selected' : '' )+'>Top Right</option>'+ '<option value="bottom-left" '+( me.position == 'bottom-left' ? 'selected' : '' )+'>Bottom Left</option>'+ '<option value="bottom-right" '+( me.position == 'bottom-right' ? 'selected' : '' )+'>Bottom Right</option>'+ '</select>'+ '<div class="clearer"></div>'+ '<div class="column width50"><label>Width (px or %)</label><input type="text" name="sWidth" id="sWidth" value="'+cff_esc_attr(me.width)+'" class="large"></div>'+ '<div class="column width50"><label>Height (px or %)</label><input type="text" name="sHeight" id="sHeight" value="'+cff_esc_attr(me.height)+'" class="large"></div>'+ '<div class="clearer"></div>'; }, showSpecialDataInstance: function() { return $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcontainer' ] + this.showPopupSettings(); } });