trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: wpbc_cal.js
/** * ===================================================================================================================== * includes/__js/cal/wpbc_cal.js * ===================================================================================================================== */ /** * Order or child booking resources saved here: _wpbc.booking__get_param_value( resource_id, 'resources_id_arr__in_dates' ) [2,10,12,11] */ /** * How to check booked times on specific date: ? * _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21'); console.log( _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[2].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds, _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[10].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds, _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[11].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds, _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[12].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds ); * OR console.log( _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[2].booked_time_slots.merged_readable, _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[10].booked_time_slots.merged_readable, _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[11].booked_time_slots.merged_readable, _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[12].booked_time_slots.merged_readable ); * */ /** * Days selection: * wpbc_calendar__unselect_all_dates( resource_id ); * * var resource_id = 1; * Example 1: var num_selected_days = wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar( resource_id, '2024-05-15', '2024-05-25' ); * Example 2: var num_selected_days = wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar( resource_id, ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-25'] ); * */ /** * C A L E N D A R --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Show WPBC Calendar * * @param resource_id - resource ID * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_calendar_show( resource_id ){ // If no calendar HTML tag, then exit if ( 0 === jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).length ){ return false; } // If the calendar with the same Booking resource is activated already, then exit. if ( true === jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).hasClass( 'hasDatepick' ) ){ return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Days selection // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var local__is_range_select = false; var local__multi_days_select_num = 365; // multiple | fixed if ( 'dynamic' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' ) ){ local__is_range_select = true; local__multi_days_select_num = 0; } if ( 'single' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' ) ){ local__multi_days_select_num = 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Min - Max days to scroll/show // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var local__min_date = 0; local__min_date = new Date( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 0 ], (parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 1 ] ) - 1), _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 2 ], 0, 0, 0 ); //FixIn: //console.log( local__min_date ); var local__max_date = _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'booking_max_monthes_in_calendar' ); //local__max_date = new Date(2024, 5, 28); It is here issue of not selectable dates, but some dates showing in calendar as available, but we can not select it. //// Define last day in calendar (as a last day of month (and not date, which is related to actual 'Today' date). //// E.g. if today is 2023-09-25, and we set 'Number of months to scroll' as 5 months, then last day will be 2024-02-29 and not the 2024-02-25. // var cal_last_day_in_month = jQuery.datepick._determineDate( null, local__max_date, new Date() ); // cal_last_day_in_month = new Date( cal_last_day_in_month.getFullYear(), cal_last_day_in_month.getMonth() + 1, 0 ); // local__max_date = cal_last_day_in_month; //FixIn: if ( ( location.href.indexOf('page=wpbc-new') != -1 ) && ( location.href.indexOf('booking_hash') != -1 ) // Comment this line for ability to add booking in past days at Booking > Add booking page. ){ local__min_date = null; local__max_date = null; } var local__start_weekday = _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'booking_start_day_weeek' ); var local__number_of_months = parseInt( _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'calendar_number_of_months' ) ); jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).text( '' ); // Remove all HTML in calendar tag // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show calendar // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jQuery('#calendar_booking'+ resource_id).datepick( { beforeShowDay: function ( js_date ){ return wpbc__calendar__apply_css_to_days( js_date, {'resource_id': resource_id}, this ); }, onSelect: function ( string_dates, js_dates_arr ){ /** * string_dates = '23.08.2023 - 26.08.2023' | '23.08.2023 - 23.08.2023' | '19.09.2023, 24.08.2023, 30.09.2023' * js_dates_arr = range: [ Date (Aug 23 2023), Date (Aug 25 2023)] | multiple: [ Date(Oct 24 2023), Date(Oct 20 2023), Date(Oct 16 2023) ] */ return wpbc__calendar__on_select_days( string_dates, {'resource_id': resource_id}, this ); }, onHover: function ( string_date, js_date ){ return wpbc__calendar__on_hover_days( string_date, js_date, {'resource_id': resource_id}, this ); }, onChangeMonthYear: function ( year, real_month, js_date__1st_day_in_month ){ }, showOn : 'both', numberOfMonths: local__number_of_months, stepMonths : 1, // prevText : '«', // nextText : '»', prevText : '‹', nextText : '›', dateFormat : '', changeMonth : false, changeYear : false, minDate : local__min_date, maxDate : local__max_date, // '1Y', // minDate: new Date(2020, 2, 1), maxDate: new Date(2020, 9, 31), // Ability to set any start and end date in calendar showStatus : false, multiSeparator : ', ', closeAtTop : false, firstDay : local__start_weekday, gotoCurrent : false, hideIfNoPrevNext: true, multiSelect : local__multi_days_select_num, rangeSelect : local__is_range_select, // showWeeks: true, useThemeRoller: false } ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clear today date highlighting // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setTimeout( function (){ wpbc_calendars__clear_days_highlighting( resource_id ); }, 500 ); //FixIn: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scroll calendar to specific month // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var start_bk_month = _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'calendar_scroll_to' ); if ( false !== start_bk_month ){ wpbc_calendar__scroll_to( resource_id, start_bk_month[ 0 ], start_bk_month[ 1 ] ); } } /** * Apply CSS to calendar date cells * * @param date - JavaScript Date Obj: Mon Dec 11 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time) * @param calendar_params_arr - Calendar Settings Object: { * "resource_id": 4 * } * @param datepick_this - this of datepick Obj * @returns {(*|string)[]|(boolean|string)[]} - [ {true -available | false - unavailable}, 'CSS classes for calendar day cell' ] */ function wpbc__calendar__apply_css_to_days( date, calendar_params_arr, datepick_this ){ var today_date = new Date( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 0 ], (parseInt( _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 1 ] ) - 1), _wpbc.get_other_param( 'today_arr' )[ 2 ], 0, 0, 0 ); // Today JS_Date_Obj. var class_day = wpbc__get__td_class_date( date ); // '1-9-2023' var sql_class_day = wpbc__get__sql_class_date( date ); // '2023-01-09' var resource_id = ( 'undefined' !== typeof(calendar_params_arr[ 'resource_id' ]) ) ? calendar_params_arr[ 'resource_id' ] : '1'; // '1' // Get Selected dates in calendar var selected_dates_sql = wpbc_get__selected_dates_sql__as_arr( resource_id ); // Get Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var date_bookings_obj = _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_class_day ); // Array with CSS classes for date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var css_classes__for_date = []; css_classes__for_date.push( 'sql_date_' + sql_class_day ); // 'sql_date_2023-07-21' css_classes__for_date.push( 'cal4date-' + class_day ); // 'cal4date-7-21-2023' css_classes__for_date.push( 'wpbc_weekday_' + date.getDay() ); // 'wpbc_weekday_4' // Define Selected Check In/Out dates in TD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ( selected_dates_sql.length ) //&& ( selected_dates_sql[ 0 ] !== selected_dates_sql[ (selected_dates_sql.length - 1) ] ) ){ if ( sql_class_day === selected_dates_sql[ 0 ] ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'selected_check_in' ); css_classes__for_date.push( 'selected_check_in_out' ); } if ( ( selected_dates_sql.length > 1 ) && ( sql_class_day === selected_dates_sql[ (selected_dates_sql.length - 1) ] ) ) { css_classes__for_date.push( 'selected_check_out' ); css_classes__for_date.push( 'selected_check_in_out' ); } } var is_day_selectable = false; // If something not defined, then this date closed --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( false === date_bookings_obj ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_user_unavailable' ); return [ is_day_selectable, css_classes__for_date.join(' ') ]; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // date_bookings_obj - Defined. Dates can be selectable. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add season names to the day CSS classes -- it is required for correct work of conditional fields -------------- var season_names_arr = _wpbc.seasons__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_class_day ); for ( var season_key in season_names_arr ){ css_classes__for_date.push( season_names_arr[ season_key ] ); // 'wpdevbk_season_september_2023' } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cost Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- css_classes__for_date.push( 'rate_' + date_bookings_obj[ resource_id ][ 'date_cost_rate' ].toString().replace( /[\.\s]/g, '_' ) ); // 'rate_99_00' -> 99.00 if ( parseInt( date_bookings_obj[ 'day_availability' ] ) > 0 ){ is_day_selectable = true; css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_available' ); css_classes__for_date.push( 'reserved_days_count' + parseInt( date_bookings_obj[ 'max_capacity' ] - date_bookings_obj[ 'day_availability' ] ) ); } else { is_day_selectable = false; css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_user_unavailable' ); } switch ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_day' ] ){ case 'available': break; case 'time_slots_booking': css_classes__for_date.push( 'timespartly', 'times_clock' ); break; case 'full_day_booking': css_classes__for_date.push( 'full_day_booking' ); break; case 'season_filter': css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_user_unavailable', 'season_unavailable' ); date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_bookings' ] = ''; // Reset booking status color for possible old bookings on this date break; case 'resource_availability': css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_user_unavailable', 'resource_unavailable' ); date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_bookings' ] = ''; // Reset booking status color for possible old bookings on this date break; case 'weekday_unavailable': css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_user_unavailable', 'weekday_unavailable' ); date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_bookings' ] = ''; // Reset booking status color for possible old bookings on this date break; case 'from_today_unavailable': css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_user_unavailable', 'from_today_unavailable' ); date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_bookings' ] = ''; // Reset booking status color for possible old bookings on this date break; case 'limit_available_from_today': css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_user_unavailable', 'limit_available_from_today' ); date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_bookings' ] = ''; // Reset booking status color for possible old bookings on this date break; case 'change_over': /* * // check_out_time_date2approve check_in_time_date2approve // check_out_time_date2approve check_in_time_date_approved // check_in_time_date2approve check_out_time_date_approved // check_out_time_date_approved check_in_time_date_approved */ css_classes__for_date.push( 'timespartly', 'check_in_time', 'check_out_time' ); //FixIn: if ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary' ][ 'status_for_bookings' ].indexOf( 'approved_pending' ) > -1 ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date_approved', 'check_in_time_date2approve' ); } if ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary' ][ 'status_for_bookings' ].indexOf( 'pending_approved' ) > -1 ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date2approve', 'check_in_time_date_approved' ); } break; case 'check_in': css_classes__for_date.push( 'timespartly', 'check_in_time' ); //FixIn: if ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary' ][ 'status_for_bookings' ].indexOf( 'pending' ) > -1 ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_in_time_date2approve' ); } else if ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary' ][ 'status_for_bookings' ].indexOf( 'approved' ) > -1 ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_in_time_date_approved' ); } break; case 'check_out': css_classes__for_date.push( 'timespartly', 'check_out_time' ); //FixIn: if ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary' ][ 'status_for_bookings' ].indexOf( 'pending' ) > -1 ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date2approve' ); } else if ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary' ][ 'status_for_bookings' ].indexOf( 'approved' ) > -1 ){ css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date_approved' ); } break; default: // mixed statuses: 'change_over check_out' .... variations.... check more in function wpbc_get_availability_per_days_arr() date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_day' ] = 'available'; } if ( 'available' != date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_day' ] ){ var is_set_pending_days_selectable = _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'pending_days_selectable' ); // set pending days selectable //FixIn: switch ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_bookings' ] ){ case '': // Usually it's means that day is available or unavailable without the bookings break; case 'pending': css_classes__for_date.push( 'date2approve' ); is_day_selectable = (is_day_selectable) ? true : is_set_pending_days_selectable; break; case 'approved': css_classes__for_date.push( 'date_approved' ); break; // Situations for "change-over" days: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- case 'pending_pending': css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date2approve', 'check_in_time_date2approve' ); is_day_selectable = (is_day_selectable) ? true : is_set_pending_days_selectable; break; case 'pending_approved': css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date2approve', 'check_in_time_date_approved' ); is_day_selectable = (is_day_selectable) ? true : is_set_pending_days_selectable; break; case 'approved_pending': css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date_approved', 'check_in_time_date2approve' ); is_day_selectable = (is_day_selectable) ? true : is_set_pending_days_selectable; break; case 'approved_approved': css_classes__for_date.push( 'check_out_time_date_approved', 'check_in_time_date_approved' ); break; default: } } return [ is_day_selectable, css_classes__for_date.join( ' ' ) ]; } /** * Mouseover calendar date cells * * @param string_date * @param date - JavaScript Date Obj: Mon Dec 11 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time) * @param calendar_params_arr - Calendar Settings Object: { * "resource_id": 4 * } * @param datepick_this - this of datepick Obj * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc__calendar__on_hover_days( string_date, date, calendar_params_arr, datepick_this ) { if ( null === date ){ return false; } var class_day = wpbc__get__td_class_date( date ); // '1-9-2023' var sql_class_day = wpbc__get__sql_class_date( date ); // '2023-01-09' var resource_id = ( 'undefined' !== typeof(calendar_params_arr[ 'resource_id' ]) ) ? calendar_params_arr[ 'resource_id' ] : '1'; // '1' // Get Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var date_booking_obj = _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_class_day ); // {...} if ( ! date_booking_obj ){ return false; } // T o o l t i p s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var tooltip_text = ''; if ( date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_availability' ].length > 0 ){ tooltip_text += date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_availability' ]; } if ( date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_day_cost' ].length > 0 ){ tooltip_text += date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_day_cost' ]; } if ( date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_times' ].length > 0 ){ tooltip_text += date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_times' ]; } if ( date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_booking_details' ].length > 0 ){ tooltip_text += date_booking_obj[ 'summary']['tooltip_booking_details' ]; } wpbc_set_tooltip___for__calendar_date( tooltip_text, resource_id, class_day ); // U n h o v e r i n g in UNSELECTABLE_CALENDAR ------------------------------------------------------------ var is_unselectable_calendar = ( jQuery( '#calendar_booking_unselectable' + resource_id ).length > 0); //FixIn: var is_booking_form_exist = ( jQuery( '#booking_form_div' + resource_id ).length > 0 ); if ( ( is_unselectable_calendar ) && ( ! is_booking_form_exist ) ){ /** * Un Hover all dates in calendar (without the booking form), if only Availability Calendar here and we do not insert Booking form by mistake. */ wpbc_calendars__clear_days_highlighting( resource_id ); // Clear days highlighting var css_of_calendar = '.wpbc_only_calendar #calendar_booking' + resource_id; jQuery( css_of_calendar + ' .datepick-days-cell, ' + css_of_calendar + ' .datepick-days-cell a' ).css( 'cursor', 'default' ); // Set cursor to Default return false; } // D a y s H o v e r i n g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( ( location.href.indexOf( 'page=wpbc' ) == -1 ) || ( location.href.indexOf( 'page=wpbc-new' ) > 0 ) || ( location.href.indexOf( 'page=wpbc-setup' ) > 0 ) || ( location.href.indexOf( 'page=wpbc-availability' ) > 0 ) || ( ( location.href.indexOf( 'page=wpbc-settings' ) > 0 ) && ( location.href.indexOf( '&tab=form' ) > 0 ) ) ){ // The same as dates selection, but for days hovering if ( 'function' == typeof( wpbc__calendar__do_days_highlight__bs ) ){ wpbc__calendar__do_days_highlight__bs( sql_class_day, date, resource_id ); } } } /** * Select calendar date cells * * @param date - JavaScript Date Obj: Mon Dec 11 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time) * @param calendar_params_arr - Calendar Settings Object: { * "resource_id": 4 * } * @param datepick_this - this of datepick Obj * */ function wpbc__calendar__on_select_days( date, calendar_params_arr, datepick_this ){ var resource_id = ( 'undefined' !== typeof(calendar_params_arr[ 'resource_id' ]) ) ? calendar_params_arr[ 'resource_id' ] : '1'; // '1' // Set unselectable, if only Availability Calendar here (and we do not insert Booking form by mistake). var is_unselectable_calendar = ( jQuery( '#calendar_booking_unselectable' + resource_id ).length > 0); //FixIn: var is_booking_form_exist = ( jQuery( '#booking_form_div' + resource_id ).length > 0 ); if ( ( is_unselectable_calendar ) && ( ! is_booking_form_exist ) ){ wpbc_calendar__unselect_all_dates( resource_id ); // Unselect Dates jQuery('.wpbc_only_calendar .popover_calendar_hover').remove(); // Hide all opened popovers return false; } jQuery( '#date_booking' + resource_id ).val( date ); // Add selected dates to hidden textarea if ( 'function' === typeof (wpbc__calendar__do_days_select__bs) ){ wpbc__calendar__do_days_select__bs( date, resource_id ); } wpbc_disable_time_fields_in_booking_form( resource_id ); // Hook -- trigger day selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var mouse_clicked_dates = date; // Can be: "05.10.2023 - 07.10.2023" | "10.10.2023 - 10.10.2023" | var all_selected_dates_arr = wpbc_get__selected_dates_sql__as_arr( resource_id ); // Can be: [ "2023-10-05", "2023-10-06", "2023-10-07", … ] jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).trigger( "date_selected", [ resource_id, mouse_clicked_dates, all_selected_dates_arr ] ); } // Mark middle selected dates with 0.5 opacity //FixIn: jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).on( 'date_selected', function ( event, resource_id, date ){ if ( ( 'fixed' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' )) || ('dynamic' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' )) ){ var closed_timer = setTimeout( function (){ var middle_days_opacity = _wpbc.get_other_param( 'calendars__days_selection__middle_days_opacity' ); jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id + ' .datepick-current-day' ).not( ".selected_check_in_out" ).css( 'opacity', middle_days_opacity ); }, 10 ); } } ); } ); /** * -- T i m e F i e l d s start -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Disable time slots in booking form depend on selected dates and booked dates/times * * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_disable_time_fields_in_booking_form( resource_id ){ /** * 1. Get all time fields in the booking form as array of objects * [ * { jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'rangetime2[]' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600, 23400 ] * value_option_24h: '06:00 - 06:30' * } * ... * { jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'starttime2[]' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600 ] * value_option_24h: '06:00' * } * ] */ var time_fields_obj_arr = wpbc_get__time_fields__in_booking_form__as_arr( resource_id ); // 2. Get all selected dates in SQL format like this [ "2023-08-23", "2023-08-24", "2023-08-25", ... ] var selected_dates_arr = wpbc_get__selected_dates_sql__as_arr( resource_id ); // 3. Get child booking resources or single booking resource that exist in dates var child_resources_arr = wpbc_clone_obj( _wpbc.booking__get_param_value( resource_id, 'resources_id_arr__in_dates' ) ); var sql_date; var child_resource_id; var merged_seconds; var time_fields_obj; var is_intersect; var is_check_in; // 4. Loop all time Fields options //FixIn: for ( let field_key = 0; field_key < time_fields_obj_arr.length; field_key++ ){ time_fields_obj_arr[ field_key ].disabled = 0; // By default, this time field is not disabled time_fields_obj = time_fields_obj_arr[ field_key ]; // { times_as_seconds: [ 21600, 23400 ], value_option_24h: '06:00 - 06:30', name: 'rangetime2[]', jquery_option: jQuery_Object {}} // Loop all selected dates for ( var i = 0; i < selected_dates_arr.length; i++ ){ //FixIn: if ( ( 'Off' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'booking_recurrent_time' ) ) && ( selected_dates_arr.length>1 ) ){ //TODO: skip some fields checking if it's start / end time for mulple dates selection mode. //TODO: we need to fix situation for entimes, when user select several dates, and in start time booked 00:00 - 15:00 , but systsme block untill 15:00 the end time as well, which is wrong, because it 2 or 3 dates selection and end date can be fullu available if ( (0 == i) && (time_fields_obj[ 'name' ].indexOf( 'endtime' ) >= 0) ){ break; } if ( ( (selected_dates_arr.length-1) == i ) && (time_fields_obj[ 'name' ].indexOf( 'starttime' ) >= 0) ){ break; } } // Get Date: '2023-08-18' sql_date = selected_dates_arr[ i ]; var how_many_resources_intersected = 0; // Loop all resources ID // for ( var res_key in child_resources_arr ){ //FixIn: for ( let res_key = 0; res_key < child_resources_arr.length; res_key++ ){ child_resource_id = child_resources_arr[ res_key ]; // _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[12].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds = [ "07:00:11 - 07:30:02", "10:00:11 - 00:00:00" ] // _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date(2,'2023-08-21')[2].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds = [ [ 25211, 27002 ], [ 36011, 86400 ] ] if ( false !== _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_date ) ){ merged_seconds = _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_date )[ child_resource_id ].booked_time_slots.merged_seconds; // [ [ 25211, 27002 ], [ 36011, 86400 ] ] } else { merged_seconds = []; } if ( time_fields_obj.times_as_seconds.length > 1 ){ is_intersect = wpbc_is_intersect__range_time_interval( [ [ ( parseInt( time_fields_obj.times_as_seconds[0] ) + 20 ), ( parseInt( time_fields_obj.times_as_seconds[1] ) - 20 ) ] ] , merged_seconds ); } else { is_check_in = (-1 !== 'start' )); is_intersect = wpbc_is_intersect__one_time_interval( ( ( is_check_in ) ? parseInt( time_fields_obj.times_as_seconds ) + 20 : parseInt( time_fields_obj.times_as_seconds ) - 20 ) , merged_seconds ); } if (is_intersect){ how_many_resources_intersected++; // Increase } } if ( child_resources_arr.length == how_many_resources_intersected ) { // All resources intersected, then it's means that this time-slot or time must be Disabled, and we can exist from selected_dates_arr LOOP time_fields_obj_arr[ field_key ].disabled = 1; break; // exist from Dates LOOP } } } // 5. Now we can disable time slot in HTML by using ( field.disabled == 1 ) property wpbc__html__time_field_options__set_disabled( time_fields_obj_arr ); jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).trigger( 'wpbc_hook_timeslots_disabled', [resource_id, selected_dates_arr] ); // Trigger hook on disabling timeslots. Usage: jQuery( ".booking_form_div" ).on( 'wpbc_hook_timeslots_disabled', function ( event, bk_type, all_dates ){ ... } ); //FixIn: } /** * Is number inside /intersect of array of intervals ? * * @param time_A - 25800 * @param time_interval_B - [ [ 25211, 27002 ], [ 36011, 86400 ] ] * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_is_intersect__one_time_interval( time_A, time_interval_B ){ for ( var j = 0; j < time_interval_B.length; j++ ){ if ( (parseInt( time_A ) > parseInt( time_interval_B[ j ][ 0 ] )) && (parseInt( time_A ) < parseInt( time_interval_B[ j ][ 1 ] )) ){ return true } // if ( ( parseInt( time_A ) == parseInt( time_interval_B[ j ][ 0 ] ) ) || ( parseInt( time_A ) == parseInt( time_interval_B[ j ][ 1 ] ) ) ) { // // Time A just at the border of interval // } } return false; } /** * Is these array of intervals intersected ? * * @param time_interval_A - [ [ 21600, 23400 ] ] * @param time_interval_B - [ [ 25211, 27002 ], [ 36011, 86400 ] ] * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_is_intersect__range_time_interval( time_interval_A, time_interval_B ){ var is_intersect; for ( var i = 0; i < time_interval_A.length; i++ ){ for ( var j = 0; j < time_interval_B.length; j++ ){ is_intersect = wpbc_intervals__is_intersected( time_interval_A[ i ], time_interval_B[ j ] ); if ( is_intersect ){ return true; } } } return false; } /** * Get all time fields in the booking form as array of objects * * @param resource_id * @returns [] * * Example: * [ * { * value_option_24h: '06:00 - 06:30' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600, 23400 ] * jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'rangetime2[]' * } * ... * { * value_option_24h: '06:00' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600 ] * jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'starttime2[]' * } * ] */ function wpbc_get__time_fields__in_booking_form__as_arr( resource_id ){ /** * Fields with [] like this select[name="rangetime1[]"] * it's when we have 'multiple' in shortcode: [select* rangetime multiple "06:00 - 06:30" ... ] */ var time_fields_arr=[ 'select[name="rangetime' + resource_id + '"]', 'select[name="rangetime' + resource_id + '[]"]', 'select[name="starttime' + resource_id + '"]', 'select[name="starttime' + resource_id + '[]"]', 'select[name="endtime' + resource_id + '"]', 'select[name="endtime' + resource_id + '[]"]' ]; var time_fields_obj_arr = []; // Loop all Time Fields for ( var ctf= 0; ctf < time_fields_arr.length; ctf++ ){ var time_field = time_fields_arr[ ctf ]; var time_option = jQuery( time_field + ' option' ); // Loop all options in time field for ( var j = 0; j < time_option.length; j++ ){ var jquery_option = jQuery( time_field + ' option:eq(' + j + ')' ); var value_option_seconds_arr = jquery_option.val().split( '-' ); var times_as_seconds = []; // Get time as seconds if ( value_option_seconds_arr.length ){ //FixIn: for ( let i = 0; i < value_option_seconds_arr.length; i++ ){ //FixIn: // value_option_seconds_arr[i] = '14:00 ' | ' 16:00' (if from 'rangetime') and '16:00' if (start/end time) var start_end_times_arr = value_option_seconds_arr[ i ].trim().split( ':' ); var time_in_seconds = parseInt( start_end_times_arr[ 0 ] ) * 60 * 60 + parseInt( start_end_times_arr[ 1 ] ) * 60; times_as_seconds.push( time_in_seconds ); } } time_fields_obj_arr.push( { 'name' : jQuery( time_field ).attr( 'name' ), 'value_option_24h': jquery_option.val(), 'jquery_option' : jquery_option, 'times_as_seconds': times_as_seconds } ); } } return time_fields_obj_arr; } /** * Disable HTML options and add booked CSS class * * @param time_fields_obj_arr - this value is from the func: wpbc_get__time_fields__in_booking_form__as_arr( resource_id ) * [ * { jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'rangetime2[]' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600, 23400 ] * value_option_24h: '06:00 - 06:30' * disabled = 1 * } * ... * { jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'starttime2[]' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600 ] * value_option_24h: '06:00' * disabled = 0 * } * ] * */ function wpbc__html__time_field_options__set_disabled( time_fields_obj_arr ){ var jquery_option; for ( var i = 0; i < time_fields_obj_arr.length; i++ ){ var jquery_option = time_fields_obj_arr[ i ].jquery_option; if ( 1 == time_fields_obj_arr[ i ].disabled ){ jquery_option.prop( 'disabled', true ); // Make disable some options jquery_option.addClass( 'booked' ); // Add "booked" CSS class // if this booked element selected --> then deselect it if ( jquery_option.prop( 'selected' ) ){ jquery_option.prop( 'selected', false ); jquery_option.parent().find( 'option:not([disabled]):first' ).prop( 'selected', true ).trigger( "change" ); } } else { jquery_option.prop( 'disabled', false ); // Make active all times jquery_option.removeClass( 'booked' ); // Remove class "booked" } } } /** * Check if this time_range | Time_Slot is Full Day booked * * @param timeslot_arr_in_seconds - [ 36011, 86400 ] * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_is_this_timeslot__full_day_booked( timeslot_arr_in_seconds ){ if ( ( timeslot_arr_in_seconds.length > 1 ) && ( parseInt( timeslot_arr_in_seconds[ 0 ] ) < 30 ) && ( parseInt( timeslot_arr_in_seconds[ 1 ] ) > ( (24 * 60 * 60) - 30) ) ){ return true; } return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* == S e l e c t e d D a t e s / T i m e - F i e l d s == // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get all selected dates in SQL format like this [ "2023-08-23", "2023-08-24" , ... ] * * @param resource_id * @returns {[]} [ "2023-08-23", "2023-08-24", "2023-08-25", "2023-08-26", "2023-08-27", "2023-08-28", "2023-08-29" ] */ function wpbc_get__selected_dates_sql__as_arr( resource_id ){ var selected_dates_arr = []; selected_dates_arr = jQuery( '#date_booking' + resource_id ).val().split(','); if ( selected_dates_arr.length ){ //FixIn: for ( let i = 0; i < selected_dates_arr.length; i++ ){ //FixIn: selected_dates_arr[ i ] = selected_dates_arr[ i ].trim(); selected_dates_arr[ i ] = selected_dates_arr[ i ].split( '.' ); if ( selected_dates_arr[ i ].length > 1 ){ selected_dates_arr[ i ] = selected_dates_arr[ i ][ 2 ] + '-' + selected_dates_arr[ i ][ 1 ] + '-' + selected_dates_arr[ i ][ 0 ]; } } } // Remove empty elements from an array selected_dates_arr = selected_dates_arr.filter( function ( n ){ return parseInt(n); } ); selected_dates_arr.sort(); return selected_dates_arr; } /** * Get all time fields in the booking form as array of objects * * @param resource_id * @param is_only_selected_time * @returns [] * * Example: * [ * { * value_option_24h: '06:00 - 06:30' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600, 23400 ] * jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'rangetime2[]' * } * ... * { * value_option_24h: '06:00' * times_as_seconds: [ 21600 ] * jquery_option: jQuery_Object {} * name: 'starttime2[]' * } * ] */ function wpbc_get__selected_time_fields__in_booking_form__as_arr( resource_id, is_only_selected_time = true ){ /** * Fields with [] like this select[name="rangetime1[]"] * it's when we have 'multiple' in shortcode: [select* rangetime multiple "06:00 - 06:30" ... ] */ var time_fields_arr=[ 'select[name="rangetime' + resource_id + '"]', 'select[name="rangetime' + resource_id + '[]"]', 'select[name="starttime' + resource_id + '"]', 'select[name="starttime' + resource_id + '[]"]', 'select[name="endtime' + resource_id + '"]', 'select[name="endtime' + resource_id + '[]"]', 'select[name="durationtime' + resource_id + '"]', 'select[name="durationtime' + resource_id + '[]"]' ]; var time_fields_obj_arr = []; // Loop all Time Fields for ( var ctf= 0; ctf < time_fields_arr.length; ctf++ ){ var time_field = time_fields_arr[ ctf ]; var time_option; if ( is_only_selected_time ){ time_option = jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id + ' ' + time_field + ' option:selected' ); // Exclude conditional fields, because of using '#booking_form3 ...' } else { time_option = jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id + ' ' + time_field + ' option' ); // All time fields } // Loop all options in time field for ( var j = 0; j < time_option.length; j++ ){ var jquery_option = jQuery( time_option[ j ] ); // Get only selected options //jQuery( time_field + ' option:eq(' + j + ')' ); var value_option_seconds_arr = jquery_option.val().split( '-' ); var times_as_seconds = []; // Get time as seconds if ( value_option_seconds_arr.length ){ //FixIn: for ( let i = 0; i < value_option_seconds_arr.length; i++ ){ //FixIn: // value_option_seconds_arr[i] = '14:00 ' | ' 16:00' (if from 'rangetime') and '16:00' if (start/end time) var start_end_times_arr = value_option_seconds_arr[ i ].trim().split( ':' ); var time_in_seconds = parseInt( start_end_times_arr[ 0 ] ) * 60 * 60 + parseInt( start_end_times_arr[ 1 ] ) * 60; times_as_seconds.push( time_in_seconds ); } } time_fields_obj_arr.push( { 'name' : jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id + ' ' + time_field ).attr( 'name' ), 'value_option_24h': jquery_option.val(), 'jquery_option' : jquery_option, 'times_as_seconds': times_as_seconds } ); } } // Text: [starttime] - [endtime] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var text_time_fields_arr=[ 'input[name="starttime' + resource_id + '"]', 'input[name="endtime' + resource_id + '"]', ]; for ( var tf= 0; tf < text_time_fields_arr.length; tf++ ){ var text_jquery = jQuery( '#booking_form' + resource_id + ' ' + text_time_fields_arr[ tf ] ); // Exclude conditional fields, because of using '#booking_form3 ...' if ( text_jquery.length > 0 ){ var time__h_m__arr = text_jquery.val().trim().split( ':' ); // '14:00' if ( 0 == time__h_m__arr.length ){ continue; // Not entered time value in a field } if ( 1 == time__h_m__arr.length ){ if ( '' === time__h_m__arr[ 0 ] ){ continue; // Not entered time value in a field } time__h_m__arr[ 1 ] = 0; } var text_time_in_seconds = parseInt( time__h_m__arr[ 0 ] ) * 60 * 60 + parseInt( time__h_m__arr[ 1 ] ) * 60; var text_times_as_seconds = []; text_times_as_seconds.push( text_time_in_seconds ); time_fields_obj_arr.push( { 'name' : text_jquery.attr( 'name' ), 'value_option_24h': text_jquery.val(), 'jquery_option' : text_jquery, 'times_as_seconds': text_times_as_seconds } ); } } return time_fields_obj_arr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* == S U P P O R T for C A L E N D A R == // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get Calendar datepick Instance * @param resource_id of booking resource * @returns {*|null} */ function wpbc_calendar__get_inst( resource_id ){ if ( 'undefined' === typeof (resource_id) ){ resource_id = '1'; } if ( jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).length > 0 ){ return jQuery.datepick._getInst( jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).get( 0 ) ); } return null; } /** * Unselect all dates in calendar and visually update this calendar * * @param resource_id ID of booking resource * @returns {boolean} true on success | false, if no such calendar */ function wpbc_calendar__unselect_all_dates( resource_id ){ if ( 'undefined' === typeof (resource_id) ){ resource_id = '1'; } var inst = wpbc_calendar__get_inst( resource_id ) if ( null !== inst ){ // Unselect all dates and set properties of Datepick jQuery( '#date_booking' + resource_id ).val( '' ); //FixIn: 5.4.3 inst.stayOpen = false; inst.dates = []; jQuery.datepick._updateDatepick( inst ); return true } return false; } /** * Clear days highlighting in All or specific Calendars * * @param resource_id - can be skiped to clear highlighting in all calendars */ function wpbc_calendars__clear_days_highlighting( resource_id ){ if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( resource_id ) ){ jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id + ' .datepick-days-cell-over' ).removeClass( 'datepick-days-cell-over' ); // Clear in specific calendar } else { jQuery( '.datepick-days-cell-over' ).removeClass( 'datepick-days-cell-over' ); // Clear in all calendars } } /** * Scroll to specific month in calendar * * @param resource_id ID of resource * @param year - real year - 2023 * @param month - real month - 12 * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_calendar__scroll_to( resource_id, year, month ){ if ( 'undefined' === typeof (resource_id) ){ resource_id = '1'; } var inst = wpbc_calendar__get_inst( resource_id ) if ( null !== inst ){ year = parseInt( year ); month = parseInt( month ) - 1; // In JS date, month -1 inst.cursorDate = new Date(); // In some cases, the setFullYear can set only Year, and not the Month and day //FixIn: inst.cursorDate.setFullYear( year, month, 1 ); inst.cursorDate.setMonth( month ); inst.cursorDate.setDate( 1 ); inst.drawMonth = inst.cursorDate.getMonth(); inst.drawYear = inst.cursorDate.getFullYear(); jQuery.datepick._notifyChange( inst ); jQuery.datepick._adjustInstDate( inst ); jQuery.datepick._showDate( inst ); jQuery.datepick._updateDatepick( inst ); return true; } return false; } /** * Is this date selectable in calendar (mainly it's means AVAILABLE date) * * @param {int|string} resource_id 1 * @param {string} sql_class_day '2023-08-11' * @returns {boolean} true | false */ function wpbc_is_this_day_selectable( resource_id, sql_class_day ){ // Get Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var date_bookings_obj = _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, sql_class_day ); var is_day_selectable = ( parseInt( date_bookings_obj[ 'day_availability' ] ) > 0 ); if ( typeof (date_bookings_obj[ 'summary' ]) === 'undefined' ){ return is_day_selectable; } if ( 'available' != date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_day' ] ){ var is_set_pending_days_selectable = _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'pending_days_selectable' ); // set pending days selectable //FixIn: switch ( date_bookings_obj[ 'summary']['status_for_bookings' ] ){ case 'pending': // Situations for "change-over" days: case 'pending_pending': case 'pending_approved': case 'approved_pending': is_day_selectable = (is_day_selectable) ? true : is_set_pending_days_selectable; break; default: } } return is_day_selectable; } /** * Is date to check IN array of selected dates * * @param {date}js_date_to_check - JS Date - simple JavaScript Date object * @param {[]} js_dates_arr - [ JSDate, ... ] - array of JS dates * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_is_this_day_among_selected_days( js_date_to_check, js_dates_arr ){ for ( var date_index = 0; date_index < js_dates_arr.length ; date_index++ ){ //FixIn: if ( ( js_dates_arr[ date_index ].getFullYear() === js_date_to_check.getFullYear() ) && ( js_dates_arr[ date_index ].getMonth() === js_date_to_check.getMonth() ) && ( js_dates_arr[ date_index ].getDate() === js_date_to_check.getDate() ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get SQL Class Date '2023-08-01' from JS Date * * @param date JS Date * @returns {string} '2023-08-12' */ function wpbc__get__sql_class_date( date ){ var sql_class_day = date.getFullYear() + '-'; sql_class_day += ( ( date.getMonth() + 1 ) < 10 ) ? '0' : ''; sql_class_day += ( date.getMonth() + 1 ) + '-' sql_class_day += ( date.getDate() < 10 ) ? '0' : ''; sql_class_day += date.getDate(); return sql_class_day; } /** * Get JS Date from the SQL date format '2024-05-14' * @param sql_class_date * @returns {Date} */ function wpbc__get__js_date( sql_class_date ){ var sql_class_date_arr = sql_class_date.split( '-' ); var date_js = new Date(); date_js.setFullYear( parseInt( sql_class_date_arr[ 0 ] ), (parseInt( sql_class_date_arr[ 1 ] ) - 1), parseInt( sql_class_date_arr[ 2 ] ) ); // year, month, date // Without this time adjust Dates selection in Datepicker can not work!!! date_js.setHours(0); date_js.setMinutes(0); date_js.setSeconds(0); date_js.setMilliseconds(0); return date_js; } /** * Get TD Class Date '1-31-2023' from JS Date * * @param date JS Date * @returns {string} '1-31-2023' */ function wpbc__get__td_class_date( date ){ var td_class_day = (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate() + '-' + date.getFullYear(); // '1-9-2023' return td_class_day; } /** * Get date params from string date * * @param date string date like '31.5.2023' * @param separator default '.' can be skipped. * @returns { {date: number, month: number, year: number} } */ function wpbc__get__date_params__from_string_date( date , separator){ separator = ( 'undefined' !== typeof (separator) ) ? separator : '.'; var date_arr = date.split( separator ); var date_obj = { 'year' : parseInt( date_arr[ 2 ] ), 'month': (parseInt( date_arr[ 1 ] ) - 1), 'date' : parseInt( date_arr[ 0 ] ) }; return date_obj; // for = new Date( date_obj.year , date_obj.month , ); } /** * Add Spin Loader to calendar * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_calendar__loading__start( resource_id ){ if ( ! jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).next().hasClass( 'wpbc_spins_loader_wrapper' ) ){ jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).after( '<div class="wpbc_spins_loader_wrapper"><div class="wpbc_spins_loader"></div></div>' ); } if ( ! jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).hasClass( 'wpbc_calendar_blur_small' ) ){ jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).addClass( 'wpbc_calendar_blur_small' ); } wpbc_calendar__blur__start( resource_id ); } /** * Remove Spin Loader to calendar * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_calendar__loading__stop( resource_id ){ jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id + ' + .wpbc_spins_loader_wrapper' ).remove(); jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).removeClass( 'wpbc_calendar_blur_small' ); wpbc_calendar__blur__stop( resource_id ); } /** * Add Blur to calendar * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_calendar__blur__start( resource_id ){ if ( ! jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).hasClass( 'wpbc_calendar_blur' ) ){ jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).addClass( 'wpbc_calendar_blur' ); } } /** * Remove Blur in calendar * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_calendar__blur__stop( resource_id ){ jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id ).removeClass( 'wpbc_calendar_blur' ); } // ................................................................................................................. /* == Calendar Update - View == // ................................................................................................................. */ /** * Update Look of calendar * * @param resource_id */ function wpbc_calendar__update_look( resource_id ){ var inst = wpbc_calendar__get_inst( resource_id ); jQuery.datepick._updateDatepick( inst ); } /** * Update dynamically Number of Months in calendar * * @param resource_id int * @param months_number int */ function wpbc_calendar__update_months_number( resource_id, months_number ){ var inst = wpbc_calendar__get_inst( resource_id ); if ( null !== inst ){ inst.settings[ 'numberOfMonths' ] = months_number; //_wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( resource_id, 'calendar_number_of_months', months_number ); wpbc_calendar__update_look( resource_id ); } } /** * Show calendar in different Skin * * @param selected_skin_url */ function wpbc__calendar__change_skin( selected_skin_url ){ //console.log( 'SKIN SELECTION ::', selected_skin_url ); // Remove CSS skin var stylesheet = document.getElementById( 'wpbc-calendar-skin-css' ); stylesheet.parentNode.removeChild( stylesheet ); // Add new CSS skin var headID = document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ]; var cssNode = document.createElement( 'link' ); cssNode.type = 'text/css'; cssNode.setAttribute( "id", "wpbc-calendar-skin-css" ); cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet'; = 'screen'; cssNode.href = selected_skin_url; //"http://beta/wp-content/plugins/booking/css/skins/green-01.css"; headID.appendChild( cssNode ); } function wpbc__css__change_skin( selected_skin_url, stylesheet_id = 'wpbc-time_picker-skin-css' ){ // Remove CSS skin var stylesheet = document.getElementById( stylesheet_id ); stylesheet.parentNode.removeChild( stylesheet ); // Add new CSS skin var headID = document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ]; var cssNode = document.createElement( 'link' ); cssNode.type = 'text/css'; cssNode.setAttribute( "id", stylesheet_id ); cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet'; = 'screen'; cssNode.href = selected_skin_url; //"http://beta/wp-content/plugins/booking/css/skins/green-01.css"; headID.appendChild( cssNode ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* == S U P P O R T M A T H == // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Merge several intersected intervals or return not intersected: [[1,3],[2,6],[8,10],[15,18]] -> [[1,6],[8,10],[15,18]] * * @param [] intervals [ [1,3],[2,4],[6,8],[9,10],[3,7] ] * @returns [] [ [1,8],[9,10] ] * * Exmample: wpbc_intervals__merge_inersected( [ [1,3],[2,4],[6,8],[9,10],[3,7] ] ); */ function wpbc_intervals__merge_inersected( intervals ){ if ( ! intervals || intervals.length === 0 ){ return []; } var merged = []; intervals.sort( function ( a, b ){ return a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ]; } ); var mergedInterval = intervals[ 0 ]; for ( var i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++ ){ var interval = intervals[ i ]; if ( interval[ 0 ] <= mergedInterval[ 1 ] ){ mergedInterval[ 1 ] = Math.max( mergedInterval[ 1 ], interval[ 1 ] ); } else { merged.push( mergedInterval ); mergedInterval = interval; } } merged.push( mergedInterval ); return merged; } /** * Is 2 intervals intersected: [36011, 86392] <=> [1, 43192] => true ( intersected ) * * Good explanation here * * @param interval_A - [ 36011, 86392 ] * @param interval_B - [ 1, 43192 ] * * @return bool */ function wpbc_intervals__is_intersected( interval_A, interval_B ) { if ( ( 0 == interval_A.length ) || ( 0 == interval_B.length ) ){ return false; } interval_A[ 0 ] = parseInt( interval_A[ 0 ] ); interval_A[ 1 ] = parseInt( interval_A[ 1 ] ); interval_B[ 0 ] = parseInt( interval_B[ 0 ] ); interval_B[ 1 ] = parseInt( interval_B[ 1 ] ); var is_intersected = Math.max( interval_A[ 0 ], interval_B[ 0 ] ) - Math.min( interval_A[ 1 ], interval_B[ 1 ] ); // if ( 0 == is_intersected ) { // // Such ranges going one after other, e.g.: [ 12, 15 ] and [ 15, 21 ] // } if ( is_intersected < 0 ) { return true; // INTERSECTED } return false; // Not intersected } /** * Get the closets ABS value of element in array to the current myValue * * @param myValue - int element to search closet 4 * @param myArray - array of elements where to search [5,8,1,7] * @returns int 5 */ function wpbc_get_abs_closest_value_in_arr( myValue, myArray ){ if ( myArray.length == 0 ){ // If the array is empty -> return the myValue return myValue; } var obj = myArray[ 0 ]; var diff = Math.abs( myValue - obj ); // Get distance between 1st element var closetValue = myArray[ 0 ]; // Save 1st element for ( var i = 1; i < myArray.length; i++ ){ obj = myArray[ i ]; if ( Math.abs( myValue - obj ) < diff ){ // we found closer value -> save it diff = Math.abs( myValue - obj ); closetValue = obj; } } return closetValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* == T O O L T I P S == // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Define tooltip to show, when mouse over Date in Calendar * * @param tooltip_text - Text to show 'Booked time: 12:00 - 13:00<br>Cost: $20.00' * @param resource_id - ID of booking resource '1' * @param td_class - SQL class '1-9-2023' * @returns {boolean} - defined to show or not */ function wpbc_set_tooltip___for__calendar_date( tooltip_text, resource_id, td_class ){ //TODO: make escaping of text for quot symbols, and JS/HTML... jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id + ' td.cal4date-' + td_class ).attr( 'data-content', tooltip_text ); var td_el = jQuery( '#calendar_booking' + resource_id + ' td.cal4date-' + td_class ).get( 0 ); //FixIn: if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof(td_el) ) && ( undefined == td_el._tippy ) && ( '' !== tooltip_text ) ){ wpbc_tippy( td_el , { content( reference ){ var popover_content = reference.getAttribute( 'data-content' ); return '<div class="popover popover_tippy">' + '<div class="popover-content">' + popover_content + '</div>' + '</div>'; }, allowHTML : true, trigger : 'mouseenter focus', interactive : false, hideOnClick : true, interactiveBorder: 10, maxWidth : 550, theme : 'wpbc-tippy-times', placement : 'top', delay : [400, 0], //FixIn: //delay : [0, 9999999999], // Debuge tooltip ignoreAttributes : true, touch : true, //['hold', 500], // 500ms delay //FixIn: appendTo: () => document.body, }); return true; } return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* == Dates Functions == // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get number of dates between 2 JS Dates * * @param date1 JS Date * @param date2 JS Date * @returns {number} */ function wpbc_dates__days_between(date1, date2) { // The number of milliseconds in one day var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // Convert both dates to milliseconds var date1_ms = date1.getTime(); var date2_ms = date2.getTime(); // Calculate the difference in milliseconds var difference_ms = date1_ms - date2_ms; // Convert back to days and return return Math.round(difference_ms/ONE_DAY); } /** * Check if this array of dates is consecutive array of dates or not. * e.g. ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-30'] -> false * e.g. ['2024-05-09','2024-05-10','2024-05-11'] -> true * @param sql_dates_arr array e.g.: ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-30'] * @returns {boolean} */ function wpbc_dates__is_consecutive_dates_arr_range( sql_dates_arr ){ //FixIn: if ( sql_dates_arr.length > 1 ){ var previos_date = wpbc__get__js_date( sql_dates_arr[ 0 ] ); var current_date; for ( var i = 1; i < sql_dates_arr.length; i++ ){ current_date = wpbc__get__js_date( sql_dates_arr[i] ); if ( wpbc_dates__days_between( current_date, previos_date ) != 1 ){ return false; } previos_date = current_date; } } return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* == Auto Dates Selection == // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * == How to use ? == * * For Dates selection, we need to use this logic! We need select the dates only after booking data loaded! * * Check example bellow. * * // Fire on all booking dates loaded * jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'wpbc_calendar_ajx__loaded_data', function ( event, loaded_resource_id ){ * * if ( loaded_resource_id == select_dates_in_calendar_id ){ * wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar( select_dates_in_calendar_id, '2024-05-15', '2024-05-25' ); * } * } ); * */ /** * Try to Auto select dates in specific calendar by simulated clicks in datepicker * * @param resource_id 1 * @param check_in_ymd '2024-05-09' OR ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-20'] * @param check_out_ymd '2024-05-15' Optional * * @returns {number} number of selected dates * * Example 1: var num_selected_days = wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar( 1, '2024-05-15', '2024-05-25' ); * Example 2: var num_selected_days = wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar( 1, ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-20'] ); */ function wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar( resource_id, check_in_ymd, check_out_ymd = '' ){ //FixIn: console.log( 'WPBC_AUTO_SELECT_DATES_IN_CALENDAR( RESOURCE_ID, CHECK_IN_YMD, CHECK_OUT_YMD )', resource_id, check_in_ymd, check_out_ymd ); if ( ( '2100-01-01' == check_in_ymd ) || ( '2100-01-01' == check_out_ymd ) || ( ( '' == check_in_ymd ) && ( '' == check_out_ymd ) ) ){ return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If check_in_ymd = [ '2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-30' ] ARRAY of DATES //FixIn: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var dates_to_select_arr = []; if ( Array.isArray( check_in_ymd ) ){ dates_to_select_arr = wpbc_clone_obj( check_in_ymd ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exceptions to set MULTIPLE DAYS mode // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if dates as NOT CONSECUTIVE: ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-30'], -> set MULTIPLE DAYS mode if ( ( dates_to_select_arr.length > 0 ) && ( '' == check_out_ymd ) && ( ! wpbc_dates__is_consecutive_dates_arr_range( dates_to_select_arr ) ) ){ wpbc_cal_days_select__multiple( resource_id ); } // if multiple days to select, but enabled SINGLE day mode, -> set MULTIPLE DAYS mode if ( ( dates_to_select_arr.length > 1 ) && ( '' == check_out_ymd ) && ( 'single' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' ) ) ){ wpbc_cal_days_select__multiple( resource_id ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_in_ymd = dates_to_select_arr[ 0 ]; if ( '' == check_out_ymd ){ check_out_ymd = dates_to_select_arr[ (dates_to_select_arr.length-1) ]; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( '' == check_in_ymd ){ check_in_ymd = check_out_ymd; } if ( '' == check_out_ymd ){ check_out_ymd = check_in_ymd; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof (resource_id) ){ resource_id = '1'; } var inst = wpbc_calendar__get_inst( resource_id ); if ( null !== inst ){ // Unselect all dates and set properties of Datepick jQuery( '#date_booking' + resource_id ).val( '' ); //FixIn: 5.4.3 inst.stayOpen = false; inst.dates = []; var check_in_js = wpbc__get__js_date( check_in_ymd ); var td_cell = wpbc_get_clicked_td(, check_in_js ); // Is ome type of error, then select multiple days selection mode. if ( '' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' ) ) { _wpbc.calendar__set_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode', 'multiple' ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // == DYNAMIC == if ( 'dynamic' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' ) ){ // 1-st click inst.stayOpen = false; jQuery.datepick._selectDay( td_cell, '#' +, check_in_js.getTime() ); if ( 0 === inst.dates.length ){ return 0; // First click was unsuccessful, so we must not make other click } // 2-nd click var check_out_js = wpbc__get__js_date( check_out_ymd ); var td_cell_out = wpbc_get_clicked_td(, check_out_js ); inst.stayOpen = true; jQuery.datepick._selectDay( td_cell_out, '#' +, check_out_js.getTime() ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // == FIXED == if ( 'fixed' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' )) { jQuery.datepick._selectDay( td_cell, '#' +, check_in_js.getTime() ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // == SINGLE == if ( 'single' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' ) ){ //jQuery.datepick._restrictMinMax( inst, jQuery.datepick._determineDate( inst, check_in_js, null ) ); // Do we need to run this ? Please note, check_in_js must have time, min, sec defined to 0! jQuery.datepick._selectDay( td_cell, '#' +, check_in_js.getTime() ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // == MULTIPLE == if ( 'multiple' === _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'days_select_mode' ) ){ var dates_arr; if ( dates_to_select_arr.length > 0 ){ // Situation, when we have dates array: ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-30']. and not the Check In / Check out dates as parameter in this function dates_arr = wpbc_get_selection_dates_js_str_arr__from_arr( dates_to_select_arr ); } else { dates_arr = wpbc_get_selection_dates_js_str_arr__from_check_in_out( check_in_ymd, check_out_ymd, inst ); } if ( 0 === dates_arr.dates_js.length ){ return 0; } // For Calendar Days selection for ( var j = 0; j < dates_arr.dates_js.length; j++ ){ // Loop array of dates var str_date = wpbc__get__sql_class_date( dates_arr.dates_js[ j ] ); // Date unavailable ! if ( 0 == _wpbc.bookings_in_calendar__get_for_date( resource_id, str_date ).day_availability ){ return 0; } if ( dates_arr.dates_js[ j ] != -1 ) { inst.dates.push( dates_arr.dates_js[ j ] ); } } var check_out_date = dates_arr.dates_js[ (dates_arr.dates_js.length - 1) ]; inst.dates.push( check_out_date ); // Need add one additional SAME date for correct works of dates selection !!!!! var checkout_timestamp = check_out_date.getTime(); var td_cell = wpbc_get_clicked_td(, check_out_date ); jQuery.datepick._selectDay( td_cell, '#' +, checkout_timestamp ); } if ( 0 !== inst.dates.length ){ // Scroll to specific month, if we set dates in some future months wpbc_calendar__scroll_to( resource_id, inst.dates[ 0 ].getFullYear(), inst.dates[ 0 ].getMonth()+1 ); } return inst.dates.length; } return 0; } /** * Get HTML td element (where was click in calendar day cell) * * @param calendar_html_id 'calendar_booking1' * @param date_js JS Date * @returns {*|jQuery} Dom HTML td element */ function wpbc_get_clicked_td( calendar_html_id, date_js ){ var td_cell = jQuery( '#' + calendar_html_id + ' .sql_date_' + wpbc__get__sql_class_date( date_js ) ).get( 0 ); return td_cell; } /** * Get arrays of JS and SQL dates as dates array * * @param check_in_ymd '2024-05-15' * @param check_out_ymd '2024-05-25' * @param inst Datepick Inst. Use wpbc_calendar__get_inst( resource_id ); * @returns {{dates_js: *[], dates_str: *[]}} */ function wpbc_get_selection_dates_js_str_arr__from_check_in_out( check_in_ymd, check_out_ymd , inst ){ var original_array = []; var date; var bk_distinct_dates = []; var check_in_date = check_in_ymd.split( '-' ); var check_out_date = check_out_ymd.split( '-' ); date = new Date(); date.setFullYear( check_in_date[ 0 ], (check_in_date[ 1 ] - 1), check_in_date[ 2 ] ); // year, month, date var original_check_in_date = date; original_array.push( jQuery.datepick._restrictMinMax( inst, jQuery.datepick._determineDate( inst, date, null ) ) ); //add date if ( ! wpbc_in_array( bk_distinct_dates, (check_in_date[ 2 ] + '.' + check_in_date[ 1 ] + '.' + check_in_date[ 0 ]) ) ){ bk_distinct_dates.push( parseInt(check_in_date[ 2 ]) + '.' + parseInt(check_in_date[ 1 ]) + '.' + check_in_date[ 0 ] ); } var date_out = new Date(); date_out.setFullYear( check_out_date[ 0 ], (check_out_date[ 1 ] - 1), check_out_date[ 2 ] ); // year, month, date var original_check_out_date = date_out; var mewDate = new Date( original_check_in_date.getFullYear(), original_check_in_date.getMonth(), original_check_in_date.getDate() ); mewDate.setDate( original_check_in_date.getDate() + 1 ); while ( (original_check_out_date > date) && (original_check_in_date != original_check_out_date) ){ date = new Date( mewDate.getFullYear(), mewDate.getMonth(), mewDate.getDate() ); original_array.push( jQuery.datepick._restrictMinMax( inst, jQuery.datepick._determineDate( inst, date, null ) ) ); //add date if ( !wpbc_in_array( bk_distinct_dates, (date.getDate() + '.' + parseInt( date.getMonth() + 1 ) + '.' + date.getFullYear()) ) ){ bk_distinct_dates.push( (parseInt(date.getDate()) + '.' + parseInt( date.getMonth() + 1 ) + '.' + date.getFullYear()) ); } mewDate = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() ); mewDate.setDate( mewDate.getDate() + 1 ); } original_array.pop(); bk_distinct_dates.pop(); return {'dates_js': original_array, 'dates_str': bk_distinct_dates}; } /** * Get arrays of JS and SQL dates as dates array * * @param dates_to_select_arr = ['2024-05-09','2024-05-19','2024-05-30'] * * @returns {{dates_js: *[], dates_str: *[]}} */ function wpbc_get_selection_dates_js_str_arr__from_arr( dates_to_select_arr ){ //FixIn: var original_array = []; var bk_distinct_dates = []; var one_date_str; for ( var d = 0; d < dates_to_select_arr.length; d++ ){ original_array.push( wpbc__get__js_date( dates_to_select_arr[ d ] ) ); one_date_str = dates_to_select_arr[ d ].split('-') if ( ! wpbc_in_array( bk_distinct_dates, (one_date_str[ 2 ] + '.' + one_date_str[ 1 ] + '.' + one_date_str[ 0 ]) ) ){ bk_distinct_dates.push( parseInt(one_date_str[ 2 ]) + '.' + parseInt(one_date_str[ 1 ]) + '.' + one_date_str[ 0 ] ); } } return {'dates_js': original_array, 'dates_str': original_array}; } // ===================================================================================================================== /* == Auto Fill Fields / Auto Select Dates == // ===================================================================================================================== */ jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ var url_params = new URLSearchParams( ); // Disable days selection in calendar, after redirection from the "Search results page, after search availability" //FixIn: if ( 'On' != _wpbc.get_other_param( 'is_enabled_booking_search_results_days_select' ) ) { if ( ( url_params.has( 'wpbc_select_check_in' ) ) && ( url_params.has( 'wpbc_select_check_out' ) ) && ( url_params.has( 'wpbc_select_calendar_id' ) ) ){ var select_dates_in_calendar_id = parseInt( url_params.get( 'wpbc_select_calendar_id' ) ); // Fire on all booking dates loaded jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'wpbc_calendar_ajx__loaded_data', function ( event, loaded_resource_id ){ if ( loaded_resource_id == select_dates_in_calendar_id ){ wpbc_auto_select_dates_in_calendar( select_dates_in_calendar_id, url_params.get( 'wpbc_select_check_in' ), url_params.get( 'wpbc_select_check_out' ) ); } } ); } } if ( url_params.has( 'wpbc_auto_fill' ) ){ var wpbc_auto_fill_value = url_params.get( 'wpbc_auto_fill' ); // Convert back. Some systems do not like symbol '~' in URL, so we need to replace to some other symbols wpbc_auto_fill_value = wpbc_auto_fill_value.replaceAll( '_^_', '~' ); wpbc_auto_fill_booking_fields( wpbc_auto_fill_value ); } } ); /** * Autofill / select booking form fields by values from the GET request parameter: ?wpbc_auto_fill= * * @param auto_fill_str */ function wpbc_auto_fill_booking_fields( auto_fill_str ){ //FixIn: if ( '' == auto_fill_str ){ return; } // console.log( 'WPBC_AUTO_FILL_BOOKING_FIELDS( AUTO_FILL_STR )', auto_fill_str); var fields_arr = wpbc_auto_fill_booking_fields__parse( auto_fill_str ); for ( let i = 0; i < fields_arr.length; i++ ){ jQuery( '[name="' + fields_arr[ i ][ 'name' ] + '"]' ).val( fields_arr[ i ][ 'value' ] ); } } /** * Parse data from get parameter: ?wpbc_auto_fill=visitors231^2~max_capacity231^2 * * @param data_str = 'visitors231^2~max_capacity231^2'; * @returns {*} */ function wpbc_auto_fill_booking_fields__parse( data_str ){ var filter_options_arr = []; var data_arr = data_str.split( '~' ); for ( var j = 0; j < data_arr.length; j++ ){ var my_form_field = data_arr[ j ].split( '^' ); var filter_name = ('undefined' !== typeof (my_form_field[ 0 ])) ? my_form_field[ 0 ] : ''; var filter_value = ('undefined' !== typeof (my_form_field[ 1 ])) ? my_form_field[ 1 ] : ''; filter_options_arr.push( { 'name' : filter_name, 'value' : filter_value } ); } return filter_options_arr; } /** * Parse data from get parameter: ?search_get__custom_params=... * * @param data_str = 'text^search_field__display_check_in^23.05.2024~text^search_field__display_check_out^26.05.2024~selectbox-one^search_quantity^2~selectbox-one^location^Spain~selectbox-one^max_capacity^2~selectbox-one^amenity^parking~checkbox^search_field__extend_search_days^5~submit^^Search~hidden^search_get__check_in_ymd^2024-05-23~hidden^search_get__check_out_ymd^2024-05-26~hidden^search_get__time^~hidden^search_get__quantity^2~hidden^search_get__extend^5~hidden^search_get__users_id^~hidden^search_get__custom_params^~'; * @returns {*} */ function wpbc_auto_fill_search_fields__parse( data_str ){ var filter_options_arr = []; var data_arr = data_str.split( '~' ); for ( var j = 0; j < data_arr.length; j++ ){ var my_form_field = data_arr[ j ].split( '^' ); var filter_type = ('undefined' !== typeof (my_form_field[ 0 ])) ? my_form_field[ 0 ] : ''; var filter_name = ('undefined' !== typeof (my_form_field[ 1 ])) ? my_form_field[ 1 ] : ''; var filter_value = ('undefined' !== typeof (my_form_field[ 2 ])) ? my_form_field[ 2 ] : ''; filter_options_arr.push( { 'type' : filter_type, 'name' : filter_name, 'value' : filter_value } ); } return filter_options_arr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* == Auto Update number of months in calendars ON screen size changed == // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Auto Update Number of Months in Calendar, e.g.: if ( WINDOW_WIDTH <= 782px ) >>> MONTHS_NUMBER = 1 * ELSE: number of months defined in shortcode. * @param resource_id int * */ function wpbc_calendar__auto_update_months_number__on_resize( resource_id ){ if ( true === _wpbc.get_other_param( 'is_allow_several_months_on_mobile' ) ) { return false; } var local__number_of_months = parseInt( _wpbc.calendar__get_param_value( resource_id, 'calendar_number_of_months' ) ); if ( local__number_of_months > 1 ){ if ( jQuery( window ).width() <= 782 ){ wpbc_calendar__update_months_number( resource_id, 1 ); } else { wpbc_calendar__update_months_number( resource_id, local__number_of_months ); } } } /** * Auto Update Number of Months in ALL Calendars * */ function wpbc_calendars__auto_update_months_number(){ var all_calendars_arr = _wpbc.calendars_all__get(); // This LOOP "for in" is GOOD, because we check here keys 'calendar_' === calendar_id.slice( 0, 9 ) for ( var calendar_id in all_calendars_arr ){ if ( 'calendar_' === calendar_id.slice( 0, 9 ) ){ var resource_id = parseInt( calendar_id.slice( 9 ) ); // 'calendar_3' -> 3 if ( resource_id > 0 ){ wpbc_calendar__auto_update_months_number__on_resize( resource_id ); } } } } /** * If browser window changed, then update number of months. */ jQuery( window ).on( 'resize', function (){ wpbc_calendars__auto_update_months_number(); } ); /** * Auto update calendar number of months on initial page load */ jQuery( document ).ready( function (){ var closed_timer = setTimeout( function (){ wpbc_calendars__auto_update_months_number(); }, 100 ); });