trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: traditional-times.css
/*******************************************************************************/ /* Traditional Times - C O L O R S K I N ****************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* For better compatibility, please change here only folowing properties: */ /* * background , background-color, background-repeat, background-image, background-repeat, background-position * border * box-shadow, -moz-box-shadow, -webkit-box-shadow * border-radius, -moz-border-radius, -webkit-border-radius * color * font-weight * text-shadow * text-transform * */ /* Full Calendar Frame */ .datepick-inline { background: transparent; /* FixIn: */ border: 0px solid #e4e4e4; box-shadow: 0 0 0px #cacaca; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0px #cacaca; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px #cacaca; border-radius: 0; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; } /* Background of one calendar month */ .datepick-inline .datepick{ background: #fff; } /* Previous & Next links and TITLE BACKGROUND */ .datepick-inline .calendar-links { border-bottom:none; /* FixIn: */ background: transparent; } /* Prev - Next Text */ .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-prev a, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-next a, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-prev a:hover, .datepick-inline .calendar-links .datepick-next a:hover{ color: #5f5f5f; /* FixIn: */ text-shadow: none; font-weight: 600; } /* Month Titles */ .datepick-inline .datepick-header { color: #5f5f5f; /* FixIn: */ font-weight: 600; text-shadow: none; } /* Week Titles */ div.datepick-inline .datepick-title-row th{ border: 1px solid #ccc; color: #555; font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase; } /* Cell border*/ .block_hints .block_free, .block_hints .block_time, .block_hints .block_booked, .block_hints .block_pending, .block_hints .block_check_in_out, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell{ border: 1px solid #ccc; color:#757575; } /******************************************************************************** FixIn: */ /* New Stripes - Unavailable Cells - for Booking > Availability page ********/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Stripes */ .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .datepick { /*background: repeating-linear-gradient( 135deg, #fff, #fff 4px, #eaeaeb 4px, #eaeaeb 8px );*/ background: repeating-linear-gradient( 135deg, #fff, #fff 4px, #f5f5ef 4px, #f5f5cf 8px ); } /* Unselectable dates & headers - calendar empty cells */ .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline th, .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.datepick-unselectable{ background: #fff; /* Here the same color as at line #18 for "Full Calendar Frame": .datepick-inline { ... } */ } /* It is all unavailable dates */ .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .date_user_unavailable, .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .before_after_unavailable, /* "Before/After" unavailable days from Settings General page in "Availability" section */ .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .weekdays_unavailable, /* "Weekdays" unavailable from Settings General page in "Availability" section */ .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .season_unavailable /* "SEASON" unavailable dates defined at Booking > Resources > Availability page */ { background: #fff; } /* It is all unavailable RESOURCE dates defined at Booking > Availability page */ .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .resource_unavailable:not(.datepick-unselectable) { background: transparent; color:#fff; } /* Unavailable SELECTABLE days for Booking > Availability page */ .block_hints .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.date_user_unavailable a, .datepick-inline .datepick-days-cell.date_user_unavailable:not(.datepick-unselectable) a{ color:#ccc; } /* Unselectable dates - hide check in/out */ .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_in_time.datepick-unselectable .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el, .wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_out_time.datepick-unselectable .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el{ display: none; } /*********************************************************************************/ /* U N S E L E C T A B L E - Usually when we select 1st date with range dates selection mode, previous dates become unselectable. */ div.wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .datepick-unselectable.timespartly, div.wpbc_ajx_availability_container .datepick-inline .datepick-unselectable, .datepick-inline .datepick-unselectable{ color: #ddd; text-shadow: 0 0px 0 #ddd; } .datepick-inline .datepick-unselectable span{ /* //FixIn: */ text-shadow: none; } /******************************************************************************** FixIn End: */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Dates Cells **********************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* A V A I L A B L E - BACKGROUND */ .block_hints .block_free, .block_hints .block_time, .block_hints .block_check_in_out div.check-in-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .block_hints .block_check_in_out div.check-out-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .datepick-inline .date_available, .datepick-inline .timespartly.check_in_time div.check-in-div, /* Define the COLOR fot the check in / out times the same as available*/ .datepick-inline .timespartly.check_out_time div.check-out-div { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #f5f5f5; } /* A V A I L A B L E - Text A */ .block_hints .block_free a, .block_hints .block_time, .datepick-inline .date_available a{ color:#89a; font-weight: 600; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* T I M E S L O T S */ .block_hints .block_time, .datepick-inline .timespartly{ /*background-image: url("../../assets/img/clock_fill.png");*/ /* //FixIn: */ background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:100% 100%; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* A P P R O V E D - BACKGROUND */ .block_hints .date_approved.block_check_in_out, .block_hints .block_booked, .datepick-inline .date_approved, /* A P P R O V E D - BACKGROUND for Check In Pending & Check Out Approved || Check Out Pending & Check In Approved Dates //FixIn: */ td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date2approve.check_out_time_date_approved div.check-in-div, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date2approve.check_in_time_date_approved div.check-out-div { background-color: #C60B0B; } /* A P P R O V E D - T E X T /including partially booked - timeslots/ */ .block_hints .date_approved.block_check_in_out, .block_hints .block_booked, .datepick-inline .date_approved, .block_hints .block_booked a, .datepick-inline .date_approved a{ color: #5F0000; font-weight: 600; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #DD0000; } /* CHECK IN and CHECK OUT Borders for the approved cells - the COLOR have to be the SAME as BACKGROUND of this cell*/ .block_hints .date_approved.block_check_in_out div.check-in-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .datepick-inline .date_approved.timespartly.check_in_time div.check-in-div{ border-right: 1px dotted #C60B0B; } .block_hints .date_approved.block_check_in_out div.check-out-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .datepick-inline .date_approved.timespartly.check_out_time div.check-out-div{ border-left: 1px dotted #C60B0B; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* P E N D I N G - BACKGROUND */ .block_hints .date2approve.block_check_in_out, .block_hints .block_pending, .datepick-inline .date2approve, /* P E N D I N G - BACKGROUND for Check In Approved & Check Out Pending || Check Out Approved & Check In Pending Dates //FixIn: */ td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date_approved.check_out_time_date2approve div.check-in-div, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date_approved.check_in_time_date2approve div.check-out-div { background-color: #DF9A00; } /* P E N D I N G - T E X T /including partially booked - timeslots/ */ .block_hints .date2approve.block_check_in_out, .block_hints .block_pending, .datepick-inline .date2approve, .block_hints .block_pending a, .datepick-inline .date2approve a { color: #885500; font-weight: 600; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #FFAA00; } /* TIME SLOTs (partially booked) - BACKGROUND */ .datepick-inline .date2approve.timespartly, .datepick-inline .date_approved.timespartly { background-color: #C0C60B; } /* TIME SLOTs (partially booked) - TEXT */ .datepick-inline .date2approve.timespartly:not(.check_in_time,.check_out_time), .datepick-inline .date_approved.timespartly:not(.check_in_time,.check_out_time), .datepick-inline .date2approve.timespartly:not(.check_in_time,.check_out_time) a, .datepick-inline .date_approved.timespartly:not(.check_in_time,.check_out_time) a{ color: #93980c; font-weight: 600; text-shadow: 0 1px 0px #C3C808; } /* CHECK IN and CHECK OUT Borders for the approved cells - the COLOR have to be the SAME as BACKGROUND of this cell*/ .block_hints .date2approve.block_check_in_out div.check-in-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .datepick-inline .date2approve.timespartly.check_in_time div.check-in-div{ border-right: 1px dotted #DF9A00; } .block_hints .date2approve.block_check_in_out div.check-out-div, /* Item for the LEGEND */ .datepick-inline .date2approve.timespartly.check_out_time div.check-out-div{ border-left: 1px dotted #DF9A00; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* S E L E C T E D Dates - Background */ .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick .datepick-current-day { background-color: #555; } /* S E L E C T E D Dates - Text color */ .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick .datepick-current-day .wpbc_time_dots, /* //FixIn: */ .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick .datepick-current-day a{ color: #EEEEEE; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #000000; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* C e l l O V E R Dates - Background */ .wpbc_timeslot_day_bg_as_available .datepick-inline .times_clock.datepick-days-cell-over, .datepick-inline .datepick .datepick-days-cell-over{ background:#aaa; } /* C e l l O V E R Dates - Text color */ .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick .datepick-days-cell-over .wpbc_time_dots, /* //FixIn: */ /*.datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick td.datepick-days-cell-over a:hover,*/ .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick td.datepick-days-cell-over a { color: #eee; text-shadow: none; } .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell-over.date_available a { text-shadow: none; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* FixIn: */ /* Text style for Check In Approved & Check Out Pending || Check Out Approved & Check In Pending || Check In Pending & Check Out Approved || Check Out Pending & Check In Approved */ td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date_approved.check_out_time_date2approve span, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date_approved.check_in_time_date2approve span, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_in_time_date2approve.check_out_time_date_approved span, td.timespartly.check_in_time.check_out_time.check_out_time_date2approve.check_in_time_date_approved span { font-weight: 600; text-shadow: none; } /* Show partially (time-slots) booked days with Background color as for available days ********************************/ /** //FixIn: Updated 2018-07-04 ****/ /* Color as in this section A V A I L A B L E - BACKGROUND */ .wpbc_timeslot_day_bg_as_available .datepick-inline .times_clock { background-color: #f5f5f5; } /* Same as in this Section above --- A V A I L A B L E - Text A */ .wpbc_timeslot_day_bg_as_available .datepick-inline .times_clock.date_available a { color:#89a; font-weight: 600; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; } /* Same as in this Section above --- S E L E C T E D Dates - Text color */ .wpbc_timeslot_day_bg_as_available .datepick-inline .datepick-one-month .datepick .times_clock.date_available.datepick-current-day a{ color: #EEEEEE; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #000000; } /* Same as in this Section above --- A V A I L A B L E and UNSELECTABLE - Text */ .wpbc_timeslot_day_bg_as_available .datepick-inline .date_available { color: #CCCCCC; /* This style for the unavailable date, when we are select the dates */ text-shadow: none; /* This style for the unavailable date, when we are select the dates */ } .datepick-inline .date_available span { text-shadow: none; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* CHECK IN / OUT as P.O.L.Y.G.O.N.S //FixIn: */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Fill diagonal check in/out items with AVAILABLE background color */ .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-diagonal-el svg polygon{ fill: #f5f5f5; } /* Firstly we define background of the day cells background as available */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_in_time, .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_out_time { background-color: #F5F5F5; } /* Pending */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_in_time.check_in_time_date2approve .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-co-in svg polygon, /* Check In */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_out_time.check_out_time_date2approve .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-co-out svg polygon /* Check Out */ { fill: #DF9A00; } /* Approved */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_in_time.check_in_time_date_approved .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-co-in svg polygon, /* Check In */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_out_time.check_out_time_date_approved .wpbc-cell-box .wpbc-co-out svg polygon /* Check Out */ { fill: #C60B0B; } /* C e l l O V E R Dates */ .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_in_time.datepick-days-cell-over, .datepick-inline td.datepick-days-cell.check_out_time.datepick-days-cell-over { background-color: #aaa; }