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Edit File: listing_ui.js
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Checkbox Selection functions for Listing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Usual DOM Listing structure: <div class="wpbc_listing_container wpbc_selectable_table wpbc_NAME_listing_container"> <div class="wpbc_listing_usual_row wpbc_list_header wpbc_selectable_head"> <div class="wpbc_listing_col wpbc_col_id check-column"><div class="content_text"><input type="checkbox" /></div></div> <div class="wpbc_listing_col wpbc_col_labels"><div class="content_text"><?php echo esc_js( __( 'Actions', 'email-reminders' ) ); ?></div></div> <div class="wpbc_listing_col wpbc_col_data"><div class="content_text"><?php echo esc_js( __( 'Data', 'email-reminders' ) ); ?></div></div> </div> <div id="row_id_{{{data.rules_id}}}" class="wpbc_listing_usual_row wpbc_list_row wpbc_row"> <div class="wpbc_listing_col wpbc_col_id check-column"><div class="content_text"><input type="checkbox" /></div></div> <div class="wpbc_listing_col wpbc_col_labels"> <div class="content_text"><span class="wpbc_label"><?php _e('Email', 'email-reminders'); ?>: {{{data['rule']['email_template']}}}</span></div> </div> ... </div> */ /** * Selections of several checkboxes like in gMail with shift :) * Need to have this structure: * .wpbc_selectable_table * .wpbc_selectable_head * .check-column * :checkbox * .wpbc_selectable_body * .wpbc_row * .check-column * :checkbox * .wpbc_selectable_foot * .check-column * :checkbox */ function wpbc_define_gmail_checkbox_selection( $ ){ var checks, first, last, checked, sliced, lastClicked = false; // Check all checkboxes $('.wpbc_selectable_body').find('.check-column').find(':checkbox').on( 'click', function(e) { //$('.wpbc_selectable_body').children().children('.check-column').find(':checkbox').on( 'click', function(e) { if ( 'undefined' == e.shiftKey ) { return true; } if ( e.shiftKey ) { if ( !lastClicked ) { return true; } //checks = $( lastClicked ).closest( 'form' ).find( ':checkbox' ).filter( ':visible:enabled' ); checks = $( lastClicked ).closest( '.wpbc_selectable_body' ).find( ':checkbox' ).filter( ':visible:enabled' ); first = checks.index( lastClicked ); last = checks.index( this ); checked = $(this).prop('checked'); if ( 0 < first && 0 < last && first != last ) { sliced = ( last > first ) ? checks.slice( first, last ) : checks.slice( last, first ); sliced.prop( 'checked', function() { if ( $(this).closest('.wpbc_row').is(':visible') ) return checked; return false; } ).trigger( 'change' ); } } lastClicked = this; // toggle "check all" checkboxes var unchecked = $(this).closest('.wpbc_selectable_body').find(':checkbox').filter(':visible:enabled').not(':checked'); $(this).closest('.wpbc_selectable_table').children('.wpbc_selectable_head, .wpbc_selectable_foot').find(':checkbox').prop('checked', function() { return ( 0 === unchecked.length ); }).trigger( 'change' ); return true; }); // Head || Foot clicking to select / deselect ALL $('.wpbc_selectable_head, .wpbc_selectable_foot').find('.check-column :checkbox').on( 'click', function( event ) { var $this = $(this), $table = $this.closest( '.wpbc_selectable_table' ), controlChecked = $this.prop('checked'), toggle = event.shiftKey || $'wp-toggle'); $table.children( '.wpbc_selectable_body' ).filter(':visible') .find('.check-column').find(':checkbox') //.children().children('.check-column').find(':checkbox') .prop('checked', function() { if ( $(this).is(':hidden,:disabled') ) { return false; } if ( toggle ) { return ! $(this).prop( 'checked' ); } else if ( controlChecked ) { return true; } return false; }).trigger( 'change' ); $table.children('.wpbc_selectable_head, .wpbc_selectable_foot').filter(':visible') .find('.check-column').find(':checkbox') //.children().children('.check-column').find(':checkbox') .prop('checked', function() { if ( toggle ) { return false; } else if ( controlChecked ) { return true; } return false; }); }); // Visually show selected border $( '.wpbc_selectable_body' ).find( '.check-column :checkbox' ).on( 'change', function ( event ){ if ( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) ){ jQuery( this ).closest( '.wpbc_list_row' ).addClass( 'row_selected_color' ); } else { jQuery( this ).closest( '.wpbc_list_row' ).removeClass( 'row_selected_color' ); } // Disable text selection while pressing 'shift' document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // Show or hide buttons on Actions toolbar at Booking Listing page, if we have some selected bookings. wpbc_show_hide_action_buttons_for_selected_bookings(); } ); wpbc_show_hide_action_buttons_for_selected_bookings(); } /** * Get ID of row, based on clciked element * * @param this_inbound_element - ususlly this * @returns {number} */ function wpbc_get_row_id_from_element( this_inbound_element ){ var element_id = jQuery( this_inbound_element ).closest('.wpbc_listing_usual_row').attr('id'); element_id = parseInt( element_id.replace( 'row_id_', '' ) ); return element_id; } /** * Get ID array of selected elements */ function wpbc_get_selected_row_id(){ var $table = jQuery( '.wpbc_listing_container.wpbc_selectable_table'); var checkboxes = $table.children( '.wpbc_selectable_body' ).filter( ':visible' ).find( '.check-column' ).find( ':checkbox' ); var selected_id = []; jQuery.each( checkboxes, function( key, checkbox ) { if ( jQuery( checkbox ).is( ':checked' ) ) { var element_id = wpbc_get_row_id_from_element( checkbox ); // jQuery( checkbox ).closest('.wpbc_listing_usual_row').attr('id'); // element_id = parseInt( element_id.replace( 'row_id_', '' ) ); selected_id.push(element_id); } }); //console.log( 'wpbc_get_selected_row_id', selected_id ); return selected_id; // _.each( json_items_arr, function ( p_val, p_key, p_data ){ // // }); } /** * Show or hide buttons on Actions toolbar at Booking Listing page, if we have some selected bookings. */ function wpbc_show_hide_action_buttons_for_selected_bookings(){ var selected_rows_arr = wpbc_get_selected_row_id(); if ( selected_rows_arr.length > 0 ){ jQuery( '.hide_button_if_no_selection' ).show(); } else { jQuery( '.hide_button_if_no_selection' ).hide(); } }