trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: bookings_print.js
"use strict"; function wpbc_print_dialog__show( booking_id_arr ){ if ( 'function' === typeof (jQuery( '#wpbc_ajx_print_modal' ).wpbc_my_modal) ){ jQuery( '#wpbc_ajx_print_modal' ).wpbc_my_modal( 'show' ); if ( undefined == booking_id_arr ){ booking_id_arr = []; } if ( ! Array.isArray( booking_id_arr ) ){ booking_id_arr = [booking_id_arr] } wpbc_print_dialog__define_content( booking_id_arr ); } else { alert( 'Warning! Modal module( wpbc_my_modal ) had not define.' ) } } function wpbc_print_dialog__define_content( booking_id_arr = [] ){ // Set content jQuery( '#wpbc__print_frame__inner' ).html( jQuery( '.wpbc_ajx_booking_listing_container' ).html() ); // Define the same classes jQuery( '#wpbc__print_frame__inner' ).addClass( 'wpbc_listing_container wpbc_selectable_table wpbc_ajx_booking_listing_container' ); /* jQuery( '#wpbc__print_frame__inner .check-column').hide(); jQuery( '#wpbc__print_frame__inner .wpbc_actions_buttons').hide(); jQuery( '#wpbc_ajx_print_modal .modal-body').css({ maxHeight : "500px", overflowY: "scroll" }); */ // Hide some not selected rows, if user selected them var selected_rows_arr; if ( booking_id_arr.length == 0 ){ selected_rows_arr = wpbc_get_selected_row_id(); } else { selected_rows_arr = booking_id_arr; } if ( selected_rows_arr.length > 0 ){ jQuery( '#wpbc__print_frame__inner .wpbc_selectable_body .wpbc_listing_usual_row' ).hide(); for ( var i = 0; i < selected_rows_arr.length; ++i ){ jQuery( "#wpbc__print_frame__inner #row_id_" + selected_rows_arr[ i ] ).show(); } } // Add cost as text labels to print layout jQuery( '#wpbc__print_frame__inner .wpbc_selectable_body .wpbc_listing_usual_row' ).find( '.set_booking_cost_text_field' ).each( function ( index ){ var currency = jQuery( jQuery( this ).parent( '.ui_element' ).find( '.wpbc_ui_control_label' )[ 0 ] ).html(); jQuery( this ).parents( '.wpbc_listing_usual_row ' ).find( '.wpbc_col_booking_labels .content_text' ).append( '<span class="wpbc_label wpbc_label_booking_id">' + currency + ' ' + jQuery( this ).val() + '</span>' ); } ); // Add remark to the content of booking details jQuery( '#wpbc__print_frame__inner .wpbc_selectable_body .wpbc_listing_usual_row' ).find( '.set_booking_note_text' ).each( function ( index ){ var remark_text = jQuery( this ).val(); if ( '' != remark_text ){ jQuery( this ).parents( '.wpbc_listing_usual_row ' ).find( '.wpbc_col_data .content_text' ).append( '<div class="wpbc_remark_text">' + '<hr/><strong>Notes:</strong><br/>' + remark_text + '</div>' ); } } ); } function wpbc_print_dialog__do_printing(){ jQuery( '#wpbc_content_for_js_print' ).wpbc_js_print( { debug : false, // show the iframe for debugging importCSS : true, // import parent page css importStyle : true, // import style tags printContainer : true, // print outer container/$.selector loadCSS : "", // path to additional css file - use an array [] for multiple pageTitle : "", // add title to print page removeInline : false, // remove inline styles from print elements removeInlineSelector: "*", // custom selectors to filter inline styles. removeInline must be true printDelay : 300, // variable print delay header : null, // prefix to html footer : null, // postfix to html base : false, // preserve the BASE tag or accept a string for the URL formValues : true, // preserve input/form values canvas : true, // copy canvas content doctypeString : '<!DOCTYPE html>', // enter a different doctype for older markup removeScripts : false, // remove script tags from print content copyTagClasses : true, // copy classes from the html & body tag copyTagStyles : true, // copy styles from html & body tag (for CSS Variables) beforePrintEvent : null, // callback function for printEvent in iframe beforePrint : null, // function called before iframe is filled afterPrint : null // function called before iframe is removed } ); jQuery( '#wpbc_ajx_print_modal' ).wpbc_my_modal( 'hide' ); }